St. Paul’s Lutheran Messenger, May 2011

May 2011 St. Paul’s Lutheran MESSENGER ___________________________________________________________________________ Phone: 952-938-4683 Email: stpauls@saintpaulslutheran. org Fax: 952-938-1141 Website: Our mission is to be “an open and inviting church spreading the Good News of Christ.”


St. Paul’s Lutheran Messenger, May 2011

Transcript of St. Paul’s Lutheran Messenger, May 2011

May 2011

St. Paul’s Lutheran MESSENGER ___________________________________________________________________________

Phone: 952-938-4683 Email: [email protected] Fax: 952-938-1141 Website:

Our mission is to be “an open and inviting church spreading the Good News of Christ.”

St. Paul’s Evangelical Lutheran Church

WHO WE ARE A Reconciling in Christ (RIC) congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA), Minneapolis Area Synod, Western Parks and Lakes Conference. MISSION STATEMENT Our mission is to be an open and inviting church spreading the Good News of Christ. WORSHIP TIMES You are invited to join us regularly on Sunday mornings for 9:30 AM worship followed by refreshments and Christian education. Please check the enclosed calendar for days and times of activities and events. Also, an interactive calendar is available on our website: Just click the “Calendar” button at the top of the web page and click on the time and event for details and map. CONTACT INFORMATION The office is lightly staffed. Regular office hours are 9:15 AM to 1:15 PM, Monday through Friday, excluding federal holidays. Please call before coming in case of unexpected closure. Phone: 952-938-4683 Fax: 952-938-1141 email: [email protected] , MAILING LIST Please notify the church office when you notify the Post Office you will be temporarily away. This is because our newsletters are not forwarded but are returned to us at a cost. St. Paul’s congregation is pleased to send you this newsletter. However, if you prefer not to receive it, please call the church office or e-mail us. The newsletter is also available on our website. Save paper and postage; view it online.

CONGREGATION RELATIONSHIPS Partners Igelsia Vida Abundante en Cristo, (Abundant Life in Christ), provides a worship service in Spanish at St. Paul’s on Sunday, 1:00 – 3:00 pm and Friday, 7:00 – 9:00 pm Bet Shalom Reform Congregation, Interfaith Thanksgiving Eve service Lutheran Church of the Reformation, Lent & Holy Week Mizpah United Church of Christ, Interfaith Thanksgiving Eve service Oak Knoll Lutheran Church, Confirmation Ministry Spirit of Christ Community Lutheran Vacation Bible School 2010 Westwood Lutheran Church Vacation Bible School 2010 Mission Agora Ministries Augustana Chapel View Care Center in Hopkins Augustana Emerald Crest Feed My Starving Children Gay Straight Alliance (GSA) Intercongregation Communities Association (ICA) Lutherans Concerned/North America (LC/NA), (RIC) Lutheran Social Services (LSS) Lutheran World Relief (LWR) Meals on Wheels Our Saviour’s Housing ResourceWest of Hopkins Sojourner Project Thrivent Financial for Lutherans West Metro Grief Support Coalition ARTICLE SUBMISSION Please submit articles as Word documents with your clip art to [email protected]. Include your contact information. For pre-printed fliers or brochures, provide a condensed version that can be directly inserted into the newsletter. Submission deadline is the fifteenth of each month. All submissions are subject to editing for space and content. All rights reserved by St. Paul’s Evangelical Lutheran Church.


Pastor Rev. Louise Mollick Officers President – Vince Jacobson Vice President – Mary Hromatka Secretary – Jeanne Moe Treasurer – Mike Mikulay Council Members At-Large Aly Bonner Jessica Harris Kathy Powers Eric Reishus Michael Smith Finance Committee Assistant Treasurer – Bernie Johnson Financial Secretary – Shirley Schaller Staff Administrative Assistant – Linda Dundas Choir Accompanist – Linda McGee Music Director – Steve Mollick Worship Accompanist – Rachel Mollick Facility Use Coordinator Mary Hromatka Webmaster Vince Jacobson AUXILIARY BUILDING USE St. Paul’s encourages use of its facility by groups that will support our mission statement. Examples are the 12 Step recovery programs, local neighborhood organizations, and congregations seeking meeting space. Please contact us for more information if interested. PUBLICATION The Messenger is a monthly newsletter published by St. Paul’s Evangelical Lutheran Church ELCA, 13207 Lake St. Extension, Minnetonka, MN 55305.


St. Paul’s Church Council meets at 7:00 PM the second Tuesday of each month. Members of St. Paul’s Community are welcome to attend and/or submit items for the agenda by contacting one of the council members.

Council Meeting Highlights

April 12, 2011

Gathering: President Vince Jacobson called the meeting to order at 7:10 pm. Present: Vince Jacobson, Mary Hromatka, Mike Smith, Kathy Powers, Mike Mikulay, Jessica Harris, Jeanne Moe, Aly Bonner Absent: Pr. Louise Mollick, Eric Reishus. Aly gave the opening prayer from Acts 4:31-32 followed by discussion. Minutes of annual meeting and February meeting: January 2011 annual meeting minutes approved by all council members. February 2011 council meeting minutes approved upon inclusion of corrected total vote for purchase of recycling containers by the Go Green committee; yes: 7 no:1 abstained:1. Reports: 1. Partner Congregation status – Igelsia Vida Abundante en Cristo informed of clean-up date. 2. Finance and Stewardship Report –

- Significant reduction in projected facility use income due to BNI no longer using building.

- URS (Utility Refund Services) pending completion of potential recovery of excess tax/fees from utility bills.

- State/Federal taxes are completed on non-business income.

Continuing Business 1. 2nd Quarter coffee donation designee : Jeanne made a motion, Mary seconded and all approved for 2nd quarter coffee funds to be designated for ELCA Disaster Response for Japan (assistance with March, 2011 tsunami). Discussed appointment of noncouncil member to survey the congregation for determination of designation for Sunday morning coffee funds each quarter and on-going quarters.

3. Vince suggested the possibility of using the spiritual nourishment time period for study of St. Paul’s constitution.

4. Election of Officers: - President: Vince Jacobson. - Vice-President: Mary Hromatka - Treasurer: Mike Mikulay - Secretary: Jeanne Moe

5. Community Gardens and Labyrinth Labyrinth seed boxes planted Sunday, 4/10/11. Garden boxes require more dirt as some have settled. Nine gardens of 8 x 4 size available with plans for nine more. Discussed need to advertise box availability. Mary will assure that each required task has a designated leader. 6. Chimes as discussed during Dream Team meeting – Eric (through written directive) moved to purchase chimes for no more than $800. Mike Smith noted that his mother has a set of bell choir handbells that the congregation could try out before making a final purchase decision. Mike Smith, Kay Smith and Steve Mollick to discuss usage. 7. Building/Grounds update – Mary noted that we are in need of a smoking receptacle with recommended designated smoking areas as cans with cigarette butts are scattered outside exterior doors. Decision made for the Go Green committee to make a decisive plan and get back to Vince or Mary by the end of April. 8. Calendar review – Vince will identify two individuals who will commit to reviewing and providing timely calendar input to Linda Dundas, St. Paul’s Administrative Assistant. Input will still be solicited from the same group, but when these two have responded, the input can be treated as complete. 9. Ministry – Mary proposed a means to define all ministry programs through posters as one means to communicate to congregation of all the services provided to community.

Continued on next page.


Council News continued from previous page. New Business Potential discussion topics were discussed for future monthly potluck brunches. Candidates include Dream Team status and activities, Outreach funding, and education from Go Green Initiative. Vince provided closing prayer. Meeting adjourned at 9:05 pm. Disclaimer: Highlights are not official meeting minutes and are subject to correction and change. They are provided for timely informational purposes only. Approved minutes are filed in a labeled green binder in the church office for your perusal. Church Directory Update Please make note of the following changes to the January 2011 Church Directory.

Mic Abbott has changed his phone number to: 952-994-6557. Carol Abbott can also be reached at this number. Address remains the same. Eric & Deb Campbell have changed their home phone number to: 952-470-0115. Address remains the same. Linda & Tom McGee are grandparents! Andrew Patrick Copouls, son of Mary & Rob Copouls, arrived Saturday, April 9, weighing 7 lbs 1oz. Congratulations and blessings to the whole family on this new addition!

Treasurer’s Report for Mar. 2011

by Mike Mikulay, Treasurer 952-933-9068 or [email protected]

Highlights from Financial Secretary Report*

March Total Offerings $1,537 unfav. March Total Operating $1,211 unfav. YTD Total Offerings $3,949 unfav. YTD Total Operating $3,705 unfav. YTD Pledged Offerings $2,952 unfav. YTD Non-pledged Offerings $751 unfav.

Note 1: Total Operating includes Total Offerings, Building Use, Fundraisers, Interest Income, and Miscellaneous.

Highlights from Treasurer’s Profit & Loss Budget Performance Report

YTD Actual

YTD Budget

YTD Variance *

Income $39,462 $43,140 $3,678 unfav Expenses $47,412 $48,933 $1,521 fav.

Net Income



$2,156 unfav.

Highlights from Treasurer’s Balance Sheet

Mar. 31, 2011 Operating Funds $10,391 Youth Funds $3,904

Total Checking/Savings $14,295 Securities at cost basis $15,214 Prepaid Insurance $1,080

Total Current Assets $30,590 Less Total Current Liabilities ($13,957)

Working Capital $16,633

Other News and Notes

Coffee Donations: January, February & March donations went to Feed My Starving Children. 2010 Taxes: Filed Federal & State taxes for Unrelated Business Income from some of the facility use fees. Federal taxes were $41; State taxes were $27. Facility Use: Business Network International (BNI) Fireside Chapter’s last day was March 30th. We thank them and wish them well in their new location.

*Key: “fav.” = favorable to budget, “unfav.” = unfavorable to budget.

Read the Directions and Things Will Go Well for You

All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, 1 Timothy 3:16. I have often thought of the Bible, in its teaching role, as a sort of instruction manual for humankind. After a bit of review, I find that the analogy is almost uncanny. When I get something that needs assembly, for example, a knocked down entertainment center, my first inclination is to dive in and assemble it without reading the instructions. This usually results in quick and efficient assembly with surprisingly few parts left over. “I don’t need no stinking directions.” On the other hand, I am married to someone with more sophisticated tastes. She notices subtle things like the shelves being on the wrong side and the doors being upside down. Considering our relationship, I have found that when I deny my natural inclination and read the instruction manual, things are more likely to go well for me. In the same way, it is tempting to rely on my own judgment and reasoning rather than follow the scriptural instruction manual for making my life decisions. It is even likely that I will be unaware of pieces that are missing or out of place until I am confronted with unexpected consequences and things not going well for me. But when I base my choices on the scriptural instruction manual, all of the pieces are present and in their proper places. It is clear to me that when I read the scriptural instruction manual; things do go well for me. It can be humbling to read an instruction manual. When I am looking at a very simple picture, and reading “Insert tab A into slot B”, and I don’t get it, I am tempted to throw away the manual and resume doing it my own way. And how many chapters and verses and parables and stories do I need to read in order to understand a simple instruction? But I am confident that when I follow the instructions, things will go well for me and that when I give God

the credit for things going well, reading the directions will seem more natural next time. One of the most important similarities between an instruction manual and scripture is the positive purpose. An instruction manual is written to help your experience go well. The instruction manual phrase, “WARNING! Do not apply glue until step 5”, could be interpreted as “If you apply the glue now, you will be punished”, but it is more correctly interpreted as, “Applying the glue now may impede things going well”. The references below are a brief sampling of Biblical instructions containing the “all will be well with you” promise.

Honor your father and your mother, as the LORD your God has commanded you, so that you may live long and that it may go well with you in the land the LORD your God is giving you, Deuteronomy 5:16. Make sure you obey all of the rules I'm giving you. Then things will always go well with you and your children after you. That's because you will be doing what is good and right in the eyes of the Lord your God, Deuteronomy 12:28. Submit to God and be at peace with him; in this way prosperity will come to you, Job 22:21. Tell the righteous it will be well with them, for they will enjoy the fruit of their deeds, Isaiah 3:10. Obey me, and I will be your God and you will be my people. Walk in all the ways I command you that it may go well with you, Jeremiah 7:23. Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is the right thing to do. “Honor your father and mother…” (This is a very important commandment with a promise.) “…so that it may go well for you, and that you may have a long life on the earth,” Ephesians 6:1-3. Beloved, I pray that all may go well with you and that you may be in good health, as it goes well with your soul, 3 John 1:12.

These constitute a good set of instructions. Of course they are just the tip of the iceberg because each

Continued on following page.



President’s Message continued. admonition, like “obey all of the rules I’m giving you”, implies extensive time “reading the instructions”. We have indeed been provided with an effective instruction manual. It is up to us to read the directions. Praise God for providing the instructions we need for things to go well for us. Blessings, Vince Jacobson

Are you good with numbers? Consider serving as an offering counter.

After Sunday’s worship service, a team of two count the offering, record it, and prepare the bank deposit. More counters are needed. Training is available. Please see Connie Hessevick,

Mary Hromatka or Mike Mikulay if you can assist. Thank you for participating in this important service opportunity. Substitute Service Team Coordinator

Laura Eggert has been the Sunday service team coordinator for the past year and will be taking a break for graduations, family reunions, and vacation.

Please consider filling in for her during June and July or even a month at a time. The service team coordinator encourages church members to participate in the worship service. If there are open opportunities on the Service Team Calendar posted on the church office door, just a few phone calls or e-mails are necessary to fill the spots. Please see Laura Eggert ASAP for details on this important ministry.

On the Patio

is coming Wednesday, June 1, 6:30 – 8:00 pm!

Palm Sunday Brunch

Many thanks to Jan Guetschow and Carolyn Carpenter for co-coordinating the catered brunch. It was grand to be waited on and spoiled without sign-up sheets!

Brunch catered by Clare Zupetz 3118 Benjamin St. N.E. Minneapolis, MN 55418 612-338-5013 (office) 612-245-7227 (cell)

Plants for Easter

Many thanks to Ruth & Bernie

Johnson for arranging for palm branches for Palm Sunday;

Easter plants & flowers to adorn the sanctuary and cross Easter

morning, as well as filling the planters at the main entry to the

church with spring bouquets. We all appreciate such talents and generosity!

1 Katherine Brenk 3 Muriel Erickson 7 Riley Schmitz 8 Dick Moe 13 Ryan Foss 22 Nora Bonner, Kadie Dulac 24 Becky Mikulay 25 Jan Guetschow 27 Jon Tollefson 28 Sawyer Foss 29 Clarita Knapp 30 Nancy MacNaughton 31 Carol Hoyhtya

Community Gardens are Here!!

The long awaited community gardens of St. Paul’s were initiated to encourage green living by making organic plots available to members of the community and for sharing of first fruits with the local ICA foodshelf.

Who: Anyone interested in using a plot to grow produce or flowers.

What: 4’X8’ Garden plots open to the public

Where: Backyard of St. Paul’s Lutheran Church 13207 Lake St. Extension, Minnetonka 55305

When: May 1st, First come first served.

Cost: $15 for the 2011 growing season

Call 952-938-4683 to reserve your plot.

• On behalf of ResourceWest, thank you for your donation of Back-to-School supplies on 8/26/2010 toward our programs for children. Your commitment to helping the individuals and families in our community is sincerely appreciated.

• We greatly appreciate your recent financial gift to Feed My Starving Children. Because our meals are just 24-cents each, your $171.30 contribution will enable us to send 714 meals to starving children around the world.

• To St. Paul’s Prayer Shawl Ministry, Thank you so much for your beautiful prayer shawls! Each of us is treasuring our unique shawl. I have the sunny yellow one. Eric has the maroon/brown cabled one. Katie has the patchwork one, and Kristen has her pastel one from graduation. We feel the love, prayers and support from St. Paul’s community each and every day with these shawls. Kirsten is gearing up to return to the hospital this week for chemo round #2 so we will put the shawls to use. Thanks again. Deb CampbellDeb CampbellDeb CampbellDeb Campbell

Your belongings may be sold if left behind:

Please look around the church and take your personal belongings home. We have numerous coats, hats, gloves, and non-clothing items that have been left at church throughout the fall and winter. Any homeless items will be considered donations and sold or donated on May 14th.

Save the Date, MAY 14 th for St. Paul’s Annual Rummage Sale

Your HELP is wanted and needed…

Please begin saving and collecting all types of items for our rummage sale (no TVs or electronics please ). Remind your friends and neighbors that as they “Spring Clean”, we need their clean and usable items (tax donation receipts will be available). Our Café St. Paul’s, which sells coffee and baked goods, will be open again this year. 10% of all sale proceeds will be used to support the ministries of the Minneapolis Area Synod.

Rachel Larson (952-934-7161) and Jan Guetschow (952-935-0050) are co-coordinating this event and are counting on your support. Give them a call if you have any questions, new ideas, or offerings.

May 11: Drop off items 1 - 3:00 pm. May 12: Drop off items 5:30 - 8 pm. May 13: Drop off items and Final set-up 5:30 – 8 pm. Help is needed to organize, price, & set up each day.

May 14: THE SALE: 8:00 AM – 2:00 PM

For more information, please call the coalition co-coordinator, Darcie Rodman at (763) 546-4404 or find us online at

In Honor & Memory of

Jean Oie Olson

Jean Olson, wife of Ray Olson for 60 years, passed away Saturday, March 26, 2011. A memorial service was held at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, 3:00 PM Wednesday, March 30 with internment at Fort Snelling National Cemetery in a private family ceremony.

Jean was born and raised in Roseau, MN, the second to the youngest of three girls and two boys. She moved to Minneapolis when she was 18 and went to secretarial school. Jean met Ray on a blind date at age 21. She married Ray before he even met her parents. They lived in Denver, CO for four years before moving back to Minneapolis and starting a family.

Survived by Husband: Raymond, 4 Sons and 3 Daughters-in-law: Steve (Carla), Paul (Cindy), Jim (Lori), and David, 7 Grandchildren: Candi, Kim, Karen, Dan, Erik, Caryl and Issac, 3 Great Grandchildren: Braiden, Mason and Alex, Younger sister: Sally Richter, and many nieces and nephews. In lieu of flowers, memorials to the Alzheimer Association were preferred.

Update on Daily Devotionals

Due to budget shortfall last year, the Lutheran daily devotional, Christ in Our Home, was discontinued.

Our Daily Bread by rbc ministries is a free daily devotional published and distributed in more than 40 languages worldwide and is now available on our entryway table. Anyone interested is invited to take a copy home.


West Metro Grief Support Group West Metro Grief Support Coalition invites all persons experiencing grief due to a death.

Grief support groups offer hope and healing through education, listening, sharing, prayer and fellowship.

TUESDAYS, April 19-June 21, 2011 4:30 – 6:30 PM Ridgewood Church 4420 County Road 101 South Minnetonka MN 55345 (952) 474-0858 DATE SPEAKER TOPIC _____________

May 3 Dawn Miller, MME, MT-BC Music in Grief Expression

May 10 Heather Rykhus Personal Story

May 17 Don Rada Regaining Hope in Your Life

May 24 Jeanne Shellum Gratitude

May 31 DVD The Journey of Grief – Part 2

Acts of the Apostles

The Easter season offers two…series of preaching during this time, the readings from 1 Peter or from Acts. First Peter is powerful, but it is more paranesis and proclamation than story or history, and some assemblies may benefit from the direct retelling of the Acts of the Apostles during these fifty days. Acts begins as Luke ends, with an account of Jesus ascending into heaven. This is helpful to keep in mind, as the feast of the Ascension is celebrated during the Easter season (June 2). The Ascension text is read twice during Easter, once at the feast of the Ascension, and again on the seventh Sunday of Easter.

The first three Sundays after Easter are devoted to readings from Acts 2. These are the heady, spirit-filled first days of the church. The next two Sundays leap to famous events in the lives of the first martyr, Stephen, and the great missionary to the Gentiles, Paul. The Day of Pentecost returns worshipers once again to Acts 2. This redundancy of readings is helpful and can allow for a special focus on three crucial themes in the Acts of the Apostles: the power of the Spirit in the mission of the church (pneumatology); the centrality of witness to Jesus in the mission of the church (Christology); and the powerful role of the apostles themselves in proclaiming and living out their lives in that Spirit and under the lordship of Jesus (missiology) Sundays and Seasons, 2011, Year A, Guide to Worship Planning, Copyright 2010 Augsburg Fortress, p. 168.

Adult Forum Field Trip, May 1st

Come check out the smooth approach to worship at Minnetonka United Methodist’s Jazz service, 117611 Lake St. Extension. The area’s only jazz service is offered every Sunday at 10:45 am. “Aha Moments”, again to continue!

Striking "aha moments" and meaningful questions keep arising within the Wednesday study of the lessons appointed for the following Sunday. The readings and sermon grow in understanding through these endeavors. The worship experience itself becomes enhanced. These encounters have been so successful that we will not end with Lent as

previously announced, but instead continue through May ! Come try us on.

May 1 – 2nd Sunday of Easter Acts 2:14a, 22-32 Psalm 16 1 Peter 1:3 - 9 John 20:19 - 31

May 8 – 3rd Sunday of Easter Acts 2:14a, 36 - 41 Psalm 116:1 - 4, 12 - 19 1 Peter 1:17 - 23 Luke 24:13 - 35

May 15 – 4th Sunday of Easter Acts 2:42 - 47 Psalm 23 1 Peter 2:19 - 25 John 10:1 - 10 May 22 – 5th Sunday of Easter Acts 7:55 - 60 Psalm 31:1 - 5, 15 – 16 1 Peter 2:2 - 10 John 14:1 - 14 May 29 – 6th Sunday of Easter Acts 17:22 - 31 Psalm 66:8 - 20 1 Peter 3:13 - 22 John 14:15 - 21 June 2 – Ascension of Our Lord Acts 1:1 - 11 Psalm 47 or Psalm 93 Ephesians 1:15 - 23 Luke 24:44 - 53

June 5 – 7th Sunday of Easter Acts 1:6 - 14 Psalm 68:1 - 10, 32 - 35 1 Peter 4:12 - 14; 5;6 - 11 John 17:1 - 11

May Bible Readings

May Lector Rehearsal Saturday, April 30

9:30 am

Online newspaper featured St. Paul’s “Good Friday W alk of the Cross”

� � � Editors Michael Rose of St. Louis Park Patch and James Warden of Hopkins Patch will be producing a video available for viewing on the above Patch websites of the group of cross bearers that left St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, Minnetonka carrying the rugged cross used during Lenten services at St. Paul’s to Lutheran Church of the Reformation, St Louis Park for Good Friday service on April 22, 2011. The Foundation was formed in March, 2010 to improve the quality of life in underserved communities across the globe through access to trusted local news and information. What is Patch? Simply put, Patch is a new way to find out about, and participate in, what’s going on near you. We’re a community-specific news and information platform dedicated to providing comprehensive and trusted local coverage for individual towns and communities. We want to make your life better by giving you quick access to the information that’s most relevant to you.

Patch makes it easy to: • Keep up with news and events • Look at photos and videos from around town • Learn about local business • Submit your own announcements, photos, and reviews. Who’s Behind Patch? Patch is run by professional editors, writers, photographers and videographers who live in or near the communities we serve, and is supported by a great team at our New York City headquarters. Patch also gets advice from our Editorial Advisory Board and from many members of the community. We look forward to meeting you, hearing your stories, and being your trusted source for community-specific information. If you see us around town, don’t be afraid to say hi and tell us what you want to see on Patch! Where You Come In We hope that our sites will strengthen communities and improve the lives of their residents, but we can’t do it without you. We’ve built Patch so that you have plenty of opportunities to comment on stories, share your opinions, post photos and announcements, and add events to the community calendar. So get to it! And if you’re a business owner who wants to be listed, just let us know. Giving Back You can’t truly serve a community unless you provide the help it needs most, which is why giving back is so important to us. We do it as part of our coverage - in a dedicated space that lets local charities and volunteers find each other – and with a program called “Give 5,” through which we donate free advertising space to charitable organizations and contribute our own time as volunteers.

St. Paul's Lutheran Church 13207 Lake Street Extension Minnetonka, MN 55305 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED Please deliver within 5 days of May 1, 2011

Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage

PAID Permit #532

Hopkins, MN 55343


We at St. Paul’s are committed to welcoming you . . .

• If you are lesbian, gay, bisexual, intersexual, transgendered or straight. • If you are seven, seventeen, forty-seven or one hundred and seven. • If you are black, brown, red, yellow, white or any shade in between. • If you are broken, healed or in recovery. • If you are rich, poor, or somewhere in between. • If you are able-bodied, disabled or differently-abled. • If you have a strong faith, have doubts about your faith or aren’t sure you have any faith at all.

• If you have accepted Christ’s love, question Christ’s love or don’t know if you are loved. • If you are looking for a church home, have never had a church home or need a place to find peace.

We are committed to welcoming everyone, living as a reconciling people

in our life together and in our outreach to the community.