Sophie Angus Unit 30 LO5

OCR – Level 3 Cambridge Introductory Diploma in Media Unit 30: Sophie Angus Candidate Number: 1006 UK Media Publishing

Transcript of Sophie Angus Unit 30 LO5

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Level 3 Cambridge Introductory Diploma in Media

Unit 30:

Sophie AngusCandidate Number: 1006

UK Media Publishing

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Contents for LO5Title Slide

Feedback 4

Strength 5

Improvement 6-9

Evidence of Feedback 10

Improvement on Prezi 11

Survey Monkey 12-16

Calendar event 17

Production Plan 18-19

Conclusion 20

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I have gain feedback from survey monkey as well as the publishers by a witness statement. This is important as they are telling me the positive and the negative about the pitch, Prezi and the Photoshop work that I have created. This is important as the witness statement will tell me what I will need to make correction to be work such as ‘Language – “Conversions” – Conventions’ or ‘Profit OR a Loss – One or the other – Income OR Outgoings would be better choice of terminology’ . Some of the feedback that I have gain from my Photoshop work is that ‘DPS – You need to include conventions like a sign off encouraging the reader to watch the full interview online’ or ‘Front Cover – The masthead needs to be behind the main image’.

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However, on the witness statement I have receive positive points as well so that I will know what went well. This is important as this will reveal that the publisher liked some of my original ideas as it stand out for the to note them down as a part of my feedback. This is important as it will suggest that the publisher will want to be part of my magazine as it will be able to gain higher readership from most ages but all gender. Some of the strength that were presented to me were ‘Target Audience breakdown for both magazines – REALLY detailed’, ‘HOW to target female audience members by including female artists into the Content of the magazine.’, ‘Very detailed overview of pre-production resources and how they informed the creative decision making process’, ‘Good outline of the connotations of the Title for BOTH magazines.’, ‘Really good eye contact with the audience you were pitching to and very little reliance on the script produced.’ and ‘Twitter – “Strapline of the magazine has been tweeted” – REALLY effective way of encouraging viral marketing.’

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ImprovementFront Cover CorrectionWhen I was created the first draft of front cover, I have gain feedback so I will be able to make changes to the front cover to make it better. Therefore it will make it look more professional so that it will look like it is made from a high quality. On this page I will be comparing my first draft of front cover to my final front cover. This is important as the final correction will reveal all of the correction that I have made. Some of the changes that for the final front cover are the background, the eye colour, puff promotion and coverline. So when I have received feedback from my first Front Cover, I had to change the cover to make it more suited to publisher and therefore this could improve the sale figure of my magazine as it will look more professional.

Brown Eye

Green Eye

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ImprovementI have change the colour background from white to grey to black and change it to light grey and the dark grey. This is important because I have change the background because to relate to my magazine of inspiration (Q magazine). Also, this could make my magazine to seem like it have a rock theme and people could get the wrong idea of what music information will contain of. This is why the background of the magazine have a naturel as my magazine will contain if all music genre. I have also change the coverline information and the different colours of the coverline. This is important because my magazine will feature the range of colours and not all ways features the colour schemes in the magazine. Also also made the left side of my magazine to have all of the main story and on the right side there are just mention one main story about rating new albums. Also I have use different colours on my coverline line such as an olive green because it will appeal to more people as it will not be just red and gold, which could make it look unprofessional. For the main headline and the main quote are connected together. I have created the main headline to white. Firstly, I have made the name “NICOLE” and then made the name “ANGUS” normally. I also made the main quote on top of the “ANGUS” and then change it from an olive colour. In addition, I have moved the puff promotion, from the bottom left side and move it from the top right side under the strapline so that it will be more like my magazine of inspiration (Q magazine). I also change the prize of the puff promotion from winning an apple product to win free iTune because this prize will relate to music more and therefore help the my magazine with further sales because as the prizes from the magazine can get bigger and better..Moreover, the website link has moved next to the puff promotion and I have place the website link under the masthead.

First Draft Final DraftSecond Draft

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ImprovementDouble Page Spread CorrectionI will be comparing the before and after version of my double page spread. I have gained the feedback from the publisher gave me. This will reveal what changes I have made because of the correction that I have been given. The correction that I have received was to help me to made my magazine better and therefore make the magazine look professional and made from a high quality. For the facts about the new album box, it was suggest that I should add a black drop shadow around the red box so it will stand out on the page. Also it was suggest that I should add bullet point instead of have sentences and I should also change the font of the text as well.In addition, the new album box had an effect of the black shadow because the red box will stand out and therefore the target audience will be able and notice the fun facts about the album about the artists will released. Also improvement on the double page spread is the I have to neatened up the the bottom section of the page. As the masthead, the page number, the social symbols and also the web address are too close together. This is is why I have moved the web address on the left side and I have made the social media symbol the same size. In addition, I have made the decrease the black stroke on the masthead. This is important because you would be able to see the detail of the masthead on the page. Also decrease the black stroke on the page number because the masthead and the page number will have the same black stroke and it is also easier to read. However on the final draft I have decided to change the bottom section of the pages by getting rid of the social symbols and replace it with the issue number. This is important as this is more like my magazine of inspiration Q magazine. This is important I have more it look neater and more professional as it doesn’t look messy as it did before. This will mean that it look simple and bold on the page and also doesn’t take away from any ‘star appeal’ from the interview.

First Draft Second Draft Final Draft

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ImprovementYou can also see that I have place my masthead across the black pattern background, so that this will be a type of brand awareness, as this will add more detail to the magazine and also this will make my double page spread to look fun and creative because of this decision. In addition, I have moved the EXCLUSIVE website from line under the social media symbols and moved it under the interview. On the final draft of my magazine, I used the ruler tool more often so that I will be able to line up different text boxes through out my magazine. Example of when I have used the ruler tool to make my page layout accurate is when I have lined up ‘MUST HEAR SOUNDS OF 2015’ to the images of different artist that is in a gold box. In addition, I have used the ruler tool to to line up the facts about the artists to the artists pictures which are features in the gold box. Also, I have decided to put the artists' names in bold. This is important as this will add ‘star appeal’ to the piece of text as they can quickly find the artists’ name. In addition, I have proof read my work so that I will be able to find any spelling, grammar and punctuation mistake that I have made when typing the the double page spread. Example of when I have spelt a word wrong is when I have spelt release like ‘reasled’.

First Draft Second Draft Final Draft

Spelling error Spelling correction

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Evidence of FeedbackI have made some correction to the front cover of my magazine. I know what I need to change for my front cover as the feedback that I have gain from the teacher. I have added a headline to the story and also change the position of the puff promotion. In addition, I have to change the data of my magazine because on the first draft of the magazine it meant to be release in June 2015 but that it possible to do.

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Improvement on PreziSome of the improvement, which I have gain from the witness statement was about the terminology that I have used through my presentation. I have used the terminology that wasn’t professional and therefore I have to change the terminology that were used. One of the terminology that I have to change through my presentation and update on my Prezi. This mean that the PowerPoint presentation and the Prezi will be the same than each other. I have to change the terminology from profit and loss to income and outgoing in order to make my pitch professional and appeal to the publisher.

This was the statement from the witness statement.

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Survey Monkey

After the pitch I have created a survey monkey so I will know what was the positive and the negative about my pitch. This is information as I will be able improve on the feedback that I have gain for the potential readers for my magazine. The first question I have asked the people was ‘How did you think the pitch went?’ . This will help me to know if they like my pitch or not. The second question I have asked the people was ‘What do think about the quality of the information?’. This is important as I will know if the information that I have produce was good enough for the publisher to be interest to be part of my magazine.

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Survey Monkey

The third question that I have asked the audience was ‘What did you like about the pitch?’. This will give me the idea to know the positive feedback about my pitch so that I know what went well. However, the fourth question was ‘What didn't you like about the pitch?’ so I will know the negative part of my pitch. This is important as I will know what I need to work on in order to make my pitch better for next time.

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Survey Monkey

On the fifth question I have asked the publisher if the ‘Would you publish my magazine?’. This is important as I will know if my magazine it good to be sold across the UK. However the sixth question was able comparing the two magazine’s ideas that I have made up with. The question was ‘Do you think that I have made the correct choice about choosing EXCLUSIVE magazine over E magazine?’. This question was important as I will know what magazine idea is better and therefore more likely to be sold across the UK and therefore become successful.

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Survey Monkey

The seventh question that I have asked the audience was an opportunity to allow them to leave any comment so that they are able to express their views about the pitch if none of the question match the statement which they want to say. The term that I have use on the seventh question was ‘If you want to say more about my pitch, leave a comment’. However, the eighth question was ‘Did I cover all the needed area in the pitch?’. This will let me know if I have left out any important part of the pitch that I needed to cover.

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Survey Monkey

The ninth question was ‘One a scale from 1-10, was my pitch convicting?’, this will help me to understand if the audience thought that my pitch was convicting and therefore liked the pitch. Finally, the tenth question was ‘Was my pitch clear and could you understand all of the content?’. This is important as I am able to know if the audience thought that the content of my pitch was simple to understand.

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Calendar eventEXCLSUIVE magazine will first be publish in June 2016. This will be release to the general public, so they will be able to buy the magazine. The reason why the magazine will be release to the public in June 2016 is because they are able to make a big deal of the magazine first issue and therefore they are able design an concerts or a party for the magazine first issue.

Inside the puff promotion for EXCLUSIVE, the target audience are able to enter into an competition to buy an apple product. This is important because this will encourage the target audience to go on the EXCLSUIVE’ s website and enter the competition. This will enable the music magazine to be closer to the target audience. The puff promotion will change every issue to suit the needs of the target audience. Next issue the puff promotion could be like free concerts tickets, new albums or vouchers from any shop.

The holiday season such as Christmas will affect the design of the magazine such as the front cover will have a Christmas design of artists wearing Christmas hats or artists that made their big hit of a Christmas song such as Mariah Carey, Slade or The Pogues featuring Kirsty MacColl. The Christmas season will affect the distribution of the magazine as the staff will get two weeks off because they will be able to spend time with their friends and families. So the January issue of the magazine will be release to the public a week or two later as they will need to create the magazine before they can release it.

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Production Plan

This plan production will detail how EXCLUSIVE magazine will be designed and created for the general public to read. This will reveal for jobs will be set to different job in order for the magazine will be ready to sold to the public. In sections of the production plan, their will be the day and date, the jobs description and also who the job will be complete by. The creation and the design of my magazine will take fours weeks to compete, I think this will be a good time to compete a magazine because the editor will have time to look through the magazine and able to make changes before it is release to the public. I will use high quality software and equipment which my staff will be trained to use as, so the magazine will look professional.

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Production Plan

Job Role: Salary: Job Role: Salary: Job Role: Salary:

Editorial Content Team Editorial Design Team Business and Publishing Team

Editor in Chief £47,187-£79,000 Creative Director

£49K-£116 Publisher £29K-68K

Features/Associate Editors

£20,000- £40,000. Intern £10,000-£20,000

Designers £22K-£52 Marketing Manager £21,678 - £50,846

Editorial Assistant £18K-£26 Art Director £27,774 - £83,376 Director/Executive £75k-£182k

Sub/copy Editors Staff Writer £12,000 and £22,000.

Publishing Rights Manager


Journalist £27K-£66K Picture Editor will be paid

25,339 Copyright Compliance Manager


Photographer £12,000 and £22,000 in full time employment with the magazine

Print Production Planner

£20,000 and 55,000.

Sources:• • •,19.htm •,10.htm•,17.htm•,17.htm• • • •

In order to know what the budget for my magazine, I will need to know the expected salary of each employees so that company will not be over or under paying their employees. So by creating the each job roles expected salary I will be able to estimated the profits or loss so that the magazine will make in the first or second year of their first issue. This is important because by gather of the job roles that are needed for the creation for the magazine so that the person who have the job will be specialist within the company and therefor they are able to do their job well. This is important as if the person is underpaid, they won’t as well because the person will think they are unvalued and therefore wouldn't’t care or work as hard for the production of the magazine.

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ConclusionWith all of the feedback that I have gain because through the survey monkey and witness statement, I am able to make corrections to my work and my Photoshop work so that I am able to improve the contents and therefore make the magazine more appealing to the intended target audience. I am able to look at the production plan so that I will know what employees are doing the specific task that needed to be done and also I will know what deadline they are working towards so that they are able to be released to the public. This is important as the magazine will have to keep up with current with music such as concerts so that it will appeal to the target audience. In addition, by looking at all of the strength and the improvements of the magazine so that I will know what changes I have to make in order to make my magazine appeal to the wide market of the target audience.