SPELL-BEE WORDS Class VI Session 2020-2021 S.NO. Words Part of Speech Meaning 1 Intervene V Take part in something so as to prevent or alter a result 2 Burlesque N Exaggerated imitation of something 3 Commitment N A state or quality of being dedicated to a cause 4 Soccer N A form of football played by two teams of eleven players 5 Sojourning N Staying somewhere temporarily 6 Incessantly ADV Without interruption 7 Conceit N Excessive pride in oneself 8 Accessible ADJ Able to be reached or entered 9 Environmentalist N A person who is concerned about protecting the environment 10 cruising V The action of sailing about in an area without a precise destination 11 Discernible ADJ Able to be perceptible/seen 12 Vigorously ADV In a way which involves physical strength, effort or energy 13 Wharves N Plural of wharf (an area like a wide wall built near the edge of the sea or a river where ships can be tied and goods can N= noun V= verb ADJ=adjective ADV=adverb

Transcript of SPELL-BEE WORDS



Class VI

Session 2020-2021

S.NO. Words Part of Speech Meaning

1 Intervene V Take part in something so as to prevent

or alter a result

2 Burlesque N Exaggerated imitation of something

3 Commitment N A state or quality of being dedicated to

a cause

4 Soccer N A form of football played by two teams

of eleven players

5 Sojourning N Staying somewhere temporarily

6 Incessantly ADV Without interruption

7 Conceit N Excessive pride in oneself

8 Accessible ADJ Able to be reached or entered

9 Environmentalist N A person who is concerned about

protecting the environment

10 cruising V The action of sailing about in an area

without a precise destination

11 Discernible ADJ Able to be perceptible/seen

12 Vigorously ADV In a way which involves physical

strength, effort or energy

13 Wharves N Plural of wharf (an area like a wide wall

built near the edge of the sea or a river

where ships can be tied and goods can

N= noun V= verb ADJ=adjective ADV=adverb


be taken off them)

14 Naught N The number 0

15 Tournaments N A series of contest between many


16 Contemptible ADJ Deserving contempt

17 Suspicious ADJ Showing a cautious distrust

18 Picturesque ADJ Visually attractive

19 Dogmatically ADV Laying down principles as undeniably


20 Indiscriminately ADV In a random manner

21 Biennial ADJ Taking place every other year

22 Apprehensive ADJ Anxious or fearful that something

unpleasant will happen

23 Cannibal N Person who eats the flesh of other


24 Convenient ADV Suitable/practical

25 Exterminate V Destroy completely

26 Flammable ADJ Easily set on fire

27 Generosity N The quality of being kind

28 Evanescent ADJ Quickly fading

29 Plummet V Decrease rapidly in value or amount

30 Predicament ADJ Difficult or embarrassing situation

31 Sheathe V To cover something/ a protective


32 Treacherous N A person who deceives


33 Vanquish V Defeat thoroughly

34 Catastrophe N A sudden disaster that causes great

suffering or damage

35 Anachronous ADJ Chronologically misplaced

36 Commutative ADJ Giving the same result irrespective of

the order of the values

37 Adventuresome ADJ The willingness to take risk

38 Acquaintance N A known person but not very close

39 Encyclopedia N Set of books giving information or many

subjects arranged alphabetically

40 Magnificent ADJ Extremely beautiful

41 Gruff ADJ rough

42 Rattled V Make a rapid succession of short, sharp

knocking sounds

43 Sprightly ADV lively

44 Jocund ADJ Cheerful and light hearted

45 Pensive ADJ thoughtful

46 Grime N dust

47 Reconnaissance N Preliminary survey or research

48 Forthright ADJ Direct and straight forward

49 Minivets N Asian songbirds with bold patterns on

the body

50 Flitted V Moved swiftly

51 Pecked V Strike or bite something with its beak

52 Counterpart V A person or thing closely resembling



53 Clamour N Loud noise

54 Purred V To make a low, soft sound

55 Bunyip N A mythical amphibious monster said to

inhabit inland waterways

56 Timorous ADJ Showing lack of confidence or


57 Fledgling ADJ Young/new

58 Rivet V To fasten parts together

59 Implicitly ADV In a way that is not directly expressed

60 Struts V Walks in a stiff manner



Class VII

Session 2020-2021

S.NO. Words Part of Speech Meaning

1 Miraculous ADJ Very effective or surprising 2 Engulf V To surround or cover something/someone

completely 3 Arrogant ADJ Disobedient 4 Mesmerising ADJ Overwhelmed, spellbound

5 Respite N A short period of rest or relief from something

difficult or unpleasant

6 Deluge N A severe flood

7 Exemplary ADJ Extraordinary ;that can be an example to

other people

8 Ingratiating ADJ Intend to gain approval or favour

9 Effusive ADJ To express gratitude enthusiastically

10 Versatile ADJ Ability to adapt to many different fields

11 Prejudicial ADJ Harmful to someone or something

12 Insatiable ADJ Impossible to satisfy

13 Conviction N A firm belief

14 Torpedo N An underwater missile

15 Regale V To entertain or amuse with talk

16 Vehemently ADV In a forceful, passionate or intense manner,

with great feeling

17 Tranquillity N A peaceful calm state

18 Temerity N Extremely confident or bold

19 Eccentricity N The state of being unconventional and slightly


20 Mollycoddle V To treat someone in an indulgent or

overprotective way

21 Usurer N A person who lends money at high rate of


22 Forfeit V Sacrifice, lose or be derived of any property or

right as a penalty for wrongdoings

N= noun V= verb ADJ= adjective ADV= adverb


23 Arduous ADJ Full of difficulties ; needing a lot of effort

24 Stalwart ADJ Strongly built, loyal; able to be trusted

25 Simultaneously ADV At the same time

26 Desperate ADJ Feeling or showing a hopeless sense that a

situation is so bad as to be impossible to deal


27 Tremendously ADV To a very great extent

28 Vague ADJ Uncertain, indefinite or unclear

29 Confront V To come face to face with someone with

hostile or argumentative intent

30 Embarrass V Cause someone to feel awkward self-

conscious or ashamed

31 Whimpered V Making a series of low sounds showing fear

32 Provocation N Action or speech that makes someone angry,

especially deliberately

33 Accreditation N The action or process of officially recognising

someone as having a particular status or being

qualified to perform an activity

34 Taekwondo N A modern Korean martial art similar to karate

35 Alleviate V To make a problem or suffering less severe

36 Harness V Control and make use of natural resources

especially to produce energy

37 Comprehend V To understand something completely

38 Vacuum N A space entirely devoid of matter

39 Devoutly ADV Earnestly showing deep feelings or


40 Pentathlon N An athletic event comprising of five different

events for each competitor

41 Centripetal ADJ Directed towards the centre

42 Despoil V To strip/stealvaluable possessions

43 Entourage N A group of attendants/associates who travel

with an important person

44 Klipspringer N A small agile African antelope

45 Ostensible ADJ Something that appears to be true; professed;


46 Paucity N Smallness of quantity; scarcity; scantiness

47 Susceptible ADJ Easily influenced, damaged or affected by

somebody /something

48 Tantalize V To tease

49 Surfeit N Excess or too much of something



50 Plethora N Overabundance; excess

51 Permeate V To spread through something and be present

in every part of it

52 Evanescent ADJ Vanishing; fading away; fleeting

53 Divestiture N The action or process of selling off subsidiary

business interests or investments

54 Ubiquitous ADJ Existing or being everywhere, esp. at the same

time; omnipresent

55 Hydraulic ADJ Operated, moved or effected by means of


56 Matriarch N A woman who rules or dominates a family, a

group or state

57 Mercurial ADJ Changeable; volatile

58 Olfactory ADJ Pertaining to the sense of smell

59 Waspish ADJ Expressing anger or irritation

60 Vacillate V To waver between different opinions or

actions; be indecisive



Class VIII

Session 2020-2021

S.NO. Words Part of Speech Meaning

1 Gawked V Stare openly and stupidly

2 Whence ADV ( From) where 3 Obscure ADJ Uncertain

4 Fatal ADJ Causing death

5 Sparse ADJ Thinly dispersed or scattered 6 Stride V Walk with long decisive steps in a specific

direction 7 Chaplain N A Christmas priest or minister who works in an


8 Bonnet N A woman’s or child’s hat tied under the chin and

with a brim framing the face 9 Perched V Alight or rest on something 10 Endure V Suffer patiently 11 Lullaby N A quiet, gentle song which is sung to send a child

to sleep 12 Banditti N Robbers belonging to a gang 13 Moulder V Slowly decay or disintegrate, especially because

of neglect 14 Emulate V Imitate 15 Overawed V Impress someone so much that they are silent 16 Nuances N Slight differences that are important 17 Asphalt N A thick black substance that is used for making

the surface of roads 18 Pursuit N The action of trying to achieve or get something 19 Shackle N Chains 20 Unprecedented ADJ Never done or known before 21 Inculcate V Instill an idea, attitude or habit 22 Famished ADJ Extremely hungry 23 Mendicants N Beggars

N= noun V= verb ADJ= adjective ADV= adverb


24 Bequest N Inheritance 25 Debacle N A sudden and ignominious failure 26 Disgruntled ADJ Dissatisfied/disappointed and annoyed 27 Ponder V To think 28 Leveraged V Used to maximum advantage 29 Hearth N The floor of a fireplace 30 Imbibe V To absorb 31 Hansom N A two-wheeled horse-drawn cab for two people 32 Consensus N A general agreement among a group of people 33 Nascent ADJ Just coming into existence 34 Throng N A densely packed crowd 35 Agog ADV Excited 36 Scrutinizing V To examine something carefully 37 Poaching V To illegally catch or kill an animal 38 Cumulative ADJ Increasing steadily in amount, degree, etc. 39 Hovel N A small house 40 Conformists N Those who follow traditional practices 41 Precocious ADJ Unusually mature, especially in mental

development 42 Demitasse N A small coffee cup 43 Vengeance N Revenge 44 Malfeasance N Conduct by a public official that violates the

public trust or is against the law 45 Foudroyant ADJ Sudden and overwhelming, stunning 46 Logorrhea N Excessive talkativeness 47 Cliche N Stereotyped expression 48 Hassle N Trouble, unwanted annoyances or problems 49 Hoax V Something intended to cheat 50 Solivagant ADJ Wandering alone 51 Gourmet N A specialist of good food 52 Couturier N Someone who designs expensive clothes 53 Hipster N Someone who is very influenced by the recent

fashion or ideas 54 Convalescent N A person recovering from illness 55 Atrocious ADJ Frightful, cruel or evil 56 Equivocation N Multiple meanings of a single expression 57 Ravenous ADJ Very hungry 58 Scrimmage N A rough fight 59 Rhapsody N An ancient Greek epic poem suitable for


recitation 60 Obnoxious ADJ Extremely unpleasant or offensive








1 Loftily Adverb In a superior way

2 Percussionist Noun A person who plays the drum,

the tabla, such musical


3 Auditioned Verb Gave a short performance,

particularly in order to be

selected as a


4 Intriguing Adjective Fascinating and curious

5 Indispensable Adjective Without which a piece of

work cannot be done

6 Souvenirs Noun Things given in memory of a

place, person or even

7 Amateur Noun Doing something for personal

enjoyment rather than as a


8 Simultaneous Adjective Happened at the same time

9 Slithered Verb To move by sliding from side

to side along the ground like a


10 Undistinguished Adjective Ordinary or common

11 Imminent Adjective About to happen

12 Winnows Verb To blow grain free of chaff

13 Shingles Noun Rectangular wooden tiles

used on roofs

14 Melancholy Adjective Sad

15 Wattles Noun Twisted sticks for making


16 Linnet Noun A small brown and grey

birdwith a short beak

17 Scarlet Adjective,Noun Brilliant red colour

18 Reiterated Verb Repeated

19 Turnstile Noun A mechanical gate consisting


of revolving horizontal arms

fixed to a vertical post

20 Whacked Verb Hit noisily

21 Reverie Noun A state of being pleasantly

lost inone's thoughts

22 Guttural Noun Sound produced in the throat

23 Bailiffs Noun A law officer who makes sure

that the decisions of a court

are obeyed

24 Proclamation Noun Order, rule

25 Darted Verb Pushed someone/something


26 Stirring Verb Moving around

27 Depredations Noun Attacks which are made to

destroy something

28 Prodded Verb Pushed

29 Gaudy Adjective Extremely bright and showy

30 Intently Adverb Carefully

31 Resonances Noun Echoes of sounds

32 Deteriorated Verb Worsened

33 Smeared Verb Covered with

34 Unprecedented Adjective Never done or know before.

35 Segregation Noun Separation

36 Abnegation Noun Renouncing a belief or

doctrine 37 Camaraderie Noun A sense of solidarity arising

out of familiarity and


38 Cognizant Adjective Awareness or realization

39 Embezzlement Noun Misappropriation of fund

40 Vociferous Adjective Something or someone who is

offensively/ conspicuously


41 Pertinacious Adjective Someone who is stubbornly


42 Ascetic Adjective Leading a life of self-

discipline and self-denial


43 Cajole Verb Influence or urge by gentle

urging or flattering

44 Ebullient Adjective Showing excitement;

overflowing with enthusiasm

45 Fastidious Adjective Difficult to please

46 Gregarious Adjective Seeking and enjoying the

company of others

47 Jubilant Adjective Happy

48 Juxtaposition Noun Act of positioning close


49 Maelstrom Noun Whirlpool

50 Fractious Adjective Inclined to make trouble

51 Rummage Verb Search in a hurry or in

careless way

52 Squirm Verb Wriggle or twist the body

from side to side

53 Conceit Noun Excessive pride in oneself

54 Betray Verb Expose to danger by

treacherously giving

information to an enemy.

55 Condemn Verb Express complete disapproval

of; censure.

56 Defile Verb Damage the purity or

appearance of; mar or spoil.

57 Outrage Noun An extremely strong reaction

of anger, shock, or


58 Affluent Adjective Having a great deal of

money; wealthy.

59 Contentment Noun A state of happiness and


60 Expedition Noun A journey undertaken by a

group of people with a

particular purpose

61 Culmination Noun The highest or climactic point

of something

62 Bestow Verb Confer or present


63 Fervent Adjective Having or displaying a

passionate intensity.

64 Wantonly Adverb In a deliberate and

unprovoked way.

65 Prostrate Adjective Lying stretched out on the

ground with one's face


66 Flounder Verb Struggle to move

67 Conjecture N/V An opinion or conclusion

formed on the basis of

incomplete information

68 Febrile Adjective Characterized by a great deal

of nervous excitement or


69 Gratuitous Adjective Done without good reason

70 Macabre Adjective Disturbing because concerned

with or causing a fear of


71 Remnant Noun A part or quantity that is left

after the greater part has been

used, removed, or destroyed.

72 Tumult Noun A loud, confused noise,

especially one caused by a

large mass of people.

73 Janitor Noun A caretaker or doorkeeper of

a building

74 Alley Noun A narrow passageway

between or behind buildings.

75 Suave Adjective Charming, confident, and


76 Venerable Adjective Accorded a great deal of

respect, especially because of

age, wisdom, or character.

77 Disgorge Verb Pour (something) out.

78 Concourse Noun A large open area inside or in

front of a public building.

79 Oblivion Noun The state of being unaware or

unconscious of what is

happening around one.


80 Hysteric Noun A wildly emotional and

exaggerated reaction.

81 Exasperation Noun A feeling of intense irritation

or annoyance

82 Calumny Noun A false and slanderous


83 Oblige Verb Make (someone) legally or

morally bound to do


84 Swindle Verb

Use deception to deprive

(someone) of money or


85 Hasten Verb Be quick to do something.

86 Mellifluous Adjective Something musical or


87 Inexorable Adjective A stubborn or inflexible


88 Prescience Noun The power to know

something before it happens

89 Termagant Noun A quarrelsome woman

90 Hemorrhage Noun A rapid loss of blood

91 Isthmus Noun A narrow strip of land that

connects two larger bodies of


92 Magnanimous Adjective Big-hearted, noble, and


93 Surveillance Noun The close observation of


94 Camouflage Noun The process of making

something less obvious

95 Camaraderie Noun The warm, friendly feelings

that friends have for each


96 Furlough Noun A period of time off from


97 Questionnaire Noun A set of printed or written

questions with a choice of



98 Leisure Noun Time when one is not

working or occupied; free


99 Complacent Adjective Showing smug or uncritical

satisfaction with oneself or

one's achievements.

100 Exquisite Adjective Extremely beautiful and








1 EMBEZZLEMENT Noun Theft or misappropriation of funds placed in one's trust or belonging to one's employer

2 PALPITATION Noun A noticeably rapid, strong or irregular heartbeat due to agitation, exertion or illness

3 SPLENDID Adjective Magnificent; very impressive

4 INTRIGUE Verb Arouse the curiosity or interest of/ make secret plans to do something illicit or detrimental to someone


Eat or drink (something) greedily

6 FRUMP Noun

An unattractive woman who wears dowdy old-fashioned clothes

7 CONFOUNDED Adjective Used for emphasis, especially to express anger or annoyance

8 VICTIMIZATION Noun The act of victimizing someone ( treating them unfairly)

9 ERGONOMICALLY Adverb In a way that makes furniture or equipment comfortable and effective for people who use it

10 BASTION Noun Something that keeps or defends a belief or a wayof life that is disappearing or threatened

11 BLEAKNESS Noun The quality of being cold, unpleasant and not welcoming or attractive

12 ACCEPTANCE Noun General agreement that something is satisfactory or right, or that someone should be included in a group

13 LAMENTATION Noun Sadness and feeling sorry, or something that expresses these feelings

14 AFFLICT Verb (of a problem or illness) cause pain or trouble to; affect adversely

15 INSCRUTABLE Adjective Not showing emotions or thoughts and


therefore very difficult to understand or get to know

16 WANDER Verb To walk around slowly in a relaxed way or without any clear purpose or direction

17 ROYALTY Noun The people who belong to the family of a king and queen

18 HERETOFORE Adverb Before this point in time

19 ENLIGHTENMENT Noun The state of understanding something

20 FLAGON Noun A large container for especially alcoholic drink, used in the past

21 STRATEGICALLY Adverb In a way that helps to achieve a plan, for example in business or politics

22 CUTLASS Noun A curved sword with a single sharp edge, especially as used in the past by pirates

23 DEHUMIDIFIER Noun A device that removes excess moisture from the air

24 PIRIFORMIS Noun A muscle that moves the hip joint around

25 CRAMPED Adjective Suffering from cramp/ uncomfortably small or restricted

26 STUMBLE Verb Trip or momentarily lose one’s balance; almost fall

27 LICHEN Noun A grey, green or yellow plant-like organism that grows on rocks, walls, and trees

28 OVERWHELMING Adjective Very strong (especially of an emotion); difficult to fight against

29 SPREADEAGLED Adjective Lying with your arms and legs stretched out

30 THOROUGHFARE Noun A main road for public use or a passage through somewhere

31 WORRYWART Noun A person who often worries, especially about things that are not important

32 HABERDASHERY Noun Cloth, pins, thread, etc. used for sewing; or a shop or a department of a large store that sells these

33 CONJECTURAL Adjective Based on how something seems and not on proof

34 APPALLING Adjective Shocking and very bad

35 INFURIATE Verb To make someone extremely angry

36 NIGHTMARISHLY Adverb In a way that is extremely unpleasant and


very upsetting or frightening

37 PEEVISHLY Adverb In an easily annoyed way

38 ZULU Noun A member of an ethnic group from Southern Africa

39 TRIUMPHANT Adjective Having achieved a great victoryor success, or, feeling very happy and proud because of such an achievement

40 HUMILIATE Verb To make someone feel ashamed or lose respect by injuring their dignity and pride

41 BALLERINA Noun A female ballet dancer

42 EFFLORESCENCE Noun He production of a lot of art, especially of a high quality (Literary)

43 CONTEMPLATE Verb Think deeply and at length; look thoughtfully for a long time at

44 EARNESTLY Adverb In a serious and determined way, often without humour

45 PERSONAGE Noun An important or famous person

46 BEWILDERED Adjective Perplexed and confused

47 VARIEGATED Adjective Having a pattern of different colours or marks

48 ENTOMOLOGY Noun The scientific study of insects

49 SOPHISTICATED Adjective Having a good understanding of the way people behave and/or a good knowledge of culture and fashion

50 MALICIOUS Adjective Intending or intended to do harm.

51 AMIABLE Adjective Friendly and pleasant


OBLIGED Adjective To be forced to do something or feel that you must do something (legally or morally)

53 AMPHITHEATRE Noun An open circular or oval building for the presentation of dramatic or sporting events, surrounded byseats for spectators

54 BESIEGED Verb To be surrounded closely

55 EMANCIPATION Noun Freedom from restriction


Adjective An impressive display

57 BEDECKED Verb Decorate


58 WROUGHT Verb Made or done in a careful or decorative way

59 PREJUDICE Noun An unfair and unreasonable opinion or feeling, especially when formed without enough thought or knowledge

60 UPBRAID Verb Find fault with (someone), scold

61 WHET Verb To sharpen

62 PLAINTIVELY Adverb In a sad or mournful way

63 CURVETTING Verb Leaping gracefully or energetically (like a horse)

64 DERISIVELY Adverb In a manner showing someone that he or she is stupid

65 INCREDULOUSLY Adverb Showing unwillingness to believe

66 HITCHING Verb Moving something into a different position with a jerk

67 GRUFFLY Adverb Rough in manner

68 CORNUCOPIA Noun An ornamental container; an abundant supply of something

69 CONDESCENDING Adjective Having or showing an attitude of patronizing superiority

70 CONGLOMERATE Noun A thing consisting of a number of different and distinct parts grouped together

71 THEOLOGY Noun The study of religion and religious beliefs

72 DEXTEROUS Adjective Skillful or clever with hands

73 PAGEANT Noun A colorful parade or an act of a historical event

74 CONVOLUTION Noun A coil or twist or a complicated thing

75 CHATTEL Noun A personal possession; a movable property


76 LOFTY Adjective Of great height

77 ERE Preposition Before (in time)

78 CONTRIVE Verb To create or bring about something, using clever planning

79 CACOPHONY Noun An unpleasant mixture of harsh sounds

80 COMPLACENT Adjective Feeling so satisfied with your own abilities or situation that you feel you don’t need to try any harder

81 DESPERADO Noun One without regard to law or life

82 VAGABOND Noun A person who wanders from place to place without a home or job

83 CALLOW Adjective Inexperienced and immature (of a young person)

84 OSTENSIBLY Adverb In a way that appears or claims to be one thing when it is really something else

85 GALLANT Adjective Brave, courteous; attentive and chivalrous to women

86 EXCURSION Noun A trip or outing especially taken as a leisure activity

87 COLOSSUS Noun A person or thing of enormous size, importance or ability

88 EJECT Verb To force someone out


90 ECCENTRIC Adjective Strange or unusual

91 SAUSAGE Noun A thin, tube like case containing meat that has been cut into very small pieces and mixed with spices


92 LUMBAGO Noun Pain in the muscles and joints of the lower back

93 WRUNG Verb Twisted

94 SWOONED Verb Fainted

95 DISTRAUGHT Adjective Worried and upset

96 SLOPPED Verb Spilled

97 SCRIMMAGES Noun A confused struggle or fight

98 HURTLING Verb Moving very fast, especially in a way that seems dangerous

99 LITHE Adjective To bend easily (especially of a person’s body)

100 VICARIOUS Adjective Experienced by watching, listening to or reading about somebody else doing something rather than doing it yourself
