South Bend news-times. (South Bend, Ind.) 1918-05-04 [p 7]. · 2017-12-13 · "War-Tim-e Recipei"...

.SATURDAY VJTTIIlLVOOy. MAY -- I, I91H . 1 THE SOUTH BEND NEWS-TIME- h nMIIMlliliiJiiiiiiiiinilllllllliniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii: V Hosierv ' i to wear with jy rf i .; nil low 4i shoes V a - V' . v J .; f : .';;?Lir- There's nothing quite as satis- - factory as fine silk hose for wear with half shoes. You'll like our 1 Notaseme and Phoenix silk hose. They fit right, the colors are right and they wear right. it 65c V South Bend Headquarters for Men's Silk Hose. : I SamT Spiro & Co. 3 THE PA BAR A Direction william pox ;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii:ri!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!i!iuii!iiiiiiiiii!iiiiiiiiii!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin: ! The C)er ene ucl;f startiiis Iomla matinee. 1 t TIHIEATFS T -- ..iltTO K.,.- -. y,.,,,,. II.,,,,,, in .j-- f fTfc,, rf-- NOTICK Th Afternoon Edition of mm First Run Pictures Only arrlr a special tctUw a picture. shown m historically correct de- tail. No expense was spared in se- curing real Egyptian atmosphere, and as a result the Egypt of Cleo- patra's time, orientally luxurious and riotously extravagant with its costumes, its decorations and life, are faithfully depicted. Miss wears more than ."0 distinctively different coni!r.'s and jewels, and ornaments alued at ?1."000. All the costumes, al- though noticeably scanty at times, are exact replicas of the time of Ptolemy, according to m See Tomorrow's Chicago Sunday Tribune For Announcement of First Ten Winners In The Tribune's War-Tim- e Recipes Contest S2,375.00 in Prizes ft:- - (ill r mm Tol;i's feat ii red plajor, !;iinty Viiuu M.miii, was !orn near (irauil UapuK Mil Ii. Stam camT wills 1 1 hard Mansfield in ''('jrano de l.ererae," in Ollier '.l, "Stop Thief." "The Only Sm" and "Peter I'iin." Has dtipliealeil her sueecss n tin shadow tae. Ilariion l'ord, a Hpular eonipany actor, who has many frit'inl-- i lx-all- y and who apKMitI in this rity with the (irayee S-o- sUH-- k eoniKiny. i a featured mein iK-- r of the ea-- t supporting IUs .Martin. II cry parent should allow their children lo se the excellent series of pictures depicting the- life of Abraham Lincoln and entitled "The Son of Democracy." A few of next week's hi;r stars in feature plays are: Louise (.launi in "An Alien I'neiny," (Mara Kimhall Youm? in "The Heason Why," and Scssue Ilajakawa in "The Call of the I it st." TODAY VIVIAN MARTIN and HARRISON FORD In "THE SUNSET TRAIL" A five-re- el romantic story. Also another showing of "THE SON OF DEMOC- RACY," depicting the life of Lincoln. In addition to the regular program until 6 p. m. School children admitted free, Plus War Tax of 2c, until noon. Tomorrow ALMA RUBENS in THE LOVE BROKERS' A story of New York's Bo- hemian life, with a trio of parasites figuring prominent- ly in the action. Monday LOUISE GLAUM in "AN ALIEN ENEMY" at tin: CASTLH. "Journey's End" is the title of the Castle's iive-re- el pietur whieh will be given another showing today. Ethel Clayton is the star and th novel plot is jammed full of thrills and action. Another episode of "The Woman in the WW is also on the bill. Harry Morey Is the Castle's fea- tured player tomorrow in "The Ic-sire- d Woman," a story of a man's lust for gold .and the sorrow it brought him. A logical and con- vincing ending which comes as the climax to a t:Im that contains a stronpr and interesting story, lifts this film attraction far above the ordinar feature production. Mr. Morey, the virile screen hero in the rol of a penniless and itinerant evangelist, preaching" gspel he never had the strength to practice-i- s a novel one and in it he will gain many new followers. capital pri.-c- s of to 525.00. All prizes will be paid in Libert Bond r Thrift Stamps. Ten new, winning recipes wil! be published each Sunday fortwrhe weeks, beginning tomorrow x the R to-prav- ure Section of The Chicago Sunday Tribune. This content is open to everyone. You don't have to spend one penny. Simply write your recipes on one side of the paper, sign your name and address, and send to "War-Tim- e Recipes," The Chi- cago Tribune. The judges are Miss Jane Eddington. Food Expert of The Chicago Tribune; Mr. Harry A. Wheeler, Food Administrator for Illinois and Mrs. Joseph G. Coleman, Society Leider. Send in your recipes at once! And see the Rotogravure Section of tertorrcKr's Chicago Sunday Tribune for the rirst ten winning recipes. In the Rotogravure Section of tovwrroius Chicago Sunday Tri- bune you'll find the announce- ment of the first ten winner:, in The Tribune's War-Tim- e Recipes Con- test. Who arc the winners? What are their recipes? See tomorrow's Chicago Sunday Tribune for details. Whether you have submitted a recipe or ret vou'il be interested in this War-Tim- e Recipe Contest. For it offers you the newest in War-Tim- e dishes new-way- s to prepare food new ways to make dishes appetizing new ways to save Wheat, Meat. Sugar and Fats and thus help win the War. There still is time to submit recipes to earn the prizes. In all 126 prizes are oüered 120 prizes of $10.00 each and six Prizes for War-Tim- e Recipes 1st Prize . , . $500 2nd Prir . .. 300 3rd Prize ... 200 4th Prize ... 100 5th Prize . t . 50 6th Prize ... 25 120 Prize, of $10 etch . . 1200 $2,375 Write recipes plain -- Iy sicn yourname and address and send to "War-Tim- e Recipei" 'i " - Tbc Chicago Tribune on, jioy" is iilki:. "On, P.oy," the smartest ami luiqhtet musical comedy hit known since the days of "Floradora," and the fourth of the series of New oi k Princess theater musical com- edies which began with "Nobody Pome." and was followed by "Very C.ood Eddie," which will be the at- traction at the Oliver this afternoon and niht and Sunday niht, is the intimate type of musical comedy in which there is that close association and friendly spirit, of appreciation between the players on the tag'j and the audience in the theater. The. story was written by Guy P.olton and P. U. Wodehouse. and the music by Jeronio Kern. The story deals with the adventures of an interesting group of people in a little country town. Jackie Samp- son, an actress playing "Modesty" in the morality play, "Experience." becomes involved in a fuss that hap- pens in a pay restaurant, and during the trouble hits Constable Simms In the eye. She uets his pistol away from him and in makim; a set-awa- y climbs a lire escape that leads into the apartment of George Fhidd, a youns college professor. Young I Hühl has just been mar- ried to I. ou Ellen Carter and they have determined, as the marriage was a secret one, that the bride .shall go to the home of her parents for the night. It is just after the bride and groom have left the apartment that the actress arrives. Mrs. I Sudd has left behind her a suit of blue pajamas and other linery which she intended to wear on her honeymoon. Constable Simnis appears on the scene, but with rare presence of mind Jim Marvin introduces the actress as Mrs. Uudd. What happens when the real bridegroom returns and finds a lady in the pajamas of his wife, together with the complica- tions which ensue when the bride and her mother return and the bridegroom's Quaker aunt appears, can be better imagined than de- scribed. In the special organiza- tion which rhe Comstock Elliott company will send here will be .luanita Fletcher, Eva Olivetti, Hen.-- y Meyers, Charles Knowlden, T. 1). I.eary, W. Fredericks, Anna Little. Helen Du-ISoi- s, James E. Koine, P.obby Hale. Maiiam Hib-bin- g and Laura Wells. Jerome Kern has written IS mu- sical hits for "Oh, Boy," and they are already being played on the vic-trol- as a'l over the country. Among the most notable are "An Old-Fashion- ed Wife." "Till the Clouds Roll By," "Holled Into One," "Words Are Not Needed," "When It's Nesting Time in Flatbush," and "Flubby Dub, the Cave Man." "Oh. Doy" ran an entire season at the Princess theater. New York. mm v--- 1 tri a 4m mi rJ at tiii: ouiMii.rM. Last performances of the present Orpheum bill will be given at that theater today. Headlined by a Menlo Moore act. presenting Hoc. Baker and his magazine girls, the bill throughout is exceptionally good. A splendid singing number called "In the Pays of Long Ago." judson Cole, a conjuring comedian. Johnson brothers and Johnson, minstrel favorites, and the Fostos. original entertainers, make up the bill. Don't miss the Rotogravure Section of Tomorrow's Chicago Sunday- - Trihioe Order your Chicago Sunday Tribune in advance! Phone your newsdealer XOIV. Till: fJAHPXKK M.WS ;I:NCY, VIiol-l- e ni-triulo- Chi;i-- o Trih- - The y ylliSyiP iino. lioth Phones H(56. Main ami TODAY LAST TIMES THE OLIVER VI VI AX MAIITIX IS LASALLE STAU A combination bill, particularly attractive to children is shown a, the Iasalle today. Painty little Vivian Martin is shown in a pleasi- ng1 drama of city and country life called, "The Sunset Trail." The second episode of the "Son of De- mocracy," featuring Abraham Lin- coln is also shown. The episode is entitled. -- The Call to Arms" pictures interesting incidents of the start of the Civil war. Miss Martin is supported by Harrison Ford, a clever young actor, known here from his stock company work at the Auditorium several seasons ago. The Lincoln pictures will be shown until f p. in. only. On Sunday Alma Hubens is fea- tured in "The Love Brokers," a story of New York's Bohemian life. Fol TWICIO TODAY MATIi:i: AM) MtillT, Also SUNDAY NICHT (TOMOHKOW) ' M 1 1LU n I U V. IN" C U U I V 1 I.V. v.- - f' l IT I 'Presents Cfi i J THE SMARTEST and BRIGHTEST 5 nr Ai iVMiicimiVAMcmPK ADDED FEATURE The second episode of the big timely serial, "THE WOMAN IN THE WEB" Big, thrilling, different. Full of surprises that will amaze with their unusual qualities. NEXT WEEK Several days next week we will repeat the first episode of "The Woman in the Web" in order to give those who missed it, another opportunity. AUDITORIUM TODAY we present that Popular CrMNE WILDER in a five reel patriotic drama, "The Blood of His Father" Pathe News of Latest Important Current Events, reatest feature in motion pictures (every Saturday and Wednesday). "THE HALF BREED SHERIFF," western drama. "NEAR- - LY A PAPA," funny Christie comedy, making a fine, pleas- ing one hour and 45 minutes show for the kiddies and the grownups. MONDAY and Tl'KSDAY v liofx thr ladi -- . children and all wlio can will follow- - our adiv and cine to tlic matins, and others conic as early as jou can, or at iIk ?:!." liw. a wr 111 turn Immlntls away at S o'clock. If yon ini- - "I.I'T WV. I'OIN CillT,' yon surely will In Mirry. There neer has h en a M unition al war drama, that will create tin cr itcmeiit aiul ;m more talk' and aroM-- e iatriolim like till f all war drama In c-- ii iwls ami "Tili: SPIKIT OF Till' IJld) ( IIOSS," two-r- t l He,l ('roii drama, that will aiical to all Itil "i-o- workers and the patriotic puMie. Cme to the mntin"e and aoid the S o'clock Try NEWS-TIME- S VI ANT AD Wk nip Featuring Ethel Clayton This is a startlingly inter- esting story about a youthful married couple and their domestic trou- bles. In a role combin- ing pathos and comedy, Miss Clayton is seen at her charming best. 9 n u M NOW PLAYING Universal Current Events v i U r V. .; l s v, . A- -i h 1 X 'lana m by&UY OOLWh BIG FEATURE COMING WALKER WHITESIDE in "THE BELGIAN" ' . P.G.WODEHOUSE AT Till: ArniTOIlll'M-- . A dramatic study of heredity and hate, told in moving incident and tilled with suspense, "Blood of His IV.thers." starring Crane Wilbur, is today's feature at the Auditorium. The story is told in a prologue laid in Civil war times, and in four acts laid in the present. Capt. Morgan gray is dissipated and worthless. and when he forces Amity Graham to marry him, she prays that a curse of hate may fall on his des- cendants. ITcr pn.yer is granted, for in the modern story we see Cray's two grandsons both marred by his sins. Abel Gray is the slave of drink and his brother is tilled with the hate and cruelty of the an- cestor. The hero's vain struggle ag-ains- t his inherited vice, which threatens to down him. makes up the thrilling narrative. In the end he is saved by the girl who loves him in pite of his weakness. "The Half-Bree- d Sheriff." a western drama, "Nearly a Papa." a single-re- el comedy, and the Pathe News complete today's bill. ' -- A mi:nlo mooki: In?oiits "Doc Baker and His Magazine Girls" A Snappy Sons and Dunce Hovno. Austribv MESSICK'S ORCHESTRA REGULAR PRICES f- - ? ; cJFROztE tzrV THE 0LSÜE 7 DAYS TWICE DAILY STARTING MONDAY MATINEE, MAY 6th PRICES : 10c, We, ETeniec 10e. tOe. 9. Son. n4 HoIIdaj, S:0. F.Yeainr t:M. Matlse 2:3. EYES EXAMINED JEWELRY ON CREDIT William for Presents the Season' Mot Widely Discussed Mjtion licture Sensation BY Olserv " ..;y "In the Days of Long Ago" A Mixed (Quartet. Th- - Conjuring Judson Cole Comedian. lL.ii ul H . LEIYiONTREE, loath Bnd 1 n f Optometrist and .Mtnafatturlng Optician. ? sOTTH MICHIGAN 8T. Ebarvrxia S. .MUhl;:ui St. i i C r,i " sv Ts. AS- - JOLLY lUNESi iL. h- - -- Pretty THE 41Ü PRINCESS-THEATREIHWYCR- KV MUSICAL COMEDY " THE STORE FOR MEN WAsnrsr.ToN avttsxr S - V A3 1 RLS JOHNSON BROS. & JOHNSON Moments of Min-treN- y. THE FOSTOS Vcriitile .oelt. M'ND.W SAM LIEBERT in "The Shattered Idol" And lour Other An. ; . , v.- - ; - y X--- : SUCCES- S- A Thedi II.ira Suicr rnxluctin. The Ixie and ( oikjikLs of f Ißypt's Vampire uecn Vividly I'o-- t r;j ed in the IZ'-:- t Cinfms Sp"ctaclc of the Time Tiu:n. nn ix "Cij:oiatka.m Famous figures of aneior.t history Cleopatra. Julius Caesar, Marc Artiny, Pharon and Octuvius Caesar all live, love, intrigue and die in the colossal production of "Cleopatra" with Theda Bara the attraction at the Oliver for one week beginning Monday afternoon. "Cleopatra." the siren of the Nile, who wrecked empires and chanced the map of the World, her life, her amours and her conquests are all y "When yoa think of Iloaiefunv-Ulxl- n think of MS&Uonu" NIGHT 50c to $2.00 MATINKi: 50c to $1.00. riUCI'S Matinee. -- J.'e and ."ne. Scat-- i nw x ljnj:. 75 and Dxcm S1.'0. All Ke-crw- d. ii it. . Lon i say you sav u m inc newspaper. Say News-Time- s, i Try NEWS-TIME- S WANT AD Try NEWS-TIME- S WANT ADTry NEWS-TIME- S WANT AD 1

Transcript of South Bend news-times. (South Bend, Ind.) 1918-05-04 [p 7]. · 2017-12-13 · "War-Tim-e Recipei"...

Page 1: South Bend news-times. (South Bend, Ind.) 1918-05-04 [p 7]. · 2017-12-13 · "War-Tim-e Recipei" 'i"-Tbc Chicago Tribune on, jioy" is iilki:. "On, P.oy," the smartest ami luiqhtet





Hosierv ' i

to wearwith

jy rf i .; nil low4i

shoes V a

- V' . v J .; f :


There's nothing quite as satis- -

factory as fine silk hose for wearwith half shoes. You'll like our 1Notaseme and Phoenix silk hose.They fit right, the colors areright and they wear right.

it65c V

South Bend Headquarters forMen's Silk Hose.


I SamT Spiro & Co. 3THE PA BAR ADirection william pox

;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii:ri!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!i!iuii!iiiiiiiiii!iiiiiiiiii!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin: !

The C)er ene ucl;f startiiis Iomla matinee.

1tTIHIEATFST -- ..iltTO K.,.- -. y,.,,,,. II.,,,,,, in .j-- f fTfc,, rf--

NOTICK Th Afternoon Edition of mmFirst Run Pictures Only arrlr a special tctUwa picture.

shown m historically correct de-

tail. No expense was spared in se-

curing real Egyptian atmosphere,and as a result the Egypt of Cleo-patra's time, orientally luxuriousand riotously extravagant with itscostumes, its decorations and life,are faithfully depicted.

Miss wears more than ."0

distinctively different coni!r.'s andjewels, and ornaments alued at?1."000. All the costumes, al-

though noticeably scanty at times,are exact replicas of the time ofPtolemy, according to

mSee Tomorrow's Chicago Sunday TribuneFor Announcement of First Ten WinnersIn The Tribune's War-Tim-e Recipes Contest

S2,375.00 in Prizesft:--




Tol;i's feat ii red plajor, !;iinty

Viiuu M.miii, was !orn near (irauil

UapuK Mil Ii. Stam camT wills1 1 hard Mansfield in ''('jrano de

l.ererae," in Ollier '.l, "StopThief." "The Only Sm" and "PeterI'iin." Has dtipliealeil her sueecss

n tin shadow tae.

Ilariion l'ord, a Hpulareonipany actor, who has many

frit'inl-- i lx-all- y and who apKMitI in

this rity with the (irayee S-o-

sUH-- k eoniKiny. i a featured meiniK-- r of the ea-- t supporting IUs


II cry parent should allow theirchildren lo se the excellent seriesof pictures depicting the- life ofAbraham Lincoln and entitled "TheSon of Democracy."

A few of next week's hi;r stars infeature plays are: Louise (.launi in"An Alien I'neiny," (Mara KimhallYoum? in "The Heason Why," andScssue Ilajakawa in "The Call ofthe I it st."



"THE SUNSET TRAIL"A five-re- el romantic story.

Also another showing of"THE SON OF DEMOC-RACY," depicting the life ofLincoln. In addition to theregular program until 6 p. m.

School children admittedfree, Plus War Tax of 2c,until noon.


inTHE LOVE BROKERS'A story of New York's Bo-

hemian life, with a trio ofparasites figuring prominent-ly in the action.



at tin: CASTLH."Journey's End" is the title of the

Castle's iive-re- el pietur whieh willbe given another showing today.Ethel Clayton is the star and thnovel plot is jammed full of thrillsand action. Another episode of"The Woman in the WW is also onthe bill.

Harry Morey Is the Castle's fea-tured player tomorrow in "The Ic-sire- d

Woman," a story of a man'slust for gold .and the sorrow itbrought him. A logical and con-vincing ending which comes as theclimax to a t:Im that contains astronpr and interesting story, liftsthis film attraction far above theordinar feature production. Mr.Morey, the virile screen hero in therol of a penniless and itinerantevangelist, preaching" gspel henever had the strength to practice-i- s

a novel one and in it he will gainmany new followers.

capital pri.-c- s of to 525.00. Allprizes will be paid in Libert Bond rThrift Stamps. Ten new, winning recipeswil! be published each Sunday fortwrheweeks, beginning tomorrow x the R to-prav-ure

Section of The Chicago SundayTribune.

This content is open to everyone. Youdon't have to spend one penny. Simplywrite your recipes on one side of thepaper, sign your name and address, andsend to "War-Tim- e Recipes," The Chi-cago Tribune. The judges are Miss JaneEddington. Food Expert of The ChicagoTribune; Mr. Harry A. Wheeler, FoodAdministrator for Illinois and Mrs. JosephG. Coleman, Society Leider.

Send in your recipes at once! And seethe Rotogravure Section of tertorrcKr'sChicago Sunday Tribune for the rirst tenwinning recipes.

In the Rotogravure Section oftovwrroius Chicago Sunday Tri-bune you'll find the announce-ment of the first ten winner:, in TheTribune's War-Tim- e Recipes Con-

test. Who arc the winners? Whatare their recipes? See tomorrow'sChicago Sunday Tribune for details.

Whether you have submitted a recipeor ret vou'il be interested in this War-Tim- e

Recipe Contest. For it offers you thenewest in War-Tim- e dishes new-way-s toprepare food new ways to make dishesappetizing new ways to save Wheat,Meat. Sugar and Fats and thus help winthe War.

There still is time to submit recipes toearn the prizes. In all 126 prizes areoüered 120 prizes of $10.00 each and six

Prizes for War-Tim-e

Recipes1st Prize . , . $5002nd Prir . . . 3003rd Prize ... 2004th Prize ... 1005th Prize . t . 506th Prize ... 25120 Prize, of

$10 etch . . 1200


Write recipes plain --

Iy sicn yourname andaddress and send to"War-Tim- e Recipei"

'i " -

Tbc Chicago Tribune

on, jioy" is iilki:."On, P.oy," the smartest ami

luiqhtet musical comedy hit knownsince the days of "Floradora," andthe fourth of the series of New

oi k Princess theater musical com-edies which began with "NobodyPome." and was followed by "VeryC.ood Eddie," which will be the at-traction at the Oliver this afternoonand niht and Sunday niht, is theintimate type of musical comedy inwhich there is that close associationand friendly spirit, of appreciationbetween the players on the tag'jand the audience in the theater.

The. story was written by GuyP.olton and P. U. Wodehouse. andthe music by Jeronio Kern. Thestory deals with the adventures ofan interesting group of people in alittle country town. Jackie Samp-son, an actress playing "Modesty"in the morality play, "Experience."becomes involved in a fuss that hap-pens in a pay restaurant, and duringthe trouble hits Constable Simms Inthe eye. She uets his pistol awayfrom him and in makim; a set-awa- y

climbs a lire escape that leadsinto the apartment of George Fhidd,a youns college professor.

Young I Hühl has just been mar-ried to I.ou Ellen Carter and theyhave determined, as the marriagewas a secret one, that the bride.shall go to the home of her parentsfor the night. It is just after thebride and groom have left theapartment that the actress arrives.Mrs. I Sudd has left behind her asuit of blue pajamas and otherlinery which she intended to wearon her honeymoon. ConstableSimnis appears on the scene, butwith rare presence of mind JimMarvin introduces the actress asMrs. Uudd. What happens whenthe real bridegroom returns andfinds a lady in the pajamas of hiswife, together with the complica-tions which ensue when the brideand her mother return and thebridegroom's Quaker aunt appears,can be better imagined than de-

scribed. In the special organiza-tion which rhe Comstock Elliottcompany will send here will be.luanita Fletcher, Eva Olivetti,Hen.-- y Meyers, Charles Knowlden, T.1). I.eary, W. Fredericks, AnnaLittle. Helen Du-ISoi- s, James E.Koine, P.obby Hale. Maiiam Hib-bin- g

and Laura Wells.Jerome Kern has written IS mu-

sical hits for "Oh, Boy," and theyare already being played on the vic-trol- as

a'l over the country. Amongthe most notable are "An Old-Fashion- ed

Wife." "Till the CloudsRoll By," "Holled Into One,""Words Are Not Needed," "WhenIt's Nesting Time in Flatbush," and"Flubby Dub, the Cave Man." "Oh.Doy" ran an entire season at thePrincess theater. New York.

mm v--- 1 tria 4m


at tiii: ouiMii.rM.Last performances of the present

Orpheum bill will be given at thattheater today. Headlined by aMenlo Moore act. presenting Hoc.Baker and his magazine girls, thebill throughout is exceptionallygood. A splendid singing numbercalled "In the Pays of Long Ago."judson Cole, a conjuring comedian.Johnson brothers and Johnson,minstrel favorites, and the Fostos.original entertainers, make up thebill.

Don't miss the Rotogravure Section of Tomorrow's

Chicago Sunday- - TrihioeOrder your Chicago Sunday Tribune inadvance! Phone your newsdealer XOIV.

Till: fJAHPXKK M.WS ;I:NCY, VIiol-l- e ni-triulo- Chi;i-- o Trih- -The hü y ylliSyiP

iino. lioth Phones H(56. Main ami




A combination bill, particularlyattractive to children is shown a,the Iasalle today. Painty littleVivian Martin is shown in a pleasi-ng1 drama of city and country lifecalled, "The Sunset Trail." Thesecond episode of the "Son of De-mocracy," featuring Abraham Lin-coln is also shown. The episode isentitled. --The Call to Arms"pictures interesting incidents of thestart of the Civil war. Miss Martinis supported by Harrison Ford, aclever young actor, known herefrom his stock company work atthe Auditorium several seasons ago.The Lincoln pictures will be shownuntil f p. in. only.

On Sunday Alma Hubens is fea-tured in "The Love Brokers," astory of New York's Bohemian life.


'M 1 1LU n I U V. IN" C U U I V 1 I.V. v.- -

f' l IT I 'PresentsCfii J THE SMARTEST and BRIGHTEST

5 nr Ai iVMiicimiVAMcmPK


The second episode of thebig timely serial,



Big, thrilling, different.Full of surprises that will

amaze with their unusualqualities.


Several days next weekwe will repeat the firstepisode of "The Womanin the Web" in order togive those who missed it,another opportunity.

AUDITORIUMTODAY we present that Popular CrMNE WILDER in a five

reel patriotic drama,

"The Blood of His Father"Pathe News of Latest Important Current Events, reatestfeature in motion pictures (every Saturday and Wednesday)."THE HALF BREED SHERIFF," western drama. "NEAR- -LY A PAPA," funny Christie comedy, making a fine, pleas-ing one hour and 45 minutes show for the kiddies and thegrownups.

MONDAY and Tl'KSDAY v liofx thr ladi -- . children and allwlio can will follow- - our adiv and cine to tlic matins, andothers conic as early as jou can, or at iIk ?:!." liw. a wr 111

turn Immlntls away at S o'clock. If yon ini- - "I.I'T WV. I'OINCillT,' yon surely will In Mirry. There neer has h en a M unitional war drama, that will create tin cr itcmeiit aiul ;m more talk'and aroM-- e iatriolim like till f all war drama In c-- ii

iwls ami "Tili: SPIKIT OF Till' IJld) ( IIOSS," two-r- t l He,l('roii drama, that will aiical to all Itil "i-o- workers and thepatriotic puMie. Cme to the mntin"e and aoid the S o'clock



Ethel Clayton

This is a startlingly inter-

esting story about a

youthful married coupleand their domestic trou-

bles. In a role combin-

ing pathos and comedy,Miss Clayton is seen ather charming best.


n uMNOW PLAYINGUniversal Current Events

v i U rV.

.; l s v, . A--ih 1



AT Till: ArniTOIlll'M-- .

A dramatic study of heredity andhate, told in moving incident andtilled with suspense, "Blood of HisIV.thers." starring Crane Wilbur, istoday's feature at the Auditorium.The story is told in a prologue laidin Civil war times, and in four actslaid in the present. Capt. Morgangray is dissipated and worthless.and when he forces Amity Grahamto marry him, she prays that acurse of hate may fall on his des-

cendants. ITcr pn.yer is granted,for in the modern story we seeCray's two grandsons both marredby his sins. Abel Gray is the slaveof drink and his brother is tilledwith the hate and cruelty of the an-cestor. The hero's vain struggleag-ains-

t his inherited vice, whichthreatens to down him. makes upthe thrilling narrative. In the endhe is saved by the girl who loveshim in pite of his weakness. "TheHalf-Bree- d Sheriff." a westerndrama, "Nearly a Papa." a single-re- el

comedy, and the Pathe Newscomplete today's bill.

' --A

mi:nlo mooki:In?oiits

"Doc Baker andHis Magazine

Girls"A Snappy Sons and

Dunce Hovno.




10c, We,

ETeniec10e. tOe.

9.Son. n4HoIIdaj,





William for Presents the Season' MotWidely Discussed Mjtion licture SensationBY Olserv "


"In the Days ofLong Ago"

A Mixed (Quartet.Th- - Conjuring

Judson ColeComedian.

lL.ii ulH . LEIYiONTREE,loath Bnd 1 n f Optometrist and

.Mtnafatturlng Optician.? sOTTH MICHIGAN 8T. Ebarvrxia

S. .MUhl;:ui St.i i C r,i


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Moments of Min-treN- y.

THE FOSTOSVcriitile .oelt.


"The Shattered Idol"And lour Other An.

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