SPOLETO FESTIVAL USAspoletousa.org/wp-content/uploads/2010/12/Spoleto-Group...ALESSANDRO PENEZZI &...

Groups of 15 or more: Save 20% off select performances Pay no transaction or handling fees – saving an additional 8.5% • Enjoy priority seating and personalized support Bring a group and save up to 30% at America’s premier performing arts festival! About Spoleto Festival USA For 17 days and nights each spring, Spoleto Festival USA fills Charleston’s historic theatres, churches and outdoor spaces with a dizzying array of performances of opera, theater, dance, chamber, symphonic, choral and jazz music. Every year, the Festival welcomes a wide range of groups, including tour groups, businesses, non-profit organizations, clubs, alumni associations, and friends and family who enjoy socializing and attending Festival events together. Book your group today by calling Ingram Trexler at 843.720.1116! May 24 – June 9, 2013 SPOLETO FESTIVAL USA Ballet Flamenco Andalucia will transport the audience to the emotion, drama and passion of Andalucía, the cradle of flamenco. Photo Miguel Angel Gonzalez

Transcript of SPOLETO FESTIVAL USAspoletousa.org/wp-content/uploads/2010/12/Spoleto-Group...ALESSANDRO PENEZZI &...

  • Groups of 15 or more:

    • Save 20% off select performances

    • Pay no transaction or handling fees – saving an additional 8.5%


    Bring a group and save up to 30% at America’s premier performing arts festival!

    About Spoleto Festival USAFor 17 days and nights each spring, Spoleto Festival USA fills Charleston’s historic theatres, churches and outdoor spaceswithadizzyingarrayofperformancesofopera,theater,dance,chamber,symphonic,choralandjazzmusic.Everyyear,theFestivalwelcomesawiderangeofgroups,includingtourgroups,businesses,non-profitorganizations,clubs,alumniassociations,andfriendsandfamilywhoenjoysocializingandattendingFestivaleventstogether.Book your group today by calling Ingram Trexler at 843.720.1116!

    May 24 – June 9, 2013SPOLETO FESTIVAL USA

    Ballet Flamenco Andalucia will transport the audience to the emotion, drama and passion of Andalucía, the cradle of flamenco. Photo Miguel Angel Gonzalez

  • DANCECOMPAGNIE KÄFIGInspiredbyanencounterwith11youngdancersfromtheshantytownsofBrazil,Correria and Agwa are twoheart-stoppingworks that showcase asensationalcombinationofathleticsamba,hip-hop,andcapoeiradancestyles.

    BALLET FLAMENCO DE ANDALUCÍAUnderthedirectionofRubenOlmo,oneofflamenco’sbrightestcontem-porary stars, the exquisite dancers of Spain’s renowned Ballet Flamenco de Andalucíatakethestageinablazeofcastanets,fans,andtraditional“batade cola” dresses.

    SHANTALA SHIVALINGAPPAAfterhertriumphantSpoletodebutin2008,ShantalareturnstotheFestivalaccompaniedbyfourclassicalIndianmusiciansinaspellbindingperfor-manceofdramaticcontrastsandbreathtakingvirtuosity.

    LUCKY PLUSH PRODUCTIONSThisdance-theaterproductionspinsoffGaslight, the 1944 film noir classic inwhichawomanisslowlydrivenmadbyherconnivinghusband.The Bet-ter Half playfullycapturesthehabitualpatterns,escapist tendencies,andresilience in contemporary relationships.

    JARED GRIMESEmergingtapphenomJaredGrimes,whohasdancedalongsidesuchleg-ends as Gregory Hines and Ben Vereen, has exploded onto the contempo-rarydancescenewithauniquehybridoftap,hip-hop,andstreetjazz.

    OPERAMESE MARIANO / LE VILLI The2013Festivalpresentsadouble-billofone-actoperasbytwoimpor-tantItaliancomposers,apairofrarelyperformed,emotionallyrichworkssteeped in the anguish of a woman’s love. In Giordano’s Mese Mariano, Carmela longs to see the son she gave up to an orphanage in her youth. Puccini’s first opera, Le villi,isthetaleofamanwhoabandonshisloverfor the riches of the city only to be tormentedby the scornedwoman’svengefulspiritafterherdeath.DirectedbyStefanoVizioli,andconductedbyMaurizioBarbacini.SunginItalianwithEnglishsupertitles.

    MATSUKAZEWithahypnotictapestryofsound,ToshioHosokawa—oneofJapan’smostprominentlivingcomposers—conjuresupthespiritworldoftheNohplayonwhichhisetherealnewoperaisbased.DirectedbyacclaimedChinesedirectorChenShi-Zheng,whowasresponsiblefortheFestivalproductionsof The Peony Pavilion and Monkey: Journey to the West,andconductedbyResidentConductorJohnKennedy.SunginGermanwithEnglishsupertitles.

    THEATERA MIDSUMMER NIGHT’S DREAMHavinglastworkedtogetheronthepowerfulTonyAward–winningproduc-tion of War Horse,BristolOldVicandSouthAfrica’sHandspringPuppetCompanyturntheirinnovativeartistrytoShakespeare’senduringcomedy.MakingitsU.S.debutatthe2013Festival,thishighlyanticipatedproduc-tionpromisestobeatrulymagicaltheatricalevent.

    MAYDAY MAYDAYTristanSturrockwaslastseenatthe2006FestivalinKneehighTheatre’spopu-lar Tristan & Yseult.FewwereawarethattwoyearspriorSturrockhadsufferedaninjurythatthreatenedtoendhiscareerandchangehislifeforever.Usingillusion,music,andphysicalcomedy,Sturrocktellshisextraordinaryauto-biographicalstory,atalethatisasachinglypoignantasitisbrutallyfunny.

    BULLET CATCHWriterandperformerRobDrummond,inhisalteregoofWilliamWonder,ex-plores the history of the Bullet Catch, a stunt so dangerous Houdinin refused to evenattemptit.Theaudienceisledthroughadarklyhumorousandengagingtheatricalmagicshowfeaturinglevitation,gamesofchance,and—forthosewhodarestaytotheveryend—themostnotoriousfinaleinshowbusiness.

    OEDPIUSThecitizensofThebesareinthegraspofdevastation,famine,andplague;Oedi-pustheKingwillnotrestuntilhehasliftedthecurse.Celebratedactoranddirec-torStevenBerkoffandtheNottinghamPlayhousebringstheirdistinctivephys-icalstyletothisadaptationofSophocles’classicGreektragedy,Oedipus Rex.

    THE INTERGALACTIC NEMESISWithmorethan1,250originalfull-colorcomic-bookimagesblastingfromatwo-story-highprojectionscreen,threeactorsvoicingdozensofcolorfulcharacters,aFoleyartistcreatingaplethoraofunbelievablesoundeffects,andakeyboardistaccentingeverymovewithanoriginalscore,The Intergalac-tic Nemesisisaspectacleunlikeanyotherandashowforthekidineveryone.

    Theall-malechorusofOedipus performedbyNottinghamPlayhouse.

    spoletousa.org May 24 – June 9, 2013Group Sales: 843.720.1116 or [email protected] Page 2


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    LE GRAND CRecalling recent Festival favorites Circa and Traces,CompagnieXYmaketheirSpoletoFestivalUSAdebutwithLeGrandC,aquintessentiallyFrenchcircus spectacle of heart-stopping stunts, stunning skill, and distinctivestyle.

    LuckyPlushProductionswillperform The Better Half, aspin-offofthefilmnoirclassicGaslight.


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  • MUSIC BANK OF AMERICA CHAMBER MUSIC TheheartandsouloftheFestival,thetwicedailyChamberMusicconcertsfeatureachangingrosterofartistsin11distinctiveprogramsledbyviolinistGeoffNuttallandperformedinthehistoricDockStreetTheatre.

    CHORAL/ORCHESTRAL CONCERT/ MESSA DA REQUIEMAfter30yearsofdedicatedartisticleadership,JosephFlummerfeltmakeshis farewell appearance as Spoleto’s Artistic Director for Choral Activities inperhapsthemostmovingandmemorableconcertoftheFestivalseason. RIMSKY-KORSAKOV/CAPRICCIO ESPAGNOLBARTÓK/THE WOODEN PRINCERACHMANINOFF/SYMPHONIC DANCESLedbyrenownedconductorStefanAsbury,aregularwiththeworld’slead-ingorchestrasandChiefConductorof theNoordNederlandsOrkest, theSpoletoFestivalUSAOrchestrapresentsadazzlingtriooforchestralshow-pieces. ADAMS/ HARMONIELEHRE RAVEL/BOULEZ / FRONTISPICEVASKS/ CREDOThe Spoleto Festival USA Orchestra, led by Resident Conduc-tor John Kennedy, will bring John Adams’ mighty Harmonieleh-re to life in a remarkable program that also includes the Ameri-can premieres of the Ravel/Boulez Frontispice and Péteris Vasks’Credo (2009), a passionate response to the world’s ecological issues.

    WESTMINSTER CHOIR CONCERTSFew Festival traditions are as treasured as the Westminster Choir concerts at theCathedralChurchofSt.LukeandSt.Paul.Inthisinspirationalandidyllicsetting, the pristine voices of the Festival’s acclaimed choir-in-residencesoartounimaginableheights.

    ABIGAIL WASHBURNOnherwaytobeginhernewlifeasalawyerinBeijing,AbigailWashburnstopped at a bluegrass convention,where she jammedwith somemusi-ciansandcaughttheattentionofarecordproducer.“Washburn’senigmaticsongs,” says The New York Times,“mingleAppalachiaandfolk-pop,withtinges of Asia and Bruce Springsteen.”

    BÉLA FLECK & OUMOU SANGARÉThemusicofworldmusicsuperstarOumouSangaréwasthecatalystthatsentFleckonajourneytoUganda,Tanzania,Gambia,andMalitomeetthebanjo’sancestorsandcreateandrecordmusicwithlocalmusicians.Hun-dredsofhoursoftheserecordingsbecamethefilmThrow Down Your Heart aswell as twoGrammyAward–winningCDsby that name,whose tracksincludednewmusicbyFleckandSangaré.

    ROSANNE CASHRosanne Cash inherited a reverence for song and depth of artistry, and an equal duty to find insights of her own. She has answered this calling with a three-decadecareermarkedbyemotionalhonestyandcreativegrowth.Witha sound thatblurs the linesbetweencountry, rock, roots, andpop,CashreturnstoSpoletoFestivalUSAinaspecialone-night-onlyperformance.

    J.D. McPHERSON“TomWaits,NickLoweandJohnPrinearehuge fansofhis,”writesThe GuardianaboutJ.D.McPherson,“youshouldknowthisfromthestart.”Hail-ingfromBrokenArrow,Oklahoma,theformerart teacherandpunkrockeruses his soulful voice and talent forwriting to createmusic that is bothclassicandforwardthinking.


    WELLS FARGO JAZZGREGORY PORTERGrammy-nominatedjazzandsoulsingerGregoryPorterbringstohismusicahauntingandpowerfulbaritonesound,aswellasthesensibilityofatal-ented lyricist and composer.

    ANDRÉ MEHMARIByincorporatingtherhythmsofhisnativeBrazilasakeyboardvirtuosoandskilledcomposer,AndréMehmariroamsfromthetenderandromantictothehard-drivinganddramatic,speakingclearlyandprofoundlyinalumi-nous instrumental voice.

    IIRO RANTALAAfluent jazz improviser,poeticcomposer,andvirtuosicclassicalpianistall wrapped into one. Performing a delightfully diverse repertoire, from im-provisations on Bach’s Goldberg Variations to his own crystalline composi-tions,Finland’sIiroRantalaoffersaneveningofmusicnottobemissed.

    PUNCH BROTHERSMandolinistChrisThile,guitaristChrisEldridge,bassistPaulKowert,banjoplayerNoamPikelnyandviolinistGabeWitcherarePunchBrothers—avir-tuosicandfreewheelingquintetwhomaketheirlong-awaitedreturntotheFestivalaftertheirsold-out2008Spoletodebut.

    ALESSANDRO PENEZZI & ALEXANDRE RIBEIROBrazilianguitaristextraordinaireAlessandroPenezzimadehisfirstFestivalappearanceinarousing2010performancewithclarinetistNailor“Proveta”Azevedo.HenowreturnswithProveta’sexceptionalyoungprotégé,clari-netistAlexandreRibeiro,forintimateduoconcertsattheSimonsCenter.

    ELI DEGIBRIEliDegibri’sabilitytotellastorywithhissaxophonehasearnedhimaplaceonthestagenexttosomeofjazz’sleadingfigures.Anactivebandleaderandcomposer,hisuniquesongwritinghasanappealfarbeyondtraditionaljazzaudiences.“Eli’smusictreadsunchartedwaters,”saysHerbieHancock.

    FESTIVAL FINALETHE RED STICK RAMBLERS PerformingauniquehybridofCajun,honky-tonk,andswing,theRamblers’honestandhard-drivingmusicisinseparablefromtheirwayoflifeandtherichLouisianaculturethatfirstinspiredthem.Bringthefamilyandenjoyanevening concert that evokes late-night campfire sessions, rowdy all-nightdances,andraucousfamilyreunions.Arriveearlytoenjoyapre-concertpic-nicandthenewFinaleBeerGarden;aftertheconcert,enjoythetraditionalspectacularfireworksdisplay.

    spoletousa.org May 24 – June 9, 2013Group Sales: 843.720.1116 or [email protected] Page 3

    InJosephFlummerfelt’sfinalSpoletoperformance,theSpoletoFestivalUSAOrchestraandWestminsterChoirwillperform Messa de Requiem.


  • Calendar of EventsTake advantage of group pricing on select performances as indicated below. Prices in bold are group prices and include the 20% discount off ticket

    face value. Discounts are not available on limited view seating. In addition, groups are spared the additional 8.5% transaction fee and any handling charges.Time Event Genre Venue Sec I Sec II Sec III Sec IV

    Wed May 22 7:00pm Le Grand C (preview) Circus MEM $52 $40 $28

    Thu May 23 7:00pm Le Grand C (preview) Circus MEM $52 $40 $287:30pm A Midsummer...(preview) Theatre DST $68 $56 $40 $25 (limited view)8:30pm Mayday Mayday (preview) Theatre ROB $35

            Fri May 24 12:00pm Opening Ceremonies OPN

    1:00pm Chamber I Music DST $457:00pm Jared Grimes Dance ROB $35

             7:30pm Compagnie Käfig Dance TD $52 $36 $20 $127:30pm Matsukaze Opera DST $80 $60 $45 $25 (limited view)8:00pm Le Grand C Circus MEM $65 $50 $358:30pm Gregory Porter Jazz CIS $36 $249:00pm Opening Night Fête Event SPO9:30pm Mayday Mayday Theatre ROB $35

    Sat May 25 10:00am Behind the Garden Gate11:00am Chamber I Music DST $4512:00pm Mayday Mayday Theatre ROB $3512:00pm Conv | Tom Morris CLS1:00pm Chamber I Music DST $452:00pm Compagnie Käfig Dance TD $65 $45 $25 $153:30pm A Midsummer...(preview) Theatre DST $85 $70 $50 $25 (limited view)4:00pm Le Grand C Circus MEM $65 $50 $357:00pm Mese Mariano/Le Villi Opera SOT $130 $100 $70 $407:00pm Compagnie Käfig Dance TD $52 $36 $20 $127:00pm Jared Grimes Dance ROB $358:00pm A Midsummer Night’s Dream Theatre DST $95 $80 $50 $25 (limited view)9:00pm Gregory Porter Jazz CIS $36 $24

    Sun May 26 11:00am Chamber II Music DST $451:00pm Chamber II Music DST $452:00pm Compagnie Käfig Dance TD $65 $45 $25 $153:30pm A Midsummer Night’s Dream Theatre DST $95 $80 $50 $25 (limited view)4:00pm Jared Grimes Dance ROB $355:00pm Iiro Rantala Jazz REC $248:00pm Le Grand C Circus MEM $65 $50 $358:00pm Mayday Mayday Theatre ROB $358:30pm Matsukaze Opera DST $65 $40 $35 $25 (limited view)9:00pm Eli Degibri Jazz CIS $36 $24

    Mon May 27 11:00am Chamber II Music DST $451:00pm Chamber III Music DST $451:00pm Mayday Mayday Theatre ROB $352:00pm Le Grand C Circus MEM $65 $50 $353:30pm A Midsummer Night’s Dream Theatre DST $95 $80 $50 $25 (limited view)5:00pm Intermezzo I Music CSJ $255:00pm Iiro Rantala Jazz REC $307:00pm Punch Brothers Jazz TD $65 $50 $35

  • Calendar of EventsTake advantage of group pricing on select performances as indicated below. Prices in bold are group prices and include the 20% discount off ticket

    face value. Discounts are not available on limited view seating. In addition, groups are spared the additional 8.5% transaction fee and any handling charges.Time Event Genre Venue Sec I Sec II Sec III Sec IV7:00pm Jared Grimes Dance ROB $357:00pm Mese Mariano/Le Villi Opera SOT $72 $60 $40 $208:00pm A Midsummer Night’s Dream Theatre DST $95 $80 $50 $25 (limited view)9:00pm Music In Time I Music MEM $25

    Tue May 28 11:00am Chamber III Music DST $201:00pm Chamber III Music DST $205:00pm Iiro Rantala Jazz REC $307:00pm Iiro Rantala Jazz REC $307:00pm A Midsummer Night’s Dream Theatre DST $75 $60 $40 $25 (limited view)7:30pm Rimsky-Korsakov, Bartók, Music SOT $65 $45 $35

    RachmaninoffWed May 29 11:00am Chamber IV Music DST $20

    1:00pm Chamber IV Music DST $205:00pm Music In Time II Music REC $207:00pm Iiro Rantala Jazz REC $307:00pm Mese Mariano/Le Villi Opera SOT $90 $75 $50 $257:30pm Le Grand C Circus MEM $65 $50 $35

    Thu May 30 11:00am   Chamber IV Music DST $201:00pm   Chamber V Music DST $255:00pm   Westminster Choir Music CTL $32 $28 $205:00pm    Iiro Rantala Jazz REC $307:00pm   A Midsummer Night’s Dream Theatre DST $75 $60 $40 $25 (limited view)7:30pm   Béla Fleck & Oumou Sangare Jazz TD $75 $60 $457:30pm    Le Grand C Circus MEM $65 $50 $35

    Fri May 31 11:00am Chamber V Music DST $351:00pm Chamber V Music DST $353:30pm   A Midsummer Night’s Dream Theatre DST $85 $70 $50 $25 (limited view)6:00pm    Le Grand C Circus MEM $65 $50 $357:00pm   Ballet Flamenco Dance TD $48 $36 $20 $127:00pm   Mese Mariano/Le Villi Opera SOT $72 $60 $40 $208:00pm    Lucky Plush Dance ROB $288:00pm   A Midsummer Night’s Dream Theatre DST $85 $70 $50 $25 (limited view)9:00pm   Abigail Washburn Jazz CIS $36 $24

    Sat Jun 1 11:00am   Chamber VI Music DST $3512:00pm   Lucky Plush Dance ROB $351:00pm   Chamber VI Music DST $352:00pm   Ballet Flamenco Dance TD $48 $36 $20 $123:30pm    Le Grand C Circus MEM $65 $50 $353:30pm   A Midsummer Night’s Dream Theatre DST $85 $70 $50 $25 (limited view)5:00pm    Intermezzo II Music REC $207:00pm    Lucky Plush Dance ROB $357:30pm   Ballet Flamenco Dance TD $60 $45 $25 $158:30pm   Matsukaze Opera DST $52 $32 $28 $25 (limited view)9:00pm   André Mehmari Trio Jazz CIS $36 $24

  • Calendar of EventsTake advantage of group pricing on select performances as indicated below. Prices in bold are group prices and include the 20% discount off ticket

    face value. Discounts are not available on limited view seating. In addition, groups are spared the additional 8.5% transaction fee and any handling charges.Time Event Genre Venue Sec I Sec II Sec III Sec IV

    Sun Jun 2 11:00am   Chamber VI Music DST $351:00pm   Chamber VII Music DST $351:00pm   Ballet Flamenco Dance TD $60 $45 $25 $153:30PM   Conv | Steven Berkoff CLS3:30pm   A Midsummer Night’s Dream Theatre DST $85 $70 $50 $25 (limited view)5:00pm   Music In Time III Music REC $257:00pm   Mese Mariano/Le Villi Opera SOT $90 $75 $50 $257:30pm   Rosanne Cash Jazz TD $75 $60 $45 $358:00pm    Lucky Plush Dance ROB $358:00pm   A Midsummer Night’s Dream Theatre DST $85 $70 $50 $25 (limited view)

    Mon Jun 3 11:00am   Chamber VII Music DST $201:00pm   Chamber VII Music DST $205:00pm   Westminster Choir Music CTL $40 $35 $257:00pm   A Midsummer Night's… Theatre DST $60 $48 $32 $25 (limited view)7:30pm   Credo: Harmonielehre Music SOT $65 $45 $35

    Tue Jun 4 11:00am   Chamber VIII Music DST $201:00pm   Chamber VIII Music DST $205:00pm   Conv | Joseph Flummerfelt CLS7:00pm   Oedipus Theatre MEM $52 $40 $287:00pm   Mese Mariano/Le Villi Opera SOT $90 $75 $50 $258:00pm   Matsukaze Opera DST $65 $40 $35 $25 (limited view)

    Wed Jun 5 11:00am   Chamber VIII Music DST $201:00pm   Chamber IX Music DST $205:00pm    Intermezzo III Music GEC $257:00pm    The Intergalactic Nemesis|A Theatre SOT $28 $207:00pm   A Midsummer Night's… Theatre DST $60 $48 $32 $25 (limited view)7:30pm   Oedipus Theatre MEM $50 $35 $208:00pm   Bullet Catch Theatre ROB $35

    Thu June 6 11:00am   Chamber IX Music DST $251:00pm   Chamber IX Music DST $253:00pm   Oedipus Theatre MEM $40 $28 $165:00pm   Penezzi & Ribeiro Jazz REC $305:00pm   Conv | Jason Neulander CLS7:00pm   Shantala Shivalingappa Dance ROB $357:00pm   Penezzi & Ribeiro Jazz REC $247:00pm    The Intergalactic Nemesis|B Theatre SOT $28 $207:00pm   A Midsummer Night’s Dream Theatre DST $75 $60 $40 $25 (limited view)7:30pm   Oedipus Theatre MEM $50 $35 $208:00pm   Choral/Orchestral Concert Music TD $65 $45 $35 $1510:00pm  Bullet Catch Theatre ROB $28

    Fri June 7 11:00am   Chamber X Music DST $351:00pm   Bullet Catch Theatre ROB $351:00pm   Chamber X Music DST $353:00pm    The Intergalactic Nemesis|A Theatre SOT $35 $25

  • Calendar of EventsTake advantage of group pricing on select performances as indicated below. Prices in bold are group prices and include the 20% discount off ticket

    face value. Discounts are not available on limited view seating. In addition, groups are spared the additional 8.5% transaction fee and any handling charges.Time Event Genre Venue Sec I Sec II Sec III Sec IV5:00pm   Music In Time IV Music REC $206:30pm   Oedipus Theatre MEM $50 $35 $207:00pm   Mese Mariano/Le Villi Opera SOT $90 $75 $50 $257:00pm   Shantala Shivalingappa Dance ROB $357:30pm   Penezzi & Ribeiro Jazz REC $308:00pm   A Midsummer Night’s Dream Theatre DST $85 $70 $50 $25 (limited view)9:00pm    J.D. McPherson Jazz CIS $36 $2410:00pm  Bullet Catch Theatre ROB $35

    Sat Jun 8 11:00am   Chamber X Music DST $351:00pm   Chamber XI Music DST $351:00pm    The Intergalactic Nemesis|A Theatre SOT $35 $253:00pm   Shantala Shivalingappa Dance ROB $353:30pm   A Midsummer Night’s Dream Theatre DST $85 $70 $50 $25 (limited view)3:30pm   Oedipus Theatre MEM $50 $35 $205:00pm   Penezzi & Ribeiro Jazz REC $306:30pm    The Intergalactic Nemesis|B Theatre SOT $35 $257:00pm   Penezzi & Ribeiro Jazz REC $307:30pm   Bullet Catch Theatre ROB $358:00pm   Oedipus Theatre MEM $50 $35 $208:30pm   Matsukaze Opera DST $65 $40 $35 $25 (limited view)9:00pm    J.D. McPherson Jazz CIS $36 $24

    Sun Jun 9 11:00am   Chamber XI Music DST $351:00pm   Bullet Catch Theatre ROB $351:00pm    Chamber XI Music DST $351:00pm    The Intergalactic Nemesis|B Theatre SOT $35 $253:30pm   A Midsummer Night’s Dream Theatre DST $85 $70 $50 $25 (limited view)4:00pm   Shantala Shivalingappa Dance ROB $358:30pm    Finale/Red Stick Ramblers Music MID $30 $15

  • Contract #:

    14 George Street Received:

    Charleston, SC 29401 Deposit:

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    Total Amt.


    Final counts and the balance due (net of changes) must be paid in full on or before April 8, 2013.

    If final payment is not received by April 15, 2013, your tickets will be released.

    Orders which drop below the 15 group member minimum per performance will be charged the full ticket price.

    All performance dates, times, prices, venues and artists are subject to change without prior notice.

    There will be no refunds or exchanges.

    Group Tour Operator


    (Please list in date order) DATE TIME SECTION


    Expiration Date:


    E-mail: [email protected]


    Group Ticket Office: Ingram Trexler

    Phone: 843.720.1116 / Fax: 843.720.1121

    Spoleto Festival USAMay 24- June 9, 2013

    Group Ticket Contract

    Spoleto Festival USA FOR OFFICE USE ONLY

    To secure your reservation, a 50% non-refundable deposit must accompany your order.

    Please review the following non-negotiable conditions and sign at the bottom in verification.

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    Spoleto Group Information2013 Spoleto Group InformationGroup prices for Flyer '13

    2012 Group Contract Template