Staggered push ups for functional and overall strength

Staggered Push-ups for Functional and Overall Strength By Shaun Zetlin A staggered push-up is an anaerobic exercise that is a body weight movement performed in the prone position by bending your elbows at 90 degrees while your arms are used to help lower and raise your torso.


A staggered push-up is an anaerobic exercise that is a body weight movement performed in the prone position by bending your elbows at 90 degrees while your arms are used to help lower and raise your torso. The gravity and resistance that your body provides during this exercise creates functional and overall strength. Functional strength can best be defined as to effectively producing stabilization and movement to the body with daily activities.

Transcript of Staggered push ups for functional and overall strength

Staggered Push-ups for Functional and Overall Strength

By Shaun Zetlin

A staggered push-up is an

anaerobic exercise that is a

body weight movement

performed in the prone

position by bending your

elbows at 90 degrees while

your arms are used to help

lower and raise your torso.

The staggered push-up

can be considered a

“moveable plank” since the core is

utilized for strength

just as much as the

upper body is during


Staggered Push-ups for Functional and Overall Strength

This push-up builds lean

muscle in the primary

movers of this exercise

which are the:

anterior and medial deltoid

muscles, pectoralis major

and pectoralis minor

muscles, triceps, and gluteus

maximus muscle.

Staggered Push-ups for Functional and Overall Strength

The staggered push-up and the core should work

together in perfect harmony for optimal

performance when all of these specific muscles are

appropriately engaged.

Staggered Push-ups for Functional and Overall Strength

They one’s strengths into both assist in

utilizing eating the

ideal exercise for so

many different forms

of training techniques.

Staggered Push-ups for Functional and Overall Strength

The neutral spinal position can be defined as when the

top of your shoulders, mid-back, and gluteus

maximus muscles are all perfectly aligned together.

Staggered Push-ups for Functional and Overall Strength

The neutral spinal

position creates

efficient movements

for the body and

helps develop

optimal posture.

Staggered Push-ups for Functional and Overall Strength