Social-Email Marketing

Social-Email Marketing When you combine email with social media, the combination will both increase the reach of your email campaigns that enjoy 97% deliverability. Sharing your email on social media will get it in front of more people, with the potential to grow your list. And if you’re doing it right, keeping it short, making the action or response obvious and simple and providing access, information and real value then you will grow your business. Drive traffic back to your list, email, etc... Amplify your email

Transcript of Social-Email Marketing

Social-Email Marketing

When you combine email with social media, the combination will both increase the reach of your email campaigns that enjoy 97%deliverability. Sharing your email on social media will get it in front of more people, with the potential to grow your list. And if you’re

doing it right, keeping it short, making the action or response obvious and simple and providing access, information and real value then you will grow your business.

Drive traffic back to your list, email, etc...

Amplify your email

91% of all consumers use email dailySource: McKinsey and eMarketer

Email is still the most effective communication tool.

98% of marketing professionals use email as part of their overall strategy.- Ascend2 "Marketing Strategy Report" (Dec 2013)

55% of marketing professionals agree email marketing is the most effective marketing tactic they use.

- Ascend2 "Marketing Strategy Report" (Dec 2013)

Companies using email to nurture leads generate 50% more sales-ready leads and at 33% lower cost.

Source: Hubspot

Marketers consistently ranked email as the single most effective tactic for awareness, acquisition, conversion, and retention.

Source: Gigaom Research

Email is nearly 40 times better than Facebook and Twitter at acquiring customers.Source: McKinsey & Company

70% of people say they always open emails from their favorite companies.Source: ExactTarget

95% of those who opt into email messages from brands find these messages somewhat or very useful.

Source: Salesforce

64% of decision makers read emails via mobile device.Source:

91% of consumers check their email at least once per day on their smartphone, making it the most used functionality.

Source: ExactTarget

If an email does not display correctly, 71.2% will delete it immediately. Source: BlueHornet

Social media isn’t a fad- it’s a fundamental shift in the way we communicate

78% of consumers share information via email versus 22% who prefer social media.

Source: Marketing Sherpa ”Email is Social and it’s not Going Anywhere-

Over 20% of social media users have shared something from an email campaign to their social accounts via a share option.

Source: Merkle ”View from the Social Inbox 2010"

42% of active social networkers check their email account four or more times a day, compared to just 27% of their non-networked counterparts.

Source: Merkle ”View from the Social inbox"

Email conversion rates are three times higher than social media, with a 17% higher value in the conversion.

Source: McKinsey & Company

Email conversion rates to purchase are at least 3x higher than social media conversion rates

Source: McKinsey & Company

54% of marketers see better results when social is combined with email.Source: Lyris report

Email with social sharing buttons increase click through rates by 158%.Source: Nonprofit Hub

65% of the top 20% of B2B marketers in social media lead generation integrate email with social media, compared to the industry average of 51%

Source: Aberdeen Research.

Social media and email is all about relationships, trust, and interaction. And relationships can change the world.

Email & Social: The Perfect PartnershipSocial media is a partner, not a threat, to email marketing because it provides new avenues

for sharing and engaging customers and prospects.

Braj Mohan Chaturvedi comes with 14 years of corporate experience. In past he has worked with Accenture, PepsiCo,, ICFAI University Press, in fields of business development, account management, sales and marketingconsulting, corporate communication, content management, corporate sales, marketing and branding. He is a socialmedia enthusiast and market 2.0 experts. He is passionate about Social Media Marketing and brings with him in-depthexpertise in various facets of Social Media Marketing. Before co-founding infidirect, he was CEO of one of the youngestdigital agency. He is also co-founder of mcounts, which is a consumer data company. He blogs at and has writtenseveral articles on branding and marketing related issues for various journals and business magazines published by ICFAI


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Braj Mohan Chaturvedi | M: +91 9900590943 | E: [email protected] | T: @chaturvedibraj