South Carolina Voter Id

South Carolina’s Voter ID Law might not be a bad idea after all Friends today Governor Nikki Haley is expected to sign into law a bill that requires voters to have a state or military photo Id before voting. Republicans believe that the bill will prevent voter fraud in the state. Personally, I think it’s not a bad idea, but not for the same reason Republicans do. I have worked as a Poll Manager for quite a few elections and what I’ve found is most people use their driver’s licenses to vote anyway. The voter registration card often times causes confusion because voting precincts change sometimes and a lot of time is spent by the poll clerk trying to figure out where to send the voter to cast their vote. With that said, think that the Democratic Party is wrong for taking a stance against voter Identification. I cannot see how presenting an Id will suppress voter turnout. I think it’s shameful that they even suggest that? We need to get away from the same old race baiting tactics in politics that gets us no where as a State. Bull Connor sent dogs and police as a snare and they didn’t turn around, so why should we let an ID card?


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South Carolina’s Voter ID Law might not be a bad idea after all

Friends today Governor Nikki Haley is expected to sign into law a bill that requires voters to have a state or military photo Id before voting. Republicans believe that the bill will prevent voter fraud in the state. Personally, I think it’s not a bad idea, but not for the same reason Republicans do. I have worked as a Poll Manager for quite a few elections and what I’ve found is most people use their driver’s licenses to vote anyway. The voter registration card often times causes confusion because voting precincts change sometimes and a lot of time is spent by the poll clerk trying to figure out where to send the voter to cast their vote. With that said, think that the Democratic Party is wrong for taking a stance against voter Identification. I cannot see how presenting an Id will suppress voter turnout. I think it’s shameful that they even suggest that? We need to get away from the same old race baiting tactics in politics that gets us no where as a State. Bull Connor sent dogs and police as a snare and they didn’t turn around, so why should we let an ID card?