SO Sanders Field goes to AISD -...

THE r FRIDAY, DECEMBER 14,2001, ABERNATHY, TEXAS SO CENTS SIX PAG ES, ONE SECTION First in academics These Abernathy elementary students all won first places in their respective UIL academic contest areas. They led Abernathy to a first place finish among district schools. From left (standing) are Chris Hearn, Morgan Lutrick, Mandy Murphy, Wbitaey Ford, Stormy Nutt, Ashlee Ellison, Sandi Kinast and Sarah Bass, Kneel- ing, in front from left, are Carson Riley Dakota Neis. Sanders Field goes to AISD No more softball allowed on city's former baseball field The Abernath y sc hool di s- abide by deed restrictions.· repaired and not replaced for a trict accepted lhe baseball fi eld Youngblood had a signed copy, $9,646 estimat ed cos t. -Sa nders Fi eld - from the city deeding ownership of the fi eld A$1,955 cost was estimated 9fAbernathy. City counci lmen to AISD .- for dcthatching th e infield, confirmed that donation with The deed restricts play on mowing, building a mound and anot her vo te Monday. Wednesdays after 6 p.m. and oversceding. That work will be Both governmental bodi es a ll day Sunday. The deed also done for the sc hool's upcoming meet on the sa me night now. sta tes that summer yo uth season. While the city was discussing base ball (Abe muthy Baseball Trustees directed Burns to wh ether or not to go ahead Association) be all owed to use in ves tigate building a new with the donation, Abernathy the facility . Coun cilmen a lso fi eld . baseball coach Jimmy Burns wanted th e name to renwin Yea r two ca ll ed for bath- was presenting a three-year Sanders Field . rooms; eight-foot fence from plan for the ba ll park to school Councilman Todd Abell du go uts to corners; and wind- trustees. made a motion, seconded by screen from dugout to dugout. Co uncilmen heard from a Lynn Goble, to let their Nov . Year three called for a re- fcw who did not want 12 act ion stand as voted. The furbished co nc ession sta nd; the city to giv e the fi eld to the motion passed,3- 0, with Coun- dugouts with locker room on sc hool. ci lman Elias Vecchio the on ly back side of home side; and "The high school does not oth er alderman pr ese nt for press box . want softball people out there Monday's mee ting. A contingency plan if the playing ba ll, " Mayor Bob Bur- Coach Burns' three-year sc hoo l was not given owner- nett sa id Monday night. proposal ca ll ed for new stands , sh ip ·of the fi eld was to spend Superintendent Herb infie ld work and perimeter enoughtogetbythisyear; play Youngblood confirmed that fencing.' The est imated cost all Abernathy home games on position Tuesda y, saying that totaled $15,637. L.ubboc k ISO fi elds ($150 var- any unauthori zed peo ple ' us- Youngb lood sa id the ncar si.ty and $20 JV); and build a in g Sanders Field wou ld be $4,000 fence was eliminated. new field for next year . AES students win first in district to Ab e rn at hy Elementary School won th e di st rict UIL meet. Hayden Jenkins, second, storytelling Hanna Alexander, fourt.h, creat ive writing Morgan Lutrick, fir st, storytelling Laur en Burris , .seco.nd, storytelling Lopes from ranks of unbeaten Placings were 1. Abernath y, 336.6 points; 2. Friona, 253; 3. Lockney, 243.2; 4. Floydada, 137.6; 5. Ha le Ce nter, 95; 6. Olton, 68.2; and 7. Mort on, 56. Individual results were as follow s: 2nd grade 3rd grade Whitney Ford, third, spe ll - ing and first, ready writing Jonathan Wa ll , fourth spe ll - in g Shelby Almanza, fifth, spe ll - in g She lby H ave ns, third , storytelling ,. Maecee McC lenn ey, fifth . oral reading 4th grade Dakota Ne is, fir st , spelling J aco b Tarver, second , spell- in g Carson Ri ley, first, ready writing and first, oral reading Kameron Lamb , si xth, ready writing . Devin Miller, third, oral reading Samantha Pace, fourth , oral reading The pi ct ure memory team placed second. 'ream members were Mi che ll e _Ballejo, Ch ri s Gon zales, Krystyna Mosqueda, Dakota Neis, Carson Ril ey a nd Jared Kitchens. 5th grade Ke nd a ll Dunn , seco nd , spelling Teyl er Abell , fourth, maps, graphs and cha rts Stormy Nutt , first, ready writing and third, dictionary 's kill s Abernath y (8-1 ), fr esh off a tournamcntchampionship, had already deposited its ninth win Tuesday, leading 45-30 midway through the third against Dim- milt . The Ant elopes gave up the middle of the lane for short jumpers and the Lopes had to make a withdrawal. The Bob- cats made clutch free throws down the s traight and won 66- 63. It was a night from the bo- nus arch for both squad s. Dim- mill hit 7 treys. AHS hit 8 - Ma tt Pierce and Trey Paden 4 eac h. One of th e bigg es t was Pierce's last bomb at :0 7.2. He was foul ed on the shot a nd hit th e fr ee throw. Abernat hy tra il ed, 64-63, and cal led a full timeo ut. Paden quickly foul ed Dim- mill on the in bounds. After an AHS :30 t imeout , both fr ee shots we nt through for a 66-63 Dim- mill lead at :06. Abernathy could s till ti c with its ninth 3- pointer. The Lopes moved the ba ll qu ickl y' to midcourt and ca ll ed a :30 timeout at :04. 2. Abernathy got the ball in but cou ld not control it we ll enough for a clean shot. J ames McKinnon scrambled to grab fhe loose ball and made a despe rate shot that sail ed over the backboa rd as time ex pired. Dimmitt opened with a 3- pointer eight seconds into the game. Paden responded 20 sec- onds la ter and Abernathy never trailed until the 3:05 mark in tlie fourth. Abernat hy sta rt ed th e fr ame, leading 52-46. Dimmitt twice caught the Lopes- 55-55 and 57-57. With a 3-pointer, Dimmitt went up 60-57 and never trailed again. Pierce led a ll players with 25 pqints. Nick Bowe added 18 and Paden had 15. 1 2 3 F Dimmitt 13 21 20 20 66 Aber 21 17 14 11 63 The Lope JV los t 68-53. Abet·nathy tournament The Lopes won the I-27 tour- name nt by defeating Shallo- water 84-68 in the champion- ship game Saturday night. Pierce was the MVP and Bowe was named to the all-tourna- ment tea m. Bowe's 24 points against the· Mu s tangs led a second half rall y. Pierce scored 20 and both Paden and Chris Farr had 15. Littlefield rallied to tie the Lopes 51-51 in regulation of the second round. The Lopes prevailed in overtime 57-56 behi nd Bowe's 23 points and Pierce's 15. Abernathy built a 33-17 first halflead intoa67-43firstround win over Sudan . Bowe and Pierce had 16 each . McK.inron scored 12 and Fa rr had 11. 1 2 3 4 F Shlwtr 18 16 14 20 68 Aber Lt fld 12 17 24 31 84 12340TF 8 13 12 18 Abcr 12 16 11 12 56 57 F 1 2 . Sudan 12 Aber 21 '1 2 4 14 12 43 19 15 67 Youngblood, fourth , number sense Sarah Bass, first, li stening 1 skills · Matt Luna, fourth, li sten- ing skills Dillon Bowe, fifth, listening skills Trustees study cost savings, improvements at Field Harmonson harasses Chr is Hearn, first, · dictio- nary skills · Myra Minor, second, dicti o- na ry skills The mus ic memory team pl aced third. Team members were Teyler Abell, Adrian Lopez, Victor Villegas and Shane Jackson. Abernathy's Tabatha Harmonson harasses the Dim- The art team placed firs t. . mitt defense Tuesday as she cuts to the basket late in Team members were Sandi the Lady Lope 50-37 non-district win. AHS opens K.ina st, Mandy Murphy and District 5-AA pJay tonight at Hale Center. As hl ee Elli son. Abernathy school board members voted 6-1 to a ll ow John son Controls to study the sc hool di st rict and make rec- ommendations lor saving on energy costs. The costofthe project should be pa id for by cost savings, superintendent Herb Young- blood said. If we do not accept the cost-saving proposals in the study, the sc hool district will have to pay six percent of what the project would have cost the Lady Lopes cage Lady Bobcats, fall away in I .. 27 tournament Abernathy girls open District S-AA at Center tonight The Lady Lopes rebounded from two eonsecutive losses in the 1-27 Shootout for a con- vincing 50-37 win over the Dimmitt girls Tuesday. Jennifer Brock scored a game-high 21 for the 8-3 Aber- nathy girls. Meredith Tullis added 16. Behind Brock, Tullis and'a 2-peinter to start the game from D'Ann Davis, Abernathy had a 10-2 lead at 2:25 in the first. The Lady Bobcats still had some fight in them. They ended the first frame with a bucket and scored 6 unanswered ' points in the first 2:00 of the second frame. Dimmitt closed to wit hin 4, 16-12 with two freebies at 4:14. Abernathy closeJ the period on a 7-2 run. The Lady Lope lead grew to 35-19 after two suc cess ful Brock free s hots at 2:02 in the third. Consecutive 2-pointers from Kinsey Riley, Tullis and Brock through the middle of the fourth gave the Lady-Lopes their biggest lead, 47-29. . 1 2 3•4 F Dmtt 4 10 11 12 37 Aber 14 9 14 13 50 Abernathy tourney , The Lady Lopes defeated El Paso Andress 52- 45 for their only win in the 127 Shootout last weekend in Abernathy. A. big third quarter put . Andress away. Brock led a ll players with 19 points for Ab- ernathy. AHS advanced to a Friday game against Wall. The Lady Lopes' slow start prevented a winning rall y and they lost 44- 35. Brock led all players with ' 22 and Tullis added 13. Wall went on to lose the champion- ship game to Nazareth. Sundown bea.t the Lady Lopes 54'-52 in the third place game Saturday. Brock scored 25. Aber EPAdrs WaD. 1 2 3 4 F 14 12 16 10 52 12 12 8 14 45 1 2 3 4 F 12 18 10 4 44 Aber 5 6 14 35 1 2 3 4 F. Sndwn 14 12 7 21 54 A.ber 1 5 1 2 1 0 . 14 52 District 5-AA begins The Lady Lopes open the di strict schedule at Ha le Cen- ter tonight. The Lady Owl s to Friona, 57 -30, Tuesday. Other district girls results were: Floydada 69, Morton 32; and Lockney 66, Olton 50 .' · Hal e Center · opened th e Farwell Invitational with a 50- 33loss to Happy. HC then went on to beat Lazbuddie and Floyd (N.M.) 65-25 in the consola- tion'bracket. · hos ts Morton Tuesday. district. If the sc hool district can not recoup the cost of tho savings project, the study is fr ee. 1 Trust ee Th er esa Marez voted aga inst motion for the study. Head lice policy In other school business; tru stees unanimously adopted a local poli cy to readmit s tu - dent s that were kept out of sc hool fbr head lice. Students will be readmit- ted after; 1. one treatment of medi - cated lice shampoo; 2. no nit s remain in stude nt's hair (sc hool nurse will examine ); and 3. school nurse visits with parent if nurse deems appro- priate. ' The s tudent' s abse nce will be excused and sc hool work may be made up. Appraisal district board Tru stees voted 7-0 to cast the district.'s votes for trustee Don Stone and Scott Luce for th e Hale Co unty Appraisal Di strict board of directors. Oft he district's 1,100 votes, Stone received 929 wh ich is enough to place him on boa rd Luce is th e cit y of Abernathy's nominee. The city has 150 votes and will add the sc hoo l's 171 to votes from Hale County to place · Lute on the board. Audit repprt The sc hool's annual finan- cial audit revealed nothing out of the ordinary. The sc hool spent $205,003 out of rese rves for new roofs' and to get out of the hea lth insurance co-op. (A copy of the combined ba l- ance sheet for the school is printed in this issue.) Befor e adjourning the trust- ees met i[\closed session for 19 minutes to evalu ate Young- bl ood. No action was taken af- ter closed sess ion . Medical clinic offers flu shots to public The Abernathy Medi- ·cal Clinic has received some flu vaccine. The cost is $10 per shot. No appoinfment is necessary. The vaccina- tions,will as long as the vacc ine is in stock. Clinic hours are 8:30- a.m. to 4:30p.m. Monday through Thur s day . Friday's hours are 8 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. 1 4 2 0 0 1

Transcript of SO Sanders Field goes to AISD -...



First in academics These Abernathy elementary students all won first places in their respective UIL academic contest areas. They led Abernathy to a first place finish among district schools. From left (standing) are Chris Hearn, Morgan Lutrick, Mandy Murphy, Wbitaey Ford, Stormy Nutt, Ashlee Ellison, Sandi Kinast and Sarah Bass, Kneel­ing, in front from left, are Carson Riley an~ Dakota Neis.

Sanders Field goes to AISD No more softball allowed on city's former baseball field

The Abernathy school dis- abide by deed res tricti ons .· repaired and not replaced for a trict accepted lhe baseball field Youngblood had a signed copy, $9,646 estimated cost. -Sanders Field - from the city deeding ownership of the fi eld A $1,955 cost was estimated 9fAbernathy. City counci lmen to AISD .- for dcth atching the infie ld, confirmed that donation with The deed restricts play on mowing, building a mound and another vote Monday. Wednesdays after 6 p.m. and oversceding. That work will be

Both governmental bodies all day Sunday. The deed a lso done for the school's upcoming meet on the same night now. s ta tes tha t summer yo uth season. While the city was discussing baseball (Abemuthy Baseball Trustees directed Burns to whether or not to go ahead Association) be allowed to use in ves tigate building a new with the donation , Abernathy the facility . Councilmen a lso fi eld . baseball coach Jimmy Burns wanted the name to renwin Yea r two called for bath-was prese nting a three-year Sanders Field . rooms; eight-foot fence from plan for the ba ll park to school Councilman Todd Abell du gouts to corners; and wind-trustees. made a motion , seconded by screen from dugout to dugout.

Councilmen hea rd from a Lynn Goble, to let their Nov . Year three called for a re-fcw c iti z~ n s who did not want 12 action stand as voted. The furbi shed concession stand; the city to give the fi eld to the motion passed,3-0, with Coun- dugouts with locker room on sc hool. ci lman Elias Vecchio the on ly back side of home side; and

"The high school does not othe r alderman present for press box. want softball people out there Monday's meeting. A contingency plan if the playing ball," Mayor Bob Bur- Coach Burns' three-yea r school was not given owner-nett said Monday night. proposal ca lled for new stands, ship ·of the field was to spend

Superintendent Herb infie ld work and perimeter enoughtogetbythisyear; play Youngblood confirmed that fencing.' The estimated cost all Abernathy home games on position Tuesday, saying that tota led $15,637. L.ubbock ISO fields ($150 var­any un authori zed people ' us- Youngblood said the ncar si.ty and $20 JV); and build a ing Sanders Field would be $4,000 fence was eliminated. new field for next year.

AES students win first in district B~b'~;t;"'~}~;,;;;"b';~k to k;~~k Ab e rn at hy Elementary

School won the district UIL meet.

Hayden J enkins, second, storytelling

Hanna Alexander, fourt.h, creative writing

Morgan Lutrick, fir st, storytelling

Lauren Burris , .seco.nd, storytelling

Lopes from ranks of unbeaten Placings were 1. Aberna thy,

336.6 points; 2. Friona, 253; 3. Lockney, 243.2; 4. Floydada, 137.6; 5. Ha le Center, 95; 6. Olton, 68.2; a nd 7. Morton, 56.

Individual results were as follow s:

2nd grade

3rd grade Whitney Ford, third, spell ­

ing and first, ready writing Jonathan Wa ll , fourth spell­

ing Shelby Almanza, fifth , spell­


She lby H ave ns, third , storytelling ,.

Maecee McC lenney, fifth . oral reading

4th grade Dakota Neis, first, spelling J acob Tarver, second , spell­

ing Carson Ri ley, first, ready

writing and first, oral readin g Kameron Lamb , s ixth,

ready writing . Devin Miller, third , ora l

reading Samantha Pace, fourth , oral

reading The picture memory team

placed second. 'ream members were Michelle _Ballejo, Ch ri s Gonzales, Krystyna Mosqueda, Dakota Neis, Carson Riley a nd Jared Kitchens.

5th grade Kend a ll Dunn , seco nd ,

spelling Teyler Abell , fourth , maps,

graphs and charts Stormy Nutt, first, ready

writing and third, dictiona ry 'skill s

Abernathy (8-1 ), fresh off a tournamcntchampionship, had a lready deposited its ninth win Tuesday, leading 45-30 midway through the third against Dim­milt . The Antelopes gave up the middle of the lane for short jumpers and the Lopes had to make a withdrawal. The Bob­cats made clutch free throws down the straight and won 66-63.

It was a night from the bo­nus a rch for both squad s. Dim ­mill hit 7 treys. AHS hit 8 -Matt Pierce and Trey Paden 4 eac h.

One of th e bigges t was Pierce's last bomb at :07.2. He was foul ed on the shot and hit th e fr ee throw. Abernat hy tra iled, 64-63, and cal led a full timeout.

Paden quickly foul ed Dim­mill on the in bounds. After an AHS :30 t imeout, both free shots went through for a 66-63 Dim­mill lead at :06.

Abernathy could still tic with its ninth 3-pointer. The Lopes moved the ba ll qu ickl y' to

midcourt and ca ll ed a :30 timeout at :04. 2. Abernathy got the ball in but cou ld not control it well enough for a clean shot. J ames McKinnon scrambled to grab fhe loose ball and made a desperate shot that sailed over the backboard as time expired.

Dimmitt opened with a 3-pointer eight seconds into the game. Paden responded 20 sec­onds later and Abernathy never trailed until the 3:05 mark in tlie fourth.

Abernat hy s t a rted th e frame, leading 52-46. Dimmitt twice caught the Lopes- 55-55 and 57-57. With a 3-pointer, Dimmitt went up 60-57 and never trailed again.

Pierce led all players with 25 pqints. Nick Bowe added 18 and Paden had 15.

1 2 3 F Dimmitt 13 21 20 20 66 Aber 21 17 14 11 63

The Lope JV los t 68-53. Abet·nathy tournament The Lopes won the I-27 tour-

nament by defeating Shallo­water 84-68 in the champion-

ship game Saturday night. Pierce was the MVP and Bowe was named to the all-tourna­ment team.

Bowe's 24 points against the· Mustangs led a second half rall y. Pierce scored 20 and both Paden and Chris Farr had 15.

Littlefield rallied to tie the Lopes 51-51 in regulation of the second round. The Lopes prevailed in overtime 57-56 behi nd Bowe's 23 points and Pierce's 15.

Abernathy built a 33-17 first halflead intoa67-43firstround win over Sudan . Bowe and Pierce had 16 each . McK.inron scored 12 and Farr had 11.

1 2 3 4 F Shlwtr 18 16 14 20 68 Aber


12 17 24 31 84 12340TF 8 13 12 18

Abcr 12 16 11 12 56 57 F 1 2 .

Sudan 12 Aber 21 '1 2

4 14 12 43 19 15 67

Sco~t Youngblood, fourth , number sense

Sarah Bass, first, li stening 1

skills · Matt Luna, fourth, listen­

ing skills Dillon Bowe, fifth, listening


Trustees study cost savings, improvements at Sand~rs Field

Harmonson harasses

Chris Hearn, first, · dictio­nary skills · Myra Minor, second, dictio­nary skills

The mus ic memory team placed third . Team members were Teyler Abell, Adri an Lopez, Victor Villegas and Shane Jackson.

Abernathy's Tabatha Harmonson harasses the Dim- The art team placed first. . mitt defense Tuesday as she cuts to the basket late in Team members were Sandi the Lady Lope 50-37 non-district win. AHS opens K.inast, Mandy Murphy and District 5-AA pJay tonight at Hale Center. Ashlee Ellison.

Abernathy sc hool board members voted 6-1 to allow Johnson Controls to study the school district and make rec­ommendations lor saving on energy costs.

The costofthe project should be pa id for by cost savings, superintendent Herb Young­blood said. If we do not accept the cost-saving proposals in the study, the school district will have to pay six percent of what the project would have cost the

Lady Lopes cage Lady Bobcats, fall away in I .. 27 tournament Abernathy girls open District S-AA at ~ale Center tonight

The Lady Lopes rebounded from two eonsecutive losses in the 1-27 Shootout for a con­vincing 50-37 win over the Dimmitt girls Tuesday.

Jennifer Brock scored a game-high 21 for the 8-3 Aber­nathy girls. Meredith Tullis added 16.

Behind Brock, Tullis and'a 2-peinter to start the game from D'Ann Davis, Abernathy had a 10-2 lead at 2:25 in the first.

The Lady Bobcats still had some fight in them. They ended the first frame with a bucket and scored 6 unanswered ' points in the first 2:00 of the second frame. Dimmitt closed

to within 4, 16-12 with two freebies at 4:14. Abernathy closeJ the period on a 7-2 run.

The Lady Lope lead grew to 35-19 after two s uccessful Brock free shots at 2:02 in the third. Consecutive 2-pointers from Kinsey Riley, Tullis and Brock through the middle of the fourth gave the Lady-Lopes their biggest lead, 47-29.

. 1 2 3 • 4 F Dmtt 4 10 11 12 37 Aber 14 9 14 13 50

Abernathy tourney , The Lady Lopes defeated El

Paso Andress 52-45 for their only win in the 127 Shootout last weekend in Abernathy.

A . big third quarter put.

Andress away. Brock led all players with 19 points for Ab­ernathy.

AHS advanced to a Friday game against Wall. The Lady Lopes' slow start prevented a winning rally and they lost 44-35. Brock led all players with ' 22 and Tullis added 13. Wall went on to lose the champion­ship game to Nazareth.

Sundown bea.t the Lady Lopes 54'-52 in the third place game Saturday. Brock scored 25.

Aber EPAdrs


1 2 3 4 F 14 12 16 10 52 12 12 8 14 45 1 2 3 4 F 12 18 10 4 44

Aber 5 ~ 0 6 14 35 1 2 3 4 F.

Sndwn 14 12 7 21 54 A.ber 1 5 1 2 1 0 .14 52

District 5-AA begins The Lady Lopes open the

district schedule at Hale Cen­ter tonight. The Lady Owls lo~t to Friona, 57-30, Tuesday.

Other district girls results were: Floydada 69, Morton 32; and Lockney 66, Olton 50.' ·

Hale Center · opened the Farwell Invitational with a 50-33loss to Happy. HC then went on to beat Lazbuddie and Floyd (N.M.) 65-25 in the consola-tion'bracket. ·

Ab~rnathy hosts Morton Tuesday.

district. If the school district can not recoup the cost of tho savings project, the study is free. 1

Trus tee The resa Ma rez voted against motion for the study.

Head lice policy In other school busi ness ;

trustees unanimously adopted a local policy to readmit stu­dents that were kept out of school fbr head lice.

Students will be readmit­ted after;

1. one treatment of medi­cated lice shampoo;

2 . no nits rema in in student's hair (school nurse will exa mine ); and

3. school nurse visits with parent if nurse deems appro­priate. '

The student's absence will be excused and school work may be made up. Appraisal district board

Trustees voted 7-0 to cast the district.'s votes for trustee

Don Stone and Scott Luce for the Hale County Appra isal District board of directors.

Oft he district's 1,100 votes, Stone received 929 wh ich is enough to place him on th~ boa rd

Luce is th e city of Abernathy's nominee. The city has 150 votes and will add the school's 171 to votes from Hale County ~ommissione rs to place · Lute on the board.

Audit repprt The school's annual finan ­

cial audit revealed nothing out of the ordinary.

The school spent $205,003 out of reserves for new roofs' and to get out of the health insurance co-op.

(A copy of the combined ba l­ance sheet for the school is printed in this issue.)

Before adjourning the trust­ees met i[\closed session for 19 minutes to evaluate Young­blood. No action was taken af­ter closed session .

Medical clinic offers flu shots to public

The Abernathy Medi­·cal Clinic has received some flu vaccine. The cost is $10 per shot.

No appoinfment is necessary. The vaccina-

tions,will ~ontinue as long as the vaccine is in stock.

Clinic hours are 8:30-a .m. to 4:30p.m. Monday through Thursday . Friday's hours are 8 a .m. to 12:30 p.m.

1 4

2 0 0 1


Obituaries Gladys Marie Christie

Scrviecs fo r Gladys ~L~I'ic C hri sti e. 94 , of ll t•n:fi,nl a nd formcrl v of Lubbock were at 1:30 p .1"n, Thursda.v. IJL•c. 13, in Wh itt• Memoria l C'hap••l wi th the Rev .. Joh n Ballard of· fi ~ i a ting . ,

Burial was in City of Lub­bock Cemetery undc rdircct inn ofWhile Funera l Home of Lub­bock.

Mrs. Chr is tie d ied Mundnv, Dec. 10, ~001 ·

!:i hc was bu rn Jaa . :JO, 1907. nca r C larendon. S he attend ed Leli a La ke sc hoo ls and grad u­ated fro m nursin~ schoo l. S he ma rried B. B. Chri s l il' un Feb 16, 1928, in Cla rendon. Ht •died in April H/55. S he moved tu Lubbock Coun lv from La m b County in 1939.·

She wns a nurse at Wes t Texos Hospita l, Met hodi s t Hospita l a nd sever'a l Lubbock nurs ing homes, r'c liring in 1973.

.Sht · and he r husband were owner.-; of the C hri s tie C rncerv and !::il•rvicc Sta tion i n Ne\~ IJcal. !-)he wa~ a nleml>t~ r of First Baptist Ch urch .

A -daug hte r , Geneva Lee Hack ley , preceded he1· in death.

S urv ivn rH include t\vo son s, Kenneth Choy"c of Hereford a nd <1 1<' n Ualt·ofSu mmcrfic ld : t wo d aug h te rs, Del o ri ou :-; Scot l -Conde i' of -Lubboc k and l<nt lwrcn G rl'go r.v-\Vi sdom of S umme rli e ld : t wo brothers, 1 ~:-; tl c Uoud g-iun of Pl u in v i~w

and Wa lte r Goodg inn of Lub· boc.:k; t hree s is tc r s , I3onnie Yandell of Honey GI·ovc, f3e rti c Muse of'Cunyon and !'Iore nce Ta lr of Lubbock ; ~--1 gran dchi l­dre n: 58 g rcal-grnndc.:hildrcn ; and fivc g-r cal·b'T<•a t -grandch il­dren .

The fa mil y s u ~gt•s t:-; mc m o­na ls to Crow 11 uf Tcxa::; Hos­pice, 1000 S. J c llc rson , Ama­r illo 7f)l01.

Daymon Hardin Services fo r lJa y m un

Ha rdin ,8 1 ,ufLuvinglnn . N.M .. we re a t lO a. m. Sa turday, Oec. 8, in Lovinh'lon l'irst LJn itcd Me thodis t C hurch w ith 'l'y Bean ollicia t i n~ .

Burial wu:; in Lov ing to n C.emetery unde r dircc.:tion or Bethany Fun e ra l Hom e ·of Lovington .

Ha rdin d ied Tuesday, Dec. 4 , 2001.

He was born J a n . II , 1920, in Lovington . He ma rried J oyce Darde n on June 15, 1941 , in

l'o rla les. N.M. lie was n Wor ld Wa r II vet­

e ran , sc rvinf.{ in th(.· U.S. Army. He wns :1 l on~tinw Lnvin g(on n •si de nl .

S urvivun; incl ud l' hi s w ill•; twu son o, Da n and l{ay D., b11 lh of Lov in glon ; a da ughte r , Jan Woodul of Abernathy; and two g rnndclii ld re n

T he liunily su,:g-ests mem o­ri a l• Lu the Lea Cuuntv Cow­boy H a ll <J f Fame.' 0>3 17 Lovi ngton Hwy, Hobbs, N.M. 88240 .

Abernathy police report 12- 10: Chief Luis Villarn>a l

wns ca lled to the 800 block of Ave. G where the right oide window of a vehit..:l e wa :-; dnm · aged .

Office r Bill Burgess re· s ponded to the 500 block of 14th St. on the repor t of fa mily violen ce, ve rbal. No arrests were n!ade.

1 2- 7 : Sco tty S ipriano Chenault, 27, of Da llas was arrest ed in the 400 block of 1- . 27 for drivingw nile intoxica ted .

12-3: Allsup's Convenie nce Store reported Lhe thcfl.ufl6 .38 gallons of unleaded gasoli ne, valued a t $18.

12-2: Efrain Dav id Avila, 17, of Abernathy was a r rested in the 900 block of 4 t h St. for driving while intoxicated .

12-1 : J effrey Pluoster, 27, of

Plain view was a rres ted al m ile ma rker 24 on I-27 fO r d r iving while license s uspended a nd dr iving wh i le intnx ica ted.

011ice r Burgess I'espond ed to the repo rt of a dog bi le i'n th e GOO block of 14th St.

11-22: Jesu s H. Montes, 43 , of Abernath y was ar res ted in the 800 block of Ave. D lo r public int ox icqt ion.

I 1-1 8: Ollicer Cody Ward was ca lled to the 1300 block of Ave. Don t he report of a theft. Thc chungc m-achine was dam­aged and an undete rmined a mou nt of U.S. currency was stolen.

I 1-1 4: Burgess was ca lled to t he 900 block ofVelray Dr. on the repo1·t of phon e ·h a rass­m ent..

C & G Builders We Specialize In Home Repair

Insurance since 1980! Annuities, Lif'e, Health, Di.wbilitv

David Sanderson, CLU, ChFC 602 I Oth St. , Abernathy, TX 79311 29R-4 I4 3

f"~"2 Oluo Nauonal "'-· Servtct.·s .

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SCOTI' & JUDY LUCE Publishers

JOAN WES LEY Offi~c Manager, Clussificd. Cir~.· lll:tt in n, A!! News

Publis hed week ly 011 Friday ol each wed. excq;l fi rs t Friday after Christmas and one Frid:1y during summl~r rmmtll s. at th~ Abcmathy Weekl y Review office at Y\6 Avenue D. Mai li11 g add ress: P.O. Drawer 160. Abernath y. Texas 79.111 -0 160. MOVING? Send your ma iling Jahd ami cu iW<: Ii u!ls to Abcmath y Weekly Review, P.O. Drawer 160, Abernathy. Texas 7'13 11 -0 160 o r e- mail: awr@odsy. ilct


One-year Abemathy. all addresses. $20.00 All other one-ye:tr subs.:ript ions. $24.00

Estab li shed in November of 192 1. Periodic; II pos tage pa id at ~~)\e1~9s~~~~s Post Office, 801 Avenue D, Abernat hy, Texas

Notic~ to the Publ ic: Any erroneous rcnection upon the ~harac ter, reputation or sta11cling of any linn, individual or corporation will be g ladl y correc ted upo11 tieing ca lled io the attention of the publisher.

ADVERTISING DEA DUNE 4 PM TUESDAY POSTMAST ER: Send address changes to the Abernathy Weekl y Rev1ew, P.O. Drawe r 160, Abernathy, Texas 793 11 -01 60.

~ ~

T:I.1ME ..... ""' 100\


Services ftJr Mikt.• N<·l;.;on. 48,u f'Abc rn nth v wl'l'cat ~ p .m . Saturday, Dee. H. in AbNnalhy Church of Ch riot with ll:" ' iu Bennett and Udell Farr ollici ­uting

Buri a l followed in ,\l ><· r· na lhy Od rl fe ll ows Crnwtl· ry unde r di rec tion of Abell fu ­neral Home uf AbL·l'Ilath' .

Nc iRo n d ied T hu rsday .. llL·c. G, 200 1, in Unive rsity Med ical Cen tc· r in Lubbock .

Hew;IS born Dec. :J, 19r,:t, in Pus \. He mar ried C h ri ., ty Rca~an un !::icpL. G, l9n;. in Abe rn athy. He was a ~rad wne ofAbe i'Il alhy H igh Schoo l :llld hnd attended Su i RoSR ll n J\'L'r­s ily a nd South Plain s Co ill'ge . "He was a lifelong Abcrnat hy rc::; ide nt and '""as a mcmbl' r of' the Church uf Chri st.

Su rv ivo rs includi • h i:-; \\';fl•; a Hu n, Vince of'A be rnat hv; t wu daug~tcrs, Lau ra Nc· l ~on of

Was hington. IJ.C., and Lacy Ne bwn o f A bernat h y ; h is mother. Dor is Nelson Gil ley of Lilll clicld ; a bro t he r , Lan~ of Litt lefield.

Th t• f~1111ily .-:; u~gc st.s memo­rial s be !"(·nt to t he Ch ildren's Home o fl .ubbock, 440-1 Ida lou Hwy, Lubbock 7~H O:l or to a fcwur it L' charity .

Letter to the Editor Abernathy police comply with SH 1074 To the editor:

'l'exns Ln w E n fcHT l'l1ll'lll

Complic"w ith Senalt• Bill107-l Racial P rofil ing

Thi s depart me nt s u ppo rt~

the 77th Texa" Let-:i s loture·, ·mnndnle prohibitingnu:ia l pro­filin g in Texns . O ur policc ol1ic­c rs \\'ork und er a clcp:utmen­tal policy that i scons i ~lcn l with a ll s tale and federa l bws. Th e· pol ity in c· ludcs prov is ion s fur cit izens to contact us i f they have a conflict wit h a n Abe r­nathy po li ce olli cc r .

The Abern ~t hy Police De­partment rea li zes tha t there w ill be d isagreements, from liml' to lim.e, w ith in d ividu a ls tha t come in contact with our ofTi cc rs. We rea li ze t.hnlconfu ­s ion, diffe re nt pe rcep t ions, or poss ibly the tim eliness of in­fOrmatio n cou ld resu lt in infOr­mation that may produ ce d if­ferent accounl·o ufthe same in ­c id ~ nt. These disagreements between cit ize ns and officers need to be add ressed. We t rus t t hat the va s t majority of con ­tacts be tween cit izens and of­ficers a rc' cond ucted i'n n pos i- · tivc, profesSiona l mo.~nn c r. Th e re lat ionsh ip be tween t he com· mun ity and ou r ofliccrs is bn~ed on con fi de nce a nd t rust. \Ve

Dec. l4 La r ry Lutri ck

Dec . 15 Ky la Ne lson Victor Cavazos Sr.

Dec. 18 Vick i Havens

Alysha McGaugh Dec. 20

Rick Thomason

Au\llli1U\IJ~;.mmm1'!::0 Dec. 17

Mr. & Mrs. La rry Lutrick Dec . l 8

Don Whitworth & Ele na Ma rez Dec. 19

Mr. & Mrs. freddy Hnl'lwy

To add na mes fo1· birthdays , a nn ive rsaries or menwri t~ l s, ca ll 298-2033 by 4 p.m . T ues­day fo r the next week 's ed ition.

can not bf' d lCc t ivc wi thou t buih l. he Cll ll ll ll ll ll ity ;t ll d our orfic­C' I" ~ worl.;; ing I n g t·t.lw r 111 nchit •vu

th is I-"'" I. Citi zL· ns li..!t·li iiJ.! lha l they

have a legiLinw lP ro ncc rn may rnakc a fiH' Ina l t:OJnplaint lo t hl' AbL' rnnth.\' Pulice Dl' pa r L· men t. ~l t n n ~· 1 inw hy con t nc t. ing ;t ny m c mbvru f t lt i:-, de p <. lrt ment f( n· infOrmati on on the com­plain t pro(:ess. Addit iona l in­lfH'nw t ion Hbout this process may be obtai ned by t:a lling u :-; ~L ~f!S - 25 · 1 ~.

The Abci•nath.v Pulice De­pa rl ml'n l wou ld li ke tv k now about po~iti,·e police t·untacts. Please writl' me a k•t tc ror n ote tu let me know about a posi t ive ron l:.1c l w it h ou r orlice rs. l wil l let t.hc ul1icc r know aUu ut vo ur letter and a cup1· will be p l~ced in Lheoftic.c r's personnel folde r.

\Ve an_. very proud of the re i a t ion s h ip thP Abc r nat.h y Polin• Depa rtmL• nt s ha re::; wi lh the co m rnunil y . Ou r lu n gs t n n d in g goa l i ~ to prov ide our c.: il izcnti wit h a safe com~ n1 uni ly wh,c rc ;'Vvmay live w i th ~ uut the fcnr of.cri me.

Lu is Villarreal, Police Chie f, Abernathy Police Departme nt

·Stocks ·Bonds ·Mutual Funds

·IRAs ·COs

Joe Ha rper Britt Harper Investment Representa1ives

806·698-8577 H2nd S1. .im! Slldt· RJ . S~U6 B2nd ~t. #J Luhho~· l. TX 79·P-I F.n ~77-)tJ0.(1%S


FAX Service now available at the

Abernathy Weekly Review 916 Ave. D 298-2033

Abernathy Weekly Review's new e-,mail address: [email protected]

Depot Dispatch T he senioi' ci t izen s cen ter had 135 people come for lunch and

games Wednesd ay. There were 56 carry-out trays. J .C. Pierce !:nve the invocation.

Carol Boyd was a visi tor a t t he cente r Wednesday. Alberta Dav is is in reh ab. Hugh Pet t it, Dorothy Dorre ll ,

·lh!f>ert Allen a nd Salina Pearce are in Covenant H ospital. Wilm n Pope is home. Ot is Pope is ill .

Th a nks to Jane l Williams and Cathy Bucha nan ,from Calvert llome Health, fo r taking blood pressures and checkin g blood s uga r a nd to Jody McKinney, Lisa Vill egas and Peggy B irke nfleld , from Abernathy Medica l Clini c, lo r givi ng flu s hots. •

The men ulur nex t Wednesday is spaghetti, meat sauce, gar li c bread , salnd , dessert, t en and co ffee. [twi ll be singi ng day.

Security Bank collects animals for children Big Dawg 104 .9 is co llect- Loren zo, Pe te rsburg, Crosby­

in ~; s lullcd animal s for chi! - to n and Abe rn a thy; t he junio1· dren who are in !:i ituat.ion s tha t high and police departmen t in are out of the ir con t ro l. Tulia; Olton Co-op G in ; Mrs.

The a nima ls wi ll be put in K' s Bakery in Pla inview; pol ice cars, so that when chi!- Season's · Way in P la inview ; d ren a1·e put in the cars, t hey Ghost Ride rs in Pla inview;

-wi ll h ave something to ho ld on Ch ildren Exch a nge in P lain ­t o, li ke a "secur ity blanket ". v iew; and F irs t Ag Credi t in

Dropolfp lacesareB igDawg ' Tul ia . 104.0 in Hale Center; Cotton For more inform ation con­Cen te r Fa rm ers Co-op Gin; tact Bi g Dawg 104 .9 I'M , Sec ur ity Bank in Ra ll s, Id a lou·, KLGD Radio, 839- t 183

Deadline nears for HPWD election Applicat ion s lor a pl ace on

the ba ll ot lor the upco.mingdis­lrict director a nd county com ~

miltee e lection in Precincts One, T wo and Five ofth c High P la ins Unde rgroun d Wa te r Cont-ie rva tion Di str ict No. 1 must be fi led at th e di strict's Lubbock ollicc no Iute r than 5 p. m. Dec. 19. Those wis hing to · ru n as a write-in candida te must lite" dec laration of'write­in candidacy w it h t he di strict offi ce n f1 laier than 5 p.m. Dec. 24. The e lection is schedu led for Feb. 2, 2002.

Candi dat es for di strict d i­r ec tor o r county com m it tee

membe r must be at least 18 years old , a Texas resident a nd must have lived at least s ix months in t he prec inct in wh ich they are seeking office.

Res id ents in t hese precincts will e lec t a d irector a nd county committee m embe rs to repre­se nt them in Water Dis tri ct matters for the next lciur years.

Addit iona l election informa­t ion is availabl e by cont acting Carmon McCain, administra­t ive aide, H igh Pla in s Under · g round Water Conservation Distri ct No . 1, 1930 Ave. Q, Lubbock 79405-1499or by call ­ing 713 2-01 81.




(806) 298-4093 .

Eric Willard announces as candidate for 242nd District Court

1a mannolllrtlllgmycar~dnJacyonthe0emcmucti Cketl o r 242nd01Sl rltlCoun

Judge.t hepos Jt loncumn llt heldbyJudgeEdSell l behevepublte ULJstill thejuttitJalsystem•sdetreasJng,not ,ncreumg.Jud!lts

canr1(11 b~ clocil·watchers. monrtmmg t h~u p r oduCIIven~ss rn terms of the number ol hour :; th eyputm . Ratller,judoesmust look ~tl hequolli tyoltherrdecJstons:Oou the

•esuU cu~rela t e wrth th1 fact s artd the l~w. w1th com,.;on sense. aAd wtth the wcumstancuathand?JudgingLSnotandnevelshouldbeaboo tquantity ornurr.bars

likewise, ajudgcshou1dtrvno t towamajuror's time . hkewhonap1ea bargainor out·o f·courtseU1ement couldhavebeen •eached. T•v ingcases tustto tty casesmakesnost!l$8ilndiswuutiLII. 1fthe!etsanhonuld r spu l eor oneollhepa rtresrsberngun reasonsb1e . ansemus t be tne d . Howe~er ,peop1e

st1auldn'tbe t:alled uptoth ~cou rthcusefar juryservlceun t~thecauniscerum acaufi'MJsl be tlled, keepingin mlndthatpeoplehavehesandtobsandtamllles,ton

As tome, I nnp farmallyg raduated lromh~h schnol, lhough 1 d1dget aGED and my h1gh schoo1diploma .1 earn!l:f aBachelor'soiSc,ence mB•ochenustryllll978m8atonRouye,workedlwoviJars toward PhysiU1 Charn1stry at Oregan State Umver~ity. then lOOk a ~abbatcca1 and went to mtahoma to work lor ntcf~tahon ol the federal Equal R'llhls Amendment. Tuas hid alread~ passed the amndmen t.

Alter the ERA campa1g n. I walked tar a ~ur u a medlt81 research assis tant at Oklahoma Medical Rese arch Foundation 10 OKC then en t~r~d taw school at the UniverSity ot Oklahoma,/eCelvlng my taw degree rn 1986 and pubhshmga 1awrevu!w note t hesamey~ar ondestgrega tiorl.

I relocated lo New MelitO andwark ~d lor lhree years as a staff altorne~ wrlh the r~ew Mexico Court ol Appeals Prehtilfmg Orvrs1on 1~1 1 989, whan 1 joitled a llfo'o-partner law fum with a domestiC relatrons andci~il rights delensa practrt:e and then well! mto priv;ue prawce oo my own rn 1991. On re turniflg to Hale Coun ty m 1996,1 op1ned m~ law practrce in Plamv1eW at the Skaggs Buil dilg . l al~a t a ught1~ga1 romrch and Wil ting durr rlg the 1996·1997 sch o~ly~<~ratTemTech Uni•e r)r tylilwScho o1

1 was born m Andrews, T, rn 19!:i6 anfl am 45 years old. Alter my mo ther. Ruth Haston Norwood. d1vorced rnv lather, R.l. OII SW~?rl h, in 1957. 1 spen t lots olt ime111 Hale Cou11ty 011 my grandparontf litt le la1mhallway be tween Plarn~rew and Petersburg. I had the mumps. measles and chrcke n pox on the f•rm; speo t ;n ma ny suf\IITitr,

Tharlksgrvmg,Ch tions thcreaspossib1e;andanended9th& ColumblaCII!J rchoi Chust rn Pla1111'1eW. My iomJesl mamo ries are ol 1he farm and rny u perr!UCU ther E.

lrke many ol!he ch1ldren m our communll ies. !'made mis takes tlunng my teenage years, ul timately gelt rn g back orr track at 19.1 behe~e 1 understand the problems lamittes lace today. ! knowwtla t rfsl1h 1o Do poo r, lobe raisod r~ a _slngle·p.• renll amily wrthc ut cMd sup110rt, to work as e ttlllm member 11s a child in order to sUJ vivtJ, to struggle aga111S I1Ji et~dicu. 10 make colossal mimkes. to suuggte back lrcm them. to endu re the hurt ache o1 mental 1Unessinmy 1 afnl~ andeventcbe robbad and bu1glallli!d.

1 bl!l:ame a lawyer to IJy to help people, nclto make lots o1 money. 1 ful l have succe~ded at OO th . My wile. Reb , c~ttailllyagreeswith tho lat ter. ·

Our commun11., needs a suong jud l)E! w1th compuSion and common sense that controls his court wtth elitm hand, not a club. OUI co mmunity needs a judge they know and truu to make lhe righ! lleci.sions.1 beliave 1 en be tha t judgealldw illlre1p increase pub1ictr ustinthejudicia1 systembyensuringthaljusticeisils goiill.

t apprec1a le a 1~11 elect1on

FFA wildlife barbecue

317 Main St. Abernathy, TX 79311

298-2551 Member FDIC


Texas death row inmates still face 'the chair~ By MIKE COX Texas Press Association

LIVINGSTON - Even where death follows a mandated schedule, there is beauty.

Well-tended rose bushes line the sidewalk leading from the entrance of the Texa~ Department of Criminal Justice's Polunsky Unit to the first internal picket, as prison system employees and inmates call security control points. Two flowerbeds, one bordered by a five-point star and the other in the shape of Texas, decorate the grassy yard between the prison's two outer fences and its interior buildings.

Trusties - low-risk prisoners with good records - cu ltivate the n owers. Though still convicted, criminals. the trusties who handle the gardeni ng and other jobs are model c itizens compared to the 449 men occupying 60-square-foot single-per­son ce lls in Building 12; better known as Death Row.

Beyond the landscaping, a visitor find s uninte nded irony: "Do the Right Thing" reads a large sign at the entrance to the admi nistrative area of the prison. At the entrance to Death Row, the last' stop before lethal injec­tion for those convicted of notal ways doing the ri ght thing, is another sign full of nuance: "Think Safety."

Safety always has been a consid-,

eration at TDCJ , but· three years ago an inmate named Martin Gurule made priso.n officials even more safe­ty conscious.

On Thanksgiving night in 1998, Guru le and six other Death Row inmates made it out of their cells in an escape attempt Gurule succeeded

' in getting over two fences and off the unit, tne first condemned man 10 do that in Texas in 64 years.

While his freedom was short­lived- he drowned shortly after escaping-a, week went by before searchers found his body. The man­hunt got national media attention.

The Gurule incident was the cata­lyst for a sweeping series of securi ty changes at TDCJ only recently com­pleted. The first change was the agency 's decision to move_ Death Row from the Ellis Unit, where it had been since 1%5, to a newer facility on a 472-acre site five miles east of Livingston in Polk County.

Opened in the fall of 1993, the Polunsky Unit can accommodate 2,900 prisoners. As of la te November, it he ld 2,779 inmates, including the men on Death Row.

When the decision was made to move Death Row, an area of the unit containing s ix pods--A through F­was retrofitted to accommodate the higher level of security necessary for condemned prisoner.;. Each pod has 84 cells. Prisoners facing execution

were transferred to the new unit in are housed . June 1999. Housing death row inmates costs

This year, $ l ,380,028 has been the state $53.15 per day, per inmate, spent on Death Row security according to TDCJ spokesman Larry upgrades mnging from enclosure of Todd. visitation booths to installation of A typical day on death row starts security covers over light ftxtures. early. The kitchen captain oversees

Roughly one-fifth of that amount, breakfast preparation starting at 3 $369,750, went toward installat ion of a. m. By 4 a. m., corrections officers the prison system's fi rst electrified begin delivering the meals in hot fence. The high fence surrounds boxes. From 6 a.m . to 10 a.m., Building 12. Contact with the fence, inmates may spend time in the recre­in addition to delivering a powerful at ion area and shower. but non-lethal jolt to anyone who After 8 a.m. , inmates may have touches it, triggers an alarm. vi sitor.; or sec the medical staff if

Another component of the Death necessary. All inmates have access to Row security improvements is a . reading, writing and legal· material >. piece of futuristic-lookmg equipment Work starts on lunch by 9:30 a.m., called B.O.S.S. for Body Orifice followed by dinner prepamtion at Scanning System. 3:30 p.m. It 's lights out by I 0 p.m.

B.O.S.S. looks like a space age except for Saturdays. when prisoners version of Old Sparky, the e lectric are allowed to stay up until II p.m chair Texas used from 1923 to 1964 Death row inmates arc divided to execute 361 people. 'Though the into three ri sk levels, Dl to Dl TI1e heavy oak chair has long since been 17 prisoners in the 03 category are retired to a museum on the court- the hard cases. house square in Huntsville, con- 'Those are the assaultc rs," Capt. demned inmates about to take their Se lester (cq) · Bacon explained. last. walk must first sit down in the "When you go to U1e ir ce ll , U1ey are new electronic chair. likely to throw body fiuids, urine o r

Instal led last summer, the chair is feces at you or try to hun you. The used to check for hidden objects on second level are the chroni<: rule inmates entering o r leaving Death breakers. The third leve l don't usua l­Row. Another cha ir has been ly cause any problems.'' instaljed at the system's Mountain But two officers in black protec­Vicw unit at Galesville, where Texas ' tive vests, both equipped with c;mis­seven condemned female prisoner.; ters of pepper spmy and one with a

riot baton, a lways accompany all death row inmates when they are out of the ir cells.

Prisoners are handcuffed and their legs shackled. And everything they do, they do individually.

Other than yclltng between cells. no contact is allowed between inmates.

" Inmates with execution dates are kept under higher scnttiny." prison spokesman Larry Fitzgera ld explained. 'The corrc.:tions officers ,keep a lug nf the ir ac ti vities. Starting 96 hours out (from ·their execution) they an: checked every 15 minutes."

Currently. six inmates are in Pod A with pending execution dates. The next inmate sch!'dulcd 10 die is Vincent Cooks, 37, who wa~ convict­ed in Dallas County. His date is !Acoc. 12 , but he has had seven dates al=dy.

When hi s li n~ docs com~. h'c will be cscott~>d from his cell and asked to s it in the B.O.S.S. c hair. If no contra­band objects are detected, he wi ll be walked a short di stance lo a fenced su lly port. From there, he will be drive n with a protec tive escort to the Walls Unit in J-luntsvil k .

Once at the Wall s Unit , the Stale .of Texas wi ll bear its last ·expense associa ted with h is case: $86.08 worth of drugs that wi ll bring uncon­sciousness and stop hi s respimtion and heartbeat.

Abernathy school menu

Country ·christmas Jamboree Saturday

Dec. 17-21 Breakfast Menu

MONDAY: juice, ce real , toas t , milk

TUESDAY: j ui ce, cheese toast, milk

WEDNESDAY: juice, ce­real, toast, m il k

THURSDAY: juice, sa u ­sage, biscu its, mi lk

FRIDAY: ·banana, cerea l , toa st, milk

Lunch Me nu MO/'IDAY: ch a rburge r s .

salad, F ren ch fri es, cookies, milk

TUESDAY: ba ked h am , sweet pota toes, En gli sh pea s , rolls, fru it sa lad , milk

WEDNESDAY: taco with meat and cheese, sa lad, pi nto beans, cook ies, milk

THURSDAY: pizza, sa lad , green bean s, ice cream, mil k

FRIDAY: tu r key · and cheese sandwich, le ttu ce, to­mato, potato chips, applesauce cup, milk

The Abe rn a thy Co un try Chr is tmas J a mboree w ill be­gin a t 6 p.m . tomorrow in the Jambo ree Hall , 306 Mni n .

Directo r for the event is Bett y Chi s um Sm ith. Judy Boudreaux Wi lson will be mas~ ter of cerem oni es

J a mboree pe rform e rs in ­cl ude · Betty Chi s um Smith , Kei th S m ith, Ka llie Rot;ers, David Aycock , Jack ie Hamp­to n, Da rry l !,. ipp e , K a thy Sande rson, David Sanderson,

Kac i P ledf(e r . Brittany Coon. Ted Wilson , Jod y Boudreau x Wilson . Brittncy Benne tt , Billy McClnra n , Lanee May , Ta nne i' Eva ns , Kristen !~va n s, Ka sey Hampton , Callie Chi s um and S ha nnon Hampton .

The Double Nickel Band will be the stage band. Members of t he Doub le Nickel Band arc Sonny Grant , .Jn cky Dewbre, Rub y Kave De wbre. Gav le Tro\~• brid gc , Lynn Al exa nder, Billy McCla ran a nd Billy Dun

Ham pton .

Techn icians will be St eve Trowbr idge , sound, a nd Ori s Cecil , spoll igh l.

Re f1·eshments w ill be avai l­abl e, bcgi nnin ~; at 5:30 p. m . Adm ission is free butdonatlons urc appreciated. A $25 door l)ri ze il:i given away at t he end of the show, compl imen ts of 13ill S imo T ra ile r Tow n.

Fo r more infOrmation cctll 298-253 1.

Gospel concert features Blackwood Brown fie ld U nited Pe nte­

costa l Church will s pon sor a Southern Gospe l Conce r t a t 7:30 p.m . Dec. 14 in the Rial to Thea ter , 408 W. Main St. , Brow nfie ld.

T he con ce rt will feature Gra m my Award win ne r J immy ~ lackwood, who pe rfo rms w ith

f the Gaith e r co ncert se ries. He is a mem be r of t ryc legenda ry Bl ackwood Brothers Qua r tet

and wa s a member of the leg­enda ry S ta mps Quartet.

T ickets a t the door are $7 for a dults and $4 for children 6- 12. For more inform at ion call 766-70 19.

.-. Sal Maldonado and Leslie Ann Lopez 'Ladies' meet CHRISTMAS OPEN HOUSE

<· Lopez, Maldonado announce engagement

Sabino and L inda Lopez of Abernathy a nnounce th e engage­? m ent of Lhei i' d a ughter , Les lie Ann , to Sa l Maldonado, son of

Emest a nd Ortensia Saldi var a nd Antonio Maldonad o, a ll of Lubbock.

Th e couple plan t-o marry at 3 p.m. Dec. 29 at Colgate Church of Christ in Lubbock.

Th e br ide-e lect is a 2000 graduate of Abernathy High School and is employed by Relay Communi cations.

The futu1·e grQOm is a 2001 gradu ate of Lubbock High School a nd is in t he U. S. Army, otationed in Georgia. • Followin g the wedding, the coup ! ~ wi ll be stationed a t Fort Hood in Killeen.

Golden Estates Adult Rental Community

Come Visit This Uniqu,e Prope'rty Located at

One Golden Co~rt • Abernathy

Offering: • 1 and 2 bedrooms • Large Social Area •· Inside Mail Boxes • Individual Patios • Central Heat & Air • Craft Room • Exerdse Room • Additional ~itchen • Private Dining Room • Carports • Above Ground Storm Shelter

1 &. 2 bedroom ap.artmerits Starting at $450 per month

Ca~l For (806) 298-8872 omtment · ·

The "ladies" of th e Aber­n a th y grad uating class of 1956 met Dec . l at Mi ckey's S teak H ouse in Lubbock lo r thei r annu al Chris tmas lu nc h .

Those attending from Aber­n a thy w ere LoN e ll Bis hop Stone, Pa t Turne r Evans, S ue Bea ton Johnso n , E lizabeth Pearce J e n ki n s , Ru ed e ll c Stephen s"Hill , C la udine Cloud Skipper, Tommye Brewste r Sta llings , Teenie Blackwel l Burnett, Dorothy Dav is Reeves ana Karen S t Bradley.

Attendin g h·om Lubbock were J anice Nichols J ohnson, Theron Sandlin Ta nne r and Jo Kelly Davis. ·

Others attend ing were Ha­zel T homas Nelson ofDimm itt and "Ann" Margaret Brad fo rd of Odessa.

The group missed a ll who could not be there. They will meet again Dec. 6, 2002.

Thursda~ December 2(}1'

Come share the joy of the holidays!

Security Bank


Data Control


. 1110 Cash and Temporary Investments Reooivables

1220 Pmperty Tm<es · Oolr nqucn1 1230 Atluwance for Unco 11cctrble Taxes (Credit) 1240 Due from Other Governments t 250 Accmed Interest 1260 Due from Other Funds 1400 O!hP.rCurrentAssels

Land .Bu lldlngs and EQuipment t5 10 Land 1520 BuUdings and Improvements 1540 Furniture and Equivment

,1000 Total Assets

LIABILITIES Curr'!:nt Uati liti~s ;

2110 Accounts Payable 2 Hl0 • "Accrued WAges PnVllbiC 2t7C OuetoOmerfund! 2190 Dve to S tudent Groups ?.1i10 OeferretiRI'I'-'~",r.ue:. 2000 Totat liabilitre~

FUND EOUllY ~·..._zupo lnvestod In Fixed Assets

}530 Designated Fund B~:~la nce - C<t!Jital Expenditures to r EquipmMt

3000 Undeslgneted Fund Balance 3000 T~lai Fund Equity

4000 1ota1l.labilllies and Fund Equity

[WITH COMPARATIVE TO 'ft.LS FCH AUGUST l1, 2000) Fun~ Typr:-. 100-109 200-4!)~

F•rlur.•ary ~~ AccounlGrou ps

Tolals • (Mc rnorandurnOnly !

800·8!:19 90 1 0 1 00 GcnP.fal SpeCial Trust :H1d • General August 3t ~ Revenuerund'i. ''aencyFunds F1xed Assets __ 20_01_

s 3,354,022 $

99,165 (15, 572)

1.280 100,358

s 10 1,539 $ 169\f\2

G7 ,(i8t s

13'l.4 70


4,639 s 'i'l.740


49,370 s

45,271 '

5,3S4 ·1 993.296


3.4 71.073

99. 165 (15.572) 135,420

1,280 100.358


5,3511 4 ,993,2~6


106,178 329.029 t riJ.JS:J 45,271

151,<1')3 151.493 s ·522.214- s--i60.745 s- 49.370 s . o s 732.329"

's 5,659,577 s 5,659,577

1.:£!L.QliL 42,434 --- ----~ S3,oH ,OJ9 s 42"3" 1 ___ o s~ s a.11~.oso

$~. $~$~$~ ~ 945tG79'

August 31.


3.987 428

140,364 (26.8531 56,4 32

2,062 3,552


5,354 6.833,381. 2,976.[183


146.001 382,419


47,245 319,3e4 898-:6"11

9,814 .A18

125.909 3. t38.567

$ t 3,U79,294


1 4


Council adopts rei!fiestment zone policies

New city hall would help tax roll, budget Mayor Bob Bumett intro·

duced a quote of nearly $3,000 for a new sound s yste m The syste m would pro~1de speak · crs and m1c rophoncs for the councdme n to be henrd during mctJtmgs

tors last month. The three counci I men d1d vole to cast the city's J 50 voles for Luce. The Abe rnathy schoo l d1strict added another 171 voles. County Judge Bil l Hollars told Ru ssell the county will cast enough of the1rvotcs to ensure I.u ce's election to the I3-mem­ber boo rd.

By Scott Luce The Abern.1thy C1ty Coun·

ell tabled murt..! agenda items than they acted upon Monday n1ght · Hnn .John son presented a

plan to lease a new c1ty ha ll bUIIdmg m st~ad of rcpuinng thccurrc nt fn<·• hty (Oneofthc alo{cnda ttcrn ~ was to open btds on r cpa ar and improvement of c1ly hall)

''The build1ng here is 50 yean; ulcl W hat you' re consid· cn ng ts a band md," ,Johnson s~ud ··w hatl'vc r you may put · in. 1t"s st ill a n old build1ng. What are you guing to do down the road··

J ohnson su~geslcd uppoml­l llg a developmen t comm tttcc for des1gn ing a ne;., c1ly ha ll a nd tcm mg the old bui ldmg down

"]>ut 1l oui for private b1d Deve lop 11 pncc per yea r leat;e figure"

Th e c1ty would be ab le to bud~c t fo r exac t build1ng ex· pcnscs - utilities and lcatjc pay ment s Mc.llntenancc and tnsur.l ncc wo uld be ut t he uw11cr's expense plu .;::, 1t would Ut! on the t.1x ro ll

No ndwn was t:tkcn on the s ugge:-;twn or on e ither of the two budtlulj.! rcpa11 b1ds.

O ne lud wa n uve r $330,000 Another wasjuol over $80,000 for a new m e t.d 100 f

Bryan Gnmes from Grant· Works advJS~d the council to al locate some of the c1ty's $1.6 !~ulhnn 111 reserve funds fo r

specJal projeclo and needs "You have a fot of cash on

hand)" Gr1mcs s md . "Allocate the $1 6 mil lion for different projects That gJVes you dJrec­twn on how you ore gomg to spe nd the money "

In so me cases, hav1ng that muc h cash rese rves wo uld hmder the City's abil ity to ob· tam "some'' b'Tants.

Gnmcs s uggested a llocal· mg $814,000 for s1x months opcrntmg expense:;;. Anot her $200,000 co uld be tagged for equipme n t purch ases. Coun­c ilm en have a lready ea r ­marked $150,000for a new c1ly pa rk. The a llocations would st ill leave the c1ty w1lh over $482,000 un reserved .

Cnmes sa1d t he a llocat ions cou ld be cha nged at any time , except, as 1s the case w here a grunt applicatiO n IS bemg con· s idcrcd fo r the pa rk, a c1ly fi. na ncHt l s heet decla res money 1s ded 1cated for u pendi ng gran t. No actiOn was take n

After a publi c bcanng fnr a remveioitm ent zo ne, th ((councd llid vote to make a remvcsl ­ml!nt zone from Ave. E cast to the c1 ty illllJls a nd a ll land be· 1 ween l hu:-;c bou ndarws from

• thr north to south c1ty limits . That vo te was una m mous

w1th Cou nCilmen Todd Abe ll , Lyn n Coble a nd E I1<1 S Vecch iO f(>r it. (Councilmen Tun Hil l a nd C hri s Lopez were not present.)

Goble abstai ned from vot­Ing for the abatement policy

9olden Key International Honour Society inducts Brenda Eileen Farr

B1·endn E1l een Farr uf Lub· bock hasacce plecl me mbersh ip ln Golden Key l nternntwna l Honour Soc!C ty and wos tnd t­~ ldua tly honored during a cam· pm; ceremony

tt cs,comm unity ser·vice, ca,·eer networkmg and scholarsh ips

Membersh ip mto the soc•­ely JS by Jn vJtatJOn on ly to the top 15 percent of jumors and se n1ors 111 all fields of study

· Golden l<cy lntcrn atJOnal 1-lonmu Socwl_v IS a non-profit, Farr IS employed by Abcr· !\cndemH; honors urgao tzatwn nnt.hy lSD unci wJ! l g: raduatc that provides academ a.: rccog- frnrn TexnH Tech Um venHt.v nttion , lcadc r:-; hlp opportu11i · tomorTmv

New Deal sponsors contest The New n ea l City Counc1l and 9 p m Dec. 15.

LR ngom s ponsnn ng u corn mu- Wmners will be an nounced n1iy dceuruling con t.cs~ All dunng ihe cuuncdmeeLing at :·esidcncc• ins1de the city I 1m- 7 p m Dec 17 rts are a utomnt1ca ll y entered C tty sec retary S h aron

l'nzcs wilt be g1vcn fol'fii'Sl, Trumblc sa1d th ecJ ty will spo n· seco n(l and th irdp lacc Judges sorun openhouseDPc J7 ,du r-will tour the community on ly ingbus iness hoursandthrough between the hours. of 6 p .m the evening's meeting.

B~sketball roundup ------The Abemathy e1ghth grude

gi rl s de fea ted Morton 22-1:3 Dec. 10

Those sconng we1·c Stacey Ki nast , 8 points; Ma llo ri c Cuevas, 8, Casey Wilson. 2, 13 n ttany " ll wtt, 2, and Canna Ponzules, 2.

7th grade girls The seven th grade g1r ls

were victonous over Morton Dec. 3. The fina l score was 69-i2

P layers scor in g w e re Bridget Yo ungblood, 20 points,

Mcagan McC!enney, 20 , Ashlcd 'ord , 17, Kippy Klafka, 6, Shay Stephenson, 2; Mark• Hill , 2; and Kon Vecchw, 2

7th grade boys The seventh grade boys de·

feated Mot'ton 40-31 Dec 10 · The wm brought the team's record to 5·0

Sconng were Reese Myatt, 12 points, Tate Horsford, 9, Leo na rd Trevmo, 6, Justm Wes ley, 5; V1ctor Martmez, 2, Ke lby Fortenberry, 2, Dus ty Moats, 2, and S lade Teal, 2.

until he received more mfor· mation Vecchw voted fo1 Abell's motion wh1ch passed 2· 0-1 Both Abe ll 's motmns were contingent. upon approval h: t he ci ty attorney's Tomm,\ Swann.

Swann would only review the wording of the remvest· m cnt zone documents H<' would not advise on the nu· mcneal llm1ts. C1ty Ma nage r Frank Russe ll said.

The n umc n cal hnuts con· cern tax nhatemcnt percent · ages and i une pcnods Alsn. the counc1l will set levels ol mvestrne n tfor abatementcon· s •dcration The reinvestment pohcws adop ted a rc minimum s tandard s. The cou ncil re­serves the nght to consider each case on 1ls Indiv id ual mcni.

Th~ police depa1 tmenl d1d not reCe1vc an y m oney for new video cameros for two of the patrol uni ts One umt ha s a v1deo camera that IS a lready hav1ng mechanical problems, ChiCf LUI S Vil la rrea l sa1d

The llllll cost $2.500 b11t is not meant f01 the patrol car u ~e Abet na thv's ca1 camera is two or th ree ,;wnths old, Vt l ~ Iar rea I emd.

To t•om ply w1th .::t s t a te law that goes mto e ffect Jan. I , officers mu s t e 1the 1· v1deo JCCord (w it h a udi o) each stop they make or fill Ill a leng-thy fo r m docume nt ing each ~top

.The department wdl then be m com pl!ancc \•nth racra l pro~

filing concerns addressed by t he new law

The c1ty IS hopmg to get grant money fol' new ea rner as .

One grant a llocates $20,000 for a 15·county area which In·

elu de s Aberna t h y. If' that money IS s pread out among the ctt1cs m those 15 counties, the a moun ts wou ld not be e-nou gh to get H ca mc1 a.

Another gra nt IS commg from t he Texas Departmen t of Public Safety That gmnl won't beavaJiab lc untJ! la ter in 2002, Vi ll a rreal told t he council It

Churches present Christmas play

New C reatiOn a nd Pnme1 ,l Mis •on Baullsta wil l p1cScnt "The l•' irstChnsima~" at 5 p m Dec 16 111 Pnmera M nH tH1

Bautis ta, 11 12 Jerome St For more mfurma t 1un tal l

pastor Lupe and G lon a Sali ­nas at 741-0982 or H1ck and Dwna Ma rquez at 298-2lJJ5

EMS donations !Jon nt wns we re rcccnLiy 1 e­

ceived by Abernathy ~~MS Contributors

Dean Huffa ker and Farmers Tuco Gm

m memory of M1ke Nelson A.lllll e Phi lli pS

Mml donatwns to the Aber· nathy Emergency Med1cal Scr· v1ce, clo Darrell Stephens, 1609 Ave H, Abern athy 79:111 01 deposit Ill spec lU I EMS account. at Secunty Bank a nd F1 rs t State Bank


Come share the joy of the holidays!

Friday, December 21st

We appreciate your business.


also 1s unknown m what form the grant wil l be awarded -ca me ra or money

In uny even t, the officers will have to wmt until the counctl's J a n 14 mcet mg for any changes in policy For t he firs t twower ksofthc new year, officers wil l be r estric ted in the numbe r of s tops t hey make because of the 1ncreascd pa· pcrwork.

Two othe r 1lems the cou nc1 l d 1d not act u pan were a devtcc tn save on e lectn ca l cost:s and purchasmg a sound system.

The dev ice wou ld "fi lte•" electrici ty l'CCC IV Cd at City

meters and reduce month ly elect neal expense The council wants more mformat ion from umls a lr!'ady m place. One such un1t IS on a c1ty of Olton wate r we ll. Abel nathy ut1llty supervisor M1ke GJJ mslcy will 1nvestigatc how tha t umt IS

work1ng and rc porl bock to the counc il

Tl te counc tl nominated Scott Luce'for the Hale County Ap· prmsn l D1slrict board of du·ec-

Abernathy, Texas 298-2521 - 763-4868 "'•lll[oh<;O:O."V

For All Your Farming Needs

Great selection of toys for everyo11e on

your Christmas lis.t



TilE IMPORTANCE OF YOUR COMPLAINT The Abernathy Puli ce Depa rtm ent rccogmzc~ that 1ls e mployees a re rcs pomHble for t he tr

cunduct whore t he publ1c IS concerned 1,hc de pa rtme n t a lso auknow led~es thn t, at certa111 t 11ncs , conflic ts bclwe~.: n c1ti zcns and agency emp l oyee ~ cn n A I I SC. lt. I S cssentwl to the safety of our commumly t hat the re la t 10nshqJ between pol•ce mwl Citizens be built on confidence and tru lj l. Law enforcement can not be c fi Cct Jve wtlhou t thi s vital conv tctJOn bv both e nl1tles .

Pulice offict•J s mu~ t be free to exercise thctr best Judgement and mJtwtc- prope r aclwn 111 a reasonable, lawfu l, unpartwl matHl CJ, w Jthoutl i.:arofreprisal At t he same tunc , t hey m ust observe the nght s t) l' a ll people. T he cumpl c.1111t p1 occ~s and appropnate chscipli nary proce­dures not only s ubJect agl'n cy 111l' IJibeJ.s lu co n cct Jvc aLtwn when they cond uct themselves 1mpropcrl y, t he gllld c lmes also prot ect tlwm from unwa ii cl nted cnt1cism when tht~)' d1 s· charge the1r duties pl()porh·

Acll ~agreem cntovcrthe va lidity of'n trafli c cilntJOn ts not n. comp lamt Such d 1sagreements shou ld be di1 ectcd to t he cou rt th at hns Jlii'I S<hcuon 111 l he matle r

T h e Pollee Dc.pat tmcnlledlizcs that confus ion, d iHere nt pct·ceptions or the t 1mcl m ess of m f01 maL1011 some t i me~ wdl result m dcsc npt10ns that pt·oduce difl'crent vers10 ns of the same m c1 dent. Beyond Jeg1Limate c rrot , however. Lhc del 1bc:ra tc makmg of a repo rt t hat th e complm nant knows tube fall'lc 0 1 lll ls leadmg cou ld const1tutc a VIOlatiOn of' Sta t~ Law

COMPLAINT PROCEDURES The complall\l process 1s des1gncd to deal w1th each case factua ll y and fanly. Citizens who

file complamls a re t reated ly and thc 11· accusalwn s a re taken senously All comp la ints a rc mves t1gated thorough ly and a ll findings a re based an 1m~artml ev1dence ga med dunn g t he Investigation

However, many complaints can be cxplaulCd satis factorily by a VJS Jtortelephonecall to the ChwfofPoi Jce. The CIHe f ofPollcc will tal k w1th yo u about your complamt and try to resolve II.

The Chief of Police IS us ual ly avtu lablc Monday lhroul(h F11day, 6 a.m . 6 p.m to discuss yom complaint abou t any member of the depa rtment. .

There urc two classes of comp la ints T he fir3t and mostset'Jous, a C loss I complmnl a lleges the vwlatwn of a law or s uch othe1· senous a llegatiOn s Jl S exccss1ve force caus mg pa m or vJ s Jb iQ SII.(OR of bod 1l} llljUI y. The second, n Class II complamt includes a llegalJOns of a less se rious nalu t'C and may eoncarn vwlal10ns of Ucparlme n l pohcy.

E ither cla s~ of complamts may be lodged as F'orma l or lnform ,d Complaml. The Fo1 ma l complaull must be 111 wrilmg, s1gned by the complainant and be notarized The Informa l Complfl m l may be W l lllc n 0 1 oral

All compl mnls Wi lt be dea lt w1lh in t he same manner. F01mal Compl'amls wi ll be responded to 111 w n t an!j once the m vcsltgatwn is completed.

DISPOSITIONS Any eom pla int ca n be made anonymously wt thoutgv,;mg you r name. H owever, you cannot

be mfornwd of the mt ernal rev~e\v's res ults if you choose: to remam anonymous. After a thorou gh m vest1gatwn, the compla 1nlwill be classified mto one of the fo llowmgdispos it ions

Unfounded: l!1Ciden t clld not o<·cuJ 01 affected employee was not involved Exon emted: lnc1denl occuned but actwn s taken were lawful and proper Not Su stained: lnsuflieiCnt ev1dencc exists to prove the allegatwn S u s t ained : Ev idence is suffic ient to prove the a llegat ion Sustmned a llegatiOnS cou ld result in additional tra in ing, coun seling, wntlcn reprimand ,

s us pe nswn or tcn mnat10n Althou gh em ployees named in a complaml wilt at some point be required to J'espond to the

specific a llegalwn , they arc not penlllll_eLI ncc~ss to cases under investigation. Compla inants need not be concerned that they wilt be subject to "'tnbut10n f01 legitimate ly stat ing a compla int because proced ures arc 111 place to prevent th1 s

Complamants who have current crinu nal or t r afli c charges pcnchng shou ld be aware tha t the mtcrnal review process dea ls solely with departmellt pollee matter a nd t he conduct of agency employees. Regard less of the outcom e of an internal investtgat ion , existing t l'iminal or traflic charges mu>J t be dea lt w1 th through the propev cou rts .

ill!l'd£.LIMENTING AN E MPLOYEE As we recogn ize that conflicts between citizens nnd agency employees can arise, we also

realize that there are times when employees go above and beyond the1 r call for duty. Law Enforcement employees , like everyone e lse, appreciate it when their good deeds are noticed ..

'Too often they are remembered for lhb t raffic tickets they issue or the arrests they have ~o ' ma ke and not fo r the thousands ofhelping 'hands they extend. '

If an officer of the Abernathy Pollee Department provides services that you feel t hey snould be commended fo1·, please write the Chief a letter or note to t hat effect, g ivmg your feeling on what the officer has dqne that deseJ'Ves commendation, The Chief will see that it gets to the e mployee and that a copy is placed 111 the employee's personnel fil e . This boosts their morale and encourages them to be more posipve about themselves and t he service they provide. We are proud of the good relatwnship we share with the' community.

Our m•ssion is to prov1de a safe commumty ,where' citizens can live, work and raise their families without the fear of crime. We will seek out and prosecute those who disobey the laws of our land We choose to do this with mtegrity, dignity, courage, courtesy, fairness and compassion. ·


Weekly Review Classifieds Deladline For News & Ads Tuesday-4 P.M. 298-2033'


1ound: chocoiatecolored lab ;a ll 298-4 148. ( 14-ltf)

1ound: Texas Tech U111ver-1ty man's class nng Dcscnbc ndclaun alAbernathy Wet'ill y leutew, 916 Ave. D 114-ltf)

Job Opportuni~ies

Helpful h o liday cleaning Call Lmda at 298-5068 114 · Hill

Pt·inting nCt>ds•! We can Iii! yo ur prin t ord c t· •·•ghl here 1n Abe 1'11nlh y S hower cal'd s pnnted on ' pos t cards Ca ll earlv forw Jdc,c lec· liOn of color; Othe r pnnl jobs and fa.x service ava1 lab le. Also. rubbc t stdmps made to 01 dcr Ca ll AbC! nalhy Week ly Hl'· V ICW, 2H8-:!U:J:l l ib)

Real Estate for Sale

For sale: 3 bedroo m, I bath, ca r port, new carpet, b1g back ya rd , fru•lllce>. 508. 13th St. Cull NanRdevat239-725G 17· 2lb- l <fl .

For sale : 3 bedroom , 2 bnlh, large hvllll:' room, fi n1 s hed b,t se mcnt, g-arage, !:l t oragc budcllng. 1 708Ave. H Call Nan Rile) nt 239· 7256 17 -2lb· I 4 I

.,I '"I I I llt . l 'o l lt " Oil' t I{ 01'1 1< ~

I tlk' .h.t lt•ut ~ •• r r11 . 1 t l •r~rc 1 ., , I ll • 11•1 ,[ !liP[' I r 1 I '' •" •d d 1t

1edieal billing, no cxperi­ncc necessary , t ram 1ng pro­ided, FTfPT, compute r re­Uired, up to $60.000/yr. Ca ll 00-998-7094, ext. 52[)9.17 ·2l ~ · 4)

Real Estate ·for Rent

House for sale 1,300 ,sq fl , completely rcmlldcit'd, :1 Ued ­' omn , I 112 Ual.h plu s base· ment , 303 Ave l< , undE'J' $40 .000 Cal l 298-2800 (J' l>l [II(!\ I H-. · 111<1\ f \ \\\\ {umt••t• .-.,.l. o I• \ " '' r<h I t'll ~ J'H,r ll rJ I '' '"• ] , \J • l •II

1 ~Ill hI 'f• "m •1 u,ot ht l '1'111 l'• t I 1 ~ Ui t -.,, 1 II 1, I ' '' ~ I ' II \ I I

~~;;~~ ~ ~; ; ~~ ·1)! :~·\·.~,:: · · t-~.~ . · ·~" ' '' 11 ' •• t ,JP!(n-\11~-~-, ,\ t(,, ~\T\Ti( , ,

:~·~::; ·~.:::;:~::;~, , ~~·;.::~;~;s:;~;~;~;~;~~:1~~~:1i.~~~}:;Eli:::~:::::!~:. Holiday rush pOSitiOnS, ~'T/PT, fl exible

chedul e, perm a nent or tem ­·Orary. Call now, 766-7 175. rts)

For rent: 2 bedroom, ncw lv 1 cmodcled, 3350 + depos1l. ·1 bedr oom w1t h enrport, $27[) +

depoSit. No pets Ca ll 298-2389 I rt sl

Se ll er pays clus Jng .10 I Ave. 1\ , Abe1 nathy. 3-2-2 . 1 enwd · c lcd , new roof a nd fe m.:e , halll wood Boors, ce ntr a~ hea t a nd a1 r Ca ll 806-44 1-5 12 1 local (rtsJ ' Call this newspa er to advertise statewide and regionally or call512·477·6755


Church Directory

Whrn·trl Ow tf ' /.) '' hlllll•l n

fJe/IUJ I ;:,t(' Gruitli'l '' r 111lth lit flwl fH liiiJ

- Wil!iam L. (;arri'infl

FIRST ASSEMIILY OF GOU East Scf\' lLC Rd 1 <~7 & I ·hh .S!! cl't 29K-20f10 B1bk Swdy 9 45 AM W01 sh1p II tltl ;\M Prayer I 00 PM Evenmg Wo! !-. h!p 6 00 PM

Wed Ml SslOIH.: ttc :.. 6 00 PM

Wcdnesd.1y E\l'lllll~ 7 OU PM Jud y \Vont~ n. p.t :-i \Dr

FIRST 8<\JYI'I ST C H URCH 41 I 71h S1rw 298-2587 Sunday School 9 311 AM Worship tO 40 AM B1blc Stud) 5.00 PM Evonmg W01 sh1p 6 00 PM Wednesday Evencng 7.JO I'M John Lowne. pasto r

FIRST HAI'TIST NEW I>EAL Sunday School I 0 00 AM Worsh1 p I I .00 AM Evening Wors hi p 6 00 PM Wc::dncsd.1y Sc1 vtce 7 10 PM Dr. Terry W Jones, p.1slnl

CHURCH OF C HRI ST 916Avcnuc E 298-2718 Riblc S111dy ~ 30 1\M Worship 10 30 AM Even ing 5·00 I'M Wednesday Even1 ng 7·30 PM Steve Gauntt

BETHEL BAPTIST CIIU RCII 101 E. lsi SJrccJ 298-2118 Sun duy School 9 45 AM Morn1ng Worship II 00 AM Evcn 111g Scmcc (BTU) 6·00 PM Monday Miss10 11 , M.1trons & Brmhe!lmod Meeting 7·00 PM

f111/l I 'II ' 1/ lltl llf! ( ' (,ud l• u 11 '' /NJI' •1, rft , I! 1 ~<1 / 1 . II'

- 1-.'J.mlu.~· .! .!i!

I' IRST UN I n:u Mt-:TIIOIJISI' 70-t J\\l." lllll' ll

29 X.,"~"iS I

Sunday S ~.. I Hltl liJ J() '\ivl Wm ... h!p 10 ~0 1\M

[ h ·nr1 1g 6 OU P/VI

Wt·d ( htll! Pr.KI Ill' 7 00 PM Rt'\' I .n1v 11.1 ~' .

'lhl' ff'l m '1/nnwu N111ftl, ha' 1 Ull/1 (o ,, '"' 1 /lrt l/ 1/lhlll,ll~ 111 CUfl./ \ ( t~ltt if lll }; l,fOI' rl If hn~ /11('{1/(ff'd 1/u dt IIIli I fJ/ !Jt r' /J I'rr!rl f/1~ /IJJfl lr , /11 f/,1\ co llnfiiJ, IIU i f'flt tal,r.}n r/lr! fl( r d ~ '" " U\ t~~ t tf/hl ( u

t i}J t n' IJ/1 1 I' l l'// ',\

1/owr·tt l llll'f't t' l/llnunrl,,, 11 l 111' ,If,·ll tl'lfl t' /u II!({Udc lh r 11(/hllu 1' .1'1'(. dc 111r d (u lf/1/lllt lf" ll/,,(fllrf.,

HI Clllf1UtJ.S /II olhtf' }'flfl ~ 11( fill ' li•JI' fd / r!( ' f/1(\ t of r•//i II/( rf{L!t f I ' ll( l'~ ill /1 ' / I I {IIIII/ / 1/( (/ II 1 \' I f /(I l l l/11 ~\ ,,fa n alton ha .~ bf'('O tllt' auvtltr 1 llttbt fr crctiJir ultlill!J I

What ('UN lw dull(' ahon/ lhr 'I /, rJI HJI, (/(.,p1ml "i l !I I !Jf' f.IJ 1~ pou Ou• af'f./()1/S nl qo l l"llflll t'nl ,· !Jilt IN' r'l!ll

ld our!'l knuli ' hotl' ll' l' ft·d 1\, 111!1 u!,u 11111 11 ut Pil l

1/vw,l' o{ Worslup {o r lh r·w hr fr ,l<f'lt r1 d ~oil !' II ht' U'Il' l' lfu•y Ul(f,lj bt• t/lfJ/ 1111'1/ /11(11/ 11!/l' dcta ftlltJ/1

/I eedom, :wfi'I.IJ ami pmcC' utfh tl'ludt rN' hmr• a /ways bet' II bl csscd

I IllS I' U\l'tiS 'I ~ II SS ION I I 12 J~o· rtllll l S!ii.X'i

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NOIUIISIIJE IIAI'I'ISI C II URCH -+:::!0 1h rh S! ll'l."t

HllST Clllllll' ll OJ 'I 111 : 'i -\ Z \lli:Nt-: "i 11 \ \ t.'Otll' L

11JX-2..JI.J 7

SLmd.1y Sd HJoJ lJ 45 \M \Vt)lsl llp I! 00 1\1\-1

Evcn1ng Tr:l llllllg_ "i 00 PM En:n1ng Wo1 :-iht p U 00 PM \Vedn~sday Sl'J\'I LC 7 10 Ptvl

Jod I\:1L'? t>.hio•

CENTER CO~ f ~ ltJNl'l Y CHU ilCH "i tlllksc.l~l on f~l ~l)7 th l'll 2 milt::. ~outh t ill FM 29U2

Sund.1y Sc holl I Ill 1111 AM Wo"I" P 1 1 ·no A1\ l Wed P1.tyt:t Ml't' llng. 7 00 PM .11 M.lrv1n Looney':) 746-6(J4 I

IGI.hSIA II AU I'IST.\ NUEVA C llEACION -+ 11 14th Stii.:Ci


Suntl.1y S~.:hnol 10 00 :\M

Wor ~ hip Sc1 Vlt:C 11 00 AM

S~IIH.l~J Y E\'l'llll l g "i ()()PM Wt.•dncsd~IY S~.·r YI...:L' 7 00 PM Gu.Jd.llupc S.tlnm~. p.lsto(


2'JR-427X Sunday 9 (10 AM Wcdn e:..U.ry 7 ()(l iJM

Su nd.1 v Schnol 11 I "i ,\r\.1

MnrnTn,g Wo1~ h1 p 1tJ 00 •\ ,\1

l. vl'111 11g ll'kbr.T\10 11 (l 00 PM M1d \\'~,;t.:k Scn !u' 7 Oil Pt\ 1

Youth I 1m~ 7 011 1)!\1 ,

t\1k11 :\nkk

\lie IIIOI>IS I CII UIH: tt NEll IlL \I. Sund.J) SdHlul !0 00 Atvt

Sund.J ~ Set \' ILl' 1.) 110 ·\M Rl'\ Brtll C P,uk ,.;


Sund.T) St.:hl)nl 10 00 <\M IV oJslnp I I 110 AM Evt:m ng 6 00 PM

W.tyrh.' R \Vd lr.uns rnh..'I ! III J>.I~!nl

IGLES I \ llEL NAZ,\RFNO '\v..:ntrl' t\ & 5th S ti CL' I

Sund.l)' St. hool 10 00 AM

Wnrsl up I IIlO AM Ewn111 g h OOPM

~ I ON 1'1- IJE LOS OI.IV \S 11 0 E.r , l-4111 SliCe!

Wednesduy Pr:use ServJcc, Bible Study 7·00 PM Choir Rehearsal 8.00 PM

OUI! LADY QUEEN OF THE Al'OSTLES CATHOLI C CHURCH New De:1l Sund.1y M,JSs I 0 45 AM Fa1hcr Mn:h;tcl O'Cun o\1

Sund.1y Sc r V H..' L'~ 10 00 AM

Sund.1y E't.:lllll£ Cl ·OO PM Tul!sda) P1.tycr Mce1111 g 7 00 PM Thursd.1 y 7 00 PM

Rev. W:R Bolton jr, puslor ' Ottt.:.u P.ll't. pas~lr

Sponsq:r:s-Lowe's Pay-N-Save ACL Farmers Co-op

Golden Estates

Consumers Fuel Association Joe Thompson Implement

Abernathy Weekly Review


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•• DIAMOND 0 P f s II 0 l t

Publtsh cr's Liubility fur Error: The publ1s h cr ~ hal l not be liabl e fo r ~ li gh t ch a nge~ tor typog-mpl11cn l e rror~ thnt do not l e!'~ Oi l thL• \,t lue ol ~u 1 adverliS(:In L•!It 'f' l1e publisher's 11·a b1111 \' fo1 Of h L' I l' II O I ~ 01' OllW:i~ IU II S Ill COIIIlCcilllll With 11 11 ,ldV CI'ti SC­IllCill l h :-ot r1ctlv llnu tcd l u puLhlat lVIl of the adve rtisem ent 111

any s u b~equc11 t l s~;uu 01 the refund of any IIIOiliCH paid lor the aci Vl!l t l l:ilJ illCill.

Indemnification: The .1dvc1 tt~cr and/or advcrl!Sing ag~ncy .l grct·~ to ~ l cf'end and 1nden n11(\ the publisher aga1nst ,\lly and allll.tblllt\, lo:-. :-. 01 expen ses an~m~ hom ci.Hm t; ofhbcl. u nf',11 1 t•ompci.!Lwn, unf'.11r trade pract tccs . l llfllngementof'trndcma i ks , copy ri gh ts , trade names , paten ts ur prop1 JL•tm v n ghls ot \' to latwn of ng-hts or pnvacv r<!s ulting from the publica tion of the ad v~ rt i ~L· i ·.::i Lid\ c rtl "t·mcnt



!Usea~Th1s mJm edwtoly tell s the •·en de1 exactly what 1t IS you ha ve to sell

2. Make your d~sc11pt1nn !J&e.E and .E:MJ:llAL .. Stale the yem, make, mndel. color, s1ze and tell what condition the Item JS Also state the spec 1al featu1 es .

4 If there's a ge nu me se n seof~. snv so The words.· We 're · Movmg · or "Must. Se ll Fast" suggests tha t reade1 s respond 1mmedwte!y ,

5. lncl ude your l.'.1:iQN.£ ~- Class1fi eds get res ults fast and often general\' immediate sales

3 State the fRKE. If you cannot be avm lob le Su~cessfu l ClaSs ified lo ans wer th~ phone at all advertisers have learn ed limes , be s ure t.o spec1fy that the price in a n ad helps special ca ll1ng tnnes s uch mCJ ease the chan ces fm as 'after 6 PM · or 'Before results, 11 AM".

It' you need ass1stance a:.:k one of OW'

friendly AD-V1SORS to help you word yow' ad.

CALL 298-2033

Abernathy Weekly Review

1 4 2 0 0


Security . Lowe's Abernathy City Gin Bank Marketplace Body Works 298-2216 117 Main St. I 298-2551 40SAve. D I 298-2627 417S.IAve:·D/298-2084 .

Hill Vet~rlnary Plains Vecchio's Frontier Service Grain Co. Restaurant Hybrids

10216thSt I 298-2121 701 TexasAve. I 298-2521 1201Ave. D I 298-2874 40.1 S. Ave. D I .298-.2S9S

HI Plains Joe Thompson King . , Wolf . Drilling Implement· Pharmacy Irrigation

298-2571 lOS Ave. D I 298-2541 122 Main St I 298-2222 298-2514

Abernathy girls play ·the Hale Center O"'lettes in Hale Center

for their first district gaine of the season and the boys will play

Brownfield tonight in Bro"'nfield.

"OOJ7 , Coine ·out and support tlte La~y Lopes, 6:30 p.111., and

Antelopes, 7:30 p.111. .,. UP

Jennifer Brock

Consumers Fuel

' .

829 W. SeiYice Rd.. I 298-2584

Hubbard Insurance

921-8Ave. D /298-2529

Meredith Tullis Matt Pierce NickBowe

Photos courtesy of Betty Cagle

Thesday night the Lady Lopes and Antelopes

will play the Morton Indians . . in Abernathy . . The girls play at 6:30p.m . . and the boys at ·g p.m.

Hlgglnbotha.m- Willie Dunn . Jane Phillips . Bartlett Co .• Insurance · . State Farm Insurance :

1002 Ave. D I 298-2010 · · 12()5 Av:e. D / 298-2077 S7408,?ndSt, Lubbock./ 798-119:{ . '

Fa~mers Golden . Ab~rnathy Tuco Gin Estates Weekly Review

298-2467 One Colden Court I 298-8872 916Ave. D I .298-.20JJ

' . ' ....