… · 'ALB,...

'ALB , r-1 " SEE T7A3rEEJ?OI13> ESTABLIBHED—1&17 LAB0E8T ClBCCLATION IK THE SOUTH OF IBELAND PttbliiVa <m«TJ FilDAr, and Swond Eittton on S^ITOUUT iforeinjj , ot tfo». 49 oni 50, O"0oniull-S(r«(, : (orrosrre THE rEOYincm. BXSX ). , i TTCBICE—T WO PENCE ; Y oariy (in Advance), 8B. <Si. JtT By Post (Yeirfyj, 10s. Od; : . ji gg- All Cheques and P. 0. Orders, made payablo «OBNELHJ8 P. BKDIIOKD, at this Office, j THE ! NEWS ciroolate s extensively amongst ' tbjb merchants, traders and nobility, gentry, tanning CIASSOS, &c -> in WatorforcL , Kilkepny, Tipperary, arid tho ' nouth of Ireland generally. Tho NETTB has attained a circulation never equalled by any paper publiaV.d in Watorford , and 1 B admittedly tha lead- ing journal in this impo rtant pity, with which' thero ia direct daily co-nmunication from London. ' " ¦ v ¦ Particular attention paid to commercial and agrioul- nral matters, ' j ) ' . ' ' ¦ ' . Advertisements received for the NEWS byallrosjoot- ftblo: Newspaper Agonts in the United Kingdom. I Pre« payment requisite from parties not known at thfl offlco. AOBKT» yoB S ALS OP> TBE-NEWB , AND Foa I ADVERTISEMENTS : WATESPOEU—llr. W. KKW , T, Gladstone Street. Mr- 'JouN BBOWN, Heaghor Quay. : Miss POWKK , Barronstrand 8treet. ' '' ¦ ¦ Mr. H DOHES , Mayor ' s Walk. \ DUKGABVAK— BBBNAN & Co. , D . evonshiro 'P<niarq.; THAJIOBE—Miss CLANCY, Bo ' freshmont Koctaw. ' \ CAPPOQUIN—Mr. JOKES THOT, 31. AU«o. -StH«t. ' ' CAREICK-ON-HmB— Mr; JiCi- tfTttC . GlJAStf" , tlain- Stroet. ¦ " : j LONDON— CLABKE , SOU , & PLX TT , 85V Graced chnrob. Street. B. F. WHITE & 8 OM, 33, Fleet Street. - j SHEI/L ET & Co., 5, Leadonhall:8trcet , B.C. | Temple News Room, 172, Fleet Street I DUBLIN—Messrs. CHJIS. EASO. N 4 SON, Abboy-st. VTATERFORD AND ABEEDOYBY STEAMSHIP COMPAN iV , : ..: GREA T ACCELERATION OF. TRANSIT BT THE . : ' : ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦: ' ¦ i Ohortoot and moat Espoditioiia Boute To Lancashire , Yorkshire, and. the:'lKdland\ Counties , and other Important pUtricU ' j of England and WaUl. '' !- ' ' : . ¦ i ¦ 1 "?\ ril^HE Swift anS Poworfnl Screw _^ ~JC^Hfts; Jlr Steamers, " MAGNETIC" ^pjS^^fiSk and " ELECTBIC ," or other suit- <—- i ¦ . - ^»w» Vessels, are intended (unless preroated by anlorscea circumstance*) to soil as under between WATEEFOUD and ABEBDOVEY, carry iqg Fas. senders . Merchandise, and Live Stock , in connection with tho Cimbrian BailwayB, at Low Throug h Bates , to tho princip&l English an4 Welsh Towns. For Conditions see Forms of Consignment Koto. t i JUNE SAILINGS. . ' ¦ Piok WwsuroED. FEOM A BEODOTEI . . Friday, 1st Juno ... Sp.m Mondaj,. 4th Jane... S p.m Tuesday, 5tli ... 6 p.ra Thursday, 7th ... 5 30 a.m Friday, 8sh ... 6 p.m Sunday, : 10th _ O'IUB Tuesday, 12th ... 5 p.m Thursday, 11th ...IT 0 a.m Friday, 15th ,, ... 5 p.m Monday, l!th ,, ... 215 "p.m Tuesday, 18th ,, 2.30 p.m Tuureaay, Slab ,, ... 6 0a.m Friday, Bind ... S p.m Sunday, 21th .;. 7 80 a.m Tuesday, 26th 5 p.m Thursday, 28th ...11 Oa.m Friday, 29th ... 5 p.m The Through Katea for Idvo Stock incluio Insnrcnca, Goods are insured on best terms. ' Passenger Fares between Waterford and Aberdovey. SILOOS108. Od. Binglo ; Eeturn Tickets, arnllablo for One Month, lfo. (XI; : I ' ¦ Dzci—53. Single i Boturn Tickets, 'avaibblfl for ono Month , 9s. | ¦ ¦ ¦ : Children under Three Yens of Age , Froo ; nbOTe Throo and under Twelve , Hal^price. » i ' < Tbroayh Tickets are isaaed between Abordoyey ' jm$ all parts of England and Wales. . ' ! ¦ * ; ' The Passenger Accommodation on the " Zlagnstlc " and Electric" aro of a superior description. ! ¦ . A Steward and Stewardess on board. Passengers may go ob board or leave the Steamer at Abcr- dorer at any time after tho arrival or before the dcpirtare ol the corresDODdinK Tnina. i : ' THIS BplJTE oPFEciS SPECUL ADVANTAGES for the conveyance of Live Stock from Ireland , the faTourablo coarse Jot the currents ia the part o( . tho Channel to bo navigated , and itj freedom from foga. On arrival at Abcrdove; Shippers may, as suits their oonre nioncb , either despatch their Stock to destination imme- diately, or place them 1 in a large Field adjoinfor . the Cambrian Company ' s [Station , where they will bo allowed to remain free of charge for twcnty.fonr hours , and from which they can bo loaded any time direct into Trucks. .! Electric space on board " Magnetic " illuminated with Cattle Li K ht.. ; ; Cargo intended for 1 Conveyance by the Aberdovey Eonte will bo received on board the Company ' sBerth . Custpro-house ?oay, ' Waterford , and Live Stock at tho Company' s C&ttle nj , i Conduit Lane. ! ¦ ¦ ' .. ; Early delivery of Cargo respectfully requested , to ensnre pnnctaal sailing of 8t&imer at advertised hour. ! llaps of the New Ittoute'and all information can be obtiiaod from the Agent , , ¦ : i . JOHfi DOWNEY , Custom Houco Qoay, Waterford, May, 1888. Waterford. IIT IIAII tins: Royal Mail f itcamers to New York. TTNatAN AND INTERNATIONAL STEAM- JL SHIP CijMPANY , LIMITED. FBOM LIVERPOOL EVEUT WEDNESDAY. F EOM QUEENSTOWN EVSET TU0BSDAY. Moderate Saloon and Second Cabin Fares. Stcerago Faro as low as by any other First Class Line. Throng h Booking* to any part of the STATES or CANADA , including Manitoba and . North and South West Territory . Apply to BICHAKDSON , jSPENCE & Co., 22 , Water K, Liverpool ; or at y WATIEFOBD Harvey & Son , 12, Little George ' s St. - , .:.... Wells & Holohan , 87, Qaay. CARflcK-ON-SaiB.JP O'SallivSm, 28, Bridge 8treet. Jain» .s MoGrath, M&in-St. \ CLONMEL Patrick Nngont , 72 & 75 Main-St. DUNOAHVA N John Cullinau, The Square,. I CAPPOQU : N W} Jones Troy, 81, Allen-St i INISTIOOE E. iButler , Woodstock Arms Hot€l r GBAIOOE John tlarphy, Grocer. BOUBIS H. 'J. Morriss, junr. ' N EW BOSS Win. Manro, 21, 8outh-8t. M Doyle , Newtown. ' ; THOHASTOWN ...Hi Westerinnn , Chnrch-St. ial3 ' .ly AJtEEICAN LINU. -v "V ; UNITED STATES , MAIT, ' NEW YOBKJ B08T0N; or BALTIMORE, j EVEEY WEDNESDAY, ' Calling at QueenEtown Thuradaya. First-class Foil-powered Iron Steamships. ; The only Trans-Atlantic Line sailing under the Uni- ted States Flag. Accommodation (or all olasaes of Passengers oqaal to any European Steamship Line. Passengers and goods are landed at Philadel phia on tho Wharf of tho (Pennsylvania Bailroad Company ahioh has the shortest and moat direct route to iall plooesin the Western States. •- ' ¦ ! For further particulars apply to BI0HABD8ON , 8PENCE 4 Co., :i I ; 19 and 22 Water-atroot, Liverpool LOCAL 1 AQRNT8 r HAKYEY & SON; Little (JeorgeVStreeV - ¦ ¦ "Waterford ; ' ¦ ¦ ' ¦ EICHABD LANDY. Carriofe-on-Suir ; WILLIAil O'DONOGHUE, Kilmacthomoo j \ DOYLE & HUNT, New Boas. (o3) W. JONES TBOY. CappoqoiD. | ENGLAND AND SOUTH WAJbES, A ^ DTH E SOUTH IRELAND. j Service ; by GKBAT \ WE8TEBN \ BAILWiiY Company' s Trains and Steamboats, via MILFOBD HATEH, in connection Trith the IW ATBB» OIID and LIUHBICK , WATEB70CD & CEHTBA ^ I BE - LAMD , and WATBBVOBD, DONOABVAII , AITD LIBUOBU LIMES . ' , - . . ¦ [ t - \ Giortoot Bouto and Bsdacca Varaa. _^_D G ~-^ V Ecprest Train* and F a ty :S5?c '«U^< llail BUamert, , ^v ""'" v, E7EHT WEEK DAT. . DOWN. LEATB LONDOS (Pivddington) at 5.45 p.m., Sondays exoepted. and ABWVB AT .WATBE - FOBTJ (weather and cironjnstanees permitting) alxrnt 10.15 a.m., in tirna for tho Train* on tho Waterford andi Iamoriok , CenjjEj ^relind , and lismore Lines. ' ' '" " ! ' . ' !_ ' ' X UP" —Leare Waterford at 5.0 p.m., eaoh Woolc Dav, on ArriTal of 1L20 a.m Train from Llraehos , 10.40 (vnj.Train' from Mary bo rough, | and 11-50 ».m. Train from Li»morei ABBIVIMO in L ONDON (weather and. circirprtanoss per- , Bitting) at lO.iS ' aim u the following day. A Spooial Steamer , cafmag PassengorB, pemnawo (foodsj and Lit» Stock , Sail* from W & L. CocaJ>aiiy> North Wbarf on flundayl at 7 a-m. ! _ ' ' ' ; , . A Special 8teamer aWo eail« trom New UUfo rd to Waterford at 7 a.mjjn Mondaye , on arriTol of tne ».l& 'i' raia from Pflddirffton the prerioui ereninff. ' I ¦ Pocsongor* traveUISg by, tha: Bteamer torwg vi?to>*- ford on Satur days wfll prooeed from. NerfiiUuoio Dy ths 3.55 or 9.45 Train on Sunday morninff. J _ ; Cargo c»n onl y ba reooiTeo eobject w'w j Vrj i ohippod in time for the B .Usmerj to •>• •»«ea ^hf^aVTBlSf from NEW MttFOBD . willr , fa. off^iiii, WATT ABBiyAL of Steamer* leavuiB «»- torfordat 5 p.m. , ! |.. i _, . , Under no oircomstanoe* can Paasengera holding linrd GlaesTioifeta be allowed the use of 8alopn. , VKS&S-WATEBPO&D AND WNDON i J ^ CntOLE s (available 1 week) 1st ClMiftddBiloon.iesOd «• : •• . . i 2nd Class and Salodn , 35 B 6d ¦ i " " ! 8rd Claw and Foro Cabin, ate 0d nrjTTJEBO (oTailablo2moath») Ut Cla««& 811004, 7&. •• . » 1: •' : Za&CUj u &.&aioau tAit. " " 3rd Clae» and ro» CJ»bin;83« 6d. FurthBi: infpraation . can bo obtained , from Mr ^ B. F600, Bailway Terminniii Limerick ; Mr.: W. V. Mo- N*ttAEA, Adel p hi Wharf , Waterford. Tnb B MB VOVB F4BBB bfltween ^otlier importftnt Btatloni , . tne ITinw T»We«, «ad Throngh Batea for Qodia, AO yJS* 11 P* obtained of Mr; W. J. -BI DBSIU ; , the - Qrdat 'Western Bulvay Campanj ' s Diatriot Agent , Adelphi Wh*rf , Wfttottord. ggjjgy J ^ BEBJ ^ 0^^ M»n*pr. •P ftddiaston a' orminM.i-.; , ,. ::; i . ¦ . . .•; : , ¦ .. . < i.XfAl- ¦:- . ¦ ' . taprowflTBiita no B»»><l »jLfC3!» Hi. gSOOTOBi «nthot<rf "OH O g>w & 2&*g2?u ¦ ¦: , ' ma at •AMklMOUl3 » to th> SuftKlSl , M ElinD w tSSSstmi «sftdo« «t J »P * WW 5PTJ latJflJnl ^^j ^t*jKJ%SS Mr , Xaaf aaaf SmttudlV ;|' 1 ¦¦ EVBBT IMeri pHottef PKnTDta ^f& Guia CTatorforQ Ctoamxihlp ' "Gorapany .;¦ . / ¦•; ¦ - . - . ¦ - ' . "rr 'h (iJinTED V ' : 1 ' INTENDED OBDEE OF SAILINO-JTJirE , 1B88. ¦ ' i STEAMEES i DUNBRODY, BEQINALD, IC^MEBAGH , LABA, ZEPHYB, GALTEE , CBEADEN, &o. : v :<. ¦ ' ¦ - ?1^P'O iT JC3E. The Waterford •crzrr ^ii nSSv i U-N " Stoanumip Company (Limited) "Mf"'^¦IW& : ¦ •n>oolve<}o<xl5imd IJvoBloek fr>r Sblp- ^ r- ^ .mnnti on th6 conditions mentioned In '^~ Ti rSafllng h(at£ , ' Ae., to bo hod at tholr 1 ¦• ! •¦: Offices. - M ¦ ! •¦ ¦ WATERFOED A Jf» ' B E I BTOl. rsou w*Txar)Etng]naisToii , ' TEOa sniBiot to TfAMnrooD _ ¦ ¦ Direct ; ' . , I . ¦ Direot j , , Jradiy, Jn ol ..' .J aft'n ' oon Sunday Jnne 2 ...11 night Tuo>day , 5 ...11 morning WoiQesday, ' 6 ... * nfnooD Fridav , 8 ...l£jioon Satarday , 9 ... 6 aTnoon Tneedny, 13 ... affnoon Weddesday, 13 ... 8 night Friday, 13 ... 4 aft > noon Satijrday 16 nig^t Tu«4ay» ., 18 ... 5 nffnoon TbOrsday, ' 21 ... 2 morn Friday, 22 ...18 .noon!. Salnrday, 23 ... fi of noon Tncsday, Z8p..: 2 Ut' noon Wedn' sday,,, : 27 ... 8 ni s ht .. Friflay, 29 ..; 4 alfnoon ISatarday ,;' ! ;0 ,;, 10 night " KJ> On early Momlnf SullnOT , (Jnblns pf tha steamers will be . open to receive:Passengers arriTipg by: tho Night Mail Tracaff. !' ;• i ¦-• i * T , F,*B*3—C»Mn, Sipglc, lla. j do. Elnglo—CMldron (and Ser. rant* travoUinir with FamUtei) lOsi £ do Eetarn (available for Two rmonthsl ! optional to return from or to LiverpoalJ, 25a Pecl^idngld , 7s. 6d; ; do Children, fci.: ¦ ' Goods received ' and . discharged at Cambcrland Barin , Bristol. I ¦ iii ! . . j . ¦ t W A T S3 F 6|E D . iSD WTEBPOOl tWB. Tr/lEETOBD r ¦ ¦ ' ,. : ' ,FE0H LmZTOOZ. I Friday, JuC» l..| a oft' noon Friday, , Jon? 1... 3nlt' noon ' Monday, ,|! ?..: 2 aft' noon Monday, |, i , B aft'noon Wednesday, ,r I 6... s aft'noon Wednesday, '6... Snigbt Friday. , : 8... S alt'noon Frtfty, . - i. 8.. ' . 9nS«ht ¦ Monday, ill... 4 affnoon Monday. 11...12 noon Wednesday, 13... S oli ' nobn Wednesday, .„ 13...12noon ffidoy. ' ,, 15... 3 affnoon Fridiy, ¦ ' -I j, 15... 1 affnoon Uonaay, 18... * affnoon Mommy, 18... \ affnoon Wednesday,.,, 20... S a/fnoon Wednesday, ,„ 20... 7 affnoon Friday , ' . - : - ,, .22... 2 aff nbon Friday, 22... 8 night Monday, . ;,, -25.., 4 affnoon Monday, £3...12 noon Wednesday, 27... 8 affnoon Wednesday, : 27... 12 affnoon Friday, ,, :29..: 3 aff noon Fri jy, ' ,, 29.., '2 (iff noon FASE3»-Cabm. Sinilo. 15s. : do. - «lnifl<!-k5hlldr«ri land Servants travelling ;with famllios) 10s . : do Eetnra (avail- «blo for Two month' s, optional to return from or to Bristol), 25e. J Dock, single, 7s <d : do, single. Children , 4s. fl oods rocplTod and dlschdrgod at Clarence Dock, Liverpool Goods Booked through from all I princi pal Stations on Great Northern , (3reat Wcfrtern. Loricashiro, 1 and Yorkshire, Londo n and North Western ; I/Ondon and' . Sontb Western ; Manchester. BlieuiolQ , andiLincolnatirov^aad' iridl and Ball- ways to Waterford. [(Through Bookings ojoo with Limerick , Tipperdtr, TnurleSi-Ennis , Tnam, Odrt, Eatliiealo , Llatowel , Newcastle and TrjJeo, &o. i ¦! ¦:¦ ¦- ¦¦ ' ¦ Goods Booked through from nil Stations$n Waterford and CSdntral Ireland Eallway, Waterford , Dunganan . andLiamore Eeiliray; and: Watorford and Limerick BoiliraT. Parcels booked throagh at low Bates to all principal Bta- tiors on London and North Western! Hallway, ¦I WATEBFOBD AND NEWPOKT (MOH.) Faoa W JHOTOED . ¦ I : I Foon ' NtWroar. As Cargo Offers. : I ' Aa Cargo Oilera. W ATEEPOBD" ANDITOUQHAL As Cargo oilers. WATEEPOEDiAND, !NEW EO88 PEOM NIW Boss—Daily, Sandaye diceptod , at 9-15 a.m. PCOH WilSBlORD— Dailr, 8andaya' oxceptod, at S^S p.m. WA1EBF0ED AND i) U N Q A N N O N . FEOU.DOHCIHBOKDally; Snndaj ' j' eicoptea ; at 8.30 a.m. Fson WiiBKroao—Daily; 8nndayyex£epted , at 3-15 p.m. Noii 1 -Tho Waterford Sioamsbip Companr, Limited, Insure all Goods Shipped by these Lines of Steamers at 3s. Id. per . Cent. to. Traders having Yearly Agreements , and 5a. per Cent, to Occasional Bhippcra, values to be doolaroi at time of Shipment. Forms and all Information to be had at the offices. ' | Berths secured and every informa tion given by Astmts at. ¦ WiHST0Ei>—Waterford BteamsbH p Co. (Limited), Head Offices, Tho. llalL . ; ¦]¦ « LiTKEPOOi^-Waterford Steamship Company (Limited), 20 , Water<txeot , andClaxencei)ock - BttiKioi<^.TiratOTfurd etcomship Compsny ^ (Limitod), C3, Queen Square—and Cumberland Basin. Xcn Bosa-T-Watcrford etscmsirfp Compony ' g Oflco " . r DuaciTOov ' —Waterford SLeamship Companj ' sOfflcO * . YonoitU- ' ' ^^ : Lissnics—Iiower Shannon Stc^Jaiship Company' s Onlce , lloont Eennet Quay. KILBUSHLower Shannon Steamship Company' s OfHce , Cappa Uaay. ; CLYDE srilPPLNG| COMPANY , JUNE, 1888. : Regular Steam Communication ' between T7ATEBPOE. D and L OH DO IT PLYMOUTH XVD SOUTHAUJPTON , NEWHAVEN (B0S8EX), ! AHD SOUTH! or KNGLAND, COUK, DUBLItV BELFAST: AHn GLASGOW. ~i "v ' nnHE NeW and powerful Screw < ——-C^HjX JL Steoniere ABANilOEE, BALLY- - a £fi< : 5? ^MR i *v. i COTTOH, Q1OCH' COPELAND , ¦ c =£L_______!=>< ;UMBB - 5: ' EDDYSTONE, FASTNETl INiSHTltAMULL , EATHLIN, 8ALTEES, SKEEEYVOEE POBTLAND, TOWAED, oro intend^ to Bail as under ,weather permitting (unless prevented by unforeieen circumstances), with liberty to tow Vessels, ana to [call it any Port or Ports in any order , in or oat of. the enstomary oourse , to Ecceivo andDnMhitnro Cargo ' , or for any otlicr parpo^o TrhatzoTTcr. vfXTKKTOUD TO QUISOOTV. Every MONDAY (Direct) ... 4 o.m- Every WEDNESDAY (Direct) 1 p.m. rSOE 0LASOOW TO WiTSSrOEl) Every U01TDAY (Direct) .. ... .. ... 1 p.m. c Ball, o Qrcenook... 6.S0 p.m. Eiery THUBSDAY, Direct 1 p.m. ' ¦ Boil. ;o Grcenocl:... 4 p.m. Every FEfDAY, via Belfast , 1 p.m. Bail to GrcenbcS... 4 p.m. Wiinironn TO =BXL»IST ... Evdry SATUliDAY, 1 p.m. Bn.r*8T TO WiTraroaD— Every TUESDAY, [via Dublin ; Krerjr SATURDAY , direct WiTEBronD 10 pOBLI» , Every SATUEDAYT^l^ Belfast, 1 p.m. DCTBLIH TO WATXaroBn, Difiscr— WEDNESKjatS, 6th Jane, 7 p.m ;; 13tb , 9 p.ln ; 20tb, 7p.m | v ! cuid 27tb, 8 fa.ta. WITIBJOBD TO LOEK EvoryfTaUBSDAY, 1 p.m. Foou C OBX TO WArrarOED, Direct— FBIDAYB, 1st Jane, 8 p.m ) 8tb¦»! p.m ; 15tb. 8 p.m ; 22nd, 5l p.m ; and ^Uth 1 , 8 p.m. WirBB/OED TO LOMDOB (Bt. iiatherine Dock), Every MoNDAY ond otqry SATURDAY. LOXDOB (St. Katharine Dock), TO WiTKBroBO : THUESDAYB , 7th June, 11 a-m ;]llth, 3 p.m ; Jls;, 9a.m j i nud 28tc, 3 p.m. No transhi pment by this route J Orders for collection or deliver/ of Goods will bo attended ko by Lavington Brothers, ti9. old Bailey, EC , i Grj ^t Hermit4'e-8troet , Wapping, E., and Archer-street . South Uunbotb, 1 a. W. WiTXETORD TO FlTJiOOTH, direct , 1I0NDAY8, «h Juoe, 2 p.mi 11th, 4 p.ra; I8th , U noon i 1 25tb,4p, m. PLTBooxn TO WiiEarooD, direct— SiiTUEDAY8 , 2nd June, 12 noon ; Bth, 4 p.m j 16th 8 p.m; 23rd , 4 p.m j and SOtb, 8 p.m. WiTKRrOBD TO 800TU»JIITl)!r , dlrOCt, Every SATXTEDAY at 4 p m. SOOTlUnrToy TO WlTXBTOllD , Tli PLTJIOUTB— ; Every FBIDAY. WATBHTOBD TO NtWHAvnt, Every SAT OBDAY, TU 8oathamuton, 4 p m . NEvnureu TO WAITEJOBDEvorT TUESDAY, via London, These Steamers I. havol excellent occommodaUon tor Pciseo/rors. ¦ -I ;¦:.. ' ¦ _. PADOAGE-KONET. , I ¦ , \ Cabin. Eoturn. Deok Waterford to GIOSTOW and Bolfast ' : 17s. Cd. 22s. l(b, Cork, | ... I ... : ¦ 9>. 14s. is. Plymouth & Southampton . SOi. 80s. 103 London, ... I .;. ¦ . 22s. Od S5«. lus. Newhiven - r : ... . l*n. 103. . Children above 3 and under 13 yean of Age, Half Fare. Eoturn Tickots ivRllable lot two; mbntha—not transferable. Tourists ' . Ticket* Stoned Ito 'Channel Islands , Highlands of Scotland , 4c. bes Guide Book, tree on application. «3- N OTK. Tha Olyde. Shipping 'Company Insure Goods ¦hipped by these lines ol Steamers at 3a 4d per cent, to Troden having yearly agreuicents, and fin. per Cent to oocadonul Shippers. Values to bo doclored at time of Shi pment. Forms md all information to be hid at tha offices, j For Bates of Freight, 'Ac., apply to Hirer ,- J. Wijuua &' Co., Plymouth i ¦ Tooiti* WQisstr. London and South- Western Kailway Company; Exeter j BuUdlriM, Arthur Street, West, and at the ; L. ft B. W. Hallway KeodTinj Houeea throughout London; Clyde Biilyplng Co., 7 Albert Sqtnre , Belfast i Clyde Shipping CO., fiocnestor BuUdingt , 1£8 Leaden tall Street; Uondoa, E.C.; Clyde , Shipping Co., Ball' way OQccs , Newhaven i 21, Carltpn i-laca , Glasgow i Custom House Buildings, Greonook i Doer Eoaa , Llmorlokj Tows Quay, Southampton j Si, Sdon Quay, Dublin.) Patriots * in4yt C°rk" CLY1JE BHIPPIWG ' COMPANY , : I eastern Heuuo Quay, Waterford. Spociol forms of Billslrf Ladto j required by ths Clyda Sni pping Company; to bo had of thej AircnU. Tcferrophlo Addrcr}- " COBBBJIE, " Winaroiu), ° UotJai mail Siit ' nmiia to IIOITESi . OT ^TW A- OAMAD/i. . f roii -Hvcrjiool via Londonderry. POLTHEBUS N-. For Quebfo & Mon treal......Jnne21 SJBBBIAW. ; ' .;. For Quebec * Montrc3l......Jnno 23 8AliilAttArf i . .. 'Fo? Q6oo«o & Montreal ;Jnly 5 PABUIAN . j ... Fo^ QnebW 4 Mcm . tre3j......Jnly 12 .0• •>• ! ' ¦ ' ' ,1 1 ¦ ¦pfonv (jMsfotowit. ¦ I : : ' ' '- ' ¦ PcBunAtr ¦ 'I J .. For Ealilii andBtltitnore...Junoia CASKAU , : I ... ForH»UlM fthd Baltimoro...JTino27 NOVA SoonAn.. ' ForiHillfsJE sod Baltimore;..July 11 BATES OF OCSAB PABSAUB I Saloon, 10 to 18 Guineas ;lD>Urm«diati) , £5 Cs. ! Steerage at Lowest Hates. ' . Throngb TfoWWa tttSpecial Hates W Chleaco, Winni- peg {Manitoba), 1 Northi-Westl TflrriWry, Brftuh Colonj. biaiaiidto slljraibUin 'the Wesrern States and Canada; . ToHrwU; Sporfamen , and ' otheri -Waiting the CanaW , diaii NOrtb-Wert. can avail tpemMltej of a tpce ial low irrfurri raM toithe Wonderfal sceniry. in tho Eookjr Mountains and the Spirting district!. . ' ' . ' . ' PAHPHLET8.Mafulof Manitobi and Canadian Paolflo Bailway ; also xocebt iasoo ' of ' Pamphleta on Canada and t6o Western BtAte * of Ajaorica , 4* . cent free. : ' i . !' ¦ ¦ i i ¦ ¦ ; ' . ' . ' . ;8gT 'Western bound patsenjer* ' oooompanlcij by a ;8pobial C6ndni5tor: ; ' , "'" I- ; ; |; : , " ¦ ' , ' : Full partioolars on!applicatioa to , ' J. 1 S COTX & Co., Qaeen4town:!'io Ar>t,An BBOTHBES & Co., James Street,' Liverpool , and Foyle StreVir , Londonderry) Messrs. M UBFHY & WABD , 2, Birronstrand Street; W»torford V , THOHA«: Pn«b»ti, 16, : B»rron«trand Street, Waterford | or; WiiLtAa JofflB-TBOT, 81 , AUen-Stroet , Oappoqnin. ! ! ! ' : "' . ' „. , - Urerpod, ?ioe i, 1888, , r ,f ,/ ; I *** ¦ 'LIMERICK s D ISTILLERY, ¦ ' ::;l'EBTABi4«E^l> .i806 , ¦ maiS flna old Dietaierrj ieepa paee vitb tbo i age by adoptioz . er exr mod ern Jmnrove- ment M It appears , Bod lit ceUbwted' noir all over the world for Jjroduding tbe Finest 1 Po«ible : Be»l IBIBH POT iSTHOi WHISKY, tU favoorito Brai d Ini all ; HulMr * ,^ filled in Sbiirj Cu}f»; toT, pp ^ fn ^ liMi fsfpmMioa. ' . Samp le* i«ad qnotatlo ni ) aen t vto Wholewe Dealer* on applieatlon to I ' . -| ¦ . ¦+ ' :& ¦ ¦ ¦¦ r j ABC5t$ALp ¦ ¦ ¦ W0BSfy r «JM0 . ¦ ::: : i - " • • XcjtcBtos- Dwnwmi tunaiw ; ¦ : -i' " i i - 1 - : -!i- ' - ¦ ' ¦ BE ilM v&mKAPEra ! ABE THE PUREST AND BEST ia32.6m Lemonade ¦¦ ¦ ¦ ASOMATIC SIHGES MM , Seltzer Water , Soda Water, Ginger Beer. ' .V;; ; ' " ~~ ~7' i " . " r ~ 7y j ~ \\ - 7-TZ ~ ¦ . ; Xxf ^ . 66 .HEBPE EIA" / iy p ' ' . , . . : . , y>. ¦ ¦ ¦ ' - jj , . J?;m thof Eaiclotioo. . X ... &* * ¦ ^ YEE-MIILLIOH' 99 / ^ ¦ ¦' Por Jbho ' Eilrblioiico. \ZZ> " ' , "' . ¦ "]" ~ f \' - ' > Q/. ' ¦¦ ' ¦ ' ¦/ ? c'6 AMBMOBE " / ^f / / # / FLA.VODE & .Q01.Q0B / /i§ / °^ IFC(RM EXCELLENC E. V * / JOH N ADAIR , ) For County Waterford , / ) ¦ . : ¦ WATEEFOBD . ) Tipperary, & Kilkenny. ' ' ' (al3.3m) . =;>X^• ¦::¦: gRBi^ftn^ ; 'L. - ¦ . " - WATEBFOED AND LDtt EEICK BAIL WAT. Up Traim fromJVaUrford. ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ | Toims on wirt SI TS! Sdy 1 WATSSi-i. - .^ ' r Mall l I i V: Hill z&it ¦ ' TO lintiucr 123 1 2 I 2 3 1 1 2 133 I 23 12<fc8 ClacsJciasa' CiOU. Clais. Clica. Clitt: cloci 1 i.u. A.M. I in. I P.U. r.u ; r.ii. p.u Watorford dap. .. 7 45 10 16 ; 1 20 30 830 830 Carrick-on-Suir ... 8 22 10 41 , 1 48 3 31 9 15 9 IS Cloumel , ,,. ... 9 0 U 15 ; 2 21 4 IQ 10 :G U' .O Tipperjiy: :.. ... 10 0 12 0 3 5 4 10 1155 11 SS JnocUon 10 .9 12 20 ! 3 85 5 85. 12 23 12 25 OoU.:^.-.^..i... 13 SO- 3*4 S' 45 I ... ' ... ' Pallas ... :,: 12 *1 1 3 55 b.a. 1!TBO 12 SO Dronlcea ... ¦ 12 *7 -4 1 6 i ' ¦ . ... : Boho - ... 12 55 < B .fl 13 I Limerick arrival ... 11 0 115 * 30 a 35 1 SO ISO r JTZl-L . Z. \. " _rf ' - ' " - " '* ' 1 » S ; jiown iJVvjinj froni IAmench. ' ¦ ' ¦ ' ¦ mm 03 WEEX DU O Bdyo. LiuiBici tlllaD 1 1 . Hall ¦ . T.fnti f.fnii TO WiTTErOED. 12&3I1A2 J12&8 ' 14 2 1243|l24Sl 2 8 Class. 'Clara. Claos. Class. Class. Class. Clac. i. I *.n. j ^.a. I jun, I T.U. I t.u. I p.n r.ij r Llmorlci dop... 6 0 ' 0 85 111 0 ' 2 « ! 4 0 11 0 11 0 Boher 6 18 ... |ll 18 .. ' 4 20 Dromteon ,, .,. 1 6 27 . . - . ¦ 111 27 ... * 30 . ... ' .... PalLbT . ^ .. ' . e S7 ' ' ... : 11 37 ¦ ... -4 *0 11 <0 11 «: oaiT'" .T -Jeeo ... u so 45s ' ... : ... Junction arrive 7 5 10 15 12 5 8 2b 5 10 12 0 12 0 Tipperary... dep 7 40 10 W 12 *0 : 8 55 8 55 12 50 12 50 Clonroel i 8 65- U 20 1.42 [. ... 7 &.2O J-Bl - Carritli' ; 9 31 ill: 17 3 U i ... I 7 <5 ' 9 0 3 0' Watertord nrriv 10 16 ;12 25 8 0 | ... ; 8 30 8 45 8 15. i JOHN J. MTJEPHY. Soerotary. WATEEPOED AND CENTRAL IEELAND RAILWAY.. The shortest route from Waterford and Kilkenny to Dublin, Athlono, Pareonstown, or Komigh , ia zia Maryborough. BETUBM Tlcirre aro lssuod between any two StatiooB , and are available for Be torn as follows . —Between Stations where the fare charged is for & distance no* Krot^diny 12 miles, 2 days,. inclsuing the day of lssuo, Bnuday bcint^ a dim )\<n \ s pmt, k/Ticket lssuM pa a Sandny or a veil ¦ able up to Tuesdar night, and a Tijket issued on a Saturday up to Monday night. - Between Stations whore the Fu« cbarged ^ is iora distance above 12, cad not exceeding SO OIIT ^ S 7 days '^fter th£ day. 6f ltsnoi thn* a Ticket'fcanod ea Tuesday will be ovailablo up to thoiollouing Tuesday night. Between Btatlous where tno Fare charged is for a distance exceeding- 50 miles, One Month. Tho outward portions of Boturn TickfU are only avollablo for the train by whloh thor crei' jcai ¦ ! ¦ ' k . moil WITIKTOKD J TRX1H1.O3.VTZI D1IS. BUJWIO I STAnoas 11248 123H ~ &2 12&3 123 13 3 , Class Clacs . 'CIaca ICliSS. CIMS. CU=i X.U. | i.n I r.n. j T. U . noon P. M. | I h-ia. h; m.i h. a. b. m. h, ia Wsterfdra , ilopartW 17 15 2 30 J W 12 0 Kilmaco ' w 1 725 2*0*0 12 10 - Mulllnavat ' I 7 35 ' . : * 10 12 20 ' Ball yjiale 75530 *S5 12 45 Thomactown ' 8 10 ¦ 3 10 ; i 50 10 - Bencotabrid ge 825 :320 55 l li i Kilkenny arrival - 8W.337 52S 130 - Do dopartttrol 9 o! stO|535 1 iO I . Ballyraggot : —.! 0 35i* : 0j6 0 2 5l Attanagh . ' 9 « ' 4 10 ( 6 10 2 15 - P Abbcyleix 10 0 * 20 6 30 1 S> Maryboro 1 arrival - 10 25,**5 7 0 3 0| Maryboroug h dep. np 10 SO * 50 7 46 3 24 - Portarlingtou Juno.... 11 8 8 7 3 43 - Dublin orrirall |1 OielS 04U 545 ) - Athlono June, orrlv.! ' * * 2 I . Maryboro' dop. down! 10 34 7 1 J5! , Mountrath,.,..Arrival ¦ " i 7 28 Ballybrophj - 11 0 - 7 W 10 25 . - , lowm ;.t -11 W ¦ ' 8 30 ' - : Parsonstcwn -12 * 9 0 - Neuagh - 1223 020 - Tomplemoro ' ' ¦ ' 8 11 10 51 | I TO niisnrono TILIIHSJOV WCUw DAIS. 8U HIHIB SllilOn^ 123142 123 123 12 3 12*3.128 Clo£3. Class. Clac3. Clau. Clacs Clara.iClacp k.a. i.a. ; i.n. p.n. T.u. »n. ! hm bmibni bro hm hca T'plcmoro dop. ' 7 58 1 S4 ' - 20 BaUybrophr - - - 8 24 2 21 - 2 47 Nenngh - - ¦ i?* ¦ I —! Parsonstown 72i j Eoncrca 7 51 - —i Mountrati - - - 8 38 2 30 - 3 * M- yboro' ar. up - . - 8 65 2 43 I 3 2-4 Athlono Jnnc. - 7 35 - Dublin dop. 6 0 7 40 9 0 ; o ,930 PorUirl'ton Jun 7 65 - 10 17 2 46 - - . "31 M' vboro 1 ar dn 8 17 8 65 16 31 3 9 - .11 «!i Down •nuiss goods Hail Moryboro " dep 9 0 10 40 3 IS - - 4 0 Abboyloil •- 920 11 15 335 - - 420 Attanagh . : 8 iB- 11 35 3 SO - 4 :15 Ballyrairgat - 9SS ' 115>40 - - »U. Kilkenny arrL . - 10 J 12 20 I 30 S 10 Do. departure 7 30 10 13 12 3 ¦ 4 45 - IS* Bennetabridgo - 7 45 10 22 12 46 6 5 ' 5 30 Thomastown -8 1O 10 85 1O52U Ballyhale -885 10 45 12. 1535 - - 6 0 Mulllnavat .90 110 140 565 - ' 615 Kilmacow . 0 10 11 8 1 50 6 6 1634 Waterford arrl. 9WU2O216 630 i 7 0 JCOUHTKELLICI BRAHCH . —MiiTTboroujb dep., 7.10 a.m., U.10 a.m., 4.55 p.m i Mountmollick arr., 7.SS a.m., 1'.35 a.m., 4.20 p.m. UountoelUck dop., 8.10 a.m., I JO m,, 5.60 p.m. | Ilaryborough arr., 8.34 a.m., 2.16 p.m., 6.15 .m. WATEBTORiJ AND TEAUOEE EArLVTAT. Week Day Trains. ' ¦ TT 3 ~ ~ 3 * 7~ 6 ~ 7 o -7. : a 0 nsoa amam ' am pm pm pm pm pm pa . hm hm hm!hm|hinlhci bin hm.hsi W'frd:7 *5| 10 *5 12 1S| 2 0 I * 15 I 5 SO 7 15 : 9 0 ! ... rm' re ' ,9 10) 11 1 6 1 i0| 8 0 I 4 46 | a Q ? IS \ 9 CO j „. Sunday Troirn. __ iT " . V ~ 8 ~ 4 t ~ 8 7 8 tf rcaa.oci 1 a m . p m i p m pm pm p tn- p m pci . lim 'hmlhm nmlhm'bm h^ '^ ni 'btn VTrrd 8 0 111 IS .12 16 ; 2 0,*80,d20;0 0 ; ... ... Tm' re 8 IS 'll * 5 ' 1 80 I * 0.6 0 i 7 *3 I 9 £0 | ... I ... First Clara Single Ticket , Is. Bofrira Ticket , Is. CdJ Tfcird ditto. £d. i Eeturn ditto, Is. Od. WHiLIAil EEA, eioictary cjid lloncjor,: VATEEFOBD , DONOABVAN , 4 LIE1IOBE BAlLWiit CcontraT COUTH TO C OM, Imut , ASD EIUJLCSET. ; reou TfATBEToan. STATIONS. Wook Dors. Eundayo. : | X. H.| T. U. T. 11 Wotorford ... dop. 9 16 | 3 30 KUmcadsn ... 0 CO . 3 ti - OarroU' s Crou ... .„ Tkg 8 57 jrjjnactliomas ... i, »65 i * io Dnrrow and Btradbally 10 W i * SO Dungarran 10 83 , * 60 - Cappasb ... }J« . 5 6 Ca ppo iuin ... ,, . 1} 3 5 23 - 14~>3re, ... amr. 11 lft ! a 80 S. & \7. n&Uway i SSS? •:: ^:»S "SS - Sri 0 " ::: :: jj U - ISS18' ::: :: 5S Sj = TO vUTEnroap. j 8TATIOHB. . : Weok 3>ays. I ¦' .^ - MM ^ H-. ' Cundayfl B. b V. Eailway. *. u. x. n. x.a. ¦ ¦ •» Tralee dop. 1 6 0 10 Z3 X.U. i. tl SlLncj - j i ¦ - "g »K I 1 I Cork t. - 11{ I? *J - r* UaUotr I" ' " . » 3 I - l££mo Z ... "rtr. - 10 35 3 0 - - «S"T ! ^ .««..8:5 S3™ - ; ¦:: SK L' FK . JS - 3 Durr^wl stradDaily ' . 6 *3 1 65 * 80 - - •SSS&T:..: 1 -!! " b '" «? = = : . ! TgOUAO O'T?ALLET, TrBTir,yr . ALL "I^yiTEN wbo ' nlsh to Marry end bo bapi y ¦ iSlll BbonM eee tha MA6IC UlRROh, sent i free to any part of the world on receipt aca eddreca ' , 8, FltB-S^aara. -Sbfeaeia. , Doa' t d3b;^- Send at oncfe—it coats yon nothing. ' Wot only io Protect but to Promote Trade , tv.ld : ' brin g ' Qooi Hen togethtr. ' -. ¦ 'EwABUSHEiB 1830. |- Flint onaico ' o feritioh and Porcisa j Coinmoroial Inauiry Olucoa. HEAD OFFICES :—58, O&EAPBIDE, Lon- don and BOW LANE. London , E.C. , ' Be—a Bsnkrupt.i Failure for £30 , 00u lu less that a je»r "i trading. For TesUmoulali soe below «to effloicnoy ox^i Stermtion lnltbjjfbOTe , Another £5,000 (PI T. Thousands Pounds) wv»a W our •ubsoriberf. N.B.—Hot ipoaKul one oI tlieia Tlrtlmliie<J th««tnaulr« of a». 1 TEBMB.-8ubsor)ptton«< Tbreo Ouln e.i MTaniium i '. «i MnWM7 S itUBM «Ml> iJWulryj •**» fnq. uWe» in»ny oil year. Two »n<t tMeepenoa eaob, or Ten pounds p«r ton- <W D«W MlIert£ »&gSu L g < Tram H Qlabrud, iron maTsbist. 09, Qnceobarob Street; londw, B.C.-? Boinabn 19. 18W^-BjoeaUy, tetinptpen yo£-i3vic» . l aeollMd to iril to;»cerUla flna otkerwisa Ibai' tor WnwdSSSi OJb.ima »ow X bear th»/ bayo fll»d » thiWomtfion reedied'ihronifi . /oa iu ibU Inetaooe. - »S^ V^rU, UvtrjooL- " H»Stnn» worti. Uiettoo raamo. 18th init»nt. fW« IOIWJ on thj iafonutloa ron «ip- SSeTtu StDtunii to »^»a . , «n4 thereby uveda lon tm. SoubUdlr of «W. \Vton mitt UT» »wol our |U» to;t obSbtef ; 12wi»aoa m* tbtek»ou d*«wnlii» hit , ¦trnmnrt^and ¦fft it l'f" eertalnly racoxuasnd jron wheniver aWTO'fflrwarw, " s»«<?^ Continental A merican Lawn Mowe PKICE LIST. C T" '> ^ DOUBLE GEAR. .^__ ^ ^ x/^ x ^ ^ Silent in operation , e^3icct to work r i r . . ^ \ <3N^ of any tloirer in tho Incb. Inch. Inch. Inch. loch. ^ N^ \ ' ^CS^ Worldi 10 ' 12. .14 16 18 ^^V i-QI- 60, - 60/- 70/- SO. - <^^ ~ ^ The Largo Slees CBD be used by o Lad y ^— ^^Tiy^^^ ^^"^^^^ Every MochiDo unconditiooall y irnrrcnted. "^ ^SN/ ^^^Njfe^^Sjsi, 1 May bo ordered o( all Ironmongers. * 5 5 : iS > ^)?!iw ^f l K ^ "porter.- ^ ^ ^^>^WiS^ JOHN C. PARKES & SONS, ; 11 0 , ' C O O M E, DUBLIN. (ul3-I3t) CJ E3E 3E3 E^L 1=2. ~ST ' S OOLB MEBAL IEJEH ISUBTASD ia THE BEST . CHERRY & SMALLDRIDGE , MAiiEBs. DUBLIN TEHTH 3EAGO17 , 1C88 CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF MANCHESTER. THE MANCHESTER CORPORATION COHCEHTEATEB MAEUEJ3 Io tho Ecat and moot Laating for all Cropa. C0MP08ED OF B0NE8 , EL0OD, FWH . AND EXCIiEllEN T. £3 per Ton in 1 cwt. Bago j Carriage paid to Quay , Belfast lot Prize at Eoyul Manchester and Liverpool Shon , at Chentcr , September , 18G3. For Samplea and further information Opply to :— [fl7-20t] Joaoph \7ortli, Sol o Arroat, . 31, Hcr^-ctrcci), Eclf^^i : ¦ 'GOCHRAME'B BPE€MMT2EBa TWENTY-TWO GOLD AND PBIZE MEDAIS AWARDED. htalUMItj IblhibbRi nLig g CA™E^!S«i'iN|-:- ^ PH (I IP ^ IfU'fill A 1 53 : Made ONLY by : Hjj lLiiDB ^) |U l!|inl[l OANTRELL & COCHRANE , Under Spoclal Ucg iatrptioii. /<t ¦ ' -^—— UJ ; ^F5HPf f i fl M P 53 m Drtnhfor C ' te Gouty and BKt- Matie . nn(R( f\nf?n r?QK>n^ CANTRELL & COCHRANE , I ''IBU ,: i I \S \> 'IMk ?ndcr Q I JC0i31 neg istration. L'C3!3I6IT Aim COLONIAL ORDEHS ARE SPECIALLYTREPAHED TO SUIT :i . THE VAlIiOUS CLIMATES. ' ' ' ¦ Pur7oycw ,to Hor UeJMty ' B Eonrcj of Pcrlioncnt, ! ¦ ; : ¦ i ¦ ! , ' AHB .TO :. ¦ ' ¦ : : . ; HI0 EXCELLGNOY TH2 LO , RD LIEUTENANT OF; IRELAMO. ' HAMILTON ,. LONG- &\ 004 . LIUITU . D . ' : Manufacturers q|" Mineral I Waters i " . ' ¦ Ia 8Uv6 eyliafloso. ¦ : ' (PEKFECTLT PURE)v ! - i SODA -WATER, ¦ ' GINGER ALEV | SELTZER WATEB, . : : LEMON 6ODA, | LEMONADE, ' ; KALI (Potasa) T7ATEB, GINGER BEER, ¦ ; LITHIA JWATJ3R. i CHAMPAGNE CIDER, ¦ ' ' ' ¦ SPARKLING LIUD JTJIOE JTbeso unrivaHed . Waters can be obtained oh tho 'bei»t termn. ; <m gcotbry-^3 , SO\7Sn DAjOEVILLS-OgEEST. i pPBMn. . . fa ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ' i ' . ¦: ¦ ¦¦ , ; j ¦ : . ' : ¦¦ - , ¦;¦ ¦ . ¦ ' ¦ i : ¦ : - . ¦ - ¦ ¦: . , : ¦ ; . ¦ ¦ - : -| . .. - ¦ ' ' ¦ i ¦ ROIJND ! FBE.n.INiG. ij Unequalled for all classes of <S(ook ' » Every delirery is gaarantc«J ti) Anilyiia ¦WATERLOp EOTOD LINSiEEiroAKES-^GoBrantecd ^t least ^ r cent. rZonnfabtosea by the Waterloo dillo Co., Linitcd, WStL ' > j fIJtCto , 'SIEAT GLOBE HOTEL KOWEE . BEIDGE-3TEEST, DUBLIK , Urt. RICHARD COFFET , Proprietr ess (widow of th - . . " ,: lale lilCHAllD COFFEY).; MOST Central ; immediate nei ghbourhood of Law CourtB and Tolcgraph Oilicos ; o. fow doovs from King ' s Bridge Tramway Line ; five to ton tniantos ' drira to nny City Bailway ; newly decorated re-furnished, and snpp lidd with every modern improve- ment requisite for tho comfort of visitors , under tho perfonal supervision of Mrs. COFFBT and family. E?g», Bnttcr, CrcCTi, and Vegctablba' frbm'tbe Farm daily. Notwithstanding;present hi gh ratos , torma ftro Tnort moderator Brcatlf 3t>; from Is. 3d. Bods , from Is. fid. each. TaBlo d'llote daily, threo o' clock ; Sun- dayn , flvo o' olook. Soup, Two Joints , Vcgotables and Cheese, 2s. only. . ' ¦ ' ¦ , ¦ ¦ A Night Porter in af.^adanco. All Servants pai d by tho PropriotrcsB. All communications to bo addressed , •Mrs. C0FF7.T , Great Globo Hotel , ' \' i ' ¦ ] , i . Lower Bridge-street , Dublin. .; Kotfommnnicfatiori rrith any other house. £20.1' CHIP ana COUiiEBCXAIi HOTEL 2A * OWt WATERFORD. : - II TO HA EL ' --KIR-\7 A IT' fJTirAyiNG pnrcharft ' . . t ' j. '> Intoreot in the p.bovo _L_ii" ¦ 'HOTEL , begi toanoousco that this Entab- lisbment OPBNED . O3 SATUEDAy, FEB: 15, 1870. 1 i •IT. E. ' .trosts , i y, strict littintioh tio those who patroniso THE SHIP AUD COIUIEBOLAI. HOTEI ., to merit a continnaEce of their patroni jjo. ' Quay, Waterford , Febl 12 1885. : :' ¦ . 5?ho BULlinG-ton EOctaurant , 27 , ST. ANDREAY STKEBT , DUBLIN , Oyster and 8hell-Fiih , Luncluxm , Dinner and Bumie Roomo , CBURCH-LANE , (next door to Hibernian Bank). ; LUNCHEONS and Dinners , Soup, Fish, ' .En- trees , and joiotj , £o., SuppcM^ fjusli nnd- ileat. Game always ready. ; The BILLAED KOOM in elegantly appointed. CZT LUNCHEONS at tho elegantl y-fitted Fish Bufit , o&ntat-of Oyetors , Lobsters , Crabs , and Savoury Fish , and a variety of Meat and other Sand- wiolscs. Wines cad Spirita of the fine/i t ,qnsiHty. Jameson' s Seven Years' Old Malt, llartoll'e lir&ndy, 14 years old. Ales and Stout from the best Brewories , and in perfect condition. Finest Bed Bank Burron OyBtors. Over 1,000 Boxes of very old Cigars in 8tock , pnrohased by tho late Mr. Corlcza . A. trial solicited; TH03IAS F. COliLESS, PBOPRIETOB . (n22 THE AITGEIi HOTEl , MEECHANTS' QUAY , WATEEFOED Una. P. COEEAN EEGS to respectfully inform her many Friends nnd the Public that sho hut OPENED tho above Establishment , aDd hopes to secure tbeir pattonage b y strict attention to their requlrem enta and comfort. H BEAKFABTO, DINNER, and SDPPEKS ready at the short-eat notice, acd on the most reasonable tenns. Mra. C. eolicita a trial , and b confident her Visitors trill bo v;ell pleased. I(ED8, well nired and cleanl y, at the lowest cba rge I<adic3 and Gentlemen boardiop will find it to their advantage to patronise this Hotel. ( Dlac!rv7r,t3r Valo notol , LI3MOEF. : JOHN NOON AN , . Prop rietor. TJTISITOES and Commercial Gentlemen will find V tho abovo.Hotel Clean , Comfortable , Charges Mo'leratc , and Accommodation Excellent. A Bath Boom well supplied with Hot and Cold Water. (, ' ara meet the arrival of every Train. allO.l y LIIIEIilCli—Tho Glontwortb, A First-clas3 Family and Commorcial Hotel. fTpHE " Glentworth" is the nearfiBt Hotel in -IJ- tho ' City to ' tho R a ilway Station , Banks , Steam- bo?t OfScco , TelcgraFh nnd Pf=t Oth' cc , and to all pub- llo places of amnsedotit. P. : K RNNA . Proprietor, 14 15, and 1G, Glentwotth-Btrcet , Limerick. iol8 SOUTH KENSINGTON 3?rivat o Ecsidontial ramil y Olnlj. " GLENDOWEK MANSION, " 13 , 15, 17 , and ID. HARRING TON ROAD , 3.17., ^ ' LONDON. ' (Tho best and moot convenient position in Towr>>. Orn) minnto from South H' cneinpion SWvtloa ; t«n niinutos to Westminster ; oightoon minutes to tho City—Mansion House Station ; near Parka , Gardens , Albort Hall , and MuEcnms. FOB Families wishinj to avoid oxpeneo of House koeping, Visitors to Town , or Gentlomen denirinc; tho advantage of a Clab, combined with tho privacy and comfort of Homo , at a moderate Cost. Introduction or rcferonco required. dlO-tf tj ?T Address Secretary, THE OLENDOWEB ElSpENTIAL CLUB and PRIVATE HOTEL , H&rrinfrton Bead, Sonth Keneinerton , S.W. 1HB AITGEL HOTEL nnillB Largo , Cocafortablo, and conveniently sitaatcd JL. HOTEL , has recently been thoroughly painted and ronovatod by the present Proprietor , Mr. HEALY. I' or Gentlemen and families coming to Dnblin on legul business , it will bo found mast convenient , being •ituated next to tho Four Courts ; and for Wedding Parties and Visitors to Dubli n, tho accommodation is eeoond to nono in tho Kingdom. I' rivato 8ittin(r and Dining Rooms , Coffee-room for L&lies , Bod-rooms from Is. Cd. to 2a. each. Smoking and Billiard Booms. ' John Jameson and bou *' Seven years ' old Malt ; Goinnoas ' s Stout. Biss ' s Alo. Wine3 , Brandies , Champagnes, Liqucurea , &c. EICHAED HEALY, Proprietor. al3.1y Xmponiu notol , LOWEE SACEVILLE-STEEET , DUBLIN (Ospcjitatho General Poat-Oflco and Tcloffraph OCca) Tho moot control in tho City. (PJOIIPLETELY remodelled and re-f urniehed. >-/ llc!?nificcnt Ladies ' Coffoo-Boom, Dinlng-Boom, StnoMng.Koom, Billiard-room. Charges moderate. CHAELES LAWI/EE, Proprietor. f3.t OFOR THE BLOOD IS THE LIFEV i ^iyMiMi ] WORLD-FAMED ; ns)n /Wft* ftfnmmT??] THE OEEAT BLOOD PUB1PIEE- AND EESTOEEtt (• .10E CLEANSING and CLEAEING tho B1OOD Ji? from all ImporiHes, whether tho result of. Con- tagions Disoaan , hereditary taint, or foul , mattor of tr^y dcacription, it cannot ba too highly rccommanded For BcrofnU , ScnrrT, Skin ltd Mood DUcaica, Eczcaii, npd Qorcs ft nil kind*, it u » neter-feUiug and pcrmuent coro. It Cores Old Sorca ; Corel TJlcoratod Bores on tha Iteck Cares Ulcoratod Soro Le i Carci Blactheadi or Ptaplcson th? Fttcs Cares Beany 8orca | Carci Cancerond Ulcers j Cures Blood fchd 8ktn Disease Cares OUndnlar Sweuing* i Clcjrp tta* Blood from *11 Ibpnn Ifatl^r , 1' rom whatever caaw trlsing. At thl« mlztote U cleotont to the titto , and warranted free froia anythLnj bjaiio« to thdmostdellcateocnst!tsUt.n ol clilisr sex , the Proprietor! solicit •offerers to giro It, i trial to teat Its valo». ¦ ¦ ; ¦ , SOMETHING FBIGHTFUL. " 't I c»noot ctglevt (rl'loif /oa tho psrtlcalorit of mr cxtrnordlnnrr care, for I fuel It a datr. Mi life iu a mLurr to me from tbo Urrlbla aaffenog iriskii from cleTon drca&ful abi:es»ea on ,mj cheat and (toe, the dl4bb»rff» from them being tometbiog Wghtfot IWi under nodical t rcatment , bat got no relief. , f U lsit I rc>olrod to' trr jroor Clirka' a Blood Mixture asd EOI TO. Tho eff«:l nil beneScial from tha Irtt 4 OM ara now perfectly cored. TOOTS trnly, TBOiuiiKJwv . Finkcrton. near llocoln, J&n. 1 186a'" THOUSANDS OF TE8riMONIALS. ' Cliiio ' i Blord MUtaro 11 told is Bottles 2i M escb, and in Ca»c« , cootalniss; •!» Ume% the Qoantit/, lla each— •nflcient to offoct»perp«n«nt cnra lo ebe great niajoritr o! Iniiff atandlnf (»*», ¦ BY ALL . CHEMIST81 AND P ATENT UEDIOIN ri VENDOEa throoghout tho .world. T«*»tak-" BHW "^¥i " oN. ¦¦!¦ . Purchasers of CUrto' i Blood MUture tboald ice that ititj cut the geaolna article. ' Worthlcu lmiutiosi an soms- t(mea palmed oil ty ttuprlnrfpled tendoia. Tb*l words "Lincoln and MldUudCoa"U»» Drug Conpanr. Liadoln, rogiaad, " ar* «ngnred on tbs QoTenunast btmlp, asd " ClarWa WorUMwaad Blood Ulxtare. " blowa io the bottls, WITHOtlT WHICH NONB IB OEHUIHB. EW% F% 4^> -9 £* §ka# ftd? ^>&. ^ BSK .JT . i .f^ ^ ¦ \^ QRATEFUL-COMFORTINQ 00© OA MADE WITH BOIUNQ MILX. ait :.;,. i i D*;L E : a?| :: ; 1 i ^^^g; ' =. - (aoti> MEDiiyi' ' : ' : ^^| KidTleviver Makat Boot) »t4 Bbcfa like NEW. - Addaj lirar TldiM to tba weir. ' Const Caret*it , Bunlho* ?!. •« It, for It Dilm walkipg * P>* Wg>- . TINS; 2#] «.« U., of all Bpotrtaken , fwlpfOHK BATES, tiuy, QttA». t^T<B?<a|P, ! : " "^ :;;., ' ,(•¦Qj lljfiT.T tar COR Paottiira of ^W ^f^PUoa waiM Tn Hiw» Ornoi. 4 : ¦ : - ¦ ¦ ;; i ¦ A . . : i : ¦£ PER 23. Od. POUND. ; : j "TOTOODFOED, BOUENB . '& . CO. : « , ro now Vv. i selling most ¦ Excellent 'Te4 ': at: TWO SHIIiLIKG8 pet Poana, r which the; . coafidentiy recommct id. 1 - ¦ ¦ ¦:¦ ; ' '' : - .1 ' Packages of th^ir j.different priced deliclo-io flaToured Teas, ' ftoto. ' 611)3. to lOIbs. in ¦iel gbt , do Bont "f ree" , bj Parcols' Post on recei pt of Order with Ecmlttance. . ¦ ' W00DF0BV , SOUBNE ' '4t; ' CO.y COEK" . ; >• : ! Tho ITEW OH-IEITTAL BAUiS COBPOBATION, tlMITED. , ' CAPITA^. ' ¦ ¦' | AnTHOEi8ED-X2, 000,000;. Pijo ; Ve—wSSOO.OOO LONDON ; 40, THEElDN«CLI-STkE»T. I EDINBUEOH :—23,- ST. ¦ ¦ AKDRI W BQVA&E . ' , < . . t3BANcaE*iAND AQI>toES. - '•! j ! Adon . Badnlla , Bombay, CalontU .Coloiuho . Edibbnrgh , HOD ? Kong, Jaffn*,. Kandj, Kobe , Madras , Maho Seychelles , Manrjtios , llelboornej-Newer* Blluv, K<nr York; Paris , San FrandacOj Shanghai , 6ingaporo , Sydney, Tokohama. '' , . . . . . " . ' ' i| : ' : The Balnk receiTee money on dtposit , bny8 rpd Bella ills ' of e*ohA2go > ' nates'fclegrapb 'trausKlM, iesnea le»*xra». at or£d.m£~,<;r«. ' i. ' - ^otiJ, Iditnid Slllj foi collection , and transacts banking "ond igoniiy < ou«ine3fl generally. ¦ . . - :;¦ :• ¦ . - •¦ t . :.- . ' i• ¦ ;• ¦ I NTEBEST ALLOWED OJJ DEPotiTa. '' At 3, i , or 5 months ' notice—3 por coat per tanna. AtG , 7, or 8 month j * notice—4- 1 ,, . ',/ ; At 9 to 12 months ' notice —4} ¦ ! At 3, 5, or 7 years ' Lotico —5' ' . ,, Interest paid half-jeatly, in London—31>i Maroh ¦ ' ¦ " : ¦ . ¦ ' - : rand 30fh Sept. » i, : in Scotland—Ilt6 ITay aad ¦ i : ' ! ¦': . llth Nof. ! | Current acconnts opsnod and check bpoki sabplied. Interest at 2J per Cent, per annum-ollomed on tho minimum monthly balance , if not bolo<7 .&1C0. Ad- Tahces mado against approved banking seciirities . j Pay and Peneiona drawn' . Insnranco frcminmt , SabsoriptloDs , and other periodical payments mtia at a uniform commission of i per cent. | Seoaritiea boaghf, eald ftnd recoiTedl for safe awto&j from constituents of the B»nk. Intorentand DiTidonaa collecte d at tt nrtiformlcocamiasWa ' ofhoJf per cent. I Drafts wsned upon tho Bank' s.Eastorn .Branches at current rates , freo of coamieaion; Br£ta fcollsctcd or negotiated , and every description of exchan^a bneiness condacted. I. ' ¦ , ' ¦ ¦ ' ' ¦ ¦ ' "'" ¦ i A writing-room ig eat apart at tha Losdos OQcJo for OBO of tba Bank's cuetometa. ¦ ¦ . i A BagRago and Apoucy Department.hau.Utely bccn added for the cenrtmonea of Eastarn coottituenti. I The fullest information can be obtained by appli- cation at any of tho Branches and Agencies^ ot at t' -o Head OfSce. * .. .!> i ¦ GLOEQE WILLIAM TII0MSON , Sscrotarr; Tho following figures sho w the steady iocyeasoia le business here and abroad jincu tha comacacbcsat of tho Bask :— ' ; , " .: i 30th September , 1881 Banking Ajubts.. J3102 0C0 I"'' December , ,, ., .., ljisojooo 3Ut March , 1885 ...... ;• . .., 2,233 000 5?'M on . c ' . ' •• .. - .J 3(223, 003 30th September, | 1( ,\ . ... . 8,&i8,00O 31st December. « .,, -t,533.0CO 3J»' "«^ , 1880 I] . ,. .., 4, OC3 0oS 30th Beptembor, , ; 6/4E3 000 Slit March , 1887 .. ., , '; . . ") £fflEo ^-^^ EdtoSiljSAec. iSZS , < : CIVH. aEBVIOn _ AP2?OIHTtn3PID Over 1,800 Vacancies annual! j; , Open to all. Males , 14-30; Fennloi " . 15^iO. Baltirics .£80 to je-100, 4o , : ¦ . ¦ .. ; BAJC WRHliiG^LZIZ> C wtt~ "' r'ri 'uT) Y?"*' a F.T^K rrrrK for all cxAdiuaUoni. Special Classes for Isdkj. Backward Pnp ile re«lvo special attention. Success assured. . ¦ Tbo sys te m adopted has proved itself the' most thorough and successful extant. Uon tUceesiei Ictt-yea r than any other lutor. ¦ : ..; :. ' (iOy recent successes , including. 17 first places.- . . ' . " for 'Practical Guide to th* CStil CsrriM end Professions. " Forwarded post free wltn . list of tso- cesae8 and specimen copy of " CitIL Sorrioo Coi- pctitor" Iwcokly paper and eoich). : ;i - . •• ' - ¦ •• . aEOEGE E. SKE E " EY] H.M.C.6., P.E.8.L., : CIVIL SEHVICE COLLEGE; < " ¦ -•" ¦ 189, GEEAT BEUNSWICK-STBEET, ; D U.BIIN. ' ¦ «a2-2Gt T HOMAS F. Wtvm, ommapop-iemK ' ' ' . Having t0T7 0paca, in coiilictloa vlth his . - Ironia oiigery and General Bcdaca , * i mm. & COFFIN FACTORY , Is prepare! to rcp; ' .y ca th3 Ciaitc:5 Kc'i53 ; EVEEY DESCRIPTION 01" \ \ FUNERAL EEQT7I3ITl3i] At Pric:3 to meet ell claKO. i j COFFINS. ¦; p. JVssi ibipUir.itl Deal to tht miif iietiif t &tidc4 Qsi , ez:t It tuj&litS ta « hsr ' tpct - Ji , AH tin Tuiom utida iai a Tcoerd irji la ctock, tad , irith a largs tteek of flaiii*! £oed*eil prepared materials , hi It esibjcd to exeajt« ordos /OT FuneraU in tha cost rKjtfUHj raTreiT cd jc? rtarsaab!» Urns. ¦ : . j ' . ¦ ' ! ' ' ' " ' Co2n ffitHma ripjli:i v{& all mstsrialj c5 ciint ' Pricta tt ' : ' i ' ' ' :. :. . ' THOMAS F. mAGBETM j SEED & mmm mmm , ' 91. MAIN ST: & CHUfiOfl !QAm CAERICK-Dtf-SUIR:! ! WATEEFOPD ANP LIMEBICK EAlLWAt •! . i Jnno Pair*, 18 8.; , ! ; ;; - . 1 THE ordinary Goods- TraJni or " B' pe^al Trains will carry Live ' Stock from tt>ej tind*r* mentioned Fairs i— ' : " I '' ; "• ' ! " ' ' ' Ennls , for 8pancflMU Fair. Monday, S5th i . •<.' v ! Ardagh, Mondar 25th '' ' ! ¦ ' J : < ¦ -¦¦¦ Ardraham, for Ballytang han Pair , Uradat; JSth Abbeyfeale, for Castltiiland Fair , Monday, 2£t& Ti pcerary CWttle Falrj Honda*; 24th:| ' . j i: i ¦ Athnnry, ' for Woodford fair. Monday, 28th' ' Carrirk-on-8Qlr Pig MarMt. Monday 25th! ' : BirdhOl. for Bonliokuia Fair, Tne8day 2«th Tr.1«« Cattlii Falr-Tatad*' tfltlr ' .. -I , ¦ ' ' < ; t Tr.l89 Cattla rair. T4i»da, , Iw» ' ^ vl \ , \ <: UatowaPtJf Market. -TAadaT Wth ' ¦ fi ' /J ' Abboyfcala PU Market. W^wdaT. 27th j , Llatow«l CaUU F»l r.Va4nidljr 27th ^ "] ' Limerick Junction. Te«pl«aoT<t. Pi#:«»rk» ^ Wadaat- day, 20th ' ' " . _J I ' . Chfr Pi g Market,Jtors "3»f ^A r- <t av i— T J r- - Abberfaale O.tU.; Jtiit. Wdf*S»* >Vjj ; | " . r j;<4 :: ThDtTW'or UrUnifofd FUr , ftttay«SM&S Blrdhtll, foi- Birr Pl/Markei , JMtaf. «W> Tr»lf« , for JWnfle Fahrf Oattirday, 8$tb - ' : ; Tha aaota U taW from ' t»r ttMlaW LUt of Fair* , bat tk» Ocm(u>y - do} oot j |«aiiatMjr- tM Traffic Maw« ' a 0^1 1^6^,^? M ^J t l A Ckn ' n. r -At i i) iroM7Uf r^l tioo nir i remedy for amoM 6U4 ilttj , :phw4oaa.W« Mii,jmj

Transcript of… · 'ALB,...

  • 'ALB,

    r - 1

    "SEE T7A3rEEJ?OI13>


    LAB0E8T ClBCCLATION IK THE SOUTH OF IBELANDPttbliiVa aiiy>North Wbarf on flundayl at 7 a-m. ! _ ' ' ' ; , .

    A Special 8teamer aWo eail« trom New UUfo rd toWaterford at 7 a.mjjn Mondaye, on arriTol of tne ».l&'i'raia from Pflddirffton the prerioui ereninff. ' I ¦Pocsongor* traveUISg by, tha: Bteamer torwg vi?to>*-

    ford on Saturdays wfll prooeed from.NerfiiUuoio Dyths 3.55 or 9.45 Train on Sunday morninff. • J _;

    Cargo c»n only ba reooiTeo eobject w'w j Vrj iohippod in time for the B.Usmerj to •>• •»«ea

    ĥf âVTBlSf from NEW

    MttFOBD.willr, îiii, WATT ABBiyAL of Steamer* leavuiB «»-torfordat 5 p.m. , ! |. . i _, . ,Under no oircomstanoe* can Paasengera holding linrd

    GlaesTioifeta be allowed the use of 8alopn. ,VKS&S-WATEBPO&D AND WNDON i J ^CntOLE s (available 1 week) 1st ClMiftddBiloon.iesOd«• :•• . . i 2nd Class and Salodn, 35B 6d¦ i " " ! 8rd Claw and Foro Cabin, ate 0d

    nrjTTJEBO (oTailablo2moath») Ut Cla««& 811004,7&.•• . » 1: •' : • Za&CUju &.&aioautAit." " 3rd Clae» andro» CJ»bin;83« 6d.

    FurthBi: infpraation . can bo obtained , from Mr^B.

    F600, Bailway Terminniii Limerick ; Mr.: W. V. Mo-N*ttAEA, Adelphi Wharf, Waterford. Tnb BMB VOVBF4BBB bfltween^otlier importftnt Btatloni, .tne ITinwT»We«, «ad Throngh Batea for Qodia, AOyJS*11 P*obtained of Mr; W. J. -BIDBSIU;, the- Qrdat 'WesternBulvay Campanj's Diatriot Agent, Adelphi Wh*rf,Wfttottord. ggjjgy Ĵ BEBJ^ 0^̂ M»n*pr.•Pftddiastona'orminM.i-. ; , , . ::; i . ¦. . .• ; :, ¦.. . < i. X f A l -

    ¦ : - . ¦' . taprowflTBiita no B»»>oolveday, „ 5 ...11 morning WoiQesday, „ ' 6 ... * nfnooDFridav, „ 8 ...l£jioon Satarday, „ 9 ... 6 aTnoonTneedny, „ 13 ... • affnoon Weddesday, „ 13 ... 8 nightFriday, „ 13 ... 4 aft> noon Satijrday „ 16 nig t̂Tu«4ay» ., 18 ... 5 nffnoon TbOrsday, ' „ 21 ... 2 mornFriday, „ 22 ...18 .noon!. Salnrday, „ 23 ... fi of noonTncsday, „ Z8p..: 2 Ut'noon Wedn'sday,,,: 27 ... 8 nisht ..Friflay, „ 29 ..; 4 alfnoon ISatarday ,;'! ;0 ,;, 10 night "KJ> On early Momlnf SullnOT, • (Jnblns pf tha steamers willbe. open to receive:Passengers arriTipg by: tho Night MailTracaff. !' ;• i ¦ - • i * T

    , F,*B*3—C»Mn, Sipglc, lla. j do. Elnglo—CMldron (and Ser.rant* travoUinir with FamUtei) lOsi £ do Eetarn (available forTwo rmonthsl ! optional to return from or to LiverpoalJ, 25aPecl îdngld, 7s. 6d; ; do Children, fci.: ¦ • '

    Goods received ' and . discharged at Cambcrland Barin,Bristol. I ¦ i i i ! . . j . ¦ tW A T S3 F 6|E D . iSD W T E B P O O l

    tWB. Tr/lEETOBD r ¦ ¦ ' , . : ',FE0H LmZTOOZ. IFriday, JuC» l..| a oft'noon Friday, , Jon? 1... 3nlt'noon'Monday, ,|! ?..: 2 aft'noon Monday, |, i , B aft'noonWednesday, ,r I 6... s aft'noon Wednesday, '„ 6... SnigbtFriday. , •„: 8... S alt'noon Frtfty, .- i. „ 8..'. 9nS«ht ¦Monday, „ ill... 4 affnoon Monday. „ 11...12 noonWednesday, „ 13... S oli'nobn Wednesday, .„ 13...12noonffidoy. • '• ,, 15... 3 affnoon Fridiy, ¦' -I j, 15... 1 affnoonUonaay, „ 18... * affnoon Mommy, „ 18... \ affnoonWednesday,.,, 20... S a/fnoon Wednesday, ,„ 20... 7 affnoonFriday,'.- : - ,, .22... 2 aff nbon Friday, „ 22... 8 nightMonday, . ;,,-25.., 4 affnoon Monday, „ £3...12 noonWednesday, „ 27... 8 affnoon Wednesday, : „ 27...12 affnoonFriday, ,, :29..: 3 aff noon Fri jy, ' ,, 29.., '2 (iff noon

    FASE3»-Cabm. Sinilo. 15s. : do. -«lnifl

    CSdntral Ireland Eallway, Waterford, Dunganan.andLiamoreEeiliray; and: Watorford and Limerick BoiliraT.Parcels booked throagh at low Bates to all principal Bta-

    tiors on London and North Western! Hallway,¦I WATEBFOBD AND NEWPOKT (MOH.)Faoa WJHOTOED. ¦ I : I Foon ' NtWroar.

    As Cargo Offers. : I ' Aa Cargo Oilera.W A T E E P O B D " A N D I T O U Q H A L

    As Cargo oilers.W A T E E P O E D i A N D , ! N E W E O 8 8

    PEOM NIW Boss—Daily, Sandaye diceptod, at 9-15 a.m.PCOH WilSBlORD— Dailr, 8andaya' oxceptod, at Ŝ S p.m.

    W A 1 E B F 0 E D A N D i) U N Q A N N O N .FEOU.DOHCIHBOK—Dally; Snndaj'j'eicoptea; at 8.30 a.m.Fson WiiBKroao—Daily; 8nndayyex£epted, at 3-15 p.m.Noii1-Tho Waterford Sioamsbip Companr, Limited, Insure

    all Goods Shipped by these Lines of Steamers at 3s. Id. per.Cent. to. Traders having Yearly Agreements, and 5a. perCent, to Occasional Bhippcra, values to be doolaroi at time ofShipment. Forms and all Information to be had at theoffices. ' |

    Berths secured and every information given by Astmts at.¦ WiHST0Ei>—Waterford BteamsbHp Co. (Limited), HeadOffices, Tho. llalL . • ; ¦ ] ¦ «

    LiTKEPOOi -̂Waterford Steamship Company (Limited), 20,Water • !'¦'.¦' , 1 1 •¦¦pfonv (jMsfotowit. ¦ I :

    : ' '• • '-'¦

    PcBunAtr ¦ 'I J.. For EaliliiandBtltitnore...JunoiaCASKAU, : I ... ForH»UlM fthd Baltimoro...JTino27NOVA SoonAn.. ' ForiHillfsJE sod Baltimore;..July 11

    BATES OF OCSAB PABSAUB ISaloon, 10 to 18 Guineas ;lD>Urm«diati) , £5 Cs. !

    Steerage at Lowest Hates. ' .Throngb TfoWWa tttSpecial Hates W Chleaco, Winni-

    peg {Manitoba),1 Northi-Westl TflrriWry, Brftuh Colonj.biaiaiidto slljraibUin'the Wesrern States and Canada;. ToHrwU; Sporfamen, and' otheri -Waiting the CanaW

    , diaii NOrtb-Wert. can avail tpemMltej of a tpce ial lowirrfurri raM toithe Wonderfal sceniry. in tho EookjrMountains and the Spirting district!. . ' ' . ' . '

    PAHPHLET8.—Mafulof Manitobi and CanadianPaolflo Bailway; also xocebt iasoo'of 'Pamphleta onCanada and t6o Western BtAte * of Ajaorica, 4*. centfree. : ' i . !' ¦ ¦ i i ¦ ¦; ' . '. ' .;8gT 'Western bound patsenjer*' oooompanlcij by a

    ;8pobial C6ndni5tor: ; ':¦, " ' " I - ; ; |; : , " •¦ ' •,': Full partioolars on!applicatioa to,' J.1 SCOTX & Co.,Qaeen4town:!'io Ar>t,An BBOTHBES & Co., JamesStreet,' Liverpool, and Foyle StreVir, Londonderry)Messrs. MUBFHY & WABD, 2, Birronstrand Street;W»torford V ,THOHA«: Pn«b»ti, 16, : B»rron«trandStreet, Waterford | or; WiiLtAa JofflB-TBOT, 81,AUen-Stroet, Oappoqnin. ! ! ! ' : " ' . '„., - Urerpod, ?ioe i, 1888, , r ,f ,/ ; I***

    ¦'LIMERICK s D ISTILLERY,¦ ' ::;l'EBTABi4«E l̂> .i806, ¦maiS flna old Dietaierrj ieepa paee vitb tboi age by adoptioz . erexr modern Jmnrove-ment M It appears, Bod lit ceUbwted' noir all overthe world for Jjrodudingtbe Finest1 Po«ible

    : Be»l IBIBH POT iSTHOi WHISKY,tU favoorito Braid Ini all; HulMr*, ̂ filled inSbiirjCu}f » ; toT, pp ^fn l̂iMifsf p mM ioa.' .

    Sample* i«ad qnotatloni ) aent vto WholeweDealer*onapplieatlon to I ' . - | ¦ .¦+ ':& ¦

    ¦ ¦¦ r jABC5t$ALp ¦

    ¦¦W0BSfy r«JM0. • ¦• ::: :i - "• • XcjtcBtos- Dwnwmi tunaiw;

    ¦: - i ' " i i - 1 - : - ! i - ' - ¦ ' ¦


    ia32.6m Lemonade;¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ASOMATIC SIHGES MM ,

    Seltzer Water, Soda Water, Ginger Beer. '. V ; ; ; '" ~~~7'i ". "r~ 7y j ~\\-7-TZ ~ ¦. ; X xf .̂

    66 .HEBPEEIA" /iy p ' ' . , . . : . , y > . ¦ ¦¦ ' -jj , . J?;m thof Eaiclotioo. . X ... &** ¦

    ^ YEE-MIILLIOH'99 / ̂¦ ¦' Por Jbho 'Eilrblioiico. \ZZ> "', "'.¦"] " ~f \'- '•> Q/. •'¦¦ '¦ '¦/ ?

    c'6 AMBMOBE" / ̂ f /

    / # / FLA.VODE & .Q01.Q0B

    / / i§ / °^ IFC(RM EXCELLENC E.

    V* / JOH N ADAIR , ) For County Waterford ,/ ) ¦ • . : ¦ WATEEFOBD . ) Tipperary, & Kilkenny.' ' ' (al3.3m)

    . =;> X ^•¦::¦: gRBi f̂tn^; 'L.- • ¦. • " - •WATEBFOED AND LDtt EEICK BAIL WAT.

    Up Traim f romJ VaUrford. ¦ ¦¦ ¦ • •

    | Toims on wirt SITS! Sdy1WATSSi-i.-. ̂

    ' r Mall l I i V : Hill z&it¦ ' TO lintiucr 1 2 3 1 2 I 2 3 1 1 2 13 3 I 23 1 2 < f c 8

    ClacsJciasa'CiOU. Clais. Clica. Clitt: cloci1i.u. A.M . I i n . I P.U. r.u; r.ii. p.u

    Watorford dap. .. 7 45 10 16 ; 1 20 3 0 830 830Carrick-on-Suir ... 8 22 10 41 , 1 48 3 31 9 15 9 ISCloumel , ,,. ... 9 0 U 15 ; 2 21 4 IQ 10 :G U' .OTipperjiy: :.. ... 10 0 12 0 3 5 4 10 1155 11 SSJnocUon 10 .9 12 20 ! 3 85 5 85. 12 23 12 25OoU.: .̂-. .̂.i... 13 SO- 3*4 S'45 I ... ' ... 'Pallas ... :,: 12 *1 1 3 55 b.a. 1!TBO 12 SODronlcea ... ¦ 12 *7 -4 1 6 i '¦ . ... :Boho - ... 12 55 < B .fl 13 I Limerick arrival ... 11 0 115 * 30 a 35 1 SO ISOr J TZ l -L . Z. \. "_rf ' - ' " - " •'* '1 » S • ; ji owniJVvjinj f r o n i IAmench. '

    ¦ ' ¦ '¦

    mm 03 WEEX DUO Bdyo.

    LiuiBici tlllaD 1 1.Hall ¦ . T.fnti f.fniiTO WiTTErOED. 1 2 & 3 I 1 A 2 J 1 2 & 8 '14 2 1 2 4 3|l 2 4 S l 2 8

    Class.'Clara. Claos. Class. Class. Class. Clac.i.I *.n. j .̂a. I

    jun, I T.U. I t.u. I

    p.n r.ijrLlmorlci dop... 6 0 ' 0 85 111 0 ' 2 « ! 4 0 11 0 11 0Boher 6 18 ... |ll 18 .. ' 4 20 Dromteon ,, .,. 1 6 27 .•.-.¦111 27 ... * 30 . ... '....PalLbT . ̂ ..'. e S7

    ' '... : 11 37 ¦ ... -4 *0 11 3re, ... amr. 11 lft ! a 80 —

    S. & \7. n&Uway i

    SSS? •:: ̂ :»S "SS -Sri0" ::: :: j j U -ISS18' ::: :: 5S Sj =

    TO vUTEnroap. j8TATIOHB.. : Weok 3>ays. I ¦'.̂ -MM Ĥ-. ' Cundayfl

    B. b V.Eailway. *. u. x. n. x.a. ¦¦ •»Tralee dop. — 1 6 0 10 Z3 X . U. i. tlSlLncj - j i „¦ - "g » K I 1 ICork t. - 11{ I? *J - r*UaUotr I " ' " .» 3 I -

    l££moZ ... "rtr. - 10 35 3 0 - -

    «S"T!^.««..8:5S3™- ; •¦:: SK L'FK .JS - 3Durr ŵlstradDaily '. 6 *3 1 65 * 80 - -•SSS&T:..:1 -!! "b' " «? = =

    • : . ! TgOUAO O'T?ALLET,TrBTir,yr.

    ALL "I^yiTEN wbo 'nlsh to Marry end bo bapiy¦ iSlll BbonM eee tha MA6IC UlRROh,sent i free to any part of the world on receipt acaeddreca', 8, FltB-S^aara.-Sbfeaeia. , Doa't d3b; -̂Send at oncfe—it coats yon nothing. '

    Wot only io Protect but to Promote Trade, tv.ld• : ' bring ' Qooi Hen togethtr.

    ' -. ¦ 'EwABUSHEiB 1830. |-

    Flint onaico 'o feritioh and Porcisaj Coinmoroial Inauiry Olucoa.

    HEAD OFFICES :—58, O&EAPBIDE, Lon-don and BOW LANE. London, E.C. ,'Be—a Bsnkrupt.i Failure for £30,00u lu less that a

    je»r"i trading. For TesUmoulali soe below «to effloicnoyox îStermtion lnltbjjfbOTe W», Another £5,000 (PIT.Thousands Pounds) wv»a W our •ubsoriberf. N.B.—HotipoaKul

    one oI tlieia Tlrtlmliie

  • Ia!


    Valuable i leaoeliold Promicoa %oz C2I0: by [Auction. v :AUo the ntnainier of tha Btoeb of Furniture, $1,1 ' , Ifc. consisting of— : i ; :


    TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION,; :Oft HOBDAY & TUE8DAT 25th & 26th JUNE . '88,

    At Twelve o'clock, on the Premises] ¦"TVTO. 27 B A i i B O N 8 T f i A N D 8 T B EE T,-DJ WATEEFOBD, by directions of Mr. JOHNPENDEB, wbo Is retiring from the Furniture Busi-ness, Dining ̂Briom and Library Chairs, Arm ditto,Loungeral Centre Tobias, Side do., Sideboard,Cabinet and Presses^ Chimney Mirrors in GiltFrames, pinaments sad, Clocks, Glass, China andDelpb, Lamps, Oleographs, Oil Paintings andEngravings in variety; Tapestry Carpet and;8qaarado; 12 x 12 - Wool KrifjB and Mats. Hearth Bugs,Linoleum, Stair Oilcloth and Carpet, Gipsy Tables,TKTWon Winder Chdirs. Loo Tables ic, &c. !

    Iron Bedsteads and PalliiSsdv-rToUet Tableo,and Glasses, "Basin Stands and Ware, Commodeo,Towel Airers, Gentleman's and Lady's DressingCases, Work Boxes and Writing Desks, Ladies'Work Baskets Lined with Satin ; Officer's Cabinet ,Fenders and Jnros, Office Tablta and Deiks, IronSafe, Copying Press, Plated Ware and Cutlery invariety, Dish Cover* Perambulators, Bracketo,Counter Glass Coses, ic, &c.

    Sets of Single and Tandum Harness, Brldloo,Horse Clothing, Whip), Htad Collars, Tiatrellinj}.Brief and Lady's Hard Bags, Car Cushions,Lapping Paper, 6 | Photographic Lenses andCameras ? : about 43 I Single and Double BarrelBreech and Muzzle Loading Guns ; Kevolrers andPlnf/iln. ' . I

    ON TUESDAT, JUNE 26tb ,At 12 o'Clock, will ba Sold, on the Premiseo.

    THE VENDbB'S i INTEREST IN THEVALUABLE CONCERNS, in which the Furni-ture BusineGS l>48 been extenairely carried on foean number of ipare. • :

    It contains—Spacious Shop with Large SbonWindow Hall Door Entrance, Six Show Booms,W.C. Pautrie*, 2 Cellers, &c.

    The Gas Fittings frill go nith the IatereGt.Particulars of Lease . ai Sale.

    (23* We wish to call the attention of partiesrequiring a really good and well-situated BnslneE3House to this Notice, for ouch rarely offers in thisthickly-populated and much-frequented part ofthe City. 1

    Terms—-Cash.THOMAS WALSH & SON, Auctioneers, &c-The Mall. June 20th, 1888.


    Important Unrenorvod Auction¦ : I Off


    W F . BBOWNING hao received instructionsO from U»O5cril.OT QUBBINS, Esq. (who is

    Icarioff Caupoqnin), to Sell BY UNiJESEBVED AUC-TION, on. 1'UESDAX NEXT, the 26th JUNE, Thefolllowiog i eioelleat HOUSEHOLD FURNrTUBE,-which is all of a snperiorj description, and only in nso ashort time; comprising io : ; :

    £> SAWING EOOH i~A magnificent rich-toned TriohordCottage .Piano, by D'Almnino. & Co., of London, 7Octaves, solid Boaewood Ehonized Casa with carvedBracket Legs, a Tory superior instramont ; handrtSiiiSEarly EogUsh Eboniscd and Gold Cabinet with hand-painted Panels, BeruUed Plate Glass Back, and fittedwith Drawers and Cellaret ; splendid Earl; EnglishSolid Oak EbonisedArm'Chair, upholstered in leather 1handsome OotagObal Ebonised Table, 4 very prettyGipsy Tables, Ebonised and Sold Corner Cupboard,"Whatnot, 3 Ebonised and Occasional Chairs, 2 emailEasy Chain aid Camp Chair, excellent Pier Glus, 4ftGin by 3ft 6ln : Mantle Board, Pair Red Cart&int, Polaiand Bings; pair Burmese Curtains and Poles, &o . '-,mod Carpet, Hearth Bug, Fender and Steels, BrassMounted Coal Seattle j! some Indian Matting ; someBrockets, &e. ¦ | ¦ ¦

    DINING. BOOM :—Excellent Telescope Dining-Table,rrith Carred Pillar Legs j Arm Chair, Fender andSteels, Carpet, Hearth ttug, 8-Day Clock, Side Board,Cupboard, Otal Habogjuiy Ceatro Table, with hand-corns Carved Claw, writing Table, &o.

    HALL :—Some Linoleum ZJotoi Stair Carpet andCods, Bracket, &o. I

    The Furniture of Two Bedrooms, whioh Is very gocd,comprising :—Brass Mounted Iron Bedsteads, verypood Hair Mattresses,1 Marble Top Wash Stands.Toilflt Ware, Mahogany Drawing Tables, ToiletGlaeses, Towel Bails, Polished Pino Chesis of Drowera,Splendid Wardrobe with Drawer, Commode, PedestalFender and Steels. 3 Linoleum Bath Mats, 2 WinsorBugs, Cans' Seated Chain, (Brockets, Haojrinj BookShelf. Curtain and Poles] &c.

    dBEVANTs Boon i—Iron Stretcher, Flock Mot:trees, Mahogany Wosh| Stand and Ware, DressingTable, Ao. - - I ^KJTCHEN i—An excellent American Store, in per-fect order, not long in use, with Cooking Stensils tosnit ; 2' Tables, eome Rish Covers, quantity of Wareand Glass, Chairs, Copbdard,3 Japanese Trays, KnifeBox, Meat Safe, some Washinf^Subs, C3t Grazing! Land, Railway commnni.cation open to fill parts of tbo Continent. ImprovedFarms for Sale it all parta of Canada. ¦. Agricnltural Labourers and Female DomesticServants nre in great demand. !;

    Apply for tho- Ne'jj Governiaeht Pamphloto,llapa, and f nil infonoation to

    THOJIAS i| 0ONNOLliT, ;: ; Canadian Government Agent.

    Kothnmberlond Bocso, Bercoford-Placo. Dublin

    Cioyclo -for Dalo- Â Esrcjoia. '

    TTTiOB, i8AX.¥, A CQVBNl'Kx- MACHINESTLiC . CO. BPECUL. CLUB (54.ioch) oith oil thelatest Improvements, : Including T nandleo. TheMachino & iirscticaUyf new, baving been: littlet 'ddeo, and Owner only dew*? to part with It iaorder to get a Bscer 16 its etesd. The Bicycle cost,221;; it is ths very bat Ecsdstcx to ba bod forC0B07» ¦! • - I ¦¦ ¦ ' \ <! Further ParticnUrt ct Ten NBWB O£3ce. i \





    ; :• ¦

    , ¦

    YDlp B p r a. ' ' ': "' \ "¦¦ ¦

    : . ! ESTABLISHED 1776. ¦' [f20.1y |

    i | - ,F OBTBAITS ; ; [ ; innAKBSDilLyby Mr. WIHTEB.ona ItoUhedJ. ! iB*h«*»«t«*yl* W Aw, •tblwpprofed; . . ; • . - : ¦; ;i, i*i îoMMinBo ftBnw»t- [ < . ] ¦ ¦ \ .aBr6a.QPAY(en>itMytKA»cai)WATEBJOBP: TmoiT ATMotto; isito HoA«8Mnt8*-AUtdtwttf fro* Irtitattofc rftt« &*»} Ma ho^MnetiX ^^tig t t tMy'maS ad rt tin alsunt imfiedUt*

    ĴuTrffSSd tyS* ̂«r of " Brown'.BronohUl

    itdTptt Sot twdfSkyg aabUS with • "Jacking

    ¦IT'T u:-: v i# /"rt l̂ffT llK ,1 '¦ • ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ¦ I ;iî Mte : ^ ;ira! s: - . i ¦! }! ¦ " !¦


    . - ¦ . . . _— _̂ : , ; .

    Bain* the end of the Sê on with l Mannfacturers, Oar Buyer,! in visiting tho' ¦. : . . . ' Markets last: peek, secured some ; ;


    . . , r i- l i np'

    | Mantles, Beaded Tisites; Loose-FronM Jacliets,! Dust Cloaks, &c, !\ The greater portion of which we are

    :offeriDg at Hal f their original Price.

    ; . ' - SIPTHSCJnr^^IEj . |We ' ¦will also show some Leading Novelties in Jerseys, suitable for Tennis and Boating,

    i in all the Newest Materials, including Pongee Silk , Flannel ,Sateen, and Flannelette. ;

    i. ; JAMES HEA1WE .«C. eT7. KM -W lr& Ji3 3HE 1T' S

    M I E J B Jffi A LAre indispensable for







    OU "1I15W BCUMK B


    UNDE.CC0AT8Conbine th« desired coft-nc3S and bcanty of toitnro ,with otrongth und appear-anc3. They oro medo andfinlebod ia tha boat atyle o(trorknanahip.

    16s, 20s, 26s, 32a,and nr^ards-







    OUB NEW TBOO8EES,3i Oil , 10s 6d, 123 Cd,

    14s. and 17s Cd ;AND

    OUB NEW 8TTIT8,20s,. 25s, 303, 403,

    and upwards,Aro aaav in such creattariotyi of tne-toriala, coci-prlsJnSiall tho nootfoahion-abla titripes, Choc'jo, andother foncy patterns ; ' alsoin Black and Blao Sortjca,Diajonalj, 4c, &o., thattbo moit lutidions will ex-perience ao dilcoaltj inpleuinh themcolres.







    VESTS1 to jmfoh

    In NEWtST 8HAPES,made froa BboU Dh"omilWorstods, with BraidedEdges, pnd beaotifnily trim-med and Soiibed aroUNEQUALLED VALUE,

    20&1 26s, 85B. 45G.J)AUEJ)AUEJJAUE






    Warranted to> enduro, cida tn tha concatetylw. ready for iomodbUass in all qualities tz circs.


    Is roplota with dl , thjNotclties bid Latest Stylesof tho SciMn, frcn nhichva :

    riAan ToiUDUtrcn

    Burro ... ].. fc3 aTEOUSEOO ... „ 12]

    COATET)AHD ¦> ... ,,S7o Cd

    vrarai ¦¦ • ¦








    , ft.-fc:l ;¦PittinsGivccnta

    > . . araGuaranteed.

    ENGBAVED ILLU8TBATION8 of FasWonabloShapes and, Noocot 8tjb cf Garraenta for tho Ucasen,nith patterns and m&toriah, era fotrj-trdod fro onapplication) ' ! ' ' !

    tJlmplo IHrooHona for 'Salf-mcaantcmont cro fb>irarded 'that nill cuabla any ccntlcman to taka bisown measdro as oorrcotly as if taken by • PracticalTailor. I i : ; j

    Any ,Garment trill ba ozchanircd nithln a monthbftar pnrohaso if not Worn or Injarod. :i All Parcos forwardedj carrhjo pddi by rail crpost, I . :

    ¦ : .Post OQco Orders payoblo to

    B . B: T A iii ' '¦ ¦TklLOV., CtOTniBB, HATTEtl, HOSIBB , AHD


    I Or. A,rpUDCn,S UB QE O Ul D E N T I S T , - ¦. -.


    ME. WUBCH bos Attended tbe Practice of. tb»- late B. W. FBSSUAV. ffurgeoo Dentist, fortbo bat tbreflycars witn. Batlifaction, and tbere^orafeels confident of kind wpportand1 patraniM. ; i

    LOMPOK AODBKSS t—tp6, Great Titchfleld Street,andSOO. CIty Bead, E, :! «27-ly: ADVIC: I TO IfOTHEBS I—Are von broken in

    Toarrett >y» slok child tafferina? with the tmin ofoutting t* ithr Go at ,opoo to * chemist and get abottle of tfn. Wik»w>Tr's SOOTHING STBOP. Itwill relltrs th« poor «offerer immediately. It lUperfectly, 1 «mleu tad pleasant to twtf.. J$ pro-dhoo» B> H*faM. «jnIet'»Teep bjr" reU«Vin» the obildfrom Mln, and. the lifU* oherab tunkt * '' M briiihtCt «> butto 1." U lootKi the child, it •often* thefurns, alUVs all p»Ur, rslierM wind, regnl»t«»thobowels, at d U the beai kpown remedy for dysenteryand di»rrb »*, whether M i»ta* from teething or otherteuMi. Mrs. Window** Soothing Syrnp U told toH»dio}a» D«Jm trwTwftMc, •• fi i}d p«» tetfl«, *

    1 ' ' J" I 1 1 ' ¦

    kk AB0U:O

    t our probable requirements for tbo ensuing

    cla£^;s of Drapery Goods



    3VC Ĵ*-

    G3^,-SJ r̂"2To

    nn»lile to visit bin et'idio at Cork , bas arrangedJUNE ICtb , to FBIDAY , tbo £2od init, tid

    22, TIE M4LL.

    W i T I Eithe nnrr¥>r,q of .ill

    DTODEa CO 133 £132.

    MBS CUliBAN , ANGEL HOTEL, QUAYWATKB ^OED , is prepared to let weekly oryearly, to a Solvent Tenant or Tenants, tbe largeBottling Store, the two Horee Stable, and tbo largoLoft running over botb. Theso Premicea open into a large and spacious Yard ; ore approached bya convenient Entrance from the Quay, and immu-diotel y. adjoin the Hotol. The ubolo Concernrrould bo admirably suited for Builders, or for|peroono in tbe Bottlinfr Trade, and indeed forperoona in nny General Trado. oy.E3

    Apply to tbe Proprietress at tho HotcL

    Cnticr-l Eattor ! I Snttr? 111niPORTANT NOTICE



    At Loiceit Pric tM in the Iradt.rrpiHE tbovo baring entered into Contracta with-Lu coma of tbo principal Virms on tbo Coati.neat, can now supply, at xoweot Pricea in theTrade, to Farmers, Creamery Companies, andotbera, any quantity of 66 lb. jriBKINS. from 10Oto 1,000 por week, of tbe BEST DABISH WDITBBcrOu, minnfactared by him ot bis COOPEEAGEE8TABLISHUENT, 7 i JO , Hian-SxnECT,WATEEFOBD. 1

    These Firkins are highly approved of by tboBatter Merchants, and will bs found substantial,clean, nnd picklc-ti«bt. oy23

    Master Coopers supplied with 8taTea, Heads, andBottoms, Uacbine Dresaed. '££? Frco to oil Bcataacd Bailway Stations.

    KEATINerfectlr nnriTalled HdKtrojimiiBUas, FLJS*R IIOT1I3, ULblLEa, »nd »!jIciictj (whll.t piziaettf hann]ta« to ill animal life). ' AllnoolCM usd Inn •boolo- b* wcU fwiokled with th» Vom&nbdore pladns inf. ! H ij ianltubU to taka to tha SeatidfiTo Mold dluvpolutno t̂ Uuirt opoa harls; "Kcatlri'oPowdtr," ito otber Powder U' cSoetaaL 8old onto is tiiuCd,, aBa*j . Cd. BOITSTV of Imitation. Don't be deemed.

    I WOBtIS IN CHILDBEN,I WOBUS IN CHELDBEN,Aro esrfly. taroly, and »Hb perfoet tCoty got rid of bj cdtTICEATUIO'8 Vro&U TABLETS. fiSl/ all chlSSsnCor from Worn*. If euipected, do not walt.yOT cin«rf:h ca«o car« tb« ebUaJIIM no effect esccpt or Wcraa)Cold b» aU ebeaicU. la Tb* IS ltd. each. * "̂ >̂J

    yn moLBALE AND RETAILCiol> , Gaao, Poultry, oad Zco Dtorca


    THE attention of the Gentry and Publici U called to thi* Establishment.Goops or TUB CHOICEST QDALITT.

    Country ordors carefully attended to.; , Y7. 8TBEET. PBOPBIETOB.ICE I lea 1 1 Ion I -A luxury for hot weather, «c-onroly packed foroonroyance by rill, &o. Termi oaeppllcation : mya-ly

    RHBDUATISZI, AonU or Chronio, relieved byCOLUAN'B CoNcatTTBATKO MURTARD OlU—8tre«tLondon.

    ¦ ¦ .

    ¦ 1 ! ¦ ¦ ; ; ; • • ¦ • '¦ tit ¦HOLLOWAT'B OlHTMEIfT AMD PlUA—Th««Bremedtct art nneqoalW throufboot tbe world tor bad len.woands, font soreeTWd breuM, and nloen. XTeeil̂ ael-eotdlng ttdlreeUoDs cinra with tbem there It no ¦ wotand.bad lc«, ornleerousot*, bowerer eb*tbi»t« orlooksUa.tinr, Ut wiUyfaM to b̂eaUqra^eormthTn r̂tk*'Manr poor *uSeren *io bar« >>m> ptU«irU te tbe buvil'botpltalTnader tha CM. of eodaent Eiwtoa.; u ̂ta»Jderived little or Do lxaels (n«a Uietinrauiart: Uilbeea tboroofkl, cored by Hollow/1* OiatsaeBt «aa Wlitot (rrandnlar rwallSart. ta"»V».I'POe»."aBadl»»a»«iof

    ISS&'SSSA * "* *"• H*SrSS;



    ¦ CiTzra.- Ciscrcttcn. : I?r.3oy Gccia,-

    Uczszdhnnn end Driar Pipca J >


    79, Q U A Y , 'WATERFORD.

    INDIAN . CIGARS.Trinchinoply Cijjaro, T7ith straw ... 6 for Is.Trincbinoply Cberoote, with olrav? ... 5 for la.Burmab. Cheroots ., ... ... 7 for la.Lunkah Oberoota ... ,, . ... 5 for laDawcon'o No. 1 Cigaro ... • ... 5 for la,Dawson'B No. 2 Cigaro ... ' ... 5 for leCocanadas CicarD ... ... ., 7 for lo


    ^ Clayo Cigaro _ ... 4d. and 6d. oizc.

    Intitnidad Cigara, extra G\ZS. . . IS. 3d. each.Intimidad Cigars ... 4d, 6M, 9d nnd lo eachLarranagno Cigaro... 4-d, 6d and 8d eaohlloralea Cigaro ... ... 4d and Cd cacbEleccion Cigars . ... .. 4d and 6d eachPartagne Cigara ... ... 6d nnd Od eachCabanaB imperial ..,' ... Od each.^


    La Union CiKara .Espartero Bize, 3d each.Bella Victoria Cigara ... 3d and id C-ichLa Pnieba Cigars ... . ... 4d,ezch.Ofelin, Concha6 ' .;. .. 'A each.


    CONTINENTAL CIGARS.Flor Del Cumpio ... ... 3d eachItnperia De Oro ,., ... 4d eachPartnro? ... ... ... 2d eachVrndnLts ... ::. ... 2d each


    D03 AmigoOj 3d each , ... 6 for Jo.Solnco Cigaro, 3d eaoh ... 5 for la.El Epoca Cigars, 3d each ... 5 for Is.Red Seal and other Brands, 2d each, 7 for lo.

    Abont 30 diCercnt Brando at prices rancingfrom 43 9d to 20a pel box, containing 100 Cigurs.

    Uclachrino, Caravoponlo, Neator, GianacliB,and other Cigarettea, from 2B. to 123 per 100

    CirraretUo by weight, 6d to la Cd per ounce.

    E E 1 I E I I B E E

    P. 1. DOYLE'S,79, QUAY


    onnriEn . Acaiaco, 1000.T\TOTICE IS HEEEBY GIVEN that TeoderaJL\I niU ba accepted for tha folloninjj worts attbo ecauiaj Anzizz;, if PrKsntcd fot by tho GrandJury 1—

    Ko 1. KllxcolxinxEjt.—T» keep In repair, /or «reajeirn C3 porebfs of tU» po»C roti from W»t«rfordto Cirrlck. between tlis old Hallway EUtion and tlioConnty Bounds at GranJsh Bridae, townlmids ofIfewrath aed lloootmiicr/. Huzea, cot to exceed Cj Cdptr perch per ansom—£133 03 ' !Ko 3. Sim: Buoju.—To rtballd portion of thiretaining and fesco irall at tho approash to tt»Bridja at tho Connt/ Eoanda, at Sir Joha'» Fond, oatho toad from Watorford to Balllnlaw. Faued, novexMcd£SI. ;

    Ho. i. lIlDDLirniinD.—To pile asd repair thuCtrasd Bead at Trnmore, ' betweco tbe Ilca's Slipand tho LonghooM Boad. Pauod, not to excc«a£183. : !

    No. 1. UrmmiiKi.—To kesp In • repair, for «OTcnTUTS, 1,173 perches of tho road from UllahMlia tolUlmaethocui, between K(l«h-elan Bridg* and FonlaTon»Croo, toirnlaads of Cooluhall, Qartc£S, and Oleapatrlck.FuuM at I* per p«rcb per annum.—£58 IB* •Ho. 3. Six* BkMo tx.—To keep ia repair, for Dmjc-ira, £(.0 perches ot the road from Carriek to Cappoqaln,bctneca Hkhael Qnj'a honse and iUchard Cantwell'tcontract at UlUrola ; totraUnda of Curickbe; . andChrailn. FaEiod, not to «ce«d Od por perch per aoncm-^£12 I e. :

    Ho. 4. SlHJS B1C05T —To dako a ' e l̂lct on th*road from Carriek to Cloostel , bctwtca tho Oleb*flours at Charchtoim 'sad tbe Church Unto atChorcbtown. Puaed. not to exceed iX, 'Ko. 8. UrrzaTntas.—To make lu, drains, S3 fee(of concrete coping and build portion .of a wall oatho road from ii&rrick to Cappoqnia. between IIU.Tile Brldj« aod tha Cron at Bathsorsuck. Fused not toeir.ftftd *1A. . . . .

    No. 7. SIHX Bicorr.—To bnlld a cau at theStream/on the rond from Clonmel to Carrick, btlonOUnLoip if Fused not to exceed £'3 Cs.No. 0. . SA2ix BI&OIT.—To clc&a. Lad. T«pair a\*>nt2iO janli of Drain* In tha itrceta o! Port law, bo-twoon the Hotel and tha Zlill Uates, and the FoitOQco corner, tbe l!jln Bewer, and to pat down8 pates and trap*. Faesod'not to exceed £16 lOx

    No. 1. COSBKOBB ISO C«)BBUDX .—To keep inrepair for ueven years \lZi percbes of the port nmore, aod Tallow Bridge;towsland of Lbssore. Fsuod not to exceed 1* 3d perperch per annnm—£00.

    No. 15. Butt BJUUJUT—TO repair S8 feet In lengthof tho copicj of parapet wall , on the road froaTallow to Lbmore, mxllcioailir thrown downb3twecn roilwoj road approach, Llstnoro, and tb*Fefer Hospital. Faesed net to exceed £1 IGa, ,

    No. 17. SiMi lilioai—To proTlde and fix two warpinr;bno/s at the Bride Bridge, pruTido a boat and life tuoj:.Passed not to exceed £U*. |

    No. 1. DECII3 Winiw Dimf.—To kc«p In repairfor leren jears, 11C0 perches of tbe road from llel-Tick to Dunj-tirtan aini Toajhal, between Bobert'SCross, Oortnadlhr acd Coutjaard Boat House,Ilelrick i townlanda ol Helrick, SMljerielj , Ballinx.coal, etc, Purreii sot to execsd 7d per perch per ansaaC33 1C» 8d. ;

    No. 2 Sim B1EC3I.—To keep in repair fotaartn jeara, 761 perches of th* road from Iftrogarnato HclTlck, between Keane'* boneo at Lei ĥ aadXlcOrath'* contract. Uweelnahorna t townland* ctOortiodlhj, Bollinaooartx, sod llweclnahoruo. Faued sotto exceed Bd per perch par annca—£18 17s. ;No. 3. Sam Biaoat.—To: keep ia npalr for aerearears, 701 percbts of tha rood from Tallow to Dnniraron,throogb. the street* of iglUh4«clndlor tb* three branches;townland of Igllih. Faacod net to exoued M per perch petannoa—£14 12* 1*. ;No. S. 8AM* EiaOMT.—To keep in repair, for on*rear, 1,000 perches of th* road from Tallow to Djngarran,bttween Edinona UcOrath'* contract at Mountatoart andJobn iitxpatrkk's contract at: Oolih Bridge ( toirnlamd* olOraljne, LUjTlGln, UooaUttnart, tc Faaaed, not to exceedM per perch—£17 S3 id | iJTo, 6. Sun Suon.-To keep in repair, for aereijean, 1,000 percbes ot the. road from Cappoanin to Clashicjore, between th* cioaa ot tho AcUab road at BalUoapukiand tbe cro:j roads at EallinaninltlBs | townland*ct Ballinapuka, Cnrranbecn Ball/conana, Qrateno,LocxenaUlogU, io. Passed, nor to *xceed 5d per percsper annna.-£33 -6» 8d. i TNo. 7. Suu BISOMT.—To keep In repair, for **r*aTears, 70 > perches ot tbe rood from Dtutgarran to Helrick;bstween tho baron/ bound! at. KUloajford and Hanalgas'*cross at Gortoadihj; townlands of llweelnahotca,lialliaoeoortj, and Oortsadlh;'. Faatod not to exceed 1» 6dper perchperannoja—£33 10s Od. 1No. & >*],» BiaojtT.—To care and paint ToanhalBridge until Snrisit ixtixes, VBS3. Faesecf not to exoesdNo. 0, 8iii BJIOIT.—TO keep in 'npalr, for aerenjean, 1,121 perches of tbe road from Dnngarraa toArdmare, between tho crocs ot Oraliagh aad th*COT* at Bjllro,trln i townlmdaof Crn«bea,tc. Fasaud. notto exceed 7d per penh psr ansom-aXU Us lid. :No. 10. Siu Baaon.-To keep in repair, for 7 yearsIv4 perche* of tb* rood from Dnnnrran to Ballrnaroal.between tb* road to Helrick, and BalljrBajonl Pier. Passed!not to exceed ed per peroh per aa»aja~t3 8*0d. ^ iHo. 7. Ssciu-WinoCT-Diint.—To keep ia repair for•erca jeart, • 1,810 perehe* of th* road from Duuanaato Clouael, Wtweeotho tornto Co1U|*a and Lackraduncron roods | townlands of Lackeodirra, Colllgan Wood,earrrclone. Paucd, not to exceed bid per perch-cuiTender*, which rrart be lodecd with. m« aot latex th«nDtTcn o'Clook on ainiluui. ilit J OLT, can be obtainodand *T)CciScaUons nea (tor th* »bor» at my offlct after tha£5tb JOBS. Claimant* for eomprasatkra for Malidoo*InjCa era required to tttoad with their Witnesses lathe GnEd JBTJ Jmns •» ooa o'etoci ca tbi tut JOIT.

    n. H. P0WEB, ; - , :' ' BtettUrr to tb* Grand JOIT. i

    T !: ¦• J ' H • ' ' • Cowty of .WattrfoM ¦DiUdaf tho (S>koty-'8tdr«ar»'i'Oflc«1 "' •Coorthonso, WaWrford,,rtth June, lfcn. , ¦

    WATEEFOBD AND ;LIUEBICK lUILWAYBoyal Hail IJoato f«r XQlfceo. '


  • m

    • ¦ - ;: -rrr^r—r ; - -. -¦¦ ¦ A, u. D. a. ;

    i Dt. John'n CoUojro, XTtaerforinnHE- USUAL i HALF-YEARLY (Snmmcr)JL EXAMINATIONS were jheld during theweek ending Thursday, l«b instJ On Sunday, 17ththo Premiums were * distributed by the Eight BovPIBBCE POWIB, D.D.; Bishop | o! tho .diocese.Through the grateful generosity of former students,now in the Ministry in England, ! special Prizes (inmoney) were given to the first five uuccessfnlcandidates in Do|jmatio: Theology and| SacredEloquence. ' . . . I- I MOliAL THEOLOGT. I

    Firat Ptemlam—Jamea Hartley. Thomas Cabill.Second Premium—Benry Galvin.'Willlam Hearne.Third Premium—Michael "Walsb.'Charles M'CartbyJames Coffey.j Prosime aeeeMterunt—William Bart,Jeremiah Duggab, Thomas Hartley, EdmandO'Connell, Jainea ; Hunrahan, | John Qleeson,Maurice Cheaaty, Patrick Kearney, Eichard Barry,Bartholomew' Marshy, Peter Qaeally.

    DOGMATIC THEOLOGY.Fiwt Premium—James Hartley,. Henry Galyln,

    Jamca Coffey, Thomas Hartley.-T-Second Premium—Thomas CahillMichael Cheaaty, Michael "Walsh.—Third Premium—William Hearne, BartholomewMurphy, John Gibbons, John] Gleesonl Dis-tinctona~E Hassett, Patrick O'Neill, E O'Connell,C McCarthy, P Quealy, William Bnrke, MHnrnstt, Richard Carry, P Hatred J Barry,: J Han-raban, John McEmily. : I¦ ': SECBED SCEIPTIJEE.

    1st Premium—Thomas i Cabilli Hecry Galvan,JameB HearUy. 2nd Premium—William Hearno,Patrick O'Neill , Michael IWalsb1, John Gibbons.SnJ ' Premium—Thomas Heartly. BartholomewMurphy, Peter Quealy. !. Charles McCarthy.Distinctions—Jamea Hanwhan. James Coffey,Patrick Costello, Edmond O'Connell JohnGleeson, Mauiice Cheasty, Patrick Hawe, EichardBarry, 'Thomas Noouan, William Burke, John-Barry. : . I 'ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY| (1ST DIVISION.)¦ First Premiums—Thomas Cahilj, Henry Galrin,James . iHartley. . Second - Premium—ThomasHartley, Charles M'Cartby, Peter Quealy. ThirdPremium—William Hearne, Jamea Coffey, JohnGibbons. Distinctions—Dents iEgan, MichaelWalshe,, Jobn Barry,.,Patrick l &earffjy, • Bar-tfaolemew Murphy, Garret Ortnond,,ty, -John Gleeum.'H O'Donnell, J.-Duggan,Thomas Noonan, Patrick O'Neill, I WOliam Burke,Edmond Hatsnett.ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY (2nd DIVJBIOH.)

    Premium—Joseph Bnssell, Michael O'Brien.Distinction!!—Patrick Murphy, John Moore, Wm.O'Connell, John Murphy, Patrick O'Dea, Columb-kil Collins. ! : 1

    SACBED ELOQUENCE.First Premium—-James Hartley; Edmond O'Con-

    nelL Second Premium—William! Hearne, HenryGalvin. Third Premium—Thomas Cahill, PatrickCostelloe, Eichard Barry. Proz ', aeces.—ThomasHartley, John Gleeson, John Gibbons.

    NATURA L PHILOSOPHY.First Premium—Michael O'Brien. Second Pre-

    mium—John Moore.:Distinction—William O'ConnelU •

    LOGIC AND METAPHYSICS.Only Premium—Joseph Russell,;Patrick Murphy.

    Distinctions—None, i : ¦ ! ¦ . .

    EHETOEIC.Latin—Horace Oltt, &c—Premium—Edmond

    Stokes, William Walab. Distinction—Flavin.EHETOEIC LATIN (CICERO).

    Premium—'Edmond Stakes, William Wabb.Distinctions—Michael Flavin.

    Greek—Premium—Edmond Stokes (IOIUJ V. Dis-tinctioa—William Walsbe, C Flavin, ThomaaHogaa. -

    HUMANITY.Latin—Cicero:—Lot Premium—Hlckey, James

    O'Neill. 2nd Premhm—James Nugent, JohnDowley. Distinctions—Owen Fitzgerald;.Francii)Connell. - ^

    HUMANITY GREEK.! Preaium—James |Hiekey, Jobn Dowley, Jamea

    O'N'oill. Distinction—Owen Flttgerald, JamesNugent, Francis .Connell- - . ; -

    SCIENCE !(8ENIOB CLASS).Irreaiuiu—William Walshe, : Edmond Stokes.

    Distlrictions-I-Timothy Cutack, Michael Flavin.SCIENCE (JUNIOR CLASS). ;.

    ; ¦ ; Preraluca—John Dowley, James HUkey. Dk>-n ctions—James O'Neill, James Nugent.ENGLISH LANGUAGE, LITERATURE AND

    ! HISTORY. .Firat Premium—Michael O'Brien, Wm O'Connell,

    Joseph Russell. . .. Second Premium—PatrickMurphy, Edmond Stokes, Columb Collins* Dis-tinctions—Wm Walshe, James O'Neill, ThomasHogan, John Dowley, James Hickey, ThomasO'Donobue, Martin Dowley. :

    ENGLISH COMPOSITION.First Premium—Joseph Russell, Wm Connell.

    Second—Premium Michael OBrien, Patk Murphy,William WaUhe. Third Premium—Edmd Stokes,Columb Collins, Thomas Hognn. Distinctions—Jas. Hickey, Patriek O'Dea, Jamep Moore, JohnDonley .'James O'Neill, Timothy C^Jack. .

    FRENCH CLAS8 (SENIOE). -Soliu—Josep h Russell. First Premium—Michael

    O'Brieu, Edmond Stokes, Patrick O'Dea. Distinc-tions—Win. Wulsh , Patrick Murphy, John.Murpby.

    : FRENCH (JUNIOB.).Premium—John Darnley, Jamea Hickey, Martin

    Dollard. Distinctions—Martin 'Darnley, OwenFitzgerald , Timothy Cusock, Michael Flavin,Jamea O'Neill. . - ¦ '• . • ¦ . | • i ¦' .VACATION will end on TUESDAY, SEPT. 4tb.All Students are to b« in College on that diy before4 o'clock , p.m. Retreat begins next day at noon.

    Terms—30 Guineas, to be paid half-yearly (Sept.1st and Morcb 1st), in Advance'.

    Applicants for admission shall prpsent, on en-trance, Baptismal Certificates ' and satisfactoryletters from the Parish Prleste, as well as Iromthe Superiors of tbo' Schools or Colleges in whichthey bave previously studied.

    Further information on application toJuno 18th, 1888. THE EECTOE.

    Ghanacluno To Lot

    TO BE LET, for nueh a Term as may be agreed: on, 265a 2r 82p, Statute Measure, of the nnletportion of the Lands of Shanaclune, with thebwelliPg>Hou8s and Offices thereon, situate 8 milesfrom Waterford, 4 from Trnmore, 2 from Annes-town, and 4 from Kilmeaden Station of the Water-ford Dangarvan, and Lismord Biilvray.

    Apply to: jE. H KELLY, Cathedral Square, Waterford

    ¦ iJune 19th, 1888.- ;-- i: :

    : | . C5aa ~v. inciotrlo, ;Licht-,nnHE attention of CoDsumers Is' directed to theJLL fact, tbat lh'e cotit of a jet of gas equivalent

    , o 14 candles, at the present price of gas, Is ONE-rittuor ONE PENNT per bonr. Bear this In mindbtfors you decide on getting u nominal 16 candleponer electric light ' at lid per hour, and paying inr̂ddition a meter : tent ft 6/- pel quarter. Thismakes ELECTEIO nawc DEAEHB than goa at 10/-pdr l^XX) cubic feet—in: other worda, you get gasfor five hours for. Id., while electric light for thocame time will coat yoa 2£d and' meter rent.


    I BEG to intimate to iny Friends and Customers,and the General Public Cpat I have taken tho

    C2T Honco, 124, Porado Qucy (OppositeLiverpool DtoacierB,)


    Tbo WOOLLEN KEPABTMENT will comprisethe Choicest Patterns of Irish, Scotch, and W«wt ofEngktnd Tneeda; Serges and Wonatela. Coatingsand Trousering. : • i ' : ;i

    iTbe Price3 for the above " will range from 80sBulls upwards to order ; f i t arid $tylt guaranteed*

    ! THE READY-MADE' DEPAKTMENT willconsist of Boye, Youths, and Gentlemen's StylishGaro-.ents In Various Patterns.' ; •

    The Shirts, Hoaieryi .Scatfp, .Collan and Hatacabraca all the latest ehapeo.. .

    Tbo Goods will all bo parked .at LOWESTCASH PRICES, to ensaro a qulci cale and defy7mp*ut!°D' ' ! -PA T^^mm


    • v i ' f in ¦' ¦- , , ' * ) ' ¦



    ' LONDON

    ON MONDAY, JULY ' 2oa/. VTO) ETURN TICKETa, ovailable for«fottnlftht,JUU will be isstied at First, Seoord, and ThirdClaca SINGLE FARES, from WATEEFORD,Clonmel, Tipperary, Limerick, Epnu, Tnam,Athonry, Kilkenny, Lismore, Dubgar^an, and otherimportant Stations on the Waterford and Limerick,WaUTford and Central Ireland, and Waterford,DaDijarvan, and Lismore Ball tr»ya.

    i ITor further particulars apply to Mr. J. BoEZBTS,W. and L. Railway, Limerick , Mr. W. WiLUAM«,\7. and 0. 1. Railway, Wattrford j JUr.T. O Mit.tBT, W. D. & L. Rallw»y, Waterford | UriZICNAIU&A, G. VT. Railway, Wsterfordj or tb Hr,W. J. Bass BLL, D istrict Agent, G. W. Railway.-Watarford. ' ; ' •¦¦ '

    ¦:¦'¦. : ' : '

    11 EY. LAMBERT, -, General Manager.

    Watosfosi Butter MaskotXfomicT af 'f irldm wtiahedat itiPMit SutJ*' Starlet?af Br̂ %t ending

    f raay f lhi * f oj , 9*4 f r



    K? '̂ _ ^o ¦ -+¦¦' oS,." l« : 0! 17 '. ' i' -— SUppintrdo - '! • 'K> u iw 0« 'i) : : i o '( l '

    BABLET.per bai L oI 23HbS. .— Orlndlnp . . . | - Ij 0 ' 00 000 0 DO 1 0"— Malting . . j . W ' O W oli I) IV o "

    OA'i'S, ixr barrel of lSSlbs. !-— Blaok: . . 1 . 00 0. 00 0 8 0 ' 8 8

    ̂ — Or«>, . ! . . W O 01) 000 0 0 0PLOUB, portaok, of 2S01bi •

    — Ex-Suporflnca. I . £3 0 2g 0 Ju i. ' it 0— Fines . . . 2 5 0 a 'W 'i oo 0— 3rda . ; . j . sitl IT 21 uoo U ' 00 0 '

    OATJIEAL, por SicU . . 20 0 27 0 ,.. ,. uo OTBBAN, per Cwt. . . ¦ 1 . 0 0 6 6 ¦ .¦ V' 0JPOLLABD . do,.

    ¦ . j . ) , ¦ u— KloobleU - ¦, . ; . . . -18- 01.18 3— Kod Wintcr U ¦ - - • .Ou 0 00 0— Bpring . / . i . . . . 0 0 0 0 0 0— CaWorainn Ko S . . . . 19 6 19 9

    INDIAN COBM, . ' . , ' . . .00 0 - u O ' O— - i llrailanrt Poxonlan • . 00 0 00 0

    1 -¦!§SgaUBa f!l a b̂: ; :SJ.S I— — EoBdan . : . .00 u 00 0— — . Saloolca . i . "; . .0 ) 0 00 0PLODB, Ajnsriouu, per barrul of -WClba .00 0 00 0— Fronch, por sack iof zsoibn . . OIJ 0 U0 0

    ITOIAN MEAL. AmoriSin/poT î . Joo O 00 ;0

    _ — ( fiome iCjnutttrtQie.port ,« n , « [ „

    cntwonMnwnlio/Bfrtfu.Mc^rvwM, t DtMt.vwtt be vretaii

    I MARRIAGE. .- : i '. ; ¦ * ¦ ¦At Batlorstown Church, on the SOth ln»t., by the Eov. P-F. Fl/nn, i»Hm , My Daniel Mnrpo/, Donkiit! Homo, toMils Kata O'Connor, BaUrcoabiu Uoase. cleje of tao VerrHer. Canon O'Connor, P»stor of fta Ciuroh of tho SacredHeart, Dobb'e Ferry, New York. 1 ¦ 1


    Grsat Southern & Westorn 103iilidlond Groat Wostern ... ... 00Great Northern Railway 117Dublin Wioklow and Wexford ... ... 514 'DANES.

    National Bank ... : ... WProvinoial Bank 21 jBank of Ireland ... ... . 299

    HARVEjy & SON, Stockbrokers, Watorford


    FRIDAY EVENING, JXJNE 22, . 1888.~~


    DAY'S ¦ ~

    Home and Foreign News(Control UOTTO Dpcpid Viro).

    DEATH OP II. DE LESSEPS.News reached London this afternoon that

    Count Ferdinand Da Lessees died in Parioto-day. , i .

    LIB. GLADSTONE AND THE TREATMENTOF THE j IRISH MEMBERS DNDEB THECRIUE&j AOT. ! |Mr Gladstone writes thjit . tho published

    recital of thfc treatment of the Irish membersunder the Crimes Act jis so revolting he canuotbut hope tojfind it in some jx inta inaccurate.

    i , THE THANET ELECTION.The Hon! Knatchbiull-Hughessen, Gladston-

    ian, and the Right Hon. Jaiies Lowlher, Con-servative, Were to-day nominated for Thonet.

    MEETING OF TOE LIBEIAL UNIONISTS.A meeting of the Liberal Jnionist party as-

    sembled in! London !at one o'clock to-day.Lord Hartington presided.

    At'the Liberal Unioaists ' meetiDg LordHartiugtori generally ' suppo|rted the Govern-ment on the understanding already given, thatlicensing ̂ clauses.; should be1 wlthdra\vn, andLiberal Unionists shonld adhere to that understanding JThe q'leeuon was reserved forfuture consideration. Mr Chamberlain con-curred with! Lord Ha rtingtou, 'out added as acondition that the Goverumebt; sHould give thean house opportunity of expressing opiuion onSunday Closing. The gene al, feeling of themeeting was ic favor of continuing to eupportthe Government.


    The hearing of the. libel action, brought byFred Wood against the publishers of theLicensed . Victuallers' Gazette, was resumedto-day. The libel was contained in anallegation that Wood pulled a horse calledSuccess at JAlaxandra Park, last year. RobertPeck, the celebrated trainer of Newmarket,and Mr. Clarke, the J iidge to the Jockey Club,Bupplenented the evidence already giveu aa toWood riding successfully aud fairly.


    Government is quite safe in consigning Mr.Dillon to jail ior six mouthy . Before thattime his' elapsed, unless all the portentsare astray1, the Tories will cease to be re-sponsible to tho. coufitry. for the conduct ofits affairs. \ Irishmen can afford to view withequanimity! the last desperate freaks of aMinistry in mortal straits. . When credit,honor, reputation, an i all that can enhance oparty in the eyes of ihe public are gone, therestill remains one thing, the possession ofwhich is: tooled upo l'as a redseming fectaro—a glimmering in tie universal blackness—consistency. In this the last citadel of wickedambition the Government ficd refuge. Theirpolicy was founded [in m'sgovernment, andpromises to end in misgoverament.

    Hope is high to [day in Ireland. /Thesublime self-restraint of tho country is aboutto have ito reward. Even tho undemonstrativeMr. Paraell in forced to exclaim "We are onthe high road to success 1" ;, The efficacy ofthe methods which have blessedly supplantedcenturies : of bloody ii warfare and vindictiveretaliation has been; lecognised long beforenow, bat on negative grounds, rather onaccount , of onslaughts repelled than ofvictories achieved. , Jn the :paa( the vork ofthe advocates of these methods hai been toward off destruction, : but today their attitudeis one ot trenchant and fatal aggTe3sion. WoBsa them carrying havoc into'Jhe camp of theConservative Government, . and, by all theresources of oratory end btratagem, doingsuch damage to its prestige as threatens notonly to annihilate the Tories at the n9xt. elec-tion, but to attach an ineffaceable etigma totheir fame for many years to come. It isplain thatpe are naaj the end.^ . The death-rottlo la already in thb ,throat cT the ' Govern-ment If vre mi63 the writhings and contortionswhich are j the accompaniments of dissolution,it ifl because tho energies of; the victim are coexhapsted as to forbid the effort. ' They havenot strength enough left to them' to indulgeeven the : spasmodic throes of death. WiththeU- exit ceaces that bloodless battle of thopast decade, which hc3 already accomplishedmightier, thingo than centuries of : eanguinaryrevolt ¦' ! : - ¦ i ' • • : j • . ' :



    ¦ • < j


    We wioh to direct ; attention in tbo importantdebite in tbo Waterford Union; at ita meetingon Wednisday, wbiob we this day publish inextenso-M It will be wen that the guardianswere obliged to ddd 2d in the £ to the rates allronnd, 2d. baviag been vnwi*ely taken off butyear. _ A» the landlord, will bave to par half therate, it meani unlyj one penny to tia tenantThis rate bad, to be madej or elee tbe Bankwould stop the credit of the board, and thentbecheqdea of the waon woald become, as; inother unionB.j almost .Valaeiess to contractors.This «qold noTer answer. ! Great stress waskid on the out-door relief giren i but thegaarduin* who ; cry it down neldom or neverlook aftw it themselves. ThU relief ia chieflyowing WM want of i «mploTment.- The boardfeel the danger to society of throwing familiesinto thejpoorhduse,! when! a little out-doorrelief wonia keep j them hv their little homes,till, possibly, eapltmnent would tarn up. OnoaletJUjem t̂er tbei pottalB of the workhouae,and their spirit and self-reliance are gone forerer. On the whole, the board adopted the onlyw»»e • w (̂ jucUciou? ooorso open to them wader¦It tha Biroomttanoeil ¦ ¦ ; ' !wmw>w«»nfi , . [ivw* w vw>«| W«i»a**» e*«rt« >t|j« :— Boat Clab : Mesure. M C Hurpby, V O'Meara ,CWMo3ley. W. G. Todd, II. Kennedy. Mahooy,J. Power, T. Eeddy, W J MoDninpr, E A O'Kell y,and C F Kedmond. Young Men's ChristianA»8ocialion: Messrs. B. Moslcy , T L filackesy , R.J. Power , J. F. Drapor, P. A. PhelaD , J. Moir ,Birminjbim, W Koberts, J J Todd, B Fialding,and Ooode.

    A very Interesting cricket match, played yester-day at Rockland* between tbe Garrison and tbeWiiterford C.C., resulted in a win for tbe soldiers by13 runs on tbe 1st innings. For the wioning side diptFonler played splendidly for 39 in tb_> first innings ,and 49 (not oat) in tbe second, whilst bla boirlio^was very destructive. Major Havinobill contributed29. Corporal Brennan was very successful witb tbeball . Out of a total 91 for Waterford Mr. ill. C.Murphy contributed a grandly played 37. In tbeboiling department tho chiet «ni»m •» nere scoredby Mr. Murpby and Mr. B. Power. ,

    I bavo been Informed that a caving of X600 ayear In tbe lighting of tbe city will bo effected bytbe continuance of tbo precent system. :

    la the list of attendances at tbo recontdivision* la Parliament our city and county mem-bers bavo an excellent record. Besides watebinftclosoly to tbeir Parliamentary duties, MessrtrP. J.Power and B. Power ore doing yeomen's servlco ineducating tbe English mind aa to tbo real otat o ofaffairs in thii country.

    Tbe result of tbo enquirlco held by the In-¦{lectori of Irish Fisheries at Licmoro last monthbaa been communicated to tbe Conservators of tbodistrict, and is as follows i—Tbo Inspectors bavodecided to change tho ceauon for rod ibhinfr; co asto commenco on 16th February and end 31stAugust. They havo also decided to submit for tbeapproval of tbe 1 Lord Lieutenant in Councila bye-law prohibiting draft nets for tbo captureof eslmon or trout in tbo Blackitatcr and tributariesof greater length than 170 yards.

    v, At a meeting of tbe members of the Leagno 'of tboCross at Tallow oa Bucday, Rev. W. P. Power, CO.,delivered on admirable lecture, which nas liltenedto with maoh attention. A resolution', con-gratalating Mr. Pjce on his releaca wan pacssd.

    By cdvorticcment in another column it will boseen tbat on exclusion will be given by the WL D. &L. & G. 8. & W. Hallways, on Sunday, to Queens-towOiin order to giro tboce anxious to ceo tboChannel Fleet an : opportunity of. doinc «o.

    ¦ Tbefares are very moderate Indeed, and no doubttha opportunity will bo largely availed of. '

    It is Mr. John P. O'JIeara aa.d not Mr. MichaelO'Ueura, as the otbar local papers would biive it,oho wca last week cdjedged -cj . buvini; pucoxl tbonCceSbaiy examination to qaalify biro for, uduii:3lonua a eolicltbr. Mr. Johhny O'ilcira la well knownin the city, Bnd good wisbtr? fer his futuro succezahave been esprc::3d all. rband. Xix Cyilcjrt, it lagenerally unijcrotood, intend* to practico in Dublintrbere h« eerv'cd bis timo. :

    Matt Taylor, tbelcolobroted'trainer, arrived hotBifjht from Dublin to coaob tbo T/aterfoi4 BoatClub cre«r» in viow of tho approaching refrattas.Tb«> men alieady »elected to reprreent tbo clab areoat every eveniog, eo that oa t&o ccoro ot attentionnothing is left to be desired. ' j

    Tbo oslzes for tbe city and county of AVatorfordwill open on July 23rd, at cloven o'clock, 'beforethe Bight Hon. Mr. JaotlciJ Jobncon and Hon. MrJustice O'Brien. ; ¦ : I ¦

    ¦ j ;Tbe Lord Chancelbr hafl , on tbe recoamendationof tbe M&rqul* of Ormond, Lieutenant ot tbvCounty, appointed Mr. G. -W. Withers, OonlngHonse, Plltown , to tbq 'CommtESion of tbe Peace forthe county Kilkenny. : |

    I Those in search ol n pleasant holiday canbot dobetter than attend the bazaar to be held «t Bally-gunner on Sunday, ,24th last, in aid of tho dtbt onSt. Mnry'i CburcbJ- TbejftttMclions ,oa lam in-fcrroed, fllll be nnincrona ôd tarici : i

    i OBDJNATIOK [AT ST. JOHN'S COLLEaE, jI 6n .8nnd»>: tbo iollowJnff were promotedito tboHoly Order of Deacojwbip, bj. the Most Ecr PiereePower, DJi.l BUbop of ^Tatorfprd and Ltsmcro i—: Bov. Denii gjjrin. Waterford. - '1 ,. William Burke, Wftterford. :I „ Jereoitb Duggan, Springfield. 'i „ Patrick CoBtelloe, London, Canadi.' ' rfiB7~8E8SIONS'W BDNESDAT. :

    Tbe Quarter Session* v.^re opened on Wednes-day by George ' Waters, Ecq, Q.O., Coiintj^ CourtJudge. • ¦ ' i : ' '

    ¦ "! ' ¦ ' : ¦ : '. :Brazil y . Lyoni—ln this action"for nofalttltoant

    of an agreement a'decroij for £5 1-ts was given. 'i CunningJum v.| Ltnahi—In tbis claim foriS40dnsca, Hia Honor 'gavj a deoreo f )t X20, after aprolonged hearing1. ¦ : I - ' ' . : ! :

    Cunning ham ' vr flonly-^Tbis was n claim foramount paid for storage under protest. : ! .'Evidence BB Ui cost of storage was given'by Mr

    M Plynn, T C, and'CaptsIn Cnrnn.His Honor gave a decree for £3 83.Od. ,tietton T. Heolyj—Tbe process.was for M , arising

    out of some dispute as tb:ojS open •pace. ' ¦Hla Honor disbiisaed';the ca ê. 'fifr Boston bad

    not proved his title, und bo did not think no everwould. ! ¦{! •" : ' • ' ' ¦ ¦: '

    Hitt il 'UdKon jv. Tatrieh j Fcnton—for 1 J826 forgroceries and bread. Decree.jand £\2 expe&sea.

    Sullivan v. Power.—This was a process for '£7 I tsDecree. ¦ ' ; l: ' :

    Dotcsr v. Dvngbrvan Toum Commiiiioheri.—Tbiawaa an action brought by Capt Dower for £50 fordamage caused to bla vessel, tbe William Edward, byreason of the Harbour Master not providing her witha berth. ¦¦ ' ;

    Mr Williams said that Capt Dower was on tbo highseas, and could Dot attend thii sessions. ]' His Honor—I must let tbo coso stand. Ad-

    journed, i ¦ . | . '; yKSTEODivT.

    KIL1IACTHOUA8 anAEDUNS , D MOLCADV.This was tbe first case taken up. Mr Wjlliamo

    appeared for tbe gnardiaos, ' Mr Sergcnt forMulcahy. Mr Scrgeut statdd tbot tbe cate comaup from last sebalons, r.nd |' was brought by bisclient against tbo guardians for building alaborer's cottuge on bis land not In accordanoewith tho provisional order of the LocalGovernment Brard ; ho would ask Mr Williamsto agree to have a decree ! for £22 given, beini;JB12 for the award, ond .̂ lO or twenty years'purchase at £1 'an acre ; ^hey would undertaketo naive all rights to the plot if tho gu&rdianiiconsented to this 'arrangement.

    Mr Williams said he waa tot outb . ¦ i

    Mr TJsjher I don't think we could sit ia judg*cient on member* of our board.' Chairman i I thinknot. Mr Callinan i I deny this altogether. ' 1 nsvorinterforod in the election of: » guardian. Chairman iIt is better to let the matter rest. ¦ ' ;

    Mr Cullinaa—I won't lot the matter rest i' hav» aright to b» at offlcarsi who are not dolnir thair doty.ETCB tha muter couldn't flad oat tha name lastTbortday.' I think Mr Mahony sbonld bo calledup hero. '¦

    ¦¦ ' ' | •¦- • ¦ '

    ¦¦ '¦

    MrM Walsh-I propo8»] Mr Mahbay bocilledoa.I know a woman named Mrs Blank (iaughtor).

    Mr Ds»her-*Tb9 report its cot what It ought to bo,Idont thlnk it odvisabls to«BOonmj«iTinh •report.

    Mr OulUoan-Can I have a' eopr of that letter M itcontains a number of Mriooa ohargca, '

    Cletk-'Tes. Th» matter then dropped.' Adjonmod'

    UNnsOAL BOBBBBT— \V# mndorstand that; on Ustuiabt, ia the vidaitj. of Waterfoid, several oows wer«mflohed, . The police havoi been noticed of tbo feet,tod en SB tin mth to tesorsr ttf psrfu t̂crB,

    T7atorfoid Union—TZedacsday

    The MAYOB (Capt Toole) V.C, in the chair.GoarfUns preMiit—Mum B. MorriMj, D.V.C, A. Cido.

    ma, T.C, P. Keonjr, T.C, N PbeUo, J. Onuil, B. PorrUtal, J.Waisn. T. E«Idy, P. O. Bloomfleld, J.P, J. Hearw, O. P. BoV-ton, J.F, P. CooiiOlly, W. Q. Fijh«r, 1.O, Aid BadmoBd, AidClompott, N. A. Power, T. W. Andtnos, J.P, J. ffiatUrr, J.P.

    , TRB sTBiKiao or inn BATS. ;., Mr Bloomfleld said they promised the BonkManager, Mr Procior, to adopt theolork's estimate,and to add 2d in. the pound, in order that; somebalance ibould be with the bank to compensate fortbe balances over lastingly against' tbem. ' Withone exception be didn't see now they could cutdown tbo clerk's estimate ; and that exception wastbat it provides for twenty-five more ia tbe housethan lost year j , that discrepancy was so slightthat it was hardly worth the trouble of farther ex-amination. Moreover, tbe clerk told him it «unecessary. Ho didn't know anyone who oould givea better opinion than tbe cleric (bear. bear). Thequestion of rates lay with tbo guardians, and hebelieved ita amount this year wsl explained by tbeenormously large Male oa which they were grantingout-door relief. H,e would give tome comparativestatistics, which would show tbeir out-door reliefnas in excess of wbat it should be. Tbo populationof Waterford union was 65,000 ; tbo number re-caiving out-door relief last year was 3,286 ; tbo ratefor the county was 'ls lOd ; this year It was 2s for3,800 on relief. . The population of Dungarvanuoion was 20,000, and the number on out-door relief—1,017—was even larger in proportion than In tbeWaterford union ; the rate tbere was 2s. 8o withLimerick and Belfast. In tbis division of Water-ford tbe rate was 3s 4d ; this was entirely due totbe enormous amount of out-door relief. It was a.bard tblng to cay to a poor porsnn that you will notgraot relief , but by granting It you destroy thespirit of self-reliance. Tbo very minute'a mandi«s MB widow comes up for rolief, and gets it. Thesmall relief tboy wero ablo to grant only keeps theapplicants in sqnalor, and goes frequently to tbepublic boaoe. He ' often met children beggingwho nould tell him that their father was dead, andtheir mother was getting relief. In Leinster theaverage rate is Is 3Jd ; in Mnnster, Is OJd j inUlster, where tbere is no out-dov relief , 8id ; andin Connaught, thoug h;'eb^poor. Is 8» Will the oath bemore binding if your bead U covered t Defendant(smiling) : It would. The hsnch differed, on thomatter, and the case was dismissed. . i

    A BtDHT CONTOAPICTION; jMr« Power, Quay, publican; was charged withbaring parties guilty of disorderly conduct on thepremises on Thursday, 14th inst. '• Mr Fcelydefended. Cons. Connolly found a sailor ion tbepremises brandishing a knife and cereal ehoutiogand disorderly. Mf Wallace, ; manager, deposedthat not ono of the persons in the hoase was. shout-ing, as stated by | tbe Constable j nor under tboInfluence of drink j the constable's statement wasas false a statement as eier waa mode ;the sailor was cutting totaeoo with ! the knife,John Grlfilu, nho was on the premises, corroborated,also John Aspel The case was dismissed. MrSlattery said the policeman was perfectly right


    Gradgo, Waterford, 19th June, 1888.DEAB SIB—I hava been informed that, altboajhthere are more artisans house* empty in the city thanfor many year* pastjyet, unfortoaatelv, poverty com.p(L. f°°r P?°Ple to overorowa »smo of those boaseawnlcn are Inhabited, s«ver»l families docupjinir olio¦moll hoaso in snob localities as Uuher's Aroh. Theremedy for this «tate|of affair* woald evidsntly seem• j'.?.."10'th8 oonrraotor of model tenement houses,in addition to, or in place of somir nf the- present :one«,or elso tbs ereoJon . of a very ouch cheaper class otnooses than thoso proposed to be erected by tho Corpo.

    î°-n" u Witbto - .tho,. last. jUle*n. or. twenty I years,althoogh onr population bis sUghtly deoreiaed, aconsiderable number , of now workmen'* homes havebeen^

    bnilt , and s good many old ones hafo boonreboilt in WaterfordL To add, at the pubtlo expunie,to the number ofthosa non-«tisting, la >th» h»po : ofredndoj rents, i» evidontly to infllxita doable Bnt [inthe form of lowest rents and probabla increasedtaxation; on nonse owners , including those who barebnilt new houses. ; Thesa latt«T persons will , conse-quently, bo pnniihKl for tbeofleooo of havinj bene*fltod tha working olasnes by io'creiuiog. the Tiamberof artirans' bonseg in Waterford, and eoma of thsworking classes will; in all brobsbility, bo, la a csrtaiasense, lodged at tho pablio cost by having honsos pro-vided for them by the oity at less than cost prioe, iftbe proposed soheme Is carried oat. Tbs* boaaoowners unlike owners of lard jn Ireland, aro unable,for any length of time, to charge oioessiv* or unfairrents on account of having a Donopoly of a scurcaarticle, is shown by the fact, abora noticad, that a goodmany now houses have been bnilt of late ysars in onroity, so that,1 in fvst , I nndentand none owners ofbooses have had to rodaoa their rents, within a 'fewmonths past. I cannot consequently see that it is thedoty of tha Corporation to fo into tho baeiness ofhoase-bnildisg, and so farther lower a falling marketunless, perhaps, in one of ths two vr»ys Thioh I hAT9above suggested.—Toars trnly, EDHUHD HABVET

    G A E L I . O N 0 T E SA correspondent supplies the following report ofthe half-yearly meeting of the members of tboDungarran GJl.A.;t— i ; ."The annual half-yearly general meeting ' of themembers of this otsociatton vu held at 17. Grat-tan Square, on Friday. Tbere was a large attend-ance. Tbo following gentlemen were unanimously

    elected to their, voriops ; positions :—EdmondKeoban, president ; James Crctty, vice-president |Daniel Fraher, treasurer j Mr. Hourigan, secretry )and a« members of the coracrlttee, James Wai ,M. Morrissy, E. U'Carthy, JH. Crotty, W. Greany,and Thomas Barry, ' i , ;. After eatna dioencsion the date fcr tbe, anrin&l

    sports was fixed Jfor Monday, 27th August. , Asatisfactory arrangement has been «Sected withregard to tbe field. Tbe association have againbecome tbe tenants, and an understanding is aboutbeing come to with tbe landlord for tbe buildingof a high wall til round, whloh the associationconsiders wonld ba a great benefit to tbem. Thetreasurer laid his! financial statement before ,thomeeting, which was considered most satisfactory,tbe members expressing their , pleasure at tbeirassociation bieng in each a sound financial condition,nnd with a most promising season before it"

    In Cork, in one portion "of the- county or another,there is an athletic meeting almost every Sunday.Tbo Duogarvan dub is tbe only one in our countytbat shows any inclination to get up scab a meet-ing. I have no doubt bnttbat . it will ba aeplandldouccc:a. Its promoters deserve overy encourage-ment. Tbey had many difficulties to faco, bathappily these have all been overcome.BOATING ACCIDENT — BXTEAOBDINABY

    E8CAPE. iOn Saturday last as a party of six—four men andtno women—Kate Keogb, barmaid ; MaryancaMiller, W. Powor, P. Crotty, and two other*, wereretarding from Passage -(vhera tbey ' had been(pending tbe day) in a pleasure boat, tbey wero

    precipitated into tbo water, as ft raoromont visbeing made to cbango^oars. Patriok Crottygallantly csnght Kate Keogh ks soon as tbe boatnas capsized, and held her afloat until all weredrawn on board the Passage boats, .except MltaMiller, wbo could not bo seen. William Cumbon,of H e Olga, sotting the capsized boat to rights,discovering tbe mining girl underneath. Sbe badclung to tha boat,' which bad overturned withoutfilling, so that she ' was able to obtain BUJQoiont airfor respiratory purposes, though quite concealedfrom view. In tbis extraordinary predicament sheremained for about ten minutes, to that tbe partyto which sbe belonged, concluding .that ih« »Mdrowned, proceeded~on tbeir journey homeward,Miss Miller nas taken to tbe shore in a very pre-carious state, and were it not tbat Mr. DavidMnrpby, who happened to ba returning i from asimilar excursion, was at band : to lend hU skilfulacilstanco, the rutilt of tbe accident.would bo fatal.Mr Murphy promptly . set abont the task ofrestoring tho lady, wbo waj all bat dead,' tocoDioIotuncsa. Though having ascertained] tbatlife was not extinct,, he felt some anxiety left thalady bad so far succumbed »« to render his exertion*fruitiest. However, after ten minutes' treatmentsbe showed signs of recovery. Mr. P. M. Power, D.L,Captain Hubert Power, and the Misses Power toon.arrived on the scene, and gave valuable help. TboMisses Power very kindly brought Mis* Miller toFalthlegg Houeo, and prevailed on ber to remaintill Tuesday lost, when she wm restored to berfriend) ia perfect health. : : . : ITHROUGH AUSTRALIA^ OH WHEELS

    From " Wheeling." jMr. J. C, Copland, member of Surra* BicycleClub, England j ' of tbe Sydney Bicycle! Clab jExecutive, New : South Wales Cyolist Onion,writes t " I foci conriocod I should sever bave beenablo to haro successfully . completed roy trfcyclujourney of nearly twelve: hundred muet, ! (tornSydney to Melbourne and b*ck, without St.; JacobsOil , Bid it gives me great pleasure to express mythankfulness for the wonderful benefit 1 receivedfrom it. At tbe time of each day** jonrdey Ianointed zayself ell over with tbi* restoring bain?,and felt myself restreogtbtned aod refreshed,late my food with renewed appetite, slept healths?ful aod as: sound i as a child. Onco my ankloweakened and gave way, but one application of tbi*sovereign cure set it right, ana It did not kgalstrouble me. - •

    Ibe Chanplou Biaycllst of Australia, Mr JohnBolfe, wriies to the-Argui, Ifelboaree, that fa tbesix daps contest for the cbamplooshlp, ai tec rldinjeight consecutive boor* each day, bit Uwb* became¦tiff *nd sore, and be I* positive be won tbe greatrace, and was enabled to rid* Mother 100 roileaasralnst time Immediately •ftsrwtrd,! from theeffects produced by tbe use ot St. Jaeohs OU, Intraining ; and racing. H« call* it hU booh «n-panion. and recommend* It to alt athlete*, ! '

    While; pUyinjf crtoket pa the Eatt'Velbouroo:GroondS; U*t s**8on, write* DarM Soott, the greatAuitrallan Cricketer. I wdelred-« tehibli; blow ¦with a cricket ball below my knee, •nichiiusedintense pals, and my leg Ueta* to twoolea thtt Iwas oblfged to go to vj fcpair fo rcth. 1 1 w*«advised to try fft . Jspob* jOil̂ : I hadappJirf If

    'twioe only, when to a* delight th* mUinif dlsap-'pearedt tscl I was eutirrlrfree from peJn. *MT lua 'bad become black and . bla* from the true* to the -ankle from the burf, tad fte StUglvsA efecVot.8t 'Jtoobd OU indaott me'to giw. my expttirnet'to tha"'public :I have recom*iende«J it to mta*orickrtar*and footWu Blayers, il b̂.io.WS.Sprising relief u I bar*., , ; ; ) < iIn aa interview with the AustralUa- crioketenleading o«rsm*n, athlete* «od sjymDasttor JUodoo'.'one of the editor*! wttUr*

  • 4s


    . . : , C- & BARBELL. ..

    ^i&££- '¦.. • .-1!a ftoo (or etar frail tio too

    . Hii long-opf rerDod lasiL' ¦ •

    He carets not % might; uaxne ; '¦ Nor craws'a prihcoty dome ¦';¦

    JBatj |iU;liis Jtabo[ir b« IxatbwsTo make « happy bom« , .

    Of Ireland now, so Ions • ppresccdBy I oca—oat of whose oan

    ' , 1888 of Ŝ86 I»«to ponslotisor•upemnnnations»— ¦

    - I .Orxamujm AT A BITBSSBIUBT BAR. " . • o»*-»iyour, suggesupn mw» reaseaol ttus debit\nm—"W2Sxt e*mi 'Jm *t-"- ' : '

    ¦'¦+¦¦¦¦ ¦¦: '-r - •'¦'-* ' ¦ b*»PO« P—A portioupf it. TbereUafseUnganjqqgst;


    ¦ ¦ ; ¦'. ¦¦: QUESTI0N»7

    1/ ; •

    ": '; ; ;

    i The following '• extended teport. of . Capt.0'Toole's evidenijo before the Select lOqmniiltee6a :Pilotiige,''ia ' taten froni the ParliamentaryBlno B.ook jp5t issned. • : ¦ ¦ ¦ *¦ . ¦: i i'"| "I|he., Mayor,; of Waterford VJOO first eiflrpinodby Dr.;I|ox'n8 tollow8;:— i ;. ¦' . -• • ' :

    I .Aro'yon'Major tif: Waterford t—Yes. ' <

    , Have yo'u-besn» master mariner'?—Tes. ; !I HoW long P—About 20 years. ' ir I ;! ,had exporiiencein piloting?—Yos. j ,' How long P—Abont 'the same time. . ; ¦ ' ¦! :I Has. yonr exjwrionoe been conflnod to Wai( rford

    HnVbdui1 ?—I hold three pilots' cartlficates ;.one, forLivorpool. one for Bristol , and o'nb for Waterforc . '

    ! Yn6ilieaTd tho last ' witness '*ay/that it post! s '2j jHow much 4oes ho got ?—I think abont .£120 dyear. ¦ ¦ . I

    What other officials aro there engaged in tbe manage-!tnont of the pilotaze ?—Thoro ia . tho captain of thapilot-boat, the eapUIn of tho outtor.

    Bow mach do«s he get ?—£8 a month.Is there any other offiotal ; is there a secretary ?—

    No ; tba ono secretary does all tho work ; tho secretaryof tbe Harbonr Board, ho does the business of theI"U"tage Committee.

    Do you think that is a large tai on tho pilotagefund* ?— I do.

    The whole of theso salaries ?—Yea. |Do yoa think that yoo could '. dispense with tho

    Captain of the cutter and make the pilots captain intuin P—1 do not know hovr it would work ; I wooldnot alter tho system •, it seetne to work very well.They have a good man who oca a pilot.

    [There ia a pilot fnnd , in thoro not ?—Thoro is nospooial fund.

    [In case, a man gets disabled, nhat docs he get ?—HogoU ft pension then. ,

    How in that fond subscribed, to, and by whom ? ItIs token oat of this 9s 2Jd .reserved from their earn-ings ; it Ie supposed to pay for tho management of thewhole system.

    [Do tbo , captain and mates holding certificates con-trtbnte Anything to that fund ?—No.. [What do they pay for certificates ?—Five guineas foreramination, und for getting the csrtiflcatos > and oneguinea a year for renewal.

    !How ia that guinea spent ?—I think it goes to tbopilot service.

    jCan you snggfet any bhango in. that matter ?-1consider ' that they get let off-too lightly j that they donot contribute sufficient to tho compulsory system, aswe mast control i t ; I consider it the best ryt tt cm forWattrford. The granting of certificates to BO man fmen hoa reduced tho nnmber of pilots. There, WPTJformerly considerably more than there aro at present ;and to keep an efficient supervision over the harbourfor tbe pnblio good in tha protection of life andproperty, I think that tbcao people who are exemptedshould contribute towards it.

    Then yon think that the men who have to incurdanger, end be on tbe spot all the time, bavo to paytoo larta O percentage of their earnings ?—I do. Itbink the pilots are so few now that it becomes Toryheavy upon them to maintain a proper system. yo n in favonr of granting certificates to mates aswell as to1 masters p—I am not against it if he hodsuinciont local knowledge, and of sufficiently goodcharacter.

    How is the examination board constitntod ?—Ofthree men ; one is tbo pilot master ; and so far as Iknow at present thore is tho i pilot master, a shipmuster, and tho harbonr master. Tho pilot master, tthlok, is supposed to represent the pilots ; tho harbourmister is supposed to represent the board ; nod anouUidn roptain to represent the publio ; that is in thoexamination. i '

    How is the outside captain selected and bywhom p- B̂y, the Pilotage Committee.

    Who constitutes ' tho Pilotage Committee atpresent I—So many member; taken from tbe Harbourtfoird. ,

    Are there any experienced men on the Committee.,and if so, how nmny t —Of fair 'oxporieneo I consider.Some of thorn are ship agents and steamer agonts, andI am a member of the board, thontfh 1 hove not bounso : very long.

    Haro you a cboico pilot oyotom 1 —No , we havenot.

    Have yoa any statement that yoa woald like tomake to the Committea P — Ia regard to tbo paymentfor licenses, I tbink it is rory strange ; if we tako thocase of a passqnger steamer, like tone of the ordinarycroso-ctiftnoel steamers, taat tho captain of thatsteamer, although be will go in and out , and effect 'foor paBBagcs a weoi, only pays tho »»mo for hislicense as an ordinary smal coasting voBsel that mi^bt£o;in and ont only 20 times a year ; and no matterwhat bor tonnage is too. The Btnall coasting vesselmay be 200 or 300 tons, and if o passenge steamer is400 or 500 tons more, and do*s a vory muoh largoramoont of itork , sho ouly pays tho same for her licOnsejfor tho rendwal of a pilot 's cert!Sctho ParliaoaontarV Itntarns ,thin £6,000 f—1 presume the Pilotage. Board o«« thatto the General Harbour 'Board whioh do not owe anymon»y to Any body. My idea is that at one time there1waa a preponderance ripon tho board in ^

    favour ofabolUhin? compulsory pilotago , ami I think ovoryadvantago ôs tafein to work against that.

    Who woold have to recoup this money in courso oftimd Edmond Flunogan andMichael Holobuo, of Wettoo, and ahanred Ibe'mwith tbo robbery. • The accusud were b̂roughtbeford a magistrate yesterday, and 'remabdea tosessions. . |

    ¦ ¦ : ¦ ¦ ' ¦ .¦

    f EPPS'B COCOA.—QBITEPUL AND OO'MPOET-IMO—" By a thorough Itnowlcdire of the ; naturalUwi...whieh govern the operation* of digestion andnatntion, and by a careful application of tha fineproporties of well-selootml COCOA, Mr Epps, hasSrovJded our breakfast ! tables with a delicately

    ftyourod beverage which ; may save us many heavydoctors' bills. It is. byjthe judicious nseioti •nob.articles of diet that * constitution may be graduallybnilt Op nutfl strong enough to to resist evoryiendenoyto disease. Hundreds of 'robtlo ttaladies fcnr flo»Ungaroaod n* ready to Attack wherever there is a weakpoint. W« may esoapematoy a fatal shaft by tapingourselves well fortioxJ vritb pur* blood andabroperly;Dourisbed fnime."— OivQ Sirvic * OawtU. -Madesitnply with boiling,"water or mils;. Sold only, litpacttts, by Groeera. Ube lad—" JAUM BP»» * Ci.,HotnooptiKilo Cbjmiits, J endon.1'—JU»O BM)kin el

    C 'A I tTR| . , . . : (T 'Tm our Corrcsppndcnl J. • , :', THB BABIBU ;'CSOBCU.—I ain- glad toiseoitbo

    works for tbo renovation and iuiproTemebttof tbis,flue old , Church-progressing most -favourably.; : Thechurch-yard,and interior of. the church,.iiro coVorcdrvith native, 'st,cne, us . also .Engliab. and Scotchpolished1 Krunlte-r-timbiir, Hme, and oth r̂ buildingmaterial , all lying ia readiness for tho bocd work.T(IB interior o:-tbe building l» a fotcst if scaffold-ing ; and .hpth inijide . and outfido • are carpOnUra,stoutvcatU'r ,̂, masons, lubourere, &ii, .|JI bntllyenjfiigea. , Tho, carpenters are patting' lap - tbooelllngB, vthjiuh ara. to.bu formed-of b«it pitch-pluo,&c. " When ' tho' >ork la advanced, I oliall givo amore detailed description of it. So- farj however,tbe , baildSr, Mr. Credon , of Keraioy, oiems to bogetting oa.witb, the undertaking with praicewortljyzeii l and despatch.

    THB Co.OBTDOdE.-rTniB old building,! too Ionsneglected, is a.1 pivtecit uudecgoinv; lu.portint te-pairs. ' The ,nppi»r noo'n la ope of the largcotand beet lit in any eiuiill town in Ireland;,bnt itis, like the whole.bulUUiiw'. in trrf tohed repair , : atidquite a dls;raeo txj tha linn town ilsel f . | I hope;however, to we the ' house—wiiiuh uliould be calledft Town Hall—before loug a credit to Cabir, andits respe'ctnlile inhabibiut*. I

    Tag ; . BOTTBB' I I ÂCTOBT.—I understand ttcbu'itiT fuctory in.|tb,!i| to»n—so uiijely abd credit-uhly got up—is doing very well, and giving eatlof.iction to the nei^iitnuriug faruiera . Cabir, v withiu endless water1, power , ought to have two orIbrcg more factbrij>8 of different kluda. Dependupon it 'a Parlia,u)i;n.t in College Green, will yt-tinfuae life "Dd splri't into the trade, und factories ofthis , as well as ever? other part of Ireland,

    KlLZIACTnOUAS IOTIOV.-TUEBDAT .(From our Repo rter).

    Mr . 1)A,V1D KiEBspt iu tbe. chair.Guardians pi 'esyut — Mtshia. P. Walab, and E.

    Fitzgerald.EVICTION NOTICE.

    Landladies, Mmid Maiilda O'Kcafie »nddit^rlne L. Dain iD ; tenant , Williii m Uolden aadotlii'rs ; lunda , Bill ylj onup, 114 ncieo, plantationuieuaure. parish nt Diinhill ; agent, R,H Kell y,Oatbedral Square, Wnterfont.

    C0TTAQE8.Lnureme Power, contraotor , applied tOitbe board

    lo usi:eitnio whitt steps be was to take In vierr ofthe f«ct t iuf th«- nppronch lo a eoltage which behud contrmihd to biiild in had been qlulou'd byMoloney os private property. He was advised tdpostpone building for one week.

    Mr. O'Briea Sydtli , L.O.B.f , repotUd Q3follows :

    "Of the 113 bouses included in the order 90 aropractically comploted and tenanted, (i aro in canrsoof he did not oboo*« tti«pP«w-Mr iJavIn ,! But when I »pp9»r for him there U nodisrespect shown. (M CtTow t I might flue; him I0« ,or 20s. Mr Davlu i Ob, I know you migbli WilliaoJNugent iu fined 6s for ufco offenoe. ! I' A little fellow natnod Sullivan was toeu iot for-ward, aad Waa «harge4oartj|ealatly with boo>lngMrfiyan and family. Jar i D*vla said there *M, BQaiamuila.t^J«>aa«i«iTl n̂»4B».. ' -- • "• ¦•' f¦¦ < ¦Martin Eyan, •̂¦oaretakBrdepowd.aanpyud himpheh passloii to Mr MsOo îason'. with n!ilk> ¦] ,. ., It * freulllvan aaia that Byyi, had to s d̂ his ,children to » distant pohool, In oonieanenoi of the•onoyauoe to whioh I they w»r» lubjeorty Erin and .hU brothsrs. Bsmeflae. | Th» cionrt th«n adjotrW.

    . A dCSlffnioa r r̂ îi irnhl ̂ .[ j . J ' ;', ' I

    B/j fA^Y ' peopleBGinewhere

    beHere that Ncturo hasi I

    a remedy) for every

    and so slightflie3 past, that

    the pleasuresKiich a belief is

    we get nsthe least

    we can show in a gracions and all-wise Frovi- are these Kvpquent'or cpntiRnal headaeK^ j adence. A few remedies-^-but alas, how few!— dull paij > at tlie bj ^e 'e^ the braj fn]: ba,d breath, ',have been found. Others, so far, lie hidden nauseous enictations ; ;tJXc ;'rUii?S;, pf . soar andfrom human inquiry. Occasionally death pungent fluids ' to , the tliroaifc;; a-sem^ bf oppre^rfollows quickly on the heels of the evil—an sion and iiiintuess 'ut &e pifc of the stomact^illustration of the dangerous character of the flatulence ; wakefulnesii.and loss, of sleep ; dis*ailment to be relieved. : gust with foodieven! wheni weak fro m the.need

    For example, Nervous Dyspepsia is a coin- of it; sticky or slimy matter on the teeth or inparatively new disease, growing out of tlie the mouth , especially on rising in tlie morning ;conditions of modern life. It is a.jpint aifee- furred and coated ' tdhgue ; ̂ d

    ull eyes ; cold

    tion of the digestive organ? and of the nervous- hands and feet ; constipation ; dry or rough:system. These two were formerly treated as skin ; inability:to fits,.the in'ind. on any laboHT!separate ailments, and it was left for the clear- calling for continuous attention;: and oppressivgtsighted thinkers to prove that the basis of this and .sad foreboding^ and fear. :terrible and often fatal complication lies chiefly All this terrible group'; - Mother SeigelVin tlie disordered and depraved functions ;of Curative Syrup removes by its positive,,. powiBr-digestion and nutrition. They reasoned thus ;, ful , direct, vet painless and g'qn.tle: action; -tipyn'," If we can induce the stomach to do its work , the functions of digestion ^ an^ .'fSsimilatM^aand stimulate the excretive organs to drive ont Those elements of the food that build up andof the body the poisonous wqtste matters which strengthen! tbe system are ' sen*' ' upon tlieirremain after the life -giving elements of the ! mission, while all¦' waste - matters'- (tlw^aclidS' offood have been absorbed, we shall have con- life's fire) .which , unremoved| poison an J kjli:,quered Nervous Dyspepsia and Nervous Ex- j are expelled from the body through, the Irbwels,haustion." And. they were right. Knowing j/kidnoy y, and skin. The weak and prostraledt(he infallible power of Seigel's Syrup in less nerves are quieted , toned,and fed'by,thepurifiedcomplicated though similar diseases, they j blood. .A* the result , health , with ' iit3-enjoy-resolved to test it fully in. this. To leave no } incuts , blessings, and power, returns to - tho'ground for doubt , they prescribed the remedy ¦ suiTorer , who had , perhaps, abandoned all hope,in hundreds of cases which ha^ bepri proiiounctj clj j . of owiijyueuig. another well day.incurable—with perfect success in every instance Mother Seigel's Curative Syrup is for sale bywliere their directions as to living and diet were all chemists and medicine vendor's, and by thescrupulousl y followed. Nervous Dyspepsia proprietors,A. J.White,Limited,35,Farringdbhnnd Exhaustion may almost - be called a lioad,: London, E.G. Price2s. (Id...per bottle.pL'culiarlv Knirli^h disease. To


    —° —, For Quality,

    / & '-—- ^~Sf y \ Cor:fort in WorUizj,

    \ \xL Oreat Durability,) -̂ 3X With tloderolo Pric?,

    /7 \C~~~/f -- .̂ T) tey have no equal.


    Simpl° t - r̂^T^̂ ^ Âio Construction 5>. :. '' -n),

    > cU=r=5= . :i JEasy to Work. I *̂ ** - *¦ ~ i \IJ If iilliny bo ordered through nil Ironmongers.



    ODSCBvn-19 , NASSAU STREET, DUBLIN.(Fro m late Mo3t Kevd. Dr. O'B UIEU , llisbop o7

    \Vat« rford.)"I haro cuwi tlr 8OI.H088' Spectacles with gicnt sd•antago to my tight, tbclr ooollny nnd oomfoitin? propertiesprorraj moot a^reeablo &nd botieactal , «rllecta wblca I nevor

    orpcricnccd from an/ other kind ot gla&J or pcb«]o.• t D O'BKKM , Uinhov o( Watcrforp."

    (From Moat Rvr. Ur. Convmy, Lord bis Boy ofKillab.)

    " Tbo «ip«ricnco I bare hid for «omo timo of Ur. E.Solomono' Spectacle* eunbles me to state thoy aro thoonly lenccs wbich atford me case, and comfort to bo desiredIn reading, writing, &c. 1 am. Indeed, glad tbat I procuredtheco famod tiybt |irc3crver« , for tho uso of other gloesojand pabblcs bud caused me to Inuj lno that >nch entbtictioacould uot be eccured." t U OOII ComviT, Bishop of Killalu, Dallki."

    (From Most Kev. JDr., Lord Ulabop ofClonfert.)

    " I hero to express my entire satisfaction with tho Spec-tacle* iapplbd \ij IIr Soloifloon, and which I haTouiMw)tb great comfort for nun j years. I havo not chased iliade£«o of power I procured orisnalljr bom him1 1 1 FAT« IC( Ireoois, JiUbop of Cloofert, Loogbrca."

    From Late Very K«v too Dean of Limerick—" I must a, that for 38 jan, Mr Polomoss' Glosses to» soprcicrred my Jljbt thlt It la sow Jojt u good u »t flto-and.tweutj.- r— E B O'U>1», D'.l> , NewcMtlo West. Eer CO'COHBIIJ, P.P, la much pleaeod to state that Us. Uolo-moss.' Spectacle* hato proved to be Invaluable to him, a3onl-inj (rreat comfort, prewrviqg bl? tjht, and bcinrr to din^mstfrom other Olisses to wbich be baa boea; prarionslj c:cnvtoroed.—Newmirket, count/ Cork.

    The B«r J liCci, P.P, birlny bfien one of those beac3tedby the ace ol Ur. Solomons' Spectacles, considers it r);ht tootlt« thit be experleaccd great comlort frota these {azicmsIsntcs. Provloulj be (uttered aa/.th rtuiorioee /roa other01 :̂̂ 5 and Pebbles. Now he bs« tbs tdnailro ot axooud pleasure, and tho preservation of his sLtht. ba boll-Tinhue beoo eoenred. ClonakUtj." 'The Kev Conoo A T Bcotiv, P.P, ha.ploarare in reportlcjto llr Solomons that Uie . rejall. of ton jeara* n« of hjSSpectacles is most satisfactory. WJiethor b» day or artl2clillight, during lengthened staar, th« fullest ease and comfortare eslojrod. He ooneidert that h« owes much of tbs prsscrvoUon of bis sight I to the ezoallent lenws he had tbogood fortune to procttte.—ClerUjan.Tnppor»r7.

    (From th» E«v. PATBICK LATJSLLK, P.P.)"Dui BIB—I have bees for soino time using jour Spra-taolos, eapedall/at night, and am Lappx to inform joo, withthe greatest btneflt, and even comfort. 1 hate laUly rtadwith than for three hoars anlnterrnptedly a» nisht. wiiboutthe aUghtcst Incouvcniance or distress or sight.—I am. loantrJi' ̂ v a . PiTlu« fAVMi*. P.P, CS>n?, Co, llayo,•'To Kr. Solomons, Optician, Doblin,' 'nxr, c. OOUJBUJI opeotaoias h*v» been used br eJataentllombor. of the Pacult/, HoUUItr, Clww, fccTtncludinjob- Orate the Host Bev. Dr; iS acttlgun! Archbishop efAnnojh . His Emlnenco lato CardlaoJ lleCsbe, Archblaiopo( XtabUn i bis linlnence Cardinal Horan, Arohblanopof8»dnejr i hLi Oraoa tha ults Hoot Bev. Dr. ieahr, Arch,bbhop of Cashel i Host Bev. Dr. fcoaiy. Bishop ofDromore i !l«t Kev, Dr. Dorfsj, Bbhoo of Down »aiConnor i Moot Eev. Dr. power, BinhoD.of Watefdrd., fg lu>T> BWjop of Cork j Most B«v. Dr. FiUjcrold,Wstop of Eora j Most Bev. Dr. lUg û*, Bfihop of JCcrry.•.• Persons In the conatrj can be snpyUcd with Cpoctaolia,

    *e.. . PJ Post. Ecpolrs prompter attended to. ImprovedTolescopca, Opera, Eace, and Field Olassc*»also tUcroscopntt most jsodeiate price* j Barooctors, iBinaoiaeton, Haji,Lanterns, 4o , *

    i C*UTION 1-In consequence, ol nnnacwis atte ŷts atImposition, It 1* uecenaary to n}U> nnaesn4 addrcsj and tootstrro-Onl» to be had from Ur. E. BOLOBOKS, Optidao,(profcjslonall/ established In Dublin 61 jean.)Number iflNETEEJI. HA8J3AU.STREET, DUBLnr.Entrance by Hall-Door, within ono door of Dawson-stnet,DUBLIN- Thai U iou not efrit (»•, Pr»Woc«i , hat no ca*.•ecliou UM IH any othtr ktnue er nnm t fiami. timilar or olf.«r

    «a', on* »• unjitOBf nsiUvr A0EHTO nor TBAVELL£r5.


    io O ZIBT12, 8TEAND 8TEEBT, T H A II 0 2E,

    W . B I S H O PEEGS to intluiot* to bis Fdecdj and nutaerocs, Vfsitom to Tmtnore tbat be ba« OPENEDthe above Eatabllahaeot, trhnre tbuy can l>c enp^plied nitb :Firat-Claa Qood» oa Boat rcatoaablaterms. ' ' , .i A Choice Stock of Wloes, Brandy. Whiskey,Baw'a Alo, Gulnnesa'a Porter, Cigaro, &c., 4*.

    LUHCHEOMB , 8*KDwicn«i, TBA, and COPJTES.1 Iced Mineral Watcri, 8d.

    \7edding«. Balbj, and Pifl-nfo Partlea snpplicd.

    A7ALSBB BICHOP, . - ¦ \ h . . \ ' ^. ̂ - > . . ¦. ¦.1Wextent hnlf the people ofitlifec^ijrj^ aitflferfrom \tcountryasylums iilied to ovei-flomthis nlariring. 'discj isn.-' •


    a "jentcr oi

    ¦W H O L E S A L E

    OMIMA, &LAm&¦W A.3.EHO-D-8E. ;



    0 . P O W E S ¦& ¦ ; S O N S , ¦

    ( '/, 0, d 33^ Qvcz/ i Qoorco'o Ctrcot, XTctz ^cxH


    i !


    Candidate rapidl-j pr epared for Vnivertil y, IniermediaU, Civil Service, avA otherExamination *. ¦ I < . ' '•

    : "£7ot33 6a4 Q^crio3^B'3paj feaont.STUDENTS and Othero T7iol?ing to hare questions answered on French, German, Latin, Greek,Irish ,_ Spanish, or Italian, Bhoold cend came with a Fco of is. for eaoh question, or 5a. for sisqueotions. . I : . . . . ..MATHEILATIOAL nnd SCIENCE QUESTIONS aolred for a Fee of 6d- each, or 2s. 6cLlor

    cix questions. : , . ' . '¦ : . .Tbe eolations aro aunplicd by n EUC of First^CUca Graduates! Specialists, &c.AJl enqniricn cud instructions ehonld contain STAIIPED ADDBE3SE9 EHVDLOPE. •Apply to tbo Ccc ĉtsiy. Examination Cyndioato, tha lacadaoy, un', . p'rio-ftf. , . .-,

    ¦¦ .¦¦ ' ¦ . — A ¦ ¦¦) < . ¦ . • ;

    ¦ .

    iii îvtnj , t̂y t tf ry f tiUtf , *x tp ie!R!i 'tH. f t * *??- ! .

    •|:NDIUESTrOirTThe Mir ' .nd oblr T«aidkl;

    vuAj, in* from ih» - polsqaans tad • nsn«iofir îSSi »̂

    " SPBCIWO ACMOH OW TH1 SXIH "—Ont«t tbe BtanjToU«t8o«M aoir brfora tk«~.viT.ri.' , *"*•

    Tkousonds ̂»T«li)«U skW i2I!S!S5'*vJ ̂: **to il£r U

    vkU ̂ -̂.M • »̂ ' ̂ -̂J !noutotTAX'a ' .'Qimemmrr - -iMro^Airr p iKomr—Ko MOBB ; Swnrtmna—

    L,h,° «u°QTcry ', of thii OiiiUaant hw jirpred u lat« boon to {hoounda of to&nm | wlnn. robbedoa or new tha u*l of tuBeringJlU tin BSJSJUOIO pro.p«rtlM»teoonT)Bjred.ioo»»nr. ptart TlosIt hwlVlu-w»rd wonods «odialo»n of tha STOKACH, BOW«W, OTW0MBr itenntlito* tha «phml narrow fa ew«« of sir-Toai:woakn«i» 4addepMoioB, tad aDdii«M4ref th»TafOAT, Lj votf *na CHMT. NO- Umaid'n»ea inp o l i o ! ' Ĵ. -̂ i. :-i .,1 i . .(r^"-,TijPT ~-*r-Tt —1 T"̂ ^S " ̂ 'f *¦