Spring 2006 Transforming Lives Newsletter, Gospel Rescue Ministries

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  • 8/8/2019 Spring 2006 Transforming Lives Newsletter, Gospel Rescue Ministries



    cFc/uNrrED wAy u'n, GOSPEL RESCUE MINISTRIES 0F WASHINGTON, DC VOLUME 7, ISSUE 2, SPRING 2006Syeciaf 7OOtfr Anniversary Issu100 Years of Help, Hope, Nc Healing

    ACentury of Sertice to the Communiryl!Over four hundred friends, staff, and supporters of GospelRescue Ministries gathered on Friday,Muy 19, 2006 at theRonald Reagan Building and International Trade Center onPennsylvania Avenue to celebrate one hundred yearsof ministrf in the nation's capitalThe Reagan Building \\'as choscnL1s our k-lcirtion fclr a specialrc:1\{--rn. ir-r \1;rV ttf l9tl6. thc firsrchurch scrvicc trf thc Gt-rsDclPcnnsvlvanirr,{r'cnuc riqht u.hcrcthe Rerrg;rn Builclinq st;ucls tod;rr'. Itn'rrs likc ct-rmins full circle. ;rnd allthose in rrt[cncl;rnce \\'ere irble to seen'hat God has

    been able to dothrough theprograms and thepeople of GospelRescue Ministries.Former U.S. SenatorDan Coats offered thekeynote address: F aith,the Essential I ngr cdient.Juan Williams of National PublicRadio was our Master of Ceremonies

    for the evening. Executive DirectorDon Melvin, President JohnJackson, and BoardChairperson David VanDuzer all maderemarks. telling the

    i.rudience u-hrrt GR\Ihas done. is doing,;rnd u-ill ct-rntinue tcrdo for the people ofthiscity.

    A u'r-lnderful three course dinner lr.asenjol'ed by all, and the brirnd new'Gospel Rescue Nlinistries video lr'assho"l'n for the first time, allowingguests to have a pon'erful insight intoour programs and our life down hereon 5th Street. A representativefrom the Mayor's office declaredMay 19th as Gospel RescueMinistries Day in the District, theDC Council gave us L1 resolution

    1.commend.lng us on our sen'ice .The evening concluded with a rededication to service for thenext 100 years, with God's guidance and rhrough God'sgrace. Thanks to all who joined us and supported rhis event!

    Juan Williams

    Senator Diln Coats

  • 8/8/2019 Spring 2006 Transforming Lives Newsletter, Gospel Rescue Ministries


    Rttyonfing to Neef ,,. TnenThe year is 1906. The place isWashington, DC. Teddy Roosevelt isenjoying a banner year in the WhiteHouse, as a young and popularpresident. Washington is enjoy'ingtechnological innovations and boomingbusiness. Immigration is at er high.Ellis Island reports millions ofimmigrants pouring into America'surban centers. Urbanization,inclustriirli-atir-rn, rncl immigr:rtitucombine to give DC a pressing problemwith homelessness and unemployment.

    But God was responding!Pentecostalism was growing in theUnited States, spreading across thecountry and across denominations.The Azusa Street Revival in California

    in 1906 introducecl rt novel \\'av to prrriseGod; i.1\\'r1\'thi.'rt inr-t-rlved people of rrllraces, \\'omcn in leirdership rclles, andwhere the poor \\'ere particularll'u'elcomed to the Table.On May 12, 1906, partly in response tothis Pentecostal movement, the GospelMission of Washington, DC r,'v'asfounded by a numbcr of expericnccclttti:sit-rn \\ rrrke f >. L.,l l:r C.-l.rit.lGeorge W. lVheeler, gathering in theupper rooms of IZl0 PennsylvaniaAvenue, the Mission began withreligious services open to all who wouldlisten.This first veilr, the \ Iissit-rn \\'Lls i1 beir.cr-rnin the n;rtion's cirpit;r1. holcling nightlvservices, ;rs u-ell ;15 1-rpcn "rir revivrls onthe corner t-rf l3rh ;rnd Pennsr'h'rrniaAvenue. On stormy'nights. prror rnen\A/ere permrtted to sleep t-rn rhe floor,near the fire. Within a )'ear, ;r sleepingdormitory with room for sixteen menwas a part of the ministn'of the \lission.In the next t\\'o years, the sleepingcapacity was doubled, and then doubled

    zrgain, so that b), Decernber 1909,eighti'-fclur men \\'ere housed everv

    night and fed a meal every morning.1910 was the start of. the Bread Line.offering food and hot coffee to thepublic every morning. Hundreds ofmen, \\'onen, and children would n'aitin line for food.The Gospel Mission continued to feedand shelter the homeless throughoutthe years, steadily increasing capacityand the resources available to the menwho came to stay.

    Responfinq to Nee[ ,,, Now:The progrurilr of Cospel R?scue lvlinistries have come a longway from that first room of 16 men andrheBreadline. Thoughthe priorities of GRM are evolving to focus on long rangemethods of recovery, we still acknorn'iedge the need forsimple shelter for the homeless.

    In continuation of this long tradition of standing on the frontlines of poverty, offering a bed and a meal, GRM's Samariti.rnC)r'ernight Shelter is 11 telnporar)/ shelter for men who arelooking for a clean, safe place to spend the night. The mensleep in a dormitory which can sieep up to sixty men at atime.The Samaritirn Ministry is designed to address theimmedi;rte transitional needs of men trying to find their waythrough a lost job, a lost home, a lost ioved one, the loss ofrelationships, or loss of direction. These men need a handup, not a hand out, and w'e give that to them.

    Tfre Samaritnn }verniqfit SfiefterEach guest is provided dinner, a shor.veia bed with cleansheets, and breakfast the next morning. They are alsoinvited to participate in the evening chapel services. Manyof these men choose to join r-rne of clur residential programssuch as Transforming Lives N{inistry, for those vu'ho havesubstance abuse problems, or Rcady'To Wclrk ft-lr men r,l'hoare clean and who are interested in the lr,ork program.GRM has recently hired a casemanager for the Samaritanprogram, Mr. Dewey Mims,'uvhohas previously served as rveekendmanager for the lr4ission. Deweyis there for the Samaritan clients,offering them assistance andreferrals for whatever servicesthey may need, rn'hether it be oneof our programs or some otherorganizatit-ln. r,r,ith A,farh Bror,r,n, TLM cliutt

  • 8/8/2019 Spring 2006 Transforming Lives Newsletter, Gospel Rescue Ministries


    ln the early 1990's undcr thc dircctirrn of Rcr'.John woods. Gospcl Rescue Ministrics had a parrdigm shift. The staff rvcrefaced u'ith an almost o'en'hclming problcn:irack c-ocaine. Movrng beyonJa-J;;i:;;iliti'1ril' 0".*." ir,.".".."din comprehensi'e treatmcnt and an trrg;rn_i:ccl l :rv r'rf accomplishing goat. ^"a ".q.,itinf ,.r.r.*, i" ,.-"rr""" lirrs. Thisbroad range of sen'ices u'ould includc- ,rll ;r.pccti ,.r[ r p"rro.,. fo.u'ring on all areas .frii i"igh, i"J ^ person to becomer ----irdclictccl. Scn-iccs \\'crc tt-r include spiritual clevelclplnent, clinical aclcliiti.ns counseling,,--1,,^.-ri -^ : -l- ^1.:ll- ---cducr-rtion, job skills, moncv uri-lnagcn-re-nt, hcalth cclucrrriIon, [tr]nYrlttvirtic'rnal training, hclusing,.ncl rc c s r.lbli s hing rclari,.-'nthrp;'.1;rh f;,"ilr;This iclcrr c't-rh'ccl (r'cr sc\'cr.rl vcrrrs and thrt-rugh sc'crrrlpr(rgrillrs. likc thc \\'inncr's Circlc ;rncl Thc fi.r.n. butof (ltrspcl Rcscuc \linistrics, rrnd thc hcart of our vision ofn'ho n'c;trc in thc communitv

    In 2000, this vision \\'ils extcnclccl tt'r include \\-ome n. Thc US Justicc Deprrrtmenr sei-ed anotorious crack htlusc on thc corncr of I irnd 6th, irnd turnccl ii ove r to Citl l ft-rr l0,ro .f thcappraised vzrlue - a mcrc Sl7,j[r{.-\l Aftcr rcngr-ittit-rn, thc Fultgn ..murclcr,' Htttei q.irstransfclrmed into thc Fulton Housc of Hope, i'r refuge for rl,omen looking for a neu,rvay,oflife .

    fLM and Fulton House are consrantlyrvorking to improve and perfect thesenjces offered. Both programs areeducational units, or CEUs, toparticipants u'ho complete each onehour session.

    Tran{ormirg Lives ... NowHolds lnaugural SessionAddictiotrs Conxiltirtginclude TLM staffmembers Hiram Jennings, Lola Johnson,and Aaron Davis.

    rranyformation...Jn that grcat do1, ," God .srrr,.s, I vill rttund up aII thc htn-t crnd homclcss,

    c\/cr'\/or1c I hcn,c bruisccl or bctnishctL l u,i/l tran sfttr-m tltc battcrcd int t ctcotllpdtly of thc clitc.I rli/l nrcllc rt .srrlrng ncttit'tn out of thc longlost, Asht.,rlcrtsc cxhibit of God s nrlc irr ccri(r11, a.s I r-rr/c f -rr ntNlount Zion, ft-ontlrcrc to ctcrnitt,. Micah 1:6-7THg GRM lrusrlrurp

    ierrified h)'rhe neFqrrmenr nf HeqlrlAddiction Prevention and RecoveryAdministrarion of Wirshingron, DC.Both are excellent examples ofprogr-ams that r,l'ork, that rvill trulytransform a man or a \\'oman into a newcreation in Christ, if that person is openand willing to do rhe work required.A new priority of rhe TLM program isto become a resource center for thecommunity, parricularly with regards roaddiction and methods for trearmentand recovery.-[fts GRM Institute,in conjunction withAddictions Consubing, began its inauguraiin-service training series on May ll witha session on crisis intervention. Thetraining series gives continuing

    The GRM Institute is rhe brainchilcl ofGospel Rescue lvlinistries executivedirector Don Melvin. Don's vision wasto have rhe ability to provide rraining tointerested community members on avariety' of topics, including missionministry, addictions, and iobdevelopment, to name a few.Addictions Consubing is a privateconsultation and training firm headedby its principal trainer andTransforming Lives Ministry directorDavid Barnes. David has been acdve inthe addictions field for 25 years and hasprovided training in Maryiand and theDistrict since 1985 to those interested inobtaining and maintaining addictionscredentials. Associate trainers at

    The GRM Instittte and AddictiottsConsulting plan to increase theirpartnership b)' providing fuil,dayseminars on addictions by the Fall of2006. Other topics u'ill be added asinterest increases and other instructorsbecome available. See n-uu,.grm.org forthe upcoming schedule.Gospel Rescue Ministries is proud tohave the Institute and the trainersavailable. As we go into our nexr 100years, we want to touch ourcommunities rn'ith the same message ofhope that we deliver to our resiclents.The Instirute is jusr one way we willaccomplish this.

    D av e B arnes, D ir ect or. T LM

  • 8/8/2019 Spring 2006 Transforming Lives Newsletter, Gospel Rescue Ministries


    ResourcesJor Recovery ... ThenA constant question being posed by the leadership of Gospel Rescue \linistrics throughtrut our 100 years is how can webest help people? What can we give them that q'ill trull'trlnsform thcml \\'hirt cirn \\'e givc then.r that q'ill make theirrecovery long and their success permanent?The answer has been resources for recovery, namely education, jobs, and housing. The seeds of the folLrrr-ing programs wereplanted nearly a century ago, when the Mission first started providing employment opportunities in 19lt.l. The projects andprograms gre\r, and expanded, moving with the times and the need. The fact that the very structure of our main buildingwas built by those who couldn't find work elsewhere is a powerful testament to what GRM is all about.

    The BESTJob Development ProgramThe BESTJob Development Program is Better Emplo;.rnentfor Successful Transition. The BEST Program is focused onmaking sure clients of GRM have successful andsustainable employment once they complete the residentialphases of their programs.The B.E.S.T . J ob D n elo pment P r ogr am c eleb r at e s w ith and sup o r t sGo sp eI Rescue Ministries in i rs I 00th Anniver sary Celebr ation byensuring that arcry client who completes the program is gainfullyanploy ed. As w e mov e into the next 100 y ear s of the ministry, the fo cusis up on exp anding the numb er of employ er s and c ommunity businessstakeholderswho will support and providemeaningful anployment forour clients andalumni.

    Ellis H o dges, Dir ector, BES T

    Ready To WorkReady To Work began in 2003, when GRM was awarded agrant to develop a transitional work program. TodayReady To Work has evolved from that initial idea into asuccessful and innovative program, and is making greatstrides toward the future.A new development for RTW is a new contract with RFKStadium to staff two concession stands during baseball andsoccer games. Using these opporrunities to supplementthe street cleaning projects, RTW has been able to expandthe program, helping more men out of homelessness andinto a new life.

    ResourcesJor Recoveru ... NowThe School of Tomorrow

    The School of Tomorrow was initially a component of thedrug treatment program, but today is a multi-faceted adulteduci-rtion center, fully accredited and recognized locally';rnd nationally for its standards of excellence.Thclrrsr lOtl lcars l:l;l,c prot,ided rhe School of Tomorrow, (S.O T.)vith a.fit'nt t'otndation tobridge Recovery, Reltabilitation, andWo rk R ea d n es s. O nc htnt dr ed t, ear s later rhe S.O. T is exp andhryirs Adrrlr Litcract' Program to setate abroader base of contmturitt,stLtdents. Thc School contintrcs to transfot-n livcs throughperformance based dsscssr??olr. compctetlcics and standards. TheS.O.T. Instittne of Techrclog, is comntitted to equipping adultIearners for the t'uture inthe2Tst Centurl'.

    Chry stal I ones, D ir ecto r, SOT

    Barnabas HouseIn 1998, it became apparent to the staff of GRM thatgraduates of its programs still were in need of assistance tocomplete the transition back into "the real world" aftertheir year of residential treatment. Ideas were explored,and with the purchase of a rorvhouse located on 9th Street,NW, GRM offered transitional housing for up to 8 TLMgraduates.Gospel Rescue Ministries seeks to expand its transitionalhousing program, both for men and for women, as housingin the District continues to be a pressing problem for ourclients. Our goals include new facilities and moreresources to offer those in our housing program.

  • 8/8/2019 Spring 2006 Transforming Lives Newsletter, Gospel Rescue Ministries



    Mrs. Nan q Schulze, chairMrs.Marsha Coats

    Mrs. Joanne KempMrs.BatTauke

    Orrr l00rh anni'ersan' celebratiorl lvds made possible in partbt, the generous support of rhe following:

    The Lucille & Bruce LambertCharitable Foundation, Inc.Verizon

    The Fannie Mae FoundationTheJackson Family

    Cherrydale BaptistChurchArlington,Virginia

    Chesapeake ChristianFellowshipD av i ds o nv ille, M aryl andFourth PresbyterianChurch


    Greater OutreachTempleC ap it al H eights, M aryl and

    New Hampshire AvenueGospel ChapelWashington,DC

    Paradigm CompaniesMount Vernon BusinessImprovement DistrictThe Rod Wenner FamilyMrs. Marion MacDonaldRuss Reid CompanyGammon [c Grange, PC

    Capitol Hill BusinessImprovement DistrictThe District Chophouse

    Dan 6s Marsha CoatsJack CaJoanne KempDick 6a Nancy SchulzeTom Ns Bev Tauke

    Where fo we goJrom frere?\\/hcr-c do wc go frctntl'tcrc? and there are still people u'ho are u'illing to give help. TherArter r00 i;., w,'r".gt.,.\ DC i-, *,)' d'ff.'.* ptu;; T*Im-YfTgmflgTlf=11y{ttoseNeri' technology bring. .r...' opp..tr;ilr'f*'j.;;.i,;;.,. \\ ho are \\'illing to sen'e as God's hands and provide healin-g.'rays to tell peiople ou", ,tor1.. ^Nil-,eJ;;1;s;l;;r,,,g;;;.,,r And there_are still people n'ho are lost, and there are stilchallenge. fo. oi..ti"nt., n",,i'pro6i.rr;;;L.;;;Jr"-;if ReoPle willinS to go out and find them, and bring them homfrom 1001'ears ago could never have imagined. Globalization Gospel Rescue Ministries is pledging to always be a place obnngs Rnowledge ano lnsrgnt nom otner cultufes anq otner r _r ,miniit.i.s, le^rning througih their *ork how we can do ours. nelp' nope' ano neallng to tne least' tne last' ano tne lost'Clobalizarion also brings new tensions and new fears to be n/L..1 w nere o.o we go lrom nereloealr wltn_ With God s help, we are recommitting our service to this cGospel Rescue Ministries is pledging to be a strong presence Our prayer is that God will conti.nue to use this ministry rowithin the ever changing Washington, DC community, always bless the people of this ciry, to bless those who are helped aseeking those who get overwhelmed and are left behind by the those who are doing the helping.cnanges.

    Gospel Rescue Ministries is pledging to always to be obediWhere do we go fromhere l to the will of God in this endiavoi. Won't you join us?After 100 years, there are a surprising number of things thathave remained the same. There are still people who need help,

  • 8/8/2019 Spring 2006 Transforming Lives Newsletter, Gospel Rescue Ministries


    ffi'.H -W ,t-:,. : :ir'Wme'I906..TW.:*l'-l*: .r* rtl s:tr{ s: , rr{.I9.{," sg;6,i,i IEi;l.iSM,tr'f ;l'*ilifu

    CCSPH-RESCUEof Washingron DC810 5th Street, NWWashington, DC 20001

    Phone: (202)842-1731Fax (202)898-0285Volume 7, Issue 2

    www.grm.orgDon Melvin



    Jane BondBill Harper

    JohnJacksonA-l Lawerence

    Al Manola

    Don \lelrinRudolph Pruden

    Charles RobinsonJeff Wright

    Dear Friends,Over the first 85 years, Gospel Rescue Ministries followed the basic rescue missionmodel of soup, soap, and salvation. Providing shelter, food, and a gospel message. Inthe last 15 years, we have been on a quest to transform lives by transforming GRM intoa 'Urban Outreach Center', providing help, hope and healing to the hurting anddisenfranchised.It started with a simple idea, people rn'orking together to change their lives. Wediscovered that the biggest demon to face and to defezrt for our clients is addiction,and the quest was on to develop a program u'hich would honor God and address theclinical issues of these addictions. The Winner's Circle, the Haven, TransformingLives Ministry, and the Fulton House of Hope were all born out of this idea to have acomplete recovery program, focusing on all areas of life, mental, physical, emotionir.l,educational, r'ocational, and at the heart of it all, spiritual rener,l'al.The last l0;'snrc have been spent perfecting program services and service delivery' andbuilding up programs that are resources for recovery. Education, job training, jobplacement, and transitional housing are the crucial issues for our clients, thereforethese issues will guide our programming for the future. We still provide food, shelter,and mosr importantly, we still offer salvation through Jesus Christ --- those thingswill never change. Now our hope is that we will provide all the tools necessary torebuild a life, from the ground tp.We thank all of you for being steadfast in your commitment to support the u'ork ofthe LordJesus being done in this place, helping us to provide help, hope, and healingto the hurting of this community. We have recommitted ourselves to continue in thisholy work that God has entrusted to us, untilJesus returns. We hope that you willjoin us, for the next 100 years.Blessings,Don Melvin

    cFc # 8919If ,torr hat'e qtrcstiotls or comma"ttsregardutg the navsletter, or ant'thingelse about GRM.blease sendus an cmail!

    GRA'I does not sell or distributcmailinglisr ro arr-1' third ytartt,.

    ffi\riiclltr:icr (;{lillci ResiUr IrliSri,[email protected]