Speed Development Strategies

Speed Development Strategies Trenton Clausen MA, CSCS, RSCC, USAW-2 Strength & Conditioning Coordinator Head Football Coach Conestoga Public Schools

Transcript of Speed Development Strategies

Speed Development Strategies

Trenton Clausen MA, CSCS, RSCC, USAW-2

Strength & Conditioning Coordinator

Head Football Coach

Conestoga Public Schools

Coaching Principles & Philosophy

• Person first, Athlete second, Sport third Relationships

• Learning Domains: Cognitive, Affective, and Psychomotor

• Athlete Structural/Movement Limitations Screen Athlete Movement Daily

• Movement over Mass Transferability/Movement Specific

• Ground Based, Multi-Joint, Three Dimensional Movements

• Effort, Attitude, Enthusiasm, Consistency Worry about what we can control

Linear Speed Development

• Start

• Acceleration/Transition

• Max Velocity/Absolute Speed


• Projection, Rhythm, and Rise

• KPI’s and Bandwidths

Why train speed year round?

• Transfer

• Skill

• Gameday!

Backside/Frontside Mechanics


• Varies by sport, position, and style of sport play

• We must prepare our athletes for static, dynamic, linear, lateral, rotational, sight, sound, and pressure starts

• Projection – Drive body away from start

• Projection angle is a product of force application (Shin and body angles)

• High Force Application Push Mindset, less time spent on the ground with each step

• React to Stimulus

• Piston like leg action first 4-6 steps gradually becoming more cyclic*

Not all are the same, but there are similarities


• Rhythm, Rise, Projection

• Body will become 4-6° more upright with each ground contact

• Attack angles lessen with each step

• Ground contact time decreases and flight time increases with each step

• Limb angles change in uniform manner (Arms and Legs)

• Piston like leg action first 4-6 steps gradually becoming more cyclic*


Max Velocity/Absolute Speed

• Athlete in the air 1.6 times longer than they are on the ground

• Force vector is vertical

• Additional flight time gives athlete time to reposition limbs before next ground contact


Team Sport Differences

• Varied starting patterns/positions

• Running a non-linear route

• Having to navigate around opponents and teammates

• Reacting to chaotic stimulus

• Running with ball/object or dribbling a ball with feet or hands

Contact Information/Social Media

[email protected]

• Twitter: @tclausen24 @c1stogastrength

• Instagram: @trentonclausen @c1stogastrength

Thank You!


• My Family

• My Students and Athletes

• My Mentors

• Conestoga Public Schools