Social Media for DB2 Professionals

Social Media for Professionals How to increase your social audience using the basics of Twitter and LinkedIn Susan Visser @susvis

Transcript of Social Media for DB2 Professionals

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Social Media for Professionals

How to increase your social audience using the basics of

Twitter and LinkedIn

Susan Visser @susvis

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Why Should I Use Social Media?

1. Connect with existing customers

2. Get feedback from customers

3. Spread ideas

4. Watch competition

5. Get messages to wider audiences

Be Seen as the Expert You Are!

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Mindset Change is Required

Current Mindsets Future Mindsets

I am valued for the

knowledge I have

Social means I’m on


Social tools are yet

another thing to do

I worry about the risk of

sharing too much

I am valued for the expertise I share

Social is collaborating across

networks to solve problems

Social business is embedded into the

way we work

I am trusted and feel prepared to

share appropriately

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Twitter vs Facebook vs LinkedIN

• Let’s leave Facebook for personal interactions: Consider LinkedIN as the equivalent for business. Twitter is for real-time interactions.

• This slideshare will focus on how to best use Twitter and LinkedIn to build your reputation as an expert and to build your professional network.

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Common Concerns about Social Media

Concerns• Where should I start?

• Working in the open makes me nervous.

• We’re way too busy to use social tools.

• I don’t see how social business will help me achieve my business objectives.

Answers• Start here…learn some easy tips to get started in

Twitter and LinkedIn.

• Start by sharing content you’ve created and are proud of.

• The tips described in this slideshare will allow you to keep the work to a minimum.

• You’ll reach audiences beyond your wildest dreams and will make connections that could change your world.

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So, What’s Twitter?

• Twitter was created as a micro-blogging site allowing users to tell a story in less than 144 characters using text, images, graphics, and video.

• In 2006, Twitter joined the online media world which has revolutionized the way Businesses market to other businesses and consumers.

• The site currently has more than 125 million users, with over 350 million "tweets“ per day.

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#IBM and Twitter

• “Twitter provides a powerful new lens through which to look at the world. This partnership, drawing on IBM’s leading cloud-based analytics platform, will help clients enrich business decisions with an entirely new class of data. This is the latest example of how IBM is reimagining work.”• Ginni Rometty, IBM Chairman, President and CEO

• Learn more! Ad & website.

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An Anatomy of a TweetProfile Picture

1Account Name

2Twitter Handle






Term Description

Mention The @ sign is used to call out usernames in tweets

Hashtag (#) Is used before relevant keywords to categorize the tweets and to help users search for relevant topics

Twitter Handle Representation of your user name

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Get Started!

• Create a Username: • A personal, public-facing username

• Keep it as short as possible

• Create a Profile: • Upload a business-appropriate photo of yourself.

• Web: Enter the address of your personal or professional website, blog, etc.

• Bio: Enter a short description about yourself and your profession

• Be sure to follow the IBM Social Media Guidelines. • You’ll find most of the guidelines familiar as they are similar to the BCG.

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How to Tweet?

• Compose a message in 140 characters or less, including links.

• Once you tweet, it is publicly posted on your twitter profile.

• People can follow your stream of tweets on their timeline.

• You can share text, videos, photos, and links.

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Who to Follow?

• Follow others: colleagues, customers, SMEs, etc

• Find people by looking at who others follow.

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Monitor Conversations Without Following

• Subscribe to lists: A list is a curated group of Twitter users. You can subscribe to lists created by others.

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Become Effective by Using Tweetdeck!

• Tweetdeck lets you create a dashboard that allows you to see all the important twitter conversations, at a glance! Alternative: Hootsuite.

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Word-of-Mouth Marketing Opportunity

•Help spread the word!

•See something you like? Be sure to like, comment, and favor tweets that promote IBM’s messages.

•Every click helps and IBMers are the company's best evangelists.

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Increase your Eminence by adding POV

• In one easy step, add a point of view while you retweet a message, and schedule it to appear 5 hours from now.

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What to Tweet?

• Tweet about events that you are taking part in, published items that you worked on, or simply information that would be interesting to your followers.

• Social channels are about people, so let your personality shine through!

• But, don’t make it all about yourself! Tweet about what great things others are doing.

• Rule of Thumb: for every tweet promoting yourself, tweet 4 times for others.

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The Power of LinkedIn

• LinkedIn is a social media designed for business professionals. Launched in 2003, it helps you market yourself and enables you to create an online resume for other professionals to see.

• LinkedIn has more than 200 million users and there is no better way to connect with clients and customers.

• Most likely you have a profile and a number of connections, but now is the time to use this incredible tool for sharing content to increase your status as an influencer.

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Share using status updates on LinkedIn

• LinkedIn is set up similar to Facebook, with status updates and like pages based on your interests and businesses.

• Update your status by sharing links to interesting articles, blogs, websites or video that are related to your area of expertise.

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Post in LinkedIn Groups to Maximize Reach

• LinkedIn Groups are the biggest forums for professionals on the internet.

• With 1.5 million subject-specific groups, you’ll be able to find the perfect group to reach those interested in the same topic as yourself.

• Contribute to the right LinkedIn groups to maximize your reach. Join the conversation taking place in active discussions.

• Start discussions with posts that will increase your personal brand in specific groups that consist of professionals like yourself. They are most likely to be interested in what you post, and take action (should you want them to.)

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Some LinkedIn Groups to Explore

• You can join up to 50 groups and can begin interacting with members and posting once you join a group.

• Database Developers and Architects Group: 30,115 members

• Database Experts: 18,627 members

• Database Administrator Professionals: 19,648 members

• Chief Information Officer (CIO) Network - The Group for CIOs: 125,668 members

• Business Intelligence, Big Data, Analytics, MIS Reporting & Database Group: 83,246 members

• DBA Professional : 10,772 members

• Big Data and Analyics: 93,207 members

• Banking and Finance Technologies : 62,187members

• CXO (CEO, COO, CKO, CFO, CMO, CAO, CVO, CDO, CRO, CLO, CSO &... : 116,388 members

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Become a Top Contributor

• Posting in groups will show others that you are an expert in the area and you’ll be labeled a Top Contributor.

• Others may contribute to the discussion.

• You’ll gain more connections in your network.

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Using the Weekly Amplify

Use the weekly amplify as your guide to the recommended hashtags as well as the locations of the official social properties and resources.

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Using the Weekly Amplify

• Subscribe if you are not yet getting these weekly newsletters.

• 3-5 key messages are provided to be shared.

• Use the content to create your own message for any social channel.

• Or simply click the “Click to Tweet” button to add the tweet to your stream.

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The End.See you on Twitter & LinkedIn!
