Spartan Daily ¶ahlquist Lauds own 's Action

Califorada State 1,ibrary Sacramento 9, California Spartan Daily ¶ahlquist Lauds San Jose State College own ’s Action _4...J.:J.- ir.,......,.. ss.....___ .1,10,,Rece" President John T Wahlguist said yesterday that he feit the de- cision of Attorney General Edmund G. Brown ..ill benefit San Jcte State College and the state coliege system. -People of the state are going to be ccnIronted with a s!..c ..c 1)1N. Siall-ips Find I of_ facilities in buildings and teachers. The ’,c.v.:nos et ihe S, .o . i Intetim, t .- - , All ’.Seniors! Today is the lastay di rt to sign up tor your senior pie- .felx.rg A ;’ , .- sks P.’1:’ . pi. sa -ii, ... tures. The deadline eannot be e- 11 . be no late page this year. Those L. ()1t)iis H(.11) ilt vs, i. 1 nap , 0.. L2 it tended further, and there will "") ... disliked de.:a., graduating seniors it he not FRESNs 1 Calif , i let 28 I IT It was tlw problem ol pc . .. i signed up should do so sit the :Gilbert II Jertherg mum& I ot II.. allon Liao .1 quail jai " la t,.-- Srni.r booth in the Outer quad llztAt.’ Boat ti of Education 110". or in the IA Torre ()Mee. .1-9. I Fresno, declared today it is tl’, Prust,i,1.1 Wahlgiae.t cle.elt..eti i respOntitb111t3. of the Legist.41 tar t, the administration hoped to t appropriate sato:iv, funds to pei , t oi:1 bu FTE students by ,SAC Nailies , in nrollment at state colleges ,u.,1,:...! borderline students "M’e just have not kept up s’. it, than of Instrieution I led I tlw rowth of populati, 1, the lit P g .. (tirtnis -, 0, ...,..hti, ,, . .,,, ..a, l hl the I At Alt, eroa.I I.. E i a ( il 11.1 4% .-,i. to - i iis hi, t. 1.4 teaching staff.’ rep. ;5, ,. ,, . : Ft)r .N(Pl’. 5 B(ill Jerthei g said the he..,,i , he.... ia’. up solar grading it sail, ha% t . t 1 , safer a proposal early nes! .., , ., 1 , - a it Wahl., En..i 1,,,.11 m,I,,,, ill he ’ease the situation by raissui . Si Ii, ;allurements I h.. patrons for the Cuitination Ir’31". rugmr*.m11Is Iinwver h tommigating units has Ball Nov. 5. in the (’is ii Auditoi- Said the l’Oslaturt’ mu art cm icollege .. -dons it,. sclioiii..ti. sum. according to Jim Cottrell, So- It ha- PRIL"sa I ’The 1 ac Lilt has 111’1,i vial Affairs committee chairman ! Jertt".1-;-.."1"t’""’"I" r"11()". d pleased u ft h the um k -1’ - 1 Patrons for the ball u ill lw Dean ’a 11111111L: I. Attorney General Fd ..,. (Imiir 11. ’it’ll 1/itnntick. Itean Robert Mat.- mund O Brown that Sail .1,,.. Dr D. atIllialisl ii.i an 1.. 1111, 15’1111 11/11I Nfis. Stalde% Tittirt. !Slat’. "died -"111"1111 In 4 . 5.11 mania,Dednesda uh. a. fie’ ".1, Dr. and Mrs. Edward Clements. :im’llfie"t"m- m I"" i Ins. ’’ -1. "I’ ithairman fat ill, I’ Is 111 iiiii II, and Dr. and Mrs. H. Murray !from enrollment this pal 11. Clark. ruling ;ill, els II oat. colleges. II I ASH’ 4 ..iisCr ti 11110 11, . still, 1 Hifi I..ii %:i....h.. .1 ,15. I SitlikilIS Will ;40 a chance to t sonernit. to. .at al Wall.. atI ti. the Homecoming trophies and I... liomec(iniina Fete lii,11. I It 1 ,et 11. elli, 1,1..11 Lihrary showcases today, Cottrell 1 A 1 ion,,,,,mi,,,, queen’s crown ID hi, noted. 11e said that the Decoi a Jutiues ,leleeted toilseffnunikee planned to d...., e. \ ate 11111 ea,:e’S with th, ,,,,..., . .11.1.41;:l., 1(11 11., 1’, 1 I .., phies, bids. pictures alt 4’, , ,:. I i,. i, Parade Were mut. ., .. -It t er anal his band, the Coionat...f. the parade vont:miter in -iii, ii i streamers hslay. The OA . - I .r. . ’Ie (it ’.1 and purple and \\ l loeilt.. . Vallonai i Be -Bop ll ern Bids fol the semi -formal ball Voss. f N’ . .1..111 , will be dist IA-tilted starting Mon- F.loYti -1-. f’ . 1 -’ . 1. i 1 ’. AI le() said i) iiiIIIV day P. IN- i iitli-r Quail. CL htell .1 R. " o .. ’’it 1:i.1.. - rx)lice (duel. Miss P;. \ I I.- ton. of Appleton’s D.I. , , ..w I Ttniell (,anie I. ilt ,E.,1(1,. ".1."9, nr- ni"h-: . Vol. 42 SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1954 4144114w.. Belt are. A 11. flop th. o f . fe hen., V1 iii cr iiis arliiiig Th.. ,,,,, I. 1.11,/ ! 0 li I ht. i t.11ilfti. ili Speech, Dranin Settsots Tonight Bin Jr- ".i." i-ad id "sal’. . 1571b.:711.1."’:: Th:, 1.. ’um. S.1S -et..1. rf - i., it 1 i 11.1111311.411 a warning yasterday after a ref- . Last %eat th. jud.. .. I ’Is.- shuts %%1111’11 V, .11 intramural .ports program. issue - tttint.t.,I. ,, ..t.. A m:,rnificently costumed and is Rollin Buckman. Lonis. -Ilays ..,.d. I . ,-..i.. rills a. II I...d. , be-wigied cast of student- players is costume tnanairr, Kenneth Rugg pre ’as r"Ixwl’AlY atlackd int’ d bid this yew tii, 1.1s.... loss inst Sigma Ft s 7-6 P1-01.111,’d I are from t1n San Jos. rommunita ..i. ell ; , . octet aliel ’Si Veil.. will take its place on the stage of is stage manager. and Patricia Lund A sf . , I victory o f. at Pi kappa All W . lank 1/4 hed- the old Little Theater tonight as Branch will handle props. James The deans v Ill I. the tagioi. d nesday afternoon. golvsts id tlit II iii 1,,1111111’ 01,111 di II, . ,‘ ’.., ..1 goa’ a she, t 1..11. the Speetth and Driima Da part’ .Alta rn stall the light crew, The referee was assaulted by a In iiiitilI it.11, 111, I - MOM ’14 find production of the year. while Donald Barr will have charge Pi Kappa Alpha Mob.’,’-. -School for W i v es." of sound. Scene construction was player intim% lu %%I. g tin. defeat. which is being pi otes.1 /4,,ads .4 1crit,iiiii . 1,1,1 u’ouned ill hot I . pn. s.14.,, Cw ol. o .. , .. opens at 13:15 o’clock. Dr. James sand, re r the diction of James I.ioix. because only one taferee %a., 11,, I g Xeilarlili 111 Sleil’104,11 N101111, 11. ClaneeY is director Tickets for the production may _, vineu. Bob NN ,s Bob ,-,h. iit,.’ i.ip ,i1.1 Is. It,. i 01 hut hall 44 th, The play. a 17th century. French be obtained from I to 5 p. m. in The next lime an incident like Honey Put/ stall play tr. I. adiffs .1 -eat, -all, the Culler, aa p, comedy. concerns the efforts of a tin- Speech and Drama ()flier., ... . , 50 this happens the PE ilepartmnt roles its "Ti). m.,1,, ..ii I mwohis.. .111, V, ili pa... iii an cschasso cholelic middle-aged lover. Arnol- . . . f’ .will withdraw its backing of the Cheek lc Male I .(11,11,1 is %slink ty iii Moil, Dailey Audit. phe. to keep h:s sheltered you e eni young cents for Studetnt Body mhers intramural program.- Pert y di" will In v.". iit,1 .... 1...iie T. at 7 30 p to Tleits.i.. I’ ward. AK aoK, ignorant of the world and 75 Ca’ntS tor general ad11119- i tintsI: I i N ,I li p p -Jr0It, 1,00 and its pieasures. especially those . . creed of at semantic nature Arnolphe’s "School for D’ives" will run to. comically brought to ruin with the Nu \ 341 plans. te rriarry Agnes himself. are night and tomorroaa night and Eisenhower, A(1(knauer Conli(1(int appearance on the scene of a hand- , som )ff....rig suitor. Horace. t :()Illitiil Names W.1.-:IHN( ..T, ,N, (Jet 21.; . 1.-P 1 taciguay. on learning he hail %%on pointed controllet ,at the App. ::si--,r.g in th rhle of Arn.,i- 1,,,., ,. . , I ,., .,1,,,,,.t, and (7,,,,Thatt th. 19-.1 Nobel Prize for his irrm.k ..1 California. phe wilt k. Brad Curtis. Agnes \\ il ,.. ik . I.,. ...,, 1.,--, . I A,,,,,ihowt. ex. _-__.The (alit. Man and that Sea.’ said 1:(livard A Ditkeh.,., by ph.* id by Sid’s la Omni% Th. a ., 1)1)01 litef.s ,siway tie urinle iii,’ 1100k ANS- (if 111. eallfiel i WI 1 . l’’ . ’’"I -. : .I’ ?" .’ ’I’iN 1.1tat th’’ ;Calls.’ ..I ya as bilik.- part of Horace u ill hat portray . .1 !announced tin -1-; , by David Browne, and Data’ e’. %; ,,,. ,,,,, . , , t It.,. e11,,,,,, i nest atin.n agm.t., , ., have pa’. ad ; ..I am vpr), ideng,d and ,,,i. day The 42 . Ilagem:in will play the role .,’ , ,,,,,,,.. , , ,., ,. ,,t,. ,e1 \v, d the mad to a situp,: and united i, , . (’Irrysaltie - . ..ii i, . -.., A..., ci, Ill II 1,-.... i Curop. limild to vet:core the Nobel Priir... PcullP will , . is ,1,-1.- is -ad , Hasa, ;..,.. foils. ’.. ’for liter:our- - liemmingva ay hail F.1’ I V-417, .1. - , i .. I I. - Kepp1.1 as... teem, ., Other cast arl Way ii 1 . , . ,.,, , (.,,,.,,.. Th. 5, . 5. ,.. Ward. Hobert Gordon. Robert Nlor I f .dy i iit. i. a special 1,iiiiitilite, micia. f:: .iwards C, lia It. - - : .1,01111 ! - 11.1 they had 1’1. " , . - p will 1a place t 11;11 I tilla, James Dunn. and P. nita c . I nane ’Mart Ili, 0 .‘ I . MI I. i,111 ’MM. 1.11.11" 4 4/NTINI t.% 11.alitli i,, 1,1, Ili %l C("IlUI "t for th’ l"."duct’’ .1 ors,. : and Jini la,aa itt rei, ,1i1 and Pa! 1 dagt in Jan. t.’ea:t. was d stusled by 3 We,..1.11 Jails,. I , 111111 ’11% .’ 1,. 1111111K11 FOLIAMS AD% it i ’son. Cos: -saws and 551.5’. %%el(’ 1 11.-: i " 1 11,,10,1‘; " ’1N .i11.,.,"’ i .10 ’1,1 1. 111’1 11, I ... 14 MK. I k’t . 2/4 I 1 I liontql 1 tt:4; the direction of Mi- , . ii mother, Iti . . captain of the severe Arnolphe. are . ._ ., . . the ma,. eharacters. with the .\ liern.i i’risk. The costumes ,. t.,1 Inv whole nua.ions en. ’’ T , .... Man,’ gl 1. of the 19,1 . 11, !ruts hoard. .\ifplicalions may Ix- ultret. 11.1iM1( sl ti e1 si.t ".I i I I i NA Ill tN:- - 1 . floimh had .1 uf Ca. - I ..,-1,111 lailean- ma ha-’ to co ten’s ada ice when it Ill.., , NI. , i In g- Elizub, in t a ;. resplendent with ruffles, bows and in the ASH Office in tlie Stud. .1 Th" ‘Sage --- ’-’’’ ’" , houet for ft I, a. ,-istance in on a nigh’ 0f eiannrat. turbelows. Union. Deadline is e l Tuesday. g . ,te disat,’ --------tat e- the anti-arow campaign iltetoose *ut:Vitt., Marem-1 rtr1Tel-sisal director for th paf of .1for-..hong the uof d’s five Ii. t mothet sh. must so f najor atomic powers. INIK1.11:1’ IN MALI’ . Threti-wav 1)ebate unit,.t Nations Msim Polo- , s.s,l.,Lp,Nt i It I’. 1 ii 1 2s ill., ifli:.sintiti- <i aitt,haaa adtlatilis .nit ".. IA’1’11111’S C411111111N4’ Six menitrirs ’’I the SJS fol. tef d il Committee %sited unaninuf,isly Atfieff, ,in lf,.itf..! ;Ind’ is 11111, 1.- defy a i . impret4.111 Ilert. in 1)ecenil)er San Francisco Sdate and Stocktftf .1 team will join mitt, students tow: :, -. . I , t.. : evOIIIIIW/141 that the ’lot arencies At 1.1 into to- rotmnission set op day tat speed I. )1.! 1,1 ./I, ..... 11 1,1 , I P. ,’, 0.,01-11( of II..Q .ti a trianguiar debar, Niigata:. I ..ii.,.111111.11. , -tow t -fl ’I, -.,,,thtrn It ,I, :. .1 I. T: 1 he is.. go- st lect. . MOLIERE COME BV -Brad I urtis as Arnolphe is intent on break- ing up the romance of Agnes, played hy Is ia ( irone. and Dorm P, played by Bashi Brun ne, in this scene Irons "Sal I lair D kits," ((basil opens tonight at 8:15 o’clock in the old Little 1heater. The pla, directed by Or, James Clancy. is the first produrtion of the season of the Speech and Drama Department. A iiiii sing lines, it ic tiltuatitins and colorful costumes and effects still he featured in the presentation of thr 17th Century cornedy.-photo by Stan lierke. - - - ’,School for Wires’ , tit en night at 7 o’clock in the Speech l’, seri Stat- i: -- I; r list It Nt.i II stit:tai 5 , ,tfill 11 (1’s hr -.... S.IS student body lifl- and Drama Budding. ft: .1Ill’t and t .,.....10 to 111- til I)., .. Is are,. SM.: !o Irr 11 , ,...t partans who will be debating ,,, .. : eductem ,11-! illf 1,,Illibil . l’Y C - . Mel. chaaman of ti, , the question of Red China’s a-1 ( AIL 4.1.1% 4 41V1-1j1 /1,11.1j I.ectio ,aiis committee mission to the U. N. are Rots.I i 11-111;1-1 I A’ f . . . - f COM,’ ."...e members dise,issed Murphey. Harry Heffner. FAtti, 111.1"1ll.’, .’i AVe’ 451)4:1) I’. I’ : - ----- V. I.0 ppl. 1 i I , httil. I admissien for a net,11 hcture at Alcoek Jack Vierhaus. Jim Pc. 1 HAVA7s.k. 1 . ,i,.1 . 1, t 25 .1 I’, i too, . ;:,,i I .. .1.. . Ntana,:. , . tat, , a recent meeting. . anti Ron Sherrifts. i American novelist Ernest nem- . Put,: ,.. t :iierslt, lias br, 11 .i1P- St. III :;.1% IA tat’, .

Transcript of Spartan Daily ¶ahlquist Lauds own 's Action

Page 1: Spartan Daily ¶ahlquist Lauds own 's Action

Califorada State 1,ibrary Sacramento 9,


Spartan Daily ¶ahlquist Lauds San Jose State College own ’s Action _4...J.:J.- ir.,......,.�.

ss.....___ .1,10,,Rece" President John T Wahlguist said yesterday that he feit the de-cision of Attorney General Edmund G. Brown ..ill benefit San Jcte State College and the state coliege system.

-People of the state are going to be ccnIronted with a s!..c� �..c

1)1N. Siall-ips Find I of_ facilities in buildings and teachers. The ’,c.v.:nos et ihe S, .o� .

i� Intetim, t ��� .- - ,

All ’.Seniors! Today is the lastay di

rt to sign up tor your senior pie- .felx.rg A ’ ;’ , .- ’ sks P.’1:’ . pi. sa -ii, �... tures. The deadline eannot be e�- 11


be no late page this year. Those L. ()1t)iis H(.11) ilt vs,

i. 1 nap , 0.. � ’ L2 it tended further, and there will "")

... disliked de.:a., graduating seniors it he not FRESNs 1 Calif , i let 28 I IT It was tlw problem ol pc . .. i signed up should do so sit the :Gilbert II Jertherg mum& I ot II.. � allon Liao .1 quail jai " la t,.--Srni�.r booth in the Outer quad ll�ztAt.’ Boat ti of Education 110". or in the IA Torre ()Mee. .1-9. I Fresno, declared today it is tl’, Prust,i,1.1 Wahlgiae.t cle.elt..eti

� � i respOntitb111t3. of the Legist.41 tar t, the administration hoped to t appropriate sato:iv, funds to pei , t oi:1 bu FTE students by � ’ ,SAC Nailies , in ��nrollment at state colleges ,u.,1,:...! borderline students

"M’e just have not kept up s’. it, than of Instrieution I led I tlw rowth of populati, 1, the lit P g � ��� � .. (tirtnis �-�, 0, ...,..hti, ,, . .,,, ..a, l hl the I At Alt, eroa.I I.. E i a ( �il 11.1 4% .-,�i. to - i iis hi, t. 1.4 � teaching staff.’ rep. ;5, ,. ,, . :

Ft)r .N(Pl’. 5 B(ill Jerthei g said the he..,,i , he.... ia�’ .� up solar grading it sail, ha% t . t � 1 ,

safer a proposal early nes! .., , ., 1 , - a it Wahl., � En..i� 1,,,.�11 �m�,I,,,, � ill he ’ease the situation by raissui . Si Ii, ;allurements ��

I h.. patrons for the Cuitination ’ Ir’31". rugmr*.m°11Is Iinw°ver� h° tommigating units has Ball Nov. 5. in the (’is ii� Auditoi- Said the l’Oslaturt’ mu° art cm icollege .. -dons it,. sclioiii..ti. sum. according to Jim Cottrell, So- It ha- PRIL"sa I ’The 1 ac Lilt has 111’1,i vial Affairs committee chairman ! Jertt".1-;-.."1"t’""’"I" r"11()". d pleased u ft h the um k �-1’ - 1

Patrons for the ball u ill lw Dean ’a 11111111L: I. Attorney General Fd ..,. (Imiir 11. ’it’ll 1/itnntick. Itean Robert Mat.- mund O Brown that Sail .1,,.. Dr D. atIllialisl ii.i� an 1.. 1111, 15’1111 11/11I Nfis. Stalde% Tittirt. !Slat’. "died -"111"1111 In

4 .

5.11 mania,Dednesda� uh. a. fie’ ".1,

Dr. and Mrs. Edward Clements. :im’llfie"t"m- m I"" i Ins. ’’ �-1. "I’ ithairman fat ill, I’ Is 1�1�1 iiiii II,

and Dr. and Mrs. H. Murray !from enrollment this pal 11.�

Clark. ruling ;ill, els II oat. colleges. II I ASH’ 4 ..iisCr ��� ti 11110 11,

. still, 1 Hifi I..ii %:i....h.. .1������� ,15. I

SitlikilIS Will ;40 a chance to t����� � sonernit. to. .at al Wall.. at�I ti. the Homecoming trophies and I... liomec(iniina Fete lii,11. I It 1 ,e�t 11.� elli, 1,1..11

Lihrary showcases today, Cottrell 1 A 1 ion,,,�,,mi,,,, queen’s crown ID hi,

noted. 11e said that the Decoi a Jutiues ,leleeted toilseffnunikee planned to d...., e. \ � ate 11111 ea,:e’S with th, ��,,,,..., .� .11.1.41;:l., 1(11 11., 1’, 1 I ’ .., phies, bids. pictures alt 4’, , ,:. I i,. i, Parade Were mut. ., .. �� -It t er anal his band, the Coionat...f. the parade vont:miter in -iii, ii i

streamers hslay. � The OA . - I .r. . ’Ie (it ’.1 and purple and \\ l loeilt.. . Vallonai i Be-Bop ll ern Bids fol the semi -formal ball Voss. f N’ ’ ’ . � .1..111 , ’ �

will be dist IA-tilted starting Mon- F.loYti -1-. � f�’ . 1 � -’ � . 1. i 1 ’. AI le()


i) iiiIIIV day P. IN- i iitli-r Quail. CL htell .1 R. " o .. ’’it 1:i.1.. � - �� rx)lice (duel. Miss P;.�� � � � \ I I.- ton. of Appleton’s D.I.� �� � ,

, ..�w I

Ttniell (,anie I. ilt ,E.,1°(1,. ".1."9°, nr- ni"h-: .


� 4144114w.. Belt are.

A 11.� flop th. o � f . � fe hen.,

V1 iii cr �iiis arliiiig Th.. ,,,,, � I. 1.11,/

! 0 li I ht. i t.11ilfti. ili

Speech, Dranin Settsots Tonight Bin Jr- � ".i." i-ad id "sal’. . 1571b.:711.1."’:: Th:, 1.. ’um. S.1S �-et..1. rf - i., it 1 i 11.1111311.411

a warning ya�sterday after a ref- . Last %eat th. jud.. �

..� I ’Is.- shuts %%1111’11 V, .11 intramural .ports program. issue - tt�tint.t.,I. ,, ..t..

A m:,rnificently costumed and is Rollin Buckman. Lonis.� -Ilays ..,.d. I . ,-..i..� rills a. II I...d. , be-wigied cast of student- players is costume tnanairr, Kenneth Rugg pre° ’as r"Ixwl’AlY atlack°d int’ d bid this yew tii, 1.1s....�

loss inst Sigma Ft s 7-6 P1-01.111,’d I are from t1n� San Jos. rommunita ..i. ell ; , . octet aliel ’Si Veil.. will take its place on the stage of is stage manager. and Patricia Lund A sf . , I victory o f. at Pi kappa All W . lank �1/4 hed-the old Little Theater tonight as Branch will handle props. James The deans v Ill I.� the tagioi. d

nesday afternoon. golvsts id tlit� II iii 1,,1111111’ 01,111 di II, .� ,‘ ’.., ..1 goa’ a she, t 1..11. the Speetth and Driima Da part’ .Alta rn stall the light crew,

The referee was assaulted by a In iiiitilI it.11, 111, I - � MOM ’14 find production of the year. while Donald Barr will have charge

Pi Kappa Alpha Mob.’,’-. -School for W i v es." of sound. Scene construction was player intim% lu %%I. g

tin. defeat. which is being pi otes.�1 /4,,ads .4 1crit,iiiii . 1,1,1 u’ouned ill hot I . pn. ’ s.14�.,, Cw ol. o ..� , ..

opens at 13:15 o’clock. Dr. James sand, re r the diction of James I.ioix. because only one ta�feree %a., 11,, I g �Xeilarlili 111 Sleil’104,11 N101111,

11. ClaneeY is director Tickets for the production may _, vineu. Bob NN � ,s Bob ,-,h. iit,.’ i.ip ,i1.1 Is. It,. i 01 hut hall 44 th,

The play. a 17th century. French be obtained from I to 5 p. m. in The next lime an incident like Honey Put/ stall play tr. I. adiffs� .1 -eat, -all, the Culler, aa p,

comedy. concerns the efforts of a tin- Speech and Drama ()flier., ... . , 50 this happens the PE ilepartm��nt roles its "Ti).� m.,1,, ..ii I mwohis.. .111, V, ili pa... iii an cschasso

cholelic middle-aged lover. Arnol- . . . f’ .will withdraw its backing of the Cheek� lc Male I .(11,11,1 is %slink ty iii Moil, Dailey Audit. phe. to keep h:s sheltered you e eni young cents for Studetnt Body mhers

intramural program.- Pert y di" will In v.". iit,���1 .... 1...iie T. at 7 30 p to Tleits.i.. I’ ward. AK aoK, ignorant of the world and 75 Ca’ntS tor general ad11119-

i tintsI: I i N ,I li p p -�Jr0I�t, 1,00 and its pieasures. especially those . ’ .


of at semantic nature Arnolphe’s "School for D’ives" will run to.

comically brought to ruin with the Nu \ 341 plans. te rriarry Agnes himself. are night and tomorroaa night and Eisenhower, A(1(knauer Conli(1(int appearance on the scene of a hand- , som�� )ff....rig suitor. Horace. t :()Illitiil Names W.1.-:IHN( ..T, ,N, (Jet 21.; . 1.-P 1 taciguay. on learning he hail %%on pointed controllet ,at the ’

App. ::si--,r.g in th�� rhle of Arn.,i- 1,,,.�, ,. . , I ,., .,1�,,,,,.t, and (7,,,,Thatt th. 19-.1 Nobel Prize for his irrm.k ..1 California. phe wilt k.� Brad Curtis. Agnes \\ il� ,.. ik . I.,. �...,, 1.,--, . I A,,,,,ihowt. ex. _-__.The (alit. Man and that Sea.’� said 1�:(livard A Dit�keh.,., by ph.* id by Sid’s la Omni% Th. a ., 1)1)01 litef.s ,siway tie urinle iii,’ 1100k ANS- (if 111.� eallfiel i WI 1 .

l’’ . ’’"I ’ -. : .I’ ?" .’ ’I’iN 1.1tat th’’ ;Calls.’ ..I ya as bilik��.-part of Horace u ill hat portray . .1 !announced tin -1-; , by David Browne, and Data’ e’. %; �,,,. ,,,,, . , , t� It.,.� e�11,,,,,, i nest atin.n agm.t.�, , ., have pa’. ad ; ..I am vpr), ideng,d and ,,,i. day The 42 . Ilagem:in will play the role .,’ , �,,,,,,,.. , , �,., ,. � ,,t,. ,e1 \v, d the mad to a situp,: and united i, , . (’Irrysaltie � - . ..ii i, . -.., A..., ci, Ill II 1,-.... i

Curop. limild to vet:core the Nobel Priir... Pcull�P will �,����

. is ,1,-1.- is -ad , Hasa, ;..,.. � foils. ’..

’for liter:our- - liemmingva ay hail F.°1’ I V-417,

� .1. - , i .. I I. - Kepp1.1 as... teem, ., Other cast arl� Way ii 1 . , . ,.,, , (.,,,.,,.. Th. 5, . 5. ,..

Ward. Hobert Gordon. Robert Nlor I f � .dy i iit. i. a special 1,iiiiitilite,

micia. f:: .iwards C, lia It. - -

: .1,01111 ! �

- 11.1 they had 1’1. � " , . - � p will 1a place t 11;11 I tilla, James Dunn. and P. nita c � . I nane ’Mart I�li, 0 .‘ � I

. MI I. i,111 ’MM. 1.11.11" 4 4/NTINI t.% 11.�alitli i,, 1,1, Ili %l

C("IlUI "t for th’ l"."duct’’ � .�1 ors,. : and Jini la,aa itt rei, ,1i1 and Pa! 1 � dagt in Jan. t.’ea:t. was d stusled by 3 We,..1.11 Jails,.

I , 111111 ’11% �.’ ’ 1,. �1111111K11 FOLIAMS AD % it i

’son. Cos: -saws and 551.5’. %%el(’ 1 11.-: i " 1 11,,10,1‘; " ’1N .i11.,.,"’ � i .10 ’1,1 1. 111’1 11, I ..�.� 14 MK. I k’t . 2/4 I 1 I liontql 1 tt:4; the direction of Mi- , . � �ii mother, Iti .� .

captain of the severe Arnolphe. are . ._ ., . . the ma,. eharacters. with the .�\ liern.�i�� i’risk. The costumes ,.

t.,1 Inv whole nua.ions en. ’’

T � , .... Man,’ gl 1. of the 19,1 . 11, !ruts hoard.

.\ifplicalions may Ix- ultret.� 11.1iM1( sl ti e1 si.t ".I i I I i NA Ill tN:-� -� 1 . ’ floimh had

.1�Ist uf Ca. -I ..,-1,111 lailean- ma ha-’ to co

ten’s ada ice when it Ill.., � , NI. , i In g- Elizub, in t a ;.

resplendent with ruffles, bows and in the ASH Office in tlie Stud. .1 Th" ‘Sage --- ’-’’’ ’" , houet for ft � I, a. ,�-istance in on a nigh’ 0f

eiannrat. turbelows. Union. Deadline is e l

Tuesday. g .

,te disat,’

--------tat e- the anti-arow campaign ilt�etoose *ut:Vitt., Marem-1 �rtr1Tel-sisal director for th paf of .1for-..hong the uof d’s five

Ii. t mothet sh. must so f �najor atomic powers. INIK1.11:1’ IN MALI’

. Threti-wav 1)ebate unit,.�t Nations Msim Polo- , s.s,l.,Lp,Nt i It I’. 1 ii 1 2s ill., ifli:.sintiti- <i aitt,haaa adtlatilis .nit "..

IA’1’11111’S C411111111N4’ Six menitri�rs ’’I the SJS fol. tef� d� il Committee %sited unaninuf,isly Atfieff, ,in lf,.itf..! ;Ind’ is 11111, 1.�- defy a i .� impret4.111

Ilert. in 1)ecenil)er San Francisco Sdate and Stocktf�tf .1 � team will join mitt, students tow: :, -. . I , t.. : evOIIIIIW/141 that the ’lot ar�encies At 1.1 into to-

rotmnission set op day tat speed I. )1.�! 1,1 ./I, ..... 11 1,1 , I P. ,’, �

0.,01-11�( of II..Q

� .ti a trianguiar debar, Niigata:. I ..ii.�,.111111.11. � , -tow t -fl ’I, �-�.,,,tht�rn It ,I, :. � .1 I. T:� � 1 h e is.. go- st lect. .

MOLIERE COME BV-Brad I urtis as Arnolphe is intent on break-

ing up the romance of Agnes, played hy Is ia ( irone. and Dorm P,

played by Bashi Brun ne, in this scene Irons "Sal I lair D kits,"

((basil opens tonight at 8:15 o’clock in the old Little 1heater. The

pla, directed by Or, James Clancy. is the first produrtion of the

season of the Speech and Drama Department. A iiiii sing lines, it ic

tiltuatitins and colorful costumes and effects still he featured in the presentation of �thr 17th Century cornedy.-photo by Stan lierke.

- - -

’,School for Wires’ , � tit en

night at 7 o’clock in the Speech l’, seri Stat�-� i: -- I; r list It Nt.i II stit:tai 5�� ,� ,�tfill 11 (�1’s hr -.... S.IS student body lifl-

and Drama Budding. ft: .1Ill’t� and t .,.....10 to 111-�

til I)., .. Is are,. SM.: !o Irr 11 �, ,...t partans who will be debating ,,, �.. : eductem �,11-! illf 1,,Illibil .

l’Y C - . � Mel. chaaman of ti, , the question of Red China’s a-1 ( AIL 4.1.1% 4 41V1-1j1 /1,11.1j � ’ I.ectio� ,aii��s committee mission to the U. N. are Rots.I i 11-111;1-1 I A’ f . . . - � f

COM,’ ."...e members dise,issed Murphey. Harry Heffner. FAtti, 111.1"1ll.’, .’i AVe’ 451)4:1) I’. I’ : -� ----- ’ V. I.0 ppl. 1 i � I , httil. I

admissien for a net,11 h�cture at Alcoek Jack Vierhaus. Jim Pc. 1 HAVA7s.k. 1 . ,i,.1 . 1, t 25 .1 I’, i too, . ;�:,,i I ..� .1.. . Ntana,:. , . tat, �,

a recent meeting. . anti Ron Sherrifts. i American novelist Ernest nem- . Put,: ,.. t :ii�erslt, lias br, 11 .i1P- St. III :;.1% IA tat’, .

Page 2: Spartan Daily ¶ahlquist Lauds own 's Action

%"". 08111

c�part an SAN JOSE STATE

. A

Friday. Oct. 29, 1954


Jose � - 34 fell/ With ORO issue

Eri 1,0 AdrertIsing Dept., Ert. 211 c.. school viper bays:

..; �-- $2 ,n�Ing guar..., $1. - C�III.

Another extensm cours,� will be Students are asked to clear

K (111 (th(thr(ipers "v"ilable child study beginning Nov. 2. ;Dean of Instruction’s Office be -for students interested through Dr. Charles purdy in the

The course offered is Psychology I for, signm� g up for the cours��

sin. : ’ ’ "’.1 "d t’"*" amid"’ 142. Personality and Emotional Kanak , i-:.epers tonight at the Problems of Children. :-.:.b,: emu in Capitol:* The Ilawai- The course will be held � ein dinner-dance will feature the Tuesday night starting next h; � , r.

--/°’ th. rr:1i�I,- ot Doh Templeton and his - ,


�11111()1111141111e9li.. hanntny



I. los I hrbetian I eflosssfeep

t’ .1...? g, t

ngineering tesaciets: Meet at ,r,,,rht JO Room F.-I1P4

.1 111.111 i hifq kn. in NI. er. will

111;11 4,...,1 apliy

� � 11111g I. I’.:1441 het It, . Ill ill Mani Roe k

, bcao� �teaks $1 nig 1.11lier

�11 alumni and fat-iIt

Club: 11/411r,v444�11

I � p iii to I .1

� �� Ilia, lograeri: it., he. ,-

et Rolleristi.1, PC,. ...� Ala-. 11! o

tote A 1’ e. ,italay


1,11’ilt i’111111 iI.

.1eet �et 3 :Si) -

� III I:I/0111 133 It,, meets at ,

IS r� I (10(41 IIII the alent I ’f1:241 1 ,sion idt roach

Wails ilisciii,sed ;trail � - ’ John 111.hop.

. � i� .; .,.� ii Hell. ’.1 par-

ty Cal s scili ease the I VII .1 Afethealist Clone h 5 5th I and Santa Clio a �Iieet� at 7 and . 7 730 p

, o oi. Meet at the I.

I 00 Y. 1:4;fli

v. ill Is� served .e !.. a bout the refot mat aril. will is

� 1. 1 pre,gi Is� tl’i . ’1 hsearship ,��; ,; ,m1

’NI 14rliartnieni 1 : .. 7 1.


...leaked 4 liri�leasi I tofIllt Sel /,..�

it, NIVIIIIL/Ital Chapel at 9 Sei

a ii. Titesi1a. The Re. lIeno .1 II)’ ’S. Uri are Ilaptist

Chia ch xe. ill speak on "A Faith to

Immo ���� ,t. th ’Lecture: 11



We carry a complete stock of

All colors CREPE PAPER for float decorations

Poster board for signs Poster paints and brushes

E’ rv, Ft, ,IJRE YOUP NffD -

. Stationers . . .


Spartan Show Slate 1




"Human Desire" rienis

i’ord Gloria


Brodrick Crawford


Robert Stack



"The Iron Glove" ’olor by Technicolor

S �RATOGA 1 \ ’t,

II�Ri ,


$t � t. 8 Is F tr",

















10,7s To Hold ’child Study Extension Course Starts

orehestra Two hundred members and guests, dressed in native cos-

will sit down to either thicken oi swordfish dinners

N.r.eIty fa..ors fie.,ccn fe,r: I � Lk A11. Win be givr�Ii to t1,. Ii) 14 ji ni as the} and then

A.(11. al . . on the

�Lenees and chants

K 1.()K Records ,�

1k:tut Ifs, K011i tan Daily Staff, lately

They ’he heen tape,1 for t he -Spat tan Col fee f)ate" program I heard over Kl.eiK Saturdays at

m. Dick Garvin, student master of

ce’remonie’s interviewed the edi-torial and advertising staffs this week, and the 20 minute results will be aired tornormw night.

Regular features of the program include. interview with SJS cam-p -is personalities and the playing �,’ tt,e five top tunes of the week

Wited by "Juke Box Juries."

� --- �

1 ardS :omiiiittee

10 Elect Officers ’I he :ass arils committee cc ill

..k.ef eel Heirs monday at I p. an, during the regular Inedneeite meeting in lille.1111 106. 4 hairman Joianie Green announced ye-de-r-otas.

It will be the first Dine the

ittr has elected a chairman, iaerretary and treas-urer. Pres iffirehely the chairman-ship ssa� the only conimittee

� - -- �


Terego�Rumba�Welta�Swing -Foe Trot�Samba�Ch.-Chia-Cho

10 Lessons�$10 Glesses�Prisate

BscjIssers�Adsenced Students 5pec,a1 Rotas for Collor:). Stud�sts

and Serv�c� Men


41 Not, Dan,. A.0 CY 3-7080 Open II a In Co II p.m.





ESTER24-4, rare Arr4ke, ’

formedy Thipafr� � CY 7-3060 Doors open 6 45 Daly


71e. r.e.sea








Special Matinee Sunday at 2:30

GENERAL ADMISSION 7Se Stsd�sts seals ASI Cards SOc

and will be horn 7 to 10 o’clock ii

the flighway Elementary- Schou!

Mountain View. Three q:Iarter hr.

its wall be gie..en for the eceiese.


Plastic laminating, prompt and economical service.


Room 302 Commercial Ii: CY 2-1221


and PIZZA Also Pizza

to take out


85c and up Open II a.m.

to I A M. Closed on Monday




A great number of people have been asking me lately, "What is Homecoming?" Yesterday, for example, as I walked from my house to the establishment of Mr. Sigafoos, the local lepidopterist where I had left a half dozen tuna moths to be mounted - a distance of no more than three blocks -- I’ll wager that well over a thousand people stopped me and said, "What is Homecoming?"

Well, what with company coming for dinner and the cook down with a recurrence of breakbone fever, I could not tarry to answer their questions. "Read my column next week," I cried to them. "I’ll tell all about Homecoming." With that I brushed past and raced home to baste the mallard and apply poultices to the cook, who, despite my unending ministrations, expired quietly during the night, a woman in her prime, scarcely 108 years old. Though her passing grieved me, it was some satisfaction to he able to grant her last wish -- to be buried at sea - which is no small task when you live in Pierre, South Dakota.

With the dinner guests fed and the cook laid to her watery rest, I put out the cat and turned to the problem of Homecoming.

First of all, let us define Homecoming. Homecoming is a weekend when old graduates return to their alma maters to see a football game, ingest great quantities of food and drink, and inspect each other’s bald spots.

This occasion is marked by the singing of old songs, the slapping of old backs, and the frequent utterance of such outcries as "Harry, you old polecat!" or "Harry, you old rooster!" or "Harry, you old wombat!" or "Harry, you old mandrill!" All old grads are named Hurry.

During Homecoming the members of the faculty behave with unaccustomed animation. They laugh and smile and pound backs and keep shouting, "Harry, you old retriever!" These unscholarly actions are performed in the hope that the old grads, in a transport of bonhomie, will endow a new geology building.

The old grads, however, are seldom seduced. By game time on Saturday, their backs are so sore, their eyes so bleary, and their livers so sluggish that it is impossible to get a kind word out of them, much less a new geology building. "Hinphh!" they snort as the home team completes a 101 yard march to a touchdown. "Call that football? Why, back in my day they’d have been over on the first down. By George’, football Walt football back in those. days - not this namby pamby girls game that passes for football today. Why, look at that bench. Fifty substitutes sitting there! Why, in my day, there were eleven men on a team and that was it. When you broke a leg. you got taped up and went right back in. Why. I remem-ber the big game against State. Harry Wallaby, our star quarter-back, was killed in the third quarter. I mean he was pronounced dead. But did that stop old Harry? Not on your tintype! Back in he went and kicked the winning drop-kick in the last four seconds of play, dead as he was. Back in my day, they played football, by George!"

Everything, say the old grads, was better back in their day - everything except one. Even the most unreconstructed of the old grads has to admit that back in his day they never had a smoke like today’s vintage Philip Morris - never anything so mild and pleasing, day in day out, at study or at play, in sunshine or in shower, on grassy bank or musty taproom, afoot or ahorse, at home or abroad, any time, any weather, anywhere..

I take up next another important aspect of Homecoming - the decorations in front of the fraternity house. Well do I remember one Homecoming of my undergraduate days. The. game was against Princeton. The Homecoming slogan was "Hold That Tiger!" Each fraternity house built a i:ecoration to reflect that slogan, and on the morning of the game a group of’ dignitaries toured Fraternity Row to inspect the decorations and award a prize for the best.

The decoration chairman at our house was an enterprising young mats named Rex Sigafoos, nephew of the famous lepidopterist. Rex surveyed Fraternity Row, came hack to our house and said, "Ali the other houses are building cardboai.; cages with cardboard tigers inside of thent. We need to do something different - and I’ve got it. We’r.� going to have a yen/ cage with a ’fel tiger inside of it �a ar arlitig, clawing, slashing, real live tiger!"

"Crikey!" we breathed. "But where will you get him?" "I’ll borrow him from the zoo." said Rex. and sure enough, he (lid. Well sir, you can imagine what a sensation it was on Home-

coming morning. The judges drove along nodding politely at (...rd-hoard tigers in cardboard cages and suddenly they camp to our house. No sham beast in a sham cage here! No sir! A real tiger in a real cage a great striped jungle killer who slashed and roared and snarled and dashed himself against the bars of his cage with mani-acal fury.

There can be no doubt that we would have easily taken first prize had not the tiger knocked out the liars of the cage and leaped into the official car and devoured Mr. August Schlemmer, the governor of the state, Mr. Wilson A rdsley Devereaux. president of the uni-versity. Dr. 0. P. Gransmire, author of A T,easnry of the It’eee id’s Great Sonthpoics: .4,, Anthology of 1.’ ft !toad Lit�,ature, Mr. Harrison J. Teed, commissioner of weight. and measures. Mrs. Amy Dorr Nesbitt, inventot of the clarinet, Mr. Jarrett Thrum. world’s 135 pound lacrosse champion, Mr. Peter Bennett Hough, editor of the literal-) quarterly Npasm. and Mrs. Ora Wells Anthony, Rrst woman to tunnel under the North Platte River. em, 1954

ThiR ...gum,’ is brought to you by the ’,pokers of PHILIP MORRIS fehd think you iroalft enjoy their cigarette.


32 n

1 MEM!

Page 3: Spartan Daily ¶ahlquist Lauds own 's Action

Eta Epsilon Delegates � SJS Grou Octps 19.1 SPARTAN DAUM S �

Friday. 29 7

4------------- -----1

Leave. for Workshop , Spoof Spooks Immuni izat? on i i TOWNE FLOWER 1 i


. I 1 Kappa Alpha and Gamma Phi DeldlilleTWIZIN SHOP C -.� home economies studen!, The t�.0 of f icia I dek,ates are , Beta have planned a Halloween

two faculty members, rep.’- Lorna Mond° ra and Claudia � party for 20 underprivileged chil- -1-od,I, ii � ti t v t rut. . Corsages dren tonight at Hillsdale Rarn. I

51.50 up � . le ;.i. ii.. ., o - 7ing Eta Epsilon, social horn" Maede. Alternate delegates are The children will be entertained ch,se immunization cards for in- ;Orchid Corsages ..omics club, left this morning ’ Elmira Liebau, Margaret Waggo- with movies, games, a grab hag.. t luenz.a shots in the Giaduate Ma-

i weekend province workship ner, Jo Ann Vick and Nancy’ and a train ride. Refreshments natter s office, according to Mi-s I CY 5-6380 Yosemite National Park. ’ will include cookies and cider. ; Margaret Twornbl:k . student health i Crowell. Miss Katherine Young ’ . ser\ i.e director. C.ird cool !asks are being made for the - ’ and Miss Male Nygren, Eta Epsi- �� h i I die n by the Gamma Phi ’ cents.

1 Ion facult3 ath isers, accompanied ; ’.-1,,, i Shots will be gix. n Wednesday ROBERT LAWS

oloei rap

288-90 Park Ave. CY 5-9215

Free Parking in Rear

the girls. ;9 itT ()RIM

to 11 a.m. and to 4:30 p.m . sl’ %AN 1. I

The two-day conference will he partan Minim een ’,IL-. ’

S attended by 250 delegates from part I. h.11111..t1 for this. est.-the University of Nevada and col- null: at Roll. rland. according to loges and universities in Califor-nia.

haualiara. putiiiim chair-man.

Tran.portat ion to Rollerland %%ill pr hi. And tiviol stIl .�r.. 11111 Like 1h.. names of those ulio need t ra nsporta lion. Nil.. Ka%%ahara ’.ht.

S II Corn stalk,.

steaming caldron of punch �t highlight Sigma Pi’s Hal:, ��� party tonight from 9 p.m � i a.m., arording to Wynn fraternity president.

Prizes will Is given for the Tv.: best costumes. Chuck Chappell ,... in charge of refreshments and Chuck Rucaria is handling decora-tion’.

Chaperons will he Mr. and Mrs.’ If. Paul f:cker. and Mr. and Mrs. J. Hugh Jackson, Jr.

INE�I’Sf.tN 411.111 samm. Gill and hi� dance

hand plla at the Iost Dance tonight trim 9 to P.! o’-clock in Neu roan Ha II. accord-ing to Rarhara Hodges. public -it chairman. Refreshment. rill! be ..ersed

and prize. for the hest cost u ill tie auarded.

(’1 Th.: Collegiate Christian Fel-

lowship Halloween party w ill be held tonight at S o’clock in the Westminster Presbyterian Church. according to Nancy Temple. social chairman,

; Games and refri,shrnent, will lie the agenda

( .timpRELL MANOR "Pumpkin and smoke" ..ill he

the theme of ( amphell NLinor Co-op’s annual .1Itinina.� tornorrou is ening, according to Julie Nlt Phee. co-op president.

Alumnae, faculty members and other guests ha�e been in -’oiled to attend the Ifalloueen-themed affair.

SIGMA VIII Sigma (’his and their dates will

i celebrate Hallowern at a costume I party at the fraternity house to-night from 9 p in to 1 a m Apple

’dunking and other Ifalloween I games will provide entertainment.


Don’t spend money for a violin. It’s cheaper to get a haircuit.






If you are free Monday through Friday, 6:30 p.m. to 9.30 p.m., you can earn an extra $48 to $96 per week. Experience not -equired, but you must have a neat appearance.


Room 1 � 1190 S. Second Street on Monday. November 1 at 6:30 p.m.

�No Other Time�,


FINE FOOD ... for that . . .


-- Just �

Follow Fellow Friends to

the Familiar Facade

Famous for Fine Food.

Free Delivery After 10 p

Orders Over $1.50

2 Burger House 388 East Santa Clara CYpress 4-3659

SAN REMO wishes to extend to you the new students

a cordial inviation to visit our wine bottle restaurant


PIZZA in a

romantic, secluded atmosphere

San Remo’s Restaurant





5 P.M. TO 12 A.M. 5 P.M. TO 1 A.M.

4 P.M. TO 10 P.M.

It is also our cordial pleasure to offer you 10% off on every Pizza

Re r’- . � SAN REMO CARA’S

quer’-� - � � - LOS ALTOS JUNCTION

.on E. Camino Real. Plicre 7 2570.

Jane ¶,

’no Pd)

(Pi-one Se�slce 7 a ��� *0 10 p 14 no ca:I CY 3 6526

1203 So. First Street


Burgers . 10c Shakes . . . 15‘



1281 GRANT (On The El Camino � SANTA CLARA


ROOS Vih I TC OXFORD ROOTER SH I RTS--4.50 For sitting pretty In the rooter’S

section--white oxford cloth shirts. In your favorite button�down style with

barrel cuffs. Sizes 32 to 38.




Sue Merrill, Pot Fendt, Lucie Watson, Joanne Wolfe,

Nyle Barbour, Virginia Breslin

Page 4: Spartan Daily ¶ahlquist Lauds own 's Action

4 � /’ %RI SN DAILY (al 29. 1954

Spartans Face Eagles In Texas Grid Battle

:an Jos? State gridders will meet what Coach Bob Bronzan terms and roughest’. team on their sched...ile when they engage

State Eagles tcmorro night at Denton. will field a line averaging 214 pounds and a backfield

� . tr4I Standard time) kick-off tomor-

WI! 1111111(14. VA ii -r� In8, id-’, then Phi-, loa-cs is a tir��� athletic manager. is tile guest pan.-.-’

ItY the week’s piek tAA. inv panel The "tag live- include Ia kit bs wps- , ucLA s.. cal, Navy Nutt, Larne, Ohio State %s. North-

’ and Oklahoma ss Culoiado.

SJS Frogmen Sink Stanford

,ink the C.1 � �� al ter-

noon in a et n 1-3 game in the SjS pool.

Probably the hardest fought meet of this season. the win more .han made up for the Spartans’ 5-1 defeat in the two ti�ams first

��ricrainter earlier this }ear. �


’horn. 1. \ 1816 War to.

81 ph., Wu p.e.� rtiortyr 64, I it.... Bakes h

I ..1% II) P.n.1

M. tont, on /h. ire. Is

to. rid of foot. !oh,. s

8.. .81. Ia.,.

J11 Ph I’Cii. (8110.1ii.ljo

� � II I/ 8111I,ridotrt ’mach .!.ti ii,14 to Noith

i � - s. � in.,1 ii. 601001 rod., �

�, �,:it pas 37 man ; i� S.111 ti all �

’4. I):1S-

;it argttaill

I so ettanges ii, the �tarting 1.... 1.11. 1.1 st ere

c� , .1 he head ow III � g uiidoul � � ’..4 I r.�.1 II. IV, 4414111. oeof

ere.. ts ..1 the


Oa. 1’41

iii Ii.-il Psi I Pj. ’.1

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est.�111 that he lias tat 1:1-

.T15,45 � t,-, ’it

Hosil S11114111

I )141 Vs Frestsil

.5 S

: �

Pigskin Pickings

Pc�ltings unit �� �t Hubbard (1114)-H as. , ; I 4 1 S. 211; N.D.. 7: Ohio St., 28; Okla., I

l’hiwierton :: I I 1.1, 13; N.D., 11; Ohio tit., 20; Colo., 1

rantt 11 1 Ri -Iona. 1. I IS, IS; N.D., 6; Ohio ",11...11; Okla., 1

i 111 0) -Disc.. 6. IllS, 19:N ,D.. 7; Ohio SI_ 26; Okla., 11

sil,4 1%111 the lilies Prig please 17-po-rt

��� ,.! )�; . \tanager’s office ter. A . . . 1., � I,. � 1-39a.0 imumaiud,aLu-I. i., fteininger. Jo-

ilientiemen: close in. attractis-; seph W. Kamp. Charles Trevor. :minis Showers. hal ha. kitchens, Jr., Margaret Anne Flatter, Connie maid oes’.1,.� $.2 SAO molith, 545 1M. Seymour. Richard W. Smith.

,1tti St I it, riltdir.1 � 3-1180811rOoto

,,,,, r � . �, � al .,��-� 1 tli gil is.


� tor girl".

� 1

� thing ,� 598

Lai gr. I t. .8 ,,,,, 88 apart -

11.0�11t. kit. I.018.�II.,, all IltIlllit.S.

c-lisa n. model n. private entr n ace. ,

Adults Near college, CY 4-6414, 1 s ’e "i" .’ _NTT alter 5 p.m.

I .1.. hese. kitchen. 1..1 garage)

p m. $251


s It .ini�175. very clean I S � � , :la, Apt. 37.

1910 liadg. ’du) heatet 51 -.cit. � .1

I 10 .1 501, 1.1..4 it .1.11**r.

tut 1 :st. Apt. 3 Ito-

Iti�NI \ I \

55 Si, 4.4 t�Loss 11. I

\ 5 ask


60 :.tortli Third Nit-ref 14,, PhI W Barrett Pastor

College Class at 9.)0 Worship Serxic� �t 11 00

Calv,n Club at 6 10





. � ,i;Its � -oisages


eatztr a b � , � rt.). Flower Shop






Too Youth R�trots To Sor.� S.,..



FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Iwo blocks from campus 2nd and San Antonio

111114,11i111, II( 4 fi ,91


SN IDER’S DO-NUTS Special DISCOUNT on orders of 5

dozen or more to all dubs, schools.

churches, lodges parties. etc. ORDER IN ADVANCE

501 Almaden Ave CV 4.6839

State made the first tally. but ’ Stanford scored, making a fie.

-.core at the first quarter marker.

The Indians went ahead to had 3-1 at the half.

The Spartans pulled up and

made it 3-3 in the fourth period.

Tom Haim- made the fourth marker to end the game’s scoring.

Spas tan SCOrel’S, with one point each. sx.�ri� Dick Ilaine, Nort Thornton and Ait Lionlo�rt.

Stanfiail’s Johnson mad.’ all three Indian Tullio,.


For Glasses

that add to appearance

Yo/ti, - mut k

Dispensing Optician 124 E. Santa Clara Close to Campus

-S.,y;no the eyes

gip Pap& &lie Oide Pub//k flowe

Featuring Pizza made in our 750-degree Fire Brick Oven

Ext. ME-n -Ed’s Price List Ind. Large La.

Italian Sausage .85 1.30 1.75 Peperoni .85 1.30 1.75 Salami .85 1.30 1.75 Linguica .95 1.45 1.90 Mushroom .85 1.30 1.75 Beef and Onions .85 1.30 1.75 Anchovie .95 1.45 1.90 Olive .85 1.30 1.75 Combination (Everything) 1.25 2.00 2.50

Our Pizza is Different . . . it’s made from 6 kinds of cheese

4680 El Camino Real, Santa Clara Hours: 3 p.m. to 2 a.m.


Itemember -It’s the

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