SOL Blitz Review. Test Taking Tips 1.Read each question carefully. Twice; “not” or “except”...

SOL Blitz Review

Transcript of SOL Blitz Review. Test Taking Tips 1.Read each question carefully. Twice; “not” or “except”...

Page 1: SOL Blitz Review. Test Taking Tips 1.Read each question carefully. Twice; “not” or “except” in the question. 2.First answers are usually correct. 3.Use.

SOL Blitz Review

Page 2: SOL Blitz Review. Test Taking Tips 1.Read each question carefully. Twice; “not” or “except” in the question. 2.First answers are usually correct. 3.Use.

Test Taking Tips1. Read each question carefully. Twice; “not” or “except” in the question.

2. First answers are usually correct.

3. Use the process of elimination. If after you have narrowed down the selections to two and you cannot decide between the two, go with your “gut feeling.” Most people will “feel” if an answer is right or wrong.

4. Remember, there is no pattern to correct answers. If the last three answers were 'C', the next answer could be A, B, C, or D.

5. If you really have no clue at all, go with the longest answer.

6. There should be no trick questions. If you think a question is a trick question, you might be thinking too hard.

7. Take short breaks

Page 3: SOL Blitz Review. Test Taking Tips 1.Read each question carefully. Twice; “not” or “except” in the question. 2.First answers are usually correct. 3.Use.

Blueprint Summary11 QuestionsWHI. 2 Early HumansWHI. 3 Early River Valley CivilizationsWHI. 4 Persia, Hinduism, Buddhism

10 QuestionsWHI. 5 Ancient GreeceWHI. 6 Ancient Rome

9 QuestionsWHI. 7 Byzantines and RussiansWHI. 8 IslamWHI. 9 Early Middle Ages

13 QuestionsWHI. 10 East AsiaWHI. 11 The AmericasWHI. 12 Late Medieval PeriodWHI. 13 Renaissance

Page 4: SOL Blitz Review. Test Taking Tips 1.Read each question carefully. Twice; “not” or “except” in the question. 2.First answers are usually correct. 3.Use.

WHI.01 GeographyTip: Be sure to look at the entire map – title, key (legend),

scale, etc

Page 5: SOL Blitz Review. Test Taking Tips 1.Read each question carefully. Twice; “not” or “except” in the question. 2.First answers are usually correct. 3.Use.

WHI.02: Early Humans

1. The life of early hunter-gatherer societies was shaped by their physical environment.

2. Early human societies, through the development of culture, began the process of overcoming the limits set by the physical environment.

3. The beginning of settled agriculture (including permanent settlements) was a major step in the advance of civilization.

4. Archaeologists continue to find and interpret evidence of early humans and their lives.

5. Rivers/waterways were extremely important to early civilizations.

Essential Understandings

Page 6: SOL Blitz Review. Test Taking Tips 1.Read each question carefully. Twice; “not” or “except” in the question. 2.First answers are usually correct. 3.Use.

1. Homo sapiens in Africa, between 100,000 and 400,000 years ago

A. lived in semi-permanent settlements.

B. had an organized government.

C. had complex tools.

D. were nomadic.

D – remember, farms did not exist yet, so early humans had to follow their food source around

Page 7: SOL Blitz Review. Test Taking Tips 1.Read each question carefully. Twice; “not” or “except” in the question. 2.First answers are usually correct. 3.Use.

2. What important advance of Paleolithic man would fall at the question mark on the timeline below?

A. Developed hieroglyphicsB. Learned how to make and use fireC. Developed weavingD. Developed pottery B – A, C, & D are all much more advanced than

developed agriculture

Page 8: SOL Blitz Review. Test Taking Tips 1.Read each question carefully. Twice; “not” or “except” in the question. 2.First answers are usually correct. 3.Use.

WHI.03: River Valley Civilizations


• Phoenicia = alphabet (phonetics/trading purple dye)

• Kush = located south of Egypt on the Nile

• Natural Barriers = mountains, deserts, oceans not rivers!

Essential Understandings and Tips to Remember

Page 9: SOL Blitz Review. Test Taking Tips 1.Read each question carefully. Twice; “not” or “except” in the question. 2.First answers are usually correct. 3.Use.

Which civilization lasted approximately 1000 years?

A. EgyptianB. SumerianC. HarappanD. Babylonian

C – Harappan – each block below represents 500 years.

Page 10: SOL Blitz Review. Test Taking Tips 1.Read each question carefully. Twice; “not” or “except” in the question. 2.First answers are usually correct. 3.Use.

Of the civilizations listed on the chart, which was the latest to develop?

A. IsraeliteB. PhoenicianC. AryanD. Shang/Zhou

B - Phoenician

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Which civilization is shown as beginning about 1550 BC

A. HittiteB. BabylonianC. MinoanD. Shang/Zhou

D – Shang/Zhou – the other one that is close, the Hittites, started about 1650 BC.

Page 12: SOL Blitz Review. Test Taking Tips 1.Read each question carefully. Twice; “not” or “except” in the question. 2.First answers are usually correct. 3.Use.

Which civilization lasted approximately 1500 years?

A. SumerianB. EgyptianC. HarappanD. Shang Zhou

A – Sumerian – each block represents 500 years.

Page 13: SOL Blitz Review. Test Taking Tips 1.Read each question carefully. Twice; “not” or “except” in the question. 2.First answers are usually correct. 3.Use.

Which Chinese city was NOT located next to a river?

A. YangzhouB. HaoC. PanlongcheungD. Luoyang

B - Hao

Page 14: SOL Blitz Review. Test Taking Tips 1.Read each question carefully. Twice; “not” or “except” in the question. 2.First answers are usually correct. 3.Use.

What natural barrier lies between India and China?

A. Gobi DesertB. Takla Makan DesertC. Plateau of TibetD. Himalaya Mountains

D – Mountains are always the best natural barriers.

Page 15: SOL Blitz Review. Test Taking Tips 1.Read each question carefully. Twice; “not” or “except” in the question. 2.First answers are usually correct. 3.Use.

Which river ran next to the cities of Yangzhou and Panlongcheung?

A. The YangtzeB. The Huang HeC. The Xi JiangD. The Ganges

A – the Yangtze

Page 16: SOL Blitz Review. Test Taking Tips 1.Read each question carefully. Twice; “not” or “except” in the question. 2.First answers are usually correct. 3.Use.

Which one of the following was a river valley civilization in Africa about 3500 to 500 B.C. (B.C.E.)?

A. MesopotamiaB. PhoeniciaC. Hindu KushD. Egypt

D – Egypt – the others are in the Middle East

Page 17: SOL Blitz Review. Test Taking Tips 1.Read each question carefully. Twice; “not” or “except” in the question. 2.First answers are usually correct. 3.Use.

The most important reason man’s earliest civilizations began in river valleys was because these valleys

A. were used for extensive trade. B. offered abundant wildlife for food.C. offered rich soil for agriculture.D. provided transportation for nomadic peoples.

C - offered rich soil for agriculture

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One of the first written codes of law was the

A. Vedas B. Code of Hammurabi.C. Eightfold Path to Enlightenment.D. hieroglyphics

B – Code of Hammurabi

Page 19: SOL Blitz Review. Test Taking Tips 1.Read each question carefully. Twice; “not” or “except” in the question. 2.First answers are usually correct. 3.Use.


A. aB. bC. cD. d

A - a

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A. aB. bC. cD. d

A - a

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A. aB. bC. cD. d

A - a

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A. aB. bC. cD. d

A - a

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WHI.04 India, China and Persia

• Hinduism and Buddhism both began in India, BUT Buddhism

left India to go to China

• China = silk, porcelain

• Persia = Zoroaster, treated conquered people well, efficient government (bureaucracy)

• Confucius = respect for elders, ancestor worship

Essential Understandings and Tips to Remember

Page 24: SOL Blitz Review. Test Taking Tips 1.Read each question carefully. Twice; “not” or “except” in the question. 2.First answers are usually correct. 3.Use.

In what city did the Royal Road begin in the west?

A. SardisB. NinevehC. LydiaD. Susa

A – Sardis (Lydia is a province, not a city.

Page 25: SOL Blitz Review. Test Taking Tips 1.Read each question carefully. Twice; “not” or “except” in the question. 2.First answers are usually correct. 3.Use.

Which of the following cities was closest to the Tropic of Cancer?

A. NinevehB. BabylonC. ThebesD. Tyre

C – The Tropic of Cancer is a line of latitude in the southern part of the map. Thebes is the southernmost city.

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Which of the following was NOT a province of the Persian Empire?

A. GedrosiaB. GreeceC. EgyptD. Media

B – Greece is not in the shaded region.

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Which of the following provinces had no harbor or seacoast?

A. SyriaB. BactriaC. ChaldeaD. Armenia

B – Bactria. It’s the only land locked province.

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What advantage did the Persian Empire gain from building the Royal Road and having long coastlines?

A. An advantage in tradeB. An advantage in agricultureC. An advantage in irrigationD. An advantage in ironworking

A – trading is easier on the water and on roads.

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The following is a sacred writing of Hinduism:

A. Ten CommandmentsB. Code of HammurabiC. UpanishadsD. Koran

C – Upanishads – the Ten Commandments are Jewish, the Koran is Muslim, and the Code of Hammurabi was a law code for the Babylonians.

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All of the following relate to Confucianism except

A. Ancestor worshipB. Respect for EldersC. Belief in one godD. Code of politeness

C – Judaism, Christianity, and Islam are the only monotheistic religions we’ve studied. Confucianism isn’t even a religion, it’s a philosophy.

Page 31: SOL Blitz Review. Test Taking Tips 1.Read each question carefully. Twice; “not” or “except” in the question. 2.First answers are usually correct. 3.Use.

A belief in reincarnation, karma, many forms of one major deity, and a caste system are characteristics of which of the following religions?

A. Hinduism B. BuddhismC. JudaismD. Zoroastrianism

A – Hinduism.

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WHI.05: Ancient Greece

• Greece = mountainous peninsula

• Athens = democracy

• Sparta = oligarchy/military

• Persian Wars = Greece v. Persia (Greece won)

• Peloponnesian Wars = Sparta v. Athens (Sparta won)

Essential Understandings and Tips to Remember

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What was Greece’s largest island?

C – Marathon and Knossos aren’t even islands.

A. RhodesB. MarathonC. Crete D. Knossos

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What sea separates Greece from Asia Minor

C – the Aegean

A. MediterraneanB. IonianC. AegeanD. All of the above

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What is Greece’s easternmost city?

A - Byzantium

A. ByzantiumB. PellaC. TroyD. Athens

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Troy lay near what waterway that separates Europe from Asia Minor?

D – Dardanelles – they are the narrowest waterway between Europe and Asia Minor

A. Sea of MarmaraB. Aegean SeaC. Ionian SeaD. Dardanelles

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In which form of government did social status play a role?

B – Aristocracy – Nobility meansa high social status. Also, the words social status are in the Aristocracy category.

A. Monarchy B. AristocracyC. OligarchyD. Direct Democracy

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What form of government was practiced in Sparta?

B – Oligarchy

A. monarchyB. aristocracyC. OligarchyD. direct democracy

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Where was monarchy the form of government around 1450 BC?

B – Mycenae

A. AthensB. MycenaeC. SpartaD. all of the above

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Which form of government sometimes had a ruler who claimed divine right?

A – monarchy – most monarchs in the ancient world claimed divine right.

A. monarchyB. aristocracyC. OligarchyD. direct democracy

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Which form of government was ruled by all citizens?

A. monarchyB. aristocracyC. OligarchyD. direct democracy

A – direct democracy

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The Greek civilization was located on which of the following bodies of water?

A. Red SeaB. Nile RiverC. Indus RiverD. Aegean Sea

D – Aegean Sea

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Greek civilization was characterized by

A. Polytheistic religion based on mythologyB. harmony with natureC. ancestor worshipD. Caste systems in religious law

A - Polytheistic religion based on mythology

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An important economic development in ancient Greece was

A. an increase in trade with Western Europe.B. a shift from a money economy to a barter economy cC. a shift from a barter economy to a money economy D. the use of land routes instead of sea routes

C - a shift from a barter economy to a money economy

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The earliest democratic system of government was developed in

A. classical Athens B. SpartaC. EgyptD. India

A – classical Athens

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The structure shown below was built to honor which Greek goddess?

A. AthenaB. AphroditeC. ApolloD. Hera

A - Athena

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What is the correct order of the evolution of democracy in Athens?

A. Monarchy, aristocracy, tyranny, democracyB. Aristocracy, monarchy, tyranny, democracyC. Tyranny, aristocracy, monarchy, democracyD. Monarchy, tyranny, aristocracy, democracy

A - Monarchy, aristocracy, tyranny, democracy

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A government that is an oligarchy is characterized by

A. a representative rule of government.B. rule by a small group.C. rule by a dictatorD. rule by a monarch

B – rule by a small group

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How did the results of the Persian Wars impact Western Civilization?

A. Persian influence increases greatly in the West.B. Athens preserved its independence and continued innovations in

government and cultureC. Persian and Greek religions merged and spread throughout the

Mediterranean and beyond.D. Cultural advancements slowed and the political power of the

Greeks weakened.

A - Athens preserved its independence and continued innovations in government and culture

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What key event united the Greek city-states to a greater degree than they had been before?

A. The establishment of a constitution by SolonB. The development of democracy in AthensC. The formation of the Delian LeagueD. The fighting of the Persian Wars

D - The fighting of the Persian Wars

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The significance of the Persian Wars was that

A. Athens and Sparta united against the PersianB. Greece emerged as the world’s most powerful government.C. the cultural advancements of Greek civilization slowed.D. Greek democracy was extended throughout the Mediterranean


A - Athens and Sparta united against the Persian Empire.

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WHI.06: Ancient Rome

• Alps are in the northern part of Italy

• Rome = republic, then empire

• Senate was the most powerful gov’t body during the Republic

• Roman language was Latin

• Rome’s two biggest influences of today – engineering and government

• Greece was the biggest influence on Rome

Essential Understandings and Tips to Remember

Page 53: SOL Blitz Review. Test Taking Tips 1.Read each question carefully. Twice; “not” or “except” in the question. 2.First answers are usually correct. 3.Use.

Carthage was located on which continent?

A. EuropeB. AsiaC. AfricaD. Australia

C - Africa

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What body of water did both opponents share?

A. Adriatic SeaB. Ionian SeaC. Atlantic OceanD. Mediterranean Sea

D- Mediterranean Sea

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Through which mountain ranges did Hannibal’s army have to travel with elephants?

A. Himalayas and AlpsB. Pyrenees and AlpsC. Apennines and HimalayasD. Alps and Apennines

B- Pyrenees and Alps

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What was the site of the earliest major battle shown on the map?

A. Messana (264 BC)B. Zama (202 BC)C. Carthage (147 BC)D. Cannae (216 BC)

A - Messana

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Who won the Punic Wars and how do you know?

A. Carthage won because Hannibal’s route continued on to Zama

B. Rome won because the major battle key label was placed there

C. Carthage won because the fighting lasted so long

D. Rome won because by 146 BC the Roman territory had expanded

D – Compare Rome in 264 BC and 146 BC

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Greece and Rome differed from earlier civilizations of the ancient worldbecause Greek and Roman citizens

a. believed in one rather than many godsb. created large empires containing many national groupsc. had a voice in their governmentd. prohibited slavery

C - Greece and Rome differed from the earlier civilizations of the ancient world because Greek and Roman citizens had a voice in their government.

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Which modern European country occupies the homeland of the ancient Romans?

a. Germanyb. Italyc. Franced. England

B - Italy is the European country that occupies the homeland of the Romans. The Roman Empire included all of France and part of England and Germany.

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Which body of water connected Rome with North Africa and Asia?

a. Atlantic Oceanb. Persian Gulfc. Mediterranean Sead. Black Sea

C - The Mediterranean Sea connected Rome with North Africa and Asia. This body of water was the great highway of commerce between the cultures of Rome, Greece, Egypt, North Africa, Syria, Phoenicia, Palestine and Asia Minor.

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The Twelve Tables were important in Rome because they

a. laid the basis for the Roman Republicb. freed all the slaves in Romec. gave Rome its first written code of lawsd. gave the emperor the status of a god

C - The Twelve Tables (about 450 B.C.) gave Rome its first written code of laws. These laws limited the power of the patrician judges who often interpreted the unwritten laws in a way that was unfair to the plebeians.

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What was the basic cause of the Punic Wars?

a. Rome's acceptance of Christianityb. Carthage's invasion of Italyc. Rome's rivalry with Carthage for control of the western Mediterraneand. Carthage's support for the plebeians against the patricians

C - The basic cause of the

Punic Wars (264-146 B.C.) was Rome's rivalry with Carthage for control of the western Mediterranean.

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As a result of the Punic Wars, Rome

a. lost its overseas empireb. lost control over most of Italyc. was burned to the groundd. won control over the western Mediterranean

D - As a result of the Punic Wars,

Rome won control over the western Mediterranean. Carthage was completely destroyed (146 B.C.) and its surviving population was sold into slavery.

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The term "Pax Romana" refers to the period of

a. peace and prosperity during the first two centuries of the Roman Empireb. civil wars between Roman generals which destroyed the Republicc. democratic government following the abolition of the Senated. slave revolts which weakened the Republic

A - The term "Pax Romana"

is the name given to the period of peace and prosperity that occurred during the first two centuries of the Roman Empire.

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Which major religion was born during a time when the Roman Empire was near its height?

a. Judaismb. Hinduismc. Islamd. Christianity

D - Christianity was born during the 1st century A.D. at a time when the

Roman Empire was reaching its height under Augustus Caesar. Judaism can trace its origins back to a period earlier than 1000 B.C., as can Hinduism.

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Why was the Roman Empire divided in half during the 3rd century A.D.?

a. invaders had conquered the western halfb. so that land could be given to retired Roman soldiersc. to make it easier to administerd. to prevent a civil war between rival emperors

C - The Roman Empire was

divided by the Emperor Diocletian about 285 A.D. to make it easier to administer. Diocletian took control of the wealthier eastern half and appointed a co-emperor to rule over the western half.

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Which group was responsible for the destruction of the Roman Empire in the west?

a. Byzantinesb. Germanic tribesc. Hunsd. Persians

B - The Germanic tribes living north of the Danube River in

Europe were responsible for the destruction of the Roman Empire in the west.

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Julius Caesar is an important figure in Roman history because he

a. fought the First Punic Warb. became the first emperor of Romec. greatly increased the power of the Senated. expanded Rome's territory and became dictator for life

D - Julius Caesar is important in Roman

history because he expanded Rome's territory (in Britain, Egypt, France, Spain, and Syria) and became dictator for life (in 44 B.C.). Caesar exercised nearly absolute power.

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"I was the adopted son of the great Julius. I defeated all of my rivals and became the first emperor of Rome." The person speaking is

a. Mark Antonyb. Octavianc. Marcus Brutusd. Gaius Cassius

B - The person speaking is Octavian, who took the name

Augustus Caesar after becoming Rome's first emperor.

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Which of the following conquered people influenced Rome the most?

a. Greeksb. Carthaginiansc. Gaulsd. Britons

A - The Greeks influenced Rome the most. After Greece was

conquered by Rome during the 2nd century B.C., Greek literature, philosophy, science, mathematics, and art spread to Rome.

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Two important contributions of ancient Rome to later societies were in

a. poetry and dramab. law and engineeringc. painting and musicd. chemistry and physics

B - Rome made important contributions in law

and engineering. Roman law became the basis for many legal systems in Europe.

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WHI.07: Byzantines and Russians Interact

• Best Byzantine emperor was Justinian

• Byzantine and Russian religion = Eastern Orthodox

Essential Understandings and Tips to Remember

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About how many miles was it by road from the Golden Gate to the Augusteum?

A. 6.5B. 1C. 5D. 3.5

D – 3.5 miles

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Which of the following was closest to the Great Palace?

A. The Forum of the OxB. The Hagia SophiaC. The Forum of TheodosiusD. The Church of the Apostles

B – the Hagia Sophia

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The Aqueduct ran between which of the following?

A. The Forum of Arcadius and the Forum of the Ox

B. The Church of the Apostles and the Forum of Theodosius

C. The Forum of Constantine and the Hippodrome

D. The Church of St. Salvador and the Wall of Theodosius


Page 76: SOL Blitz Review. Test Taking Tips 1.Read each question carefully. Twice; “not” or “except” in the question. 2.First answers are usually correct. 3.Use.

Which of the following was the furthest north?

A. The Golden GateB. The Harbor of TheodosiusC. The Gate of CharisiusD. The Church of the Apostles

C – the gate of Charisius

Page 77: SOL Blitz Review. Test Taking Tips 1.Read each question carefully. Twice; “not” or “except” in the question. 2.First answers are usually correct. 3.Use.

The capital of the Eastern Roman Empire was

a. Romeb. Jerusalemc. Alexandriad. Constantinople

D - The capital of the Eastern Roman Empire was Constantinople.

This city was built (in 330 A.D.) on the site of the ancient Greek city of Byzantium. It is from that ancient Greek city that the Eastern Roman Empire received the name Byzantine Empire.

Page 78: SOL Blitz Review. Test Taking Tips 1.Read each question carefully. Twice; “not” or “except” in the question. 2.First answers are usually correct. 3.Use.

Who established the city that was to later become the capital of the Eastern Roman Empire?

a. Julius Caesarb. Diocletianc. Constantined. Justinian

C - Constantinople, the city which later became the capital of

the Eastern Roman Empire, was established by the Emperor Constantine in 330 A.D.

Page 79: SOL Blitz Review. Test Taking Tips 1.Read each question carefully. Twice; “not” or “except” in the question. 2.First answers are usually correct. 3.Use.

Which religion became the strongest rival of Christianity in the Mediterranean area during the time of the Byzantine Empire?

a. Judaismb. Buddhismc. Islamd. Hinduism

C - Islam or the Muslim religion became the strongest rival of

Christianity in the Mediterranean area. Buddhism and Hinduism are religions that arose in India. They never spread to the Mediterranean region during the time of the Byzantine Empire.

Page 80: SOL Blitz Review. Test Taking Tips 1.Read each question carefully. Twice; “not” or “except” in the question. 2.First answers are usually correct. 3.Use.

Which was an achievement of the Byzantine Empire?

a. regaining Palestine from the Muslimsb. preserving Greek and Roman civilizationc. promoting paganismd. conquering Persia

B - The Byzantine Empire preserved Greek

and Roman civilization after the fall of the western half of the Roman Empire during the 5th century A.D.

Page 81: SOL Blitz Review. Test Taking Tips 1.Read each question carefully. Twice; “not” or “except” in the question. 2.First answers are usually correct. 3.Use.

The Justinian Code is important because it was a collection of the

a. laws of the Roman Empireb. teachings of Jesus and the Christian fathersc. scientific discoveries of the ancient worldd. military tactics used by Roman generals

A - The Justinian Code was a collection

of laws from all over the empire that were organized and simplified by a committee of officials appointed by Justinian. The Justinian Code was later introduced to Western Europe and influenced law codes in European countries.

Page 82: SOL Blitz Review. Test Taking Tips 1.Read each question carefully. Twice; “not” or “except” in the question. 2.First answers are usually correct. 3.Use.

Three of the following are reasons why the Emperor Constantine selected the ancient town of Byzantium as the site for his new capital of Constantinople. Which is NOT?

a. It had an excellent harbor.b. Its nearness to Rome would facilitate communications with the

Western Empire.c. It was strategically located to deal with the Persians in the east

and barbarians to the north.d. It was on the natural trade routes connecting Asia with Europe

and the Black Sea with the Mediterranean Sea.

B - Constantinople

was picked as capital because of its excellent harbor, its strategic location and access to trade routes.

Page 83: SOL Blitz Review. Test Taking Tips 1.Read each question carefully. Twice; “not” or “except” in the question. 2.First answers are usually correct. 3.Use.

What was a result of Justinian's attempt to reunite the eastern and western halves of the old Roman Empire?

a. The effort was a complete failure.b. All of the western lands of the old empire became part of the Byzantine Empire.c. The attempt led to a return of prosperity to Rome and Italy.d. Italy and North Africa were conquered, but then lost to new invaders.

D - As a result of

Justinian's attempt to reunite the eastern and western halves of the old Roman Empire, Italy, and North Africa were conquered, but later lost to new invaders.

Page 84: SOL Blitz Review. Test Taking Tips 1.Read each question carefully. Twice; “not” or “except” in the question. 2.First answers are usually correct. 3.Use.

To which religion were the Russians converted in the 10th century?

a. Roman Christianityb. Judaismc. Islamd. Orthodox Christianity

D - The Russians were converted to Orthodox Christianity in

the 10th century during the reign of Vladimir the Great. He ruled Kiev from 972 to 1015. The Russians eventually formed their own national church called the Russian Orthodox Church.

Page 85: SOL Blitz Review. Test Taking Tips 1.Read each question carefully. Twice; “not” or “except” in the question. 2.First answers are usually correct. 3.Use.

What name did the princes of Moscow take for themselves?

a. khanb. czarc. patriarchd. pharaoh

B - Khan is the title taken by Mongol and Turkish rulers. Patriarch is the

name given to the leader of the Orthodox Church. Pharaoh was the name of kings in ancient Egypt. The princes of Moscow took the name of czar. The first prince to do so was Ivan III "the Great" who created the state of Muscovy and ruled it from 1462 to 1505.

Page 86: SOL Blitz Review. Test Taking Tips 1.Read each question carefully. Twice; “not” or “except” in the question. 2.First answers are usually correct. 3.Use.

WHI.08: Islam

• Mecca is holiest city, then Medina and Jerusalem

• Respects Abraham, Moses, and Jesus as Prophets

• Muslim holy book = Qu’ran or Koran

• Founded by Muhammad

• Five Pillars

Essential Understandings and Tips to Remember

Page 87: SOL Blitz Review. Test Taking Tips 1.Read each question carefully. Twice; “not” or “except” in the question. 2.First answers are usually correct. 3.Use.

What city in Europe was under Muslim control by 750?

A. DamascusB. CairoC. CordobaD. Baghdad

C - Cordoba

Page 88: SOL Blitz Review. Test Taking Tips 1.Read each question carefully. Twice; “not” or “except” in the question. 2.First answers are usually correct. 3.Use.

What important teaching or custom is shared by only two of the three faiths?

A. Dietary lawsB. Judgment DayC. Life after deathD. Unmarried spiritual leaders

A – dietary laws; Catholics do not have any dietary laws.

Page 89: SOL Blitz Review. Test Taking Tips 1.Read each question carefully. Twice; “not” or “except” in the question. 2.First answers are usually correct. 3.Use.

On what subject do the three religions hold different views?

A. Judgment DayB. Life after deathC. Jesus’ identityD. Use of local languages

C – Jesus’ identity

Page 90: SOL Blitz Review. Test Taking Tips 1.Read each question carefully. Twice; “not” or “except” in the question. 2.First answers are usually correct. 3.Use.

What is similar about the beginning of all three faiths?

A. Each has several branchesB. Each was begun before AD 600C. Each was begun in Southwest AsiaD. Each was begun with the same 2000 year period of history

C – each began in Southwest Asia

Page 91: SOL Blitz Review. Test Taking Tips 1.Read each question carefully. Twice; “not” or “except” in the question. 2.First answers are usually correct. 3.Use.

One of the most important events in Islam, the Hijrah, refers to Muhammad's

a. years of meditation in the desertb. conquest of Meccac. escape from Mecca to Medinad. birth in Mecca

C - Muhammad and his followers left Mecca

because they believed themselves to be in danger of attack by leaders of Mecca opposed to Muhammad's teachings. The year 622 marks the beginning of Islam as a distinct religion and the beginning of the Islamic calendar. The Hijrah refers to Muhammad's escape from Mecca to Medina in 622 A.D.

Page 92: SOL Blitz Review. Test Taking Tips 1.Read each question carefully. Twice; “not” or “except” in the question. 2.First answers are usually correct. 3.Use.

All of the following are among the Five Pillars of Islam, EXCEPT to

a. pray five times a dayb. be ceremonially accepted into the religionc. fast during the month of Ramadand. give charity to the poor

B - Any person who accepts Allah as the

one God with Muhammad as his messenger, as well as the other four Pillars of Islam is a Muslim. Muslims do not have a ceremony, such as Christian baptism or confirmation, to signify acceptance as a follower of their religion.

Page 93: SOL Blitz Review. Test Taking Tips 1.Read each question carefully. Twice; “not” or “except” in the question. 2.First answers are usually correct. 3.Use.

The Koran, the holy book of the religion of Islam,

a. was written by Muhammadb. has been amended by later religious leadersc. is a collection of recollections of the teachings of Muhammadd. includes the Old and the New Testament of the Bible

C - The Koran was written 30 years after the

death of Muhammad by followers who remembered his teachings. Since Muhammad's teachings were based on his revelations, Muslims believe that the Koran is the revealed word of Allah. The Koran cannot be changed or amended because it is the word of Allah transmitted through Muhammad. Muslims believe that the Koran can only be written and read in the classical Arabic of the 7th century.

Page 94: SOL Blitz Review. Test Taking Tips 1.Read each question carefully. Twice; “not” or “except” in the question. 2.First answers are usually correct. 3.Use.

A city in the Middle East that is sacred to Jews, Arabs, and Christians is

a. Jerusalemb. Meccac. Istanbuld. Damascus

A - Jerusalem is one city that is sacred to all three monotheistic

religions in the Middle East because significant events in the history of each religion took place there.

Page 95: SOL Blitz Review. Test Taking Tips 1.Read each question carefully. Twice; “not” or “except” in the question. 2.First answers are usually correct. 3.Use.

During the 700s, most of Spain was conquered by the

a. Germanic barbariansb. Muslimsc. Byzantinesd. Huns

B - During the 700s, most of Spain was conquered by the

Muslims. Only a few small Christian kingdoms were able to survive in the north. This conquest was part of the rapid expansion by Muslim Arabs out of Arabia and the Middle East after the death of Muhammad in 632.

Page 96: SOL Blitz Review. Test Taking Tips 1.Read each question carefully. Twice; “not” or “except” in the question. 2.First answers are usually correct. 3.Use.

WHI.09: Early Middle Ages


• Middle Ages/Medieval Period = heavy Catholic Church influence (only thing to unite Europe during this time)

• Monasteries were places for learning and healing

• Charles Martel stopped the spread of Islam into Europe at the Battle of Tours

Page 97: SOL Blitz Review. Test Taking Tips 1.Read each question carefully. Twice; “not” or “except” in the question. 2.First answers are usually correct. 3.Use.

Which invaders traveled primarily across the Mediterranean Sea?

A. VikingsB. MuslimsC. MagyarsD. All of the Above

B - Muslims

Page 98: SOL Blitz Review. Test Taking Tips 1.Read each question carefully. Twice; “not” or “except” in the question. 2.First answers are usually correct. 3.Use.

From what region or country did the Vikings come?

A. Byzantine EmpireB. RussiaC. FranceD. Scandinavia

D - Scandinavia

Page 99: SOL Blitz Review. Test Taking Tips 1.Read each question carefully. Twice; “not” or “except” in the question. 2.First answers are usually correct. 3.Use.

What region or country suffered raids from all three types of invaders?

A. RussiaB. FranceC. ScandinaviaD. Byzantine Empire

A - France

Page 100: SOL Blitz Review. Test Taking Tips 1.Read each question carefully. Twice; “not” or “except” in the question. 2.First answers are usually correct. 3.Use.

Which body of water was NOT used by Viking Raiders?

A. North SeaB. Atlantic OceanC. Mediterranean SeaD. Caspian Sea

D – Caspian Sea

Page 101: SOL Blitz Review. Test Taking Tips 1.Read each question carefully. Twice; “not” or “except” in the question. 2.First answers are usually correct. 3.Use.

During the Early Middle Ages in Europe

a. cities increased in sizeb. trade with areas outside of Europe increasedc. warfare frequently occurredd. population increased

C - There were invasions by Germanic barbarians,

Vikings, Magyars, and Muslims. In addition, frequent wars occurred between rulers and between nobles. Cities were destroyed and the population decreased. One effect of this was that trade within Europe and between Europe and other areas of the world was ruined

Page 102: SOL Blitz Review. Test Taking Tips 1.Read each question carefully. Twice; “not” or “except” in the question. 2.First answers are usually correct. 3.Use.

The Early Middle Ages in Europe (500-1000 A.D.) are often called the Dark Ages because

a. there are no written records from the periodb. literacy and education declinedc. all government disappearedd. the Muslims conquered all of Italy and Gaul

B - The Early Middle Ages are often called the Dark

Ages because literacy and education declined. The state of constant warfare reduced the size of towns and cities; trade and travel nearly came to an end. Many people fled from urban to rural areas to find safety. Cities had been the center of education and learning. When these declined or were destroyed, the cultural level of European society declined.

Page 103: SOL Blitz Review. Test Taking Tips 1.Read each question carefully. Twice; “not” or “except” in the question. 2.First answers are usually correct. 3.Use.

Which of the following barbarian tribes established a kingdom in what is now France?

a. Hunsb. Magyarsc. Franksd. Vandals

C - The Franks established a Germanic kingdom in northern Gaul,

in what is now France, during the 5th century A.D. In 481 A.D., a Frankish chieftain named Clovis began to expand his small kingdom. He gained the support of the Church in Rome when he and his Frankish subjects converted to Christianity.

Page 104: SOL Blitz Review. Test Taking Tips 1.Read each question carefully. Twice; “not” or “except” in the question. 2.First answers are usually correct. 3.Use.

What contribution did the Catholic Church make to society during the early Middle Ages?

a. preserving learningb. abolishing serfdomc. encouraging traded. helping overseas expansion

A - The Catholic Church helped to preserve learning

during the early Middle Ages. The Church ran most of the schools so that its clergy could be educated. Many schools were established in monasteries where monks studied Latin and copied works written by ancient Greek and Roman writers.

Page 105: SOL Blitz Review. Test Taking Tips 1.Read each question carefully. Twice; “not” or “except” in the question. 2.First answers are usually correct. 3.Use.

Charlemagne was able to

a. convert his subjects to Islamb. reunite the Eastern and Western Christian Churchesc. avoid war with his neighborsd. create a strong and stable government D - Charlemagne was able to create a strong

and stable government. He ruled as king of the Franks from 768 to 814 A.D. Charlemagne appointed officials who traveled around his kingdom checking on how the local governments were being run by the nobles of his kingdom. They also reported on how the duties of the Christian clergy were being carried out.

Page 106: SOL Blitz Review. Test Taking Tips 1.Read each question carefully. Twice; “not” or “except” in the question. 2.First answers are usually correct. 3.Use.

Feudalism arose in Western Europe because

a. Charlemagne desired itb. commerce revivedc. there was a need for law and orderd. the pope promoted it

C - Feudalism arose in Western Europe because

there was a need for law and order. During the period 500-1000 A.D., Europe experienced many wars and invasions. During this period rulers had to depend on local lords to defend their lands because transportation was so poor. By the 9th century A.D., a class of mounted warriors called knights had developed. These knights were given land in exchange for their military service to a ruler. This system of exchanging land for military service is called feudalism.

Page 107: SOL Blitz Review. Test Taking Tips 1.Read each question carefully. Twice; “not” or “except” in the question. 2.First answers are usually correct. 3.Use.

The fief was an important basis for feudalism because it was the

a. obligation owed by a serf to a lordb. military service performed by a knightc. tax levied by a king on a nobled. land given by a lord to a vassal

D - The fief was the land given by a lord to a

vassal in return for military service. The vassal promised to defend his lord against attack. The fief included land and all of the people living on it. Therefore, peasants living on land given by a lord to a vassal had to perform services for the vassal, who was now their new lord.

Page 108: SOL Blitz Review. Test Taking Tips 1.Read each question carefully. Twice; “not” or “except” in the question. 2.First answers are usually correct. 3.Use.

Which statement about feudalism in Europe is CORRECT?

a. The feudal manor was self-sufficient.b. The feudal system provided a strong central government.c. Feudal lords were chosen by the Catholic Church.d. Trade was encouraged by feudal nobles. A - The correct statement is that the

feudal manor was self-sufficient. The almost constant warfare during the period 500-1000 A.D. led to the development of the feudal manor. The decline of trade and towns during this period meant that nearly all food, tools, and clothing had to be produced on the manor.

Page 109: SOL Blitz Review. Test Taking Tips 1.Read each question carefully. Twice; “not” or “except” in the question. 2.First answers are usually correct. 3.Use.

What position did serfs have in feudal society?

a. They were slaves and could be bought and sold by their lords.b. They often could rise in class to become nobles.c. They could not leave the manor without the permission of their lords.d. They owned the lands on which they worked.

C - Serfs could not be bought and

sold like slaves, but they also could not leave the manor without the permission of their lord. The lands on which they worked belonged to the lord of the manor. Nobles looked upon themselves as being superior to the serfs they ruled, and no serf could hope to become a noble.

Page 110: SOL Blitz Review. Test Taking Tips 1.Read each question carefully. Twice; “not” or “except” in the question. 2.First answers are usually correct. 3.Use.

What was a result of the Crusades?

a. European conquest of the Middle Eastb. fall of the Byzantine Empirec. growth of trade with the Middle Eastd. rise of Charlemagne's empire

B - One result of the Crusades was the

growth of European commerce. Europeans who joined the Crusades were introduced to products like silk, spices, and precious stones. The demand for these luxury goods by wealthy Europeans helped to revive trade. Although the First Crusade succeeded in capturing Palestine, that land was recaptured by the Muslims a century later. Although several other Crusades were sent into the Middle East, they all failed.

Page 111: SOL Blitz Review. Test Taking Tips 1.Read each question carefully. Twice; “not” or “except” in the question. 2.First answers are usually correct. 3.Use.

The Black Death was

a. the attack by Mongol and Tatar horsemen on Europe during the 13th century

b. a disease that killed millions of Europeans during the 14th century

c. the series of civil wars between the grandsons of Charlemagne for control of his empire

d. a succession of extremely cold winters during the 11th century

B - The Black Death was a disease

(plague) that killed millions of Europeans during the 14th century. The plague entered Europe by way of Sicily in 1347. Within two years it spread northward and affected nearly all of Europe. Between 1347 and 1350 about one-third of the population of Western Europe died from the Black Death.

Page 112: SOL Blitz Review. Test Taking Tips 1.Read each question carefully. Twice; “not” or “except” in the question. 2.First answers are usually correct. 3.Use.

Anglo-Saxon England was conquered in 1066 by

a. Charlemagneb. Attila the Hunc. Charles Marteld. Duke William of Normandy

D - Anglo-Saxon England was conquered by Duke William

of Normandy. William was the descendant of the Viking (also called Norsemen or Northmen) invaders who settled in an area of western France called Normandy.

Page 113: SOL Blitz Review. Test Taking Tips 1.Read each question carefully. Twice; “not” or “except” in the question. 2.First answers are usually correct. 3.Use.

The signing of the Magna Carta in 1215 by King John of England

a. limited royal power over the nobilityb. established the Church of Englandc. created Parliamentd. gave equal rights to all Englishmen

A - The Magna Carta or "Great Charter" limited

royal power over the nobility. King John was forced to sign the Magna Carta by rebellious barons who resented his attempts to tax them. The Magna Carta guaranteed the traditional rights of the English nobility.

Page 114: SOL Blitz Review. Test Taking Tips 1.Read each question carefully. Twice; “not” or “except” in the question. 2.First answers are usually correct. 3.Use.

A cause of the Hundred Years' War was the

a. conflict between French kings and the papacyb. Viking invasions of Western Europec. rivalry between French and English kingsd. struggle between Catholics and Protestants

C - In 1337, Edward III of England

claimed the French throne, bringing on the Hundred Years' War (1337-1453). He and his successors invaded France a number of times to enforce their claim until the English gave up their quest to conquer France.

Page 115: SOL Blitz Review. Test Taking Tips 1.Read each question carefully. Twice; “not” or “except” in the question. 2.First answers are usually correct. 3.Use.

Joan of Arc is important in French history because she

a. became the first female monarch of Franceb. led the fight against Protestantism in Francec. called the first Estates General in Franced. inspired French nationalism during the Hundred Years' War

D - Joan of Arc inspired the French

nationalism during the Hundred Years' War. Joan was a teenage peasant girl who appeared before Charles the Dauphin, heir to the French throne, in 1429. She claimed to have heard voices telling her to lead the French in an effort to drive the English out of her country.

Page 116: SOL Blitz Review. Test Taking Tips 1.Read each question carefully. Twice; “not” or “except” in the question. 2.First answers are usually correct. 3.Use.

The Holy Roman Empire included most of modern

a. Russiab. Englandc. Spaind. Germany

D - The Holy Roman Empire included most of modern Germany. In

the eastern portion of Charlemagne's empire, his heirs lost power to local nobles called dukes.

Page 117: SOL Blitz Review. Test Taking Tips 1.Read each question carefully. Twice; “not” or “except” in the question. 2.First answers are usually correct. 3.Use.

The Spanish monarchs Ferdinand and Isabella

a. succeeded in unifying Spain under Christian ruleb. supported the Protestant Reformationc. were defeated by the Muslims of North Africad. promoted religious toleration

A - Ferdinand and Isabella succeeded in

unifying Spain under Christian rule. Queen Isabella of Castile married Ferdinand, heir to the throne of Aragon, in 1469. This marriage united most of Spain. They were able to increase the power of their state.

Page 118: SOL Blitz Review. Test Taking Tips 1.Read each question carefully. Twice; “not” or “except” in the question. 2.First answers are usually correct. 3.Use.

WHI.10: East Asian Empiresand Africa


• China heavily influenced Japan

• China = Buddhism

• Japan = Shintoism and Buddhism

• African trade items = gold and salt

Page 119: SOL Blitz Review. Test Taking Tips 1.Read each question carefully. Twice; “not” or “except” in the question. 2.First answers are usually correct. 3.Use.

Which khanate extended the furthest north?

A. Khanate of the Golden HordeB. Khanate of the Great KhanC. Chagatai KhanateD. Ilkhanate

B – Khanate of the Great Khan

Page 120: SOL Blitz Review. Test Taking Tips 1.Read each question carefully. Twice; “not” or “except” in the question. 2.First answers are usually correct. 3.Use.

What body of water did Marco Polo cross twice?

A. Black SeaB. Mediterranean SeaC. Arabian SeaD. South China Sea

B – Mediterranean Sea

Page 121: SOL Blitz Review. Test Taking Tips 1.Read each question carefully. Twice; “not” or “except” in the question. 2.First answers are usually correct. 3.Use.

Which of the following was NOT in the Khanate of the Great Khan?

A. ChinaB. Gobi DesertC. MienD. Tibet

C – Mien is located south of the Great Khan, next to Vietnam

Page 122: SOL Blitz Review. Test Taking Tips 1.Read each question carefully. Twice; “not” or “except” in the question. 2.First answers are usually correct. 3.Use.

To whom was the samurai required to be loyal?

A. Heavenly God, earthly lord, and chosen ladyB. Their lord above all elseC. Their parents and children above all elseD. Their heavenly God, earthly lord, and parents


Page 123: SOL Blitz Review. Test Taking Tips 1.Read each question carefully. Twice; “not” or “except” in the question. 2.First answers are usually correct. 3.Use.

What would samurai rather do than face defeat or dishonor?

A. Show humilityB. Burn their armorC. Commit ritual suicideD. Kill each other

C – Samurai would perform seppuku (ritual suicide) rather than be captured.

Page 124: SOL Blitz Review. Test Taking Tips 1.Read each question carefully. Twice; “not” or “except” in the question. 2.First answers are usually correct. 3.Use.

What did chivalry require of knights that Bushido did not require of samurai?

A. That they commit suicide rather than face defeatB. That they show humilityC. That they value bravery and loyalty above all elseD. That the regard women as equals

B – Show humility.

Page 125: SOL Blitz Review. Test Taking Tips 1.Read each question carefully. Twice; “not” or “except” in the question. 2.First answers are usually correct. 3.Use.

Which of the following is NOT true of both Japanese samurai and European knights?

A. They lived by a code of honor that valued bravery and loyaltyB. They fought for a lord in exchange for somethingC. They entered battle with protective gear and weaponsD. They would commit ritual suicide than face defeat

D – Samurai would commit ritual suicide, but not European knights.

Page 126: SOL Blitz Review. Test Taking Tips 1.Read each question carefully. Twice; “not” or “except” in the question. 2.First answers are usually correct. 3.Use.

During the reign of the Tang Dynasty Chinese civilization and culture reached great heights. New land was conquered and art, literature, and poetry flourished. Which term best describes the era of the Tang Dynasty?

a. Age of Philosophersb. The Golden Age of Chinac. Nationalist Chinad. Mongol China

B - The reign of the Tang Dynasty (618-907) was also

known as The Golden Age of China because great advances were made in Chinese civilization and culture during this period.

Page 127: SOL Blitz Review. Test Taking Tips 1.Read each question carefully. Twice; “not” or “except” in the question. 2.First answers are usually correct. 3.Use.

What is meant by the term "cultural diffusion"?

a. People believe that their own culture is superior to all others.b. People guard their customs and will not share them with others.c. Cultural practices are taught by the older generation to the younger.d. Customs and ideas are spread from one society to another.

D - Cultural diffusion is the spread of ideas, traditions, innovations, and customs from

one society to another. Often believed to have been isolated throughout its long history, ancient China was in fact part of the long-distance trading network, commonly known as the Silk Road.

Page 128: SOL Blitz Review. Test Taking Tips 1.Read each question carefully. Twice; “not” or “except” in the question. 2.First answers are usually correct. 3.Use.

What effect did the Civil Service Examination have on Imperial China?

a. It encouraged the study of Confucianism.b. It provided a method to reward the merit and hard work of individuals.c. It provided a vehicle for peasants to advance into a higher social class.d. all of the above

D - Since the Civil Service Examination was

based on Confucian principles, a person taking the exam had to study Confucianism carefully. If the person did well on the exam, he was rewarded with a well-paying government position in the bureaucracy; thus his hard work and merit were rewarded. Since nobody was barred from taking the test, theoretically a peasant could use the exam system as a vehicle into a higher social class.

Page 129: SOL Blitz Review. Test Taking Tips 1.Read each question carefully. Twice; “not” or “except” in the question. 2.First answers are usually correct. 3.Use.

Africa had large and important kingdoms during the time of the Middle Ages in Europe. All of the following were major sub-Saharan kingdoms in Africa, EXCEPT

a. Ghanab. Malic. Songhaid. Carthage

D - Carthage was a major kingdom on the coast of Africa north of the

Sahara Desert. It dominated the western Mediterranean for hundreds of years until conquered by the Roman Empire in ancient times. Ghana, Mali, and Songhai were all important kingdoms south of the Sahara Desert in West and Central Africa between 500 and 1500 A.D.

Page 130: SOL Blitz Review. Test Taking Tips 1.Read each question carefully. Twice; “not” or “except” in the question. 2.First answers are usually correct. 3.Use.

Before 1500 A.D. the trade items most sought after from the African kingdoms south of the Sahara were

a. gold and ivoryb. silk and cottonc. fruit and vegetablesd. rubber and coffee

A - The sub-Saharan kingdoms traded their gold and ivory for salt

and cloth brought by caravans that crossed the Sahara Desert from North Africa.

Page 131: SOL Blitz Review. Test Taking Tips 1.Read each question carefully. Twice; “not” or “except” in the question. 2.First answers are usually correct. 3.Use.

The trade across the Sahara Desert was an avenue for the spread of which religion to sub-Saharan Africa?

a. Christianityb. Judaismc. Islamd. Roman paganism

C - Muslims carried on the trans-Sahara trade which had grown in the

preceding centuries. Many sub-Saharan Africans adopted Islam which spread into West and Central Africa across the desert, and from Egypt along the Nile into Sudan.

Page 132: SOL Blitz Review. Test Taking Tips 1.Read each question carefully. Twice; “not” or “except” in the question. 2.First answers are usually correct. 3.Use.

Warriors in feudal Japan were known as

a. shogunb. samuraic. bushidod. origami

B – The samurai were the warriors of feudal Japan. Origami is a

Japanese art form, bushido is the code of behavior for the samurai and a shogun is a military leader.

Page 133: SOL Blitz Review. Test Taking Tips 1.Read each question carefully. Twice; “not” or “except” in the question. 2.First answers are usually correct. 3.Use.

The code of honor of a samurai warrior was known as

a. bonsaib. kamikazec. kamid. bushido

D - The code of honor followed by a samurai warrior in ancient and

medieval Japan was known as bushido. It was a code based on honor, respect, obedience, and loyalty to one's superior.

Page 134: SOL Blitz Review. Test Taking Tips 1.Read each question carefully. Twice; “not” or “except” in the question. 2.First answers are usually correct. 3.Use.

Which of the following religions diffused into Japan from China?

a. Shintob. Buddhismc. Christianityd. Islam


Page 135: SOL Blitz Review. Test Taking Tips 1.Read each question carefully. Twice; “not” or “except” in the question. 2.First answers are usually correct. 3.Use.

Which of the following religions is native to Japan?

a. Hinduismb. Buddhismc. Shintoismd. Christianity

C - Native means “original, or originate. Shintoism is

Japan’s native religion.

Page 136: SOL Blitz Review. Test Taking Tips 1.Read each question carefully. Twice; “not” or “except” in the question. 2.First answers are usually correct. 3.Use.

This Shinto Shrine would most likely be found in what country?

a. Chinab. Japanc. Indiad. Egypt

B - Shintoism is Japan’s

native religion.

Page 137: SOL Blitz Review. Test Taking Tips 1.Read each question carefully. Twice; “not” or “except” in the question. 2.First answers are usually correct. 3.Use.

WHI.11: The Americas


• All polytheistic

• All made sacrifices (Aztec and Mayan did human sacrifices, Incan sacrificed llamas)

Page 138: SOL Blitz Review. Test Taking Tips 1.Read each question carefully. Twice; “not” or “except” in the question. 2.First answers are usually correct. 3.Use.

Which of the following was located in the region controlled by the Moche?

A. Machu PicchuB. CuzcoC. Chan ChanD. Lake Titicaca

C – Chan Chan.

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Which of the following ran down the middle of the Incan Empire?

A. The Andes MountainsB. The Amazon RiverC. The Tropic of CapricornD. Lake Titicaca

A – the Andes Mountains

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Which of the following is the furthest south?

A. Lake TiticacaB. CuzcoC. Machu PicchuD. Chan Chan

A – Lake Titicaca

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Latin America includes which of the following regions?

a. Central America, South America, and Spainb. Central America, South America, and Antarcticac. Mexico, Central America, South America, and the Caribbeand. Mexico, Central America, South America, and Spain

C - Latin America is a vast region that stretches from

the Mexican-U.S. border in the north to Cape Horn in South America. It includes Mexico, Central America, South America, and several Caribbean islands. The region is comprised of 32 independent nations and some small possessions of European nations.

Page 142: SOL Blitz Review. Test Taking Tips 1.Read each question carefully. Twice; “not” or “except” in the question. 2.First answers are usually correct. 3.Use.

WHI.12: The Late Medieval PeriodTips

• Crusades – series of wars between Christians and Muslims

• Crusades increased trade between Europe and the Middle East

• Middle Ages/Medieval Period = heavy Catholic Church influence (only thing to unite Europe during this time)

• Monasteries were places for learning and healing

Page 143: SOL Blitz Review. Test Taking Tips 1.Read each question carefully. Twice; “not” or “except” in the question. 2.First answers are usually correct. 3.Use.

Where did a young page begin his education?

A. At tournamentsB. At his lord’s manorC. At another lord’s castleD. At home with his parents

C – at another lord’s castle

Page 144: SOL Blitz Review. Test Taking Tips 1.Read each question carefully. Twice; “not” or “except” in the question. 2.First answers are usually correct. 3.Use.

Which of the following was a page supposed to learn?

A. To take care of horsesB. Courtly mannersC. To use a battering ramD. To shoot a rifle

B – courtly manners

Page 145: SOL Blitz Review. Test Taking Tips 1.Read each question carefully. Twice; “not” or “except” in the question. 2.First answers are usually correct. 3.Use.

At what age was a page raised to the rank of a squire?

A. 7B. 10C. 14D. 17

C - 14

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What was the main job of a squire?

A. To serve a knightB. To play chess wellC. To behave chivalrouslyD. To fight in a battle

A – To serve a knight

Page 147: SOL Blitz Review. Test Taking Tips 1.Read each question carefully. Twice; “not” or “except” in the question. 2.First answers are usually correct. 3.Use.

Who had the authority to declare a squire a knight?

A. Another knightB. The squire’s future chosen ladyC. A member of the clergyD. The knight’s lord

A – the knight’s lord

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Chivalry was a code of behavior for the medieval

a. serfb. clergyc. knightd. merchant

C - Chivalry was a code of behavior for the medieval knight. The code

glorified the values of a warrior and also emphasized Christian ethics. A knight was supposed to be courageous, respect women, and treat his enemies honorably.

Page 149: SOL Blitz Review. Test Taking Tips 1.Read each question carefully. Twice; “not” or “except” in the question. 2.First answers are usually correct. 3.Use.

Which of the following statements about women in the European Middle Ages is MOST accurate?

a. women were highly educatedb. women and men worked equally hard on the manorc. women were considered unimportantd. women were "free" to be all that they could be

B - In the European Middle Ages women and men on the

manor worked equally hard. Women played an important role in life. Wives were expected to care for the house, cook, care for the children, work in the fields, and take care of the chickens, sheep, and cows. Even the lord's wife was busy. She raised the children, supervised the servants, and made sure that there was enough food for the family. In addition she was in charge of spinning, weaving cloth, and sewing.

Page 150: SOL Blitz Review. Test Taking Tips 1.Read each question carefully. Twice; “not” or “except” in the question. 2.First answers are usually correct. 3.Use.

Noble women in the Middle Ages

a. were expected to bear and raise many childrenb. were not allowed to inherit fiefsc. received an education similar to that of noblemend. supervised the running of her husband's manor

A - Noble women were expected

to bear and raise many children. Marriages were arranged for women of the nobility by their fathers, often as a means of making an alliance with other noble families. Although a woman could inherit a fief, she was not allowed to control it. Instead, her father, male guardian or eldest son acted as her legal guardian. Noble women were taught such practical skills as weaving, sewing, and cooking.

Page 151: SOL Blitz Review. Test Taking Tips 1.Read each question carefully. Twice; “not” or “except” in the question. 2.First answers are usually correct. 3.Use.

What was the main subject of works of art during the Middle Ages?

a. natureb. Greek and Roman mythologyc. monarchsd. religion

D - Religion was the main subject of works of art

during the Middle Ages. Medieval churches were decorated with statues of Christ, the Apostles, or saints. Stained glass windows often illustrated scenes from the Bible. Most medieval paintings also had religious themes.

Page 152: SOL Blitz Review. Test Taking Tips 1.Read each question carefully. Twice; “not” or “except” in the question. 2.First answers are usually correct. 3.Use.

WHI.13: The Renaissance


• Renaissance focuses on the human and individual

• Church influence begins to decline

• Renaissance began in Italy

Page 153: SOL Blitz Review. Test Taking Tips 1.Read each question carefully. Twice; “not” or “except” in the question. 2.First answers are usually correct. 3.Use.

A - The Renaissance began in Italy partly

because Italian city-states were wealthy. Many rulers of the Italian city-states used the revenues from trade to hire artists and architects to beautify their cities. Wealthy merchants competed with each other to become patrons of the arts.

The Renaissance began in Italy partly because

a. Italian city-states were wealthyb. Italy was not affected by the Black Deathc. Italy has a pleasant climated. Italy was unified under one monarch

Page 154: SOL Blitz Review. Test Taking Tips 1.Read each question carefully. Twice; “not” or “except” in the question. 2.First answers are usually correct. 3.Use.

Which idea was most characteristic of the Renaissance?

a. feudalismb. humanismc. chivalryd. scholasticism

B - Humanism was most characteristic of the

Renaissance. The classical writings of Greece and Rome emphasized human concerns.

Page 155: SOL Blitz Review. Test Taking Tips 1.Read each question carefully. Twice; “not” or “except” in the question. 2.First answers are usually correct. 3.Use.

During the Italian Renaissance, the Medici family

a. helped spread the ideas of the Protestant Reformation

b. supported artists and scholars in Florence

c. attempted to make Italy a unified country

d. conducted voyages of discovery and exploration in Africa

B - The Medici family supported artists

and scholars in Florence. They became wealthy during the late 14th century from commerce and banking. The Medici family ruled Florence for nearly a century.

Page 156: SOL Blitz Review. Test Taking Tips 1.Read each question carefully. Twice; “not” or “except” in the question. 2.First answers are usually correct. 3.Use.

Renaissance literature was most concerned with the

a. enjoyment of earthly pleasures

b. deeds of legendary heroes

c. lives of Christian saints

d. activities of peasants and workers

A - Renaissance literature was most

concerned with the secular – meaning the enjoyment of earthly pleasures.

Page 157: SOL Blitz Review. Test Taking Tips 1.Read each question carefully. Twice; “not” or “except” in the question. 2.First answers are usually correct. 3.Use.

The term "Renaissance" refers to a

a. revolution against royal authorityb. repression of dissentc. rebirth of learningd. reformation of religion

C - The term "Renaissance" refers to a rebirth of learning. During the Renaissance there was a revival of interest in the literature, art, and architecture of ancient or classical Greece and Rome. The Renaissance is considered to be a period of transition between the Middle Ages and early modern times.

Page 158: SOL Blitz Review. Test Taking Tips 1.Read each question carefully. Twice; “not” or “except” in the question. 2.First answers are usually correct. 3.Use.

A "Renaissance man" can be best described as a

a. successful businessmanb. brave warriorc. religious and humble monkd. person of many talents D - A "Renaissance man" can be best

described as a person of many talents. Humanists praised the person who was educated and who had many talents and achievements. A good example of a "Renaissance man" is Leonardo da Vinci who studied painting, architecture, sculpture, mathematics, anatomy, engineering, and literature.

Page 159: SOL Blitz Review. Test Taking Tips 1.Read each question carefully. Twice; “not” or “except” in the question. 2.First answers are usually correct. 3.Use.

Which Renaissance artist painted the "Mona Lisa" and "The Last Supper"?

a. Michelangelo Buonarrotib. Donatelloc. Leonardo da Vincid. Sandro Botticelli

C - Leonardo da Vinci painted the "Mona Lisa" and "The Last Supper." Michelangelo is famous for his painting on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel and his statues of David and Moses. Donatello is credited with creating the Renaissance's portrait style. Botticelli is considered one of the finest Renaissance artists.

Page 160: SOL Blitz Review. Test Taking Tips 1.Read each question carefully. Twice; “not” or “except” in the question. 2.First answers are usually correct. 3.Use.

Both Desiderius Erasmus and Thomas More

a. became leaders of the Protestant Reformationb. were Renaissance architectsc. opposed humanist ideas literature and artd. advocated reform in secular and religious matters

D - Erasmus and More were humanists who

advocated reform in secular and religious matters. Erasmus (1466-1536) was a Dutch monk and teacher who dedicated his life to Christian scholarship. In his best known work, "In Praise of Folly," Erasmus criticized the luxury and worldliness of the Catholic Church. When the Protestant Reformation began, Erasmus advocated compromise and suggested reforms. For this stand, he was attacked by both Catholic and Protestants.

Thomas More (1478-1535) was an advisor to King Henry VIII of England. In his book, "Utopia," More described an ideal society without poverty, war, and religious persecution. When Henry separated his kingdom from the Catholic Church, More remained faithful to Catholicism and was executed.

Page 161: SOL Blitz Review. Test Taking Tips 1.Read each question carefully. Twice; “not” or “except” in the question. 2.First answers are usually correct. 3.Use.

Which idea was a basis for Renaissance art?

a. The human body must always be shown fully clothed.b. Artists should paint only religious subjects.c. Only rulers and the nobility can appreciate great art.d. Art should show the beauty of the human body and spirit.

D - A basis for Renaissance art was the idea that art should show the beauty of the human body and spirit. Like the sculptors of ancient Greece, Renaissance artists tried to accurately describe the human body while at the same time idealizing its beauty. The human figure was shown nude as well as clothed. The paintings and sculpture of the Renaissance was displayed in public buildings, churches, and squares of European cities for the enjoyment of the entire populace. Although Renaissance artists used religious themes in many of their works, they also used themes from classical mythology and secular life.

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A. aB. bC. cD. d

A - a