Social, Ethical, And Regulatory Aspects Of

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  • 7/31/2019 Social, Ethical, And Regulatory Aspects Of


    Copyright 2006 Thomson Business and Economics.All rights reserved.

  • 7/31/2019 Social, Ethical, And Regulatory Aspects Of


    Advertising as a part of firms marketing effortoperates in the society. It has to therefore followthe social norms.

    Key areas of debate regarding society andadvertising are:


    Manipulation Taste

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    Deception: it refers not only to the informationcontent in advertising but may also arise frommisplace emphasis in presentations.

    According to federal trade commission of theUSA-

    Advertising as a whole must not create a

    misleading impression although everystatement, separately considered, may beliterally truthful

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    Manipulation :- The freedom of choice ofconsumers is restricted by the power ofadvertising since it can manipulate buyersinto making a decision against their will orinterest.

    Manipulation is done through emotionalappeals. These companies can utilizeadvanced and very scientific advertisingtechniques and thus make an impression on


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    Taste:- Sometimes ads are offensive, tasteless,irritating, boring and so on.

    a) Sources of distaste


    Sexual Appealsc) Shock advertising

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    Some examples of the Advertisements withsocial aspects:-

    Grow-more-trees advertisementsDrink milk

    Eat healthy food, eat eggsMothers milk is best for the baby Say no to drugs every time

    Get your child vaccinations in times

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    1. The Young Persons Act, 1956. 2. The Indecent Representation Of Women Act, 1986.

    3. The Emblems and Names Act, 1950.

    4. The Prevention Of Insults to the National Honor Act, 1971.

    5. The Infant Milk Substitutes, feeding bottles and infant foods act,1992.

    6. The Indian Copyright Act,1957.

    7. Trade Marks Act, 1999.

    8. The MRTP Act, 1984.

    9. The consumer protection act, 1986.

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    ASCI(advertising standards council of India)

    1. advertisements must be truthful and honest. All

    objective information, claims and comparisons should

    be capable of substantiation.

    2. advertisers cannot mislead consumers by

    implications, omissions, ambiguity or exaggeration.

    3. advertisements shall not abuse the trust of

    consumers or exploit their lack of experience orknowledge.

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    4. advertisements directed to minors should notcause their physical, mental or moral harm or exploittheir vulnerability.

    5. advertisements shall not, without justifiable

    reason, show or refer to dangerous practices,manifest a disregard for safety, or encouragenegligence.

    6. advertisements containing comparisons with

    competitors, including those where a competitor isnamed, are permissible in the interests of vigorouscompetition and public enlightenment.

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    : advertisements which areused to promote their product at the expense ofanother in terms of price, quality, features,performance etc.

    It helps the consumers in making decisions as theyget classified information about a particularproduct

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    it means substituting thebrand image and advertising of one product to

    promote another product of the same brand.

    kingfisher promote its packaged drinkingwater and Manik chand chai to keep the alcohol

    and tobacco brand names going.

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    2. puffery vs lies.

    3. advertising to children.

    4. stereotyping.

    5. subliminal advertising.

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    It must be said that withoutadvertising we would have a far

    different nation, and one that would

    be much the poorer-not merely inmaterial commodities, but in the life

    of the spirit.