Spanish Armada vs England

Absolute Absolute Monarchs Monarchs Spain – Phillip II
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Transcript of Spanish Armada vs England

Page 1: Spanish Armada vs England

Absolute MonarchsAbsolute Monarchs

Spain – Phillip II

Page 2: Spanish Armada vs England

Background Spain was part of the “Hapsburg Empire”

– Hapsburgs were a family in Europe• Through various marriages they acquired large amounts of

land• Controlled Spain, parts of modern day Italy, Netherlands,

Belgium, Sicily, Germany, Austria, Poland, France, the Americas

– Ruled by Charles V of Austria• Realized it was too unwieldy and split it up when he died.• His son, Phillip II got Spain, the Netherlands, part of Italy and

possessions in the Americas• His brother, Ferdinand, got Austria, parts of German, Poland,


Page 3: Spanish Armada vs England
Page 4: Spanish Armada vs England
Page 5: Spanish Armada vs England

I hate Calvinists!

Those rotten Dutch!

We’re Not Spanish!!!

I will wage war against those Dutch Calvinists!

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So How Will He Pay For This War???

Simple: Use the riches he finds in the Americas. Problem: English “pirates” keep attacking his

ships and stealing his gold Solution: Ask the Queen of England (Elizabeth I)

to put and end to the pirates Problem: The Queen of England is secretly

paying the pirates! They work for her!! What is a poor monarch to do?

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Hola! Look at all of this

gold we found!!

Arrrg!! “Sea Dogs”


Oh NO!English Pirates!

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I will invade England and put an end to these pirate


And while I am at it,

I will kill that protestant queen

of theirs too!

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The Armada Sets Out

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We are all jammed up! Get out of

The way! Watch where You are going!

Never mess with Drake you Spanish Pansies!! Aaargh!

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Drake harasses Armada

Drake attacks Armada

Drake attacks Armada

Armada calls off invasion

Armada hit by giant storm

Most of Armada destroyed in

storm. The rest limp home

Armada takes on supplies to

invade England

Page 15: Spanish Armada vs England


Beginning of the end of Spanish Empire Rise of English power Leads to English - Dutch problems

Page 16: Spanish Armada vs England

Philip II1556-1598



Why? Why?Why?


Personal Goals






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