Sony eBridge: Automotive Case Studies

automotive case studies personalise. engage. measure.


Best practice eBridge automotive case studies including BMW, Mercedes & Land Rover

Transcript of Sony eBridge: Automotive Case Studies

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automotive case studiespersonalise. engage. measure.

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eBridge is a unique advertising concept that fuses traditional direct mail and digital media

to close the gap between offline and online.

9 of the top 10 global brands on the 'Interbrand ranking' rely on solutions by Sony DADC,

find out why...




Tailor the disc content to your audience, with unlimited variations. Reflect their particular interests, they‘re hooked!

Captivate all of your customers with bespoke personalised content and add media richness to the brand experience.

Capture the customer journey through the life of the disc and the online landing page.

ToJohn Citizen

Dear Mr. Citizen

Dear Mr. Citizen


+ + = eBr idgepersonalised integrated media

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Editorial Direct 2.0 – Perfectly integrated campaigns 4

Audi Agencies: BBH (London), Good Technology (London) 8

BMW Agency: Interone Worldwide (BBDO) (Munich) 12

Land Rover Agency: Wunderman (Frankfurt/Main) 16

Lexus Agency: Partners Andrews Aldridge (London) 20

Maserati Agency: Card eMotion (Vienna) 24

Mercedes-Benz Agency: RMG Connect (Frankfurt/Main) 28

Porsche Agencies: Bassier, Bergmann & Kindler, Chromedia 32

Google | Lloyds TSB | Skandia | UBS | Aeropostale | BAUR Versand | La Redoute | Weltbild | Yves Rocher

Cerner Multum Pharma | Januvia | MSD Pharma | Sandoz | Deutsche Post | La Poste | Poste Italiane | Royal Mail

TNT Post | Intel | Kabel Deutschland | Sky | Telecom Italia | Lufthansa | SalzburgerLand Tourismus | Sheraton Hotels



Other clients

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EditorialDirect 2.0 – Perfectly integrated campaigns


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Editorial: Direct 2.0 – Perfectly integrated campaignsBuild bridges into the web with networked communication360 degrees, crossmedia or integrated communication? The synonyms for integrated communication are as varied as their interpretations. Many advertisers have now turned

their backs on the misunderstanding that integrated communication means simply communicating a subject including its claim and link across the widest variety of channels.

The industry has learned that the well-intentioned but simple adaptation of a campaign for all media is not enough. Efficient integrated communication comprises two essen-

tial elements: the message and the communicative idea. Both elements are media neutral and can therefore be considered to be detached. In practice, this could appear as

follows: In the context of a multi-week campaign, print advertising is used to attract attention. The main aim of using direct mail is to trigger an impulse in the target group

that leads them to the microsite advertised, wins them as a new customer and increases the efficiency of traditional advertising.

In order to achieve this aim, traditional print advertising is broken down into its individual components and an attempt made to filter out the message and the communi-

cative idea. The next step is the planning of the crossmedia campaign with the aim of effecting an emphatic but gentle transfer of the target group from offline to online.

Direct mail serves as a key medium while the microsite acts as the target medium. The agency briefing comprises only the derived message and the communicative idea. This

approach frees the agency from the tight corset imposed by traditional advertising and leads to highly efficient integrated communication. In the final step, visuals for all

channels are homogenised as far as is necessary.

From offline to online with no media break?For many years, advertisers have tried to re-educate consumers to abstain from changing channels during the commercial break. It is, however, extremely convenient for the

consumer to use the remote control to escape the onslaught of advertising. With just one click you're on another channel. Many advertisers are now hoping that a similar

switch from offline to online can be made. Bridges can be built to minimise the media break between direct mail and online. A demonstrably functioning bridge, for exam-

ple, is a personalised DVD or CD that not only personally greets the interested party once the disc has been inserted into the PC but also immediately leads to the website in

question after a 20-second commercial. It also offers the possibility of transporting advertising via DVD player directly in to the consumer’s living room, the so-called lean back


Consumers in an age of change in media useThe “Institute for the Future” published a study back in 2006 entitled “Marketing 2.0” with the result that consumer responsiveness must be adapted to socio-technological

and socio-cultural innovations. In this way, there is a paradigm shift from lean back to lean forward that is already crossing over into the mainstream. Unfortunately, Germa-

ny is lagging far behind in the field of interactive television and TV is, unlike SMS and telephone, a one-way street for direct response. Given the current change in media

use, lean forward media such as Web 2.0 hypes YouTube and JOOST have an effect where consumer responsiveness in direct marketing must be changed. Lean forward

requires engagement on the part of the consumer. And engagement leads to an increased brand experience and thus an emotional bond to the brand. Therefore, integrated

campaigns between direct mail and online only work if the rules of the respective channels are respected. So the content must lead the consumer to active, multimedia inter-

action with the message.


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Integrated campaign for Lexus UKFor the launch of the IS 250 model of the prestige car brand Lexus, the

London agency Partners Andrews Aldridge developed an integrated

campaign, networked across several channels. A traditional print adver-

tising route coupled with posters was used to attract attention. Existing

interested parties were contacted by e-mail. All channels led to the micro-

site with the theme “TAKE CONTROL OF THE IS 250”.

As direct mail components of the new crossmedia Lexus IS 250 cam-

paign, the manufacturer used a disc that was personalised both inside

and out and packaged in an A5 postcard mailer, thus making it possible

to address its target group both personally and in an arresting manner. Its

primary aim was to lead the recipient conveniently but excitedly to the IS

250 microsite and to encourage him to take a test drive.

Once the recipient had inserted the disc into his PC, he found himself to

be the main player in a mysterious film intro sequence in which a Lexus

on a simulated track in a gloomy hangar is put to the test – steered by

the user. The intro sequence was personalised throughout, the name and

home town of the recipient being directly incorporated: “At a computer

in Frankfurt, John Citizen takes control.”

Afterwards, the user was directed immediately to the IS 250 microsite

where the car was steered by him using the keyboard. With just one click,

the recipient could confirm a test-drive booking using the ready-filled-in

forms using his data.

ConclusionWith an above-average response rate, Lexus’s expectations of this

campaign were far exceeded.

This article was published in the DDV 2008 year book.

Solutions by Sony DADC

You can find more detailed information on the Lexus case study on page 22.


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DIN A5 Expericard Mailing including personalised eBridge

DetailsTargeting a mix of warm prospects and cold list data, the campaign fulfilment came in the form of a

personalised eBridge that was mailed to each recipient. Upon placing the disc in their PC, the recipient

was addressed personally using pre-loaded information from Audi’s database. Alongside a 360-degree

tour of the car’s interior and exterior, the disc hosted the TV commercial and gave the recipient a

co-driver’s view of an off-road test drive through forests and across moors.

A key feature of the eBridge is its rich and sophisticated interactivity with a clearly defined return path

to Audi. With just one mouse click each time, recipients could confirm their data, request a printed

brochure and, importantly, book a test drive at their local Audi dealership by using the pre-filled

registration form.


Audi, UK

AgencyBBH, London, UK

Good Technology, London, UK


The First Mailing Company, UK

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Pre-Filled Registration Form Exterior 360° Tour

GoalThe major goals were to generate requests to test drive the

new Audi Q7 and to gain the tracking data in regard to the

Audi 360-degree tour.

ResultsThe eBridge has had 3,480 unique users so far (from a total

of 33,400 mailed – a response rate of over 10%) and of

these, 24% (830) have gone on to request a test drive,

which was the primary objective of the pack.

Solutions by Sony DADC

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ZielLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed

diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna

aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis no-

strud exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex

ea commodo consequat. Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor in hend-

rerit in vulputate velit esse molestie consequat, vel illum dolore eu

feugiat nulla facilisis at vero et accumsan et iusto odio dignissim

qui blandit praesent luptatum zzril delenit augue duis dolore te

feugait nulla facilisi.

Generierung von Probefahrten

Qualifizierung von Leads für CRM

eMail Permission

DIN A5 mailing with personalised eBridgeClientBMW, Germany

AgencyInterone Worldwide (BBDO)

GoalGeneration of leads

Qualification of leads for CRM

e-mail permission



PeriodJuly 2008


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Solutions by Sony DADC

Multimedia Interface – Landing page Personalised pre-filled Registration Form

“With eBridge from Sony DADC, we at Interone Worldwide were presented with an innovative and, above all, effective

tool which suits our agency portfolio perfectly. Perfectly because eBridge represents a highly effective link between

traditional dialogue marketing and digital communication. Both fields are highly pronounced at our agency and at our

client BMW.”

Marcus Kikisch,Managing Director, Interone Worldwide (BBDO)


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Land Rover


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The eBridge disc was included in the customer magazine as a cover mount.ClientLand Rover Deutschland GmbH, Germany

AgencyWunderman, Frankfurt/Main

GoalGeneration of e-mail permission

Introduction of “Summit” magazine

Transfer from offline to online



PeriodJanuary 2007


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Multimedia Interface – Landing page Online Magazine "Summit"

“For us, eBridge means successful integrated communica-

tion with personalisation and involvement, that previously

were not technologically possible. Simply brilliant!”

Bernd Fliesser,CCO Wunderman Germany

Solutions by Sony DADC


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DIN A5 Expericard Mailing including personalised eBridge – RearDetailseBridge was the choice of automotive manufacturer Lexus to reach its

target audience in a personal and compelling way via Direct Mail.

The primary goal was to lead people to the IS 250 online micro site in a

convenient, exciting way and encourage them to book a test drive.

The eBridge disc was mailed out within a DIN A5 Expericard postcard. After

loading the disc in their PC, the recipients find themselves to be the main

character in a mysterious intro movie about a Lexus car which is mounted

on a rolling road at a secret location. They are at the controls and can drive

the vehicle as they wish. This was made possible by the personalisation of

the intro sequence using the recipient’s data to build the sentence: "At a

computer in London, John Citizen takes control."

Afterwards the recipient is automatically transported to the IS 250

micro site where the car is viewed by CCTV cameras and controlled by

the recipient’s keyboard.

With just one click recipients could confirm their data for a test drive via

pre-filled registration forms. To further improve the ROI, existing marketing

collateral and websites have been repurposed for this eBridge campaign.

The existing Lexus micro site has been extended with pre-filled test drive

and brochure request forms as well as campaign reporting.


Lexus, UK


Partners Andrews Aldridge, London, UK

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The Recipient finds himself as the Main Character in a mysterious Intro Movie Interior Tour

GoalThe major objectives were to generate test drive requests and

to increase consumer awareness of the Lexus brand and the

IS 250 car.

ResultsThe campaign achieved a response rate of 11.1% representing

1,811 unique consumers who experienced the 'virtual test

drive' and engaged with the Lexus brand. The conversion rate

of 4.42% represents the test drive bookings. The campaign

objectives have been reported as "over achieved".

Solutions by Sony DADC

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DIN A5 Card eMotion Mailing with personalised eBridge

DetailsThe new Maserati GranTurismo range is characterised by a unique sporty and powerful style. In order

to introduce the target group to the vehicle and to offer an easy response channel, Maserati chose


The mailing looks enticing because of its packaging, which skilfully builds up the suspense and shows

the name of the recipient (on the disc’s surface) through a window. After inserting the disc, the

recipients were greeted with a personalised introduction with a high-resolution full screen video.

Pre-completed forms provided the recipients with a simple online response channel.




Card eMotion




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Multimedia Interface – Landing page Registration form

GoalWorking with eBridge, Maserati planned an exclusive multi-

media presentation of the new model resulting in high lead

generation (test drive booking, orders for brochures and

call-back), which was automatically forwarded to the local

dealers. Exact access statistics showed the usage of the discs

and brand exposure.

ResultsUsage rate – Offline(market research/telephone interviews): 51%

Online Response Rate: 23,45%

Response Rate(Test drive bookings & leads): 65%

Solutions by Sony DADC


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DIN A5 Expericard mailing with personalised eBridge – reverseClientDaimler AG, Germany

AgencyRMG Connect

GoalGeneration of e-mail permission

Introduction of online magazine

Transfer from offline to online


CountryThe Netherlands

PeriodJune 2008


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Multimedia Interface with personalised pre-filled Registration Form Online magazine

“We developed a CD Rom in conjunction with our partners RMG Connect and Sony DADC. Its aim was to draw the

attention of customers and parties interested in the Mercedes-Benz brand – who, at this point, were familiar only with

the printed version of our Mercedes magazine – to the online version and to achieve new subscriptions. We are very

satisfied with the result, as is the market.”

Tanja Weber,Loyalty Programme Manager, Interactive Marketing BC/MI, Mercedes-Benz Cars

Solutions by Sony DADC


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Hardcover book “The new 911 Carrera model” with personalised eBridge

ClientDr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche AG

AgenciesBassier, Bergmann & Kindler


GoalLaunch Porsche 911

Generation of test drives


CountriesUSA, EMEA

PeriodApril 2008


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Multimedia Interface – Landing page The history of the Porsche 911

Solutions by Sony DADC


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