Spatial Inequality and Immigration Part 2. Gini Coefficient – number used to measure spatial...

Spatial Inequality and Immigration Part 2

Transcript of Spatial Inequality and Immigration Part 2. Gini Coefficient – number used to measure spatial...

Spatial Inequality and Immigration

Part 2

• Gini Coefficient – number used to measure spatial inequality.

Check out the title.

- How has spatial inequality in the Americas changed over the last 15 years?

- Higher the number = higher the spatial inequality

Which continents have the highest spatial inequality?

- Predict why.

US Stance on Immigration

• Key Question: How has the US’ position regarding Latin American immigration changed over the last 100 years?

Answer after taking all the notes.

Creation of Border Patrol - 1924

• Created to stop illegal Asian immigration through Mexican border

• Later used to control Mexican and Central American immigration

Bracero Program - 1942

• US government recruited 350,000 Mexicans per year to work in the country

• Shortage of labor during WWII, most went to California and worked in agriculture.

The first Bracero’s arrive in California

Immigration Act - 1965

• Act creates first quotas (limits) on Latin American immigration

• Only allowed 20,000 per Latin American country

Refugee Act - 1980

• Anyone who claims they are in personal danger may leave their country and come to the US

• Created to allow Cubans to leave their Communist government

Fidel Castro, Cuban Communist Dictator

Refugee Act - 1965

- Causes widespread immmigration of Cubans.

- Cuban population in Florida greatly increases.


Today • 1.2 million immigrants

became citizens in 2006

• Around 800,000 illegal immigrants enter the US per year

• Population increasing 2.3% per year

US Border Patrol in the Gulf of Mexico

What conclusions can you draw regarding immigration in the Southern US?


• How does the US decide whether immigration from Latin America is ok or not?