Social microwork v3


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Transcript of Social microwork v3

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The process• We start by engaging the village chief/

community activists and Nokia’s CSR department. • The village chiefs and community activists help us

identify and recruit solvers and register seekers• Solvers are female social micro workers who

provide a social task to seekers (the most marginalised people in the community) for a stipend paid by crowd funding. The crowd therefore acts as the micro entrepreneur paying for social tasks at the BOP. Social tasks include- visiting, collecting medicine, cooking, light cleaning, basic teaching, texting family members etc.

• Each solver will be responsible for one or several seekers – e.g. orphans, elderly, handicapped.

• Each solver must be equipped with a phone and we will engage Nokia’s CSR department to help us in this regard.

• The solver proactively checks the needs of its seekers and sends a text with the details of the jobs to

• Once there are funds in the relevant category (handicapped, orphans, etc), the solver is provided a text confirming that she can undertake the micro task, the task is flagged as booked online and the money is committed

• Each task pays the same stipend (e.g. 2US$ for a maximum of 3 hours of help. Once the solver completes the job, she takes a picture and/or writes a text that is converted to a tweet or update for the website providing real time info to crowdfunders

• How can we ensure that the solvers aren’t gaming the system

– Peer monitoring from the group of women involved in micro work who understand that the scheme may be disbanded or severely curtailed should there be fraud- a similar system has been used successfully for micro financing which lent loans to groups and utilised group pressure to ensure timely payback

– The community activist/ chief will be paid to monitor/ follow up on the status of the seekers

– We will utilise governance or rules to restrict the impact of fraud eg a solver cannot spend more than 6 hours on one seeker

– In areas where mobile penetration is high seekers can confirm that the job has been satisfactorily completed via a text prior to the solver being paid

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Social is a not for profit built on a few key principles

Strong focus on driving revenue growth

•Grant to cover initial start up costs.•Crowdfunding- funds channelled directly to pay social microworkers a stipend at the BOP and to cover their expenses- utilise established crowd funding websites eg CreateaFund ( which tightly integrates with services like PayPal and Facebook to ensure a cohesive donor experience from start-to-finish. We will also establish corporate crowd matching campaigns where a corporation is asked to match the crowd’s contributions for that month etc.• Evidence suggests people are more likely to donate more money when they use virtual currencies and credits (Hayes and Graybeal) thus our crowd funding will be in the form of our micro job currency- 10 micro-jobs for the cost of 25US as an example. They will also be given to opportunity to contribute at multiple levels, one time, periodically or life time where the commit to raising funds for 5000 micro jobs. We will post pictures of their fund raising activities on line.

Working closely with our preferential partner – NOKIA to ensure that we have the phone penetration required to support the system

A lean but fair cost model that incentivises all players•A challenge of the model is striking a careful balance between providing sufficient incentives for our local partners on the ground vs keeping commissions low for the model to be sustainable.

We propose the following:

– Village chiefs and community activists get paid a fee for helping us to set up the service early in the process Then they are paid a fee for overseeing the system ( the fee can either be personal or a community development fee). We subsidise at cost, phone usage, travel and their ongoing expenses related to the model

– Social is the hub that hosts and manages the software, runs reports to ensure that no one solver is gaming the system, is responsible for crowd funding and fundraising, donor engagement, measuring impact ( eg of metrics to be tracked- direct outreach to the poor, improved well being) and setting up these models in multiple regions ( franchise model). will be run as a lean operation- reports automated, tight budgets. We also standardize the business format, so we can replicate the model in multiple communities

– For solvers- In addition to the stipend, the major cost is mobile related. We will try to negotiate a low denomination vouchers plan so that they require less to stay on the network thus making them less likely to be disconnected whilst retaining higher percentages of their pay.

•Attractive proposition ensuring high demand and supply•Seekers will be interested because it offers them support in the community, solvers will be interested because it is a form of meaningful employment, village chiefs/ activists will be interested as it helps their community. Crowdfunders will be interested because the focus is the most marginalised and they can see the impact almost real time of their funds.

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High novelty•The business model draws together several business models that are currently working-Innovation intermediary /Innocentive model linking seekers with solvers of micro task, crowd funding, micro philanthropy and also mobile micro work ( in relation to updating community needs and also real time updating of completion of tasks for donors)

High Impact•We are explicitly bridging the gaps for the 300 million women currently excluded from the social and personal empowerment true lack of ownership of mobile telecommunications .•There is potential redistribution of wealth in the form of value adding work for women - Its not a hand out but an opportunity to contribute to those most in need in the community. •We are also helping the most marginalised …the poorest of the poor•Our model can be easily scaled via a franchising and is thus designed for replication to other communities

Most importantly, these Micro-actions by our solvers send positive micro-loops not just for the marginalised but for the community fabric as a whole

BenefitsEconomies of scale and scope combined for a viable not for profit•Economies of scale arise because the marginal cost of providing the service at the hub ie socialmircrowork,com diminishes significantly with for every additional community that is added •Economies of scope ie providing a range of services lead to more consistent employment for solvers

NOKIA- The preferred partnerFor Nokia- By increasing phone penetration ( both seekers and solvers must access a phone) ,this increases their brand penetration but also does a lot of social good by creating the infrastructure for the community to grow and thus social goals are helping to achieve business goals.

Feasibility Technology exists, software can be written for and most importantly we have a pilot community which can be used as proof of concept- Conrado in Brasil a poor community of 3000 people in which we have deep ties and have already gotten confirmation from the community activists of his interest in our project.

Donor engagementDonor engagement is high- texts and pics from the community are converted into tweets / updates so that the donor sees fairly real time the impact his money is having