Sprint Weight Loss Programme

Sprint Weight Loss Programme

Transcript of Sprint Weight Loss Programme

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Sprint Weight Loss Programme

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Foundation Exercising for Weight Loss Programme

If you want to lose weight then it's absolutely essential to start some form of cardiovascular activity. This consists in any activity that makes your heart speed up. It has the amazing effect of reducing body mass and fat, while maintaining sometimes increasing the lean body mass. This also has the added advantage of using up more calories even when you are not exercising as lean muscles need more energy for function. In order to lose weight effective, all you need to do perform some type of low-to-moderate intensity, 4-6 times per week, for about 20-45 minutes each time. This may sound to much, but you can do it, and in fact there are several tips and advices you can do to achieve this target.

1. By you own:These tend to be the simplest forms of activity that don't rely on anyone else, don't need equipment and leave you in control of your program, Activities Walking, Jogging, Cycling, Swimming, Skating, Climbing, Tracking and Hacking, Weightlifting, kettlebells, Skipping, Golf, Rowing.

2. One to one: Personal training, Sport Specific, Competitive games can also be fun and another person encourages you to keep at it with activities such Mix martial arts, Squash, Tennis, Badminton, Table tennis, Boxing

3. Groups led: These turn fitness into a social event, and the competitive element is stimulating activities such Baseball, handball, Basketball, Volleyball, Football, Hockey, Cricket, Netball, Water Polo.

4. Instructor led: These are good for social interaction, and if you need stimulus and encouragement activities all type of Fitness classes, Aerobics, Step classes, Aqua-aerobics, Dance, Circuit classes, Cycle classes, Cross fit.

- Important consult your GP before start any training programme. While you are engaged in the activity of your choice, your heart rate should be monitoring at 60-80% of the max heart rate, and 60-70% best for weight loss. Your maximum heart rate is 220-your age.

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Monitoring Exercises Level

To know if you are exercising at the right level, try the TalkTesT and make sure you can still talk when exercising this means your heart is in good, moderate intensity level. Alternatively, use a pulse monitor, or take your own pulse for 6 seconds, and multiply by 10 for your pulse rate. neck or wrist.

Whenever the training programme, don't forget to Warm-Up and cool down. A gentle warm up should always precede extreme activity, to stimulate the heart and lungs function progressively, Increase blood flow, Increase body temperature gradually, Increase metabolism of muscles. Prevent muscle and joint injury and Prepare for the main part of the training programme. The Cool-Down is a tapering off period of about 5 mins to cool and slow you down and stretch the muscles out after they have been used intensively.

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Exercise Form

All human movements require energy, and the method the body generates energy is determined by the type of activity, the intensity and duration. Quick fracture of movement as sprints, jumping etc are powered by energy systems that don't need oxygen, and are designate anaerobic. Energy comes from high-energy phosphate stores in the muscles or through the breakdown of glucose without oxygen.

More extended activities at a lower intensity but longer duration jogging, cycling, rowing etc, require oxygen to produce the continued activation of muscles, and are denominate aerobic activities.

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Aerobic: as the exercise is performed, the muscles use increase the amounts of oxygen and glucose becomes the preferred source of fuel, because more energy is derived from glucose.

Aerobic energy production utilises carbohydrates and fats. Aerobic exercise increase the heart rate Use 50% or more of total muscle mass including legs, core, chest, arms, back and shoulders Last at least 20-30 minutes, Examples include walking, rowing, swimming, jogging, dancing, cycling step climber, stepper, cross trainer,

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Anaerobic energy doesn't use oxygen, and comes into action when the intensity of an activity increases to a point where the body cannot supply enough oxygen to meet the body's needs energy demands. This form of energy cannot be maintained indefinitely the extreme effort or HIT has to stop and rest to catch the breathing. doing intense springs, jumps, buppies, mountain claimer, kettlebells, or powerful lifting has to slow down between explosive move.

Anaerobic activity increases production of Lactic Acid, which accumulates in muscles and blood. As a result your muscles fatigues if the intensity is not reduced. This strains your muscles and you feel weak. The fatigue starts at around 20-35 seconds of vigorous activity, and the exhaustion occurs at about 60 seconds. Once produced, it takes 45-60 minutes for Lactic Acid to be removed from the body and the face to totally recover.

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Exercise Fuel

Fuel for Exercise

Carbohydrate: This is the most immediate source of fuel, coming from starches and sugars. Carbohydrate is converted to glucose by the body, and transported around in the blood. In the muscles and liver it gets converted to glycogen to be used as fuel when needed, and some glucose remains in the blood, as the basic usable form of carbohydrate fuel. When the glycogen stores are full, excess carbohydrate is converted to fat.

Fat: Like carbohydrate, fat is a basic usable form of fuel. Once the glucose and glycogen sources of fuel are used up, fat is converted to free fatty acids and used as fuel for exercise. This can only happen aerobically however, if weight loss is the desired goal, exercise should be of moderate intensity and extended duration. 45-60 minutes minimum

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Exercise Programme

4-6 days, 20-45 minutes, 3 set, 10-12 reps, light moderate intensity, with the weight load depending of body weights and your level of fitness. Consult your GP before you start a training programme.

Exercise descriptions

Cardio Session- 5-10 minutes warm-up. - 10-15 minutes cardio end of the weight programme for maximum fat burn. - Choose from a cardio session of your preference: walking, running,

swimming, skipping rope, boxing shadow, rowing, cycling.

- Dumbbell Chest Press: Lie on back holding a weight in each hand. Bend arms so elbows are at 90 degrees palms facing forward. Extend arms up till nearly straight, return to start position.

- Dumbbell Squats: Stand with feet hip width apart knees slightly bent. Bend knees to about 90 degrees allowing body too lean slightly forward. Keep the back straight and knees separated. Return to start position and repeat.

- Dumbbell Gluteus raise: Kneel, resting on elbows. Lift right leg behind bending at knee with sole of the foot flat and facing the ceiling. This is the starting pos Lift right leg up a few inches and squeeze buttock, then return to starting position. Repeat the exercise, and then swap to other leg.

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Exercise Description

- Dumbbell Upright row: Stand with feet hip width apart, legs slightly bent back straight. Hold weights in from of thighs palms facing thighs. Pull weights up to chest leading with elbows. Hold for 2 sec, then return to starting position. Repeat the exercise.

- Dumbbell Bicep Curl: Stand with feet hip width apart knees slightly bent and arms by side. Hold weight so palms face outwards. Bend arms and lift weights towards shoulders. Keep elbows tucked in close by body. Keep movement slow and controlled and return to starting position. Repeat the exercise.

- Dumbbell Tricep kickback: Rest left hand and knee on bench or chair with right foot on floor weight in right hand. Lift elbow so it is at 90 degrees and upper arm parallel to floor. Hold elbow position and straight arm backwards. Return to start position. Repeat the exercise with the other arm.

- Dumbbell Single arm row: Rest right hand and knee on a chair or surface keeping left foot on floor. Hold dumbbell in left hand so arm hands down. Keep back straight. Pull; dumbbell up towards chest keeping shoulders relaxes. Return to start position. Repeat the exercise.

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Exercise Description - Dumbbell Single calf raise: Stand with hands against a

wall and raise left foot off ground. Raise body onto tip toe of other leg, hold for a second then return to starting position. Repeat 12-15 times each leg.

- Weight Dumbbell Crunches: Lie on floor, hands behind head, elbows out, knees up and feet flat on floor. Push lower back down and roll shoulders up, keeping knees and hips stationery. The lift is very small, your shoulders should only come a few inches off the ground. Hold the position for a count one then slowly lower shoulders back to the floor, pushing lower back down all the time. Repeat the exercise.

- Dumbbell Oblique crunch: Lie on back knees bent, feet flat on floor hands by head. Slowly raise one should and elbow up towards outside of opposite thigh. Rep then swap shoulders

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