St. Leonard’s & St. Luke’s Churches, Seaford 95p Magazine ... · held, uzz Aldrin was an elder...

Magazine August- September 2019 St. Leonard’s & St. Luke’s Churches, Seaford 95p The Here today, Alpha tomorrow.Try Alpha

Transcript of St. Leonard’s & St. Luke’s Churches, Seaford 95p Magazine ... · held, uzz Aldrin was an elder...

Page 1: St. Leonard’s & St. Luke’s Churches, Seaford 95p Magazine ... · held, uzz Aldrin was an elder in the Presbyterian hurch. Knowing that he would soon be doing something completely

Magazine August-



St. Leonard’s & St. Luke’s Churches, Seaford 95p T


Here today, Alpha tomorrow. Try Alpha

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Page 3: St. Leonard’s & St. Luke’s Churches, Seaford 95p Magazine ... · held, uzz Aldrin was an elder in the Presbyterian hurch. Knowing that he would soon be doing something completely


The Magazine

St. Leonard’s

& St. Luke’s


August-September 2019


Parish News 4 Parish Flower Festival 6 Clergy Letter 8 Home Groups 12 Alpha 14 Link to Hope 17 MAF 18 Homelink 20 Ride and Stride 21 Golden Wedding Party 23 Thy Kingdom Come 24 Searchlight Theatre 26 Mission Direct 29 A Day Out at Wintershall 30 Ladies’ Breakfast 30 LAMA Ministries 32 Lunchtime Concerts 37 Gorgeous Green 38 I Wish 39 Parish Calendar: Lectionary 41 Parish Calendar: August-Sept 42 Parish Calendar: Regular services 45 Parish Directory 46

50 Years Ago… Many readers may remember where they were and what they were doing on July 20th 1969. It is 50 years since Apollo 11 landed on the Moon. But there is one particular aspect of this landing that we never heard about at the time and only came to light many years later for on the surface of the moon, 250,000 miles from the nearest Christian church a communion was held, Buzz Aldrin was an elder in the Presbyterian Church. Knowing that he would soon be doing something completely unprecedented, he felt he needed to do something really special to mark the occasion and asked his minister to help him. His minister consecrated a communion wafer and a small vial of communion wine to be taken into space with him. A few minutes after landing, Aldrin made the following statement: "This is the LM pilot. I'd like to take this opportunity to ask every person listening in, whoever and wherever they may be, to pause for a moment and contemplate the events of the past few hours and to give thanks in his or her own way." Then ending the radio communication he read a passage from St. John's Gospel and took communion. He later said, “It was interesting for me to think: the very first liquid ever poured on the moon, and the very first food eaten there, were the communion elements.”

[email protected]

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Saturday Open Mornings St. Leonard’s Church is open each morning Monday to Saturday from 9.00 to 12noon. In addition there are a series of Saturday Open Mornings throughout the year when coffee is served. Please do pop in, have a drink… eat others! The next two open mornings are on August 17th & September 28th. Mothers’ Union: Janet Kent “Christian care for families” On Sunday 21st July, baby Annie was baptised in St Leonards Church. New forms signed by her parents regarding GDPR meant that we were able to resume a Mothers Union tradition of marking an infants’ Baptism with a card and a gift, on this occasion a copy of the “My Baptism Book” by Sophie Piper. This will be followed up with a Baptism Anniversary card each year for the next four years, to remind the family of this important day in their child’s life and Gods love for them. We plan to include in the card information regarding “tots”, Messy” and any other family church activities.

We resume our monthly meetings on Friday 13th September at 2.30 in St Leonards Church Hall. If you want to know more about our plans and share our values regarding the importance of family life, why not come along and join us. For more information please contact Janet Kent, (01323490050) [email protected] Seaford Parish Women’s Group In June and July Women’s Group have enjoyed a wide variety of meetings. Danny Gill’s inspiring presentation brought us up to date with his work with MAF in South Sudan. We enjoyed our annual meal at Seaford Golf Club, heard an interesting talk about the Dead Sea Scrolls from Revd David Crowther and Jemma Wheatley led an enjoyable craft evening. Our last meeting before the summer was a trip to Seaford Museum and special thanks must go to the volunteers who opened the museum especially for us on a Monday evening. The lift and level access made it possible for everyone to enjoy a wander down memory lane after which we returned to the





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hall and had a fish and chip supper. Our meetings start again in September, here is the programme to the end of October: 2nd September: Games Evening 16th September: The Patchwork Cat with Sara 7th October : tbc 21st October: JPK Project update with Gill Parker We meet in St Leonard’s Hall at 7.45pm on the first and third Monday of the month except August and most bank holidays but we do ask people not to arrive before 7.30pm to allow the Brownies to finish their meeting undisturbed. New members are always welcome. Please contact me for more details. Stephanie Baker 01323 893082 The Parish Men's Meal The next Parish Men's meal will be on Tuesday, 10th September 2019 at the Moon of India, 6.30 p.m. for 7.00 p.m. The usual full details will be in the weekly news sheets nearer the time. The Meal in November is likely to be on Monday, 18th November 2019 but this will be confirmed later.

Messy Church There is no Messy Church in August, it returns on Sunday 1st September. The Meeting Place TMP is taking a summer break on Sundays 4th and 11th August. It will return on Sunday 18th. Free Exercise Class A free exercise class 'Swoove Fitness' runs every Monday 7-8pm at St Luke's Hall. Donations are welcome at each class with 100% going to charity. During the first few months of classes money has been raised for local charity Kangaroos, the Nepal Youth Foundation UK and Action Medical Research. The class is suitable for all fitness levels, there's no need to book in advance and everyone is welcome to come along and try it out. For more info please contact [email protected] Great Verses from the Bible: Lionel Rolfe Lionel wrote some 40 reflections in the series Great Verses from the Bible for which we all are immensely grateful. His knowledge, insight and understanding will be greatly missed.




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Page 7: St. Leonard’s & St. Luke’s Churches, Seaford 95p Magazine ... · held, uzz Aldrin was an elder in the Presbyterian hurch. Knowing that he would soon be doing something completely


The 2019 Parish Flower Festival is being held from Friday 20th September to Monday 23rd September in St Leonard’s Church. This is an event which has appeal to the wider community and gives us the opportunity to share the heritage of the building and enjoy an atmosphere enhanced by musical interludes, prayer and beautiful flower displays. As a Diocese we are celebrating the Year of Vocation and so our theme for the festival, ‘Called to Serve’ reflects this with displays throughout the church interpreting many different Careers. Please put the dates in your diary and sign up to help with stewarding, providing music,

leading prayers or serving refreshments. This year we will have tea and coffee available in the church itself with no other events in the hall. Our Flower Festival provides an opportunity to share our beliefs whilst raising considerable funds for the parish. So please be sure to invite family and friends. On the Sunday we will celebrate with Choral Evensong. Please help us to continue to fulfil the mission that Jesus gave to his disciples in Acts Chapter 1 and verse 8 where he said, ‘Then you will tell everyone about me in Jerusalem, in all Judea, in Samaria, and everywhere in the world.’ ...and that includes Seaford.



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Seated with more than a thousand others on a very warm day last month, in a huge building, a gentle hush descended on the congregation as a trumpet voluntary began to play and a robed procession made its entry, walking down aisles between the people. The procession mounted the steps onto a platform, each member taking their seat and the leader stood at a lectern to address the gathering. An hour later the celebration was over, but not before words of encouragement and challenge had been given, the national anthem played, the congregation dismissed, and the robed procession left to the sound of Handel’s Water Music. Similar events have been carried over recent weeks all over the country, gathering people of many nationalities and backgrounds

together, no doubt following a very similar pattern. Have you guessed where we were yet? No, not in some Christian or religious festival, but at a graduation ceremony, celebrating the achievements of university students from all over the world, who have spent three or more years studying hard to complete their course, gain their qualifications, many taking the first steps away from their families and learning to live independently. Such occasions are opportunities for parents, grandparents, extended families and friends to be rightly proud with all those who complete their courses. And that pride and jubilation is clear in the smart clothes worn, the photos taken, the flowers and gifts given, and the parties shared afterwards.

Graduation Season Paul Owen reflects

Page 9: St. Leonard’s & St. Luke’s Churches, Seaford 95p Magazine ... · held, uzz Aldrin was an elder in the Presbyterian hurch. Knowing that he would soon be doing something completely


As my wife and I sat through our son’s graduation, sharing in the anticipation of his name begin read out, seeing the smile on his face as he was presented and received his award, the reward for all his hard work, I found myself reflecting on the sense of occasion. The event was in many ways rather like being in a big church, albeit we gathered in a huge, sports hall, converted with carpets, curtains and platform just for this occasion. That alone is just like some of the larger, newer churches I’ve visited on occasion. There was no written liturgy, no mention of God, no prayers as such. And yet the event had carefully considered structure, directions were given, announcements made, processions choreographed, music chosen, and the sense of occasion was clear. The “meeting” held a purpose, and all were there for that one purpose, however much they entered into spirit of supporting all the award recipients or remained steadfastly focussed on their own family member. Towards the end of our celebration, a degree was awarded posthumously to the sister of a young man who “passed away” before the award could be made. There was a standing

ovation with much heart-felt applause. Almost prayer-like in its effect, I considered what that family must have been through, how they might have felt and wondered if that applause might be heard in the life-here-after. There was something else that touched my soul during that morning. A “musical interlude” gave the opportunity for a first-year music student to play a short collection of pieces on a beautiful zither, beginning with an old folksong of Scottish origin, dating to the 1600’s and called "O Waly, Waly". The tune published by Cecil Sharp in Folk Songs from Somerset in 1906 is still popular today. The tune is sometimes used as an alternative tune for the hymn “When I survey the Wonderous Cross”. I’m sure there was no intention to make a multi-racial, multi-faith event “religious” in any sense at all. But for me, it felt as if God broke into the moment. Invited or not, known and acknowledged or not, God was not going to be left out. The music was superbly delivered and I found myself then and later, giving thanks for the

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gift of education, for the gifts, talents and skills with which we are blessed, for the joy of children and grandchildren and for the privilege of sharing our learning and lives with others, all in that moment of “musical interlude”. And I’m sure there is much more that could be said, but it was a joy to be there and share with all who graduated that day (not least my own son, of course!). It’s good to pray for all in education, whatever their age and stage, both learners and deliverers, that all would give and receive of their best in order to receive the best offered. I’d like to share a couple more thoughts from that day. Firstly, I wonder again how it will be on that day when each one of us graduates to glory, arriving in heaven, our faith in Christ tried, tested and examined, but far more importantly, knowing that by faith our names have already been written on the list to be welcomed to the first day of the rest of eternity and the at start of our eternal lives. [If you don’t know whether your name is on the list yet, then please consider joining our Alpha Course in September – details in this edition of the magazine] Secondly, I left wondering about church and our regular worship services. Why is it that people from such a wide variety of backgrounds

can so easily assemble and engage in a graduation ceremony, seemingly with all the hallmarks of a church service and yet find it so hard to come near a church for worship, thanksgiving and praise of the one who makes all else possible? What might we learn from such events that would help us draw others in, how might we share our faith and encourage others along, in preparation for that day when we will graduate to glory? May God guide us and bless us as we ponder such matters

From the Registers Funerals Ronald William John Jeffery 81 Jean Margaret Julia Sanderson 92 Jean Annie Ovenden 90 Lionel Reuben Rolfe 101 Derek John Perry 86 Albert 'John' Butler 91 Reginald Edward (Ted) Fears 93 Beverley Nana Earp 67

Terence Nelson 79 Baptisms Nellie Rose Fowler Annie Francis Walker

Page 11: St. Leonard’s & St. Luke’s Churches, Seaford 95p Magazine ... · held, uzz Aldrin was an elder in the Presbyterian hurch. Knowing that he would soon be doing something completely


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Page 12: St. Leonard’s & St. Luke’s Churches, Seaford 95p Magazine ... · held, uzz Aldrin was an elder in the Presbyterian hurch. Knowing that he would soon be doing something completely


You can hardly fail to notice the activity around homegroups at the moment. With a new group planted and the planned ‘Alpha’ course likely to provide another new group things are ‘full speed ahead’ during summer-time when homegroups sometimes take a break. With all that is happening you might wonder where homegroups originated from. Some would suggest they are a new phenomena, arriving in Anglican congregations in the early 1990s along with the concept of Anglican ‘Fresh Expressions’ churches. They would be wrong. Others may point to the late 1970s where many believers met in homes to accommodate the many who left traditional, denominational congregations finding themselves no longer welcome during the ‘charismatic renewal’ of that time. They too would be mistaken. A few might mention church history

and point out those overlooked Anglican ministers, John and Charles Wesley, who founded their ‘Classes’ to teach folk of their faith and the “…methodical pursuit of biblical holiness…” thus becoming labelled ‘Methodists’. They too would be wrong. We have to go back to shortly after Jesus death to find believers gathering in homes to worship, pray, encourage one-another. Some examples… ‘Greet Priscilla and Aquila, my co-workers in Christ Jesus. They risked their lives for me. Not only I but all the churches of the Gentiles are grateful to them. Greet also the church that meets at their house.’ (Rom 16:3-5) ‘Aquila and Priscilla greet you warmly in the Lord, and so does the church that meets at their house.’ (1Cor 16:19) ‘Give my greetings to the brothers and sisters at Laodicea, and to

Home Groups

You’re invited

Derreck Lee-Philpot

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Nympha and the church in her house.’ (Col, 4:15) ‘To Philemon our dear friend and fellow worker— also to Apphia our sister and Archippus our fellow soldier—and to the church that meets in your home…’ (Philemon v1-2) It’s intriguing to see that there seemed to be only two ways to be identified as a church in the new testament, in a house (as we have just seen) or as a city, like the following examples…. ‘I commend to you our sister Phoebe, a deacon of the church in Cenchreae (town near Corinth).’ (Rom 16:1) ‘After this letter has been read to you, see that it is also read in the church of

the Laodiceans…’ (Col 4:16) ‘To the church of God in Corinth…’ (1Cor 1:2 and 2Cor 1:1) ‘To the church of the Thessalonians…’(1Thess 1:1 and 2Thess 1:1) If you would like to take part in probably the most ‘traditional’ style of meeting in the church today – connect into a homegroup. Bring all you have to offer of your experience and understanding of God, as well as your questions. If you don’t know where to start, contact Charlie Grimble or myself and you can start the adventure.

From Mark Gill… It could be in cosmopolitan London, or maybe in

Jerusalem at Pentecost; every week the international church I attend has about 30 nations represented. Even though on the first Pentecost the people there heard the disciples talking in their own languages, we share in English fellowship. We also share our leader who recently went on leave requiring a few of the congregation to lead the services: we heard different accents, from different theologies, on different topics but all focused on sharing the Word and encouraging the fellowship. We read of the disciples locking the door, yet the Lord Jesus came among them and of Peter hammering the locked door with a confused Rhoda eventually opening it. Similarly, our church locks the door and we know Jesus is with us, despite our different backgrounds, accents or theologies.

Page 14: St. Leonard’s & St. Luke’s Churches, Seaford 95p Magazine ... · held, uzz Aldrin was an elder in the Presbyterian hurch. Knowing that he would soon be doing something completely




The Alpha course is coming to the Parish in September 2019 I imagine that by now you will have heard that the Parish are looking forward to running our first Alpha course in 10 years? This is a very exciting time for us and over the next weeks you can expect to receive a lot of information about our journey towards delivering an Alpha course, this article is a summary of the main points What is an Alpha course? “Alpha” courses began life in the Anglican Church almost 40 years ago, but have grown in popularity, due to its easy laid back and inclusive style, to the point where they are now run all over the world and in every mainstream church. In fact the Alpha course has been translated into over 110 different languages, It is estimated that nearly thirty million people worldwide have attended an Alpha course. Yes that is 30,000,000! The statistics recorded also demonstrate that attending the

course can have a very profound and positive impact upon people’s lives. But what exactly is the Alpha course? Why are we running one here? And what might it mean for me? For all the hype and excitement that surrounds the Alpha course, it is, at the heart of it, simply an opportunity to explore, through discussion, some of the big philosophical questions in life: - Does God exist? What is God like? Can I know Him? What is the real purpose of life? Over the years Alpha courses have developed and are run in a particular format as a social event. The participants have a

Something exciting to watch out for! Damien Brennan

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meal together, watch a short film which presents a specific topic which is then followed by an opportunity to discuss openly, in a small group, what this means to us as individuals….quite simple really! Importantly, within the discussions there is no pressure to agree, in fact, differences of opinion actually make the discussions more interesting. There are no emotional or dramatic appeals and no looming expectation that by attending a course you are then expected to become part of the Church. So why us? Within the Parish of St Leonard with St Luke, there is a historical and deep commitment to sharing the Good news of Jesus Christ with the community that we are blessed to live in; we do this in many ways – through praying for our community, through serving our community in charitable works and outreach, by opening our doors to welcome others into our life as a Church family. So introducing others to the shared beliefs at the heart of our Christian faith in a gentle and respectful way is a natural next step to appealing to others

around us with what we believe about Jesus Christ. The Alpha course gives us this opportunity to share in a very “culturally appropriate” way. Socialising, eating together, having fun, watching a stimulating film and discussing. Running an Alpha course is a great way to engage with people, many of whom may have no Church involvement, and to be able to share thoughts around some of the biggest and deepest issues in life that we all commonly face; it’s also a great way to introduce people to Christian perspectives on these matters. The course runs over 11 weeks and ours will be starting at St Luke’s parish church hall on the 26th of September and will conclude on the 5th of December. The evenings will start at 18.45 for 19.00 and will finish by 21.00. Who is Alpha For? Alpha is really for everyone, older or younger, members of the parish community or those who are not familiar with Church life, it is a great way to be part of the Churches reaching out to others and also to revisit and re-discover aspects of the Christian faith.

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What can I do to be a part of Alpha? There are so many ways to get involved in this opportunity. Really importantly you can pray for the event, that it will be fruitful and will, above all bring Glory to God as we seek to share with those around us what He has done to show His great love to us. You can invite someone along, and accompany them, to attend the evening events at St Luke’s Church. You can volunteer to help out behind the scenes, there is a lot to do – help with catering and serving food, giving people, who may struggle to attend lifts there and back. You could also sponsor an individual to attend, though we will not charge people to attend there is always a cost involved (we estimate that over the 11 weeks

it will amount to about £40.00 per head). And of course you will be most welcome to sign up your selves to attend and to be blessed and re-invigorated by the truth that we believe as Children of God. If you want to know more there are lots of ways to find out, there will be a sheet of frequently asked questions which will (hopefully) answer queries and we will also be updating people via the weekly news sheet, you can also contact us by email at [email protected] asking for information... “seek and you shall find”

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Shoebox Appeal Hazel Bramley Following another successful appeal last year. It is time to launch the appeal this year. Leaflets are inside this issue of the magazine, with further copies in both churches from 4th August. Please follow the suggestions for contents which are on the leaflet, and ensure that only the current leaflet is used. A request from Link to Hope Worthing is that we do our bit for the environment and reduce the amount of plastic in some small way. That bars of soap instead of bottles of shower gel are sent, also crayons and a sharpener instead of felt tips. If you have already started to collect, don't feel you have to change. It is only a suggestion. Knitted toys are permitted, but need to be put in a separate bag and not inside the boxes. Due to custom regulations in

Eastern Europe baby clothes cannot be included. Clothing for children aged 3 years and over are welcomed separately. Food items and medication are not permitted. Finally, wrap the lid and the filled box as one, in bright, christmassy paper. Tape the completed declaration on top of the box in the places indicated, fill out the gift aid form if appropriate and tape £3.00, in coins, on the form. Leave the boxes in either church ready for them to be blest before heading to Worthing and then to their final destinations. For further information please contact Hazel Bramley on 01323 892883.

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Greetings from Juba on the 8th anniversary of independence for South Sudan. A day on which this young nation celebrates a new future that it is seeking to forge. Being a 'TCK' (third culture kid), I've always struggled to identify with one particular nation or understand that national pride and belonging to a place. But I'm glad my co workers here can have a day that means so much for them. Being united in Christ with the team here, I hope I can share in the joy and hope for something new, while learning about the struggle it took to get this far. I have been back in South Sudan for just over two weeks now. Since returning I have

passed my yearly line check, to ensure my procedures are aligned to MAF's manuals. Also passing my 6 monthly Base check, to ensure my aircraft handling and emergency situation handling is as required, and finally I passed my 'C class airstrip' training. This allows me to fly into the shortest and most challenging airstrips in South Sudan.



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Sitting Under My Tree Danny Gill

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Home Assignment can tend to be a very busy time trying to fit in many catch ups and appointments with the amazing prayer and financial partners I have. I am always glad to get back home though to spend time with family, friends and supporters. I apologise that I haven't gotten round to see everyone, I'm always glad to hear how you are doing so do let me know!

I tend to take time away for some reflection before I return for my next term. I was feeling quite tired and worn out when I returned to UK. I find sharing about the work I'm doing can lead me back to the passion I have for it, and remind me of the privilege it is. Sharing from the bible also gives me great spiritual refreshing and reminders of God's caring love for each of us. My trip home reminded me the importance of making my faith a personal one and that it is more important than any work I can do. I've enjoyed being back into the regular flying, and the last two weeks

have been some of my busiest here. It's been wonderful seeing some regulars who I fly on our shuttles. I've also had the amazing opportunity to fly two missionary families who were supporting the church ministry in Malulkon in the north of the country. The longer I am here the more I get to interact with the ministry here and the people involved. I am grateful I get to use my skills to help them, and at the same time try to pray for and encourage the work they are doing for the King here. Please Pray: For South Sudan on this 8th

independence day. For peace and unity, especially amongst leaders.

For the work here to continue to grow the church.

The ebola case that was confirmed on the border of South Sudan and DRC.

Peace to be brought also in the neighbouring Sudan.

Praise for: Passing my two tests and C

airstrip training. A great welcome back to South

Sudan from friends and co-workers.

Busy flying that is getting workers out to many communities.

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Terry Howell brings news of Homelink I am tempted to misquote Dickens in that for HOMELINK it is the worst of times and the best of times. It is the worst of times (temporarily ) because our Service Manager, Pippa, has needed an emergency operation and so has had to take time off work. Our assistant Service Manager, Fran, is coping well but inevitably things are slowing down and following up missing payments has not been as thorough as normal. We are only accepting emergency referrals for interview. However, It is the best of times, firstly, because we have housed even more than we had budgeted for: most of all because of great expectations for our 20th Anniversary Concert at Glyndebourne. This is thanks to the hard work of a number of people especially Pippa. We have received over £18,000 in sponsorship money so far. Sussex Downs College has made three short films of our work to show at the Concert and elsewhere. The Concert programme is well summarised on the Glyndebourne website

as: Classical greats, upcoming young performers, community choirs and high-profile names from stage and screen will be joining local people helped by homelessness prevention charity, HOMELINK, to mark the organisation’s 20th Anniversary. The #homes4homeless Gala will be a huge celebration of Sussex talent, involving soloists, groups, choirs and dance. Classical and contemporary acts will represent all ages and backgrounds, ranging from Glyndebourne soprano Dame Felicity Lott, to Brighton’s Choir With No Name homelessness choir and Lewes Sings Gospel, BBC Gospel Choir of the Year 2014. Local musical director and conductor, John Hancorn, is producing the Gala and rehearsing with a prison staff choir from HMP Lewes for a one-off performance at the event.




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Special VIP guests will be on stage to introduce the acts during the Gala. High-profile HOMELINK supporters with a Sussex connection include comedians Steve Coogan, Eddie Izzard and Zoe Lyons, actors Mark Williams, Nimmy March, Toby Stephens and Sophie Okonedo, TV presenter Katie Derham, writer and commentator Simon Fanshawe and 2018 Man Booker Prize winner (and former HOMELINK client) Anna Burns. Visit the website and look for

the date: Sunday November 17th. and buy your tickets! In the meantime, we have finalised our move to a CIO (Charitable Incorporated Organisation) and those supporting us will be asked to change donations to the new bank accounts we have been forced to set up. Please remember to pray for Pippa and all those working hard on our behalf as well as those needy people we are helping into housing.

Visit unique historic buildings, see beautiful countryside, get some exercise and have fun with the family! Ride+Stride is a sponsored bike ride or walk in which people all over England walk or cycle between churches, exploring and enjoying the countryside. The money they raise helps to save historic churches, chapels and meeting houses for future generations by helping to fund urgent repairs and the installation of modern facilities. Each year the event raises over £1 million pounds to help fund urgent repairs. This year Ride+Stride for Churches takes place on Saturday 14th September. Bob Carrington will be walking to St. Leonards to St. Luke’s to St. Peter’s to St. Andrews and back again and he’s looking for sponsors! Both St. Luke’s ‘and St. Leonard’s Churches will be open and manned on the day. For more information visit the website

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Not one, not two, not three, not four, not five, but six couples from St. Leonard’s and St. Luke’s have already celebrated or will be celebrating their Golden Weddings this year. And what better way to celebrate than to have a party! These amazing folk are Hilary and Ralph Wood, Marion and Peter Holding, Kate and Barry Ranger, Jean and David Elliott, Jayne and Phil Lane and David and Linda Parsons. Also celebrating this year are Beryl and Tom Davies and Jane and Tom Riley with diamond weddings yet to come. The bells rang out as we all assembled (Thanks to the Tower Captain and her team). The hall was appropriately decorated with golden topped tables, golden and white balloons, table top flower arrangements (thanks to Elizabeth Morgan-Jones) and a liberal sprinkling of quizzes to keep us busy. Julia Lawson and Sue Saunders offered welcome drinks, Mark and Tracey Cheal supervised signing of the time line and greeting congratulation cards. Our master of Ceremonies for the afternoon, Phil Armstrong,

resplendent in a gold shirt, had cleverly compiled background music from 1969 to set the scene. He also devised the sequence of entertainment flowing between live music to sedate games to a poem or two all with the theme of weddings. Jayne Bass organised a wonderful tea of sandwiches, scones small cakes and the splendid wedding cake shown in the photo. Paul Owen brought the afternoon to a close with a prayer for the six couples, acknowledging God’s most gracious love and care throughout their lives together. Many thanks to all those who worked so hard to make this such an enjoyable and memorable afternoon. And of course our love and prayers to those couples who still have to reach their actual Golden Wedding Day.

A Celebratory Golden Wedding Party Ann Fenwick

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This year, together with Christians from around the world for ‘Thy Kingdom Come’ we focused on praying for the Holy Spirit to work in the lives of 5 friends who have not yet responded to God’s love and the addition of knotted leather strips as bracelets or hung in our kitchens, bathrooms or as bookmarks served as useful reminders to pray. Several people have shared of how they were able to share their faith with others or instances have happened which demonstrate how God is already answering our prayers. Each day between 8 and 18 people met together for Morning Prayer. The meetings were led by different members of the parish. It was exciting that although we were using the same liturgy each day, the experience was always different as each person led in their own unique way and helped us to focus on and worship our heavenly Father through scripture and prayer. During this time also we were able to pray for our 5 as well as those whose names appeared

on the illuminated bush in St Leonard’s Church. Through the generosity of the Diocese about 180 of us took advantage of the opportunity to use the daily Novena devotional booklet and being reminded to pray for our 5 friends using one of the knotted leather strips.

The planned half day of prayer began earlier than anticipated at 11am with a late scheduled visit by Bishop Richard as part of his Pilgrimage around the Diocese. During the day, 75-80 people visited St Leonard’s Church, visiting the prayer stations, praying in the Chapel and enjoying the peace of the building and welcome from the Stewards, not to mention the coffee, tea and biscuits.

Whilst thousands of Christians gathered in Trafalgar Square with the Archbishop of Canterbury to worship our Creator God, we gathered in St Luke’s Church to worship and pray as our celebration of Pentecost. We prayed together for the people whose names were on the illuminated bush




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and for the people who put them there. At the close of the service everyone was invited to take home with them one or more of the 5 petal flowers and to continue to pray for them.

The season for ‘Thy Kingdom Come’ 2019 is finished but do continue to pray for your 5 until they come to experience the love of God for themselves. Sometimes God answers prayer quickly and other times we need to persevere in prayer. In the autumn, the parish will be running an Alpha Course, inviting people to come and enjoy a meal and find out more about the Christian faith. How about inviting some of the 5 for whom you pray?

The dates for ‘Thy Kingdom Come’ 2020 have just been released - May 21st – 31st 2020. How will we mark this and unite in prayer? If you have any thoughts, please let me know.

The culmination at the end of today is to send people out confident that in the power of the Spirit, they can share the Good News of Jesus, transform our society and demonstrate the words and works of Jesus showing the Kingdom of God as a result of prayer and working together and serving the poor and the needy together” Archbishop Justin Welby, Pentecost Sunday 2019, Trafalgar Square.

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Let Michael Taylorson, Zoe McClean and West End Musical Director Clive Dunstall take you on a journey back to your childhood– with 30 songs from 80 years of iconic music on film including Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, Mary Poppins,

Aladdin, The Prince of Egypt, Frozen, The Sound of Music, The Wizard of Oz, The Lion King, The Jungle Book, The Little Mermaid and The Beauty and the Beast.

Friday 8th November

St. Leonard’s Church

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Rewired Africa Update Chris Chester Having just returned from the latest trip to Zambia I thought it would be good to give a brief update on what we achieved and hopefully expand on this for the next magazine including more about our plans for 2020. Most of our time on this trip was spent in the schools and projects we have worked with, before repairing as many computers as possible and eventually bringing around 14 computers back to life.

Alongside this we ran some workshops in 2 schools and drop in centres at others where teachers could come along for some one-to-one sessions looking at their individual needs.

Of course we also spent time installing 10 desktop computers and 3 laptops. As always it was good to catch up with our partners in Zambia and managing expectations for 2020 as Rewired Africa will not be working in Zambia next year. However we will be working elsewhere on a major project and our biggest challenge yet – more to follow (or you could look on the Mission Direct website


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Imagine seeing the Gospel of Luke being acted out in beautiful countryside. Imagine seeing and hearing the account of Jesus feeding the 5000 and then being given some bread. Imagine hearing and seeing Jesus clearing the temple of the money changers and seeing money being tossed in the air and seeing doves released into the air. Imagine seeing Lazarus being raised to life and see him come out of his tomb. Imagine the Crucifixion and His rising, and being part of it all. We had the privilege to travel with All Saints Eastbourne to

Wintershall just outside Guildford. What an amazing day to remember. It really did bring The Gospels to life and the acting and special effects were fantastic. This was an experience not to be missed.! I guarantee something during the day will speak to you and you will have a better understanding of the amazing life of Jesus. It is a tiring day and you do have to be prepared to walk and take your own chair/picnic blanket, but still worth it. It is shown whatever the weather so A bright sunny day was amazing. Maybe next year we could take a party from St Leonard’s and St Luke’s. Watch this space for more details.

Mark Cheal visits Wintershall

Deanery Ladies Breakfast At the next Ladies’ Breakfast the speaker will be Revd. Canon Ann Waizeneker, who is Dean of Women’s Ministry for the Chichester Diocese. The ladies of St. Andrew’s Church, Bishopstone are hosting this breakfast on Saturday 12th October 2019, at 8.30 am. As usual it is anticipated there will be a delicious light breakfast and pleasant company, with lots of conversations between women from different churches in the area. If you are planning to attend, for catering purposes, please let Jane Anderson know a few days in advance. Jane can be contacted on 01323 870075. The cost is £5 payable at the door.

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On July 7th Messy Church broke from tradition and was held in St Luke’s Church with special guest Steve Legg who provided a bit of magic and a lot of comedy. Steve Legg also appeared at a similar event at Seaford Baptist Church, and we appreciate their willingness to partner in this way to bring down costs. Great to see Kings Church running a community event on Chyngton Rec earlier in the afternoon, making it a good Sunday for churches in the community. We started with craft, and moved seamlessly into puppets followed by the Steve Legg show. We watched in wonder as various items appeared and disappeared before our eyes, and then in disbelief at the amount of countries Elaine had visited in her travels. He finished with the final line that wherever you come from in the world God loves you. As we streamed out into the garden the BBQ’d food was ready, having been cooked by our dedicated chefs Mark and Jason. As if by magic, a lovely Biryani appeared

and quickly disappeared, demolished by hungry people looking for more spice in their lives! Later in the afternoon a game of beat the goalie was followed by hide and seek, during which time I noticed that Steve Legg had disappeared! Lindsay plugged in his Fender guitar, and Tanya was joined by a couple of singers and we enjoyed their laid back live music.

Thanks to all of you who turned up on this busy day, as indeed you have throughout the year in large numbers. We rely heavily on brilliant volunteers, who as well as doing a great practical job, are so good at welcoming and making Messy Church, Seaford a great place to be each month. Sue Topp has been amazing and creative, coming up with craft and activities fitting in with the challenging subjects we cover. We have a Messy Church Facebook page, which gives up to date information on what we are doing. For further details of Messy Church please contact Tim Fudge on 07906199767.

Tim Fudge

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We have come to the end of our long, hot summer - the rainy season is making its way in. LAMA children are all back in school. Pray that the teachers will have extra patience and creative thinking to help our children with behaviour problems adjust and do well. Pray for Vincent, Joshua, Rustom, Jordan, (who have gone home), Noel (our youngest struggling in school), Michael (needs work) and Jose, Jeran (working), Ivan and Jitel (to be fostered), Nicole and Nikka, Kevin, Tony, Wowie (pray a family will visit), Joel (gone home), John Lloyd (gone home) and Jimo. Ana: Our daughter, Ana, has signed the lease for an apartment in Binondo, Manila and is beginning to set up home there. Thank you so much for helping her! We simply trust God to provide for everything, as He has done in the 35 years I’ve been a missionary here. All the

other tenants in the block are Chinese, most own their apartments. We feel like we are in Hong Kong! Metropolitan Medical Centre is just around the corner, where Ana begins studying Medicine on August 2. I will stay with her and travel the 6 hours by bus to LAMA House when I can. Michael will be in charge in my absence with Peter and Sam’s help. Jerry: We were in Manila when we got the awful news from home that Peter’s older brother Jerry had passed away. He had gone into hospital for a gall bladder operation and did not recover from the operation. It is a shock for us. Jerry was 70 years old. The funeral was held in the Korean church in Pugo where he was a member. Sally: We have hired a new Social Worker. She is a great addition to our team and is fitting in perfectly. DSWD re-accreditation is scheduled for

Lesley Gomez writes...

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July 15 and 16 – ‘Standards’ from Manila Central Office will inspect, check all our paperwork and hopefully approve the myriad requirements for Residential Care Facilities. Hoping to pass again and even level up. Sally has been thrown in the deep end as Case Manager to meet the high standards. Please pray for her and our team. Regional Rehabilitation Centre for Youth: Our sons Michael and Simon minister in two churches on Sundays. From 10.30am to 11.30am there is a Chapel service at the Regional Rehabilitation Centre for Youth (RRCY) where boys with criminal charges brought against them before their 18th birthday are referred by the Court. There are presently 125 boys detained. We are fortunate to have such a centre in our Region as the Senate is trying to pass a law allowing children as young as 12 to be jailed. In the 1980s I did the Chapel services with Alejandra but we were asked to stop because we are not Catholic. Now under new management the centre head asked us to come again. I have prayed for years for an opportunity to minister at RRCY again! A few boys have been to church before and can play instruments, they help Michael, Simon and LAMA boys lead worship. Michael teaches a

practical lesson from the Bible. So far we have taught them about renewing the way they think by looking to the Bible for answers, the story of Joseph, and stories of young men like themselves that God used in Bible times. On Easter Sunday we presented the Easter story and showed a movie clip of the resurrection, Michael asked if any would like to accept Jesus as their Saviour, two boys very bravely put their hands up. The following week Michael asked if anyone else wanted to give their life to Jesus – around a hundred boys shouted loudly “Kami!” “We do!” Caught up in their enthusiasm for the Gospel, tears welling up, I gave my own life to Jesus all over again! I overheard one of the boys talking to Jeran (from LAMA), “It’s my Court decision this week, I expect to be released – do you think it would be OK for me to come back on Sundays to attend church?” It is a very sad, difficult place to be. I laughed! – “Why would you want to return here? Let’s pray you can find a church like ours near your home!” A houseparent spoke to me last Sunday – she asked for a copy of the book we use, it has an index of Bible verses for ‘discouragement’, ‘loneliness’, feeling afraid’ etc. She wants to use it for group sessions. It is her day off on Sundays but she came in (2 hours drive) to find out what “LAMA” is. “All

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other ‘spiritual enrichment sessions’ and group sessions only a handful of boys attend, most just stay in their room - but when it is “LAMA” they are all gathered, sitting quietly waiting for you to arrive – they love it!” Last week after I shared about renewing our thoughts with God’s Word, I sensed they felt discouraged, feeling God’s promises could not work for them. I told them how my Dad always reminded me “You can do all things through Christ” They sat forward in their seats listening to me. Michael told them, “Say it after me – I CAN!” Their response was so loud I took a step back – they all shouted “KAYA KO!” “I CAN!” So we pack up the sound system and leave every Sunday morning with tears in our eyes – amazed at what GOD is doing at RRCY! Then at 3pm Michael and Simon lead the worship at ALIVE Church where Andrew and Ruth Newlove are pastors. LAMA boys and girls attend this church and love it! New Things: It is heart breaking to walk the streets of Manila, everywhere there are children sleeping on the pavement or running around barefoot and filthy. The other day I saw a toddler tottering alone by the side of the busy highway. Ana and

I will be living near Tondo, the poorest slum area in this vast city. You cannot imagine the poverty that we see every day. You will notice I cannot post many photos – the Data Protection Law is good but it hinders us from showing you the needs and also from tracing relatives of missing children. However, I am sure God will use us to help those we meet in these grimy streets every day. At LAMA House God is leading us to help boy prostitutes on our city streets – I want to see an end to child trafficking. The problem is daunting and we feel inadequate – but I know you will stand with us and PRAY. Please also pray that we can re-unite Wowie with family, that God would make a way. In Memory: Donations at Dad’s funeral amounted to over £3000. We are looking into installing solar panels at LAMA House with this money later in the year. We will update you when we get an estimate. Presently our electric bill averages over £200 monthly. Thank you so much for all you do to support LAMA Ministries and LAMA House! Email: [email protected] Website:

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Saturday 10th August Polyphonica Recorder Trio & Robert Cross (counter tenor) Polyphonica Recorder Trio was formed in 2006. The Trio is committed to historically informed performance as well as advancing the recorder as a modern instrument though collaboration with composers. Commissions include works by Steve Marshall , UK , Robert All worth, Australia, Steve Yates, Australia, and Jean-Christophe Rosaz, France. The Trio is delighted to present exciting, innovative and informative programmes including collaborations with renowned artists Robert Cross, countertenor, and harpist Robin Ward, and collaborations with composers including Jean-Christophe Rosaz (France), Norm Skipp (UK), Robert Allworth (Australia), and Stephen Yates (Australia). Polyphonica has a blossoming international presence having performed in the Netherlands, a number of times in France and Germany with two further concerts in Germany in October, 2017.

Saturday 14th September Carulli Ensemble The Carulli Ensemble consist of Paul Gregory -Guitar, Marielle Way (flute), James Shenton (violin) & Ellie Blackshaw (viola). This unusual group have been performing together since 2013 and play a wide range of music in various combinations. James has also written some pieces for the group. Paul won the Andres Segovia International Competition in Spain at the age of 22.Marielle studied at Royal Academy of Music and now freelances with numerous orchestras. James (when not composing) tours the world with the Balanescu Quartet. Ellie studied at the Royal College of Music in the ‘80s and is now much in demand as a chamber musician in Sussex.

All concerts begin at 1.00pm and last about one hour. Admission is free with a retiring collection.

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Written with families in mind there is a message for us all here… One of the joys of summer is the explosion of green everywhere, even in cities. Dark green pine trees, soft green grass for picnics, tender green leaves that get darker through the summer. Next time you’re out and about as a family, see how many different green things you can count, and maybe even collect a few things to take home and press inside a heavy book. Pressed leaves and flowers can make beautiful pictures. You can even use them to create home-made cards for birthdays and other celebrations. Summer is a wonderful time for planting too. Try planting seeds or bulbs with your child to see how they can grow when they’re fed and watered. Amaryllis bulbs grow fast and have beautiful big flowers, which children will love. If you want to grow something to eat, why not try rocket, which can be harvested as soon as four weeks after planting? Churches will probably feature a lot of green fabric over the summer. During this time, Christians just get on with growing in our life with God, like

the plants are doing. And like the plants, to grow, we need feeding spiritually. Praying is a great way to feed our growing faith. Long summer days and nights can be a good time for prayers. Start with something as simple as saying thank you to God for something you’re really grateful for, or asking for God’s peace at bedtime each night. Saying Thank You: God the Father, who made us, we thank you. God the Son, who saved us, we thank you. God the Spirit, who holds us in love, we thank you. God, who is everywhere, thank you for being you. Bedtime: God, who is like a mother hen watching over her chicks, Keep me under your warm wings as I sleep. Send me good dreams. And help me wake up ready for another day. Prayer for God’s help: Father God, sometimes I am scared. Sometimes I am worried. Sometimes I need help. Sometimes people I love have problems. Please be with me and help me, Like shepherds caring for sheep.




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I wish I was a better witness Lord, I've seen so many things, I've witnessed Prayer being answered and the Healing that it brings, I've sensed the arm of God rest lightly on my shoulder, Oh, how I wish I had the courage to speak my faith and act a little bolder. Instead I sit and write these words and turn my face to Thee, and ponder on the kind of man my Lord would have me be. I was resistant as a boy, though on the wall, I'd seen your face. Now forty years have past, still have the memory, still have the disgrace! Now, as time has gone and I've still let you down, With the Gifts and Blessings You bestow and the footsteps of a clown, I think of what it might have been, still find it kinda hard, So when you get a word from God, please don't do as I did and simply disregard. Bob Rice

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August 4th August 7th Sunday after Trinity Colossians 3:1-11; Luke 12:13-21 Matins: Psalm 106:1-10 11th August 8th Sunday after Trinity Hebrew 11:1-3, 8-16; Luke 12: 32-40 18th August 9th Sunday after Trinity Hebrew 11:29-12:2; Luke 12:49-56 25th August 10th Sunday after Trinity Hebrew 12:18-end; Luke 13:10-17 September 1st September Sunday 11th after Trinity Hebrew 13:1-8, 15-16, Luke 14:1, 7-14 Matins: Psalm 81:1-16 8th September 12th after Trinity Philemon v1-21, Luke 14:25-33 15th September 13th after Trinity 1Timothy 1:12-17, Luke 15:1-10 22nd September 14th after Trinity 1Timothy 2:1-7, Luke 16:1-13 29th September Harvest 2 Corinthians 9:6-15, Matthew 9:35-38

Church House Publishing produces a range of official Church of England apps to support prayer, worship and Bible study. Find out more at



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Sunday 4th

1st Sunday in the month See page 45

Sorry, there’s no Messy Church today

Sorry, no Baptism Enquiry Session, see September 1st

Wednesday 7th 10.00am Coffee morning St. Luke’s

Saturday 10th 1.00pm Lunchtime Concert St. Leonard’s

Sunday 11th 2nd Sunday in the month See page 45

7.00pm St. Luke’s@7 See page 25

Wednesday 14th 10.00am Coffee morning St. Luke’s

Saturday 17th 10.00am Open Morning St. Leonard’s

Sunday 18th 3rd Sunday in the month See page 45

Wednesday 21st 10.00am Coffee morning St. Luke’s

Sunday 25th 4th Sunday in the month See page 45

7.00pm Prayer@7 St. Leonard’s

Parish Lunch There is no Parish Lunch in August. The next is on Wednesday 4th

September in St. Leonards Church Hall. Contact Ann Fenwick for tickets on 01323 893318

Parish Magazine Items of news and articles for inclusion in the next edition should be

sent to the Editor either via the Parish Office or to [email protected]

Closing dates for the next few editions… Tuesdays 17th September, 12th November and 14th January 2020!

The Meeting Place The Meeting Place is taking a two week break in August. We do not meet on August 4th or 11th but will be back on Sunday August 18th

at 11.00 for 11.15 in St. Leonard’s.

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Advertisements We are not endorsing any advertisers and therefore cannot take any liability

for products/services used.




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ar Sunday 1st

1st Sunday in the month See page 45

9.30am Messy Church St. Leonard’s Hall

4.30pm Baptism Enquiry Session St. Luke’s

Monday 2nd 7.45pm Parish Women’s Group St. Leonard’s Hall

Wednesday 4th 10.00am Coffee morning St. Luke’s

12.45pm Parish Lunch St. Leonard’s Hall

Sunday 8th 2nd Sunday in the month See page 45

7.00pm St. Luke’s@7 St. Luke’s

Wednesday 11th 10.00am Coffee morning St. Luke’s

Friday 13th 2.30pm Mothers’ Union St. Leonard’s Hall

Saturday 14th 1.00pm Lunchtime Concert St. Leonard’s

3rd Sunday in the month See page 45 Sunday 15th

6.00pm Dried Mangoes St. Luke’s

Monday 16th 7.45pm Parish Women’s Group St. Leonard’s Hall

Wednesday 18th 10.00am Coffee morning St. Luke’s

Friday 20th 10.00am Parish Flower Festival St. Leonard’s

Saturday 21st

Sunday 22nd

4th Sunday in the month See page 45

12.00 Parish Flower Festival St. Leonard’s

6.00pm Choral Evensong St. Leonard’s

Monday 23rd 10.00am Parish Flower Festival St. Leonard’s

Wednesday 25th 10.00am Coffee morning St. Luke’s

Saturday 28th 10.00am Open Morning St. Leonard’s

Sunday 29th 5th Sunday in the month See page 45

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St. Leonard’s Church

1st Sunday of the month

8.00am Holy Communion

9.30am Parish Communion (with choir)

9.30am Messy Church in the Hall

(Except June, July and August 2019– see page 5)

11.00am Matins (traditional Morning Service)

2nd, 3rd and 5th Sundays

8.00am Holy Communion (a quiet service)

9.30am Parish Communion (with choir)

11.00am The Meeting Place: Informal worship (Except August)

4th Sunday of the month

8.00am Holy Communion (a quiet service)

9.30am Parish Communion (with choir)

11.00am The Meeting Place: Informal worship (Except August)

7.00pm Prayers@7


11.00am Holy Communion (Book of Common Prayer, in traditional


Fridays at 7.00am and Saturdays at 8.30am

Prayer Meeting in St. Leonard’s Church

St. Luke’s Church

1st Sunday of the month

9.30am Parish Communion

11.00 am The Meeting Place: Informal worship

2nd Sunday of the month:

9.30am Parish Communion

7.00pm St. Lukes@7 (Except August)

Other Sundays

9.30am Parish Communion

1st Tuesday each month

11.00am Service with Prayers for Healing and Wholeness (followed by



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Clergy The Revd PAUL J. OWEN, The Vicarage, 46 Sutton Road, BN25 1SH [email protected] (Day off Monday) 01323 893508

The Revd DERRECK LEE-PHILPOT, St. Luke’s House [email protected] (Day off Monday) 01323 893391

Children & Family Missioner Tim Fudge [email protected]

Parish Office: St Leonard’s Church Hall, Church Lane, East Sussex, BN25 1HL [email protected] 01323 894216

BOB GEERING, Sunday leaflets (Monday & Friday mornings) 01323 894216 [email protected]

Readers KATE RANGER, Wheelgate Cottage, Homefield Rd, BN25 3DG 01323 899300 RON DALTON, 3 Chyngton Road, BN25 4HA 01323 890937 WENDY OGILVIE, 76 Sutton Road, BN25 1SX 07779 248730 ALAN THOMAS, 39A Chyngton Way, BN25 4JD

Churchwardens FRED BASS, White House, 130 Firle Road, BN25 2JD 01323 893054 BOB CARRINGTON, 85 Steyne Road, BN25 1AJ 01323 896014

Deputy Wardens for St Leonard’s Church JANET KENT, 12 Grosvenor Road, BN25 2BL 01323 490050 DAVID ELLIOTT, 35 Belgrave Crescent, BN25 3AU 01323 894606

Deputy Wardens for St Luke’s Church JACKIE BAKER, 85 Walmer Road, BN25 3TP 07763 686978 CAROLYN PLOWMAN

Parish Treasurer STEPHEN GAUNTLETT, contact via Parish Office or [email protected]

Safeguarding Officer RUTH SAUNDERS [email protected]

Hall Bookings for St. Leonard’s and St. Luke’s BOB GEERING, [email protected] 01323 891393

The Magazine Editorial [email protected] Subscriptions and Distribution: DAVID BRAMLEY 01323 892883






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