Soal UAS SMA kls X B.inggris smt 1. peminatan DINI.doc

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  • 7/24/2019 Soal UAS SMA kls X B.inggris smt 1. peminatan DINI.doc


    The following text is for questions 1 to 10

    On Saturday night, we went to the Town Hall. It was the last

    day of the year and a large crowd of people had gathered under the

    Town Hall clock. It would strike twelve in twenty minutes time.

    Fifteen minutes passed and then, at five to twelve, the clock stopped.

    The ig minute hand did not move. !e waited and waited, ut

    nothing happened. Suddenly someone shouted,"Its two minutes past

    twelve# The clock has stopped#" I looked at my watch. It was true.

    The ig clock refused to welcome the $ew %ear. &t that moment,

    everyody egan to laugh and sing.

    '. !hen did the clock stopped(

    a. &t ).'* d. At 11.55

    . &t '*.++ e. &t ''.)c. &t '*.+*

    *. !hy did the people gather under the Town Hall clock(

    a. To welcome the New Year d. To see the

    newly ought clock

    . To strike the laughing people e. To stop

    people who shouted

    c. To make readers happy

    -. ased on the te/t, where was the writer(

    a. At the center of the town d. &t the market

    . &t home e. &t the town s0uare

    c. &T the each

    1. !hen did the event happen(

    a. In the middle of the year d. &t the weekend asusual

    b. The end of the year e. 2ast week

    c. 3hristmas celeration

    ). !hich of the following is not true according to the te/t(

    a. The writer was waiting to celerate the $ew %ear.

    . The writer rought a watch.

    c. The writer was very happy.

    d. The writer celebrated the New Year with his family.

    e. everyody egan to laugh and sing.

    . !hat proaly happened when someone shouted that the clock


    a. 4veryody directly celerated the $ew %ear

    . 4veryody sings and laugh.

    c. Eerybody loo!ed for a watch.

    d. 4veryody shouted too.

    e. 4veryone welcome new year

    5. !hat does the first sentence tell you(

    a. The prolem that the writer met d. The funny

    thing in the story

    b. The o"ening of the story e. The past event

    c. 6rolems in the story

    7. 8It would strike twelve in twenty minutes time." The

    underlined word refers to 9

    a. the cloc! d. the place

    . authors watch e. the phone

    c. the town

    :. It was the last day of the year and a large crowd of people hadgathered under the Town Hall clock. !hat is the closest

    meaning of the underlined word(

    a. #ass d. 2ots of

    . ig e. Fullc. ;any

    '+. 8The ig clock refused to welcome the $ew %ear" !hat is the

    synonym of the word 9.

    a. $e%ect d. hate

    . &ccept e. confirm

    c. &dmit

    The following text is for questions 11 to 1&

    3harles niversity of 3amridge with a degree of theology.

    He egan a career as a scientist 0uite y chance. On =ecemer

    *5,'7-', ** years old 3harles =arwin ?oined the crew of the H;S

    eagle as a naturalist.The five years e/pedition collected

    hydrographic, geologic, and meteorologic data from South &merica

    and many other regions around the world. =arwin@s own oservation

    on this voyage led to his theory of natural selection.

    3harles =arwin was greatly influenced y the geologist &dam

    Sedgwick and naturalist Aohn Henslow in his development of the

    theory of natural selection, which was to ecome the foundation

    concept supporting the theory of evolution. =arwin@s theory holds

    that environmental effects lead to varying degrees of reproductive

    success in individuals and groups of organisms. $atural selection

    tends to promote adaptation in organisms when necessary for

    survival. This revolutionary theory was pulished in '7): in

    =arwin@s now famous On the Origin of Species y ;eans of $aturalSelection.

    ''. 3harles =arwin@s theory of evolution elieved that ....

    a. 6eople could defend themselves naturally

    b. Enironment affected natural election

    c. Organism needed adaptation to survive

    d. 6eople and nature supported to each other

    e. $atural selection tend to adapt organism to survive

    '*. How was =arwin@s theory of natural selection developed(

    a. Ada"ted by the necessary for surial.

    . Influenced y his collection.

    c. Supported the effect of environment.

    d. Influenced y Aohn Henslow.

    e. &ffected y groups of organisms.

    '-. The famous =arwin theory was pulished ased on ....

    a. Theories developed y other scientistsb. The influence of organisms ada"tation in surial liing

    c. The success of his oservation supported y geologist and


    d. His e/pedition and natural oservation data a scientist

    e. The oservation of other geologists@ natural selection

    This text is for questions 1' to 1(

    I rememer the day when I first got Sandy, my 5 year old cat. I

    wanted to name her ecause she was so cute. ;y older sister

    ;ichelle convinced me to name her Sandy ucket insteadB so we

    could call her Sandy for short. I was so attached to Sandy. 4very

    time I saw her, I couldnt walk away, I would ?ust have to hug her. I

    even slept at the end of my ed, so I can hug her the whole night

    even though I was freeCing.

    I always rememer so many fun times with Sandy. 2ike when

    we would run and ?ump off the end of our pier, and Sandy would

  • 7/24/2019 Soal UAS SMA kls X B.inggris smt 1. peminatan DINI.doc


    chase after us. !hen I was scared or mad, I would ?ust hug Sandy

    and everything wouldnt e so ad.

    ut one night, right efore I went to ed, my mom let her out.

    !hile I went to sleep, my mom went to call Sandy ack in. ut she

    didnt come in, so I thought she maye went inside my neighors

    house. &s my mom and dad went outside to look for Sandy, I

    ecame really worried. They couldnt find her. 4very ten minutes

    they would go out to look for her, so I went to ed hoping she was

    safe. I ?ust thought she got lost and would come ack tomorrow. The ne/t day was the worst. ;y mom woke us early and told me

    and my sister, ;ichelle, that Sandy died last night. I was so sad and

    did not want to do anything that day. !hen I was going to school, I

    could not stop crying. &t school all my friends made me cards and

    tried to make me stop crying, ut I couldnt. my teacher would

    always look at me and ask why I was crying. 4ven my friends was

    crying with me.

    !hen I got home I went to my room crying really loudly. I

    wanted to scream. I came downstairs and hugged my mom. She

    said we could get another cat. Then, she was trying to find a new cat

    on the internet. ut I did not want another cat. I want Sandy. She

    never found one that looked like Sandy or at the same age or even in

    the same kind.

    That night I slept with my mom and we prayed for Sandy. I kept

    thinking she was a ghost at the end of the ed, so I stayed closed to

    my mom. The ne/t day I figured out that if Sandy was a ghost, she

    would not scare me or haunt me. She would e waiting for me to

    play with her.

    I still think aout Sandy every day and wish she could come


    '1. The type of the te/t is 9

    a. Spoof

    . $ews item

    c. $ecount

    d. $arrative


  • 7/24/2019 Soal UAS SMA kls X B.inggris smt 1. peminatan DINI.doc


    e. 6rivate alcony

    The following text is for questions /4 to &0

    *. !ho is the writer of the advertisement(

    a. 3assanova@s customer

    . 3assanova@s reader

    c. assanoa6s owner

    d. 3assanova@s workers

    *5. !hat is the purpose of the te/t aove(

    a. To guide people to go to 3assanovab. To "ersuade "eo"le to buy things in assanoa

    c. To inform people aout things sold in 3assanova

    d. To ask people things in 3assanova

    *7. !hat kind of advertisement is it(

    a. a ?o vacancy advertisement

    . a franchise advertisement

    c. an entertainment advertisement

    *:. How long is the sale(

    a. five days

    . si/ days

    c. seen days

    d. eight days

    -+. !hat goods get *)M off(a. ags and riefcases

    . ookcase and chairs

    c. =ining tales and leather sofas

    d. Nec!laces and watches

    $ead the text below %ob a""lication7 aboe is included in the %ob

    a""lication letter7 fill in the blan!s with suitable words.

    The following text is for questions &1 to &&8

    9a!arta7 A"ril /nd7 /01' :&1;

    &ttention To

    2$ #anager

    nocal Indonesia


    1. unawan :&&;

    -'. a. 9a!arta7 A"ril /nd7 /01' d. &pril *+'1, ?akarta

    b. Sincerely, e. =ear sirDmadam

    Nrisna unawan

    c. H

  • 7/24/2019 Soal UAS SMA kls X B.inggris smt 1. peminatan DINI.doc


    . ut e. That

    c. These

    -7. 99 singer failed to perform well.

    a. That d. &fter

    b. Than e. &n

    c. This

    -:. 99. people are my family.

    a. Those d. &n

    . This e. &nd

    c. Than

    1+. I have told you 99 &merican ?oke ?ust now

    a. & d. &n. &nd e. There

    c. This

    1'. There isnt 99 lot of furniture in my room

    a. &n d. &ndb. A e. On

    c. ut

    hoose the correct answer by crossing a7 b7 c7 d7 or e8

    1*. &melia I@m afraid our government can@t handle the flood

    prolem usually happens in

    Aakarta every year.Steven . . . . . . . . . . . I hope your government can find its

    solution immediately

    a. Oh, it@s out of the 0uestion

    . Oh, I couldn@t ear it

    c. +h7 36m sorry to hear that

    d. Oh, I can@t elieve it

    e. Oh, It@s their own fault

    1-. $adya I@m afraid we will lose our house ecause my father is

    having prolem in

    returning the ank@s loan and it@s possile for ank to

    foreclose our house.