So You Want to Stop Smoking?

Many smokers say that they need to give up their habit and stop smoking. They often find that they can manage it for a week or two, but then find that their willpower disappears as they resort to smoking again. Smoking today is less tolerated by the public and is illegal in many places. The price of maintaining a smoking habit is continuously escalating and the dangers to health are readily available to be seen.


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Transcript of So You Want to Stop Smoking?

Page 1: So You Want to Stop Smoking?

Many smokers say that they need to give up their habit and stop smoking. They often find that they can manage it

for a week or two, but then find that their willpower disappears as they resort to smoking again. Smoking today is less tolerated by the public and is illegal in many places. The price of maintaining a smoking habit is continuously escalating and the dangers to health are readily available

to be seen.

Page 2: So You Want to Stop Smoking?

Many smokers feel conflicted. They know they should stop but can't seem to. Here are some thoughts for either cutting down or stopping completely.Here are some

thoughts to help you in your determination to become a non-smoker:

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- Identify the times when you smoke and become aware of the triggers that prompt the desire for a cigarette. Is it when the phone rings, after a piece of work has been

finished, after food? Recognise the triggers and recall how you handled those times when you were a non-smoker. Determine to find more constructive ways to deal with

those occasions.

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- As you reach for your packet ask yourself, 'do I really want this cigarette, do I really need this cigarette?' If the answer is 'no' congratulate yourself and put the packet away. This way you'll start to recognise and let go of the

less important cigarettes smoked purely out of habit.

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- Change your brand. If you typically smoke regular cigarettes change to a menthol or mild brand. Buy them in

packets of ten and ration yourself to a specific number each day. Some people decide to stop completely but keep

a packet for emergencies. They keep this emergency packet wrapped tightly in several yards of cling film, which

serves as a deterrent from smoking them.

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- If you were about to go outside for a cigarette just as a really important telephone call came through would you

take the call or ignore it? You'd probably forget completely about the cigarette. Finding ways to distract yourself,

things that take your mind off smoking is a valuable way to break the habit pattern.

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- Designate certain areas as no smoking zones. Perhaps turn the bedroom, kitchen, car into places where smoking is not allowed. Spring clean those areas and remove any

smoking paraphernalia. Clean your clothes and enjoy how fresh they smell.

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- Some people save the money they would have spent on cigarettes each day. They collect it in a big glass jar so that

they can see it visibly accumulating. It's a good idea to spend the money on something special like a beautiful picture. That way there is evidence of something that

would in the past have gone up in smoke.

Page 9: So You Want to Stop Smoking?

Becoming a non-smoker can also be part of a commitment to overall better health. Exercise, drinking more water,

taking vitamin C and hypnotherapy are all important ways to commit to stopping smoking. This decision focuses the mind on a healthier lifestyle and attaining a more positive approach to your future wellbeing.But if all else fails then

take the next best thing, the more healthy choice of NICOTINE FREE ELECTRONIC CIGARETTES. Electronic

cigarettes will help you kick the habit over time and are far more healthier for you.

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