Spring Data Hazelcast: Fluently Accessing Distributed Repositories

Spring Data Hazelcast Fluently Accessing Distributed Repositories By Viktor Gamov / Neil Stevenson @gamussa / @hazelcast

Transcript of Spring Data Hazelcast: Fluently Accessing Distributed Repositories

Spring Data HazelcastFluently Accessing Distributed Repositories

By Viktor Gamov / Neil Stevenson@gamussa / @hazelcast


What’s is Hazelcast

• Distributed Java Collections (Map, Set, List, Queue)• NoSQL in-memory store - <K,V>• Scalability and Resilience for free• Spring support out-of-the-box


Why Spring Data Hazelcast

• Started by Oliver Gierke & Christoph Strobl 👏• Familiar "Spring Data" approach,

• developers do not need to learn a new technology to be able to use it• Utilizes the new Spring-Data-Key value abstraction• Reduces vendor lock-in

• One can swap Hazelcast in place of more expensive or slower options• FURTHER eases the integration of Hazelcast into Spring and clouds


dependencies {compile 'com.github.hazelcast:spring-data-hazelcast:1.0'


MOAR Queries!


public interface PersonRepository extends HazelcastRepository<Person, String> {

public Long countByFirstname(String firstname);

public Long countByIdLessThanEqual(String id);

public Long countDistinctLastnameByFirstname(String firstname);

public Person deleteByLastname(String firstname);

public Person findFirstIdByOrderById();

public Person findFirstIdByFirstnameOrderByIdDesc(String firstname);

public List<Person> findByFirstname(String firstname);

public List<Person> findByFirstname_AndLastname(String firstname, String lastname);

public List<Person> findByFirstnameOrLastname(@Param("lastname") String s1, @Param("firstname") String s2);

public List<Person> findByFirstnameGreaterThan(String firstname);

public Page<Person> findByLastname(String lastname, Pageable pageable);

public Page<Person> findByOrderByLastnameDesc(Pageable pageable);

public Slice<Person> findByIdLike(String pattern, Pageable pageable);


• Project home https://github.com/hazelcast/spring-data-hazelcast• This demo https://github.com/gAmUssA/springoneplatform-demo• More Hazelcast Demos https://github.com/hazelcast/hazelcast-code-samples/


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