sssu i,iiiiHeuiii DISPATCH. Oi?ptf|i. · 2017-12-18 · ,I BI"aBBBBBBBBB-a_BBBBBBBBBi "iki OOWAKOIM...


Transcript of sssu i,iiiiHeuiii DISPATCH. Oi?ptf|i. · 2017-12-18 · ,I BI"aBBBBBBBBB-a_BBBBBBBBBi "iki OOWAKOIM...

Page 1: sssu i,iiiiHeuiii DISPATCH. Oi?ptf|i. · 2017-12-18 · ,I BI"aBBBBBBBBB-a_BBBBBBBBBi "iki OOWAKOIM * BABIMBBALBY. unr-IHB OAICY DfKPATO_ Is served to sue JT,,., »»-rnric»»r»



JT,,., »» -rnri c»»r» fSB WfBB. peysbl* to_, Carr-sv w*s*'V- I*ri<*1*ri <* fl " r "»*?*?»*. W a y*SI._*B hv»Is inw-i.s it- advance._rrHK SKMI WMRKI.V DrSPATOBIs hsnsd__L Ti ss >*r and st 93, *n advance.

X WKKKI.Y DIHPATOB Is Issued scsryj^7? f -mtma'led tr sabwrlbers at tt per anm.

TOBACCO af>a_Al__U_.i~7_, n A K*s ?

I) vie have about M.OM CIOARS,\L _m sn.l f>> " ,, > wh,<* h w * will sell on fa->___ ~r mK lg doa**__, __-i-.i stcchet Mtnfd TOBACCO,h.* 1 \ iMiLKSoN A WILLIAMS,T v |Vs. JtXPawsew, 7th, belowHyrd street_^7^-

_i^.M tTI * N. ..

»»Vl|i M. til...AM rAUTUBED lUßAtlcoiyj AND SNUFF.

. r,»., Sstsreafl Mwa a-.d *-r*nklln.Bichmond, V.i jitna.

D.r-rrr* n»t BBS man-factnre of Tob*e«.is ! ;.i*f'r '"" :- : *_____' *oo»lttbe att{*n. . ... _is trhde. aii'. al! dealing to pnrrhsso ;o

__rar*srt-d *

, <' T.ißtCi;oS. pnt up withZ*M ssre in BS» :.icKagi»*, cccalsung cf \u2666, i, j-?"??*"" Af.SO-

F T .VK SMOK'NO TOBACCO,,1 sad bait* BSd ,>.»prrs. and bag* of _-' andII tahS ra.t., wl.Uh ttis Klv.-n unlvfrsai MB-B-'* ii'

? are * ' "rps)r*d iv ihe mauufocture of_*._-?! * BBOBl«_


BXI IJ f>.t'tnr.cb Ki«pp»»

Msreaboy,ond Hootch,

f... Borll "ot ths r-'.i.. *> ft the Trads.if- a . ucdera i.rociptly aitendcd to.

!v-. Tit El NOTlOEl! i?\u25a0. sr «- I.'u-lfer

MATCIIKS.r- Ki.iainick

KMOKING TOBACCO.eo.ooj<",-r.tilDo Ha\a_a CIGARS,

f't-t*rior tiraeds:too.<>«oo

Domestic aad Bsrmsa CKIABS,I \u25a0 ' 1 highest gtsdSS.-, _sr with the largest and cheapest stock

csEwnra TOBACCOSr:iti-t ranging {mm l*| to 75 c*nts per

s-ii. -< ar.d other Italsea \u25a0 111 find .t t 1 theirfmehege Is gi»e as scali b?f.>ro purchasing, as, «. n BStaplstS iaev*>ry particular. BBd we

L ,-r <:rraiined not to b undersold by any hjuae

rl b\ bl utbern Confe.l«rsey.J. X B'TXREBS _ CO,

VI -salede.iier Ir. Tobaico Cigars,* Brindm. aboveeer !-th.

gVi roB aruff.

B« bases st :OT( 'H SB IFF, -is :Kiditie k Mcllwaine's,Siiii:h i.g-rtoa'J,Jjoe* A iludso-'s.

- Is byU\u25a0 ILWAINE, SCN A CO.,

fu J . :* Peter-burg.rpoHAI OO 5 It'HK, 14S Main street, east_

Seor 11 ike Ti-'i-ifru-jh office.?Ths under»,-i.tK; I\u25a0' me *a> a tine assortment of Chewingar,j Smoking TQBS UCO, Havana and medium~._?.> OIOAIB, PIPES, PIPE STEM3, Ac, at*ti:nf».e Jir.d retail_' I

* FISHER A WIT.LIAMSBBANUFAOTUBKD ToBACCO.t . i rapply of fine fancy brands TOBAOOO,

«-.- ? '\u25a0 r juiers ol Ihe army, ou cousigimicnt,Is by SAM'I. D. HICKB.

)*3o?ln* Shock oe Slip.T* _.Olill>A H_AF TOBACCO. """"

Tb» _ offer fur sale two hundred thoumhi r i -l' Florida Leaf Tobacco, suitable forti BSBafßetera of floe cigars, both fillers anderst; ?--

V>> are .he agents for the sale of the Florida Toa*tc.\ iic'i ociinft from the planters direct, nionuBSBnsa _1 speculators cannot faß »i make anyBBdiaa tbsywish. The sooner applications orewad., liie better 8. WYATT A CO.,No. lfi.'l Fast Bay, Charleston, s.' i?lro*

»AS.~_77ri;RKESS_ (;(>.,


k tl i '7 Hroad sr., AJovn 888888 »TH,Wbolasala cic_wr« inTOBACCO, CiGARS, SNUFF,PJPKS, )','sin s-ii >,Ecy,

? IKInR HOLU_RS and CASES,, M*. TOHBS, Ac, 4yc, AcBjleUi*: with s general Asset .meat of _ ANtr.KH _iSpertsa_Bctotha business. The b_bb_Bß

, *c "'. barer*, solicited.J. E. BUBRESS A CO.,iO7 Broad stre«t, above 9thJ. E. Httaaßss,

B. J. SCBBBB. |a3?lm__kvawt*_ io it ib i m:.

ytOF.OES FOB bave for hire the following descriptionifS-kVAMTS, via:

I':, imbermaids, Washers and Irouers;U hi, Washers, and Ironers;Blacksmiths, Carpenters ;H imskers, Hricklayers;

i, Yard Htinds,. Laborers ;V,', d-f'hoppers, Drivers;Farm Hands, Factory Hands.

A isveral superior Diving-Room Ser-tthle. CLOPTON A LYNE,Cor. Franklin and Wall sts.,_B****** Up stairs.

T? 1!- SALS?A valuable Teamster and r_r_P ,i7years old. Apply tof* M *« B. A COCKE._

_U_LJ_in i-:kV __-¥_» WEWBIae_.I SfoBTANf NOTtOB To~ *

1 THU LADIES OF RICHMOND.PIADAME ijAHBIOT, from Paris,Late of N-w Orlnans,HVn her servioHH ia the capacity of ttepairing

\u25a0 IhSßcsi skiilfnl manner, LADIES' L'NKN,\u25a0 mathmamtata all dercriptlon, at tha thortest

fi.-Sice.Also, if bfoagbt by ladies or servant girls, Oen-?)\u25a0 B I Uses «i'l be neatly mended.vsrj soliciting the patrpnage of all,«s» residence on Brer d street, No. 204, between

_»sasj \ trseta. ja-.B?l_t"\\; UEELEB A WII.SUN StiwlWO- D-A*V* CHINKS?*J*«**«B a WILSON'S SEW INO MA-

repaired nod kept In order.\u25a0BaDLM aid SILK on hand.?!, 'r" cki| i-wid Family Sewing done by Miss3 hYONB,No in M_n street, over the siore,i-rot-'e.,.,;. M. Price's._*-» .-rt [, attended to. I* 18?3m*

*. s» i j _ ai;iy iB^B*iT~Z~Tr*.-i'l-ill. BSBUBO HIGH SOIIOOL,T K\k OIBLB,WM. B. JOHNSON, Pbincipal.

> Mat session ot this School will*"?M*ce on tin- ir ib of February next, and_71,

"W racßths.f«':'jiii!«-rcf HOARDERS Is limited to_t i_SL* ftU °On»sel Teachers lsemployed,Ikri °* w ''-h tDe Principal.

: /',"a _\u25a0 ?W be t-e_t, on-application, toJ»rick,burg, Va.? t__! w MB. JOHNSON, Princpal.pOAtIiINQ aND_L>AY SCHOOL,1 '

_ KOR YOUNG LADIES,JfremUfn atraat, stsassa 3_ and 4M

T?«_. <?*' ° U,P? (daughters of the late'Meter V.,''''' n; °P° nod School on the Ist of

I !____.' f M,nn"- ?*?*. w,u he sent to thoss|3=y___; i__!___l_

Basssi .i- |

*ale _? TAttBHD BOPB

Wtirfc-n v. . - .36 Broad street,,"* D lß ' k'teet and Brooke Avenue..-J* 3_l f



laa m JA»E\S _ FHENOH,"** Li&hiiner in the U. S. Patsmt-Offlce.\u25a0_____rroe*r> - 1 and nll business with thesar *'* Promptly attended to._U.___

( 'or*J«rof Hank and 11th streeu.i^--6 -JL° l_ p--2-3m»} )j« I' _ QOBKfI, ~


iC,OO ° SETTLE OOajTs, for *ale by-1.--* _


~ ? V*'B "?\u25a0 gb*l'r"«"*«l. Va700 Ofifa BIIICKS _VL»B,tt«wL l _;aM? 1 v«n superior BRIOBS, wblob

.U>w - b » ?*rt >' »PP*leaUoß to me iaB S__bs ..


\u25a0 *? EDDIB&'» mJ ?, ?*?? prsaend Bricks.

\v ? <> '. > *-- ?

%?*%?*-- r, ~ _______*_ *"^

. _ss_^__npßs;'i , «|u»i'VOTIdB _J.** J*a fed. ifAf. {

gag bbWbWrf^T_!_, _fil* ?« -,,


*?? ?*?*? ?_\u25a0" e ** si <V> cftp. properly \u25a0 iSwtbißsfl



FROM TE**KMMI.E.An Interesting Story?The Late DefM?Faith in

the Success of our Cause.

[00BRBB_ OHDBHCB or TBB BICBBOBD DISPATCB ], Trnb., Jan. 30, 16«2I yesterday conversed with a young man

in the Oeneral Hospital at this placo, whosestory Is Interesting. His name is W. LKichardson; he is a native of Choctaw eonn-ty, Mississippi he waseighteen years old tbeSih of last September. Some two years agobe left, home and proceeded to St. Lonis toengage in tbe service of a fur company, andgo on an expedition to the Eoeky MountainsFailing in this, he went up into Minnesota]and settled near St. Paul. When the presentwar broke out he started back to MississippiArrivingatSt Joseph, Missruri, he was aa?*>>le to g*t further; he volunteeted in t* cNorthern srmy, expecting 'o be sent to Forismith, Arkansas, aud in fending to desertfrom tn.t place nud mia-e his w.<y to Mississippi. He was attached to tbe '-Id Missiumrwgimenf, ttol Martin, lnstsad of going toFort Smith, tbis regiment was ordered, vi*Coluniuui*, obio, to Western Virginia, andformed partot tne command ol Oeu.

Het_ys be was in tbe battle of ttarnafaxFerry, or Uauley Cliffy, as it is called ty theFederals. I questioned him particularlyiibout this engagementand Its results to theLincoln army. He affirmed thatJtosscraajlost eighteen hundred allied in the r-attle.He said many plticed it at twenty.two bun-dred, but the common estimate was theformer number. I luterrosated him two orthree times on this point, and he was distinctand emphatic in making the abovestatemen f .

1 then Inquired how many were wouudeuTHe siid tbe number was very large?thattroin that point burg to Charleston, a dis-tance of thirty miles, every house along theroad was lilled with the wounded,, peoplebeing .urned out ol doors to make room forthem.Yon may estimate these statements atwhatyou think they are worth. If I remember,the Dispatch at one time expressed an opinionthat the Federal loss in tbat battle was vastl ,greater than reported and commonly believedto be. In the table publishedivyour columnsa few dajs ago, their killed are put down atUa, and wounded at 2.">0. Their aggregate10-ses duringthe war are flgure.i np at 4,825killed in battle, and 7,614 wounded. Where-as the New Yorg Times places their losses atll.tKKt billed, and iT_ooo wounded. The obvi-ous inference is* that in many instances wehave greatly under-estimated tbe numberwhich they have lost.This young man sold Bosecrans had inthat expedition eighteen regiments, and thathe employed -»lev.v of them lv the aitack onFloyd's areas. He says they advanced sevenlimes against the latter* breastwork?, andthat, being stationed on tbe sloe of U-auleymountain, on Kosecrans's left, be witnessedlive ol the charges.. Alter the firing ssased.the Federal Oeneiiil retlredabjutfour nil e6,ami sent a force of several regiments to goround (Jauley mountain, by old Mr Oooseberry's, and come down the river, uponFloyd's rear. Tho distance to be gone overwas about 11 miles; but before they could ac-complish the march, Floyd was gone. Theday after tbe battle, he was within Floyd'sevacuated fortification, but saw no blood, ortraces ofmen having beenkilled aid WoundedThe breastwork, aoont six hundred yards inlength, Te.iched from (fauley river acr. ss abottom to Q-auley mountain, on the rightHe admired the position very much, and alsothe militarycharacter of Oen. l-layd, whombo considered more than a matcb for Rosecrans. Beferring to him. he siid, "I wonldlike to bs nnder that man. I would be wil-ling to light under him as long as the warlasts. 1 would as soon risk him as any oftbem." A siinilv feeling, 1 iind, prevailswith tbe volunteers encamped here. Theythink Floyd would be the man to retrievetbe Fishing creek disaster, repnlse the ad-vance otttie Federalists in to Bast Tennesseeand leatl our forces to victory.

The young Mis-sissippian, after an unsuc-cessful effort to desert, tucc»ededon a secondtrial. He nude his way through South vrext-ern Virginia into Tennessee, was arrestedand taken to Cumbetltnd Oap, then broughtto this place. He soon enlisted as a recruitfor acompany in tbe barbor of Charleston,S. O The day before he was to start be wisattacked witb typhoid fever, from which hois just recovered. When fully able, he willjoiahis company.

Wltfi reference to the recent defeat in Ken-tucky, everybody deploies it, but the puolicmind baa quieted and resnrced a tone of con-fidence All accounts, both Southern andNorthern, agree onr menfought well Thosewho left the ranks ami dispersed after <io_-lng tbe river are being collected together andsent back to rejoin their communis Withable \u25a0 eneralt-hip. thorough, effective drilliugand discipline,efficient men in the Uu-irter-inusterand Commissary Departments,sobrie-ty and temperance among officers and privates, and the help of Ood, our forces willbe invincible and victorious. a. II


Flo'id end Buckner?The Vnionitte in BowingGreen?Plenty of Everything? Congrctrwnn IElection-Re*ieire, tee.


BrsstxLviiLi, Kr., Jan. 57,1602.Russell vlile, situated in "a low, green val-

ley," twenty-eight miles from BawlingGreen, and two hundred and thirty milesfrom Memphis, by railway, Is a town con-taining three thousand Inhabitants, andnoted as the place where tbe ProvisionalGovernment »vas pnt on its legs. For tbepresent, it is the beidquarters of GeneralsEbiyd and Bnckner. There is a large armyhere, the tents being pitched for miles alongthe rnilroad, which touches thewestern partof the town. As in other localities Wheretroops have been massed, there is a perfectequee/e here, all tbe available space in thehotels and private house* being fullyappro-priated But notwithstanding the absenceof comfort, one feels more at home in Russell-ville than in Bowling Green. In the latter,the people are cool in their treatment ofSouthern soldiers, or at best, only tolerablytcllte and attentive. The truth is, that be-fore Gen. Jihiisons army went to BowlingGreen tbe bulk of the inhabitants sympa-thized witb the Union cause of Lincoln. Apoweifulreaction nas taken place within tbelast two months, and those who still cling totbe "flesh pots of Egypt" are as mute asparticular mice. The ladies, Ood bless tbem,are outspoken for the South. Here, ourfriends are not few or far between. Theyspeak out and act out manfully. Hencethere is a feeling among the soldiers thatthey are in tbe midst of tbe best and thebravest of Kentuckians.

There areplentyof the very finest artilleryhere tbat are ln tbe service?plenty of thebest borses?plenty of soldiers to whip twicetheir number of "Yanks"?plenty to eat andwear. The mules that pull the transporta-tion wagons are, beyond all doubt, unequal-led by any tn the Southern array.I give you tbe result of the election formembers of Oongress, as far Is now known.U »pt. Robert J. Breckinridge, son of thePresbyterian minister vtho thinks tbat wo-men and children ought to be butcbered ifnecessary to crush tbe rebellion, is elected intbe Ashland District. He is a gallant gen-

tleman,and will take a highstand in Con-gress. The two Hruces are elected in theseventh and ninth districts. Boyd is electedin the first and Crockett in the second. Inthe third, it is doubtful between Hawes andBead. Ia tbe fourth, Earing is elected by alarge majority, and Burnett gets tbe returnIn tbe filth, byan overwhelmingvote. Tbedelegation is regarded as an able one, and Itwill faithfullyrefiect the will of the State-nithts people of "Old Kentuck."

Yesterday was spent by Generals Floydand Buckner inreviewing troops. The dis-play was Imposing,and the Oeneral in com-mand wis well pleased with tbe thorougbtraining and preparation for marching oitbe variousbrigades. TheSecoi d Kentuckywas the observed ofall observers. Composedchiefly of the old Kentucky State Ouard,and commanded by Col. Hanson, a most capItal officer and brave mast, tbe regimentevinced a proficiency in drill.and a soldierlybearing wbich would reflect credit upon theveteran regiments of France. Gen. Floydwas evidentlygreatly gratified b> their ap-pearance as they passed in review. ColonelHanson will make a figure with his regi-ment wherever he engages the enemy. Markthat!

When we will leave this place, is unknownto me. I get no Dispatch, and hear nothingfromVirginia except through the Nashvillepapers. The election of Mr. Hunter to tbeSenate gives great satisfaction, as does alsothat of Mr. Preston. Since the death of Mr.Tyler, the impression is universal thatHon. Trios. S. Bocock will be elected Speakerof tbe House without serious opposition.?His elevation to a post for which he Is so ex-cellently well qualified will be a suitablerecognition of the consistent record of Mr.Bocock,and an appropriate tribute to Vir-ginia, whose sacrifices for this war are al-ready matters of hls'ory. Occasional.


_. i *^?--~? ?_?____-,_???_?_?_


Vnr ___ I H4,,?V". BEBBIOO, Obaßl BSifSi! _*"-. **\u25a0\u25a0*. Jabbs Ottr, Yoaa, Waa-u »__t- B Bm «*-"* , « Oirr, iid tbb Cms* orBioßaoßo am* WitLuasscae i In response*_?


mad _?n "??\u25a0\u25a0 «\u25a0? I>i«P*tch of the?yli" ,l 'j V,*iB »"P«»s*oewlt_ Em wishes5_ ÜBd '' l ?anoanoeaiyeelf acandi-*ufa_eratctC^i.ll#Pr#,"tatiT# ln th "

Doubting my qualifications for a seat Inoongress. while holdinga commission in thearmy, and feeling the force of Ue objectionsmade to officers of tne army becoming candi-dates for Oongress, I bays this day resignedmy commission.should It be your pleasure toelect me, 1shall serveyon to tbe best of my ability;bntshould your choice fall on any of the worthygentlemen opposed to me, I shall return,with pleasure, to pursuit* more congenial tomy taste*, more conducive to my interests,and better suited to my health, t&an thoselnwhicb I am at present engaged.


Yorktnwn. Jan 31,1861. f* s? tde

MWPWg ITKATBB, *..T OS T- --*-?-. .?

ftT_Vh~_.e <,tW_'n L'r - Hoges Church ands_____?*__? on Bllo day evening, tbe 26th of.' HDi-RrV, fill

?,_._ EYE «f LAS S ,In gold frameThe n«der wilt he liberally rewarded byleavingit at tbe Dispatch oftloe.*

JtiZ2 ';! K'J BAlßtt.| Off, STRAYED.OKSTOLEN-A liverJLj colored or red POINTER DOG, with

\u25a0»hit* breast, and all four feet white; about 1*months old; answers to the name of "Jib "

!__*_s_ n br**" «°»lar, with the name of*_____sß f/__*-'. Wany xb ?** and a liberalreward, If required, will be paid by apply.Ini_ l4°«. F. P. WINsTON,ii4-2'* Bichmond.I ?__SJ_£_ S .s___-' ?**»*\u25a0?. - FBEEl_ PAPt.HS They were in a tin box Areward of ti will be paid on their delivery attbis office. HfcVEHLY roULEN,________

__A freeman of cot*»r.

I o."' _££_***\u25a0? m* ,tore " n(1 25 ih street,._&Jf *°< X '° ,,


l,ulD* a list of negroes___

_^T, K.,

N-i- bDPy for ,he years IS.*,im, andlvm. The finder will be suitablyrewarded by delivering it to m*.. ***-\u25a0<*\u25a0 R OAUTHOBIt.STRAYKD OB .STOLEN?On Fridaynieht last, ou Miin street, my hOR*SEand BUGGY The Horse is a large bob-tailed Hay. ths Huggy is a sliding one. oon-vertifjt- into «. tonr-eeated Rockaway

fe 4-3 ? JOHN WILDER ATKINSON.F\OUt*ij?b\ ?

TWENTY-DOLLAR BILL,at the Georgia !Iou«e, which tbe owner canhave by -proving property and paying forthis advertisement. fe4-31»«a OUND-A ~~ ~

r CLOTH GAPEOla Military Ov-rcoat, which Hit owner canhave by paying lor this advertisement. Ap-ply at ttiis. office. fe 4__t.

1 »»> ani.cked d'.wn In his? iKi. hmond,) on t>e evni.ig uf the 2<-th SH._d rsftbsd sfBBstrl (S7O) seventy do'lar-, my fur.l snd Transforation Ticket. Anyinfonnati. v wb;ch will cdahle tr.e to recover my proneitvwill be tcankfullyreceived byJAMES HICKS.Pnvat*. Cornpanv ' 8.." Ist Regiment ArkansasVonnfeers. near Fredericks burg, Virginia.fp .'I - .'l;*-

Ij*uL>D? On Franklm St., o small BKKAHT--I'IN, which thaownTcan hove by desbribingthe sami- and paj ingfor this ad vertl-.ert t-utf" :t-:ir * WM P. TAYLOR.O T-\ TRUNK «.>6 HKWaRD.-OntheM:h of De-emher lost, a large TRUNK,marked _ T. Davis, Winchester, was lo.tsow-where on the Railroad probably at Mono*-»H3 Station. AKects and Baggag* Masters willplease look out for said Tni. k and If found,"rite to j MJCiUS DAVIS.ja3l?(it* Boi l.t, Hichmind, Vs.

SPRAY HOtfiß -tiu Wednes. ay, the i«d ia-stant, o bright c orrel Ii«RSB. blsre facefour whit, feet and nine years old last pring,was taken from th* picket rtpes near th-cittreservoir, ana has rot since been heard of I willgive a reword of $i0f?r his return to GeneralWiNiiEK, in t! ii city.WM. J. FtKHR, tit Jr Lieut.,Capt. McOomas'g company, Wise Legion.

TOUT? COUPONS.?Lost in transmission by_ mail to Choriottosville, Va , the following

Coupons of ihe Orange and Alexandria RailroadCompany;

Eo TU to 730 Inclusive, S4O each B-J4O 00M 64 to M " 20 " 60 00

is'tOO 00Interest payable In May and November, at NewYork. All persons are cautioned not to buy ortrair for them, as the same will not be paid,

ja 2'J-ts 0. W.PURCBLLfcOO.

LOST? es/i REWARD?Between the FirstMarket and Brooke Avenue, aBLACK BAO,

Containing two Account Books and sundrypapers. Iwill give the above reward for theiraollvery to me, atI-oa. 17 and 19, First Market.

, de 31?ts JOHN LINDSEY.


A CANDIDATE. 'To the Voters of the Metropolitan Congressional ,

District:From aa Interchange of opinionwith manyof ray fellow-citizens,-I find a large majorityof them in favor .of a new shnfflr tor can- ',dldates for the position made vacant by tbelamented John Tyler.

Without intending any disparagement tothe talents of either Mr. Lyons or Mr. Mac-farland, (the defeated candidates at the lastelection,) 1 will call attention to the meagrevote received by those gentlemen as an evi-dence of their strength wltb the people. ,With this view of the case, and at the earnestsolicitation of many true friends, wbo havestood by me In good and evil report, I bereby 1announce myself a candidate for Congress jIn this limited space, It will be impossible ,for me to fully present my views upon themomentous questions and events that nowagitate the publicmind; expecting, as I do, to ipresent myself to tbe voters of the districtat the various court-bonses and camps, Ishall content myself at present by briefly 'stating my position.

Firstly ?1 am in favor of an offbhpivktv_a, carrying it to the very hearth-stones of ,our enemies, asking nor giving quarter tonone, dealing our blows thick and fast, untilthe Yankee nation shall cry " Hold, enough." ">

Secondly.?l shall advocate the passage ofabill which shall make It Imperative that allanmarried menshall enlist for the war; andany deficiency arising from thatsource sballbe made up from married men without chil-dren ; and, furthermore, that the monthlypay of the" soldiers sball be increased to an iamountsufficient to supply them with all the 'actual necessaries of life.

Thirdly.?l am in favor of all measurestending to develop the manufacturing and iagriculturalresources of our beloved South;In fact, all measures wbich separate us for*U time from that nation of mountebanks re- isldlhg over the "Scsqckhabha." iI am yours, respectfully, iMABTIN MEBEDITH LIPSCOMB.fel?t_e«

BBfl-ÜBDH-f, J-auABY *». IMS. jeg-*- TO WM H. MACFAB LAND, Esq.? "m\J Dbak SlB : A vacancy having occurred inCongress by tbe death of Mr. Trass, we re-spectfullyrequest that yon will announce your-self a candidate. >


of Richmond Howltters,P A. HAS ALL,1. H. WALKE,


For themselves and others.Richuomi, January «8, 1868.

Gknti.bmeii: Sincerely grateful for tbe callwhicb you, and many others of my fellow-cltl-sens, bave made npon me, I do not hesitate to an-nounce mysslf a candidate to represent ourDistrict in CONGRESS My duties it Congresswill not permit me to go through tne District, a*uuderother circumstances I wonld gladly do. Icontent myself with announcing my inextin-guishable devotion to onr cause, ana tneternalseparation from the people beyond tbe Basque -hannsb.

Yonr friend and fellow-citlsen,_.ia__? ts WM H. M* OP ABLANDta-z. JAMEB LYONS, Stat.?V POB CONGRESS,Prom tbe Richmond District, composed of tbecities o' Richmond and rg, the connties of Henrico, Eanovcr, New Kent, CharlesCity, Elisabeth Ui'y James City, Warwick, andYork. Bl botioh Khh Feb'y ta 31?10t»__aTO THE VOTBBS OF THB CITY OF?X/ RICHMOND?L. M. JUDB, tbe Clerk oftbe Night Watch wIU be voted for as CAPTAINof tbe Night Watch, to take the placeof tbe lateA. Wilkinson, and will be supported by ManyVotersof this city. jaS9?lm*

Richmond, Jaa 82 184-2JAMES LYONS, BiiQ..?Okab SIR: ArnKj vacancy having occurred In the represen ?

tatlon of this district, by the death cf cur late dis*tiuguisbed Representative, John 'tyler, we re-qnest yon to announce yourselfas a candidate tonil it.

Very respectfully, yourob't servants,Wm G. Crenshaw, John Ahem,Tbos. W. Doswell, C. Stebbins,B. T Winston, Jos. Doerfllnger,Wm. Taylor, and many others.

Richmood, Jan. 22, 1862.To Messrs. Wm. G. Crenshaw, Thomas W. Doe

well, B. T. Winston. William Taylor, JohnA hero, 0. Stebblns, Joseph Doerfllnger, andothers:GEBTLEMIir: Yournotecf this data, requesting

me to announcemyself as a candidate for Congross, baa ju«t been received, and. In compliancewith your request, with many lhaoka fir yourkindness, I now announce myself a candidate.

Moat respectfully, yonrs,|a 28?2w» JAMBS LYONS.

IIAIUIWAKi;, \u25a0ROISJ.d-S.TUST RECEIVED? A large stock of low-

priced KNIVES and FORKS, BntcheiKnives, Shoe Knives, Ac.

A LSI)?Low-priced Pid-Lncks, Ohest,Cupbond, and Till LOOKS, besides a fullstock of general HardwareJOHN N. VAN-LEW,

___4_~_. No - "4 Maill street

IT ABD WARE.1,800 pounds Coil Chain.

1!.io pair Trace Chains.W Log, Lock, and Fifth Chains.600 lbs. Rope, I toll.

1(1 doz. Shovels and Spades.ti doz. Coal Scuttles.M gross Carriage Knobs.

,0o sets Wagon Poxes, I to b inches.Cross-Cut Saws, Hatchets, Hammers.Chisels, Augurs, Nuts, and Washers.

Forsaleby MEBANE A SUBLEIT,JaßOg tit Danville, Va.



RKMOVED from our old pt»co to Wm. It. Cook j-'h.p, Hth street, above Ma;t>. whore we keep oahand a good assorted stork of FILES ABDB ASPS.

MTRe-cuttlna of Old Piles dons forcustomer*te »t I?.* '.*r* a -rrrrrvsis

-OOPPEK.?The nnderTined, Agent* of tb»f_7. UNION CONBOLI DATED GOPPEJMINE, of Tennessee, have rust received a supolvof pti-o IKGOT COPPER which they offer Cotsale In lots to suit purchase-*

1% 1 1 i»a n:i«' a nii'Vttutro »

FMiR SALE.?Military aAOU ._._. L soles1 Saddles, gentlemen's Saddles, Wagon Kad-dies. Bridles, Bitte, Whips. Spurs, Cruppers*Btirrae*, Moss Mats for the Salrile, Harries* Bac-kles, Euameied Leather, Kodd'e Trees, Shoe andSaddlers' Thread, Carriage, Buggy and Cart Har-ness, Trace Chains, Collars, Hames, CarriageKnnhp, by J-W. DENNIS,

KUh St., a fnw doors below tbe Lin patch Office.fgr WANTED?Two Hsnds immtdiately

* _ -TUFhS, Ao?~

26 bbls. Chipped LOO WOOD.0 do. COPPKB AS

600 yds No. 4 1-ORAY CLOTH.1000 ARMY BLANKETS.

For sale byCRENr-HAW A CO-

fe 4?Bt Agents Crenshaw Woolen 00.iMJK SALE? " '


Sloat'6 patent. It is in grod order and hasbeen used about four months. Inquire at109 Main street.


two bushels DRIED PEACHES,In store and for sale on consignment, by

fe4?2t t SlMlTT** A HARVKY.VOl'luK All persons having claims againstfi the Estate of ALEXANDER STIRLIBO,

deceased, ar well as those indebted, wdl pleas*present tbesame to Mr.B. B. Cook for settlement.

EMILY J. STIRLING,Administratrix of tbe Estate of

_____2*?lm »Inlander Htlrlln. dao'd

~| H STEVEN_ A CO., ENVELOPE? I . MANUFACTURERS, CHARLOTTE,N O ?We are now manufacturing ENVE-LOPES on an extensive scale bymachinery,and ere prepared tofamish any amount, .11

reasonable terms. « ash orders from thetrade respectfully eoli cited and promptly at-tended to. J H STEVENS,ja3Q-aw» w. H. SQHUTT.

< . M..L.M inn it.irvru _'i> niiM'iv

FROM rtOKFOI.ftc.Runaway Negroes?'?Bohemian" Gone to North

Carolina?The News, <Ye.[special cobbbsposdbbcs or thb dispatch.

Nobpolk, Feb. 3, 1662.I learn that more slaves effected their es

cape last weeK from Norfolk county. Tfieybelong to farmers residing on or near Tan-ner'screck. They doubtless get offat nightIn boats sufficiently large to cross the Roadsand land tbem at or near Fortress Monroe.The loss ot valuable negro men falls heavilyupon the gentlemanlyand kind-hearted farmere and gardeners In th* section of tbecounty above mentioned, and prompt andjudiciousmeasures should at once be takento prevent slaves from getting off by waterto tbe forts and vessels of the commonsnemy.

The deluded negroes, thus leaving tbeirbest friends and comfortable homes, wheretbey are fed, clothed, and allowed nil reasonable privileges, vainly suppose that theywill fare better, and be more favorably situ-ated, under the protection of the Yankees,than at home, where they have been rearedand provided for. And notwithstandingthereliable statements relative to the strict rulesto which they bave to submit, and the rigidand inhospitabletreatment tbey receive aftertbey get within tbe enemy's lines, it is be-lieved that these stampedes will continueunless a thorough look-out be kept along theshors, and especially near the moutba ofTanner's and Mason's creeks.

Considering tbe fact that some of the ne-gro men wbo have gone off to Old Point wereheld in high estimation by tbeir Indulgentowners, wbo, in some cases, placed great con-fidence in their fidelity, ana that negroes ar*not apt to originate or to form among them-selves any well-devised plan or carefully-concerted movement, it ls not Improbabletbat their credulous minds bave been poi-soned, and that they have been prompted andadvised by abolition traitors wbo have com-tminlcated with them, and who are acting inconcert with seme of the fanatics connectedwith theFederal forces at Old Point or elsewhere.

Your gentlemanlyand talented correspond-ent "Bohemian," left our city yesterday morn-ing for North Carolina, havingtaken passagsln a steamer that will go up the {southernbranch of the Elizabeth, and through the Al-bemarle and Chesaoeake Caral, thence outInto the sounds of the Old North State. Itisprobable that he will visit some prominentpoints, from wbich you will no donbt receivesome interesting and judicious letters rela-tive to tbe movements ot the enemy, besidessome well written descriptive sketches of thesection of Rorth Carolina now menaced bythe Yankee lorces that arestriving to "possessthe land."

We have no late news here from the NorthCarolina coast. What 1 know of onr armymovementsrelative thereto, I will no;staw*.It is not improbable that the enemy willshortly attack Boanoke Island, and if suc-cessful, which ls by no means certain, anattemptwill be msde to take possession ofElisibetb Oity, and other small towns onthe sounds and rivers, it is also b*U*v«*dbysome persona that Bare side's intention Is,it possible, to concentrate a large force inthe aeighbsrhood of Elizabeth Oity, andthence march towards Norfolk for thspurpose of an attack in ths rear. Thla,however, ia very doubtful; ana it* ia pro-bable That* the crippled fleet, with all Ueshivering Hessian troops, will accomplishbat little more thaa the stealing of a fewnegroes, and the plunderingat unprotectedpoints of the barns, smoke-houses, and hen-roosts, of the thrifty farmers in the produc-tive sec ion of Carolina, which tbsy are soanxiouslyhopingto possess, wtthoat sert /asInterruption. Tbat they will have a hardroad to'ravel fin gaining any decisive Tie-tory, is perfectly evident to all who know thecharacter and spirit of the people of thatregion, and especially ths man of andactioa who conmsnds our brave troops oetasse sd.Tlaow fsll here this aioruiaf tor aboat twoknars, aad then chshtsd te Mia, ths wtadhkrwiag ft** the Bast, eatBet heavily

Ocreis seHiag eeroat Mist seats, aad thsdssß-ad, whish is principally lor amyper*pease, is readily as. by tiesupply.Groceries, , eve Btlll Toryhigh, aad avarart ielis Veri sOtfWB; Ml «oIjeet Ob***! uu um-j, pa« \m ifc» 3>*r.««


Bichmond, Va , Feb. j, 1562. >

XAKEN, by mistake, from the, geHotel, on Thursday, IT'd .Tantnry, a light>red LEATHER VALINE, marked '? U.

O. 1., Hillsboro', W. O."A reward will be paid for its deliveryat

this office. __i___*

TBE fEHeOM wh* tor-, a large size ColtsPistol (nrmv size) from P. H. TAYLOR 8

Music Btore, last .Saturday, had better return it,and saveJ» mselt trouble. fs.l?3t*

&10-UaO*t_sCHUtfE Xnu OIL WORKS.

'the above ronee_. is now roanufnctrtrine asd*perior article of MACMIMB OIL. wh'cb la b*lngextensively need by rabrosds. nuvhlae shops, andmanufactories in the Btste, and which Is warrant-ed to work well oa aay kind of machinery.

They also make a pure article of ABATB-POOT OIL.

They also make aa article of AXLB OBBASB,sultab c for railroad .cars, wsgcos, Ac Quartermasters, railroads, Ac., eaa be supplied ia sayrptantity

Inafewdayaws sball be prepared te fl'.l or-ders for all tbs different klads of ULUB.

TBs OU eaa h* bad st retail st tbs tin store ofMr. C H. LAHOiar, 13th street, betwoen Mainsad Oary where orders may be left, or address"P. O , Box 1577." HENY J. MAIQBB.

fs4*»*l«f Manufacturer.

1/ A SERMON,Preached in Camp, at Centrevilie, Virginia,byUmr. P. SLAUOHTEB. Chaplain of tbeli'tb Begiment Virginia Volunteers, con-densed by reauest into a Tract for thetimes; just published, and for sale by allthebooksellers iv the citym 080- J SOMBER,

Tract Depository, (Kversor at.,fst-fjt Jklw _ Main kud Praailin.rmixj^i^^mT^it WAsVi, at v7_Shs_B cad Bstsll. Me* 18

sssvs-ft&BS-U&s'iS;a sdfplyef mil %U ertldes ;

saHtfi fI

4» llO__ AMU HOOTS AT OOB'-'. »

Owing to the great difficulty In procuring somegraoes of Shoe*, except at a high co-1.1 bave coneluded to c.rse out tb* balance «i my stock nffchi-ei and Koots at cost frim this date. PersonsIn want of such goods wouldd jwell toavail r f this rare rhance by ea'ling soon at

' JOS 001 DSMITH'S, Mo. Broad St.,fe B- BtS Ketween Ist st. and Brooke Ay.

S~ EL_XnO OPS' TO CLOSE INKFdINOI still have on hand a lot of alngleand

double Bedsteads; oh«*ap Bureaus; Ward-robes?also, soma fie, Spring Chairs, Sofas,parlor Chairs, centre Tables. Sofa Beds,Bookcases, Sideboards, Extension Tables,.Cotton, Shuck and Hair Mattresses, all sixes.Also, a lot of Camp Forniture. chest Stools,Chairs, patent Cot*. Comforts, Pillows, Bol-sters, Ac , Ac , and jsany other useful arti-(clea, which I oansct aame, all of whicb I'will sell low for cask only Persons wishing;to buy will do well _? call and see for them-selves. H. OATIIEIOHT,

Oovsraor street,JasM?lW* t« and Franklin, rO OLDIKIU, A you"want'sO r*a! good aud si r-iMmb'* XNAKHACT, orWATBH.FBOOF C-ftT, QAPB, I.KUQINB,aAITBja,UAVJB-I_i.rtBLABBPt. Ac, gote lbs rt*AP*AC» fßWO fOntsrßol_&>UsstoJi7w_*rV #va etil IsT"Wisseert*Saastahsp. t_U_N* 4 trsafislsisappfcsd.

I^MM*_S_tßß__Mr, :ladwU_icfi.rvsi *

["iorrespocdense of he Rl _mond TMspitch ]Camp Nuct-Httlth uf the Troops?Manufactures,

he., ftc.Islb or Wiuht County, Va , >February 1, IS6J. <

There ts but little newe from the camps inthis county. There is but little sickness, andall are in buoyant spirits. General nols'ouis winning golden, opinions from all withwhom he comes ln contact. Young Crow-der, committed »or the murder of his com-rade, Sturdivant, at Camp Pemberton, is injail here awaitingfurther trial.

As an excep-ion to the almost extraordi-nary good health of the companies from thiscouuty, 1regret to learn that Capt. Barnesh»s lost six of bis men since tbe commence-ment of the new year, and that many oth?rcases of sickness still exist in their ranks.To such an extent, indeed, has their h«altUbeen impaired, by the unusual araouat ofduty they have performed at an ex-io«»ed anddisagreeable pos , that efforts are beiigmade to obtain a furloughfor the entire com-mand, to enable them to recuperate theirwasted eneigies. Another draftof tne nulltia for local purposes was made in thiscounty a few days .-inc<». Since then a stam-pede of negroes from the vioiuty ot Chueka-tuck has made the aecesstty ot these draftseven moreapparent thaa before.

The blockade is developingin our midst aspirit of mecnanical enterprise cheering toevery patriot heart. At Windsor, in tbiscounty, an extensive leather and shoe manu-factory, for Which a charter bas alreadybeen obtained, will soon be in operation ?

At the Logap cotton mills, near the Court-House, the proprietors have made a largeaccession to their force, and are turning outan immense quantity of yarn and variouskinds of fabrics. The mill_ ai Factory Hill,for some years idle, are being speedily re-paired by a Petersburg company, who areprojectingbxteu,*i-e imtrovemcnts, and willsoon bave tbem at work.

Pork ip selling for 8-1.18 to *12, though lnsmall quantities. A cargo of corn fromNorth Carolina I*. naJoedtag in the Black-water at G'J cents. Bustiers.

Trta Pi-bohas" or Tlossve ?From the tea*fayette (lnd > Journal, of Jan. 1?, we copy thelollowing:

Bsss Amy Barer tat* Bought tn aYßß_a.***Bs_basare puicnuseii at irom lour to six years ofaire, and must bn of .?'r«n<-h origin. The anlmal is brought to mo commandant of tbeallotted depot and submitted to his Inspec-tion, without sayprlre '>etng named. If tbscommandant finds bim BBaeiteeee, he Is atonce rejected ; if tbe < ontrary Is the case, heis brought before all the ..Nicer* of the depotfor a thorough examination Each officerthen writes bise-ttma ?? si thn value of theanimal on a slip ot pit- er. the j. -...

- are thenplaced in a hat and shaken s e,si th it theestimate of each officer may rot he known;ths mean of these estimates is then taken,and the commandant otters tbat price for theanimal. If ths owner accept* the offer, theprice ia paid at once ; if be refuses, the horseIs at once sent away, for no bargaining is al-lowed.

How Army Horses ere Bought in the United Statre.Horse* arepurchased at any age at whichtheycan be put through, ai.d ol any origin.No am maims brought to any commandintfor lnafMcnoo until the number of horses tobe brought le allotted to tbe different person*who are to bay them, at a person* 1 profitvarying from 80 to PCS on each bores. Tbsprice le fixed bofore any horse is permittedtobeasen, at pllo, 8119, and 0150 per horse,according to the locality and the nam* he iagoing to go under, Rf cavalry or artillery,aad must be paid. Bo boess la at once re-looted, unless brought forward by an irregu-lßrpcreoe. lbs firs 1 owner is an irrtfalarI** *__-""* *«M-. forward aclores is taasa tone la ipeetor.oi t»siosp*s*tor ts taken to hla, asdif he passse UMTallarte* is paid by th* Ooe£«M_&«_osriglaal owaerksvtstreeeieed ss sseda eahs Bat get. Be aargaialßj, cc betweea Ueorigins! owner aad the o£v>aaa*at, la al-lowsd. Xjtetba-iassstafTiqrm.tied mm*irrMaUi-lttH «l 4iw_muei»« Af? act mv«

- sssu -~_-._.. t-_T~.-^p J.-" i,iiiiHeuiii vi in inn ?\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 mji \u25a0

?-?- " ~ !




Hbado'bs H'strnr lews, /Camp Allegheny,Dec. J» b, i*'il J

Colonel : I have the honor BS submit 'he ;..l-lowiug report of the engagement with the»n*my which occurred at this place'oa the13 thir, stant.

On the 12th, I sent ont a scou'lug par'v of106 men, commanded by Hjsjorßoss, of the

52 t Virginia volnn eer-", with irsiru, tines »cambuscade a point on the pike BSSBBd CampBaxter, on Oreeubrie'-. tin the < fSsraeoa o<that day thj adv nc. d gnaril of the eiit-mvapproaefced, were fired into by 11 tj r Rosa'sommand, and many of them sillei or

wounded Immediately the nam body otth» ene ->y approach-ai in fore», deploy ed cadadvanced upon onrseouti. g P'rty, who r--tlred and came into ctmpthat sight Ontne morning of the 13'h. a») ut 4 A M, ]was araaasd by the < fttcer ot ibe day, wli .reported flrlnr' a» ihe advacceJ picke's onthe pike ia the direction of the enemy I mi -mediately turned out the wh .1- ofmy com-mand and prepared to mcc' ih-in1 ordo.-nl Hansborou.rii s battalion, theHist \irgima, commanded by IU jof Buykin,and Heuger's battalion, to occupy th»cr»-tof themountHin on the ris;ht to go *rd agnii st

? pproach from that quarter. Uo this billthere were uo defences. There were a rt cfields and felled timber bspoad whl .h r?Bch-edthecrest of the mountain. The emtnvadvanced to mir fron», and, coadacted by aguide, a Union man from Western Virginia,who was familiar with the roads and trailsin the vicinity, turned off troas ibo tarnpirsabout a mile fr,>m our position, near the »iaseof the uiouutain, and reached our ri.-ht by itrap which led into a road coniinir ii to theHeld slightly in our rear; as th'.-y aipron heilthis position, packets thrown out from Hausborough's battalion discovered Up rr aad re-ported them as advancing in strotig firce ?

About a <|iiarter past 7 A. M., the enemy advanced, and a t-rriflc Ire commenced. Theenemy on this- dank numbered fully two thou-aand. They were gallantlymet by <iv- troops,who did not exceed three hundred at tbi*time. Assoon ns 1 heard the fliintr, lor-d-red twi companies of the i2:b Qeergla,(H iwkius and Blasdford.) w_s bed at thetir.t alarm SBSB pjsted on lAs pike about ?iquarterof ii mile Infront, dowa ths naoaa*miv to move up Immediately to the sapportcf onr forces on therigbt. Three other cam-paaiesef the 12th, Davks's, Hardsasan'saadPatterson'*!{Liedtenant t T . E Moore com-manding,) were also ordered to the supp rt "tthose on tie right *he w>re BBaklßg ag*i-latit defence an.l hildins tne pesttlea againstimmense odds. Oallantly dio ihe Osssglansmovenp.ur.d, taktiig posdttoa on the left,

received a terribm firo from the enemy. Byttis time the extreme had te-u forcedback, but. -eeii-g the _ \u25a0eorr*':, ns, who cameou with a shout, they joined them and movedupon the enemy, who, taking advantage otsome f.illeu trees, brush mid tlmtier, poiiredupon tbem a t*rntlo lire. Our men werechecked, but not driven back. They did notyield an inch, but ?t'*ai!il" advanced?i heeredand led on by their offic-ers. Many of theolticere fought i.y the SMe of their men -miiled them on to the confii: . 1 never wi'-eesssd harder fl(httag. TBS enemy belitLdtrees with their long-rv.uße axssa at first ln.ddecidedly the advantage, but our men cooncame up to them aud the;_ lrom t_eircover. I earrnot speak .n terms too exagger-ated cf the scfilnc?ing courage and dastttßggill in try of those five hundred men vvhocontended a quarter-pas. 7 A. M. uni.a quartet' 'oi P. TA . against au immenselysuperior force of tits enemy, end finallydrove thi-m from their pesiUCU and pursuedthem a mile or more d .wn the mesuttala, Icannot name all who p-irttcularmention for their gillantry and good con-duit.neec.

Colonel Hansborough, whilst gti!iitntl>le.idin* bin battaUCß, waa woniidid t.y s pt*-Ml shot and C-trß_ IrwSß tb:* Held. Soon Kf'-ter ths rightbt'.iaraegt'nsi'w... Lietr.L. T. Thornpsou, of the 31st Virginia, fells jverery wounded ; ti» good Co-dßct bail at-tracted Bay atention, und ac fill witblnsfew feet of me. C'-piain BtoHoban, whilatcheeritig and leading J»ls rcen In lursaltolthe enemy, fell mortally v»oifn_eC Lieut.Woore, 12.b Georgia voiunt.erp, whilst g_l-lantly lietidn:g a ihiitg-, fell mortal lvwou'td*d This gallant officer w .s everready for any expsdittOß Involving danger-he was Irulv bravo

Casta!us D.ivis, lilauford, Har-U vi in, sndHawkins, Ci<-ir Officers and men, behaved >ul-mirably. Captain l_TiS and company

coijspicti ius for th?ir gntlAutry andgood conduct 'hrotigliont the Bgtlt.

Adjutant Willis, Li-uteiia.ii ts WeOoy.Ethndge, War-hall, and Turpin, l-'.h Qeergiaregiment, oei-erve particular meniioii Jo:---th. ir good conduct.

Lieut -> o). Hoykm, coinmnnping 31st Vir-ginia volui'teei's, his officers and men, de-ervexay thai.hs tor their BcAiac_tsgcr.Bra_e throughout the strutrgle. This nytBBCBIsuffered severely. T.J Johnson, Mt-Ne-man, I B. Philips, allwounded, deserve honorable mention. Capt.lhotnpsori, 3lst Virginia, deserve-, s>.eciiinotice. Ad|ut nit iVlorg.-n, Ld»ateua_ts t uk-i. son, Hivuioiid, Sergeatiis Jarvte, Ba s ,Pots Oulllngs, i>iui*icr.ive, sad firewa, 11 n n-norough's battelloa, are favorably BSCBtles-ed by their ceiiiur.ntler

My command consisted of the 12 U Q-. orgi ,legimen., under the imm- dutt.i eoBB" i.h ? t

leut.-t'ol. E. T. Oeaaor; Odd Virgin le,Majors Ko*,sN,ttansb..rougiVs,and asa«e'S'r;3let Vtrgim \u25a0, Lieut. -<' >1. Bnykin; "Le*-lltterv"oi artillery, fear pieces, Capt pB. Anderson; Uaptaifl Miller's Battery, tesipiece*; a .Jeiachiuent of PitMylvaala iiivairy, Lieut. Dabnef TheartUlery wa< postedon the hill left of my poaltioa, which hHdbfeen entrenched.

Immedi.telyafter the troops w*re turnedout the 13 h Georgia and :ci I \ Irglalawtieordered luto the trenches, lhe Pi tteylvaii lacavalry, dlssaoaated, under Lieut. Uabaey,also weni into the treiicherf, armed wituc rbines.

A large column of the enemy, led hy oneSlater, a traitor, well acquainted with tbicoun ry, approachS t tt,e lsft of thi.*- posiilnsby v ro-id running along a leertlsg ridge.About half.i v riotiraf-er theattaek nns iu:,ii..ou the i ism, this col rim v came up on the lef-to our trenches w-re evidently sur-prised totlnd esentreacbed. Here ihe tuan-Audersen, by a fatal mis-age, lost his life?As the ci emy adeenosd, _S r:;de lo thetreaeh end invited th*-m in, thlaktng t:i*-ywere our returning pii ket», ai the sametime telling our men not to tire He w.\«instantly .shot down by the advance i bodyof Iba SBsay'l force. <;nr men Ueeaopencil a _illiiig lire upon them, and theyfell back iu'i> the fallen ttasberaad h-n»ti,from which they kept up _ coustaut tire atour met. la *.h" treßshes ;tud upon our ar'.il-leris's. My A. A. A Qeaeral. Captata J<s.

of the nrtillery, whilst behavii scincstgallantly.wosshotdi>wii Is th- trenchesby a wound through both thighs. Herefused to letv* the llehi, and remained in th*-t: occltes until the day was over.

i.'f.ptaln IVliller opened npon the enemywl'.h his gtt'ia, and oehavett with great gni-

'lantry, a_poa_Bg hlsaself at his kiu.*. to theflr« of the enemy's sharp-shooters.Af'-r the vneciy's force, ou the rtfc_t,_ad

b*tu tepßlsed and dr.ven from ihe Held. Iordeted all cf our men who had been ti.--fragedlß rltat quarter te Jels our troops laUM trencbeson the left! They took pc*t»vlth the oiher troops, and opened _r? on theenemy nn occasion offered. Th* enemy, underthe fire of artillery and Infantry, soon re-treated from the left, leaving tbeir desd Badwounded.

Tne enemy's force on the left was larger, ifanything, than the force on the right. Theynumbered,ln all, about five thousand meu,who had been drawn from He illngton,Beverly, Hntionsvllle, Elkwaier, aud Cheat &lou_.tain.

My force did not exceed twelve h'ludr.deffective men ofall arms.

Oen. Reynolds, IJ. s. A., commanded thewhole of the em roys forces, and OeneralMi'roy the attack on our right, Oentr.lMilroy is reported, by prison*rs eaptared,to have been wounded, 't he smeray lefc upoutbe field thirty flvedead and thirteen woundtd. They carried from (he field large nunhers of dead and wouuded Title I u'trromcitlaens who r««ide upou the reaas a'.<»rgwhich hey retreated. Tenor twelve ambu-lances were seen conveying their wounds!.We captured thiee prisoners, aud about i-nehnndted stand ofarm*. wbich tbe euemyhad thrown away In h>* flight.

Al tbonf_ we have reaaon to be than kfti I toGod for IB* victory achieved over our enemie* on thla occasion, ere can but lament tbslose of many valuable Uvea.

Our caeueltp-s amount to twenty killed,_laety.*ix we.itnd*d, aad twenty.tight wis**leg Mui-s . i tfi*-n.U*lßgha»srrtu/i.c4 «ui#tb* day of fh- bv.tis.I »m lanch indebted to SurgeOus ri X,

Sreeue. of th* 11th tfcorpte r*elatent, andI T Blaao, of tils list Virginia, for tbsirattention to oar owe w-masted as well acthoseof the enemy. They b*ve been oetlrlspIB their sgbrts to alls-la ie Utet* satsHngs.

Dr. _ras.s was ntgbUy woaad*d ia thehead by & spent ball, whilst attsadief totftSWOBBOM.I HoTtWU* _ WaBWUt » m tlMWii-mj

*._i. \u25a0~.. mimm

BttßcS Oi?ptf|i.nuids .*?{,.

. ftj..,.* ?*r, .11." . . . _,_, .(Urge mi. ssM rnsaiHsa.

_£?* ,* :»ert im v si.-;i. tui bi4 Xsrgel n r_ p*r s___B«*s sf near _ia_- f«tfeearet r»*ra'<.r ar>J ?<>?«» *or assf a all Bsßsa

Blaß.the reports of commanders of regimentsand c< tps

1 am, fir, very respectfully,Your oßseYtsßl s rvsnt,

(Signed) K'WAH .t BrBPHS,t oji-nel li'h «*e, T7 n }.\u25a0 kip. n\

?'? rnrr -*c Ii t H ncr v tr *.

Totlol c. f. >f»t'..i'.», tests ant I'jutauttsVaevul, AriDy N r:hw-*', ! ti.ui,t,_

(Ofllstai.) Ji.n- ' iiiih,A A . 'i»nn-.-il

Peaaiea o*tig«iHi es tub I'sitbi. State*?Ths following d»il. :ons jumblespp .-.rj as- le-d rin IBs J mate-, »'.*-,-*-*.., publishedBl Kir*-* B, West Ii dia :"fh» n*we from ihe ITaftgg Sates Is not

vi rv eheTii _. A battle b**bm to -hsree beenf.nii.-li si S»placC eallvd Bon's Bit ff. O' cof our co em or t i»s »ays that atom is in MsdS/ land: bat as . bed* «i ins \u25a0« iin># hundredmiles fi at theseat pf war, Ii P?rr Pi glaaSLwesaspec there la s ise r. t>. *n*it ?-Atatt sea;a la. a battle vsastssget, v. v-hichtwothoßsaadoss hum-red FederalssAsßCrswere**escsd,as< bowßraai r-tei-. svehß wii 't Biit, a.« h;>« been the Sses thansane.the Federals got 'he sreeet of it autue .hi -out. tt. we have feen aje so confuted a*te BBSSBets, dates Bed plsces, tba' wi> Imcsrnot how 1.1 reH ou them, or rt pr.duce tb*uifor our readers. When the teamer from\u25a0 ew York t-h l! arrive wl _ our regolar til**sfßepi r*. we shall be able to give a more ie-liable slateraen t.'

\u25a0"? \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0 ! . S \u25a0 ..-!-.-

--«l»i:< I Al. iOTICEM.MTCIBSiT/18l POWHATAN Plr-ES, read*

by a jt? et. i_ Powhatan soaaty, superior P any-t_i_j ia use ;;< -> by

J B atruuMl * CO.,Wholesale O _' rs » I'ooeetO, Cigss'% Ac,si lm 10, Hro >d \u25a0 f ebo ye cor ath

B*" TBB .IB&AT Vlkium.-i Kh.___>_ _si>**> Hi MBUG?PETERS IMKA'.Li-LK RK-«.fc;i>Y roa GONNOBRHOIA and all BRCBBTOlSEASieS.?Thiagresl Anir'ri ,.»_i remedy, con-t*islsg no Mercurial or Bslssbus prssartlßa evoe'.sstr* ryuiagbaretefbte offsced to tho pabitssßßSarattve, reeVtrstive* and re novating powers andbe BBSSBBfIi WOrM air* ?il.->_isb",d v*hen told tliath? above raaedy srlD civs the ab.ive din..!*, s,sndBOnftWßlded when t:.e.> h*ve 0.-'-ulartfons of the I*cw. But tie BSBBSSBSBaS who haaknows sf «h9 leniedy for twetity-odd years, hast-.iiwa if a eaas of BO yesrs' standing to be\u25a0toyed to .j- rffd health. Bid all nther canes of: trier duxaunn tabs rssspred, withsal aaipirlancsptiOß, f»:!-l ts.iT.More r'.» : lene..s a_y case oflj Sllio ibrjiß which th* runedy -,',ll not core the directions ciirri.'d out v. nil | ruiwunm the pari thepetteßt; and any one pureha?gn-*'f -i doses bottle*, aad uaitiK a,c, ->r<llupiy, v hisir hef <-h»i -. ha (, » pert,.<-t *irrs ; and iaißsnn pf fnllrirs. v*.ill :uru_ti additional mi-anm..,res .">\u25a0 charge, to complete the ct!i.». throng- hieigen's; au! a rare will be ttfectud «*ithoot inc. v'eniecoe to '!:\u25a0 patiss I

Price, per bot :1a $ :-1 half dossa b.ttlos 810,?«prej*Hge _CSB \u25a0 Is 88. asm.

Sold by ArTutsos * ontr, Ke.tOl tseedet ,

\u25a0udO. A. HTBItcKBR, Bain ii Druggists, Agentstor tha stay ot p. sßsioad limit. *!»«, by M A m0. A- Babtos, . j.or_dh,sad chaj. v. OArtrarr.i.snd Wt_SOB A VVii t.iA"-. Portsmouth, Vs

an IH?«ti»


Mlf! M.SR7 G<:oFlt'.i>, I'RKCifTlir.iS, No. fm\8-Z.TIBORI DTk-BT Hi.t.l i*ot._?" Truth Stran-ytr mom Plettem, '?-This lady *nf;..i-ml for yearswith CUreiiic lafbBBSBaSSSy ?AsaBBBBSBB in Its mostmalignant ior_f b_e iir». cojiuractod the diseaseirhao 'wo yea* oM, by being vsfctnat* I with mat-ter from «-. cv ,i!'l wbc had lb* w'-itf swelling. Promthla t;_i_ to a?;>_._-1.--.0l h«*,r sii_ai:ur:i war., ei-tro-m.-v -ath- ncvar had r ;: et from pslq until suradby BAMFTONPS T_S_TC"Rt!

jAu 1.-tract frnai tne Loiter. |"I odea wish mj parent bad known ;.f Ibis bbbh

<dy srbea I -vr*i!i a (_<!_ r.r, I beHevs f shottld hnvat*e-in tc« e_rac!itir,g j-.-ij I have ba, a snb-i.ji-ve i to, aa evaD aa ths A_a -mlty -t bed* i muats&rrv to ths griv.--, aud my parents wet?d not hapo

such 'vpeu-es *;.->_ d.K-tors'to Istadin scadi-.g me, '* '?'\u25a0'* j -lid, to t_" r.eiebrat ?!

in l-ir.i-'sr.d is -ear-h (.!' health. J wish all.lie alllicte.i wirlii cor,!,! .i,?e xp.'t and t>f>*r tne be_<>-'. ! base duivsd i..he Ai*Tiacturaol iJai-.pton's.(t-y to RtsAc al' _ j-'-* i. With It? ;!-?? wUIJn-hor.: I com* W ted

t "Gen-smen, 1 _i i lho_aas_ ttssss tn?\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0 BBdroa *N »l !>r-:: .i ..*?. :S' \u25a0 BSSI

'*!<*\u25a0 -i- V.! "

?* - -.': f -.(- ??, \u25ba;? _iiu.a...

'?? "-. u_f_th ta ;Wi rt -t.i;. ? re -. .

_%s|_aat-nu, Ooagi \u25a0':\u25a0?\u25a0 ml I - - H<.r-icla \u25a0\u25a0.j.,'"'"!' Baal 4a, **re \u25a0_\u25a0\u25a0>!"7 i»- ,I _M I LBS ABD OH _-T>*Sl_ -This TWCTt E saPI b*- f :fu-i a f,-r<-v msMchM le 4V thssr di*.

\u25a0-. ?-il| 'f> .-? i;\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0* «r..-: rase Bwaya -tu*aos' .i wartal p.mi:i))e ."!tiScii;_i o* ot \u2666_?itx.r;. ..o-.v.r-i i I n'ir i.v*:. rlllSSßi\ ;.:';jv PURCBLL LADD _ W., BMhasuaMi

,v Dra, UOOKB, Fredsrtckstmrg; by all ths ;-; Petsssbarg; by MOBTUBatI * MOW*BRAY, J-.;:::\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0?.? sad by it.- >r.*'i MM Shov-hßsesrßeverywbsffc Kpsrbo*tl< ?* haStlA,\u2666 ?.


A supply of sen rtue,For b.iie i>>W.M ir S':oTT,

Successor ta .1 im W OarHssr,j. ii M ill" Pi-i.-. K? i Kin st


I|(i Pl_A_ tit I'Mr. 8188 OOL-I LEOEoF VL_._t.llA i .-.? i ttaaafcai,«;-. i -.1 bj '..\u25a0V I<lm-,s,i y ut th* Baa \u25a0'~ at _ litso r \u25a0 then (30,000, i;. boss completed, aa u t.»:n lorIBS ri-c<-i)iii.Li al | ii la »uiLirahiy adap'edby its ph?i t'-r the scseiMßedstlea at BBS » ca, andksfarais edwith averj .< ,v pj sec requisite t-.rIhe.rsosstoei h:.i access** _**tmeßl ltn *.ltua-iioi. ou Mateha.i street, east . , I - 1,, immediatelye/jscent :\u25a0? tt.* MeClcal College, whits andairy, 1- nt ti.. Hum Central, and ion»eni>-ai ofSSSSeS iroi.i all jiutV ol ths cuy.

The ;-»ti*-ats are aulsr 'he _BBBBS)BB) charg* ofths ProfesscTa ot tb*» Uodeg*, al ?> i.,a_e _i'yrl B ) i..->ni*;,"_ by a ioi.-ir.i--.Aiit R s:il-.:t 1'hy.ii-. _.n. i

Al! prrsons reqniring Alt .lira' or Bcrgtssl treat-i!.t-i:t Br* ssa_tt*d.ts >p< ths 188abb . au't ;!>,. ?

IsberiM sader Sauoa.-PoB ako oi m«b Isrs.--Ti CI tJISOBBSB?.

Lying li. si \u25a0?i:w . both Whit* and colored, re-eetvs wm ? i»' \u25a0 uo 5.:..t atten i<_.

i iubbi ',lasladfag it- si :. U - aJ fcitsadsaes, Ac:

Whits t Btieata p8 p«r we*k.Masai * B " "

And at ths asms rats tor frd 'was <>t a week.For ii_i 'ii-.ii one »,.ex, $'. yvr Cay Up t, th*

ehai ga tot am*, w., sSevsi il Bsatly furnish sal Mvass BBCSBS havebeen provided foi t? i * ring ujisrstsaeseSSaia'in': Tin. I Let t r thaa* Brtß vary from *7 io

*. i paf. wees,Fo* »nrgii «.) OpSfsrl :in n Ist f; iiu u& SB

?f;jii will t**; required, iv addiU v ts ti-e au ye Bssa*I] rv-1.

e_r" All .-barg-ei ;iiijalil* on the ren ovs.l r*f r o

path nt.A uirt'ej nuiat*«;- ol b**.t* B?ecd at tte di po>_

eft Aiisi'cati.-ns, st lUOPBS si_.ui_. paya' f Semi an_ual'.y, or at a tWiTP Spnodlßg rat* rsix teuutaslii i uts r,. uv»?7*.J to or from 113 Hospital tn a

su,-.aLl.'vehi-jie, vrl '*'ded aaßeslaltl hat tbe p;irpoi-.

oitl7>>r« anii s-rarirers are !nvi"el to v'* l '. llisH *.">?? and iii*p*<t its arnuifeuienw,

_re»iUeu ?I'-. jb B. .\>YNK_.Alteoding Physicisns Dm, TVCKBB, OON*

WAV sal Mrt'AWAllSSdlSgßsrea_B*--»SB OIBsOV. PBTH'C*

Lab und WklAd-UUKhe! ent I'hyß.uau-ur. ISAIAH li. V. 11l IK.Sic-* F M I'ARI.-'lt s|>U v-l JJ

i^oc b\iH s 1 Rt:; 1 BoaPtTaL.? u*i*Ji-eP of b.' fXtei Bajtht i,l.isiih h**»e pr tv;, ~1

br>as* 00 FesßCh strr*», b*v..i, i.etgli, masto|mui.*ig i. as a h')»|»i**l fur sick and wnuajed «,>?

diets, SB M-iuoay _c»t. 1 bey «i.l hs gr«t«Jui ,'or

aoy Beppitas sHssi . ' provlseonier stoahlae, kssath* city >.r cenntrj, tnsy »'»«*! to th*watts of ihe pv.»nt*. ' InatHijßsßs for thb pur-pose may ha m% «»i BBS '.!o*|«iti_. . r at tie store ufMr. W* <.». l>AM'Kiuii_, 106 Bread atraei.

se 11 ?\u2666?

ELLKVOB ll "ipi -1., ClilHCa' Bill.KlflMUiMt, VAV/hitk P.ivi_-th?in wan**, 06 perwfwk; ta

priva'.i- ru-ioi \ u> flo p*r week.£>iA\ts-85 per woek ihan a we«'k,#l

per day. bnt not Is e_ee«d *S {»r wsefc. Fisc-it.iiis i>v«i <h- ?oek *l unit* >.er <t.«.v

No ex ra etiarg**exrept f<r - nc> *\u25a0 "!? >*tli"' \u25a0«?*i. i HuaJJitio ai I c r*ajflog B _ t".' to 8 ?wtlt >»* cbarg*. 1 KJjgV Bill* pAyaole on *he reinc-vi_ of tbe nad-n'. N suia'l t..'i »<li"it:*<!

A **>ver*dap*tu>{ w*(»u wi I cuovjy 1 m'euia to

and frjw ih* Bessßtal wheu 4e» rea. Orders Bi»yb* le*t st 'be H"*;.lt£,l, ot »l the otbi» of A.I.-Hoi.i.Ai'tT. Tbl-t«x>»th Mi i*t, b*tw*eu Mali* aad

Ih* »nbertt>»r. w5 i>*# beeu eo_B*etwJ withth* i istlt't'l. v ».u.- .1* fiiuadat-oa. b*s>ag takenit uadar b>* eaelu ye cU* g- ai_<*,l by sesseebsataaaiita.«« Sol' dB a I >a*»«u*_e* *a th* .fberrlpstru'Muie o Bis frtaud4 a-wt ef i£* uubUti §*<'\u25a0raUf,ArtW4^%^_B^.^^kß.

KeeasJ. Ketwesa «a> «ai 9tkaSMSTA>VCia w. b a.,

Obsess BUI. snr sstk n _**___] .1*W. W UOOwtst.M D.,

|B lt-ly Physteisa.\u25a0 ___*".., 1 *KtK,,r-rr" ?\u25a0 n.'-ji '._'. v. i'' Y

~* T*''^*ir* ,iT_'_B