Sophie Gordon Portfolio



Portfolio of work

Transcript of Sophie Gordon Portfolio


Paper Beats Stone

Brief: Encourage people to take part in Amnesty International’s letter writing campaign to stop stoning in Iran.

After liaising with Amnesty International, I created an audio advert and installation which were displayed in my degree show space. Over the course of my degree show, 213 letters were signed.

To hear the advert, visit:

Working in Partnership

Brief: Design an annual report for the Scottish National Blood Transfusion Service entitled "Working in Partnership" which pushes boundaries.


Brief: Design advertising for an upcoming television series based on the Surrealists. The series will be entitled "Dreamstate" so the solution should reflect this.

Independent Project

I chose to focus this independent project on my love of hillwalking and, more specifically, convey the sense of focus and clarity which I gain from it.


A magazine focussing on human rights issues. Censorship is a running theme throughout.

Straw, Sticks & Bricks

A publication launch created as co-creative director of STAMP, a student-run design agency. All money raised went to Lake Victoria Disability Centre, a fantastic charity based in Musoma, Tanzania.

Best Supporting Sauce

Brief: Develop a creative campaign that attracts young people to Heinz Salad Cream, encouraging them to eat it on or with ANY of their favourite foods. Reinforce the message that Heinz Salad Cream is a tasty and versatile sauce for today.Commended by YCN.




say Hello to my little friend

“”best supporting sauce?

Houston, we have a problem

“”best supporting sauce?

I’m ready for my close-up


best supporting sauce?




“I’d like to thank: the hamburger & fries,the ham sandwich, the chicken drumstick, oh! and that leftover slice of pizza .

Thank you to all of my co-stars, you know who you are!

And of course, my fans. You have excellent taste!”
