unger.myplainview.comunger.myplainview.com/abernathy/1981/1981-06-04.pdf · "I miss scuba diving,...

lien ..,. vith 41'1. , QI Ii •. of tt. , H. ley. iarn mitt my la!t. 1m 01 mn !jew )me IOn. Australia Excltange Stude"t Graduates r' from New Deal Higlt Reviews Past Year Ip Texas Julie Rohan. a 17 year old exchange student from Australia, graduated -from New Deal High-Wednesday, May_ 27. ' and I love them as my own. America is ' forget, such as the first time she saw my second and I wouldn't snow, the terrible dust storms, and the mind living here day," Julie.said. _ time a horse rolled over · on her and she For the past year she resided at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Kveton who live six miles outside of Aber- nathy, , Julie arrived at Abernathy August 22, 1980 and began attending New Deal High School. She attended this school because the Kvetoos are local«! in the New Deal school district, . She was able to live in America on the exchange program. In this program, Australia seniors are allowed to attend school in America their senior year and live with an American family. The Kvetons had requested an ex- change student to reside at their home. After interviewing several exchange students. they decided on Julie , Mrs. Kveton stated that ·she had always wanted a red·headed daughter. Exchange students are allowed to pick three states they prefcr to live in. Julie selected Texas first, then Hawaii ' and Canada. When asked wby sbe picked Canada, Julie had these words : " I picked Texas first because I wanted to live in Texas more than anywhere. I picked Hawaii second knowing it would be a long shot. ' and that I would probably get to live in Texas . I knew Canada wasn't a state, and therefore I almost sure I would be sent to exes. bul I didn ' t know where in exes." Julie·was very happy IAe family she ended up with. "The K\etons are my newly adopted American parents When asked what she thought of the people here, Julie stated that most everyone in New Deal and Abernathy were extremely friendly. She also visited California, New Mexico and other parts of Texas while in America. Julie grew up in a town smaller than Abernathy on the Australia coastline. "I miss scuba diving, surfing, horse- back riding and swimming, but as a whole, I don't miss home severely ," Julie stated . . Julie will not be given credit for her senior year at New Deal or gradua- ting. She will repeat her senior year again in Australia where she will be given credit for graduating on the Australia school level. Wben asked what she thought of our schools and education Sys tem in Amer- ica. Julie said. "The classes I took and observed were very easy and I had no trouble with tliem at all ." She also stated that there was no discipline in our schools as compared to Australian schools. "Also." Julie said. "I ha\le noticed !hat educational stan- have .been lowered to the level stu<l;nts are at. Students in Australia are pushed to a higher level and standa rd of educa lion. .buJie stated that she did enjoy her Ilccelerated English class and journal- ism class though. Julie remembered some events that took place this year that she will never was in the hospital for· three days. She will be leaving June 30 to head back to Australia. "I will be back to America and Abernathy to see my parents here and possibly live in America ," Julie ended. Australian Program A colorful year of international living "down under " is available to American high school students this winter . Regis: tration for this year's Australian ex- change program was announced this week . Students chosen for the program will start classes in January when the Australian school year begins and will return to the U.S. in time for Christmas . They will live as members of Austra- lian families. attend school, and experi- ence Australia's richly varied culture first hand. Approximately 125 students will be selected for tbe program on the basis of academic achie\!ement and personal interviews. Applicants must have birth· dates between October 1. 1963 and December 31 . 1967, and a grade poin t average of 3 .0 . To apply, students should ca ll the YFU Regional Office at ( 713 ) 002 - 0066 . The program fee of $3695 includes round trip air fare from San Francisco. Students will pay their own way to and from the departure point A limited number of partial scholarships are available. with awards ranging from $250 ·$ 1 ,000 . I ,I . AUSTRALIA BOUND after having lived with the Jobnny Kveton famUy this past year is Julie Hoban, a foreign exchange student from Australia. On her left is Johnny Kveton and on her right Jean Kveton. Julie easily accepted the Kvetons as her American family. ( Review Photo ) 4-/1 Horse Club Practice June 10 The Hale County 4·H Horse Club will have a practice sess ion June 10 at 5: 30 p m. at the arena in Hale Center. Any 4·H member that is interested in this event is urged to attend . For more information ·call Gale Davis at 298- 2169. C h tis W iI son ,T rae y Bra dIe y Injured In Car Wreck Chris Wilson and Tracy Bradley were injured in a car wreck early Saturday morning when a pick·up collided into the car tbey were driving . The wreck occured around 3 : 30a .m . Saturday morning when Wilson and Bradley were leaving a senior party held at the Darrell McGuire residence three miles southwest of the County Line community. Wilson and Bradley were taken to Methodist Hospital in Lubbock follow· ing the accident. Wilson sustained a broken leg, two broken fingers, a break in his lower back-bone and several cuts and bruises. senior party when a pick-up driven by Bobby Gough hit tbem on the driver'S side as they were pulling onto the road. The pick·up hit the driver's side which was the side of Chris Wilson, and Tracy Bradley , the passenger , was thrown from the car . Warren Stribling was riding as a passenger in the pick-up with Gough when the accident occurred. Both young men sustained minor cuts and scratches mainly on the forehead . Wilson was driving the Cadillac owned by Victor Dees . Both vebicles in the wreck were totalled. Wilson was reported in stable condi- tion at press time. His Sister, Pat Wilson, also stated that he was improv- ing. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Wilson. Stolen Car Heads Pol - ice Report WEATHER Bradley, who was thrown from tbe car on impact, sustained several cuts and bruises and was later released from Methodist. She was admitted for treatment Monday after otber health complications surfaced as a result of the wreck. Wilson and Bradley were leaving the There was no further information on Bradley 's condition at press time, only that she was being treated at Methodist . Hospital. A car was taken from the residence of Mrs. Jean Cranford Saturday night and a man has been arrested and charged . Tommy Hoover. 32 . of was arrested Saturday night and charged with car theft and driving while '"taxi · ca ted , OWl. Hoover knocked on the door of the Cranford residence. located 1 mile out ot town on Route 2, Saturday flight. Mrs. Cranford, who was along . heard the knock but didn't go to the door because she hadn't expee tl"d a visit from anyone Hoover then drove off in her 1 97 4 Plymouth that was parked outside with the keys in ii. Cranford immediately called the police department to report the theft. Later that night police officers Ray· mond Naron, Taffy Naron and new otficer Bill Holocker pulled Hoover O\' er and recovered the stolen car . He had been driving on Route 2 when caught. Hoover was arrested for OWl and car theft and was taken to the Lubbock o>unty jail. i3 Citations Issurd The police report revealed that 73 cita.tions were given for the month of Ma y. There were live arrests for public Interstate Hwy. Open To Traffic Interstate Highway 27. also known as 1r1 , was officially opened to traffic through Abernathy Monday morning. This highwa y, which has been con- structed over the past se\ ' eral years . has caused heavy traffic conditions to exist on the service roads through Aber· nathy since the project began. People travelling through Abernathy will now be driving on the overpasses ·which will prevent speeding and road hazards to locals wishing to cross highway 1r1. . On The County Line I like Texas roads. Especially the ones in the Panhandle because you can fall asleep and drive off of the shoulder without wrecking your car . I've done it a hundred limes and I've been extreme- ly lucky, at least until this past weekend. I had been up late Wednesday night getting things ready for this week', paper before beading up to EaKle Nest New Mexico to go fishing. Thursday after we had arrived in the mountains I was heading back from Red River to Eagle Nest with very little sleep under my belt for the past three days . . Then It happened. Everyone has had this experience. You're driving aIona and you can't stay awake. You try rolling down the windows, turning up the mlEc, slapping yOUrlleU and any- thini elle you can think of. I Illured out one other way to wake youraeU up. FaU uleep, run into twli bar ditchel, and roll your car. :r'hat's what I did that night. Yes. I woke up extremely fut only to find myHlf IlttJna upalde down in the bottom oIa dltcll. I bacIa't been driving smell of a potent skunk following me didn't make the walk any easier . But I did make it back to the cabin and the next morning five of us turned the car back over and towed it otf. There is a moral to this true story though. "U you are sleepY ,at get sleepy while driving, stop and take a nap . If you do decide to drive while sleepy, take SOIntlQ!le elses car instead of your own like I 'dld." Seriously, this story can only have one ending and one ending alone, "I thank the Lord I'm alright." Cbamber President Charles Bowen has written an excellent editorial con- cerning a "Jaws of Life" for Aber- nathy, It is in this edition of the Review and everyone ahouId read it. 1be "Jaws of Life" from Hale Center baa helped saw the lives of two people in accidents jlat. this past week. . I The time is now for a "Jaws 01 Life" • After aD, the next person needinC the mechanleal aervic:ea this device has to offer may be younelf. ttiI car upildnowrr_rller, - so [-knew '" The atate Clbam .. ..beaketbaDsipI to IOIIIetblna WII wrona. . be put upOlleachlide of ton are yet to Luc:kily l'wII able to crawl out of a . be pIaated. TbIa delay could euUy be wiadDw Into tbI bottGm of the ditch. TbI.. IbIIrt..t If tbI nece.ary equlpaMfIt eat ... deeidecI to take a nap rlPt .... 01' man power coaId be ...... to u.e OIl the side of the .... d with Ita feet put tbI sipllD tile ........ " , in the.... . ADJGIii beWila WIaich .... DiIIIIMiaI'? Y.I I u.s bad to walll that c:ouId tift the - .... aw.a UP .... , IIIIIUIItaiD te .... ..... IMo ........... to CGIIIIIct ....... duII ........ y .. lt ... ................ 01' ........ , cold ill the 1IICIUIIta.t-. ". . .., .... a..a. ....... . / intoxication and one arrest for DWI and the unauthorized use of a vehicle. New' Police Office"" Bill Holocker is one of the new police . otficers in town and has been employed as an Abernathy police officer for the past three weeks. He replaced Raymond Hall. who left Abernathy one month ago to drive buses for Continental Trailways . Taffy Naro n. wife of police chief Raymond Naron. has been instated as the other new police officer. Taffy has been· a police officer for the past two years. - Dale High Low 5·27 98 60 28 99 61 5-29 95 59 Rain .12 5·30 81 57 Rain .20 31 73 55 Trace Rain &-1 81 57 &-2 92 61 Rain .02 mois ture for 1981 thus far 4.68 in . Herb Hardin Given Award For o ve r 25 Yea rs Po s t a I S e r vic e The united States Postal Service recently recognized Herbert Hardin for his more than 25 years of service to the Postal SerVice. Hardin was presented a pin and certificate of recognition May 26 . Postmaster Ken Moreland present· ed Hardin with his award. Herb Hardin bas served the Postal Service for the past 31 years doing several different types of jobs such as loading and unloading trucks, dumping mail, distributing mail, delivering mail, boxing mail and providing win- dow services to customers in a profi- cient and cbeerful manner . OVER Z5 YEARc8 SERVICE to the Ualted Stat. PaItal Service ".. awarded to Herbert Hardin .. Ken Moreland, POItmaster, presents Herb with 'bis aWard. ( Review Photo) Hardin has also taken part 'in the activities of Abernathy and was honored for his participation with city schools, churcbes, businesses and Abernathy citizens as a whole. The ' Time Has Arrived He was awarded a &jlver tie-tack for Z Guest Editorial by Charles BoWell apparatus . On two consecutive Saturdays, May 23 and 30, we . . his years of faithful and dedicated President. Abernathy Area CbamberofCommerce service to this community. The time has arrived for the purchase of a Jaws-of-Life ' . j . have had to rely on the use of Hale Center's Jaws. School Offers Summer Computer Program Mr. Joe B. Lovelace bas collected (at last count) approxima.tel Y $4000 toward the purchase of this equipment. The Abernathy Public Scbools have Language, Exploring Careers and GEO The Abernathy Area Chamber of Commerce is spoDBOriDg announced that during the summer courses are also available for adults. this endeavor. 1be Abernathy Volunteer' Fire Department months, the O>mputer Assisted Instruc· The elementary lab, located in the will be for housing, operating, and caring for the tion ( CAl) program will be available to intermediate building, will be open . equipment. i all students any other interested from 8: 30-11 : 30 and 1 : 00-3 : 00 When a major accident is reported, the Jaws aDd a small persons. during the month of June. For more fire unit will be dispatched to the sceae. This unit will be on Persons working on the CAl ter· information contact Wanda McKinney call for the Abernathy and New Deal area .. Tbe Abernathy minals can work' lessons in math, at 298-2563. extension 52 . Police Department baa indicated that they want to learn bow reading, algebra, etc . The lessons are to use this. Mr. Lee Dent, Cbief, Hale Center Fire available in 3. levels : elementary, Computer lessons will also be avail- Department has volunteered to teach bow to uae It. secondary, and adult. able in the Academic Center . 'This lab As wlth' any endeavor, there are critics wbo say we doo't This is a good opportunity for anyone will be open during June and July, from need one. 1beJaws cost too much. We can·borrow one from I who lias been out of school for several 9: 00 -12 : 00 . Call 298-2563, extension if we ever need it. Etc., etc. years to come in and practice their "3 55, for more information, or if y'ou wisb Well, I say that the majority of1be cltizeas of Abernathy R's " skills. A "Basic" Programming to sign up. I and New Deal haw too much pride DOt to have our ownl Several functions pertaIniJII to the Fourtbof July celebration AHS Ti I S I ted are pIaIIDinc to giw IiloDey toward tills purchaae.' ) I W Ire rs e ec Come OIl follis, pall the areen ItuIf to Joe LoveIaee or make your own depalit to tile Ja . wa-OfoUfe l"Imd . at' the , Try-oots were held Thursday, May and then selected four new twirlers. Abernathy Firat State BaDk, or to aD)' member of the 28, to select next year's twirlers to They are: Lori Pope, Melissa Abernathy FIre Departmeat. '. I repreeent Abernathy High Sc.hool. Band Thompson, Margaret Cooper and Angie . 'lbe purdIue price with tooII wID ca.t about director George RiddeD held the try- Garcia . These girls will perform with '11,000. 'Ibe time .. arrived to., ....... tl*11 , outs in the gym that afternoon· at 4 p.m. the band and represent Abernathy Hilb 'l1Ie EllS ... mare certIfted EIIT'a. I _.t .... to... I Six YOWll ladles competed to be . School for the 1981-82 school year. 0lIl' amIIuIuce ..... .......... - CIII&aet I twirlen. Two out..of·town judges R1cbard no.1>- Rod ... ,... - eacl! twirler perform a routine T' b M R ' -. .,1DIIDIIer of .. 1I:III. .. til ree en un . .., .... a ........ .. Se.'leralyears back aJewlithe guys - In Mara thon · iJapII'taIa"tIIII.... a ...... _ .............. c ..... in the country club locker room were - - the...t yw _ u.n. 'I'IIub_ ............. .,..".. astonished to see Ilia. h..uy Mike strip TbnI Abernathy EdItIria1 , dow" and disclose a pair Ii dainty. in the "Fun Feat ,.rathOll ...... ........ ... ....... .IM ... feminine panties. "Why, Mike," they held in Amarillo, Saturday, fint ill hIa ., .... " 1 ......... saJd, "this ,:omes as quite. a surprise. 23. '11IIs was tile nra time tar _ C , _If ... ..., ........ J'!8t bow 10lIl haw you been weari... lWIbY CunninIham rap· . RGIaad IIIIr'r'IIr to .,. in • . 1JeIIIIr ... · ., _. ".. .. lallies'underwCl4lr?" the 26':2 mile NI In two meta ......... _ .......... Naill ................ "Well." he replied, "ever since lI}Y hDun.fal1y.flwmilllteland tbree baun. ' .............. II' 11.1 ....... .... wife rOUnd \hem In the lIIove compart- . - fiftJ.... ...... He iIUIIIaI aM ....... -. III __ .... Ott'll!. " .... MVeIIdI and Murray pIaeed IIIId .. If ........... ...... .

Transcript of unger.myplainview.comunger.myplainview.com/abernathy/1981/1981-06-04.pdf · "I miss scuba diving,...

lien ..,. vith 41'1.

, QI Ii •. of

tt. , H. ley. iarn mitt my la!t. 1m

01 mn !jew )me IOn.


Australia Excltange Stude"t Graduates r'

from New Deal Higlt Reviews Past Year Ip Texas Julie Rohan. a 17 year old exchange

student from Australia, graduated -from New Deal High-Wednesday, May_ 27. '

and I love them as my own. America is ' forget, such as the first time she saw my second hom~now and I wouldn't snow, the terrible dust storms, and the mind living here ~me day," Julie.said. _ time a horse rolled over·on her and she

For the past year she resided at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Kveton who live six miles outside of Aber-nathy , ,

Julie arrived at Abernathy August 22, 1980 and began attending New Deal High School. She attended this school because the Kvetoos are local«! in the New Deal school district, .

She was able to live in America on the exchange program. In this program, Australia seniors are allowed to attend school in America their senior year and live with an American family.

The Kvetons had requested an ex­change student to reside at their home. After interviewing several exchange students. they decided on Julie , Mrs. Kveton stated that ·she had always wanted a red·headed daughter.

Exchange students are allowed to pick three states they prefcr to live in . Julie selected Texas first , then Hawaii ' and Canada . When asked wby sbe picked Canada, Julie had these words : " I picked Texas first because I wanted to live in Texas more than anywhere. I picked Hawaii second knowing it would be a long shot. ' and that I would probably get to live in Texas . I knew Canada wasn 't a state, and therefore I

~as almost sure I would be sent to exes. bul I didn ' t know where in exes." Julie ·was very happy ~ IAe family

she ended up with. "The K\etons are my newly adopted American parents

When asked what she thought of the people here, Julie stated that most everyone in New Deal and Abernathy were extremely friendly. She also visited California, New Mexico and other parts of Texas while in America .

Julie grew up in a town smaller than Abernathy on the Australia coastline. "I miss scuba diving, surfing, horse­back riding and swimming, but as a whole, I don't miss home severely," Julie stated. . Julie will not be given credit for her senior year at New Deal or gradua­ting. She will repeat her senior year again in Australia where she will be given credit for graduating on the Australia school level.

Wben asked what she thought of our schools and education System in Amer­ica . Julie said. "The classes I took and observed were very easy and I had no trouble with tliem at all ."

She also stated that there was no discipline in our schools as compared to Australian schools. " Also. " Julie said. " I ha\le noticed !hat educational stan­da~ have .been lowered to the level stu<l;nts are at. Students in Australia are pushed to a higher level and standa rd of educa lion.

.buJie stated that she did enjoy her Ilccelerated English class and journal­ism class though.

Julie remembered some events that took place this year that she will never

was in the hospital for· three days . She will be leaving June 30 to head

back to Australia. "I will be back to America and Abernathy to see my parents here and possibly live in America ," Julie ended.

Australian Ex'~hange Program A colorful year of international living

"down under" is available to American high school students this winter . Regis: tration for this year's Australian ex­change program was announced this week .

Students chosen for the program will start classes in January when the Australian school year begins and will return to the U.S. in time for Christmas. They will live as members of Austra­lian families . attend school , and experi­ence Australia 's richly varied culture first hand.

Approximately 125 students will be selected for tbe program on the basis of academic achie\!ement and personal interviews. Applicants must have birth· dates between October 1. 1963 and December 31 . 1967, and a grade poin t average of 3.0.

To apply , students should ca ll the YFU Regional Office at ( 713 ) 002 -0066. The program fee of $3695 includes round trip air fare from San Francisco. Students will pay their own way to and from the departure point A limited number of partial scholarships are ava ilable. with awards ranging from $250 ·$ 1 ,000 .

I ,I

. ~

AUSTRALIA BOUND after having lived with the Jobnny Kveton famUy this past year is Julie Hoban, a foreign exchange student from Australia. On her left is Johnny Kveton and on her right Jean Kveton. Julie easily accepted the Kvetons as her American family . ( Review Photo)

4-/1 Horse Club Practice June 10

The Hale County 4·H Horse Club will have a practice session June 10 at 5: 30 p m. at the arena in Hale Center. Any 4·H member that is interested in this event is urged to attend. For more information ·call Gale Davis at 298-2169.

C h tis W iI son ,T rae y Bra dIe y Injured In Car Wreck

Chris Wilson and Tracy Bradley were injured in a car wreck early Saturday morning when a pick·up collided into the car tbey were driving.

The wreck occured around 3 : 30a .m. Saturday morning when Wilson and Bradley were leaving a senior party held at the Darrell McGuire residence three miles southwest of the County Line community .

Wilson and Bradley were taken to Methodist Hospital in Lubbock follow· ing the accident. Wilson sustained a broken leg, two broken fingers , a break in his lower back-bone and several cuts and bruises.

senior party when a pick-up driven by Bobby Gough hit tbem on the driver'S side as they were pulling onto the road . The pick·up hit the driver's side which was the side of Chris Wilson, and Tracy Bradley, the passenger, was thrown from the car.

Warren Stribling was riding as a passenger in the pick-up with Gough when the accident occurred. Both young men sustained minor cuts and scratches mainly on the forehead .

Wilson was driving the Cadillac owned by Victor Dees. Both vebicles in the wreck were totalled.

Wilson was reported in stable condi­tion at press time. His Sister, Pat Wilson, also stated that he was improv­ing. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Wilson.

Stolen Car Heads Pol-ice Report ~~ WEATHER

Bradley , who was thrown from tbe car on impact, sustained several cuts and bruises and was later released from Methodist. She was admitted for treatment Monday after otber health complications surfaced as a result of the wreck.

Wilson and Bradley were leaving the

There was no further information on Bradley's condition at press time, only that she was being treated at Methodist

. Hospital.

A car was taken from the residence of Mrs. Jean Cranford Saturday night and a man has been arrested and charged .

Tommy Hoover. 32 . of I~ouston , was arrested Saturday night and charged with car theft and driving while '"taxi· ca ted , OWl.

Hoover knocked on the door of the Cra nford residence. located 1 mile out ot town on Route 2, Saturday flight. Mrs. Cranford, who was along. heard the knock but didn 't go to the door because she hadn 't expeetl"d a visit from a nyone

Hoover then drove off in her 1 97 4 Plymouth that was parked outside with

the keys in ii . Cranford immediately called the

police department to report the theft. Later that night police officers Ray· mond Naron, Taffy Naron and new otficer Bill Holocker pulled Hoover O\'er and recovered the s tolen car. He had been driving on Route 2 when caught.

Hoover was arrested for OWl and car theft and was taken to the Lubbock o>unty jail.

i3 Citations Issurd The police report revealed that 73

cita.tions were given for the month of May. There were live arrests for public

Interstate Hwy. Open To Traffic

Interstate Highway 27. also known as High~ay 1r1 , was officially opened to traffic through Abernathy Monday morning.

This highwa y, which has been con­structed over the past se\'eral years . has caused heavy traffic conditions to

exist on the service roads through Aber· nathy since the project began .

People travelling through Abernathy will now be driving on the overpasses

·which will prevent speeding and road hazards to locals wishing to cross highway 1r1 . .

On The County Line

I like Texas roads. Especially the ones in the Panhandle because you can fall asleep and drive off of the shoulder without wrecking your car. I've done it a hundred limes and I've been extreme­ly lucky, at least until this past weekend.

I had been up late Wednesday night getting things ready for this week', paper before beading up to EaKle Nest New Mexico to go fishing.

Thursday after we had arrived in the mountains I was heading back from Red River to Eagle Nest with very little sleep under my belt for the past three days. .

Then It happened. Everyone has had this experience. You're driving aIona and you can't stay awake. You try rolling down the windows, turning up the mlEc, slapping yOUrlleU and any­thini elle you can think of.

I Illured out one other way to wake youraeU up. FaU uleep, run into twli bar ditchel, and roll your car. :r'hat's what I did that night.

Yes. I woke up extremely fut only to find myHlf IlttJna upalde down in the bottom oIa dltcll. I bacIa't been driving

smell of a potent skunk following me didn 't make the walk any easier.

But I did make it back to the cabin and the next morning five of us turned the car back over and towed it otf.

There is a moral to this true story though. "U you are sleepY ,at get sleepy while driving, stop and take a nap. If you do decide to drive while sleepy, take SOIntlQ!le elses car instead of your own like I 'dld. "

Seriously, this story can only have one ending and one ending alone, "I thank the Lord I'm alright."

Cbamber President Charles Bowen has written an excellent editorial con­cerning a "Jaws of Life" for Aber­nathy ,

It is in this edition of the Review and everyone ahouId read it . 1be "Jaws of Life" from Hale Center baa helped saw the lives of two people in accidents jlat. this past week. . I

The time is now for a "Jaws 01 Life" • After aD, the next person needinC the mechanleal aervic:ea this device has to offer may be younelf.

ttiI car upildnowrr_rller,- so [ -knew '" The atate Clbam .. ..beaketbaDsipI to IOIIIetblna WII wrona. . be put upOlleachlide of ton are yet to

Luc:kily l 'wII able to crawl out of a . be pIaated. TbIa delay could euUy be wiadDw Into tbI bottGm of the ditch. TbI.. IbIIrt..t If tbI nece.ary equlpaMfIt eat ... deeidecI to take a nap rlPt .... 01' man power coaId be ...... to u.e OIl the side of the .... d with Ita feet put tbI sipllD tile ........ "

, in the.... . ADJGIii beWila WIaich ~ .... DiIIIIMiaI'? Y.I I u.s bad to walll atIIIr~. that c:ouId tift the

-.... aw.a UP • ...., IIIIIUIItaiD te .... ..... IMo ........... to CGIIIIIct ....... duII ........ y .. lt ... ~atu. ................ 01' ........, cold ill the 1IICIUIIta.t-. ". . .., .... a..a. ....... .


intoxication and one arrest for DWI and the unauthorized use of a vehicle .

New' Police Office"" Bill Holocker is one of the new police

. otficers in town and has been employed as an Abernathy police officer for the past three weeks.

He replaced Raymond Hall. who left Abernathy one month ago to drive buses for Continental Trailways .

Taffy Naron. wife of police chief Raymond Naron. has been instated as the other new police officer . Taffy has been· a police officer for the past two years . -

Dale High Low 5·27 98 60 5·28 99 61 5-29 95 59

Rain .12 5·30 81 57

Rain .20 5·31 73 55

Trace Rain &-1 81 57 &-2 92 61

Rain .02 moisture for 1981 thus far 4 .68 in .


Herb Hardin Given Award For o v e r 25 Yea rs Po s t a I S e r vic e

The united States Postal Service recently recognized Herbert Hardin for his more than 25 years of service to the Postal SerVice. Hardin was presented a pin and certificate of recognition May 26. Postmaster Ken Moreland present· ed Hardin with his award.

Herb Hardin bas served the Postal Service for the past 31 years doing several different types of jobs such as loading and unloading trucks, dumping mail , distributing mail, delivering

mail , boxing mail and providing win­dow services to customers in a profi­cient and cbeerful manner.

OVER Z5 YEARc8 SERVICE to the Ualted Stat. PaItal Service ".. awarded to Herbert Hardin .. Ken Moreland, POItmaster, presents Herb with 'bis aWard.

( Review Photo)


Hardin has also taken part 'in the activities of Abernathy and was honored for his participation with city schools, churcbes, businesses and Abernathy citizens as a whole. ~ The' Time Has Arrived ~tJ

He was awarded a &jlver tie-tack for Z Guest Editorial by Charles BoWell

apparatus . On two consecutive Saturdays, May 23 and 30, we . .

his years of faithful and dedicated ~ President. Abernathy Area CbamberofCommerce service to this community. The time has arrived for the purchase of a Jaws-of-Life ' . j

. have had to rely on the use of Hale Center's Jaws. School Offers Summer Computer Program ~ Mr. Joe B. Lovelace bas collected (at last count)

approxima.telY $4000 toward the purchase of this equipment. ~ The Abernathy Public Scbools have Language, Exploring Careers and GEO The Abernathy Area Chamber of Commerce is spoDBOriDg

announced that during the summer courses are also available for adults . this endeavor. 1be Abernathy Volunteer' Fire Department months , the O>mputer Assisted Instruc· The elementary lab, located in the ~ . will be res~nsible for housing, operating, and caring for the tion ( CAl) program will be available to intermediate building, will be open . equipment. i all students any other interested from 8: 30-11 : 30 and 1 : 00-3 : 00 When a major accident is reported, the Jaws aDd a small persons. during the month of June. For more fire unit will be dispatched to the sceae. This unit will be on

Persons working on the CAl ter· information contact Wanda McKinney ~ call for the Abernathy and New Deal area .. Tbe Abernathy minals can work' lessons in math, at 298-2563. extension 52 . Police Department baa indicated that they want to learn bow ~ reading, algebra, etc. The lessons are to use this. Mr. Lee Dent, Cbief, Hale Center Fire available in 3. levels : elementary, Computer lessons will also be avail- Department has volunteered to teach ~ane bow to uae It. secondary, and adult. able in the Academic Center. 'This lab ~ As wlth'any endeavor, there are critics wbo say we doo't

This is a good opportunity for anyone will be open during June and July, from need one. 1beJaws cost too much. We can·borrow one from I who lias been out of school for several 9: 00-12 : 00 . Call 298-2563, extension ~ourneilbbors if we ever need it. Etc., etc. years to come in and practice their "3 55, for more information, or if y'ou wisb Well, I say that the majority of1be cltizeas of Abernathy R's" skills. A "Basic" Programming to sign up. I and New Deal haw too much pride DOt to have our ownl

Several functions pertaIniJII to the Fourtbof July celebration

AHS Ti • I S I ted are pIaIIDinc to giw IiloDey toward tills purchaae.' ) I W Ire rs e ec Come OIl follis, pall the areen ItuIf to Joe LoveIaee or

~ make your own depalit to tile Ja.wa-OfoUfe l"Imd. at' the , Try-oots were held Thursday, May and then selected four new twirlers. Abernathy Firat State BaDk, or to aD)' member of the

28, to select next year's twirlers to They are: Lori Pope, Melissa Abernathy VO"IIl~ FIre Departmeat. '. I repreeent Abernathy High Sc.hool. Band Thompson, Margaret Cooper and Angie . 'lbe purdIue price with ~ tooII wID ca.t about director George RiddeD held the try- Garcia. These girls will perform with ~ '11,000. 'Ibe time .. arrived to.,....... tl*11 , outs in the gym that afternoon·at 4 p.m. the band and represent Abernathy Hilb 'l1Ie EllS ... mare certIfted EIIT'a. I _.t .... to... I

Six YOWll ladles competed to be . School for the 1981-82 school year. 0lIl' amIIuIuce ..... ~ .......... - CIII&aet I twirlen. Two out..of·town judges R1cbard no.1>- Rod ... ,... -wa~ eacl! twirler perform a routine T' b M R ' ~ -. .,1DIIDIIer of .. 1I:III. .. til

ree en un ~ " . '~~""""Bketo""'a ..,....a ........ ..

Se.'leralyears back aJewlithe guys - In Mara thon ·iJapII'taIa"tIIII....a ...... _ .............. c ..... in the country club locker room were - - the...t ~ yw _ u.n. 'I'IIub_ ............. ~ .,..".. 'O=~~-·O'':J!,~ astonished to see Ilia. h..uy Mike strip TbnI Abernathy m_~ EdItIria1 • .~.. , dow" and disclose a pair Ii dainty. in the "Fun Feat ,.rathOll...... ~~ ........ ~"'_ ... ~H~M ....... .IM ... _~Ji:l feminine panties. " Why, Mike," they held in Amarillo, Saturday, fint ill hIa • .,.... " 1 ......... saJd, "this ,:omes as quite . a surprise. ~y 23 . '11IIs was tile nra time tar _ C , _If ... ..., ........ J'!8t bow 10lIl haw you been weari... lWIbY CunninIham rap· . RGIaad IIIIr'r'IIr to .,. in • . 1JeIIIIr ... ·., ~ _. ".. .. lallies'underwCl4lr?" the 26':2 mile NI In two meta ......... _ .......... Naill ................ ~=~==Il-

"Well." he replied, "ever since lI}Y hDun.fal1y.flwmilllteland tbree baun. ' ~ .............. II' 11.1 ....... .... wife rOUnd \hem In the lIIove compart- . - fiftJ.... ...... He iIUIIIaI aM ....... -. III __ .... Ott'll!. " .... MVeIIdI ~U and Murray pIaeed IIIId .. If ........... .......

T~nd.y , jun. 4. 1981 "bern.lhy Wtekly !levi . ..

"Abernathy For Christ" Crusade Rolly Held Students Enjoy Country ' Bridal Shower'For Jana Presley C I U b H . R . d M .. JI .. PreaIey. brIcIt- 1\kIIit., Mrs. J.mu Popt.

'I'M AIIIrIMIIr for ~ c::r..II ... " I: OOp.m. In 1M,...." aI tile FIrIt ...... CIIan:II for • Balb', . ..., ...... "'.-,. _ ...... "Rn\w Ua _W· ..... ·...,... '-d . • tile · .......... ,.... .... ~ leek pve a ~011 ...... expeet· ell "-... er-de. 1'!Ie __ • H ,I QIaIDa and

1M ebaIr · .... Jed by Don .~~_clfMllllcr FInt~~.

AU C»OperaliD& churcbel were NpnHnted with the exc:eptian of Bethel Baptist Cburc:h whom was missed grutly.

DllvIcI Ray II'DIII A~, AmerIca tod!!~ II a INAt TtxaI. Dr. Bay wlU be the spiritual mini. He .. Id eIIlJIIIIIIt for the up-eGmilll tIIIIt 10".., Amerlc .... reon CI'uAde and WUIO aracloul well'are, SO~ .re 1I!I8!ft-Ie _ and brIDI ua lIOIIIe jJIoyed. .ad the rwt are on _ ..... t .ad inlplra· tranqUIB ..... tkm. GOD II the alIlWeI' to aU I . Dol! Moan brouIbt the It II tJme that we lie! back to

special mualc "Reach Out tIIII buies . THE BIBLE· as· aad Touch". He allo lllued our everyday 1191l1li. an invitatiOll to aU who would '!ben he told everyone like to ' II", in the Crusade what must be done to get choir to let an enroUment Ainertea beck to where . It card from either your pastOr -:' needs to' I,e:-T :--Realize -our ' or Bro. Don at the First wrongdoings, 2. Confess our Baptist Church. wrong doings and God will

Dr. Ray brought a mes- forgive us. 3. Put out some sage from Psalm 85: 6. He effort - God is not unreason-said " There are three things able as to what he expects of you must do to have a us. 4. Have some compos-successful Crusade. These sion for other people. We

have become the' Me ....... atiOll . juat me and mine, no one elll reeDy m.ttwa. Do you reeDy eare about your ~bor. your friend, your co-won .... ?

Th_ .re the· pre-requl· sites to Revival. "" yOU reallY? ' 1'!Ie choice iI ours whether we have a clty wide uprillng for Chrlat Dr not.

An invitation was 81ven to those who want a revival. God can't send a revival unless It he8ins in me - and in you! The choir sang "I Sur­render All" . Ken Hom closed in prayer.

Reported by: Shirley Riddles

Crusade Secretary

The Abernathy Couritry Club lponaored a hay ride. Saturday, May 23 lor stud· ents in the fifth throu8h eighth grades. .

Two trailers were PIIned from the Country Club to a huge pit 10 miles north of Aberna thy where they had a weiner roast.

Those attendlll8 were: Shane Gainer. Jared Knight . Elizabeth Waits . Darrell Waits . Del Ray Pope. Dustin Oxford. Tracy Pope, Kristi Attebury , Kelly Guerrant . Dina Cannon. Sara Hannel. Kara Havens, Kevin Gallo­way. Brandon Houslon. Julie Harris . Bruce Irlbeck. Mich­ael Sharp. Rowdy Powell .

a y 'I e elect 01 Jeff Omit, will be Mrs. Harald StUlweU. Mrs . honDred with I bridal ahfter Ed JIc!nIard, Mrs. Verion Saturday, June e, from 8IImn, Mrs. Char .. Hob-Everette Irlbeck. Krlltl

ThomplOll. Judie McKin­ney, Jeaalea Thomaa, Cody Jones, Kelly Hill, Kevin EI· IlA , Jay Oxford, Rita Willi· ford. Laura W.lts, BlU Du­Bose. Sharon Thomuon, Chuck Thompson. Mlaay Johnson, Jim Bob Carver. Jason Harris. Chad Keney. Steve -Royal. Carey l\tcKln­ney aqd Beth Scott .

Sponsors attending were: Richard and BiUie DuB08e. Doris and A.C. Harris. Bill and Karen Waits and Darla. Suzie and Keith Ellis. Pat and Wayman Jones. Charo­lelle and Jim Carver and David. Redgle Knight and Sandra Gainer.

10 : 00 to 1\: 30'.m. In the 1IOOd. Mra. Guy 8IIrtlett. home of Mra. Ralph Wolf nve Mrs. Gwln My.", Mr'i , Del· mllel nortb of Abernathy.

H .. t_ wUI be: Mra. Dale PoweU, Mrs. Bob Riley • Mrs. Bobby CumI ...... Mrs . Jtmmie Davia. Mra . Hayden Blalock, Mra. Lloyd

win Webb, Mra. Joe Comell. Mrs. Dorman ADen. Mrs. Charles O'Neill. Mra. Buck Attebury. Mrs. Jim Odom. and Mrs. Ralph Wolf.

S c ho-I-a F-S h i-p s Pre s-e n ted A t . Methodist Services

The choir sang "Ye ShaU Be Witnesses" IoUowed by a congregatonal hymn. "Send A Great Revival".

Rev. Lloyd Riddles intro­duced the guest speaker and his lovely wile. Dr. and Mrs.

are: I. Pray. 2. Be Pre­sent, and ·3. Bring the Lost. Unchurched. Indifferent and those with problems with you,"

Mna;~.~!. 'rhe~ReaderIS ~ 8 Graduates Honored With Party

'lbe Gary Jol!n Scholar· ship. which lA funded through memorials and gifta and presented by vote of the Chancel Choir. was pre­sented to two students Sun­day , May 24 . during the morning worship service.

Cherise Gilt received a scholarship for $400 which amounts to $200 each sem­ester for one year. Cheriae is the daughter of Mr. and Mra. Billy Gist.

The aeventy-second ses· sion of the Northwest Texas Annual Conference begs n Tuesday. June 2 at the First United Methodilt Church in Lubbock. The openIiII ser· vice was'a memorial service honoriDl the pastors and wives who pasae;l away this past conference year. The session wiD end 'lbursda y night.

'lbe greatest need in Tuesday·9-1p.m. ...,


Wed. ·10·12; 1·5p.m. • ft Thursday· none FrIday· 12·5p.m. ___ - -""-Saturday • By appointment =.,p..

'lbe eighth grade gradua· ting class of 1981 was hon· ored with a parly given by their parents following grad-

, uation Saturctay . May 30 . at the fellowship hall of Ihe First Baptist Church .

Established in November of 1921...published on Thursday of each week in Abernathy. Texas. Second Class postage paid at Abernathy, Texas 79311 , located at916Ave. D, in the city of Abernathy. P.O. Drawer D. Phone (11061 298·2033.

Any erroneous ~f1ectiCJl upon the character of any firm •. corporation or individual which may appear in the columns of the Abernathy Weekly R~view gladly will be corrected upon being brought to tbe attl'ntion of the publisher.

On Display! Elementary Art Show

"Monster ' Madness" will begin at the library during the nrst week of June ! All elementary children partici· pating in the Summer Read· ing Program will need to register during this week!

will earn the child an oIncial Texas Reading Club certifi· cate.

The Library has acquired several books on " monsters" including a series about a lovable monster and his friends : Monster Comes To The City. Monster Meets Lady Monster. and Monster Buys a Pet.

The group went to the church following gradua tion and had sandwiches. chips . dips._and ,a cake that was decoraleOfor the occasion.

Subscription Rates : $6.00 per year in Hale and adjoining counties. $6.50 per year in rest of Texas and $7.50 per year when mailed out of Texas.

The program is an excel· lent way of keeping students interested in reading during the summer months .

Other " monster" books include such classics as:

movies will begin r riday. June 5 at 2 : 30p.m. in the Community Room at the City HaiL The movie will be " Lighl in the rores t" and is ~ minutes longs.


t~O~ ",vc. U 298.2060


SUNDAY: Sunday School 9: 45a.m. MOl'llingWorship 10: 45a.m. CA, YOIIthCC 6: OOp.m. E~P.ning Worship 7: OOp.m.

I 'I\Iesd.ay WMC I : 30p.m. WEl>NESD"Y: Wa.-slJip!iefVjces 7: 30p.m.


REV . . J.B. LESTER SUNDAY: Sunday School 9: 45a.m. Morning Worship II : 30a.m. Thairring Union 6: OOp.m. Evening Worship 7: 30p.m. MONDAY: Women's Missionary Union and Brotherhood 7: OOp.m. WEDNESDAY: Prayer Service ~'HIDAY:

(hoi r Rehearsal

7: OOp.m.

7: OOp.m.


r. mi .• a li on 597. Ihen 2 mL' south on 2002 7 ..... 184


I'UNDAY: !'U/lday School I~ : OOa.m. I'<\Qrning Worship 11 : OOa.m. ~:vr·"ing Worship 5: OOp.m. WEDNESDAY : Childr.n·s & Adults ' Bible Study 7: 30p.m

( '!lURe!! OF CHRiST

Ij'lh~t &A ... E 298-2718


~lJN IJi\Y :

Ilihlc & hool ~ : 30a.m. Worship 10: 30a.m. Youth 5: OOp.m: f:"ening Worship . 6 : OOp.m. \\,ENIJESDAY : i .ad;... Class t Sept. -May)

'10: OOa.m. lIihl. Class;: 30p.m. t c .•. I.)

8:.00p.m. ( d .• . \)


511 Ave. E Z .. 2I3Z

Reading club members will be given a "Monster Madness" booklet contain· ing puzzles and other activi ­ties. Each child will also record his reading progress in the book. Ten books read

Dracula, Frankenstein . King Kong. and The Wolf Man .

The Library wi ll be spon­soring movies for children aga in this summer. There is no admission charge and all are invited to attend. The

Next week's film ",II be "Na mu. The Ki ller Whil le. " a nd will be shuwn fOnda\' , June 12 . .

These new fit-lion best· sellers have just a rri ved a L lhe Libra ry : Gorky 's Park . ---,_, _.~-n~ --.... --1--, I FIRST UNITED

P h , --.... J' kl D . I METHODIST CHURCH reac er s Wee y evollona 704i\ve. D Z"'ZZ •

Light IS an Image of God Wecan only be the hght.f we possess God In our hves' We Rl!;V TOMMIE BECK do thIS when we possess the quahtles that Jesus possessed SUNDAY

What are the qualities of light? It .s warm. It shmes. It draws people to.t It Sunday School 9 ' 4I5a m . ilJummates. It sbows the way. It overcomes the darkness. I Momill8 Worship 11 : OOa .m. t

U we are the light of the world. then we must also possess these same qualities . We Evening Worship 6: OOp.m. must shine so others will notice and be drawn to us and then through us to God. Is that UMY 7: OOp.m. not what Jesus did with His life? WEDNESDA Y : I

We inusl be warm. so others will stand and draw closer to God. Was not Jesus a Choir Practi ce 7: 30p.m. warm person. meeting the needs 01 others so that they would come to know God? We ,. U.M.W . . 2nd Monday of I must ilJuminateothers' minds. so that they may seek the truth that is God . Is this not each month. what Jesus di4 with His teaching and example? ----

WewiU then light the pathway to God as our Lord did. He showed us the pathway to 'LAKEVIEW METHODIST I God. He showed us the way to the Father. In all, this then we will overcome the, CHURCH darkness. and is this not what the light is meant to do? Then, together, we will have I J mi. north'" • ml. ... 1 011 found the LIGHT. Christ Himself! eI,y on . ' M Sl

Rev . Matthew F . D'Souza

SUNDAY : San Ialdore Church REV. HB COGGINS I ._._ _ I Sunday School 10 : 00a .:O .

• _ -. _. Istand3rd Sundays I The FollOWing Sponsors Support The MorningWorshipll00a .m.

. Ch h f Ab th I B.bleStudy 7: 00 p.m. I . urc es 0 erna y Evening Worship 7: 30p.m. !o-<-----__ . ______ WEDNESDAY:

Ace Welding 1+ Pay·N-Save Supermarket I worshi~:;;: LI:;opm I UAPTISTCHURCH

RI .2 757-Z 1 H

A.C . Harris, Jr . Phone 298-2627 t REV . ROYCEJENNINGS 1204 Ave. D We give Green Stamps SUNDAY :

co·Op Grain Company

of Abernathy Phone 298-2511

Morning Worship I I : OOa.m. _-j Evening Worship 6: OOp.m. WEDNESDAY: Prayer Meeting 8: OOp.m.

I Sunday School 10 : ooa.m· 1


i NAZARENE I , Ave . 0\ &. 51h St. Z ... 2474 Lubbock Hwy.

Phone 298-2114

•_ ................ _ ................. _ .... _ ......... ___ ... _ ... _ .. j Mormng Worship II : OOa .m.

I ~~:!:ichOOI IHOa m'l

1 Evemng Worship v: oOp m.

Sav-A-Lot Family Center

BEN. FRANKLIN VARIETY Food 'sllpenna,rket and a line of general



Consumers uel Association Study 6: 30p m F I Prayer Meeting - Bible

"The Business OWned by I NORTHSIDE I Those We Serve" BAPTIST.CHURCH

I UthSt. &'Ave. E ZM-Za'll: 829 W. Service Rd. REV . KENNETH HORN

Phone 298-2584 ,

i Morning Worship II: OOa.m . • ~~:f::i~hOOI 9: 46a.m ' l

...... ------............... .j-.. ~'jI. ----.. ---.. -..... , Traiping Union 5:00 p.m .

A'er~~:, :."'''' =;!:~:~:~ . tS~§~~8:::~.:·. 1 ROSWELL BRUNNER

SUNDASY "Service The Year Around" "The Jo.'In Deere House" ~RI~:~~:~ION Sunday ebooI . : 4I5a.m.. III Z J"r 2 ... ZII' MorningWonhip 10: &.m. phone 298-2527 Abernathy 105 Ave. D Phone 298-2541 ome. "iouthServIcel 5: 30p.m. j REV. JOSE RODRIGUEZ

~~~~~~p e: Up.m .• -~--~---~---... -~--t--.. "' .. .,·"A"~,..~t·i .... es~u .. s·.·ao<ln ... o-_. "'~"l =:~I 8: 4I5a.m. Worship Setlvice 7: 30p.m. " ~ I MorrungWorship 10 : 4I5a.m.

wered and said Tra\nfnaUnioo e: oqp.m. unto him, Get thee Eveplnli Worahip 7: OOp.m. behind me, Satan: WEDNESDAY :

FIHSTUAPTISTCHURCH 66 Butane & Fertilizer' for It is written, PrayerMeetiJiI 7: 30p.m. .. Thou shalt worship Youth Meelln ... Bible

11I ,!fI'.IIl_ . Z"2187. the Lord thy God, .' studY 8: IHIp.m. 298-245.1 Plainview Hwy. and hi 0 I h It ..

HEV . LWYDE. RmDLES thou ~.n y s a -c.\~TiJ~~a::;:CH ~D~ .30 J L.lt4:8 .\REV:MATIHEWD·SOUZA ~,worabiP 10 ~ .::::: .. ________ .,;._, ... _ .... ~ ____________ .I,. SUtIIPA)' : . i\OIIth Ave. ().


at ~:::.~ . AmMD THa: -tHURCIf OF YOUR QIOICE' \:F=~: IHI •. ~. ICWIIiaSWanI!Ip 7:"p.m. " 'IJ~ ', 7: 10p.m.'

,: ~ .. 7: 3tp.m. · I ' I 'TIII a_AY ' , '=~DAY : 8: 3Op.m.

Mass 7: ,~p.m.

Following the meal , "Madame Too Looney" read class prophecies.

After the party at the church. they aU changed from their graduation clothes into clothes for skat­ing. They then loaded two buses and headed to the Skate Machine in Lubbock and skated from 11 : 30p.m. untiI 2a .m.

by Martin Cruz Smith. and Crealion. by Gore Vidal.

Jr. High Twirlers Selected

George Riddell . band di rector for the Abernathy bands held junior high twirler try·outs for the 11181 · 82 season Wednesday. May 21 in the old gym at 4p.m. There were 10 junior high gir ls who competed.

Each gi rl had to present a tW ir ling routine and perform lhe funda mentals in front of the out -of-town judge. which was the 1-I . le Center band director . Mr Bufe

Follo"'ing the try-out5 . fi ve girls were named tWirlers for the Abernathv Junior lIigh School Band : Jacl Pope. Micki NfI·e. Helen I\c'S ter. Liz I.()pel and Ma ry Cooper .

Thost' To R t'f1I.-m brr J .P. and Lizzie Young in

the loss of his brother Mike M. Young . Jr . The Youngs a tt ended the serv ices a t Kerrvi lle Mal' 19.

Chri s Wilson is a patient in Method lst llospi tal following a ca r l pick·up accident Fri · day night

Ta lk Of Tho' Town Me. a nd Mrs. fl orace

Davis ha ve returned from a t.rlp lha l took them to severa l l'ountnes in Europe.

Gene Amerson. a minister­ial student at Asbury Semin­ary in Wilmore. Kentucky. was awarded a $400 scholar­ship . which is $200 each semes ter for one year. Gene . ihe son of Mr. and Mrs. Preston Amerson.

'lbese scholarships were presented by George Rid· dell, the choir director .

Those To Remember Ralph Davis is a patient in

West Texas Hospital . lub­bock . following surgery Wed· nesday .

T.A. Brewster is a patient in West Texas Hospital . lub­bock .

Martha Phillips is a pal-

Appointments were read TUesday night at the evening worship service.

Brother Tommie Beck will remain as pastor of the First United Methodist Church.

HB CoUin will remain as pastor of the Lakeview Methodist Church.

Jim Sharp is a retired Methodisl mlJlister that lives here .

ient in Hi Plains H08pltal . Hale Center.

Jane Murray is a patient in St. Mary 's Hospital. lub­bock .

Ed Heath is a patient in West Texas Hospital. lub­bock .

RentThc Rug Doctore and he'll freshen your carpets. Steam clean your carpets easily, quickty and economically with Rug Doctor 's re.oIutlonary cleaning machine. The one wilh 6 jets. Clip the coupon bet8w and get s 16-ounoe bonle ot Odo< Killer I,ee with you, rentat. STEAM.NG MAO AT DIRT

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Pay-N-Snve 405 AV E. 0 298- 2627

SALE Microwave Ovens Marked Down To

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Only 8 left to choose,

Hurry while they last

$298.00 for a new Litton

Radio & T .. V. Pbo.29S-2338 306 Main .

" "bilrnalhy Waallly a._lew

Attebury - Bush Engagement Announced homa and Texas Tech. He it

presently employed by Parker Oil Co. In Odeau.

doc iE. ty Mr. and Mrs. Wllllllell

Atlebury of New Deal __ the eaaapmanl of IbIIrdaUillter. TlmaraLee, Ie M.rk Alien 'Buah, I0Il of Mr. and Mra. Ron Bush. also of New Deal.

The couple pI.n to he married June 20. I!IIII at the Monterey Baptiat Church in Lubbock.

'lbe couple will make their home in Odesaa .

Da .. ".. ... ManIla Haatn. .

'f Dana Flud, Marsha Hamilton Engagement

Mr and Mrs L 11 Flud wish to announce the engage· ment and approadung marriage of theIr son Dana eralg 'a Marsha Ham.lton The c'Oup te pian '0 be mar· ned Au~ll . In I.ubbock . at the First Foursquare Church

Uana '" a 1980 graduate 01

Abernathy High School and anended LLF .E. B.ble Col· lege In Los Angel"" . Cali · forllla lie IS employed by Llndsev Soft Water Co. in Lu~k for the summer.

~ I "rsha IS " .980 graduate of Coronado HIgh School in Lubbock and IS employed by L & If Drug .

Sanders Announce Engagement

~Ir and Mrs Itay Sa nders aMOUIlC"e the foga gemcnt of the" daugh ter . Susan Ray' ient'. to Don S Itaphel. grandson 01 Mrs Ii F' King or Ft Lauderdale . Fla

The coopl e plan to ex· change vows AUilUit a m the Firat United MotbDdiat

Church In Atx>rnathy ~hss Sa nders has gradu·

• • ed Irol1l Abernathv High Sc htlol and ~th ' Pla.ns College In ["" 'ella nd

Ha plwl has graduatl'd from Cal Farley 's Boy's Hanch and South Pla.ns Col· leIe. LeveDand.

A bricb.1 shower for Tam­ara Attebury was held May 31 from 2~p.m . The miscel­laneous shower was in the

. hol]l~ ofMrs . Verbal Peeples 01 New Deal.

Special guests were Mrs. WendeU Attebury. mother 01 the bride elect. and Mrs . Ron Bush, mother of the groom .

Miss Attebury and Mark Bush plan to be married June 20. 19t1! . at the Mon­terey Baptist Church in lub­bock .

Hostesses for the shower were Mmes. Virginia Kirk . Pat Mullins . Peggy Jones , "nn WiUijlll/s. Bobbie Peeples . O1etha Webster. Ann Ha rkey and Mildred TeaL

Tatk Of The Town Mr. a nd Mrs. J .L, Irish

have been in Danas to visit their son, Jimmy, and daughter , Kathy . and their fam ilies. Nancy Irish a lso visited in Dallas where she and Mrs. Irish stayed to

'lbe bride elect is .a 1979 graduate of New Dear high school and is atteooing Texas Teche

The future groom is a 1977

Talk Of The Town Mrs. Betty Reynard has

returned from a two week trip visiting relatives and friends in Dodge City. Nor· ton. Hays, Concordia, and Paola. Kansas, and Custer City. Oklahoma .

It rained almost every day. Almost all of the west· ern half of the state'"f Kan· sas -hii(j- a freeze earlier in the month .

Bradley Bridal Shower Saturday Some gardens had to be replanted and quite a bit of the wheat was lost in the western third of the state .

Miss Tracy Bradley. bride­elect of Chris Wilson. will be honored with a shower Satur­day. June 6. from 3 : 00 to 4 : 30p.m . in the home of

take care of Thomas and Kathy Wainscott 's new son

Those to Remember Lola Haston is a patient in

ICU a t Methodist Hospital. following surgery last week.

Randy Hamner-'l'emains a patient in Methodist Hospi· tal •. Lubbock.

Debbie Smith at 908 14th Street

New Arrivals

Children's Swimwear




PK c(J!o1 alum in um gri ll!. feature sloin· I.u 1, •• 1 burn.rs - "H" ,hoped for mOllimum h.ot diltribYtion . .. • lolf~l.u 1, •• 1 tor long Troubl • . fr .. · Iif., Gnd ~vy ,te.: rochoai gible.

PIC R .. ent 1

"" r]

PIC Delta 1 ir~~!t ~:: ~~~7::e~ .:::h,~ :1' l,.,~ u .. l,ooIt.lngQl'td

Only $8.71 permOOlh' j . Ova l t.u,..... ond contro" .. , '(OU <I" on. -hGH or a ll of bu<" .... m"q. 'rt , cn l

, ron caak' ''1iI fiJ, id b lIp'''. . S21loo

L ... 1O% • ; ~.: iI ...

l •• ' 1' ,,, . 1 1 ~!IO l ... lO' , JO~

'''' .. l"uw ,.,,.,alloltOf'! ~

"0 .. 5"'~I'a . _..!..E'~ CASH '1/0 1 11M on IUOGfl "1/0 ' S2~\ on

II.I6got' , ..... , fla da .... ro 1)Oy ...... '

l6 .n.,.·lftOI'Ilh l ", )b m<wllh,

~ , .. '" ~

CASHI"llCf S~ l . tuOGfl 1'IIttCI' SJI3.S6

...... ' 1",,,," no down pay"""" $I 11 per _,h lot J6 "'onrt"

Nothing beats the smoked Oavo,ed taste of something rrom the grill . . . and no grill can beat the run . convenience and economy of a versatile gas grill .

G .. ~ QrWJI1?" 11 /· ' ..... /11·

You c an Jlutc £ s l cak. g ri ll a burger . • m okc 0'1

nam . barbc( u e a b ird . ro ast a n ear. even ba"'e " pouto . Y O LI c.an (0011. man y di fferen t f oods a vilIrlet y 0 1 \IOa y s man)' .al th e ... arne l ime on II ~· t:r§atilc gas g rill . .

C, a\i lir lfll nQ I, (1" ".-1011 :-You gt:1 Ih., grCill (J~tdoor !>mokC-d n.1vor

wit hout tht: c harc~1 mc!>!10 1"10 IIghler fluid is nct:dcd and a ga!lo g rill rcq~ i res ver y littlc c leiln ' up . Thcrc I no ..... 11 c: l ther becauK gal grlll!lo reach cooking lempcr.1tun: . f.s l

n.n ~rf /lj ng I s C(OrlO,",Cd l

~ You -can cook a full- r.mily meal for j~sl pcnnlt: f . Oas grilling COS U 1t:!IoS than .1 th ird or wha t II would cos-t on .1n elt:clrlc grill and leu than a It:nth o f Ih( co~t fOf charc.o" lIrig. '" ".1Uonal su rvt:y proycd II .

Oa!lo Ci ,lIl1n~ b cool er II kec:p!lo I he heat out o/Ih(' kitch en so you r .lr

rendU lonlng won 1 havc 10 wor" $0 hard. Thal ' ~ Import.n t during thc l ummc:r . .. ptu •• ga s grill I. the pe:rfoect meal·maker for any season of lhe: yur.

And. Ga.s Orlll'ng ,,, now 200\. 0" DU)I nolll' a nd you 'll Inc 1O"f. . The purchaae:

price has been roeduced 20'Y.0 but only unfit Augu st I. 1981 , . . oInd you have cight style , ilnd sias 10 ch oosc from with illi thoe feature s 10 make g ri lling run c onvenient lind eCO' nom icaL


Ovcone r a.t aluminum gr.lI. f.alur. rop-pon.ct Italnl... " .. I burn." whkh la,' longer and ,ave go. . . ond a un~ cool !iIIro~ dftigrwd 10 p' ....... n!

HOf.-U~ and gr.o .. colle<IIQn 01 ,he bottom of m. fI,.bo, • . Scm. mod.l, hove> Roti, ."'·GrOI.- . a .eparot. v.r' icol tNtn .. for rot ln i"g f rom behind Ihe meet . ohd poIceloinil.-d ·,'''' cooking grid,

The Challenger 100 Only $8.57 per mOOlh '

SoI"". bu,..- ..-odeI • • 11'1 n toO ,n rt ....... .n.r_olof9d v ... d ... " ",,1( .

L ... lO"lO

"''''I0' .... Io'oon ~ ,.180

S~tOI"'OJl Ill . CASKl'1tICf J~ IVOGfT P1hCf· . p)I)1

...... ~_. nodrowftOO't-i. .. .s7pe1'_lhf.,.,.,_tM.

-~ [

- ~ ~ . - ,.,"1 The Challenger 1SOO

~ Only $12.27 permonlh'

T .... n b..'n4n duol control. - _ lor

. I'OC" •• 601 wl", t. u ..... , QOI ......Mrt ~IN ~ ,, ! don I ooH'd la .... ' ... IQ'ol <ooa""Q IoU'

loe. ~ oq Ifl nlct..I .<krome plol.d .. ~ l illpl"' " t .. u20' • .

. . 1347.00

. ~ m ... ~ 3047 .60

5'!1'oWllhla a ...!!.!! CASH ,.,el " . . .. , $36A.tI 'UOGfT Ifltel' . ~1 .72 ..,., ler"',: no do-n "..,-nl,

I 11.17 pet _m 'Of ,. monm.

JACUZZI J~T CHEF Joa.tlll ,Mo' Chef cott olumlnlofm grilia

feootur. Chot ·ltown enamel fin lah , ru.t · , .. I,tont poI'c.loinlJed (Olt Iron coolo.lng grid, cost Iron and nickel oUo)' burne' , ond heat Indicator on lid ,

s.~. bo./r..- end c"",,ot wllh 300KI tq. In. ,Plng...noc: • . l l"p ... C" l", 20"' .. ,""", 1I'fIfoollotl"" "

5" ...... 10 • . CASH f'tnCE •. IUDGET ntC'f'

ct.amplon MIll" ~n.

Twa ""'rn . ... _ ON with a 310 Iq. In . pot<ekllnir«! .,i..1 coolling gtid. fhe o ther a lOII,·A·(#fa,.e ...rtkol burnet , rollu inglNlOI' and tpil . Otod .l«tranic.

tvnition .... ,pnC • . ..... 20 ... .

. . ,...,.00 · • . 00 m:ii

.. 10.00 427.00

5'11. to!ft lo ll . . . . ..ll:.!.Q CASH f"ItKl . . .. . iUl.IO IUDGlT ntel· .. ... ' . ... .. . 1!)6.04

Ivdpl .... ""; no 40wn payment. .' • . Mpermon ... lOf36 mon ....

Jeta..t4121 Only $12.32 perman"'-

Only $21.92 permonlh' All rt.e'eolv, .. atn.. Tfophy2000pock ' ~ In 111\ .11190"' cor1 wlttl 'oroe ''Or'

~r-:l;-:=;~to~ ~~ ..... \ ,-i"p,k • ... ..... 20% . .

Plul l .. toMol ion . •. ..

.•• 1720,00 · 1.64 .00

5",00 . 45 .00

62 ... 10 5"'Mletle.,. .. 31 .~ CASH nlC'f _ . . .. . $612.05 IUOGfT ~tCf· . , ..... . , . ... '''''.12

Ivdg4:I *"": r'M) ctoo- PI'Y"*I' . 121.92,..,monmllM'36..-.ontM.

Abernathy Weeldy Review P'R' •

• • • every t.ime, you se.rye· it ! COUNTTlY PRIDE USDA "A" , Mix,,, Chick,n : =,~-fftlBf p,fijo,_

• ,~ LI.

~ Pla.1II

~::~ OSCAR MAYER FRANKS i~ K~ \.~.- MEAT S159 IEEF S 169 t~J\ . eL 5'c '\ ' ? , _ 16 OZ. PIli. 16 OZ. "'I. -





Frozen Foods

51 09 ... IUSS . LI. CHUCK ROAST

5329 'R'" & FISH FILLETS





51 79 LI.


MAIIAIINE ...... 0..,,'"

1 LI.

VANILLA W~nRS ..... 12 ez.

NnED MEAT ...,·s J ez. ~ ......... .


Solid Deodorant ••.. ~149 .... _, uez.

Alwoys the best in produce' TAKE HOME THESE MONEV- SAVING S .. ECIALS

FRUITS & SALADS I?lums - Calif, Red Beauts .59 lb.

Nectarines Calif. Armkings .59 lb.

Peach'3S Calif. Fi nest . S 9 lb.

Cucumhers Long Green Slices Sib /$1.00

Avacados Calif. Hass 7 /$1.00

Red Radishes Crisp 6 oz. cello Bag 3/.49

allA ... m 'OIT.PASTE .·"'~IR 99C

• el . I

EFFEIDE .. T ,::~~ .. a.Sl 99

..... WIlL ..... '

_I .... ' ...

_~ .... 'S1UIC SUNSHINE CR,I\CKERS 19 C Ib. ~bo~

DON'S De L - _... , SI"

••• ·L J 1411 Ave. 0

Abernathy, Texa~

.T hursday . Jun 4, 1 9~ 1 Pn e .)

PLAIN. GRAIN . PI •• t DIs.I •• ,.4 I ••• ct Cillie IOldl, FARM SUPPLY

... .. NATHY, nXAI


A Ile,rna thy , Te • . 298- 2521

Lubbock Num'>er 763- 4868

Wheat Field Day June 5 The Feed Grain and Other

Crops Committee will be hosling a Wheat F ield Day June 5, 1981 start ing at 9: 30 a .m. according to Billy E . Wa rrick . County Extension Agf nt ·/l gricul ture

The tour w ill il'ave lrom Ihe intersection 01 FM Road .00 and ~-M Road 37 ruMing west 0[( 01 400 a t 9: 30 a ,m . The lou r will be conducted on the Oan Houchin farm , All fa rmers and businessmen

a re encooraged to attend. This tour is open to a ll pe0-ple regardless 01 age , socio­economic leve l. race, color. sex. \J"e li gion or nationa l origin.

This is a d ry land variety test with 5 dillerent vafieties included . With more empha· sis being placed on wheat in our a rea, we reel that this wi ll be a very informative mee ting.

Hardworking Feet Deserve The "FOOT ·PRINt" FIT

of these Field Boots Large selection of sizes a'nd wlOths

I RED WING 1·~~<7 1


P lana have been m~de by County Agent Ollie Uner . to have a Plant Disease a nd Insect Clinic Iii Pla inview on Monday . J une • . 'J'\Ie Cllnlc Is sponsored by the Extens ion Service with the Agriculture Committee 01 the Pla inview Chamber of Commer ce coopera ting . It will be held in the Meeting Room 01 the Chamber of Commerce in P la inv iew Irom 3 : OO p.m . until 6 : OO p .m.

On ha nd lor the cl inic wi ll

When Congress has a n omnibus farm bill unde r con· s ideration (here is a lways the da nger tha t a ttention to lesser legis la ti ve malters important to agriculture may be neglected .

Currently. action is lag· ging on the 19tH la rm law. awaiti ng ei ther arri\'al or the Senate Agriculture Comm it· tee 's version on t~ floor or the resumption of House Committee work on fi na l revis ions of its bill. not expected now for se\'e ral weeks .

But in thiS instance the wide-awake National Coon· cil 01 Agricu ltura l Employ· ers I NCAE I is utiliZing the lull to ca ll on Plains Cotton Growers , Inc . 01 Lubbock and some 490 other organi­zations a nd indivui.Jals who make up its membership (or support of its ellort to get relief in two lrwblt.-some a reas of farm laoor re la­tions

"One 01 the rwlly hot batti('S In Congress ('enters 00 funding the Legal Ser · VICes Corpora llon, " :'\iCA!::: says , noting tha I President Rea gan 's budget ca lls lo r zero (unds ,- which wou ld " Wipe out " the agency ,

High Plains producers last

be specialists with the Textl Agricultura l Extension Ser­vice . Dr, Robert W, Berry , Plant Pathologist ; Dr. D.le Pennington, Area Soil Chern· ist and Dr . Rola nd Roberts , Area Vegetable Specialist. a ll of Lubbock : a nd Greg Cronholm , Hale County Agent·Entomology and Coun ty Agent Oll ie Liner .

Attenda nce at this clinic wi ll be on a come and go basis . Men and women living on the (a rm or in town are

yea r blamed the Rura l Legal Service of lice a t Hereford for what they considered frivolous lawsuits, strikes and gene ral unrest in farm la bor.cl rcles. And Legal Ser· vices offices in severa l Eas ter n s tates have begun to ha rass growers this yea r by Insti tuting civi l damage sui ts under the Fa rm Labor Con· tractor Registration Act I FLCRA ), the amendment 01 which is the second NCAE objective

" At thi s w rit ing. " NCAE reported in a recent news­letter, "i t looks as il lhe Legal Services Corpora tion wi ll Ile lunded a t $200 mi l· hon. dO\lo'n onl y SI20 million fro m the curr~nt yea r "

But. the NCA E publica tion continues , " H zero fundlOg "is your idea of a proper solu­tIOn to a ser ious problem, let you r Congressional delega · tlon kno" now"

And tha t. sa \~ PCG Field Scr\'lces Direc"tcr Ed Dea n, " IS precise ly "nat ..... e are do,ng ,.

Holh :" C,I E and P CG lor O\'er a year now have been "orkmg for amendments tha t would c larifv sections of the F'LCRA und.:r which the !)epartment 01 Labor has sought to force registration


Int.rn.tlon.1 3588 Artlcul.ted Tr.ctor

CUSTOMERS TRACTORS CASH PAYMENI 986 1086 __________ $3,000

' . $4 000 1486,1586 -------- ., 3388,3588,3788 ---_$5,000 4386 ,4586,4786 .---$61 000

I, I ..... ~ ---...-, _ •• , ••• M! .

I PIton" 298-,2,60'7 ~ BERNA THY 3 Mlles~onb 01 Abernathy at )ntenr~tlon 01 Rlgh"ay'87Y

Hig liway 34 , .

S~[ R U_ Y'"E

PLE E Teo.

Invited tu take advantage of this clinic by bringing in their plant specimens that are not growing juAt right . including house plants, yard, lield crop or vegetables, or il they have insect troub le , get them identi lied within a few minutes and be on their way home irr a short time.

Everyo_ne is encouraged by the County Agent and lIill Quattlebaum, Chairman 01 the Ag riculture Committee of the Plai nview <;>hamber of

of farmers, giMers and others who only hire labor (or t he ir own use.

Sena tor David Boren , D .·Okla . I has introduced an a mendment to ~-LCRA ,

g,922 , .wh ich it is thought would accomplish NCAE and p e G objectives .

And. the Senate Commit · tee on Labor a oo 1·luma n Rl"Sources has coiled hea r­ings .June 2 and J to "ex-

• plore how the Act has been ad mlO istered over the past re\\ vea rs and whether tha t adm;nls tra tion has been con­s is tent with Congress ional Intent ..

So \'C/\E is ca lli ng on its members to do two things· t"Onl (lct thei r senators and urge them to co-sponsor S-9:!2 and \.I, here pOSSible to tes llfy a l the hearings

The first postage st amps iuued in 1 8 47 .

Commerce to bring in their diseased plants and thei r Insects for identificat ion a nd l'Ontrol recommendations to the Meeting Room 01 the Cha mber 01 Commerce on Monday, J une 8.

Educa tiona l programs conducted by the Texas Agri · cultura l Extension Serv it'c serve people of a ll a ges rega rdless of socio.econom ic level. race. color. sex . reli · gion , or nationa l or igin

Joe Thompson Impl~eomp.., 105 Avenue 0

AJ38t'\IAniY,. TEXAS 79311

T he ph rase "c rocod ile tears" , de r ivlS fr om a n 'anc ie nt Greek legend - The giant l izard wa s b eliend to attract its victim s by lou d m Ol n ­ing and th~ shed tears wh ile it devoured them .

• ....... _---.. --,.-.... _ ..... __ .. Algodon fes tival in Ha rl in·

TRA~t: TEAM ·NAMED Collon Council Interna ­

tiona I will send a trade team to the Far East Julv to·29 in cooperation with ' USDA ' s f oreign Agricultura l Ser · vice . The group will meet with cotton cus tomers in the People 's Republic of Chma , Japan, Korea , and Hong Kong . The lea rn will include Wil lia m F' . Dugan. ~lemphis .

and Ra ymond V Cooper. Dallas, both representi ng the America n Cotton Shippers Association ; William Sta n­fo rd , L"bbock, AMCO'f : and Frank Jones . Lamesa . Texas from the Na tional Cott on Council' s Producer Steering Committee. They will be accompanied by Ed Dean so, F'AS , Washington. and J ohn ~Iaguire , ce r s Far E as t director . Hong Kong.

BIGGER CROP SEE:\ I -,::-- ~. -

The US DA . i~ its !irst fore· cast of the 1981 ·82 season. es timates wor ld cotton pro­duction In a range of 65.5-i2 .5 mi llion bales. Most of the projected gam IS attri buled to a ·s lig ht ly larger ha rvested a rea a.ld sha rply Iligher yields in the L· S., where the crop IS lorecast al 13 .8 mill ion ba les . or 2 ~ percent above last yea r

MAID HETURNS, Maid of Cotton Karie Ross re­lurned thi s week to the L .S arter an eight-week fa shion and goodwill tou r of the Far East. Ita ly. and Spa in. She wi ll pa rticipate in Memphis Cotton Carnival ac tivi ties. a nd then begin prep.ra lions lor speaking appearances before to Rola" · Clubs duro ing the fi rst th~"e week::; in June . Cities on her iti nerary inc lude Harnsburg, Pa Ba ilimore . Pittsburgh : Charles ton. W.Va .; Provi­dence. H.I.: Poughkeepsie. and Albany , " .Y. : Spring· fi eld, Mass.: Manchester. 1\ .fI . and Galveston, The lOur wi ll conc lude with the


House Energy and Com· merce Committee h~s de­layed co~s jde rat i on of legis­lation rea uthorizing the Con· sume r Product Salety Com· m bs ion The bi ll. which incorporates regulatory reform measures soug ht by th e ~ationa l Colton Counc il. has clea red a subcommittee. but now is bogged down in a d l::i pult: over efforts 10 trans­fer the age ncy to the De part ­ment of Commerce . The Adm inistra tion-backed pro­posa l IS being pushed by Hep . Phil Gramm ' D·Te • . 1

FOOD SHORTAGE LOOMS AS 'TIME BOMB ' . World lood shortages loom as a ·' time bomb" that threa· tens to go off in the near fu tu re. says a s jX)kesman for the U.S. red meat industry. Our lood prodU!'tioo system was developed beca use we placed a high p'riority on it. a nd s upported researc~ to impr ove our technoiogy. Agricu ltural research funds have d" indled from 39 per· cenl of the overa ll research budget some 40 years ago to only 2 .2 percent presently . More funds are needed for food and nutrition resea rch whic h can help prevent global lood shortages. he said .

Highest Prices For

Wheat In Ar,a 1.llt .tltltltllllb'l

Cotton Seed DUNN,




Seed POULTRY SPECIAUSTS - Tanya Tyer of Hale Center 4-H and Lonnie Howard of Abernathy 4-H wili take their method demonstration in poultry to the state contesl June 2-4 , The senior 4-H members took first place in the distric t contest to win a chanc~ at the state title,




Editor: Pl'Ople in today's society

are often quick to li nd lault \Atith services or help re­ceived during an emergency situa tion.

In the early morni ng hours of May 23 m y husband suI· lered a heart attack and we found ourse lves experien­cing ~uch an emergency

At a pproximately 2 : 30 a co II was p laced to the Aber· nathy Police Depa rtmen l seeking he lp . They imme· diately conlacted the EMS group,

The elliciency exhibited by both the police deparunent personne l a nd the ElliS stall. which included J une KiIox , laVerne P ope. and J immy Thomas, was so reassuring,

Although this ass is ta nce was overwhelming our community responded even further by the Hoppy Tolers , .lohn Hemphills, David P in· son , Ray Sanders. and Henry Harrell.

We are a ll so fortuna te to have people 01 this ca libre living and working jn- our community. As a city it is our responsibility to s upport these individua ls so the excellent se rvices and help we have been receiving can continue.

Rex &. Ann Demorest

TIle fuMY boM tot 1ft , _ ftom !he fact tMt tilt _ for tilt bont runninl "- tile'· "-icier to tilt ..... II lilt _-.vI bone,



STRONG. Before you pick your cotton, you have to pick a cotton program, And that's where we can help. With fertilizers fonnulated especially for local soil, climate and fanning conditions, And with know-how that comes from years of working with cotton fanners.

Attebury Farm Store

Come by and let us help you with your'slderlnss equipment needS and ~k about credit available throui h w. R.Gr~e NE~ .DEAL. TEXAS PHONE 146-eta1-

Tburtday. lune'. li81 _ Abernathy WHlcly RAt.IIW . Pap 6 •

........ __ ...... _IIIiIIiI .... IIIiiIiII ....... -.. ' PHIL PINr€LLI5 iliDICAL



CENTER PHARMACY Where pIIarmaey 11 • proIeeaIaIL 'l'blII ... It Iocat.d In

the Medical 0Intar ClInIc .t 1111 W .. 14th Street In Plainview ........ 1.·4151 er.t DIIbt C8lJ I ..... '1118)' .... well Imown In thIa~_ fer !IDe Mrvice and the beat 10 cIruIIa and reI.ted IIMI'dIaIIdI8e and I"",Oea.

lt bill beeb aald tbat a druaIIt to haft a compIate ItDclt of popular dnqpI, InI:ludIn& the JlltenIa, u weJI U ltaDdard drup. would Med 211,000 ltellll 01' more. Tllil drua store carrlel an lmpreuift aeleetioll and we .re IIW'II you will be Impressed with their aerv\ce as well. -:.:

The pmcrlptioo from your doctor will be aefeotifically filled to his exact order. A reglatered pbannacllt 111 00 duty at all tlmee to see that the proper drup are compounded and

Br .. d .. Browa1ee • OWner who understanda bow to read any prescription. Qulclr; Service The Chain Saw Workaal 2501 W. 5th St. tnPlainview, Texas 79072. pbone296-2230. is one of is their motto.

th ... rehable firms whom we are able to lpeak of In the highest terms. In making this 1981 Consumer's M ...... ge Review. we, the They specialize In the sale and service of quality name brand chain saws and lawn mowers editonl take pleasure In makinl particular m~tion of this

Here. you will find a complele line of garden equipment for the homeowner or faf!Der. The fine esb.blished firm. and are pleased 10 recommend them to Chatn Saw Works carries an outstanding selection of farm pumpa and all pumpa - PISton and our readenl. pressure groups. This i8 the place where the (anner can . aave hundreds 01 dollars. '

.This company has been_do.lng buainesa with tI!e people of thla area f~ lO~e tim~. ~nd over that period, they have established themselves as one of the leading;firms In !bell' f .. ld. No - HARVEST QUEEN MILL & ELEVATOR CO. amount of effort is spared to give you the most careful service and !be customers of the concern are delighted with the service which they receive. Robert HIM - Preoldent

The .owner of tbe company has had long experience in this business .and is thoroughly The Harvest Queen Mill" Elevator Co. 11 located at 1208 compelent in every respeet. His advice in matters pertaining to this trade IS sought after and Columbia in Plainview. Texas. phone 29:1-1331. They deal In respected. grains of all kinds. and pay top prices for their grains, Here.

The editors of this 1981 Consumer's Message Review are not often able to give the modem. efficient elevators offer excellenl storage facilities

whole-hearted recommendation to any finn which we give to the Chain Saw Works. at;::.s;::~eo~~~':,"f~~~ :!:t:=~' of this community. They

RHODERICK CATTLE CO AND AUCTIONEERS are inlerested tnpromoting the welfare of the citizens of their • :::--...... community and have done thell' part toward the development

The Rboderick CaUle Co. and Auctioneers is located in Plainview. Texas at 311 West 7!!!; 'pi tbe territory in generaL phone 293-8363. They have the facilities to locate the livestock you desire and to sell your Here you can depend upon the best market prices for your livestock at lop prices. . . grain, just weigtt. and excellent t~tment. By ~dheriI.'g to

Wben you want to sell thai tractor. combine or planter let the professIOnal auctioneers at these basic prinCiples they have IDCreased theIr buslIless Rboderick do il for you. Both the buyer and the seller benefit. when the outstanding features of greaUy. This ccncern has assisted !beir community toward your equipment are presented in a professional malUler. The auctiopeers at Hhoderick will get prosperity and has helped to improve the conditiolll of the the best price available for your fann equipment. Remember the next lime yo~ want Top surrounding lerritory and they ~re al y~ serv.ICe any tIme. Dollar for your farm equipment let the professional auctioneers at Rhodenck sell It! The farmers of the surrounding ternlOl'Y find this f~

ThroUgh all periods of economic fluctuation this firm has always been ready to serve the best under able management and a very considerate concern With interests of the farmers and general public of this section. They bave derived more than the which to do business. mere profit as measured by dollars and cents because there has been a real and genuine You will get the best service and the highest prices whe.'! salisfaction to this firm to be.able to render this service. dealing with them and we. the editorll. are pleased to refer

A business of this kind is essential to the entire section. By fair and honest methods they have them to our readers in this 1981 Colllumer's Message gained the confidence and patronage of Ihe people of this community. Review.

A fine spirit of cooperation has always been in every transaction with this firm and we, the editors of this 1981 Consumer's Message Review. wish to compliment them.

DOC CROSS CARPETS "Doc Makes House Calls"

Does yoUr home 0/ office have tired floor covering? Doc Cross Carpets located at 510 Ash in Plainview has a wonderful selection of carpeting with designs and colors that are calculated to lure you 10 an exciting new level in living.

Trained persolUlel can help you roll oul a room full of beauty. This is one of those places where quality reigns and style is .paramount. Thel(. feature distinctive qua lily products for the fashionable al reasonable prices with budget terms available.

Since they have opened it has become known as the "ONE~OP" noor covering center. Let them make·estimates for you withoul obligation. When you have made your selection. you may be assured of expert installation. Tbey supply the materials and workmen to complete your job in a way that will make you want to recommend them to your friends . For all your n.oor covering needs go to Doc Cross Carpets or phone 293-4453 for complele InformatIon.

In this 1981 Consumer's Message Review we, the erutors, suggest you call this commendable firm first.


Willi. R. Winters - Dllltributor In this day and age when our waters are polluted. our air poisoned, and our foodstuffs· being

contaminated by pesticides and insecticides. one often wonders about his chance of survIval. One sure way to aid and abet our everyday health is to eat pure foods. . ' . ..

Central Life Food Storage packaged in nitrogen for long storage IS available at WillIS R. Winters Store located at 1710 South Broadway in Plainview. Phone 293 -5861 for more information or drop in for a friendly chat with their knowledgeable and helpful personnel about these special Simpler Life food products.

Remember. 10 live a healthier, simpler life from here on oul. start today to use Arrowbead Mills Simpler Life Food Products. . .

The editors of lhis I !III Consumer's Message Review are pleased to have this opporturuty 10 show our appreciation for the efforts the management of this health lood store has taken to provide the way to more bealthfulliving.

GB SUPPLY: SERVING THE AREA IN THEIR NEW LOCATION The GB Supply is completely reliable and handles the popular Bigha~ . line of farm

machinery. GB Supply bas served this area for over ·six years . Here, ID addItion to Bigham farm machinery, they handle Adam Tilage Tools and Baldwin Agriculture Filters .. GB Supply has a complete wholesale line of bolts and fastners for the farmer. Complele servIce for rear tractor nats is available for the fanner and rancher. Their stock is complete m all seasons of the year and it will be to your advantage to see these implements before purchasing. It ·s a well-known fact that this firm can save you money on new machinery and parts.

While you are here, don't fail to check on their ootstanding selection of Firestone a.nd Goodyear truck or tractor tires. Firestone and Goodyear names are synonymous WIth quality the world over! GB Supply's competitive prices and friendly, knowledgeable sales staff make shopping for tires a pleasure.

A standard policy 01 fair Ireatment in all dealings has built a reputation among the fanners that is to be envied. In lhis RevIew we wish to compliment the GB Supply l<~ated at 320 W. Cleveland in Hale Cetter. Texas. phone 839-2641 for giving such satisf~ctory service. to the farmers of this community. For a complete stock of replacement parts, IImely service ID case of breakdown and excellent service. be sure to caU them.

Theeditors of this 1981 Consumer's Message Review feel it our duty in this Review to give them extended mention.

AREA WIDE SANDBLASTING CO. Larry Gould : GerreU Gould - Owners

Located at 820 Canyon in Plainview. Texas. phone 296-5654 is the sandblasting contractor well known in thlsarea for his ethical business dealings. .

Regardless of whether you need residential. industrial, or commercial sandblasting done. this is the firm to call.

Their experience in this field has given them the know how to handle any size of job. Unlike so many coJtractors, this finn completely prepares the surface to be worked so that

the job will be attractive and long lasting. You can also know that they will complete the job on schedule and at the lowest prices possible for quality work.

For a first rate job in sandblasting from a reputable firm, the editors of this 1981 Consumer's Message Review suggest to our readers that they contact the'Area Wide Sandblasting Co. We know that you'll be more than pleased with the professional malUler of their work.


Men. women and their children today enjoy the convenience of getting their hair done at the same time by efficient hair stylista at !be aame location. The shop in thla area lor thla service ill the West Plaza Hair Fashion Deslgnenl located at 608 Amarillo In Plainview. phone 293-5139.

Their cuts and blow drys are done with precision to keep your hair looking the same for weeks to come. .

SOUTHWESTERN PUBLIC SERVICE CO~ When we consider the area around us including all 'of the

businesses and the different types of enterprises. it is hard to forget one prominent name. That is the Southwestern Public Service Company.

Through their efforts to provide the best of service and growth to the area. they have come to be known as part of the backbone in the structure of this area. From their beginning they have strived to provide the most u!>'to-date utility service. with friendly conscientious efforts at the most modest price .

They employ many local people throughout the area. thus aiding in the financial strength and growth of the area. and are recognized by both the businessman and the homeowner as an inseparable entity of our community . .

When needed in an emergency. special help in community projects, or just everyday business, the South~estem Public Service Company located at 304 Wesl SiXth Street In Plainview, phone 296-2731, is always there ready to be of assistance.

The editors of this 1981 Consumer's Message Review herein announce our complele endorsement and commenda, tion to the management and individuals of this community , minded utility company.

RIO CONCHO MOBILE HOME VILLAGE One of the best likes tra iler parks in this area is the Rio

Concho Mobile Home Village located at 420 1 Dimmitl Road in Plainview. phone 296-2595.

The residents oflhis park have come to realite the carefree living Ihey enjoy here. They find they have no land problems and can relax in its private, quiet atmosphere. This popular park features : cOnvenient location. swimming pool. club house. storm shelter. paved roads . and concrete patio parking.

The pa rk is located conveniently near schools and Shopping facilities are just minutes away.

The management of this park has made it a point to keep it clean and well maintained. You will find their rates low and your neighbors friendly .

If you are looking for a good place to park your trailer, or mobile home. we. the editors of this 1981 Consumer's Message Review highly recommend the Rio Concho Mobile Home Village. We know you'll enjoy livi ng in this pleaaant park .


Bill Cooke - Manager The Cargill. Inc . is located at 60 I E . 5th St. in Plainview.

Texas, phone 293 -5256. Here they pay top prices to farmers for their grailis. Cargill . Inc . carries an exterwive line of pesticides for .farm and ranch needs . Here, dealers can purchase all kinds of pesticides to service their customenl at competitive prices. .

This firm has an enviable reputation for being among the city 's most dependable and representative businesses engaged in tbe grain business. They furnish the farmers of th is vicinity top market prices for their grain and have built up an extensive business. . '

They are building up a reputation as extellSlve dealers In . grain. Throug!! straight forward. and above hoard policies this firm has establisbed an excellent reputation in this section of the state and fanners and people generally have come to look upon il as one of the mOllt Important occaaioll8 in this area .

The Cargil~ Inc. brings thousands of dollanl Into the community that would otherwise go to lOme other cenler If their policies and services were not aatisfactory in every particular. .

It is with pleaslre that we. the editorll. endorse this fine firm in our 1981 Consumer'. M .... ge Review.


MERRIMAN CONSTRUCTION 0.,. .o.ry MerrI.aa . 0...,. .

'1111 Mtrrlmao CoIIItructian Co. II _1iId al North". Loap By Pili In Plainview. TaaI, p!-. 1 ..... 1 ,

'J1III11rm \I well ~ In thIa _t1G11 for thaIr Ifflcient buI~ metbodl. Contrac:t1na II tbeIr ~ and !hey haft lhe experience and equipment 10 properly proc:e. aay contraet 1M)' malt.. .

The tw.t bid II pot alwaya the cheapest If the work you heve ~ II not al you dellred It Ind repairs mUit lie made In a abort while. perbaJII you caUed the wrong contractors,. You 8ft the flnat work that caD be had "'*' you call tbem. They make lure that all the cletaUa 01 the work are thoJ'Gllllllly checked and In ac:c:ordance with the lpeclficatlOlll deelred before the work is started. Merriman CoIIItruction Co. speclaU- In CUltom cabinets and fumll~.

Thill firm hal built an enviable reputation and the edilors 01 thla Iill Conaumer's M_p Review are ha"y to recommend them to all in thIa section who are In need of a coo tractor.

LEVI STRAUSS & COMPANY The Levi Sirallll "Com~ny at 31100 Quincy In Plainview. TeuB, phone 293-4131 is one at

those reliable firms whom we are able to speak olin the highest terma. They Bpeciallze m a complete line of quality LeVl's apparel. .

When you think of Levi Strallll you think of quality and durability . Over the y~rs , thla comJllny haa establiabed a reputation for the finesl made In jeall8. jacketa. Ihirta and accessor\ee, Men. women. and children can find thai " particular item" at the righl pnce under the Levi brand.

The LevfStrallll Company haB buill an enviable reputatlori nolonly on a national. bul a .local basis. They are among the leadenl in the area 'l businesa communily. Their ca!l!ful altention to giving prompt. friendly service baa turned occaaional CllBtomers Into regular customers. It hal been frequently said by leaders in their Indusry, that Levi Strausa not only meets the standarda 01 a highly competitive industry - Levi Strauss ill the standard. .

It is with pride thai we the Editors of the 1981 Colllumer's Message Review recommend th~ company for their fine products and excellent service.

NORMAN TI RE COMPANY The name the Norman Tire Company in Platnview localed at 1013 West 5th Street. phone

293-3515. has become a popular byword in the area for farmen, bustoessmen and driven In general for their friendly service and excellent line 01 the popular. high quality Kelly. General. and Bandaa tires .

We all know that worn tires can be extremely dallllerous, but IOmetimes the cool 01 buylnjl new tires can make us put off taking the steps of retiring our car or truck. Om't let that factor bother you anymore. The managemenlat this well -liked tire store has made arrallllemenla for easy budget twms for tire purchase&.

Along with tJieir fine line of reasonably priced tires , you ' ll not find a more friendly and ho_t firm to do businesS. Everyone in their employ is fully trained in selecting jusl the right lu-e to do the job and they also make sure that when II is mounted it will be in perfect belance.

In this 1981 Consumer's Message Review. we. the editors . are pleased to recommend thia tire dealer to all 01 our readenl. and commend the management for continued efforta to serve the people of this section to tbe best of their ability . Remember the name. the Nonnan Tire Compan~ for all your tire needs .


Bill Brown - Owner This firm features' complete repairing on all makes 01

automobiles . The Bill Brown Brake Alignment Shop is located in Plainview. Texas at 1003 Ash. phone 293 ·5633 . In addition to their expert service you will find their prices reasonable .

An automobile will not run forever without allention and some repairs . So every one of you car owners must at 5O~e time or other see a reliable repairman to put your car In

work ing onder. When you drive your car in, it will be put in working order

in the least possible lime .and at the least expense to you. You will be assured 01 a reliable job as every bit 0/. the work done by this firm is fuUy guaranteed In every way .

In making this 198t Consumer's Message Revi",,'. we. the editors of it . wish to compliment this firm upon the excellent service rendered to the peopie 0/. this section.

FINE ARTS CENTER Robbie L« I. Farmn · Dlrr('lor

To give your child the understanding of music apprecilltion and the ability . to play the keyboard. violin. guitar. nute. woodwinds. or voice trainlllll, contact the Fine Arts Center located at 410 W. 11 in Plainview. phone 296-5865.

The instructors are well liked in this area for their ability to commWlicate with children so that they will enjoy their music instruction and will feel the desire to want to learn more about it. This accredited academy offers a fine arts diploma

The appreciation and enjoyment 01 good music is a great necessity to build a well balanced, emotional character and adds to a person', ability to appreciate true asthetic beauty and value.

The editOni 01 this 1981 Consumer 's Message Review commend this music academy for their abiUties in teaching, for the cultural gift of music understanding and appreciation given to their pupils . We recommend that you contact the Fine Arts Certel' . You ' lI be more than pleased with the results .

PLAINVIEW RED I-BUILT AND SUpPLY Terr)' Carter: Randy Carter -Ow .... "

The Plainview Redi-Built and SUpply in Plainview. Teus. located at 1·27. South is noted throughout thla section for first class building contracting, They have a reputation for getting a job done properly and quickly . Here • . you will find an outstanding selection 0/. quality building malena1l at competitive prices.

It is good to know that when you employ a contractor you can depend on him to do the job according to specifications . Experience and proper equipment enables tbem to tackle any contracting or alleration job and complete it with expert detail .

The editors 0/ this 1981 Consumer's Message Review point out the first c ..... guaranteed workl1lanshlp offered by this firm . We suggest you call them when you need a contractor for any reason. H you are cOntemplating building. caU the Plainview Redi·Built and Supply. phone 293,lI()t2 . You'll be more than pleased with their wori<.


·Tammle.Bobby N,*" MaDagen

For just the right treat during hot Teus summer days. go to the , Balkin Rob­btn. Ice Cream 31 Flavors located at 3200-A Olton Rd. In Plainview" phone 296-7841. . There they , fealW'e deH-

which !heIr customers are served and ~ have 1180 made a special effort 10 have clean m.chlnery and aani­tary working conditions for their employees.


Service at I, mile east 01 Producers Grain on Hwy . 117 in Plainview. phone 2113· 4428. speeiali .... in diesel truck and irrigation motors repair and S<'r"lce. alon& with serviCing ail makes ~ American trucu and carl . Make an appojnunent to have worll done here by ca Ihng them anytime.

You'lI ~ treated to fut. effident service by trained dIesel mechal\lC8 . Maximum sqvice and reasonable prices are featured at thII .. tabU,hmen!. You ' II be glad you did business with West Texas Diesel and you " 'i11 wanl 10 return alIA 10.

Huge lifts used ~ allow the mec.hanics to inapect tho undercarriage of your truck. Th.y have scienlific testina and tune-up equipment to cut troUbleshooting time In half and assure you thaI tho problem has been located.

A fine reputa Uoo has been establisbed by this firm in this area. Residents hive come to know the Weat Texas Diesel Service u the piace to go for quality truck serv ice and repair.

Satisfaction is guaranteed by this firm . The editOfi of this 1981 Conaumes-'. Mes­sage Review recommends this shop for top quality truck repair.

JACK 'N' JILL DONUT SHOP ~ Delicious Varietln

OIDoauu Any bake ohop can make

donuts. but no one can make them tAstier than the Jack 'N' Jill Omut Shop at 1010 W. 5th in Plainview. phone 2113-7502 ,

They have buill an envla'· ble reputation In thIa area for their high qu.lity donuta. With tbe use of their special, modern equipment and specllilly. blended balten, they have achieved the pe ... fect flavor 10 enjoyed by everyone who eata their products. Whether you stop In fer juIt

a coffee break Ind • donut, or need several doleD to taU bome, you will immediately know why thIa doDIt sbop II 50 well .. tronIIed. Their Irlendly servIce caODOt be !'latched anywbere.

The atm .. pbere Is friendly and you will fee~confident In letting them select the right cut for you. Many people have found by pleasing experience thai a perm Is really an investment In economy and convenience. Their perms juatify the name. pennanent. II laata. and then Lbe more impol1ant cOlllideration is the beauty of it and the aatlafactioo that goes with perfect ivOOmlng. Tbeycarry RAd:en's skin care lind malie lip and have a IlceOled C081lletoiogiat ror . the tOtal 1001<.

Murrell Dawdy - Owller cIous Ice cream served In The Three Comers 116 located .t ~51 0 W. 5th SI. In many UDUIual .nd laty

Not only can you buy Bu­m RobbIns lrozen Ice cream producta to eal immediately, but 'I.ou can alao buy It to take home and serve 10 the fam1ly at any hour of the

Many 'bouIewivea wbo do not live In the lmmedlalB area ha ve found that tile)' can buy a Ial'je quaotlty '" donuIa to freeoe 10 thai tile)' can serve tbam ..me.­they want. The editors 01 this 1981 Coaaum .. '. Message Review wIah to recommend West Plaza Hair

FashionDeslgDers to all of our readers.

Platnview. Texas. phone 286-64. Ia the place to take your waya. You will enjoy the car to malte sure you are gettlag the belt In.servIce. unooth IexIW'e 01 tbeIr Ice

We aU like to feel certain _ are giVIng our automobile the cream and find the flavor besl of care. The next time you're In town 1boppIDa. drive better than aay you have your car 10 thla deluxe aervk:e atatloo for complete ~ e¥" talted. Give tbem a call

OCC I DENTAL CHEMICAL CO. wblle you sbop. The atteadenta at tIIlI llation ~ their 24boursln.dvaoceand they TIle reputatliil of tIilI cooeeru hal ~ aebieved tbrouCb·lerYIee. Ntlafactlon .nd quality buslneu from A to z,. and ycu caD be -Ired tl)at a ~. job will gladly fIaaM __ your

merehandlae. No where wW you find a fItm that 1trI .. to pIeue every c:uatomer. recardJeu of bere ~1l8 more than juIt a quid! 8feUInI to pt Ice a.m er cake order 10 . needI as __ tl~y u !hey do at thIa reUabie coacem. Ihrougb . • • -to below IS'O to .. are you Ya:...v.;. .re In need of IIII)'Iblng In the Fertilizer and AgrIcultural Chemlcalll. _ the They lealW'e PIIl11IJII ' •• procIucla that lllve pr'IIYed tbeIr thai your f.vorite treat wW-~ 0ec1denla1 a.mcaJ ComJllllY located at DimmItt Hltbway In Plainview. exceUence.feryour auloolobile. You eanapectlQodmlIeage stili be fl'OUlll wilen you get

~,7W72 ........ 2.-21D1.'I1I8)'wtU!lel!adlollliltyCU.In.ayw.y.JII*Ible. HereyouwW andwilllopperf'Ind~JeIn~!...by~car~In':·':: bome. You can 8ft apeciaI flDdprtcea.rerilbtbut .... tJIIJlll'llllClUllt.Youc:anootIOWI'OIIIby ~th thIa flnn. you ......... .....,- '- . Ice c:ream cak_, !=Ike rolla,

....... babladewry~.'I1I8)' .... _lIiatto .. plIeue".CIIItomerilto .. keep .. and annel4l1ec:tlaa of PbUUp·. tIra.11ie next tlme you are In .. plea. u weII.1 31 flavors ._,.. tMy _____ !hey will do ~ In tbIIIr ...,... 10 ...... yOu whan you trade town, atop.t the 'I1Ine ear..... . aerved In conea. ~.

• CUIt.CJIIMI' •• --..... .. ' In IIIIklIiI tJIiI1.1 c-'I ---.e RevIew. we the aodu, etc. ...... c-'I"-' ...... _ tba edIIon willi 10 recommeJId Iblll'eHabie editors. pUt with putIcuJK ~tion 10 thIa fine Ycu will fIDd that !hey

IDtIIia 1....0- ., .-vice Italian. heve • apotIe8e roam. '""-" firm f ............. ,...--. I . . -

. day. Stop In today and _ for , yourself why everyone \I aaylnll, "1I's the beI~ Ice cream I've ever tatted:·

The editora of th\a lil1 Conaumer', Meeaage Re­view suaeal YOU'U be happy you stopped In. Bring In tIU ad and receive 50 centa oIf the price of your next cake order.

The editon of thIa 1111 Consumes-'s M-ae Re­view commend the ~ menl of thla Ihop for their fine producta- and_ frieadlJ, service .l1li recctIIIIIMIIId .. our readen thai tile)' ItGp ill 100II.

Consumers Message

Continued On Page Eight

CLA88IFIED ADVERTmING 1t4.TE8 Every Thursday. Deadline. 111 4p.m.

I ~tne _2111-2033 advertlalng rates are based on a minimum of' 17

inser'tion 11 $0 .10 per word with it $1 .75 For consecutive i ... rtions with no copy . $0 .08 per word. minimum $I .25. dlaplay advertising (boiled ad) . ill $1 .50 per

Inch. Thanlta ( reasonable length) U ,OO .

ADVANCE unless advert1aer is on a regular

New Hom. by Ken Flagg Don·t let today'l intel'elll rates put you off. Lei ua show you how you can buy today and take advantage or fulure

........ _""" .. _""" ... _ ... __ ........ _ ... --• . 1 interest file reductiODll .

-----------------------AMWAY D IStR I BUTORS

has started a more profitable bUSiness. Lo)king for Amyway Distributors who would' like to double their income. (800) 763-8166 or (8061 762-6717

Lubbock. GI;2tp) ,


Equity buy, non-<!IICalating 9% loan on this 3 BR, 2 car ga rage home on large comer lot .

Lot of room & value in this older home that has been remodeled, 4 BR. 2B . 2 car garage on corner lot.

This low 8% loan can he yours along with a 3BR, 2B home. With this equity buy you also get a monthly pay­

~~~~~~ mentofonly$259

FOR SALE by owner: 3 bedroom. I bath. 1600 sq. ft . with rental property. 301 S. Ave . D. Call 298'2998 after 6p.m. 129-3tp)

F,OR RENT : Two 2-bed~ room apartments. unfur­nished. Phone 298-2345

I 28-ltp) FOR SALE by owner. Large two bedroom ho~e on corner lot with new roof and storm windows Phone 298-410 5. 130-2tpi SPECIAL 4 bedroom home in Abernathy. den wi th fire· place.,.I(lme new carpet. All terms] 532 .600 . Chapma n and Compa ny Soulh. Ileal ­torsI Beller Homes and Gardens . 797-3738. 130-2 tc ' IIOMES FOR SALE - Why rent? We are planning to build new 2. 3. 4 bedroom homes starting al 536.900 with down payment SIH5 FHA or $500 for qualified veterans. Ca IJ Don Fond\' . Hom es tead Reai Estate. for

.aWlicalion. 298-2268 or 797-733l (1 1·20· tscr l


~ Household & Bath Care r;~..-==="'I ' t=I>=I~

,: NEED PEOPLr TO SELL ALOE VFRA - I~!ODl!CTS 2 rn H O' M EST E A D MLS C\)~ l AC T S .... -ur'" Gartin Division Man:J n REA L EST ATE n

1011 Ave. E Phone 298-2758 U U . ~~~~ ... ~ 2-100 fl. lot •. P~::n.s:;~ will bu ild [0 ,U1l ~

iRs I :~~~ ,: ,:::,: ~~'!".evt:.flJn .7~~,~,~n re-al e>state- Lu Oh.'c h "G~ - I ;; c t=tt=ttc:=l~b:U

1, t'J Ullfu l .~ \ l.1r "' Ie.: LIIH h,Hlh On rO~~UITl .. inQ: -J\.'!l! !.I II. 'UrT 'uht' J l j -~l l \)~ln .1 I I . .. : CJn bt~ JEEP DRIVERS NEEDED! .'i 'HI Il.ed

11.11h r 11011,' .tnd In! \ d} n1Ce-· llhl' II('W , 1 ,~ Aq.' , ,

hant to get J,\ot.ay for the Summer ., ham t(J ... orio; In the beaut i fuimoun ­tlim o f t\e", Mexico'" Tilen c~me be a Jeep dri ver at Red R.! \,er thIS summer. Lot s o f fun . a place to ll\'e and a l ill Ie rnone\ gauranteed . .

2 hc.'d rool11 hmn., J JOb. r rl r l~d 10 ~ dl JIl 3rd . JEEP TRAILWAYS Call Bri an or Skeet at

(505) ~ 54- 2 412

SOTlct: OF' SA t.E


('OI'1\:TY OF Ll' KKI)( 'K

Whereas. on lhe 161h day of June t980 . Jim Wisdoll). Abernathy, T"l'as executed and deh,· .. ed 10 Joe Thompson Implemenl Company . Aberna thy. Texas a certain Retail Insl/lllm~nt ·Contract and S''''Uflly AKreemenl " 'h,ch as suboequenUy assigned to John Deere Company . and Ih~reon morlgaged the foll owlOg described property. to wit ·

I . Bigham 8 Ro ... Stiff Shank Cultivator The maker of lbe Retai l Instailment Contract and Security Agreement has defaulted in

compltance With tbe lerm s of sa Ic\Relail Installment Contract and Security Agreement. John D<>ert· l'ompany. the own'" and holder of said ReUlil InstaUment Contract and Security Agreement on account thereof. IS offering saId propert)' for sale in accordance with the terms of sa Id Hetali Insl.llmenl Coniraci and Security Agreement John Deere Company has the right to bid .

NoVi . thorefore, notice IS hereby given that on the Sth day of June 1981 at 4 : OOp.m. 0/. said dale . John Deer. Company wlil oIfe r for saie al Joe 11lompson Implement Co .. A hernathy , Texas to the highest bidder th. above described property .

TEHMS OF SALE : CASH Addll1ooa ltoforma ti on concerning the set.'Urity interest held by John Deere Company in the

.bo\,e descnbed coil.terai m.\· he obta toed from : John'bee;e Co mpany ..... lIlaoclal Services PO. Box 20598 O.lIas . Texas i 5220

\\"llnl'Ss our hands this 18th day of Ma y 1981 JOHN DEERE COMPANY



W,e write any type ot Hail I nsur-ance aVailable in the State of Texas including All Risk - - Same as Federal Crop.

It is written and adjusted through our office with our adjusters.

We have bee,n writing hail insurance many years and know the business.

Please oall or come by for a quote.

ftidlard Duloa iflsu,aqc.

( 30·21e )

PHONE (SIMI) 298-U~ or


Abernathy Motor Company. Inc.

311 Main 'l9&-~

Sales & Service ept are now

n for busmess Mechanic

311 MaiD SUcel Pbone 298-2M8 OD duty to service

foreign dome.tic can, or pic"'!" • trucla.

e to 5 Wee"'"y. e to Noon Sit.

Nlgbt Pbooe. Sales: ~a::.~lbgood

~te Knox ~S-2328

Service: Oscar Colbert 298-2?38

Pam: Harrl. Scon 29S-.I10

I\uto "nd~' R('pairs • 'ron. t\ nconl To 1\ ('omph"" Wrr<k Wlnd.hi.ld -Jl_

Gla ..

I .. t l is K.-I'alnt "our

Car. Pickup or Tnlck

. Abernathy Body Works

P UBLIC NOTICE: FOR SALE : 1m Grand P rix Clean. good condition.' This is to give notice that Phone 298-2223 . 130-2 tCI lhecity of Abernathy will be

sprayed for mosquitoes by

SEVERAL workable lawn mowers for sa Je_ Tom Cox 7U9 -3rdSt [ 29.10 -29-811

:\EW OR l;SED Wy lie Trike Spra yers . Ca il Lon or Cliff \\'ard. farmers Fertilizer & Chemica ls: Lcvoiland Phone B94 -50"00 - ( 28-4 U

I'O){ SA LE ' To" . r Hoof \ ·cnlt iators . rhggmlJ<Jlham Ba rtielt Co. Phone 29H,2 010.

30 -~ t c I

FOR SALE : Beaut)' Rest k ing size bed wi th pine stained oak head board. Call 757,2359. , 29-4tp l

aerial methOd as the need arises . ' 5-1 4-28:> 6-4· 11 -18· , 7-2 , t6

&30 )

~UJlnEf'f' fERVICEf'

Benny's Plumbing Plumbing Repairs. Ne ... Con· struction , Remodeling and Evaporative Cooler Ser vice Cail Benny Reedy at 298-4 t 81 Abernathy

l' & I ; 1J1'I1.J)t:~1l-4tP I He:nodeling . paneling.

acous tic ceilings. painting. , all types horne ft.'pair . No job lcx) small Satisfaction Gua ra nteed 1609 ·Ave. 0 PHone 2W·:lU86.

('LEAN rugs. like new. so easy to do with Blue Lustre . Rent electric shampoocr $t Struve Hardware & Dry Good • . 'TREE & SHRUB .spraying. State iicensed . Phone 298-l 494 or233-22 1 I. 129·tc ..

ffiU'CEllAnEOUf LOST : A go ld chain with small diamond, lost Friday nighl in or around the high school auditorium. Reward. Phone 298-280 3 . 131-ltp )

LOST White long ha ired ca t. 6 or 8 rno, olrt in viCinity of Ave. G & tllh ~ 12th Sl. 298-2705. 131-llp'

I CARD OFTHAnKfI I would like to thank every·

one for your thoughtfulness and prayers at our time of

J .P . & Lizzie Young Kay Williamson

Own your own Jean Shop; go direct , no middle man. no salesman's fee . Offering all the nationally known brands such as Jordache. Vander· bilt . Calvin Klein. Sedge· field , Levi and over 70 other brands. $13 ,500 .00 includes beginning inventory, airfare for 1 to our national ware· house , training. fixtures and Grand Opening Promotions . Ca t Mr. Loughlin at Mademoiselle Fashions 612 -83;;'1304 . I 31 -lIp )

TEXAS REFINERY CO RP. offers plenty of money plus cash bonuses. fringe bene­filS to mature individual in Abernathy area , regardless of experience. write W.S Sears. Pres. Texas Refinery Corp .. Box 711 . Fort Worth. Texas 761 01. 131-ltp )

The All·American Summer

1/2" x 50' Vinyl Hose 11)0% virgin \l'lnyl hose. will nOI mil· aew 2 ply hose IS l ightwe ight and durable, features fu ll flow couplings {I 400) 51523 1·C

Oscillating Sprinkler 4 watering POSitions cover up to 2200 square feet. 16 precislon punched water

~ openings . High im pac1 housing. N (1 404) t010

· 1.....,... Rugged zinc body features positive clip lock tb hOld spray pattern, fingertip o nloff control. (1403) 573·C 2·1

"Playmate" Cooler High impact plastic cooler features sturdy locking toP. pushbutton lid relesse. Holds 18 cans plus ice. (0824) 1371 ,.,, _


J 1399 J}

12" 3-Speed Oscllltino Fin itI •• Push·bullon cont,oll, ultra-qutat per.

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First Baptist Bible School 'l'ruckbII. IDe. located '" mile ... 01 Produeen Grain 00 Hwy. 17 in Plainview, pbDne 2 .... M and 2l1l.'I-3851 for the no.t bulk trucking wwk there II.

Vacation Bible &hool will pt under WilY afFirst Ba~ tist Church in New Deal next Monday morning at 8: 30. The school is scheduled for June 8 through 12 from 8: 30 to 11 : 30 . It will be for children 3 years old through the 6th grade.

Along with the usual Bible study activities there will be recreation and refresh­ments . . The session Friday

June 8. will be followed with a picnic for the entire group at Maxey Park in Lubbock. Family Night will be at 7: 30 Friday with some type of performance being present­ed by each department.

The general director of the school, Jimmy McGuire, will be the pastor.

Department directors will ''' -' tie: SuzaMe HamOton, 5th

and 6th grades; Karol Tyson,

3rd and 4th grades ; Sue Attebury, lSt and 2nd grades ; Linda Grimes, 4 and 5 ~ear olds; Vicki Sherman, 3 year olds; and Barbara Anglin, worker's nursery. All boys and girls of the community are invited to attend.

'ftIrouIb the sincere ef­forts of the manapment of this compaDY to provide first rate serVice to aU of their customers whether the job is large or amall, they haw earned an undllputed repu­tatiOD.

The equipment and men they employ are the finest available, the equipment be­ing modem and dependable; and the men, eXperienced truckers who have the know how to get the job done the way it Is supposed to be, and in the time aUotted.

TABS Test Results To Be Announced

The editors . "f this 1981 Consumer's Message Re­view would like to express

. our unconditional endorse­ment of the fine work and ~iness policies of this con­cern and invite our readers to contact Klepper Truck­ing, Inc. for the fmest bulk trucking service in the area. '

Results of the second Texas Assessment of Basic Skills tests taken by New Deal third, fifth, and ninth grade students last Febru­ary will be presented at the June 8 meeting of the New Deal Independent School Disirict board of trustees.

The 8: OOp.m. session will be held at the New Deal High School library.

F.L. Flood, district super-___ IIIi ___ .. ____ 11P1IIIII1U~·

News aod Comments IIY m .... OIlJI.lH\·ENPOHT

~R ....................... lti.~ ..... U~ In the Apri116, 1953 Aber­

nathy Weekly Review, there was a front page story head­lined "Spiritual Decision Days For Abernathy" which had about the same format as the "City-Wide Crusade For Christ" Revival which is scheduled at the school audi­torium here June 21-26, 1981 starting at 7p.m. on Sunday and Sp.m . on weekdays.

The 1953 event was held at the Nu-Vue Theatre here during the noon hour, 12 : 05 to 12 : 35. All churches of the area were invited to parti­cipate.

Pastors and others who worked in the religious effort

Charles Mon-

tandol), Church of the Naza­rene; Rev. Henry R. Staff, Foursquare Church ; Rev. Travis L. Darby, First Methodist Church ; Rev. C.A. Kennedy, First Baptist Church. Laymen : "A com­mittee composed of And¥­Reid, Floyd Shipman and BiIIRichter has uflted all business that conveniently can to close for 30 minutes during the service. II

First official proclamation issued by the new mayor, Dan Z. Ward, was in connec­tion with the " Spiritual Deci­sion Days For Abernathy"

intendent, will present the results and a detailed anal­ysis of what they may mean for future plaMing and pro­grams. He will be assisted by Nancy Cooper of the district staff.

" While district and cam­pus aggregate scores will be reported to the public, indi­vidual results will be re­leased only to the student, parents or guardian, and

people. Rev . Darby directed the song service with Mrs . Lawrence Carter at the piano and Mrs. Darby as organist, prayer by Rev . Montandon.

Rev. Kennedy read a copy of a telegram that had been sent to President Dwight Eisenhower concerning the revival. It read in part : " In­spired by your statement that America needs a great Spiritual Revival, the entire City of Abernathy Texas is meeting at noon each day ... "

Gretna Shipman gave a gOod vocal solo accompanied by Mrs. barby at the organ. Rev. Starr brought the mes­sage in the first of the series of services .

The Rev. Lloyd Riddles . paStor of Abernathy First Baptist Church. is chairman of the "Ci ty-Wide Crusade For Christ" revival at the school auditorium June 21 -26,1981.

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Use 011,. bank by mail/acililies when ii's 1101 {ol1t1erJienl 10 come ill .•

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school personnel directly in­volved," Mr. Flood pointed out.

Some 700,000 third, fifth, and ninth grade students

yarticipated in this second statewide assessment re­quired under Senate Bill 350 passed by the Texas Legis­~e during its 1979 ses­sion.

Skipping around in old copies of the Abernathy Weekly Review.

Review dated Feb. 27, 194 i : The 8-pound son born Feb.' 18, 1941 to Mr. and Mrs. M.D. ( Coot) Evans has been named Madison Charles.

Shelton Hardin, Jesse Webb and Beauford Haynes. National Guardsmen of Camp Bowie, were here last

weekend. ( These three men were among the first to see action in World War II. Jesse Webb was captured in the early days of the conflict and spent several years as a prisoner of war 01 the Japan­ese. 1

Walter L. Rutledge, son of Mr. and Mrs. O. Rutledge of Aberhathy. received the Eagle Scout .i\ ward in the monthly Court of Honor in Lubbock. Rutledge was a member of Troop 81 which was organized in 1938. He was awarded 24 merit badges from Dec . 1939, to Jan. 194 1. Foy McMaster of Troop 81 . achieved the Eagle Scout rating in June. 1941 . and Gene Weldon McMaster became an Eagle Scout in August. 1941.


Mike M. Young, "J r. ServIces were held for

Mike M. Young. Jr.. 67. of Kerrville on Tuesday. May 19 at the Church 01 Christ.

Young died Sunday. May 17 from a massive heart attack .

Burial was in the Kerrville Ceinetery .

Survivors include his wife. Virginia ; three sons : and 8 grandchildren . He was a brother of J .P . Young of Abernathy.

Essie Fortenberry Services for ESSie M. For­

tenberry. 88. of 2205 30th St. , Lubbock, were at 10a .m. Wednesday in the First Bap­tist Church of Lubbock with the Rev . J.T. Bolding offi· ciating.

Burial was in City of Lub­bock Cemetery under direc­tion of Sanders Funeral Home of Lubbock.

Mrs. Fortenberry died at 9a.m. Monday at a Lubbock residence. Dr. Roy Sheffield ruled death by natural causes.

A Lubbock resident since 1929, she married J A For­tenberry on Aug. 18, 191~ . He died in 194 9. Fortenberry served on the Lubbock City Council and .was ,a business­man. She was a Baptist, and had been a member of the Lubbock organizations and was a national flower show judge.

Survivors include a son, Albert of Lubbock ; two d8ughters, Louise Watson of Lubbock and Dorothy Morris of Tyler ; two brothers, J.O. "Bill" Pope of Abernathy and J .P. Pop!.! of Lubbock; four sisters, Mrs. E .T . Bat­tles of Athens, and Mrs. J .A. Daniel, Beth Pope and Mrs. Clyde Moore, aU of Lubbock; nine grandchildren; . 25

. great-grandchildren; and three great-great-granddliJ· l\rert. ' .

The family " sua'" memoriall in . the form 01 donations to favorite 'c:bari. tiel.

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