Social groups

A social group is a collection of people who interact with each other and share similar characteristics and a sense of unity. My magazine manages to represent many different social groups including; gender, race, class and age. Although some may be more prominent than others within the magazine they all will be addressed within my magazine. Gender: My magazine represents gender by using both male and female models and articles. The way I have represented the females would be less suited to what the ‘normal’ idea was. As seen on my front cover, the model is a female and although this is normal, females are normally sexualised on the front cover. This can be done by either having the model pose in a ‘sexual’ position or having them wear more revealing clothes. I haven’t done this for a couple of reasons; 1) I didn’t think that it was appropriate to what my magazine shows and 2) my model wasn’t was still only a college student so it would have been inappropriate for them to do so. For my double page spread, I used a male model with a close up shot. This is the only photograph that has a male featured as the main person in my whole magazine. I think this was because of the whole style magazine was made for females and I thought that they would like more role models that they could look up to so I made them more of a feature than males were. When I originally planned my magazine I thought that I would have an even split of male and female model for the images, however, due to things like trying to find willing models and also issues regarding the times of the photoshoots, it went to heavily being female orientated

Transcript of Social groups

Page 1: Social groups

A social group is a collection of people who interact with each other and share similar characteristics and a sense of unity. My magazine manages to represent many different social groups including; gender, race, class and age. Although some may be more prominent than others within the magazine they all will be addressed within my magazine.

Gender: My magazine represents gender by using both male and female models and articles. The way I have represented the females would be less suited to what the ‘normal’ idea was.

As seen on my front cover, the model is a female and although this is normal, females are normally sexualised on the front cover. This can be done by either having the model pose in a ‘sexual’ position or having them wear more revealing clothes. I haven’t done this for a couple of reasons; 1) I didn’t think that it was appropriate to what my magazine shows and 2) my model wasn’t was still only a college student so it would have been inappropriate for them to do so.

For my double page spread, I used a male model with a close up shot. This is the only photograph that has a male featured as the main person in my whole magazine. I think this was because of the whole style magazine was made for females and I thought that they would like more role models that they could look up to so I made them more of a feature than males were.

When I originally planned my magazine I thought that I would have an even split of male and female model for the images, however, due to things like trying to find willing models and also issues regarding the times of the photoshoots, it went to heavily being female orientated

Race: Although there are many different races in the world, my magazine only features white british models. This was not the intentional plan but unfortunately it has gone that way.

There are reasons why different races weren’t used during the production for m magazine, one of them being the surrounding area to which I live. I live in York which is largely populated by white people. Because of this I wasn’t able to find many people that were of different races that were willing to model for my magazine

Page 2: Social groups

Age: For my magazine I have been able to cooperate a few different age ranges into my magazine. The range of the ages that I used were from 16-23. This allowed me to get different styles of images across my magazine.

Age in magazines are stereotypically around the same ages (somewhere in their 20s). This is usually given to try and relate to the magazine audience. Especially with music magazines. From my research that I previously have conducted I have found that the audience of magazine are generally around their late 20s - early 30s. This can provide us with information to who people are listening to and such.

This is my model and the image I used for the double page spread.