TO BE L^T -...

WATKIU'OKD AND LIMERICK RAILWA\ COMPANY. NOTICI TS 1IKRF.BY GIVEN that pursuant co t .L Resolution of the Ik-aril of Directors the Proprietors of Shares in this Company a:e re- quired to |i:iy w Twelfth and final call of Two I' onnil.s Tea Si:illin2 r s jn-r Share, on or before l- 'Ril. )AY the 1st day of XOVK.MBElt next. Ail (.' alls unpaid after that date will be charged with in!e:c<t at the rale of G pur cen t per ituiimi to tho day of payment. Payments to hi; made at the following p laces : ! I - .K I . AX ' .)—At the Office of the Hank of Ireland , Dublin , and at all the branches b( that Establishment. r.oxnov—At Messrs. Gl ynn , Halifax , Mills , and Co ., l>7. Lombanl-sirai-t. \V1U,1AM S. SAUNI>EKS , Secretary. I.imcrick , 11th day of September , 1S50. rj lIIK TOWN COUNCIL of the Boroug h of .1. 'Vnterford will receive 1\ nders in Writing f --v the I' m chase of the next and perpetual U' ;.r : t of Pn-ifiitatii ii to the Yicaratr e of the i " iii,in of KosiiriTou, in the County of Kilkenny, !m;l Dioci ^i1 of Ossory, producing an Annual Ii.c>: ;ic ot about C.73. Tliori ' U an excellent Glebe-IIouse , with Two Anv s of Land , Rnit Free. Thvro >< one Ciiunih for the Union , and the (tk-Li - -!louse and Church arc shinte within a \ ;:.r:er of a isii' e oi the Town of New Ro?? . H- .c ' i t. to be Ind eed with the Town i " xi ' .i t-n or before the 1 >t day of October, 1S. ' )O. > " tati-'iii-iit of Tide , Conditions of Sale, and iurtlicr ] ;uliTu!ar. -i will be supp lied o:i app lication ! ' ;.e !\.\vn ( . 'l- . -rk. 15 y Order , JOllXO'HRlEX , Town Clerk . W;- .:oifon! , 2lst September , 1S50. fffi TSIe fflS. MK. ST. GEORGE FREEMAN SUIi O E OX. DKX TIST , ' (Vn ,M I.oxnoN ,) T) I' .GS to ihform a 'l who suffe r from the Loss .!) or Disease nf TKKTH , that he hopes to ;,:)¦:«> in WViTKliTOH Oon the 1st ofOcroiW - K , Mi'.l in iy be ei n^ulted on all defects airisinq from >u; ' n e;:U- s. " Mr. V. li:!«i made Di. -»:i>try in fill Bivnches !: ' :. - sole stud y for many years , and for the last . - !.:i- btv:i . -Wist ant to Mr. Ash, one of t!n. - first p'- .!c:ir:d Dentists in T,ondon , where he Lit ;- hii-1 (. vt-ry opjiortuniiy of seeing the first liiti- ( I;.- 1: of iir.ii-tici- . !:: Sj 'j .i i l y ii:- the Lo-s of Teeth Mr. F. makes i . ¦ i.f til. - best iie:erij:tioii of Minera l Teeth , v : ' :. <¦;. Ln-:n^ int-. - . -rrctiiii! ;: , nc-ver decay or change a ' . - :iir. ami which h-. - adapts to the Mouth on the i. «' .•:[ ;,:iii most apurovcd piiiK-i p lcs , hv a per- lic- ' y ;>: i:-,!.-s pr..cis- , which dees not require ;!ic Kx: ruction of Stumps. i 1 " " St-op in:; or Filling Decayed Teeth, })iire (io "d is uiinii ;-> !:oi! ibl y the best material ; but v. ¦ •¦!,• . iV-iiii ' e; (Uniess nf she Tooth , &e.. it can- v. -v. be- a-' . -l. is- 1 ot siib-fituie is " .Uh' s Met;\- l : c P. -i- ' . - .v " w 1 ii .h i< put in the Tooth quite . soft , :-::d i.!.i!!f!!.:!t-!y bennsiiisiii hard , renders -he !''¦.:!• M.;I:I 1 . is an ( filctttal preventive of Tooth- ;:'•;. ¦ - . r. :;il p. - . .s sf- - s ,. s t:>:11 !on;j sou^iit ptoperty of r- t;i::.i;;:: i' s i- .:v .;r , and not oxidizing in the . .: ' . ¦ ' . ,!l. I n l' ..\trac' ' . -:ir Trctii Mr. V. uses tlie New 1" ' r; jis . which , be-in . ' Miapt' .d to eacli Tooth , ' ' ¦< t\- t;<;t ;in= > on or injure the Gum. Mr. l' . ' s c ' .:•• . > will be found on the lowest j i> ;>-i:i ' c sc. -i 1 . - 1 . t ' .,;- .L he- may bring the advantages <: J Ji-ni ' .-lry v.i'ii ' m UM- reach of all classes . i' nn ' . i . r ;i:ir;icu!. : rs. Listof Charjics, &c., &c., k-i. iil y - nj i - -iii-d l>y Mr. S AMUEL 1}. A KDAGII , M-i;;^.l l>;:ib is ' :;i-r. - .U, 10 , tlic Mall ; and Mr. ' . '" . ' . ' ¦ ::. « . ^ .M;;.i.. s . WaJchmakcr , Parade. lir:;!' .:" ! -K" .S l'ATKNT WlllTli ZI. \C I'Al.N 'i AHSIOUNCEMENT. 'I^'il! Min iiir I. " .vts , it j>')ssi. -ssfs tin: following udvan- lt i > ' .iiii-iii-i-ifd K y tjjl^'> \v:i!er , or tmxiotis \;ipoiiis fi-in, i ' :,:''.i. The Wliitc t' .i nt in I I IK I IC M of a ship ul' ier ' .i-: i ri;-i:,4 a Mi^ir Ciiri f-> is fnuii'l to be ai wliilc as tin* ^• .;u ft- fur-: w 'irn ncw/v painted. I' m (!< a' . ¦("«/ 1' itrpoaex nfllie Uecnralivn Pnintcr , 11. '- ' M' l.i!f Zinc 1' iiint " 1 lias licen fniiuil unpn rallitlKtl in v.l ilt i !. . -«s , vltitnitas of coluur , durability, un<l beauty ol !t li' rom -s -'i InrJ as to admit pol isliir, '' crimi 1 to tbu iV.f-t Ci'ii: li | ' a i i i ii 'liii;j; . l' i.r Snulf 'iri j Purposes \] \r . " \VIiit¦• Zinc l\iint " * .;i ' ukli!i- , in.: "lil y fruni i's btinjj lotall y free from evurv ii.liriuiifiit injurious to bcaltli , but I' roiu its c<>iiit inin^ c- l H-nifirul i|inilili. . -s nliicli render it a powerfu l iMirnsu- 1 ivi- w hen- e'<n!;i' _ 'inim <list-iisi-s have pr-vailed . !" uriii- turt: nr i.iiitttiii^s jiaiuieil with ii are at oncfi iJisinfuctcd . l' .iralv>is:iinl I' .iinli-r ' s Cliolk- lire iivoi' . ' cd by its usi:, a-t «i:!l :;> similar n-Milts in the orcugianu of newl y pjinteil ro tiii- . A ;i irtnienls may In: riiim<:*li.tit:I y oicup io'l , \riil;»nt ijii;. tu tin.- lii 'n ' .lli of chil: run or tbc tnoit delicate cou- bMnt ; m. It lii-roiuis clicapi-r lli:m tlie cointnon paint , fmm its ¦ 'p:< -:il 'rn! nvr a murii I ii 'j fur j. -irf.n:i;. i twl. •> ' ! Ilii* Jiaiii! HIUTS as much .is is usuallv covered by 3 cut. of M'ldti: I. .-ad. l.;;-li i; isk \\ s'auipcil " llublmck—f.onilon , —Patent . " A < 'irrular vifli lu. 'l p-irtirnlaii imiv l>>; li. -i'l of Hie M:ii. - ,: - .,,.tt:i-i M, Tllf I .MAS IIL'HHL' ' .:Kand SOX , Co Inr Wnrk-< , .ip|...-ii<: ilie I. -JII ion Dock* . STEAD'S PACKET COMPANY. VKIiY IJKDL'CKD FAKES AND FRIGHTS IlKIU HIS U AIKKFOKD ANDr I.IVl- ltl'OOL. Tfli : N. ' -.W / \A 0P^ IKON Flltvr CUX ^ jWl ' M' hHS STEAM SHIP , DEVO NSHI RE , MO TONS nUKTKKN—400 HOKSE roWEK , K OISKKT K EM I'vros , Coinniaiuler , Wl \Ai continue to ply regularl y between the above nu'uiionttl 1 'orts, leaving Liverpool every T UESDAY , ivul M' atcrf-id every F KIBAV . Further | may be iiail on app lication to •I . 1' . CMAMHERS , Q i-iv , W.iterfor;l M-CIXNE AMD I'AMPLIN Brunswick Street , Liverpool . TO BE L^T , M QCJIE fine Houses in Lad y-lane , now O undergoing a thorough Repair. A pp l y to MICHAEL GOULD, ESQ. TRAMOUE. KcOU H-lbJ<J« XOTICI -: or IIATKS riAVi. vc i)i:i-: x MADK FOR TIIH PUKPOSKS OFTIJIJ IKItJll POUK KKLIIii- ' ACTS. WATSRFORD UNION. NOTICE FS HEREFJY GIVEN , that Hates have heec 1. dul y made oil the property situated iu the unilermcntionnd Electoral Divisions of the above Union , rateabl e under the p. -ovisions of the Acts for the llelief of the Destitute l'oor in Ireland , namel y : Electoral Division of Water/ord , a rate of ' 6s in the pound. Electoral Division of Faithlegj ; , a rate of Is 3d in the pound. Electoral Division of Ballinakill , a rate cf 2s in th- pound. Eh ctisral Division of Woodstown , a rate of Is Utl m the piA iiu) . Electoral Division o f Killea , a rate (if Is 3d in tlu- pound. Electoral Division of Kilmaclegue, a rate of Is 3d in the pound. Eleetoial Division of Rathmoy lan , a rate of Is od in tht! pound. EIrcloiuI Division of Drumcannon , a rate of Is 3d in the pound. Eh.ctoral Division of Tramore , a rate of Is Sd in the pound. Electoral Division of Island Keane , a rate of Is Sd in the pound. Ecctoral Division of l'embroknstown , a rate of Is S.I in the pound. Electoral Division of Ueisk , a rave of Is Gd in the pound . Division uf Xcnvcasile , a raio of Is 8d in the pound. Electoral Division of Kihneaden , a rate cf Is Sd in tile pound. Electoral Division (if Kiilotcrau , a rate of Is 8d in the pound. Electora l Didsion of Kiibnrrv , n rate oflsW in the [IOUIV I . Klectonil Division of A;.li>h, a rate of Is Su in the ])ound. Electoral Division of I' ortnascull y, a rate ol Is Sd in the jKjtind. Electoral Division of Pollrone , a rate of Is Sd in the pound. Division of Uilid , a rate of Is Sd in tlie pound. Electoral Division of Ivilla-iv. a rate of Is Sd in iho potu.d. E' .eetur.d Division cf Kilbeacon , a. rate of 3s in the pound. V.leetor d Divi ion of Famoge , a rate of 3s in the pound. Electoral Division of Hossinan . ii xv.te of Is !!d in the pound . E' cctotal Di»i>iut. ot Dunkilt , u rate cf Is 8d in the pound . Klectnrr.l JJivision of Ballinacrea , a rate of li G i in the pou:: «l . i' ' ;<ct"n:l Div^-on of Kilbride , a rate of Is 8d i n the piii. -ufi. Electoral Divi. -i.n of Kilniackcvogu" , a rale of Is Sd in the pound. Eh ctoral Division of , a rate of Is <d in the pound. Elector:!] Division o f Kath palrick , a rutt of 1 a 3d in the pdui.d. And the Kate hooks are now in my custod y, and may he inspected by any person affected thereb y, at the Workhouse , on any day except Sunday, between the hours of Ten o 'Clock in the Forenoon, and Four o'Clc-cic in the After- noon ; and the v.i.l rates iviil bu payable from anil after :hc pubiic. -ition of this notice. Si gned this 18th day uf .September , 1850 , •MAit'll X UUYLE . Clerk of the Watcrfor;! Union. WATERFOUD UNION UNION CLERK WANTED milE IJOA1U) OF GUARDIANS of this X Union will , at their .Meeting to be held on THURSDAY , the 3rd proximo , proceed to the Election of a competent person to fill the. above Office, at a train:y of £120 per annum. He must be full y acquainted with the duties as set forth in the several Poor Law Acts , and the orders of the Poor Law Commissioners, and produce Testimonial* confirmatory of such knowled ge . Candidates will require to be in attendance at the Hoard Hoom , on the- day of Election , iind lod ge thei r pioposuU , endorsed " Clerk of Union " with me before 11 o 'Clock , on that day. It will be necessary for each Candidate to enclose in his proposal letters fiom Two compe- tent Sureties , expressive of their willingness to join him in a bond for the bum of £200 for the due and faithful fulfilment of the duties of the OfUce. By oider MARTIN DOYLE , Clerk of the Union Board-Room , 12th Sept., 1H50. WATERFORD US3S01 THE BOARD OF GUARDIANS of this Union request that all parties to whom they may be indebted on the 29th instant , will furnish their accounts to trat date , on , or before , the 5th of OCTOBER next ; ami they desire particular attention to this notice . (By order) , . MARTIN DOYLE , Clerk of the Union. Board-room , 18th . September , 1850. WEST OF ENGLAND LIFE AND FIRE IXSURAXCE fOJI PASY ESTABLISHED AT EXETER , 1S07. OFFICE TOR THE METROPOLIS : 20, MUDGE-STREET , BLACK-F1UAKS Capital J£H€$& , ®®$., wot f A DOy i 'S EVER}' FIVE YEARS. T R U S T E E S : Hiulit Hon . Enrl Fort-scnc. fcirT. D. Arklnml , b»rt., Ml* I!i .; lit Hon . Karl Morii-y. Uiiwsril Divett , F M \., M.I' . Ki y lit Hon . I.or.l Clillord. 8UHIUL -1 T. Kckewicli , Ksq. LSFH INSURANCES. THIS Society h;ts been established more than Forty Years , and offers to the public a Bonus of SO per cent., or four-fifths of the Pro- iks to be divided among the assured , for £100 and upwards , every successive period of Five Years—for Assurance may be effected at a lower rate of Premium , without a partici pation of Piofits. FIRE, INSURANCES. Fire Insurances are effected b y the Company at the usual Reduced Rates , and returning to the In- surers a moiety of the profits every fifth year , on Policies for .£300 and upwards. Respectable Agents will be app ointed in those towns where none have been established. CHARLES LEWIS , Secretary. B y or der , THOMAS S. HARVEY , Waterford. NEW ROSS UNION , TO MASTKnS AM) ASSISTANT MASTKK3 Ol' WOKKinuSKS. rilHE BOARD of GUARDIANS of the above 1 Union desire to obtain the services of a thoroughly competent and efficient person to nil the office of Master of the Workhouse. The Guardians are prepared to offer a salary of £80 per annum with rations and apartments , and with the understanding that should the person appointed be found eligible and g ive them satisfaction , they will at the exp iration of six months reconsider the salary, with the view of increasing it to £100. T!ie person appointed must have a full know- ledge of the duties of Workhouse Master , and mu>t produce satisfactory testimonials to that e ffect as well as to character. He must alst have acted as master or assistant master of n workhouse , or had sufficient opportunity of be- coming acquainted with the various duties of the oilice. The Guardians wish it to be dis- tinctl y understood that on the day of election they will not be guided by any local influence , but ' aie determined to -elect from the candidates tlie person who appears in every respect thu most competent to conduct the management of the Workhouse in ihe strict mode laid down iu the urdc-rs of the l' oor Law Commissiuners. Assistant Master. The Board of Guardians desire also to obtain the services of a properl y qualified person tc fill tlie office of the Assistant Ma>tcr of tht Workhouse , nt a Ssilary of £C>(\ per annum , with an A partment and llatioiio , whose duty will be to - .iss ' .st the Master in keep ing the books, and in liie .general management of <hc Work' liousu. Sealed proposals , which should contain the names at. - il the addresses of Two Solvent Secu- rities willing to enter into a j lint and separate IJomi in the sum of £200 for the Master , and £10' i f«ir t 1 c Assistant Master , and enclosing Testiinoniiils , must be lodged with me before 11 o'Clock on Wednesday, the 2nd October next , on which day the Election will take p' ace when Candidates will require to be iu at- tendance. By order , ROBERT W. CA RL- ETON Clerk of the Union. New Ross , 12th September , 1(150. CAHRICK-0N-SU2R-UNI0N NOTICE That Rate Eooks AHF. OPEN' FOlt INSiM' .CTION OF BATE-PAYERS. rTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that Rates , As hereinunder mentioned , are about to l:e made on the Property situated in the under- mclioned Electoral Divisions in the above Union , l iitonble Hinder the provisions o! the Acts for the Relief of the Destitute Poor in Ireland , namel y : Electoral Divisions. Rate p er Pound. s d Carrick-on-Suir . . 34 Kilmurry . . 2 3|- Newtown . . 2 6 Garrang ibbon , 2 4 Boolyg lass . . 2 5 Tullahaug ht . . 3 6 White Church . . 1 7 Eiddown . . 1 Gi Muckalee . . '2 7 Piltown . . 18 Temp leorum . 1 11 1 'ubbrid . . 1 8 Bal l y d urn . . 1 l' > Carrickbtg . . 4 0 Cionea . 1 G Fenoa , . 1 10 ,J Glen . . 1 6 iMothcll . . 1 8 Ross . . 1 8 Rathcormaek . . 1 8 Kihneaden . 1 6} Portlaw . . 2 1 Am) that the Rat e Books are depoaited for. In- spection of any Rate-payer at the Union Work - house , arid will there be open for inspection , between 10 o'Clock [in the Forenoon and! -1 o'Clock in the Afternoon , during the Fourteen Days next ensuing the date hereof , exclusive ol Sundays , and until the 28th of September , I«50. Si gned this 10th day of September , 1850. CHARLES DOOLY. Clerk of the Union. IMMEXSE SUCCESS OP THE NEW MODE OF TREATAIENT. As adopted by Lailmand , Iticord , Deslandcs , and others of the Hospital des Veneriens , a Pans , and now uniforml y practiced in this Coun- try, b y WALTER DE ROOS , SI. ). 35,5E LY PLACE , H OLBORN H ILL , LONDON , ACTIIOU OP THE MEDICAL ADVERTISER , UV ' paRea , an im- |iroved eilitiou of which is recently publisliiiii , writicn ii po;iu!ii r style , i. ' cvoiil of technicalities , and aililrofsuil to all those wl.o are guttering from Spermatiirrhona. fe- niiual Weukiicss , iiml the various disqualif y ing forms of premature decay n- aiilti.ig from infection am! youthful nbiiii! , llint most ile ' .uiive pmmice liy which the vi gour f ind manliness of life ura onervuteil mid destroyed , even before nulnre has cslubltsheJ the jiowiira and stailiiim of ll.t; con-ttit>ition . H couiain s aiso an elaborate nnd carefull y writ tar account of ihe anatomy and ph yi t of a yy of the orgnni ol both St!.\us (j 11 u91 ruled by nutm-ruus coloured uiigrav- itigj , with iJi u author ' s nlisiMVHtiolii on .Marringe, itd duties Hud hindeninoM. The prevention knd modern p lai: of treating Gleet , Stricture , Syphilis , &c. Plain d ruc- tions for the altuimntiit of health , vi gour an.l consequent hajip intiiS (luring the full peiioil of (ime allollc'J to oui sjieci* 1 *. 'i. ¦ The work is illustrated by the rietnil of cases , thus ren- dering -it wJwt its name indU-a-es, Ihe silent but friendly adviser of ull who may be suffering (roin Ihe conse- quences of earl y error anil vice , —a work which .may be consulted without e.\|iosure ,^and wiih every, assurance oi comp lete succi ss anil lieuofit. May be obtained in a sealed Envelope through most JJoohscllcrs , '^s. or to ar.oid difficulty, icill be sent from the Author, (free) by 2>ost for 3~ J' oslaye Stamps. OI'X. VIO.VS OP THE JMI I'.SS. Extract from the Medical Gazette and Times. ''Fortunately for our country, a more efficient• fneeiiusi certain) inoile of treating these drp lorahle comp laints i «t ImL introduced : and « hail tlie lime is not far dis- tant when siu-h diseases shall be comparativel y unlieii i'il of ; we would eameally recoinmend ull persons atHicted With any kind of regenerative ili-rnngeuieiit to avail ilicm- sehet oi' tlie informatmn coutaint-d in almos t every pajjc of Dr. D E U O OS 1 work. " ¦ •TH E MEDICAL ADVISEIl is indeed a lioon tu the publ ic , n~ it l:;i* llit: two-l ' uld iidvanla^c of pliinnu. -s, utid bcirifj uiiiicn by « skilfu l inn) duly qualiliw! man who cviiiuiilly well uiniersiuiuU his biibjecl. " Dnih j Times. •' Tiiis is a work of superlative excellence , and one we slrmtid recoiiiniciiiil to thu pt'iiiSJil of nil ; in fact the iu- liiMuaiion therein couvi . -ycd is quite i-scL-mial to thube ol either sex whocontemp l.Ltc marr ' nge. Reco rd . .MANY A W AN , who uuruurridl and miaerable , is mnv enduring in silent Mj n mv Ihe (n-inilties of former fully (perliaps coinuiittci! iu ignorance), had he possessed such a IJoak us this , woiild have le.:ii a happy liusbttnd , and honoured pa rent uiid useful member of society, " Dis- patch , January 12. The ililiileii . 'c ;IM I fear of expisure , cons- .-q'ient on tbuso ufi' i-ttions , frequentl y prereui jiersons a|ipl ying for assistuiiee , until yrc-ut nu^cbief h"S been iiiHicieil on the L'onslitulif'ii mid I - DWI . TS of life. It is hoped the jieru-nl tj f this work will lench such persons the evils oi delay, und leud them at once to seek that assistance which iiloue cnti suvi: them from the honors of an existence protruded . ¦miidsl long enduring wictclmduess , both men- ial mid pli\>ical. Lusting benefit can only bu reasonably expected ai the hands of thu ink'Hi j/eiil mid practical physician , wh<i , df|iiirting from ihe routini: of i jeueral jiruetiri! , devotes liic Winile of his slinliei lo tin- cluss of II ISCISPS , tin: lu!u.;iiliible neglect of which by ordinary nviliral im-ii , ami their futile attempts at cure by mercury and other equall y dangerous Medicines have produced the most al irniiiig risults. l- ' rom the great extent of Dn. Du Rotis 1 |iracticc fo. many years imd his former connection with I I IK - vari-ms Institut'i'iis butli iu London and Paris , for the relief ol those alllieted with the Di-biiity, Syp hilis , Secondary 5-ymptoms , Slrictjrts , Gleet , Veiu-ieul and Scoibiilic Eruplioii <i , &o. .be. nf the face and boily ; hi: lias perhaji* unusual liifilities for oh. -erving the pfLMiliuri irs .mil consequences nf each particular Ma^e. Hence lie i; rimliK-d confidentl y and conscientioujly to under:ake the removal of eiery syniploui (not excepting the must itiveterute or loii^ stainiiii); ) iu ;is short a liuiu- as is :ous!s:i-nt with safety or return [lie money . Country p:itii:nls wiibiu;; to p lace themselves uinier I real in i>ii i will be minute in the iiW:iil of their i':^i;s aid to pr«\enl trouble no li:tti-rs from slruugers will 1M: w- plied to unless ihcy contain £1 i:i cash nr liy l'o;.t Oliice l .)i<lei' payable HI tin: Holhornc Ollicc , for v. 'hicli Advice and Medicine will be s^ent. I'aticiits coiic. -poudcd with till cured. Ai linuie for consultation daily, from 10 till 1 , and 4 till ti (SunJnys excep tedj uuU-ss by pre;ioU6 urrangi:- mc.ut. l\m Oflice Order payable at thu Il olli.irn , Ofl' n-u , lo \V .vi..l.liK l) u Roo.s , M.D. 3o lil y l'lacc , llolboro , Lo in!i;n. !>!•; ROOS 1 CONGENTRATIiD GUnVKVIT.K (or Life iJrmu) It is us its iiame imp lies a safe and pt-imaneur cire for rvery variety ol " disease arising from Solitary Habits , Youthlul deliihivc K\cessiou , and InlVclinn , such ai UixMioi-rhoCii , .Syp hilis , &<:. which from iii'uluitt or impro- per tieainieni by SlKiciiry , Copuilm , Cubelis , and other deadly poisons , invariably end in soiut- of the billowing forms of secondary symptoms , viz :gpiiins amlswuiliugs iu Ihe boi.i-f , joints and glands , s>kiu eruptions , blotches and l<iinpli- s, uuiikiie. -s ol the eyes, loss of hair dtscii>c and and ileciiy iu the nose , sore tbroiit , pains iu the side , back , mid loins , fiistua,piles , &c obstinate iliscas-os of the kid- neys and bladder ^ let-t , stricture , seminal weakness , iiervo"s Hiid si'Ximl dehiliiy, loss of memory , and finall y such ii state ofdiowiiness , lassiuidc and general prostra- tion of strength , us unless skilfully arrcs ' .et aoun emli in ii miserable death. This medicine is deservedl y popular iu the precention and removal of the foregoing syiiip tonn , nsnl :is a resto- rative of manly rigiour whether deficient from early im- prudence, or residence in hot climates, &c. l- ' roin its properties iu removing - ,ill disorders of FEMALES , such ns lciicorrlnKa " the whites , 11 head- ache , gi'. 'rfiness iuili gesliun , p. al p ilulion of the he-art, dry coug h , lowuess ol sjiirits , lie . in: . It is admirably adap- ted to this claw of sufferers , as it crrntes new , pure , and rich blood , (ihcftby purify ing and slrt-ngtUL-ning the whnli ' sygtuin ,) ami soon ^restores the invalid to sound health , even alter all others remedies (which have usuall y u depressing tendency) have tailed ; hence its almost uiipiirak'Ht. -d f iincn **. May be obhuned u illi directions &;c., at Ms. , or f our quantit ies in one liinje bottle for ' Ms. by which 1 Is . are saved throui j h all Medicine Vendors , or it will be sent securely packe d from the Establishment on recei pt of the price by i' o. -i Office 0' rdc r payable at the llolboru Office. I'A i N. s ix Tin- : HACK , GRAVA L, LUMBAOO , RHEUMA TISM , (JOUT. I MJHGhSTION , DEBILITY ,ST!:ic:'n:nE . GLKET &.- . Dli ROUS' CUMPDUM) R liXAL TILLS (of which tlinris are useless imilBtionsunderolber title-) lime in many iiis'anccs ctfectud n cure when all oilier means bad failed , and are now established by the consent of ihe FACULTY as the most safe and filicaciou-t reiueii y ever di»ci)vert'il for the above dangerous comp laints , and dU<» of the Kidney s nnd L' liimry Orjrans geiK'tally, whether resiilliug from imprudence or olhrrwise , whi. -b if n.-g l,c:nl , fn-ipieiitl y end iu .stupe of I I IK bladder , mid a liii^eiing il-talh ! li is an esiublisln. -d tact fli t most casemif (joitt and Hhumati. -m occurring »fter middle «gp , me c-innliiiK. -ii wild disc.ised nride . hinv dross an is i then, that persons thus iilllicl.-d shoul-l atlcnd to . these imp'-riant malter<. liy llu; salutary action ni tlie^e p ills on iho m-idity nf tin; sloinncli , th'-y corn-cl b:lt: and indi ^i->tion , purif y and promote the renal secretion* , thon-by preventing the formations of stone and estab- lishing for life tliu health y performance of flic function- of these < rgans. May be obtained with di rcctnous .J-c, at Is. IJ//. 2*. Od. 4s. Cd. and 1 U per IIDX , throui j h all Malicinc Vendors or nhnult l any difficu lty occur , they reel' , he ten t {free) on ncei pt of the pr ice in 1'ostmje Stumiis by Dit . On Roorf , 05 , E LY 1' I .A CK , H OMIOUN H IM ., LONDON . Williutn Gilrhrist , Apotlierary , AfMo-ic ; TJiomr-s''" . Guardian Oltice . Armagh ; W. RicIiey, Tyriiwley //w«/ii (itlite , n=illii,a , Curler , Herald , Office , IlilKshaunoii ; MiiisbaH nnd Co. Caallc-p laee , Hellast ; Alderman Hm-ket , Bonlncller Main-street , Clonnul; 3. II. 1'iin-ell , Bookseller 88. Graf;n:i-slrcut and IVing and Co. \\>:H- morelaud-street , Dnhli.i ; Kelly, Uooksellor , Drng liedii KeuvBti , Chronicle Oflice , Etin^kilh: ; If. O 'Connor. 77 , George street , Kinystown ;;il)iiniel O'Reill y, Apothe- cary , Killennul if; Bny fiiild. & Co , Aptliccaries , l-h Georgea-strcct , Limerick nml S. Uaillio , 13ouksel!or Ne»ry, YOU MAY BE CURED YST. HOLLO WAY'S 0 I.\ Til EXT. An . E\< raord?nary Cure of Scrofula , or King ' s ilvil. Extract of a Letter fr om Mr. J . H. A llidny , i-09 , Hi g h-Slrei-t, Cheltenham , dated theI' lnd of January, 1850. To l'rol ' cssor llou.o .v .w . Sin ,—31 y I'Mait Son , when about thrro j p.irs of «£<", wa.< iiiriicted with :i Gl-iii-Jular Sttvliin!; in iho n>'cU , flhicli aflc-r a short time broke out ' into an Ulcer, AH emino.U m; nan pninuunco-.l it us ii lery bnil case of S. -ro f'/l i . a- .(i presreibed for a c<i:isi- dur.ible liiii-t W ' I II IKHI i-lIVn. Tlii: dis-caiKthen for four years v. ent Oil crailuall y increasing in virulence , when besides tlie nicer iu tin: neck , another formed below tlie left knee , and ;i liiir<l under theoyp , brides sev/-u others on the li:ft ixriii , wi;ii a tuniotir helwcen tii^ eyes , which was expected to b .iMk. During the whole of tho limo my sulli-riim IJ . IV and roct'i\v,i tlu> constant ;ulvice of the most celebrated ni»dic:i l (trntlL'm. -ii) ' : nl fihritenhani , bcsiil>-s bfin^ pji- sevi-ral ninull;s atihe General Hos pital , when: nut- of Ihe Surgeons said lie would ampiitHte the left arm , but thai the blood was so impure , that if l:i;i t limb were tak" ei 'i"#T ;f would bi; then even impossible subdue the dis-ase. in this ilcHpt-rate state I <le!er;-,!ne<! to Jj ive your.Pills and Ointment a tri-i l , and allcr t«v o nitinths perseve- rance in their uar , the. uimour ^r.uluiiil y bo^Jin to d.a- appenr , and Iho ili>ch:ir^i' frusn ;ill Ihu u!c;*rs poroi -p- tibly dec-reused , mid ut iho exp iration ofei^ 'it nionili-; I ' icy wer« j.erl ' ecll y he:ili: l , an I th» l>oy thnn.u^hl y rcstdicd to lhi . ' !)liw si)i^s nf hcalih, lo tin. 1 a. -tDiiteliment ulii lar^o circle uf ii(.'(|iia:i;liiuiv:> , who cnt-i M iestlty in the t- . " .:Ill ol this tnircic:ii HIS c.i>e. "i'lirei! vcars have now elapssd without any recurrence ' .if the nmbul y, and llie boy M mnv ;is b :i!tl' . v as lie.irt e;n wish. Under those cireunis::iiu-i!S I uu.:si' .ler llmL I should In; trul y uiiKniteful were I n.R t;i make you acquainted ihis wiiiidc-rl' iil cur. - , ell ' i-c! d by your mudiciues after every olhcr ' in. -ans !::;•:! i ' rt: ' ^• I . (, .M^iieu) J. H. ALLIDAV . I' tirc oi' Aci!(e Uhi'ii i-iitlis'ii cf four years' (:> .il«ll!£. Extract of a Letter from Mr. John Pitt. Dudley } i) l/t Jr;n., SoO., 'I'n I' rnfossor U OI . I . O - .VAY Si ii , —It is with l!i- "i-ealest |>lcasi:rc Unit 1 write Id thank jou fiir the boueiit I h ive received from your Pilis and Ointment , which have cO''tely cured nn: of Ihe llheuinalism , undor wiiicli I sulIVred for this last four vears , al times f- v, - ;is so Imd as hiudl y In be able tu Wrilk. 1 h.ul tried every kind of .M-jdicine was recommended receiving any benefit. 1 «t last liniu^lit I wiiulil j^ ivn >our medicines ntiial , and purchased from Mr. 11.illin . Chemist , of this Tuv. n , two iiuxi-s of I'ills , ;t.iil two of Ointuu-nt , tnwl in llirce weeks , throug h tln. -in the blessing ofGn.1 , 1 ws-s reston-i! lo licnith and strength , and am nn\v us v.xll able to w:i|k iis 1 was hi my life. I am wall known in this puriidi , having been six 'y-five yaa:s in it , with an exception of ten years I serteJ in th>< 24tli Heij iuient uf foot. (Signed; .1O11N lM IT. <-«rc of a (. ' ass! of Wcakucss iiii' ,1 £5cbi!iiy. ol I' otir Scars ' inni ' iing. Extraccl of a Letter from Mr. Win. Smith , of Xo. 5, Little Thoiiias-strret , Gif oon-slrcat , Linn - hulk , dated Dec , VI , 18IU. To Professor llol- loway. —Sir ,—I be:j l- .i inform you that for nearly live \ ears 1 liardU knew wii.i t it was lo have ;i d;iy ' s Jiea ' ith , snllcriii^ from extreme weakness and debility, with a urcat (Ivjir- .-ssioii of spirits. I used t> think lull nothing c.o.ild hem lit me , as I had bee:i to nisi is y m.- - ilicul nien , soiiii; ul whum, alter doiim all that was in their power , informed nu\ that I had some spitial coinp la ' . 'H Ihe reach u? curu . l.r^eth. 'r with si very itisor- d. -red state nf 111'- rilnmach and iiver , maUiii^ my ca-o so comp licated lint nothing could be (Sine fi,r me. One diiy beini; unusuall y ill and in a .lte , I SHW yi.iir l'i'ds advertised , and resolved to uive llmm a trial , luiirt: perhaps fruni einio-ily willi a hopc -uf bein^cured , however I soon found myself ba;t.:r Siy taking thiMii , and MI I wvnt on persevering in tiuir use for six months , when i um happy to say 'ii>-y ell' ec- ted a perfect cure (S ; ;- iied) WILLIAM S.MIi'fi' , (freiiuenlly called KsHVAIJI). (, ' urc <;f a Dcs}»arii(c t' asc of IJingworm , of Six Years ' tsiuding L 'ina , VMh ti j X<n-i:mber , IS 19- One of the IMOSI cmineiil Surgeons iu Lima (ihe (' aiiita! of J' e- .-ii) had a eMi-i eovoreil with Ki:i^«-orm I ' m- more t 'l.ui six \vars : in vain he exhausted all his art in l- .is oii(k-:- .vo>irs in cl' .-. 'i-; a. eiu-e. Not siiecpcilintr , In; <:o:i:.ul- .ei! amon . ' his Ijir-t ' .nen , t ' .ie most celebrated medical pra. -iitioners of t!.' . - fity, but ii'ilhin^ was found to :!i> l!:e eliil-1 servie^ 1 . \\ lien !;<. ' HM .I |if:Mi:ldcil liy Mi" . Josep h I* . H. ";in- , Ilia Kn'fiish Clu-mUt and Drir^iiist, n siding ..t Xo. 7-1 , (. ' alle t\u I'alacio , to try Ilollu ' way ' s Till. " aiul Uiiili.iout wliich was done, and after u>i:i^ six li' .r^e l' o;s uf ihe Oiulmeii' , with pm- loriion of tha fills , the- child was radicall y cured, I- 1 the s.irprUe oftiic medical proit:- . .i; 'ii. Tue na:no of the pan-tit , fruni mulivcs of dolicaey, is withheld. Tho Tills should bi; usod conjointl y with the Oint- ment iu most ol'Uw- following cas^s :— I Sail l. <-^ii Chie^o-fnot I'islulas ]> ;i d Id easts (iiilbiaius Gout liiirus Chapped hands Glaudii!ai'Swcl ! !ngs liunior . s Corns (Soft) Lumbago ' •lie of Mos- Canec-r.s l'ilis ehotoes and Cimlraetoil and I>hc-u;nalis:u Sa-id-L- 'ilcs S;i!I' j.iiiils Scalds Coco-Bay Kiep hau ' iia^i-i Son . . Ni pp les Sure-throats Skiu-di-eases Scurvy Sori'-heads Tuni!) ::* ; I . 'leers Wounds Y-iws Sold by tlic !' r(!]r. - ! .a or, 241 , Stran d , (near Temple Uar ,) Lon ' dou , and b y , L \\ r. 'ipeetabls ' Vend irs of 1'atciit Meilict'ii-s tlni.ti^ iiimi t!:e i ,i%ilizcd World , in Pors and lloxes, at U. Ul. , 2s . <ld., 4- . Oil. 11s., -J:is., and . ":is each. There is a very co isidenwble -avinij in taking the lnp;»i; r sizes. N. 15. I)i;eetion H. -r ll:e jruiilanci; of Paticuls arc are prefixed L- each Pi.t and 15nx. nplI E SILKNT i'UIKNL), a medical wo:k oa tilt- JL exhaustation and p hysical decay of the syslPin , produced by excessive, indulgence , the conseipienees oi infection , or the of, with olise-rvaiions on the married stale, and the disqualifications prevent it; Illustrated by Twenty-six Culomc-d IC;i- i;ravini; s, and b )' the de-tail of e.ises . liy It. ami L. i'HRRV Si Co., Consulting Surajuons. 10 Kernel ' s- Street , Oxford street , Lo ndon. Publised by the Au- thors , and sold by Str.w^e , 21 , Patenioster-Hovc ; Ila:i- nay and Co., :5 , Oxfor ' .l-strei't ; Sanger, U>0, Oxford j;street ; Gordon , 1U4 , Leadenh. -dl street ; Starie , '2J , Tiii-hborne-street , Haymarkct , London ; Newton Hi 8t I7, (. 'lun-e.!i-stiec. t , Liverpool ; llaivle , Cbnrc-h-street Liverpool ; liujram , Market-Street , Manchc- . -ter ; i). Camp lioll , 13i> ' , Ari:yle-strcet , (Jlasfjow ; R . LiiiiUuy : 11 , Klins-ruir , Kdiiibur^ b : Powell , 10, Westmoreland- street , Dublin , aad by all booksellers and patent m. -di cini! venders in town and country. Part the First (reals of the anatomy and physiology of the reproductive organs , and is illustrated by tfix Colon rod Rii^r. 'u i.i^s Part the Second treats of the infirmities and decay of the system , produced b y over indul gence ot tin- passions. " It shews clearl y lhc> manner iu which ihcs baneful consequences of this indulgence operate on t!nj ee.oiioinv, i:i ihe impairment and destru;:ti..n of liie social aii d vital powers. The existence of nervous and sexual debility and incapacity, with their aeioni|iaiiy- iu;j train of symptoms and disorders are tr(-:itt>d by tin: cli 'in of conneutiii!; results to this cause. Thi.s sectin-i cniicluili'swith an exp licit detail of the means by wliit.b these t-fl' eels m.iy be remedied , and lull and ample direc- tions Cor ll:eir use. It is iilnsfral/>d bv three cnloiirc:! e iij'r.iviiiys , which full y disp l' .y lile eliocts of p h ysical decay. Part the Thi-.d furnishes an arcurntc aeenunt ol tl- .nsc disi^asses whuli are the result of infeciinn , whether in the primary or secondary character ; and it also contains exp licit directions for their treatm. 'ii t. _ In it will be found evident pii.ofthat many persons , either mistaking the nature of the comp laint under wliicl' they larour , from real ignorance of the subject , or from its nsidious and latent character , neglect to obtain the requisite inpiiiciil aid , and allow the diseases in ((ues- lionto secure their bold upon the syslem , thereb y en- lailin , ' upon themselves and families a life-li. -iie u wretchedne. -sand broken heakh .which mi ght have been avoided by early attention to the symptoms of disease. This part is iliustrattd b y I " coloured engravings. Pmt the Vourtli contains a remed y Hir ' lhe Preven- tion of Discos- . - by a simp le app lication , by which Mm danger of infection is obviated. Its act-on is siinnh- but sure . I'art the Vifi h treats of marriap- —its obligations and (lisqualili<:silion$. '!Mie causes which lead to happin -ss in t!;e «re d«i>!t upon , and those which are hulirative of miserv and domestic iiuiuietude. Till': COflDIAl, BALM Ol- SYUIACU .M Ts emp loyed to renovate the impaired powers of life W ! IPM exhAUstod by !li!> iV.fluonre exerted by solitary ind.;l- Kenee on the system Relaxed Constitutions , Wi-ak or decayed , Uembiiii^ of the hand : , hrad-athe , fainiin . .; - ; - . , and rYmak' rmnp liiiiils , ai"; under its immediate iniiu- ence ; and when the. syste m has received a shack , sincl i' ! ' ro::i im;,riidenti! and in.ilteiition in the ¦•:ul y part i.f L:-.- , CM- is sinking under (he advance " ' . \ears , or b y 1 'iij- residences in hot ur cold climate. - - , tbii uieMiciiic will .vthird im" .ie.diate as'urauea of returning strrn^iii , by aiving tone to the nnircul-jr system and ;iryi.i. -i of iliire.^ii'in . All crises r.l Local and Onenil Debility, Nervnii . s Frriiability aii'l TCvi -itrui-. -ril . Consumption , Indi^estii <n of the most fearCo l and ixliaus'iii^ kind , intenso .M(>!an- cliiil y. Depression of t' o Spirits , I' or Cuiiip led; Mxliuc-.tio.'i ol the Reproductive l\iwers ,nnd Non-relei:- lion of I'fiiic , an- p--rm inently !-::re.l by the (. ' ORDIAI . 15.M.M OF . SYI M ACIIM , <ind :hc p.iiirnts rc. -i t. -iri'd to the lull i-njoyment of health ;t:ul fuiie:i.:,i< of 1:1 1 uliood. i' nf, . I Is. or fo-ir at I N. in .i-.e iiattie for W.U., by whirl: 11 shiliiisgs .itesiM t-d. i'l. . 1i.j e.ises of Syriarnm or ( . . ' - . 'i- c- 'iilral^d lietf -rsive KM-. -IISC I.JII onl j I). ' : had at Hi , licr- ner ' s . strei t . Oxl ' -iul-s rr; t , l.o-.irioi . i' .y purnhasi:;^ ot;.; ol " llurSC CSI ll-s t ' .ieie will b.- .i -.., ¦ . lii^ ' nf £1 1-J- ., ' ;• v.l tlie .pationi is e,it:l!v.i lo r. -f.-sn; inlvice wit!:u::t a ' :' ¦ , ' Jlie Co:;ccii/r(i!cd Dcl crs!ve Essen ce . AN " ANTI-SVPUSLITiC RKM!-i)V , is l e^v.n- u;i;i:J, -(i in , sy|i!:i!is ami spciiiiil.iry yy:n;il.>iiis—se;:n ¦) . ¦ ., out and puriaes tin; tli;i*:i:* .-<( i;umour l ' rom liie blood iiiid'eansf' s the system from all il< -S. -i iur;it;nuc * es. Sis iulSiicnce t:i tha rest n -atiir.i of In allli uf all per-otu lab i - .irint; under ti' .e ci>ii>ei|ui-uces whieii iiicvi- ta ' jl y follow CMiit:i!!iiu ilion \? ii ii«i. -it I:«f»I •? » and is ;ii-.i cunstiiilt-.Sii ce.riuiu eure fo;- s:urv\ . r-crnfuia , S(:orliiili *: iidiom. - , ulii wofi.ii ' :;. iilwrs .; l. -^s , venereal u. 'e/ . -i 's and . ' ! 1 ^la!V!: .lar.4i" .- !r.:ii. s, i'riri pfli::-i. leprosy, kini' . ' s evil.. - | iii:!p lf>: , di - . ii-'-s of I In* skin , r. -' «*rupiio:is of any part of tl:o bod y, and s;-l iii:pii;ities of Ihe blond I' rii e 11. " ,. nr fi:ir b-i!ili!< is one I ' «ir2.i - . by w !iic!i 11-\ is saved ; a!s.> iii ^ . " , r.iises. by whieii will ba saved J_ I 12=. To be had at t!i-. ; London !!s!a!>!ulimeni. 1' E; U ; Y ' S I*!J i:!t- -viN« Si-Een ic i'n.i. i , Price :ii. 0.1 4s. (id., and 11- . per box. Tiie. -e Piilf. , csicli li.ix o which is aer.ompanieil with exp licit ilir.cliniis, are v. i-1 known Ihrouuhmit Kurope , to be the most eel lain and edectual remed j e%t-r ered fo. - OouorrhcLM, both iu its mild and a^ravnted fumis. t;- ,p lo ;i!l t-itscsiif (- :in5iill/ >ti«n l>v leiter, Ihe usual I-' <e of -I I niih t be forwarded , cklu-r by Post-Oiiicv. 1 - Order , or otherwise. Patients -i r<: ie'ji:e:!f!) lo be ; . > . ¦> risinnii! as possible in the detiiil of ih. -ir Ctisos. noting especially ill . ' duration of the (-u' .up luiut , ' liie mode of its commencing, its symp toms >i::d |iro-. < i-ess , siai > . i;ci;i-ral habits of living occupalion ol lift- , iin-1 posiiiun in society. Medicines can be forwarded t>i any part of llu- world —nu dilll- e .uHy ocj- .ur , as t ' .u- y will lm securely packed , and carolVlly protected fn. -ni nb-crv;ilion. - i'i;:-sy ,Medi.rii ' . -s arc prpiiarod onl y by Messrs. IJ. ani! L. Perry :;:-d Co., Sur^o.ins Vi , I' rrners-slieet , Osfind- .streel , Looduii , and . : -j!d' iy all .Medicine Ven- ders in town ' and Counlrv. S.ild by W. Ciilrhi-isi , A polh;-:-;iry. Aliilnne ; Mr. S.liKU'Ahr.essy, Medical- Hill , Limerick ; Thoinpson; Guardian Ollice , Artnap h ; V> ' . •lirii. -y. Tyruv. -ley lloi- a!d (;iii:-e , I' lallinu ; Carter. Herald I! .;!:;- , liall yshan- uiin ; \V. Mais.iall and CM. ! li ^ ' i-street , l!eil ' ,i;t ; Wood and Son.St. Palrk-k-iNtivet , Cork ; Alderman Haekett ,| Huokse. ' .ler , Main :-:rc< l , ( loninel ; J. Ii. Pii.vell , I5ooks:-i!rr , In , V. ' e..|:f!,iie!.:ii:l-stieet > Dublini! Keil y, I5;iok. -r|l er, . 'Jn^ be.i.i ; |I. lS^v;in. Chro::ic-1« Ollii:e , Knniskillcii ; !I. O'Connor, 77. Cienr .li! street Kiiigst-jwii ; Dani-d O ' liiell y, A polhec iry, Killpnaiile , r>yii :ld and Co , A |ift!iei:ar», Se.- .rv ; Josep h Pier-e , Apot ' iersiry, Af.iifi-slrei t , U' l'xl-.rd ; C'!iarl< -s Tiill y, Journal O:licc , i;..;ciimiinm ; .!. II. l'erry, {iuay- str<;et , Lon.l"odi -rr\ , of all of wlso. -n may be bad I I K* SILENT I'ltlKND. IF MANKIND are liable to one Hi-ease more th.:n R' .inlhei* , ii' if there ::ro any particular AH' eetions of Ihe Muni' -in !5.»l y we reipiiro t¦• have a knowled ge of over tlic rest , ii is certainl y tlmt fl.iisjnf Uisordcr. -i (rra ' ed nf in tlio Ni'W and In:p-<ivc-1 Kditiou of thv SU' . 'id i' ri'iu!. 'i'li;- Auilmrs , in lims sending I' orfh to tile wor.d ••nollier Kdition of their Mi . -dieal Work , cannot refrain IVi>:n cxprp-sin-^ liioir gratification at Iho ciiiuimi'd -•I' . - . -c-s aiteudiM ^ tlu-ir ellorts , which , co:)<b!:i-. -:l with \. >• as. 'anri! ot 'M. - iicr. - . es. . exeh:sivc!y of th' -ir own m-cperittion, have ' nc-i-a I ' .iu happy cuts,! of laili .^Miiu a- .id averting thu Mental and Ph ysical mi-i erici .i atti'ii l.;ul on those pi- t -uiiar iiisorders ; tiius pr.ivin-^ til. - Tie!, tint >.i:l'eii;:^ hirvianily must always derive the ^r.Nit. s! advant iv;i s lVoin dul y ip.iliiied Members of the Mciie-:! P:ofes<ivi:i , r.«l '>j itiii .y a 'p;ir- tii-ular class of disu/d<M-s lor llieir i-xt-lu-ive study, in preiVresiee In a sujies'Heial knuwleii-jc of all t' m dis- eases rdllies n.asikind. Messrs. U. iii L. Pi:;u:v C. - . M W -' . ' .I conlidencii offer ho pe, eueriry, and vi gour to tlios. - whnsc cousiitutions have become dui ili' .iitcd fivin :¦; ' ;i;-r itiv(! disfa-f c< , I'er- v:nis and mental irraiibility, loe:.l or constitutional weakness . &c- ., .md liei: lo aoi'iniu! ilsosc so sullci'in^ i!i:- .t one of tho ii;-i:i la .y be ;.cr^i,ially consulted dail y sit N:> . !!) , I' .ei'iK-rs-street , Oxiord-^treet , London , from Kleveii till T' .vo , and from l>ive till Lv. ^ ht in the Kveuing ; and on Sunday from Kleven till Due. iLd'S'srtisemeaB.t - '• sic vos Mnv vi'ins." SIU , I liiivt: neve.r wisiie-l t'j !•• cojisidercil pmlanlie . In,i ! reall y feel lh:it Iht! ::h-nc quotation is trul y up-diCiildi. - lo ilit: nr ' /S int-irl-i , w:i. -u we Io-^k to lln; ::;ip' .i;i'nii-!:t <• ' , ' oli;rc; ' - of mil- I' l-nr-Jiouse at prc-rut ; eu-rv IIM " of whom , with , I lieliuvi; , Iwi cxceitions , 'ire Mra'iiiers fruni K IM K"-rry \V.iid-uia-.l'T upwania. Ver , it is IIK I my n' -je-t to say "n^ hl , ;v.;:ii:)-t , for , I ln-H>-v «s llii'in renilv couipi-iiii.l lo tin: dulii-s of Ihe several ol' iic. 'S iiisiuned :li>-m ; hui.a vaeaney i-> now ereiited by iho resi .;n:i:i .:i <d ' Mr. Diy le , a>id o:i rcadiu ; the report of the lloii.i of (. ' u:. .n!i:ii.s ol 'Tl.u.s l*y last in your puiili- (¦atiiiii , I fuel , rvi-u . foi lliis , *\<: are likely to have a fiirthi: !' im;ii<rla ;i' .r.i f:-oiu lu i'/ l.h.mriiiA ' union . M'lio- i-ver will i.e Mr. Doyb. - ' s siieo. . > <n- he will ivriaialy b; > a foiluuiitt! man , ;! ' he. ran jiivmis inii' -li satisfaction as be has done since hi. i appointment , mil I must fay, thai ¦ihe (iiui r li.ns sbunld U"t. all-iw tin: claims nf f .u: Ci!i- zei- .s to be lulnl y Ire.ited on iliU oecasiou. I ;mi , ' ¦i in: n:it lo be p-iirnuiz-fd by t hose who nii ^ lit have ¦dnil y oh-i:rv:ili 'iiss nf llieir cimdiKl and capnliilities f"r many j eiir-t . is it to be. ex peeled th- . -y are likelv to obtaiii a meau . -s (if livelihood in tin . 1 bind nl I b: st ranker whcr« Ihey are uuk'iown—c.'i'lainl y nut. Why i. ' o we witiie ^s thosi! heart-ri-iidii'i; . scenes which an: emicled wet-kl y ou iMir (jnav . ' iVisoiis leaving llie hum-: of their childhri'id viiib ul! ils Miileitiin . u: rei 'i.lie.M inus , and , emiii.ieiuL ! for 111:? last I'nie tb'jsi: IV'einU wb-i havu so oiie:i eh^cred tb. r.i in thi . -i:- many trial.- 1 nnd vicisitules , whose soolh- injr word they sli;ill never unin: be'.r , nor , upon whme f:ice they s'liill perbips m-n-r a^aiu look , till tin: last Iriuiup h. I sny, why ' . ' Iiecause , we are not true to Miirsplvcs. One act is wort h (illy speeches ; therelorc , I confidentl y appim! 'o the (iuardians , they will hnvumaiiy app lications I' mm persons in this ei'y ; let th-ir deeiOou l:iil, il piiM^ilihr , on some of them. A man is no prop het iu his own country , "!i safestinc 'bat a straiijxci' bu id wa> spiv (erred , very diii!^er.iiis .even , Ciiptiiin Keivpnri uiii st 3 -i: l!' ..: ai::i!.ij :y of t iis , i- . ii soun: person ini^lit be so profane as Iu it. . . :..|iiuieiid a person from (ialliu^ Iass or e!s- win-re , as , o:i some liilui >: day. as , a St and proper j'eisou to In: appointed As . - .:3 i.iiit (iiuirdiau in p lace cl M r . i iViiUiinr It ' this |uiiii. i |.ii> is lo b. - carriod out ciPctuall}' , 1 would recommend tbs (iu:)r: 'i.i in to insert at liie foot of tin- adverlisi. -meiiti. A' o n.iiive need appl y. I am . Sir , Yours trul y, A LAD AHOUT MY SIZE

Transcript of TO BE L^T -...



TS 1IKRF.BY GIVEN that pursuant co t.L Resolution of the Ik-aril of Directors theProprietors of Shares in this Company a:e re-quired to |i:iy w Twelfth and final call of TwoI' onnil.s Tea Si:illin2 r s jn-r Share, on or beforel-'R i l . )AY the 1st day of X OVK.MBElt next.

Ail (.'alls unpaid after tha t date will be chargedwith in!e:c<t at the rale of G pur cent peritu iimi to tho day of payment.

Payments to hi ; made at the following places :!I -.K I.AX '.)—At the Office of the Hank of Ireland ,

Dublin , and at all the branches b(that Estab lishment.

r .oxnov—At Messrs. Glynn ,Halifax , Mills , andCo., l> 7. Lombanl-sirai -t.

\V1U, 1AM S. SAUNI>EKS ,Secretary.

I.imcrick , 11th day of September , 1S50.

rj l I I K TOWN COUNCIL of the Borough of.1. 'Vnt erford will receive 1\ nders in Writing

f - - v the I' m chase of the next and perpetualU ' ;.r: t of Pn-i f i i tat i i ii to the Yicaratr e of thei " iii ,in of KosiiriTou, in the County of Kilkenny,!m;l Dioci ^i1 of Ossory, producin g an AnnualIi.c>: ;ic ot about C.73.

Tliori ' U an excellent Glebe-IIouse, with TwoAnv s of Land ,

Rnit Free.Thvro >< one Ciiunih for the Union , and the

(tk - L i - -! louse and Church arc shinte wi th i n a• \ ;:.r:er of a is ii ' e oi the Town of New Ro?? .

H- .c' i t. -i to be Ind eed with the Towni "xi '.i t- n or before the 1 >t day of October, 1S.')O.

>" ta t i - ' i i i - i i t of Tide, Conditions of Sale, andiur t l i c r ] ;ul iTu !ar.-i wil l be supp lied o:i app lication\» !';.e !\.\vn (.'l-.-rk.

15y Order ,JOl lXO 'HRlEX ,

Town Clerk .W;-.:oifon! , 2lst September , 1S50.


SUIi O E OX. DKX TIST , '(Vn ,M I.oxnoN ,)

T) I'.GS to ihform a'l who suffe r from the Loss.!) or Disease nf TKKTH , that he hopes to;,:) ¦:«> in WViTKliTOH Oon the 1st ofOcroiW - K ,Mi '.l in iy be ei n^ulted on all defects airisinq from>u ; 'n e;:U- s.

"M r . V. li:!«i made Di.-»:i>try in fill Bivnche s!:':.- sole stud y for many years , and for the !.:i- btv:i .-Wist ant to Mr. Ash, one oft!n.- f irst p '- .!c:ir:d Dentists in T,ondon , where heLit ;- hii - 1 (. vt- ry opj iort uniiy of seeing the firstl i i t i - ( I ; . - 1: of i i r . i i- t i c i- .

!:: Sj 'j .i i l y ii:- the Lo-s of Teeth Mr. F. makesi -¦.¦ i.f t i l . - best iie:erij : t ioii of Minera l Teeth ,v :':.< ¦ ; . Ln-:n^ in t -.-. -rrctiiii! ; : , nc -ver decay or changea '.- :iir. ami which h-.- adapt s to the Mouth on thei. i¦«'.•:[ ;, :ii i most apurovcd piiiK -i p lcs , hv a per-lic - 'y ;>: i: -,!.-s pr. .c is- , which dees not require;!ic Kx: ruction of Stump s.

i1"" St-op in:; or Filling Decayed Teeth, })iire

(io "d is uiinii ;-> !:oi! ibl y the best materi a l ; butv. ¦•¦!,• . iV - i i i i ' e; (Uniess nf she Tooth , &e.. it can-v.-v. be- a - '.- l . is- 1 ot s i ib - f i t u i e is ".Uh' s Met ;\-l :c P.-i- '.-.v " w 1 ii .h i< put in the Tooth quite .soft ,:-::d i.!.i!!f!!.:!t- !y bennsi i i sii i hard , renders -he!''¦.:!• M . ; I : I 1. is an ( f i lc t t ta l pre ventive of Tooth-;:'•; . •¦- . r. :;il p.- ..ssf-- s ,.s t:> :11 !on;j sou^iit ptoperty ofr- t ;i::.i ;;:: i' s i- .:v.;r, and not oxidizing in the..: '. ¦' . ,!l.

I n l'. .\trac' '.-:ir T rc t i i Mr. V. uses tl ie New1" ' r; • j is . wh ich , b e- in.' Miapt '.d to eacli Tooth,' '¦< t\- t ;< ;t ; in = > on or inj ure the Gum.

Mr. l' .'s c':¦ .:••."¦> will be found on the lowestj i> ;> - i : i 'c sc.-i 1.- 1. t '.,;-.L he - may bring the advantages< : J Ji -ni '.- l ry v . i ' i i 'm UM - reach of all classes .

i' nn ' . i. r ;i:ir ;icu!. :rs. Listof Charjics, &c., &c.,k - i . iil y -nj i - -iii - d l>y Mr. SA M U E L 1}. A KDAGII ,M - i ; ;^ . l l>;:ib is ':;i-r.-.U, 10, tlic Mall ; and Mr.'.'".'.'¦ ::.«.^ .M;;.i..s. WaJchmakcr , Parade.

lir : ; ! '.:" !- K " .S l ' A TK N T W l l l T l i ZI .\C I ' A l .N 'i

AHSIOUNCEMENT.'I ^'i l ! Min iiir I. ".vts , it j>')ssi.-ssfs tin: following udvan-

l t i > '. i i ii - i i i - i - i f d Ky tjjl^'> \v:i!er , or tmxio t i s \ ; ipo i i is

f i - i n , i ':,:''.i. The Wl i i t c t'.i nt in I I IK I IC M of a ship ul'ier'.i-: i ri;-i:,4 a Mi^ir Ciiri f-> is fnuii'l to be ai wliilc as tin*^• .;u ft- fur-: w 'irn ncw/v painted.

I'm (!< a'.¦("«/ 1' itrpoae x n f l l i e Uecnralivn Pnintc r ,11. '- ' M' l.i!f Zinc 1'iiint "1 lias licen fniiuil unpn rallitlKtl inv. l i l t i !. . -«s , vltitnitas of coluur , durabi l i ty , un<l beauty ol

!t li' rom -s -'i InrJ as to admit pol isliir,'' crimi 1 to tb uiV. f - t Ci 'ii : li | ' a i i i ii 'l i i i ;j ; .

l'i.r Snulf 'ir ij Purp oses \] \r. " \VIiit ¦• Zinc l\iint " i«*.;i 'ukli!i- , in.: "lil y fruni i's btinjj lotall y free from evurvii. l i riuii fi it injurious to bcaltli , but I'roiu its c<> iiit inin^c- l H-nifirul i | inili l i . .-s nliic li render it a powerfu l iMirn su-1 iv i - w hen- e'<n!;i'_'inim <lis t- iis i-s have pr -vai led . !" ur i i i -turt: nr i . i i i t t t i i i ^s j i aiuieil with ii are at oncfi iJisin fuctcd .l'.iralv> is:iinl I'.iinl i- r 's Cliolk- lire iivoi'.'cd by its usi:, a-t«i:!l :;> similar n-Mi lts in the orcugianu of newl y pj intei lro t i i i - . A ;i ir tn ienls may In: riiim< :*li.tit:I y oicup io'l , \rii l ;»nti j i i ; . tu tin.- l ii 'n '. l l i of c h i l : run or tbc tnoit delicate cou-bMnt ; m.

It lii-roiuis clicapi-r lli:m tlie cointnon paint , fmm its¦'p:< - : i l 'rn! nvr a murii I ii 'jfur j .-irf.n:i;. i twl. •>'! Ilii*J iaii i! HIUTS as much .is is usuallv covered by 3 cut. ofM 'ld t i: I. .-ad.

l.;;-li i; isk \\ s'auipcil " llublmck—f.onilon ,—Patent ."A < 'irrular vifli lu.'l p-irtirnlaii imiv l>>; li.-i'l of Hie

M:ii. - ,:-. , , . tt:i - i M, T l l f I .MAS I I L ' H H L ''. :Kand SOX , Co InrWnr k-< , .ip| .. .-ii<: i l i e I. -J I I ion Dock* .


I l K I U H I S U A I K K F O K D A N D rI.IVl - ltl'OOL.

T f l i : N .'-.W / \A0P^ IKONFlltvr CUX ^ j W l'M 'hHS STEAM SHIP ,


K OI SKKT K EM I'vros , Coinniaiuler ,Wl \Ai continue to ply regularl y between the above

nu'uiionttl 1'orts, leaving Liverpool everyT U ESD AY , ivul M' a tc r f - id every FK I B A V .

Further | may be iiail on app lication to•I . 1' . CM A M H E R S , Q i-iv , W.iterfor ;lM -CIXNE AMD I'AMPLINBrunswick Street, Liverpool.


QCJIE fine Houses in Lady-lane , nowO undergoing a thorough Repair.

A pply to


KcOU H-lbJ<J«



FS HEREFJY GIVEN , that Hates have heec1. duly made oil the property situated iu theunilermcntionnd Electoral Divisions of the aboveUnion , rateabl e under the p.-ovisions of the Actsfor the llelief of the Destitute l'oor in Ireland ,namel y :

Electoral Division of Water/ord , a rate of '6sin the pound.

Electoral Division of Faithlegj ;, a rate of Is 3din the pound.

Electoral Divi sion of Ballinakill , a rate cf 2sin th- pound.

Eh ctisral Division of Woodstown , a rate ofIs Utl m the piA iiu) .

Electoral Division of Killea , a rate (if Is 3din tlu- pound.

Electoral Division of Kilmaclegue, a rate ofIs 3d in the pound.

Eleeto ial Division of Rathm oy lan , a rate ofIs od in tht! pound.

EIrcloiuI Division of Drumcannon , a rate ofIs 3d in the pound.

Eh .ctoral Division of Tramore , a rate of Is Sdin the pound.

Electoral Division of Island Keane, a rate ofIs Sd in the pound.

Ecctoral Division of l'embroknstown , a rateof Is S.I in the pound.

Electoral Division of Ueisk , a rave of Is Gd inthe pound . Division uf Xcnvcasile, a raio of Is8d in the pound.

Electoral Division of Kihneaden , a rate cf IsSd in tile pound.

Electoral Division (if Kiilotcrau , a rate of Is8d in the pound.

Electora l Didsion of Kiibnrrv , n rate o f l sWin the [IOUIV I .

Klectonil Divi sion of A;.li>h, a rate of Is Suin the ])ound.

Electoral Division of I'ortnascull y, a rate olIs Sd in the j Kj tind.

Electoral Division of Pollrone , a rate of IsSd in the pound.

Ekcto .al Division of Uilid , a rate of Is Sd intlie pound.

Electoral Division of Ivilla -iv. a rate of Is Sdin iho potu .d.

E'.eetur.d Division cf Kilbeacon , a. rate of 3sin the pound.

V.leetor d Divi ion of Famoge, a rate of 3s inthe poun d.

Electoral Division of Hossinan .ii xv.te of Is !!din the pound .

E' ccto t al Di » i> iut . ot Dunkil t , u rate cf Is 8din the pound .

Klect nrr.l JJivis ion of Ballinacrea , a rate of liG i in the pou:: «l .

i'';<ct "n:l Div ^ -on of Ki lbride , a rate of Is 8di n the piii.-ufi.

Electoral Divi.-i.n of Kilniackcvogu ", a rale ofIs Sd in the pound.

Eh ctoral Division of -lhini , a rate of Is<d in the pound.

Elector:!] Divisi on of Kath palrick , a rutt of 1 a3d in the pdui.d.

And the Kate hooks are now in my custod y,and may he inspected by any person affectedthereb y, at the Workhouse , on any day exceptSunday, between th e hours of Ten o'Clock inthe Forenoon, and Four o'Clc-cic in the After-noon ; and the v.i.l rates iviil bu payable fromanil after :hc pubiic.-iti on of this notice.

Signed this 18th day uf .September, 1850,•M A i t ' l l X UU YLE .

Clerk of the Watcrfor;! Union.


UNION CLERK WANTEDmilE IJOA1U) OF GUARDIANS of thisX Union will , at their .Meeting to be heldon THURSDAY , the 3rd proximo , proceed tothe Election of a competent person to fill the.above Office, at a train:y of £120 per annum.—He must be full y acquainted with the duties asset forth in the several Poor Law Acts , and theorders of the Poor Law Commissioners, andproduce Testimonial * confirmatory of suchknowled ge.

Candidates will require to be in attendanceat the Hoard Hoom, on the- day of Election ,iind lodge thei r pioposuU , endorsed " Clerkof Union " with me before 11 o'Clock , on thatday. It will be necessary for each Candidate toenclose in his proposal letters f iom Two compe-tent Sureties, expressive of their willingnessto join him in a bond for the bum of £200 forthe due and faithful fulfilment of the duties ofthe OfUce.


Clerk of the UnionBoard-R oom , 12th Sept., 1H50.


Union request that all parties to whomthey may be indebted on the 29th instant , willfurnish their accounts to trat date , on , or before ,the 5th of OCTOBER next ; ami they desireparticular attent ion to this notice .

(By order) , . MARTIN DOYLE ,Clerk of the Union.

Board-room, 18th .September, 1850.





Capital J£H€$&,®®$.,wot „ f


T R U S T E E S :Hiu lit Hon . Enrl Fort-scnc. fc irT. D. Arklnml ,b»rt., Ml*I!i .;lit Hon . Karl Mor ii-y. Uiiwsril Divett , FM \., M.I' .Ki y lit Hon . I.or.l Clillord. 8UHIUL -1 T. Kckewicli , Ksq.

LSFH INSURANCES.THIS Society h;ts been established more than

Forty Years , and offers to the public aBonus of SO per cent., or four-fifths of the Pro-iks to be divided among the assured , for £100and upwards, every successive period of FiveYears—for Assurance may be effected at a lowerrate of Premium , without a partic i pation ofPiofits.

FIRE, INSURANCES.Fire Insurances are effected by the Company at

the usual Reduced Rates , and returning to the In-surers a moiety of the profits every fifth year , onPolicies for .£300 and upwards.

Respectable Agents will be app ointed in thosetowns where none have been established .

CHARLES LEWIS , Secretary.By or der ,THOMAS S. HARVEY ,

Agen Waterford.



ri lHE BOARD of GUARDIANS of the above1 Union desire to obtain the services of athoroughly competent and efficient person tonil the office of Master of the Workhouse.—The Guardians are prepared to offer a salary of£80 per annum with rations and apartments ,and with the understanding that should theperson appointed be found eligible and givethem satisfaction , they will at the exp iration ofsix months reconsider the salary, with the viewof increasing it to £100.

T!ie person appointed must have a full know-ledge of the duties of Workhouse Master , andmu>t produce satisfactory testimonials to thate ffect as well as to character. He must alsthave acted as master or assistant master of nworkhouse , or had sufficient opportunity of be-coming acquaint ed with the various duties ofthe oilice. The Guardians wish it to be dis-tinctl y under stood that on the day of electionthey will not be guided by any local influence,but 'aie determined to -elect from the candidatestlie person who appears in every respect thu mostcompetent to conduct the management of theWorkhouse in ihe strict mode laid down iu theurdc-rs of the l'oor Law Commissiuners.

Assistant Master.The Board of Guardians desire also to obtain

the services of a properly qualified person tcfill tlie office of the Assistant Ma>tcr of thtWorkhouse , nt a Ssilary of £C>(\ per annum ,with an A part ment and llatioiio , whose dutywill be to -.iss'.st the Master in keeping the books,and in liie .general management of <h c Work'liousu.

Sealed proposals , which should contain thenames at .- il the addresses of Two Solvent Secu-rities wil l i ng to enter into a j lint and separateIJomi in the sum of £200 for the Master , and£10' i f«ir t 1 c Assistant Master , and enclosingTestiinoniiils , must be lodged with me before11 o'Clock on Wednesday, the 2nd Octobernext , on which day the Election will take p'acewhen Candidates will require to be iu at-tendance.


Clerk of the Union.New Ross, 12th September , 1(150.


That Rate EooksAHF. OPEN' FOlt


rTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that Rates,As hereinun der mentioned , are about to

l:e made on the Property situated in the under-mclion ed Electoral Divisions in the above Union ,l iitonble Hinder the provisions o! the Actsfor the Relief of the Dest itute Poor in Ireland ,namel y :

Electoral Divisions. Rate p er Pound.s d

Carrick-on-Suir . . 3 4Kilmurry . . 2 3|-Newtown . . 2 6Garrang ibbon , 2 4Boolyglass . . 2 5Tullahaug ht . . 3 6White Church . . 1 7Eiddown . . 1 GiMuckalee . . '2 7Piltown . . 1 8Temp leorum . 1 111'ubbrid . . 1 8Bally d urn . . 1 l'>Carrickbtg . . 4 0Cionea . 1 GFenoa , . 1 10,JGlen . . 1 6iMothcll . . 1 8Ross . . 1 8Rathcormaek . . 1 8Kihneaden . 1 6}Portlaw . . 2 1

Am) that the Rat e Books are depoaited for. In-spection of any Rate-payer at the Union Work-house , arid will there be open for inspection ,between 10 o'Clock [in the Forenoon and! -1o'Clock in the Afternoon , during the FourteenDays next ensuing the date hereof , exclusive olSundays , and until the 28th of September ,I«50.

Signed this 10th day of September , 1850.CHARLES DOOLY.

Clerk of the Union.

IMMEXSE SUCCESS OP THE NEW MODE OFTREATAIENT. As adopted by Lailmand , Iti cord ,Deslandcs, and others of the Hospital des Veneriens ,a Pans, and now uniformly practiced in this Coun-try, by


ACTII OU OPTHE MEDI CAL ADVERTISER , UV' paRea , an im-|iroved eilitiou of which is recently publisliiiii , writi cn i»ii po;iu!ii r style , i.'cvoiil of technicalities , and aililrofsuilto all those wl.o are guttering from Spermatiirrhona. fe-niiual Weukiicss , iiml the various disqualify ing forms ofpremature decay n-aiilti . i g from infection am! youthfulnbiiii!, llint most ile '.ui ive pmmice liy which the vigourf ind manliness of life ura onervuteil mid destroyed , evenbefore nulnre has cslubltsheJ the jiowiira and stailiiim ofll.t ; con- tt i t>it ion .

H couiain s aiso an elaborate nnd careful l y writ taraccount of ihe anatomy and ph yi t of ayy of the orgnniol both St!.\us (j 11 u91 ruled by nutm-ruus coloured uiigrav-itigj , with iJi u author 's nlisi MVH tio l i i on .Marringe, itdduties Hud hindeninoM. The prevention knd modern plai:of treating Gleet , Stricture , Syphilis , &c. Plain d ruc-tions for the altuimnti it of health , vi gour an.l consequenthajip intiiS (luring the full peiioil of (ime allollc'J to ouisjieci*1*. 'i. ¦

The work is illustrated by the rietnil of cases, thus ren-dering-it wJwt its name indU -a-es, Ihe silent but friendlyadviser of ull who may be suffering (roin Ihe conse-quences of earl y error anil vice ,—a work which .may beconsulted without e.\|iosure,^and wiih every, assurance oicomplete succi ss anil lieuofit.May be obtained in a sealed Envelope through mostJJoohscllcrs , ' s. or to ar.oid difficulty, icill be sentfrom the Author , (free) by 2>ost f o r 3~ J' oslayeStamps.

OI'X.VIO.VS OP THE JMI I'.SS.Extract from the Medical Gazette and Times.—

''Fortunately for our country, a more efficient• fneeiiusicertain) inoile of treating these drp lorahle comp laints i«t ImL introduced : and « hail tlie l ime is not far dis-tant when siu-h diseases shall be comparativel y unlieii i'ilof ; we would eameally recoinmend ull persons atHictedWith any kind of regenerative ili-rnngeuieiit to avail ilicm-sehet oi' tlie informatmn coutaint-d in almos t every pajjcof Dr. D E U O OS 1 work. "¦

•TH E M E D I C A L A D V I S E I l is indeed a lioon tuthe publ ic, n~ it l:;i* llit: two-l 'uld iidvanla^c of pliinnu.-s,utid bcirifj u i i i i c n by « skilfu l inn) duly qualiliw! manwho cvi i i ui i l l y well uiniersiuiuU his biibjecl."— DnihjTimes.

•' Tiiis is a work of superlative excellence , and one weslrmtid recoiiiniciiiil to thu pt 'iiiS J il of nil ; in fact the iu-liiMuaiion therein couvi .-ycd is quite i-scL-mial to thube oleither sex whocontemp l.Ltc marr'nge.— Record.

.MANY A W AN , who uuruurridl and miaerable , is mnvenduring in silent Mjnmv Ihe (n- inilties of former fully(perliaps coinuiittci! iu ignorance), had he possessed sucha IJoak us this, woiild have le.:ii a happy liusbttnd, andhonoured pa rent uiid useful member of society,"— Dis-patch , January 12.

The i l i l i i l e i i .'c ;IM I fear of expisure , cons-.-q'ient ontbuso ufi'i-ttions, frequentl y prereui jiersons a|ipl ying forassistuiiee , unti l yrc-ut nu^cbief h"S been iiiHic ieil on theL'onslitulif'ii mid I - DWI.TS of life. It is hoped the jieru-nltj f this work will lench such persons the evils oi delay,und leud them at once to seek that assistance whichiiloue cnti suvi: them from the honors of an existenceprotruded .¦miidsl long enduring wictclmduess, both men-ial mid pli\>ical.

Lusting benefit can only bu reasonably expected ai thehands of thu ink'Hi j/eiil mid practical physician , wh<i ,df|iiirting from ihe routini: of ijeue ral jiru etiri! , devotesliic Win ile of his slinliei lo tin- cluss of II ISCISPS , tin:lu!u.;iili ible neglect of which by ordinary nviliral im-ii ,ami their futile attempts at cure by merc ury and otherequall y dangerous Medicines have produced the mostal irniiiig risults.

l-'rom the great extent of Dn. Du Rotis 1 |iracticc fo.many years imd his former connection with I I IK - vari -msInstitut 'i 'i is butli iu London and Paris , for the relief olthose alllieted with the Di- bii ity, Syp hilis , Secondary5-ymptoms , Slrictj rts , Gleet , Veiu - ieul and Scoibiil icEruplioii <i , &o. .be. nf the face and boily ; hi: lias I.adperhaji* unusual l i i f i l i t ies for oh.-ervin g the pfLMiliuri consequences nf each particular Ma^e. Hence lie i;rimliK-d confidently and conscientioujly to under:akethe removal of eiery syniploui (not excepting themust itiveterute or loii^ stainiiii); ) iu ;is short a l iuiu- as is:ous!s:i-nt with safet y or return [ l i e money .

Country p:itii:nls wiibiu;; to p lace themselves uinierI real in i>ii i will be minute in the i iW :iil of their i': i;s a i dto pr«\enl trouble no li:tti - rs from slruugers wil l 1 M: w-plied to unless ihcy contain £1 i:i cash nr liy l'o;.t Oliicel.) i <lei' payable HI tin: Holhornc Ollicc , for v.'hicli Adviceand Medicine wil l be s^ent. I'at iciits co i i c .-poudcd withti l l cured.

Ai linuie for consultation daily, from 10 til l 1 , and 4ti l l ti (SunJnys exceptedj uuU-ss by pre;ioU6 urrangi:-mc.ut.

l\m Oflice Order payable at thu I l oll i . irn , Ofl'n-u , lo

\V .vi..l.liK l) u Roo.s, M.D. 3o lil y l'lacc, l lolboro ,Loin!i;n.

!>!•; ROOS 1 CONGEN TRATI iD GUnVKVIT. K (orLife iJrmu)

It is us i ts iiame imp lies a safe and pt -imaneur c i re forrvery variety ol" disease arising from Solitary Ha bits ,Youthlul deliihiv c K\cessiou , and In lVcl inn , such aiUixMioi-rhoCii , .Syphilis, &<:. which from iii 'uluitt or impro-per tieainieni by SlKiciiry , Copuilm , Cubelis , and otherdeadly poisons , invariably end in soiut- of the billowin gforms of secondary symptoms , viz :gpiiins amlswuiliugs iuIhe boi.i-f , joints and glands, s>kiu eruptions , blotches andl<iinpli-s, uuiikiie.-s ol the eyes, loss of hair dtscii>c andand ileciiy iu the nose , sore tbroiit , pains iu the side , back ,mid loins , fiistua,piles , &c obstinate iliscas-os of the kid-neys and bladder ^let-t , stricture , seminal weakness ,iiervo "s Hi i d si'Ximl dehil i iy , loss of memory , and final l ysuch ii state ofdiowiiness , lassiuidc and general prostra-tion of strength , us unless skilfully arrcs '.et aoun emliin ii miserable death.

This medicine is deservedl y popular iu the p recentionand removal of the foregoing syiiiptonn , nsnl :is a resto-rative of manly rigiour whether deficient from early im-prudence, or residence in hot climates, &c.

l-'roin its properties iu removing -,ill disorders ofFEMALES , such ns lciicorrlnKa " the whites ,11 head-ache , gi'.'rfiness iuil i gesliun , pi lul ion of the he-art, drycoug h, lowuess ol sj iirits , lie. in:. I t is admirably adap-ted to this claw of sufferers, as it crrntes new , pure , andrich blood , (ihcftby purify ing and slrt-ngtUL-ning thewhnli ' sygtuin ,) ami soon ^restores the invalid to soundhealth , even alter all others remedies (which haveusuall y u depressing tendency) have tailed ; hence itsalmost uiipi irak'Ht.-d f i incn **.

May be obhuned u illi directions &;c., at Ms., or f ourquantit ies in one liinje bottle for 'Ms. by which 1 Is. aresaved throu ij h all Medicine Vendors, or it will be sentsecurely packe d from the Establishment on receipt ofthe price by i'o.-i Office 0'rdc r payable at the llolboruOffice.I'A i N.s ix Tin-: HACK , GRAVA L, LUMBAOO,R H E U M A T I S M , (JOUT. I MJHGhSTION , DEBILITY

,ST!:ic:'n:nE. GLKET &.- .Dli ROUS' CU M P D U M ) R liXAL TILLS (of

which t linri s are useless imilBtio nsunderolber t i t le- ) l imein many iiis'anccs ctfectud n cure when all oilier meansbad failed , and are now established by the consent of iheFACULTY as the most safe and filicaciou-t reiueii y everdi»ci)vert 'il for the above dangerous comp laints , anddU<» of the Kidney s nnd L'liimry Orjrans geiK 'tal ly ,whether resiilliug from imprudence or olhrrwise , whi. -b

if n.-g l,c:nl , fn-ipieiitl y end iu .stupe of I I IK bladder,mid a l ii i ^ei i ng il-talh ! li is an esiublisln.-d tact f l i tmost casemif (joitt and Hhumati.-m occurring »f ter middle«gp, me c-innlii iK.-ii wi ld disc.ised nride .hinv dross an is ithen, that persons thus iilllicl. -d shoul - l at lcnd to . these

imp'-riant malter<. liy llu; salutary action ni tlie^e p illson iho m-idity nf tin; sloinncli , th'-y corn-cl b:lt: andindi ^i->tion , puri fy and promote the renal secretion* ,thon-by preventin g the formations of stone and estab-lishing for life tl i u health y performance of flic function-of these < rgans.

May be obtained with di rcctnous .J-c, at Is. IJ//. 2*.Od. 4s. Cd. and 1 U per IIDX , throuij h all Ma licincVendors or nhnult l any d ifficu lty occur , they reel', hetent { f ree ) on nceipt of the pr ice in 1'ostmje Stum i isby Dit . On Roorf , 05 , ELY 1'I.A CK , H O M I O U N H I M .,LONDON .

Williutn Gilrhrist , Apotlierary , AfMo - ic ; TJiomr-s''" .Guardian Oltice. Armagh ; W. RicIiey, Tyriiwley //w«/ii( i t l i t e , n=il l i i , a , Curler , Herald , Office , IlilKshaunoii ;

Mii i sbaH nnd Co. Caallc-p laee , Hellast ; AldermanHm-ket , Bonlncller Main-street , Clonnul; 3. I I . 1'iin-ell ,

Bookseller 88. Graf;n:i-slrcut and IVing and Co. \\>:H-morelaud-street , Dnhli . i ; Kelly, Uooksellor , Drng liediiKeuvBti , Chronicle Oflice , Etin^kilh: ; If . O 'Connor.

77 , George street , Kinystown ;;il)iiniel O'Reill y, Apothe-cary , Kil lennul i f ; Bny fiiild. & Co, Aptliccari es , l-hGeorgea-strcct, Limerick nml S. Uaillio , 13ouksel!orNe »ry,

YOU MAY BE CURED YST.H O L L O W A Y ' S 0 I . \ Til E X T .

An .E\< raord?nary Cure of Scrofula , orKing's ilvil .

Extract of a Letter fr om Mr. J . H. Allidny ,i-09, High-Slrei-t, Cheltenham, dated theI 'lndof January, 1850.

To l'rol'cssor llou.o .v .w.Sin ,—31 y I'Mait Son , when about thrro j p.irs of

«£<", wa.< iiiriicted with :i Gl- i i i -J u l a r Sttvliin!; in ihon>'cU , flhicli aflc-r a short time broke out' into anUlcer, AH emino.U m; nan pninuunco-.l it us iilery bnil case of S.-ro f'/l i . a- .(i presreibed for a c<i:isi-dur.ible li i i i -t W 'I II I K H I i-lIV n. Tlii: dis-caiKthen for fouryears v. ent Oil crai luall y increasing in virulence , whenbesides tlie nicer iu tin: neck , another formed belowtlie left knee, and ;i liiir<l under theoy p, brides sev/ -uothers on the li:ft ixriii , wi;i i a tuniotir helwcen ti i ^eyes, which was expected to b.iMk. During the wholeof tho limo my sulli-riim IJ .IV and roct'i\v,i tlu> constant;ulvice of the most celebrated ni»dic:i l (trntlL'm.-ii)': nlfihritenhani, bcsiil>-s bfin^ pji-sevi-ral ninull;s atiheGeneral Hospital , when: nut- of Ihe Surgeons said i.r.itlie would ampiitHte the left arm , but thai the bloodwas so impure , that if l:i;i t l imb were tak"ei'i"#T ;fwould bi; then even impossible t» subdue the this ilcHpt-rate state I <le!er ;-, !ne<! to Jj ive your.Pil lsand Ointment a tri-i l , and allcr t«v o nit inths perseve-rance in their uar , the. uimour ^r.uluiiily bo^J in to d.a-appenr , and Iho ili>ch:ir^i' frusn ;ill Ihu u!c;*rs poroi -p-tibly dec-reused , mid ut iho exp iration ofe i ^ 'it nionili - ;I 'icy wer« j.erl 'ecll y he:ili: l , an I th» l>oy thnn.u^hl yrcstdicd to lhi.'!)liw si)i s nf hcalih, lo tin.1 a.-tDiitelimentul i i lar^o circle uf ii(.'( |iia:i;liiuiv:> , w h o cnt-i M iestlty inthe t-. ".:Ill ol this tnircic:ii HIS c.i>e. "i'lirei! vcars havenow elapssd without any recurrence '.if the nmbul y,and llie boy M mnv ;is b :i!tl'. v as lie.irt e;n wish.Under those cireunis::iiu-i !S I uu.:si'.ler l lmL I should In;trul y uiiKniteful were I n.R t;i make you acquaintedihis wiiiidc - rl 'iil cur. - , ell 'i-c! d by your mudiciues afterevery olhcr 'in. -ans !::;•:! i'rt: '^• I .

(, .M ^iieu)J. H. A L L I D A V .

I'tirc oi' Aci!(e Uhi'iii-iitlis'ii cf four years'(:>.il«ll!£.

Extract of a Letter from Mr. John Pitt. Dudley} i) l/t Jr;n., SoO.,

'I'n I' rnfossor U OI . I .O -.V A Y

Si ii ,—It is with l!i- "i-ealest |>lcasi:rc Unit 1 write Idthank jou fi ir the boueiit I h ive received from yourPilis and Ointment , which have cO''tely cured nn:of Ihe l lheuinalism, undor wiiic li I sulIVred for thislast four vears, al times f- v,- ;is so Imd as hiudl y In beable tu Wrilk. 1 h.ul tried every kind of .M-jdicine th.ilwas recommended wi tb io receiving any benefit. 1«t last liniu^lit I wi iu l i l j^ivn >our medicines n t i i a l ,and purchased from Mr. 11 . i l l in . Chemist , of this Tuv. n ,two iiuxi-s of I 'ills , ;t.iil two of Ointuu-nt, tnwl in llirceweeks , throug h tln.-in the blessing of Gn . 1 , 1 ws-sreston-i! lo licnith and strength , and am nn\v us v.xllable to w:i|k iis e-. i r 1 was hi my life. I am wallknown in this puriidi , having been six 'y-five yaa:s init , with an exception of ten years I serteJ in th> < 24tliHeij iuient uf foot.

(Signed;.1O11N lM IT.

<-«rc of a (.'ass! of Wcakucss iiii',1 £5cbi!iiy. olI'otir Scars' inn i 'iing .

Extraccl of a Letter from Mr. Win. Smith, ofXo. 5, Little Thoiiias-strret , Gif oon-slrcat , Linn-hulk , dated Dec , VI , 18IU. — To Professor llol-loway. —Sir ,—I be:j l-.i inform you that for nearly live\ ears 1 liardU knew wii.i t it was lo have ;i d;iy 'sJie a 'ith , snllcrii i ^ from extreme weakness and debi l i ty ,with a urcat (Ivjir-.-ssioii of spirits. I used t> thinklull nothing c.o.ild hem lit me , as I had bee:i to nisi is y m.--i l icul nien ,soiiii; ul whum, alter doiim all that was in theirpower , informed nu\ that I had some spitial coinp la '. ' Ihe reach u? curu . l.r^eth.'r with si very itisor -d.-red state nf 111'- rilnmach and i iver , maUiii^

my ca-oso complicated lint nothing could be (Sine fi,r me.One diiy beini; unusuall y i l l and in a , ISHW yi.iir l'i'ds advertised , and resolved to u ive llmm atrial , luiirt: perhaps fruni e i n i o - i ly w i l l i a hopc-uf

bein^cured , however I soon found myself ba;t.:r Siytaking thiMii , and MI I wvnt on persevering in tiuiruse for six months , when i um happy to say 'ii>- y ell'ec-ted a perfect cure (S ; ;- iied) W I L L I A M S . M I i ' f i ',

(frei iuenlly called K s H V A I J I ) .(,'urc <;f a Dcs}»arii (c t'asc of IJingworm , of Six

Years' tsiudingL 'ina, VMh tij X<n-i:mber, IS 19-

One of the IMOS I cmineiil Surgeons iu Lima (ihe('aiiita! of J'e-.- i i ) had a eMi-i eovoreil with Ki:i^«-ormI'm- more t 'l.ui six \vars : in vain he exhausted all hisart in oii(k-:-.vo>irs in cl'.-.'i-; a. eiu-e. Not siiecpcilintr ,In; <:o:i:.ul -.ei! amon .' his Ij ir - t '.nen , t '.ie most celebratedmedical pra.- i i t ione rs of t !.' .- f i ty , but ii 'ilhin ^ wasfound to :!i > l!:e el i i l - 1 servie^1. \\ lien !;<.' HM .I |if:Mi:ldcilliy Mi". Josep h I* . H. ";in- , I l ia Kn'fiish Clu-mUt andDrir^iiist, n siding ..t Xo. 7-1 , (.'alle t \u I'alacio , to tryIlollu'way's Till." aiul Uiiili.iout wliich was done, andafter u>i:i^ six li'.r^e l'o;s uf ihe Oiulmeii' , with pm-loriion of tha f i l l s , the- child was radicall y cured, I - 1

the s.irprUe o f t i i c medical proit:- ..i; 'ii. Tuena:no of the pan-tit , fruni mulivcs of dolicaey, iswithheld.

Tho Tills should bi; usod conjointly wi th the Oint-ment iu most ol'Uw- fol lowing cas^s :—

I Sail l. <-^ii Chie^o-fnot I'islulas]>;i d Id easts ( i i i lbia ius Goutliiirus Chapped hands Glaudii!ai'Swcl!!ngsliunior .s Corns (Soft) Lumbago•'•l ie of Mos- Canec-r.s l ' i l i sehotoes and Cimlraetoil and I>hc-u;nalis:uSa-id-L-'ilcs S;i!I' j .iii ils Scalds

Coco-Bay Kiep hau'iia^i-i Son.. Ni pplesSure-throats Skiu-di-eases ScurvySori'-heads Tuni!) ::* ; I .'leersWounds Y-iws

Sold by tlic !'r(!]r.-!.aor, 241 , Stran d, (near TempleUar,) Lon'dou , and by ,L \\ r.'ipeetabls ' Vend irs of 1'atciitMeilict 'ii-s t lni .t i ^ iiimi t!:e i, i %il izcd World , in Pors andlloxes, at U. Ul . , 2s. <ld., 4-. Oil. 11s., -J:is., and .":iseach. There is a very co isidenwble -avinij in takingthe lnp;»i; r sizes.

N. 15. — I) i ;eet ion H.-r ll:e jruiilanci; of Paticuls arcare prefixed L- each Pi.t and 15nx.

nplI E S I L K N T i 'UIKNL), a medical wo:k oa tilt -JL exhaustation and physical decay of the syslPin ,

produced by excessive, indulgence , the conseipienees oiinfection , or the of, with olise-rvaiionson the married stale, and the disqualifications

prevent i t; Illustrated by Twenty-six Culomc-d IC;i-

i;ravini;s, and b )' the de-tail of e.ises . liy It. ami L.i 'HRRV Si Co., Consulting Surajuons. 10 Kernel 's-Street , Oxford street , London. Publised by the Au-thors , and sold by Str.w^e , 21 , Patenioster-Hovc ; Ila:i-

nay and Co., 1»:5, Oxfor'.l-strei't ; Sanger, U>0, Oxfordj;street ; Gordon, 1U4 , Leadenh.-dl street ; Starie , '2J ,Tiii-hborne-street , Haymarkct , London ; Newton Hi 8tI7, (.'lun-e.!i-stiec.t , Liverpool ; llaivle, Cbnrc-h-streetLiverpool ; liujram , Market-Street , Manchc- .-ter ; i) .

Camplioll , 13i> ', Ari:yle-strcet , (J lasfj ow ; R . LiiiiUuy :

11 , Klins-ruir , Kdiiibur^b : Powell , 10, Westmoreland-street , Dublin , aad by all booksellers and patent m.-di

cini! venders in town and country.Part the First (reals of the anatomy and physiology

of the reproductive organs , and is illustrated by t f i x

Colon rod Rii^r.'u i.i^sPart the Second treats of the inf irmit ies and decay

of the system, produced by over indul gence ot tin-

passions." It shews clearl y lhc> manner iu which ihcs

baneful consequences of this indulgence operate on t !nj

ee.oiioinv, i:i ihe impairment and destru;:ti..n of liie

social aiid vital powers. The existence of nervous and

sexual debility and incapacity, with their aeioni|iaiiy-

iu;j train of symptoms and disorders are tr(- :itt>d by tin:cli 'in of conneutiii!; results to this cause. Thi.s sectin-icniicluili'swith an explicit detail of the means by wliit.b

these t-fl'eels m.iy be remedied , and lull and ample direc-tions Cor ll:eir use. It is iilnsfral/>d bv three cnloiirc:!eiij'r.iviiiy s , which fully displ'.y l i le eliocts of physicaldecay.

Part the Thi-.d furnishes an arcurntc aeenunt oltl-.nsc disi^asses whuli are the result of infec i inn ,whether in the primary or secondary character ; and italso contains exp licit directions for their treatm.'ii t._ Init will be found evident pi i.ofthat many persons , eithermistaking the nature of the complaint under wliicl ' theylarour , from real ignorance of the subject , or from itsnsidious and latent character, neglect to obtain the

requisite inpiiiciil aid , and allow the diseases in ((ues-lionto secure their bold upon the syslem , thereby en-lailin ,' upon themselves and families a life-li .-iie uwretchedne.-sand broken heakh.which might have beenavoided by early attention to the symptoms of disease.This part is iliustrattd by I " coloured engravings.

Pmt the Vourtli contains a remed y Hir 'lhe Preven-tion of Discos-.- by a simp le app lication , by which Mmdanger of infection is obviated. I t s act-on is siinnh-but sure.

I'art the Vifi h treats of marriap-—its obligations and(lisqualili< :silion$. '!Mie causes which lead to happin -ssin t!;e «re d«i> !t upon , and those whichare hulirative of miserv and domestic iiuiuietude.

Till': COflDIAl, BALM Ol- SYUIACU .M Tsemployed to renovate the impaired powers of life W !I P MexhAUstod by !li!> iV.fluonre exerted by solitary ind.;l-Kenee on the system Relaxed Const i tut ions , Wi-ak ordecayed , Uembiii i ^ of the hand :, hrad- athe , faini in ..;- ;-. ,and rYmak' rmnp liiii ils , ai"; under its immediate in i iu -ence ; and when the. syste m has received a shack , sincli' debil ital -. i l !'ro::i im;,riidenti! and in. i l te i i t ion in the¦•:uly part i.f L:-.- , CM - is s inking under (he advance "'.\ears , or by 1 'iij- residences in hot ur cold climate.-- , tb i iuieMi c i iic w i l l .vthird im".ie.diate as'urauea of returningstrrn ^iii , by aiving tone to the nnircul-jr system and;iry i.i.-i of ilii re.^ii 'in .

All crises r.l Local and Onenil Debility, Nerv n ii .sFrri iabi l i ty aii'l TCvi-itrui-.-ril . Consumption , Indi ^esti i <nof the most fearCo l and ix l iaus 'i i i ^ kind , intenso .M(>!an-clii il y. Depression of t' o Spir i t s , I'ar l i . i l or Cuiiip led;Mxliu c-.tio .'i ol the Reproduct ive l \ iwers ,nnd Non-relei :-lion of I 'f i i ic , an- p--rm inent ly !-::re.l by the (. 'O R D I A I .15.M.M OF. SYI M A C I I M , <ind :hc p.iiirnts rc.-i t.-iri'd to the l u l li-njoyment of hea l th ;t:ul fuiie:i . : , i< of 1:1 1 uliood. i'nf,.I Is . or fo-ir at I N. in .i-.e i i a t t i e for W.U., by whir l : 11shiliiisgs .itesiM t-d. i'l. • .1i.j e.ises of Syriarnm or (..'- . ' i -c-'iilra l^d l i e t f -rsive KM-. - I I S C I . J I I onl j I).': had at Hi , licr-ner 's .strei t . Oxl '-iul-s rr; t , l.o-. i rio i . i'.y purnhasi:;^ ot;.;ol" llurSC CSI ll-s t '. ieie w i l l b.- .i -.., ¦. l i i ^ 'nf £1 1-J-.,' ;• v . lt l ie .pationi is e, it:l!v .i lo r.-f.-sn; inlvice wit!:u::t a ':'¦• ,

'Jlie Co:;ccii/r(i!cd Dclcrs!ve Essence .AN" A N T I - S V P U SL I T i C R K M ! - i ) V , is l e^v.n -

u;i;i:J, -(i in ,sy|i !:i!is ami sp ci i i i i l . iry yy:n;il.>iiis—se;:n ¦) . ¦.,out and puriaes tin; t l i ;i * :i :*.- < ( i ;umour l'rom liie bloodiii id 'eansf' s the system from all il< - S. - i iur;it;nuc*es. Si siulSiicnce t:i tha rest n-atiir.i of In allli uf all per-otulab i -.irint ; under t i'.e ci>ii> ei |ui- uces whieii iiicvi-ta 'jl y fol low CMiit:i!!i iu i l ion \? ii i i « i . -i t I :«f»I •? » and is ; i i - . icuns t i i i l t -. S i i ce.riuiu eure fo;- s:urv\ . r-crnf uia , S( :orli i i l i * :

i idiom.- , ul i i wo fi . i i':;. iilwrs .; l. -^s , venereal u.'e/ .-i'sand .'! 1 ^la!V!: .lar.4i".- !r.:ii.s, i 'r ir i pfli::-i. leprosy, kini '.'sevil.. -|iii:!p lf> :, di - . i i- '- s of I In* skin ,' «*ru piio: isof any part of tl:o bod y, and s ;- l i i i :p i i ; i t ies of Ihe blondI' rii e 1 1 . ",. nr f i : i r b - i ! i l i !< is one I '«ir2. i - . by w !iic!i 11-\is saved ; a!s.> iii .

", r.iises. b y w h i e i i wi l l ba saved J_ I12=. To be had at t!i -.; London !!s!a!>!ulimeni.

1'E;U;Y 'S I*!Ji:!t--vi N« Si-Een ic i'n.i. i , Price :ii. 0.14s. (id., and 11- . per box. Tiie.-e P i i l f ., csicli li. ix owhich is aer.ompanieil w i th exp l ic i t i l i r .c l in i i s , are v. i-1known Ihrouuhmit Kurope , to be the most eel lain andedectual remedj e%t- r ered fo.- OouorrhcLM, both iuits mi ld and a^ravnted fumis.

t;-,p lo ;i!l t-itscsiif (- :in5iill / > ti«n l> v leiter, Ihe usualI-'< e of -I I niih t be forwarded , cklu-r by Post-Oiiicv.1-Order , or otherwise.

Patients -i r<: ie'j i :e:!f!) lo be ;.> .¦> r i s inni i ! as possible inthe detiii l of ih. - ir Ctisos. not ing especially ill .' durationof the (-u'.up luiut , 'liie mode of its commencing, itssymp toms >i ::d |iro-.< i-ess , siai > . i;ci;i-ral habits of l iv ingoccupalion ol lift- , iin - 1 posiiiun in society. Medicinescan be forwarded t > i any part of llu- w orld —nu dil l l -e.uHy ocj-.ur, as t'.u- y will lm securely packed , andcarolVlly protected fn.-ni nb-crv;ilion.

-i'i;:-sy ,Medi.rii '. -s arc prpiiarod onl y by Messrs. IJ .ani! L. Perry :;:-d Co., Sur^o. ins Vi , I' rrners-slieet ,O s f i n d- .streel, Looduii , and .:-j!d' iy all .Medicine Ven-ders in town ' and Counlrv.

S.ild by W. Ciil rhi- isi , A polh;- :- ;iry. Ali i lnne ; Mr.S.liKU'Ahr.essy, Medical- H i l l , Limerick ; Thoinpson;Guardian Ollice , Artnap h ; V>'. • l ir i i . -y . Tyruv.-ley l l o i -a!d (;iii :-e , I'la l l inu ; Carter. Herald I! .; !:;- , l iall yshan-uiin ; \V. Mais.ia l l and CM . ! l i ^'i-street , l!eil ', i ;t ;Wood and Son.St. Pal rk-k-iNtive t , Cork ; AldermanHaeket t ,| Huokse.'. ler , Main :- :rc< l , ( loninel ; J. Ii.Pi i .ve l l , I5ooks: - i!rr , In , V.'e.. |:f! , iie!.:ii:l-stieet > Dublini!Keil y, I5 ;iok.- r | l er, .'Jn^ be.i.i ; |I . lS ^v ;in . Chro::ic-1«Ollii:e , K n n i s k i l l c i i ; ! I . O'Connor, 77. Cienr .li! streetKiiigst-jwii ; Dani-d O'liielly, A polhec iry, Killpnaiile ,r>yii :ld and Co , A |ift!iei:ar» , Se.-. rv ; Josep h P i e r - e ,Apot 'iersiry, A f. i i f i -s lrei t , U'l'xl- .rd ; C'!iarl<-s Tiill y,Journal O:licc , i;..;ciimiinm ; .!. I I . l'erry, {iuay-str<;et , Lon.l"odi-rr\ , of all of wlso.-n may be bad I IK*SILENT I ' l t l KND .

IF M A N K I N D are liable to one Hi-ease more th.:nR'.inlhei*, ii' if there ::ro any particular AH'eetions

of Ihe Mun i '-in !5.»l y we reipiiro t ¦• have a knowledgeof over tlic rest , ii is certainl y tlmt f l . ii sjnf Uisordcr.-i(rra 'ed nf in tl i o Ni 'W and I n: p - < ivc - 1 Kdit iou of thvSU'.'id i'ri 'iu!. 'i'li;- Auilmrs , in lims sending I'orfh totile wor.d ••nol l ier Kdit ion of their Mi .-dieal Work ,cannot refrain IVi>:n cxprp-sin- ^ liioir gratification atIho ciiiuimi'd -• I '.- .-c-s a i teudiM ^ tlu- i r ellorts, which ,co:)<b!:i-. -:l w ith \. > • 'anri ! ot 'M.- exeh:sivc!yof th'-ir own m-cperittion, have 'nc-i-a I '.iu happy cuts,!of la i l i . ^M i i u averting thu Menta l and Ph ysicalmi-i eric i .i at t i ' i i l.;ul on those pi- t -uiiar iiisorders ; tiiuspr.ivin- ^ til . - Tie!, t int >.i:l 'eii ;:^ hirvianily must alway sderive the ^r.Nit . s! advant iv;i s lVoin dul y ip.iliiiedMembers of the Mciie- :! P:ofes<ivi:i , r.«l '>j iti i i .y a 'p;ir-tii-ular class of disu/d<M-s lor llieir i-xt-lu-ive study, inpreiVresiee In a suj ies 'Heial knuwleii-jc of all t'm dis-eases rdllies n.asikind.

Messrs. U. iii L. Pi:;u:v C.-. M W -'. '.I conlidencii offerho pe, eueriry, and vi gour to tlios. - whnsc cousiitutionshave become dui ili'.iitcd fivin :¦;' ;i;-r itiv(! disfa-fc< , I'er-v:nis and mental irrai ibil ity , loe:.l or constitutionalweakness . &c- ., .md liei: lo aoi 'iniu! ilso sc so sullci'in^i!i:-.t one of tho ii;-i:i la .y be ;.cr^i,ially consulted dailysit N:> . !!) , I'.ei'iK-rs-street , Oxiord-^treet , London ,from Kleve ii t i l l T'.vo , and from l>ive t i l l Lv. ht in theKveuing ; and on Sunday from Kleven t i l l Due.

iLd'S'srtisemeaB.t -'• sic vos Mnv vi'ins."

SIU , I liiivt: neve.r wi si ie - l t'j !•• • coj isiderc il pmlan lie .In ,i ! reall y feel lh:it Iht! ::h-nc quotation is trul y

up- diCii ldi. - lo i l i t : nr '/S int - irl- i , w:i. -u we Io- ^k to l ln ;

::;ip' .i;i 'nii - !:t < • ',' oli;rc;'- of mil- I' l- nr-J iouse at prc-rut ;eu-rv IIM " of whom , with , I lie liuvi ; , I w i cxce i t ions , 'ireMra 'ii iers fruni K IM K "- rry \V.iid-uia-.l 'T upwania. Ver ,it is I IK I my n'-j e - t to say "n^hl , ;v.;:ii:)-t , for , I ln-H>-v «sll i i 'in renilv couipi -i i i i . l lo tin: dulii- s of Ihe severa l ol'iic.'Siiisiuned :li>- m ; h u i . a vaeaney i-> now ereiited by ihoresi .;n:i:i .:i <d' Mr. Diy le , a>id o:i rcadiu ; the report ofthe l l o i i . i of (.'u:..n!i:ii .s ol 'Tl .u.s l*y last in your puiil i-( ¦atii iii , I fuel , rvi -u . foi ll i is , *\<: are l ikely to have afiirthi: !' im; i i<rla ;i '.r.i f:-oiu :» lu i'/l . h.mri i i A' union . M 'l io-i-ver wi l l i.e Mr. Doyb.- 's siieo. .> <n - he will ivriaialy b;>

a foi luui i t t ! man , ;!' he. ran jiivmis inii ' -li sat isfaction as behas done since hi.i appointment , m i l I must fay, thai¦ihe ( i i u i r li.ns sbunld U"t. all - iw tin: claims nf f .u: Ci!i-zei-.s to be l u l n l y Ire. ited on i l iU oecasiou. I ;mi ,'¦i in: n:it lo be p- iirnuiz-fd by t hose who nii^lit have

¦dnil y oh-i:rv:ili 'iiss nf l l ie ir cimdiKl and cap nl i i l i t ies f"rmany jeiir-t . is it to be. expeeled th-.-y are likelv to obtaiiia meau .-s (if l ivelihood in tin .1 bind nl I b : st ranker whcr«Ihey are uuk' iown—c.'i'lainl y nut. Why i.'o we witi ie ^sthosi! heart -ri - i idii ' i ; .scenes which an: emicled wet-kl y ouiMir (j nav .' iVisoiis leaving ll ie hum-: of their childhri 'idv i i i b ul! ils M i i le i t i in .u: rei 'i.l ie.M inus , and , emiii . ieiuL ! for111:? last I 'nie tb'jsi: IV'einU wb - i havu so oiie :i eh^credtb. r.i in thi .-i:- many trial.-1 nnd v ic i s i tu les , whose soolh-inj r word they sli ;i l l never unin: be'.r, nor , upon whmef:ice they s'lii ll perbips m-n-r a^aiu look , t i l l tin: lastIr iu iup h. I sny, why '.' Iiecause , we are not true toMiirsplvcs. One act is wort h (illy speeches ; therelorc ,I confidentl y appim! 'o the ( iuardi a ns , they w i l l hnvumaiiyapp licati o ns I'mm persons in this ei'y ; let th-ir deeiOoul:i i l , il piiM ^ilih r , on some of them. A man is no prop hetiu his own countr y , "!i safestinc 'bat a straiijx ci' buid wa> spiv (erred ,i» very diii!^er.iiis .even ,Ciiptiiin Keivpnriuiii st 3 -i: l!'..: ai::i!.ij :y of t iis , i-. ii soun: person ini^lit be soprofane as Iu it. ..:.. |iiuieiid a person from (ialliu^ Iass ore!s- win-re , as , o:i some l i i lu i > : day. as , a St and properj 'eisou to In: appointed As.-.:3 i . i i i t (iiuirdiau in place clM r. i iVi iUiinr

It' this |uiiii.i |.ii> is lo b.- carriod out ciPctuall}', 1would recommend tbs (iu: ) r:'i.iin to insert at l i ie footof tin- adverli si.-mei it i . A'o n.iiive need appl y .

I am . Sir ,Yours t rul y,



To A c l v cr t i s c raAs " Tin: N KWV I ISI S , in ai l .Uiij n I,, i;s o w n > c i y

Ian;.- mim'.ii r oi' MibseiiU-rs . loiuj sim-r a.Mci ' to i tsl i s t s vt-ry neatly A M. the Subscribers of I lit- la te U'n-iir/ '-j nl Ciu-vnuU l wi ih ul . iel i the lYnpni -ior ,.f " Tin:> .i. •* .--

¦ wu - , I,. .- l i i anv years culimvii 'il ;, Ai iv t - r l i f . t r>

v . i i l i i i i - icf i<i - i j i^ii-civi- t ha t i: is (>«,.- of tie hu: u.L-iiium:.<-f ;n ;!. !uity in i: :i. S.irl, 0|" lu-li in .l .

t i V'l' »i: Ni:«V U t .l.cii in u !l t in ; Ni.v.-s- lJi.i- !ii s .Tul

.'.;m. i |i;.l l l o t i - N in t!ii > :.:iil m.-i j; liliui - ii i ,: cui .t i i- .-.—Al.-u ;;I i l l , - Krtori i l t M il l ) ;i||:| I n ;j !i "h: l lo l i ' l , Dubl in .Ai IVi- l ' s CII UV I' - I I I I I IX ; . .lon ; ;it t in . l .iul i i i i ;N».-\V!.-i: < ».>:i.s iii t!i. ' t lm i-k i u ^ l u m- ; ami by mn- XnvsAui 'iits . in , Dublin , l.ivt -i i.oul , l' ;:iis. ami N o wY n U . &c & ij h - Till-: X F .WS"

Third I 'uluiiu; its rcjul ttfOne Thousar

J' rirr — Uu,: I'ui ii i 'l I'd

I k e 2llaterfor& Xctus,I 'UiD.vv i:vi:.\ , si

Tin-: A xxiv ] • ;HSA in01'1'OSI

I ; is twe lve mon th s :-:;ieo t in1 .s tealncr Dei nn-.'¦'¦ irr arr iv ed in l i te r iver Stiir an h-oi» :nenrcd t h a iopp osi t ion v. i i i . l i !:;,.s now ex tend ed ii self to thej . i i n t . i |i .:! purls cf Eng land :.iul Iiel.m.l , and t. ,lu . iny of t l ie Guni men ta l p i -rts also. Tin .1 re isS i i h i f s*i ' l i t a n o i i i . iiv in

til t l i i s neig hbourhood , closel y oconi ck d v . i » I tll ;e s'.c-am ski pp ing of th i s pur : , and d i rec t in gil l? proceedings of wha t are. facetiousl y enoug hrailed the J i i roe tors of the W a t e i f o n l btca.iiCompany, could aii 'urd onl y an old Li:at , sent hc-rcinany year.s go liy Sir Ju l iu Toliiu , aiii! u n t i l Listyear r::ntii]iieil on the l ine to tarry the increased

nJ impor t an t tr.ifli cLiverpool. Jle lias since considered it necessaryto p lace boat s in opp osit ion 0:1 m a n y dili 'eri1;:;

l ines , at immense loss, in the exp ec ta t ion of re-covering undisputed pus: ession o!" i!ie Water fnrdand ] .iverj iool l ine , while ho would la in Lave per-

Miadcd t!ie mercant i le publ ic uf Water ier . ! ib . i tits profi ts could not afl 'ord hii emp loy ing ;: !;t:it:;b!c


V.'e have no desire to sp eculate on the pni - ie i icuof the means adopted b y this ^x - i i tk -m a n lo c . i i i yout liis desi gns. He wLo exh ib i t s for an ueca.-.iui :

t l ie most daring enterpr ise—tin: most pcrsevci ingand reckless energy, and the , 11:05.: iudumit . i l i lecourage , which strangel y conli -.-.sls wi th tlu con-temptible way in which those who are directed todo his bidding in Waterfonl , have endeavoured topromote his views , who seem not to be abie tocomprehend mote than the U'ir.-r insp ired byhis haug hty and over-bearing sp iri t , and who havebec:i at one t ime compelled to extort the hi ghestfrei ght out of Ireland , and at another t ime , inorder to dup e the trade , have reduced it to a[¦rice tha t would not have paid for the labour em-ployed in the stowage of the cargo.

We call upon tin: merchants a:ul trader s ofWaterford who recollect pay ing nine-pence perl i ik iu for Linier when Curk merchants paid sixpence. Those Millers , whose (lour was sentI"toni alongside the old ll 'nt. Pen 11 , tlu\sirj li a

:-nivit of sp leen or caprice , or too limited accom-modation ; those importers , whose bales have beenr '.elaycd at the docks in Liverpool , to make roan:for Indian corn ; and whose Indian cor.l has been("i' layed on a f.dlhij market—who have paid morefivi"ht from Liveriiou! to Walen'ord , for American• rovisions , that i it cost from New York to Liver-

; -;ol. "We call upon you who havo suliered so;,/ ¦ .;, ami have not yet released yourselves fromihc- :'ripo of the old monopolists. You who oug ht

io i.;kc a broader view al

tc iu p latiug the f rowns 01

who hud treated YOU foi

contempt—y ou who oug ht to fees an ii;tcrcs '. 111

encourag ing steps taken for t h e advancement oi

t h e li - .id'j of th is c i ty , that trade which had SJ

l i i i iL l i declined by the imp ost of exce.-sive charges

;i;. l the want of acooinmud. i t ic iM , and h:td sent our

i.d'/hhui i r s and some o[ i;;ir.-.j l \ • .s to Dubl in . —

"We call upon yoi; to re scue y ourselves from the

!iiereilt.-.s hands of those who h;.vj held y ou so

Jong and so firmly i:i t h . i r iron grasp, :i::tl have

so cngiT a desi re to c lutch yo.i ngai :. W u

i!:ip i>. re of y ou who are s t i l l e i i i icod by th . i r

l iesh-put s to rescue yourselves from th is more than

K>!V i;'.i;;n bondage , anil shew thai independence

\v!ii ; !i oii"ht to belong to men in t rade , and not

i,i.!'.V;- yj i irselves to be

ii i i -j .-y a:id t r ansp i irent pra i

ii l !'\,.-;!av. or ihc Adelp hi

<lr - ii. ;i—i;:i .sacr i f ice—it renui res onl y the deter-

iu ina l io i i ;o i i s i st c .igoleiy and oj ip re ^ - iion. 'i h c

bi .cj ii i.-. ;:i vour hands , il wants onl y ymir : it cep t-

•nicc ; an ij iu- r has been made by tiie J' l i l i sh and

I rish Co!i.p:r.iy to carr}' your g"i;.l= foi ever a:

i::o.!('!\ ::u f i-.i .'hts. Twelve month: ; ago th: ;; oilVt

;.cu!cl l.::'.e l.'.-en gra-ped ut wi th eager av id i ty :

c i t cu inM ; ; i : -'.t:; have siu^e oceiined to render y ,; ii

!¦;•:.» ah-rt to t .ik'j ad'.autag. - of il ; but n > l

:-.r: > !ireil if vot i ever al low th :.-; op p o r t u n i t y lo lu

I. . . • '. . h wi l ! :i - -; '>.T occur to you a r .ii:: ;:t t!:i.-> a idj

T I I D ; is Tin: WAY ou;< i'KAs.v \ JiiY(i O r

():; this rk. y ;¦. rcspccii ib lc l 'a in .er 11 ,ir.cil Mur -v , fro;.: H.- i l i i i ikecl ; 1, Cuiii i i y Wtxf >nl , ;. .;¦.d In. : - , ..> . .. :.. ;> ;.!- '.ctl VJ}* !I !.S .seven ehildreii , ck- -:..; i i - - . ;:' l ! 1 " old Li i . i l'' I D '.l ie ii'.- .v. I n)

J ;,.;;¦ !.l, r..:!..T :i!.d

-.: ' ¦ t'.- i <A <.- i : . i j r a n t — l i >

.:':¦- '; ; : i> inj n ;- . I I : . s r< i:t was L 'l un acre

t;.¦¦-¦ lit!::.- cj : ij j O si l i i < n act L-canie law , a:ul

I.!- . !.- .,:j;.j r .! — i i i d i l lL - e i i t sUi!—a;l(!cl '!> an

.. - t w t h ei J . l i o; . | .

:. '. - i'i ! »rL r rj lI J i l l , v : . i ! .

( . .. w.'iu i-.. !..:! ;i l . i . . . ;i ;

U!!i;lei\" , •: ''•' !.;!!; , .1!:

Ki c , to!,!Lod him aol i i in 11101.1 .. ;.

—:i!;tl Maiei! i .1 I if llic- uh: ...! live ij L -ttei

wWc 'd 1,nt: It imV <:'H,u;i:i ,;, ;

:s 11;:.! t!¦ . ¦

' t .J

¦• '.MM ,e!bre.: I i i i i ! 1

I »1M .. p nr ..'O t.tril 5 l l . l l > : ' .: I •- j '

.Miir j iby .-i i i . i L J W.± "1

¦ :L 1 I I ..:. '.- . .I ' ;^II i i>i " i i

/id.v »t)t I j l t l .f l i l i l l i d itsirtv/7;/ cireuliiliiiit i& octva Copies! I!

A it 11 t im . in tt:h*unri \

I ' T K M U I C U 27 , l sVii l

OF STK.\:,I-]K)A'lriox.

the fact t l i a l a irf x 1 • 10:i:: 1:1

between \\'.itri Ion! .'ini;

this contest , than coii-blani l ishments of those

nerl y with such marked

longer di!]i--d by th< ;.-ic

tices , whe the r t.j nooctc -d

\. I t re i iu i res au si.- '.f-

aflel Wi.nli l i i in . -i!f—!r! tbL- fariil uh ieh hi: i

.' ugf.iu&l hi.' j iu j .uur I^ iu" -; 11; th . i t his l-.) !<! uf tin ;

h i - , 11., - i r uf i:.vd . t i l l al

L '. r i lvU his c .iL 'Ui ' :;. F'.r-tlJ. r Mil l v . l io wen t In

h im l'i !< i r i i 'j

j throw up hid:.!f f . i i i . l y wentL'r i hu n L- VI v t i .cyhalf y - a r 's rent.

I r. fii-( . ! t -> J I . I V

. Ai l t l :v ',?.::'--n.n .1, 1- .;- A' -Afi 'i'.l 'i ; < » ;.T!

GllKATTK.YlJiT KIGUT «Mi:Tl \ (i I\ KIMil 'WA

( L - n ' i n our Sp-cial Reporter ).One of the largest Tenant Ki ght demonstra -

tions that we have yet witnessed in Ireland tuokpl.icv on Wednesday in the city of Kilkenny.l\\c meeting \va> I K KI in the open air , and inthe large area 0; posit..1 the. court !;oiL-c.. theb.i lciiiiy of wli icl i sei ved as u spacious and con-venient platfurm. I am disposed to think thatthere could not have been than 10,000 poi-sons present.

The followin g are the n.imeso f the deputationfrom the North whic: a t t cn le.! : —Dr. M -J vii i ghtlicv . Mr. Hogcrs and Rev . Mr. J5ell. Amongst¦.!:;' gcni lemen both on un d near the ]i!atforni wenoticed the followin g : Mr. Lucas (Tablet) Mr .Dull y , {Notion) Mr . Fuller , (Xa /w i t ) , and Mr.Shea Lah.r , all from Dublin , Rev. J. Mu '.lius ,P. 1'., Calliia ; Rev J Walsh , Kihure , llovThomas O\S!,ca, C C, CVilan ; Matthew Keefo ,(.' (' , do ; Wm Conway, ]¦'.*[., V. L. G, Couw.iyI 1 K 1 ! .?oll!l T ) l i n it l ' \ * 'V (' \ ! i r» - . \ v i '= / "'• l l t r i i i .In.. : John Dunp h y, 1' (', .»Mn;:wr.s, Callan ;Cr. .rg.: 11 Lowe, V L f!, Mallar rto , do; 1>.Cc, i:\y , J-Is'i , 1'C, do ; Tho' Dunn , I 1 L Ci ,do; l'atriuk Shell , T U , ; Uev Juhn.M-Gnitli, C C. 2viil ; Ucv Kdward Ay lward , ]»PCast!icomer ; Reverends Jnlr.i A y lward. ]' P.l loug h ; It O'Shca, P P, Ball yhale ; Johnik'tgin , PP, Titl leroan ; Rev. R O'Koefe. C C,Kall yn .L'get ; David Walsh , C C, Kilkenny ;lid ward |-;iiTell , do; Edward Farrell , Killeroan ;Wm Lynch , Kilkenn y ; John Guiny, Thomas-town. Messrs. John Murj ih y, l iall yhalc ; Js.Hrenn tm , do ; Patri ck Murp hy, do ; 15 Sec>:t ,M>!ic:tor ; Win Shearman , (printer), Kilkenny ;C. RednHi>!d , WATKUFOII !) N KWS ; Rev Mr .I.arkin , l i athdowning ; Mr. Denn , Uuv. Mr .ro ^ ii ty . P P ; Uev Mr . Mr. Ji.mes Ued-iii ' i i n l , lYn in -ire , and Mr. P. l lenneberrv , l;i:ig-vi l le-, kc , 6'.c.

About one o'clock , on the motion of Dr. Mu ;-bi:s—seciMid ed by Rev. Hobcil O'She i .


Surgciiiit .SutE was called to the chair.The C'hairmaT? *aid—Thou g li residing in Kng-

laud foi some timc .he was too closel y ciiir.iecied:n blood w i t h Ireland not to feel an interest inher prosperit y. Tenant Ri ght was nut a newipiu -tiai . for it had been practically adopted bymany cuntries in Europe. Ho spoke of the¦.reri t ciforts of Siiarinan Crawford in favour ofTenant Ri ght , and his noble self devotion in thecau.-c of suffering humani ty . Me (Mr . Shoe)was a very earl y convert lo the m tin princi plesof the Tenant League , which , ho was sure,would cany out the objects they had in view ilthe peop le woul d but co-operate wi th them. Mecalled at tent io n to the princi ples of theLeague , and said that the t enant should have ali g ht to dispose of his farm at the hi ghest mar-Let value , and that no rent should be recovera -ble beyond what was just ami fair value for theland. During the last week he travelledthroug h several counties in Ireland , and did not ,except near Cork and Killarnoy, sec one build ,ing which would deserve the name of a farmho-ise. He called on the meeting to be unani-mou s whilst on this inip irtant subject , tobanish from the ir minds all other questions.I Ic referred to the extravagance of Irish land-0 ds in Eng land ; they thought the Irish pj ople

Would be nvcr content lo live on the potato—A loud Voice—No. no.Chairman —It is quite plain it would never do

lor you (iaug ht ei). Persons could not do a moresill y thing than show nny resentment to land-lords , because they have generall y a black gen-tleman behind them called a ' mortgagee ' whowill not allow them to be free agents (hear ,hear). It was a mistake to think that thepeop le of Irel and had not friends in Eng land ;and depi 'ii I on it if you throw your iullnj iiceinto the reliant League, your unanimous prayerwill be gnnrcd (cheers). "

Rev. Mr . Keele (Callan) said he hadreceived no r -p l y fro:n their city member ; butiie had »ot one (rum Mr. Givene, their countymember , who decline d signing the requisi-tion.

Dr. M'Xui ght (of Ueifast) in proposing thelint resolutio n , s.»id , this is a proud day forIrel and—iie came all the way from the ?CorlhI n take part in the meetin g of the •' boy- ofKi lkenny " (cheers), l ie hud often heard ofmonster meetings , .so he reall y liked to s c oneol the - i i . Party divisions were the main stock-in-trade of the aristocracy ; by them they live-1and tramp led on us all. We must give up ullp art y di.-Uincti on.s, and embrace all our fellow -count iy en as brother Irishmen (chccis).l here are as good Irishmen in the Nor th as thereare in Ireland , thoug h their climate :s colderin winter. Mi .. s:i!-.!, that all kinds of propertywere s:\eri d , '.he pcor man 's as well as the rich ,and tint o'u ; deserved protecti on us well us theother , We should never enter into any contestw.thout putt in g 0 ir ndversai v in the wron g ;and our det erm inat ion should be to keep wi th inill - L.w . Me condemned Mr. J . O'Connel l's la'.cspeech ;:t Concili ation Hall for his observations< n the Tenant League. Tho landlor ds say," we don 't prevent you to sell ," but 1.hen theypul on s'ick a hi gh rent tha t no man can buy it.liliickstouii suys , that there never was ,1 wrongin a c' luntr y for which there should not be aremed y. ]Utl he would contend that rack-rent -ing did nor. occu r in any country— even in thumost -avai/i;—excep t Ireland. Can the presents' a t ; uf th ing- yo 0:1 'i (cries of" no , no. ' ) Isnot this me. / ii t i g a:i earnest that therei gn of up; ..ivs-.ion has passed away ? Andcow we inn- ,! nnkc ourselves heard in the Houseo! Commons. This ] .< the way 10 make ourc o u n t i y — '• gr .-ii l , "l .j i iwi t s , and free.'1 By andby-- ;i yi.iu hci .d a p .r. i- l of us over to Kug huid ,we wi l l can y ll.o measure even in the veryheart of John P ,ull (cheers ari d hug htcr).

lU n r y Luii g hl in , Ksq., of Ki lkenn y, sr-condedthe resolu t ion—lle >u id , wi thout a libe/ul svstein(•t Ti riant Ri gh t . . agr icul ture can 't prosper —Tenant li if .-lit. is essential, w i thou t wiiieli thecountry 't po on ; and whei e is the mantha t would iiiiprcvi ; if he is not sure of ne t t in gt in beiielii ol i l ls ini | i roveni nts ! l ie was notI01 tu i i i j i r i i s i i i i . ; : . Me came foi ward as a laiid-loid — :.ll h i s prop erty he had in his own r i -h tand for ever—l, ,r th io quc t iou was as muc l i ,ila i i . : l . ) . i l ;..-¦ a li ;:ia;it qui :> !ion. If it uere carried:_'<H ) y i-aiv. ago t h e land ' or.Ls would be b;:tter ofli.ow . Me; i( |)H i | ! . i ted he idea of opposing tin:ihUre .-ts of or.e cl.;.-o bv advoc i t i l i " this mea-sure (hear, h e a r ) .

Dr. Kea in- ( K i l k e n n y ) piopo^cd thu secendi t ioh i t i : . ! !—l ie exprcj .ssi-d his s;i !j sf.t c t :- > ; i :.lseeing, for t h e i : r~ l t ime , in K i l k e n n y lluPr t' ? l i y | i r ij i i i c l f i-_:y : ti -_-n of tr.e N'u r l !i s i a nd i : !^I'csi 'lc t h e Catholic ck-rgj in '^n of the .Sou'.h . i ;i-i.T:, :-i:ci;r.g the ri gh t s of li.e coin,try . Theiv.-o l^t on i.ygcJ the mcer.- i ly of establi si i in i'

Tenant Societies all over the country, and topupj ioit the League. Me told the peop le tobury their.ik -.ensioiis l eucath their feet (cheers).Show in:; (saiil Dr. K.) the grove of arais thatwill be for tliis resolution (here a countlessnumber of arms were lifted up). These urehappy davs for I reland , for the star of the Northhas com..1 to the South and the mm of the Southhas to the North (loud clnvr-).

Th- Rev Mr. Thomas O'bhea (Callan) thanke dtho meeting foi that cheer, lie never felt moreproud than he did to stand there , on that day,by the side oft i .e '' stars of the North '' (cheers ,and cries of " bravo Father Tom.") \\ 'e wi 1cement the union : iur in Dublin we ratified themarria ge b. tween us. In Kilkenny some peop lecan 't understand us ; but if in my power I'llbri ghten lbi ' irintel!eci»— " fair rents ;" is thereanvtlr.ii 'j- unfa i r in that ? Kent? based on thet p i i i l i l y of land , aim the price of food—is thereany th ing unfa i r in tha t ? (N'o, no)—is t h a tbald to be un. l c ij lood ?

A Voice— " Musha , begar it 's not.'1

Rev. Mr. O'Shea—The land comes into t'.'Cmarket at whatever price the landlord pleases.Where there is no trade in a country land is anarticle most essential to t.ho very existence of apeop le. A farmer taking a farm is not like aman buy ing a cow or a pig ; he can 't go else-where : il l.K-aks hi ;, heart to leave the homo, ofbis fal l i . -.TSiind the iliac- 1 of hi * idlcctious (chciT>)The landlord oug ht to get tho full value of bisland; but not one: penny moi e, or one pennyless (hu , ,)- , liLMr. ) And has not ihc man put outof his farm a better ri ght to it , if he is wil l in g topay a fair rent , than be who rep laces him ?l in t of ,i!l evils that afiiiet th.t country the agentswho rob both landlord ami t enan t , aie thegreatest (groans for the agents). Dur ing theyear ISlS. no K-ss than 71 , 1 !'< • homes werelwollcil to the ground i;i Irelan: !. i'l-.c Creatorma.le the earth to be j ieopled ; but 'man hasgiven ii up to sheep and oxen.

A voice—And worse.Rev . Mr, O'Shen—For my part I will never

submit lo fitch a .--tatc of thing- , The very ex-istene.i ' , too , of ar '.iy/uis and shop keepers depen-ded on ti:.: pr osp erity of '.he farmer. The H< v.spe.ilci )• coniinm -d at much lon^i h , an.l cuiichid -i-d amid givat app lause.

Rev. M.r. Rogers said he was a Presb yter iancb/rgynian and as such repudiated the idea thatmany in ihe south entertained that Preib y-lerianism and Oir.iige'. i iu were allied to eachother. Me begL-;-. d to assure the meeting theyhi i i no e .i: iu< .° L't io!i w!i:'.!evcr : for ();a ;i' ' isb.i 'md lo supp or t liie ..•oiis:itutio:i , c.'iiire! ) andstaie under all gove iMuu ii t --. wherj as P rosb y-teriani ^m i-i ipiii -j opposed lo tho .-e pr iuei pL-s.Oran .i-.-eisin is hi g h Toiy is::i , ::::<! Pro-b j ler ia i i ismisa» :iiust T-j ry iiiu. In the county Callow , ihe d.iybi'l 'oic , he saw the ci 'ou:-bar b.'l./ tn/c at work —In 1 saw houses iii .roofed—gable ends of hou-esstanding l ike tombs in a (bur '.-h yard , and ;ni.-:e-rabio wiv te h os iu fewr, in t-l ieds on Iho di tei ibide (groans). Will the Almi ghty ' bold :::enguil; l es> who wroug ht such misviy ! Will thesystem slnn.l !uii:r ? Look ;:t ti:o ell'ects of thegos-]iel on it— " 1 was hungry and y .>u gave momeat ," " I was naked a n l you cl.ul mti ." Uutthe laiiclhirds ' doctrine is—¦' 1 was hungry " andyou .starved me , " I was naked" and you turnedme out , " I was thirs t y '' un -.l you cast me < nthe road side (laug hter and cheers). Therefore ,it is ri ght and just that the N orth :in- :l Southshould co-operate l r > destroy th is system (eher .-rs).All the ; peop le- of I'Uler except Ltn i l lor -is , land-agents , and the " tag-r.ig-aiul-bob- i-.a'u" o! soci-ety, are fur Tenant Ri g ht (cheer.-- , :i')d cries oi" more power to you , long may you live .' ) Dilione hundred of :-:uch fellows are not equal to tw osparrows (Liiig hU-r). Our claim is a just one :and if we do not now work steadil y together ,we deserve to bo slaves for ever.

'• ^^*l ^r:o is llu:

slavi: yi I -j w I y,(\ '!r!i: in]!i: i l lo cliain^ i l i i l i n l v ;'l l:f I'r ifials we've tried are by our si'ie ,And tilt ; foe"—

No, I won 't s iy u.c liale ; but hulr us (cheers).The <j ic- stion must be ag itated in lvighnd too .We must r. form the present House of (Joiniu .' i i i .s—the pre.-v-'iit 1 louse of Commons i.-; in greatpart composed of lawyer;;, :tn.l with rosj icct totheir K-arntd c iai rman , he never understood ulawye r unless when he was fu rn i sh in g ///»• bill(iaug iitcr). Tliere were also landlords and landagents in the Commons ,

" 1 iru . i l r r^'ii:-, arii iin:y a l l , b- i l i i '_r ir : i t ai .- l smal ll'niai l'l i ' i 'l in IK'in-v Kiistr i ' ." f c h e i r r = .J

He continue: .1, lo show the foll y of Lord Chiron-don 's Lite Ir i j i to the N ' i r lh , wln 'r c '" ho f i l m .1,be saw , a:nl c J ivjuered. ' Where diil Lord Clar-endon go. when in the North , to seek informa-tion V Did he no to the b.iM ilc -ss fabric: of avillage ? Did hi 1 go lo where the hum of hap-pinos was once ? Did he go to the poor-house ,that national sink of fo-tid p ollut ion ? No, 110.His onlv • -

" l ioi.U-i «-i:n> wum Hi 's looks ,Ami 1'i.ll y ai l I l i uy t u u ^ L r l i i i n . "

He went lo Lad y Londonderry (laug hter) , liesaid the landlords were a persecuted race—that they \Vere > iilt ' .-ring mar tyrdom—that th eywere wandering tibout in sheep'.- s k i n and goat 'sskin (loud laug htu) . Lord Clarendon is nowour avowe l enemy, and we tell Lord John Rus-sel that if lie can be usefu l at the other side ofthe channel , we won 't keep him here. He ile-nnudecl l i iiit Tenant lti i iht should be tried on itsmerits ; and tha t li.e I '.I U C eciivj niy wh ichcursed I i e l a i id n h ou ld be put an cud to. ( TheK'ev. gentlemen sat down amid a volley olcheers).

Mr. P. S. 'Sutler Mr. P. then came forward—he said lu came from Dubl in that day to at-tend their meetin g, and to take any instruc-tion!: with which his cons tit uen Is mi ght, honor hi i i iand to act upon them . His speech was nearl y::11 con:pj st-d oi takin g his consti tuents ' " op in-ions " and tl.eir ' commands ' which did not seemto "go down '' very well with hi< hearer *, l iedid not. wish to *¦ blink' " the question ; y«t ajjr i iit iua::y of the audience were <<f op inionthat lie was •' bliidc i:!" '" it all ihe t i iny .

Ri:v . .t l a l t h u w (J 'Keele (Callan) proposed thethird re solu t ion , lo the eil'ect that ihv countyKi ikeun ) ' be divided into districts for the pur-pose uf cairy ing out the obj ects of the League.The Tenant Le igue combined ail the bone andsine.v wi ib i t i tho four province * ; outside it o:ilvwere i iai l i i l i , lackeys , and the otf-eoa:in^ s olsociety (cheers ). We now hold in our bauds .1weapon before whose br i l i i i .u t sheen LordCliireiidmi blanched tin* olhfi ' day—lh. i t is theunion of all her children (loud cheers). Theold and destructi ve cry of '• divide r.nd conquer ' 1

is banished for ever : for we have laised u holiercry — if nit: cud coiit/ urr (cheers). Who now isour greatest enemies ? The men who willthrow any imp ediment in our way. He jsaidthat Eng land was merciful to ihe poorest in ctht Tcountries , but in Ireland we did not exper i encei i i i i c h ol her m e r ry U n e - i i.i l i ' of u i i r prc -* .;ni . iv-p r c s ? ' i i t : i t i > t J an- hones t nv,-- ! ; b u s !!:'> o t h e rli . i i f ar.; > ch . -n i ' .-rj . V.'e mi ; -t j 111 '. in t.) Par l ia -m e n t a bod y of men w h o wi l ! £ i i ; -.p - ir t in i ;ri:iu-m i n i .' - l i v t i m t is not :i s k i - f V . I i i i e h i r c et - a manwho w : ll t . i .'ce (.'"U'n i l l - ; uh o .'u fab;' i' i .-j " J r i >hhi!!c! ' ' i i d i - « !n . f.n it i^ l o l i e n '.0 t he ve iy bi.-t to i i i('. h c i-v - :'.i) <! Li lU'l i l : l \ Wlr .U i:i. l n i i t:' ':u!i U-

down, we will then give him a plan for a newbuild ing ; for the old one was built on a rottenfoundation—it was built on ruck-rents andmisery. The comer stone if the new buildinushall be a valuation of ren t ; and the next stoneshall be a law to provide compensation for thetenants ; and the third gt c a t a l cmun t wiil be thefixity of tenure . We shall all pull together forthe green ok( land of the West (loud cheers).

Rey . Mr. Hell ( a handsome looking young-man) rose to second t i r e resoluti .-n , and uncoming to t.ho front of th .1 balcony, ho \va< re-ceived with rapturous a;'p iaiis;\ One ta l lvi iu.ig nia.i in tho immense mass of ] coplothrew up his hat about i»0 varcl s in the ;:ir. Atthis t ime it was poui ing in:: . , wh ich eaustd t i espeaker to say tha t be would not commi tcruelty 011 the meetin;; by inf l ic t in g a sp ech onthem. In a few words , however, be exhibi ted ,in strong and well selected lai i^ua^c , the bene-f i t s that Tenant llight would confer on theinhabi tants of his poor, dear oppressed country.He also showed the oppression of ' the landlords ,and told all i.o uni t '-1 as oi,c man to free thecountry. He spoke in ailouliouat '.' terms oi th -.:Catholic Cleri'V. at the conclusion of whichhimself an I t in - Rev . Mr. O'Slica (we t h i n k)warmly shook hands. (This was the si ^u i ! forlenewed iipphuu-e, which is d i l l i cu l l to describe ,so threat was t 'ne cuti ius : . is; : i .

The rain cam; down in 'orrents, when thercii iaincl er of the resolut ions (si;: in all) werepiv.posi 'd and j msscd without delay.

Mr. Somerset l iu t ler , M.P. was then calledto t h e chair , when a unan imous vote oi' l l u '.nkswas passed to tseriroant -Slice lor his admir .b leconduct in the ciii'.ir.

In the ev .j iiing a splendid soiree was luld inthe Tholsel , nt which a large number of pel senswere present. Several bri ll 'mi i l speeches weredelivered.

We arc deli ghted beyond expression , and we

feel a h;:::rlft:U pride ia hu 'iui the i i rs t (.'a '.holi e

j ourna l , au thur ised to announce !o the t '. i t l io i i c

peu] de oi' I reland , that Iho ii: i i!v.- .l i!i ;j.:es ;'.s oi '

Water ford and Li s inure , governeii b y cur A JIO .S-tolic Eishop and hi .-; I'a i thi ' ;:! ]uies ts , is the i i rs t

in the kiv. g-'iom t;: aj ip rccialo t im Sy u n i l i v a l

1111ion of es tabl ishing a Calhehc l " ii ivi - i - .- i iy . —

On Tuesday List , ll ic - l i h iust . iu ; , ih 'j i::.;;:;! an-niversary for the decease d bi.iliop s and cieiyyniei iol the diocese , was celebrated in t h e :- :- :euti:d

parish chapei of J J i i i iy a rvan , w i t i i a i i t h : ;::.i a' i i i -

ficence and devot ional beau ty oi' t he hu l y cere-monies of our church . J1 i -¦ 11 31:;ss, c:ii.j .:i .J l ;v

Rev. .Messrs. Mooney, U 'l'lorman , ;;;ul l i u l l y .—At iho conclusion the Ri j;ht K'.v. Dr. J \ . ;a : i , ac-companied h y I J I.-J Vic;:r.s i ' " .•;. I l a i i y and 1' o^ ariy ,and th -j Ve iy Uev. Dean L'o'.vley , uf C;'.sth.-noel;.

•with ."iO of the Clcrgynici i (if the d is t r ic t ;it!e::;!eii

in the .'Sacristy , whoro all l is tened v. i th iho d-j c-])j ^t

a t t en t ion and interest to his l. urd. ;::i p 's .-va

tions. The nece.-'.sily of a ( .' ;tuol ic I . n iver si tyin I r e l and , for ihc cuuc . i i i j i i of i" s C;.!.lKi 'ic y o u t hwas hum ;.ili ; :lel y recognised h y ;dl : and i l ieappeal uf Very Rev. JJr. I l . i l l y, V.C ., also j mb-lic i y avowed his d e t c r m i u a t i o u of cou t i i l n i t i u . an iuui l iceu t annua l subscri p t ion l.:v:;:n!-; the i'ouu-ih i l io i i and r staLhshmeiK of :-ueh an asv l t '.m LrCatholic education , was, wi th an equal roadine ; .- .- -r cMj ionded to b y every vis-"!' .'.nil carat -.- in lL.itasSL-iiibLi;.j e. V\ - rcj ieat a^'ai i i our since. '.1 ciKi^ra-tulat ioiuind hnm i ; l e j oy, and !e: ! e n i i l i - ' esi! lh::t ;:;.

loilir as s'.ic'.i a hishon and .-.tieh cLi^y :i:c!! .:!; :ll

pres ide on l!:e wa tch - lowers of t! ;e f a i t h , al l i!.«.

powers of ear th ;aid d a rk i i e - . s u i l l p lan ia v. t i ii

lo subve r t or d i s t u r b the c h u r c h nl ' l icul , amour s :

the devo ted fol lowers of St. Pa ' : ic k .

( J O O it NHU S I-OP. \VA I i'.;; i w R D .

We are happy to learn t h a t the Wiaeif ";-^ '.

a i id Ki lkenny I!:;:h'.ay (.'•. n ij - a ny w.!l soon eom-

n.i'iice tb .eir w o i k t Irom ,!en poli:t tu '. i i i s ci ty—

a distance of about 1(5 or i 7 miles. When t h a t

shall h ave been opened , w: will have direct ra i l -

way c-imu'i i t n i ca t i on from 1 his c i t y t - - Dii! ) lin.

tho l ine from Carlow to K i lk e n n v boii :;.j .ill I. '.it

comp leted. If i.s pleu.-u i_j to ir ; c.i;:bL-d to 00-sc-i'vc, f rom personal obsnrvat i i i : ; th:iL t he ear-ria^os from .Icrrpoint to K i l k e n ny ;,ro :.¦• .<:commuliou:;. and comfortable.

.VCC1DKNT.On Sat urday evening a portion of the hu : : . .--

of a " jin ij le," whilst on its w a y to Tr aniorci;ave way, which , eausinir the car to u is.a. i lan^the passengers 011 the road. No serious dainay ;:.- ,however , was doi.e.

C-J' Ihe Re ipus i t ion of thi . > Co:;:;(y andCity in favor of the yreat i |i i es i iun of iheday—Tenant Ri ght—has been already signed b yall the Roman Catholic Clergy, and a vast numberof persons of all classes. The day of met t i n g is nolyet named ; but . we learn , it i.s not f..r d is tant . —The peop le of t h i s Coun ty are more ap a t n e t i e onthis . subj ect, we regrirt to *a\ , than those ofany other coun ty in I re land . This may appears t range , as Waterford has had the •' c row-har-bri jj'ade '1 sehluin one six months id le sine-:: the me-morable epoch ni ' " _ ii.

From pa-l defeats 110 wonder tha t the Peop leshould be ap athet ic . Hu t this much they shuuidbear in mind and ne ver forget—that the man whoasks for X O T I I I X C ;, wi l l get no thi i i ; .-. Landlordscan hardly bo in a Worse p os i t ion— '.cuaiils arejj oinj j to ru in every Lour—and in such a s t a t e olthings who can deny tha t a change is notcalled for '.

Now tha t we have a new element, lo ri ¦ ¦ 1:tour wron g s—now that we have the " stars '' olthe Nor th giving li ^ L:, life , and vu,";r to the menof the South , we should be up and active. Weshould accept them as friends , and cherish themas brother.- ; for , depend 011 it tha t when North;unl the South j>u/l toyvthcr steadil y, the Bri t ishMinister must soon s t r ike his colors !

[The Re qui sit ion lie .-; at this Office for sig-nature . "1

{,'.¦';" -Mr. Gic. i.e 's p; i-i r\ } in another p art o!

<;i:r p re-ent imp i'C- .X;: . i - , v.;.- :i '- ay ve i ;i..i k. "ri:ileiiin new ty i '.'. 's lni ide l>y .AI . (. i u . -r iu •if f)u :d in'lh .iy are the lir.-t Irish ifianii:.i i : 'u.;' t y ju s v,c

huve ever seen . .May he go 01: r.nd pro--; :: !-;s:iv v.'e. Too Io iig Wen: we Gl .di.j ( .-d to irt: t o

London for coul.l lie as well done in DubHi:

To fli c Editor of the ffatcrford News


Waterford , 26th September , 1850.

Mil. EDITOR ,—I regret that there is not yet a

slir about Harronstrand- street. What are the

inhabit ants doing ? Every trifling matter taken

in hands be!ore the great thing, which should be

above ar.d before all.I happened to meet an English gentleman the

other day—we had to walk throug h Barron-stra i i .i -itrecl , and in pas sing it he , with astonish-ment , turned on his heel and said , (pointingto the island at the same time.) What are youduimj xc ith this lure ? The questio n was soapropos , so short and sudden , that you can 'timag ine how I felt—on my conscience I'd almostlike' to give up the '• tj wst"! At all events , Iscrambled out a word or so, to the effect that wehad not mr»i:>j to pull it doicn ¦'

'• Money, " ejaculated the astonished English-

man. '' Arn 't .10,000 inhabitants , as you say

you luvp , able to pull down a few old houses V" It app ears not ," said I , *' for here they are

standing fo rma l ly a long year , and I believe theynewr wil l be pulied down till they fall them-s::lvos.

'•' Well , I'm blow 'd ," continued the English-

man , " you are epic-re people here in Ireland. "• 'How is that , said I ?'' " Because," said he ," it lakes so wunij of you to pull down a few oldr t i t len houses ! This was too hard h i t t ing forme ,1 thoug ht ; so , therefore , I turned the subj ect to

the failure in the p otato.l'.ul , Mr. Editor , this shovs you how much this

old i i l a i id disgraces ourselves and our city in the¦.yes of other men. I t shows you , Sir , that Water-lord cannot command respect as long as tlu- heart:, f i . i ir ."i:y is filled up by a large unwield y heap ofstone , sh;!e-i and niorter.

Sir. iiiv humble onhiion is, that the corpora-Sir , nr. humble op inion is, that the corpora-t i c t i—the harbor commissioners—the merchant s—the shop keep ers—the tradesmen , and even thel- -.licv.ers c-f W.-.lerford , should all combine , hea rt;:nd .-•¦( :;t l , for thu purp ose of opening Barr oiistrand-siivet.

is there a man in Waterford of hi gh or low

il .g '.c. c- . thai would not freel y g ive his mite—n::y, ni.'.-ve than his mite—towards the successn f a t i ut .d -.-rt aLin g , which , thoug li long threatened ,iii u -..i i'onio at last.

W i t h m a n y thanks , Mr. Editor , for your at ten-t ion to the c i ' V generall y .

1 ;:m. &c. &c ,"A Y.,1CE FROM THE QUAY ." 1

A M E 11 I C A( l :nnu our own Corru9p uii c luMt.)

New York , September 11, 1850.Tut-: U EV . W AI /IKR CAN TAV KLL LATE OP

TU A M O K K .—I am sure you , and the readers ofthe ••[X t irs" will be happy lo hear that theabuvi. naiiied Rev. gentleman , who was the be-iov .d Cura ie of TrHii '.orc for many years , andw departure 1'J mouths since caused somu::h suM-j v ,' ;;mong his parishioners , hassail'j d f'ro in this port for his native shores again ,where I have no doubt he will be welcomed bvthe warm hearted and true friends which hemade i' ;r himself whilst among you , since hecame to this country he was stationed in Potts-villo , near Philadel phia , where he was of valua-bl -j ;..ssi.ilance to llu many unprote cted andfriend less emi grants who soug ht him for adviceand couiicil . i l e sailed last week. I am happ yto inform you that on the day previous lo theRev. .Mr. CautweiPs departure. 1 saw him incompany with tho Rev. Mr. Power of Kill ,who is eiMOviui: excellent health.

Tin-: LiM.i M AMA .—This is the subject of1 he day now . The Yorkers are going perfectl yeiv.zv about her. i'lic discovery of the Califor-nia I'.old-miucs did not crj atc as much noise,wh -L -n everything was California this and Cali-fornia Ih.u. It is changed now. Nothing willsell heru unless it has the words " Jennyl.iiuP iixed to it. At the auction of tickets forthe first concert , which hikes place to nig ht inC ';;.-i!c Ciard eus , the ticket for first choice seatwas boug ht by ;•. Mr. Ginin , a halter in Broad-way, for -J^-") dollars (about £46"!) The othertickets wen: then sold from 2o dols. to 0 dols.ail averaging admit 7 dols. a ticket. The wholesum reaiisec/ fo:- to night 's concert is about-10,001) dollars. Althoug h Is. was

^barged to

get into the: auction (the Yankees wouldn 't loseMidi an opportunity of making money) about:v.,(.i0() persons attended. 15. K.

A GOOD SIGN .Mr. ?>I(i!To::gh , of lha eminent linn of Sadlier

and Company, advertises in the Dublin papersI ' l l '0,i 11 i i 1 to be ."cut on the security of Encum-bered Estates.

C-'J* We need hardl y say that the selection ofMr. Fitzgerald , on yesterda y, for the collector -shi p of the Ki lkenny (no. 5) district , reflectedcredit on the guardians. His opponents weregood men too : hut then they held situation s atthe same time und er the board.

fy j S " Aliloi -niaii t ' urii .- ti i l ' s w-ssels aro very " luck y ";lor, we h:ivi! In anl , so late ;* this week , from some wlun a ik - l to' America liy tliem la-i t spring, t!uitllioy ;in> :il: ilciin ^ very well.

A inc -eliii ir uf ih .: CDii servalurs uf lislicrics , fur thepurp ii .-!.' .ii i u: i l » ii i . ' - scrnie arr.iii^oiiionls for Ihc eomiii"si'aron , uas liL -Ul in t he iMii i t - l iuuso on 1 Tuesilay ; Mr-A r t h u r O'.N uil l was prcMi -nt.

At '1'iifs lay 's pulU-c; oliiec ^lr. Tabiteau stated tli.ittin: '•' rag :nul Ij.jut: " tradu was the cause of creating afi- Ki.t di-:;l ut ' J OUM ^ ro l iliL -rs in the ci ty.

V\ i.' l i -aiu :!:;.L .Mi .Teivntf l'ower of tho DunmoreI In te l , ha.-, t: .!:,..i >, [,- . Carroll ' s house [Palace yard]L .- .. :ii . .- : i- , l . i i - :i l i i - . ii; '. lUii-in-; the races.

!-. . I H ; I :ATIO.\.

¦ : .- M I I !..: I !I'I ! . |I .. I \ n,.mlier of umigrnntg left our¦ J I ::I ;- S '"- " M I V l.n- Aui . .- i i i - i i . Amongst them Were many1 • ;.. .:;.i i - i . . 1 in : ¦ i- . .

i l l : V .s;.: ;- !i i ., .s—Tins U A V .» i ;. i l l , - I , -,. !. : -Ti.t- > i . ,x . . r , Mr Win. Morris , Mr C.

.\ . U |,- I . I . l .'i i j . -. - .; 1 .\ rw|ior: ,'a:ul M r Tubi ieuu .

'I n.- t. u i i i l u;;s ] i r i i . i - i | i ; i l | > , tu'eiip iKil in I l i e l ieil i iup; ol'i i> .- . ; i ; | i <¦ ¦> >¦ ¦» . I n ;i casn hi w l i i c l i . M r Gri f f i n , I l ie barher.u . i . 1 : . i .i :r. - i . i - ,| , ( i , , : ili luu.i.'i i . t , an aol ivu- lookiiig luss ,t l i i '. '.'il l l i . i ; j-1:.; u i . l y s;i i i in pl - i i n t i t l ja v\q > Disuiijaeil .

To (he EdHor of tie llatcrford l\cws

SIR ,—Tliere is a considerable number of whatare designated public institutions in our city, butI am not aware of any which can dispute thistitle for a moment with the Fever Hosp ital .—This institution is beyond all comparison mostuseful and necessary, and every class is equall yinterested in having it properl y and effectivel ygoverned. I believe this hosp ital is one of theoldest establishments of the kind in this countr y,nor would it be just towards those who have beenfor a very long period connected with it to omitto state that nothing could be more judicious andsuccessful than the disci pline and medical tre at-ment hitherto pursued in this inst i tut ion. Formany years has Dr. Connoll y been attached tothis hosp ital , and every person who has the leastknowled ge of the manner in which it has beenconducted must readil y admit the able and satis-factory manner in which this distinguished gen-tleman has performed his duties. His great pro-fessional merits need no commendation from me ,they have been long since recognised by thepeop le who have unl imited confidence in hishonor and capacity. Whatever I could sriy^whether in censure or in praise , could neithertake from nor increase the reputat ion he has longsince acquired , and I merel y mention the gentle-man 's name because I find that at tempts havebeen recentl y made to appoint a second medicalman to the Fever Hosp ital. The motives andfeelings of the party who have ori ginated thismovement may be , and are , I have no doubt , up-ri"ht and disinterested , but I am compelled tosay that nothing could be more objectionable thanthe means employed to effect this object. Therewas, to be sure , no charge of neg lect madeagainst Dr. Connoll y, and yet there did not appearto be any re luctance on the part of those who lookfor the appointment of a second medical officer toinsinuate what they know they could not statein direct and positive terms. Now , sir , such amode of dealing is at nil limes ungenerou s andreprehensib le , and it becomes peculiarl y uujus iand offensive when it is adopted towards a gentle-man of great indus t ry mid ta len t . 'I iie salarycannot be a mat ter of anv er ;ii.c idc ra t iun to sucha man as Dr. Connoll y, and if he has devotedmany years of liis usefu l life to the publi c - servicethe smallest requital that can be made Li::i is tobe found in th-.' confidence and support of thosewho are so deep ly indebted , to him. J lur ing acertain por tion of my life I had occasion to visit.this hosp ital very frequentl y, perhaps 1 .-hoiildsay several times 011 the same day, and the resultof my experience i.s that no ins t i tu t ion could heconducted in a more admirable manl ier th an theFever Hosp ital had been while under t i .e superin-tendence of Dr. Connoll y. So far ])r. Connoll yhas served the public long and fa i th fu l l y and liei.s by consequence enti t led to their gra t i t ude. —It strikes me , however , that this quest ion of no-mina t ing a second ph ys ician is in no wise ce-n-nceted wi th Dr. Connoll y. Could I imag ine tL.itit was intended by this proj ected app o in tmen t tocast the sli ghtest imp uta t ion upon h i ; -.ieternothing could induce me to en ter ta in il for ¦'. -ing lemoment. This hosp ital (whe ther fortunatel y c.rotherwise I shall not now stop to inquir e: ) hri ;come under the jur isdic t ion and conned ol thePoor Law (i iit iidians who are solici ted to app ointa colleague to Dr. Connoll y .

The question which the ( !iiari!i:ius wil l have: toconsider I take to be th i s—whether the appoint-ment they are called upon to make b-1 u<etu! andnecessary ? If they .should be of op in i on that itis neither one nor the other iheu thei r course isat once easy and simp le—it is to leave ma t ters asthey stand at present. Grievous bur dens havebc:eu alread y imposed upon the imhi - i iri . ius rate-payers , and therefore unless there be a t l oar c-a -= emade out b y the advocates of this moti on it shouldbe at once rej ected - But , if ai 'ter minu te andcarefu l inquiry the Guard ians .should arr ive at anopp osite conclusion , then their du t y is clear andimp erat ive , and I take it that a second ph ysicianwill be inunediatf -lv nominated. So far we: havep lain sailing, bin now a very impori . in : mat-ter presses itself up on our a t tent ion , and timtis how the guardians are to decide between theclaims and the merits of the professional gentle-men whose qual if icat ions would in the event ot'such election make them eli gible candidates. —I have no dispo sition to say ought to the prejudi c- i:of the gentleman who app eared before ihoGuardians at their last meetin g to urge his claimsup on them. He is unquestionabl y an ainia l .-loand deserving man , but he wi l l allow me to ob-ei -.nthat his speech before the hoard was wrv nov 1and unprece dented. It is somewhat too exactu: ^to ask a public bod y to create a cer tain ollice anddicta te to them the manner in which it should IK'fil led. Dr. Carroll mi ght , we th ink , have con-fided his interests to the advocacy of his friend swi thout incurr in g the least danger of iheir beingneglected. The app eal was , however , a boldstroke of po licy (I was going to add a cleverdod ge) and would deserve success if we merel yregarded the independent sp irit in which it wasconceived. l>ut the public good cannot and mustnot be postponed to the advancement of private-interest or the grati l icaiion of per sonal feeling- —.Should the services of a second medical man bedeemed necessary by the Guardians it will heimperative upon them to secure these services inthe speediest and most manner. I havealread y disclaimed any iu teu t -.on of casting auimputation on Dr. Carroll . Xo one entertains amore sincere respect than I do for his private andpublic character—and these ohsr -rT.-it ions havonot been prompted b y any hos t i l e or improperfeeling . He has alread y obtained—and I rejoiceat it—a very important appoin tment in our countvgaol , and I freel y acknowled ge ihat no betterappointment could have been made. Vet , if ithe wise to recognise and reward professionaleminence , it would be foolish and mischievous toconfine public patronage to a set number of indi-viduals. There are some young medical men inthis city who , to professional qualifications—an dthey are of tife very hi ghest order—and an emi-nentl y successful practice , and 1 cannot see thej ustice nor the wisdom of that p olicy which byexcludin g them from public offices would with-hold from them that tlaatterin g appreciat ion ofmerit which every honourable mind knows howto estimate. I woidd reward talent and profes-sional abi lity wherever they are found to exist—nor should personal and party feeling deter mefrom p erformin g what is obviousl y a duty. ¦

There is no evil more destructive and demoralisingthan a selfish exclusiveness to which , more thanto any other cause , the miserable condition (sociui


£rirrir& ^kt£tr}) '»' !l V A M 1 S A l) !

Why h:i < (I, -, c.'.il.'iny b.irluesiSv.-atviJ t- ol i i lv i . u f i . l me m>\\ *

lor my lx.n l ourc fillcil with ^ladm-MUa»I lo^l ilbclii x rl 'i:; How.

\1 In ilu 1 tmiif sosulilniii.l ii.l mrin >M uri ippi il in uinnw ?

Am! my l'.i n.-j 's l i i - , lni ;'liliu:>. H ,i iiiviuu uril y i.T l lt u lolllb.

1 v.vuji wlicu l.- i f i i i la 1 ini-et tl; i inA:i:l 1 • ;« .-.!i- them KH II V sitl i .

\ut < <i:,:v HI .. i!,; , ,k.< 1 Jic-ilil II K - I IIU l , i -j , r , juiur J ' l l a , blic ui i l ilic

.\ d l •.v<JJ l ) i c yravr .-i-l*m lll' i 'iiryWl.n.: 1 I I , I I . | > i i , . r i l y Ii< - ?

!"(«r i i .V lo in,- i< t lu l l ami iln-ary .1'or !ii ;t!l!i uml rrjt I i iuli .

itii- rc-,1 iii uHnli- r tnaiisio;iIn t in1 I'lfiir lilne In iivens ::lmvi' ,

Vi lii 'M; din.' i* im wiii! sickni'sst i n t !••-' :in< i rnli 's* I OVH.

iif y tr i i i l i - ! fur you l i t t l e uimwf l i i i v i i i i inv l i i. i l.i n'ei.' ;

Al il i '-n ^li tn rliei! i l i . -y may he .-m:ill ,']'<> liv r ol'

^iant si^i\

!»i! i*ctitii: ! t!<oi ] -_rl i pi'ivlrincp Hint li j)May *|n.-.iU u i i i t iu i i i i r i i i ^ tone.

Tin' In-art iiiuy w i th k i i iduu.j yet ,Ami j-iy to bo l l i i ii : IAS'II .

li i* p!ntlo ' \\T;;rv hours of pain" Tis u'dinan 'd lot to lit'iti* ;

Tlu- n y ii 1 1 Imr what support tli.m cuml ,Ami ail licr surruws ->li;i!u.

lit; grn:!.f for Ilir noblest luartsAI linii 'd imiy h.ive some grief.

,lllll u\ l : l l lit U pt' l lUll \?jjftfAi ii v 6i:t k tu liiid ic l icf .

lia fli-ntli; ! none lire pi-rfrCt—Tliuu 'it ileiuer tnr thun li le .

Then , li.i sliaiiii s, liwir ;md stiil'forbear"lie {jiiiilc to lliy wile.

it 'TMf T TTKW * 'J -¦ *""""" ?-» fB/' "¦ """tf t f f ff r T^

IS C It A 1> I A N

The silk factory* at Chtlsea is in preparat ionfor Wing activel y worked.

Mosquitoes have biim known lo move a manwighin< - -00 lbs ,

Tiu nio -t imp ort nit p .trt uf cv.'ry man 's edu -cation is that which lie givt s to himself.

A Greenfiel d paper advertise s * thorough base 'to bo taught by one of its customer.-.

There is no peace-maker in the worl d like ai-ood dinner,

I'urc cofi 'ec shaken in cold water swims anddoes not discolor it. If mixed with chicory itsinks and tinges the water red.

Kuinor bays that Piwson sent for a dentist toextract u decayed tooth a day or two prior to hisexecution.

The closer tlmt we follow nature the longershall wo live ; the farther we deviate tli c boonerwe shall die.

A shopkeeper once wrote to his sister ,—' Ouraged father died yesterday of a larje assortmentof disiii\!e. s.'

' Mother ,' said a little fellow , ' I am tired ofthis pug nose ; it is growingpugge.' anJ puggerevery day. "

Seven miles of counleis will be required todisp lay the articles at the Woi ld' s Fair inLondon .

Ladies' i-lcvvcs are now mndc so tight as t"prevent the dear creature from Liug hing inthem.

ll' yrui wish to '.'.ear all your faults freely ean-viissi!tl , have your portrait tuken , and invi tevuur friends to cmiie and keep von company.

Pu .vcu 's PI..\ TT:TUI ) KS .—The French Repub-lic is alway s represented ui t iui Fl.ry^ ian head-dress. The fi'.tist ornamen t for it would be a' Muh-Cop ?

AllVICK TU Y u U SU LAUIliS. it WOllkl bebetter if youujj ladies woidd encourage you:i ^men on account of their good ciutracterd th intiieir good ciuthes , A i;ood reputation is beltercap ital , than a fine coat in al ost any kindof busines s, except wooing a fashionable lady.

TUB RULING PASSION .— A gambler , on hisdeath bed , haunt ; .seriously taken leave of hisphysician , who told him that lie could not livebeyniid ei^'ht o'clock next moiui: i <r l exerted thesmall strength he had left to ell the doetu iback , which having accomp lished with difficulty,for hc .-ould hardl y exceed a whisper— ' D clor ,"said , ' I'll br-t. you five miineas I live till nine.'

CAUTION .—Beware of a fellow with a whin-niu ,,' voice, a pall id cornp lcxiiii , and a long nose.Tiicsc attribute s , when combined , are the inva-liahle characteristic of deception , sx cophancy,and inipertiiie sit curiosity . Such a pers.~n wil lpr .- inio your ail'drs , fov the purpose of turningiiie infurai utiou he muy extract from you toaccount v.iili ynur cuc:ny. It is hi vain thatyou wiiu ij the most prumincnt feature on hisface when you detect him in his trcachory ;nit i-li noses si-irai Ci'ea ed for the express re . l i . f o fthe most iyiiol/ !? parts of the person , and sustainj !O injury f'roi:i the tweak. Their proboscis isas clastic as india-rubber !

A N A N G E L I C A L II OUSK .V.AIH ,—A lad y in theneig hborhood of Chelmsfurd some time a. o, re-ceived a letter fru;i %. another lad y inquiring us tothe ' habits and capab ilities ' cf a youn g \vi>in:.nwho had lived with liio former as huu senviid.The following the various queries :—' Isshe c.dui ? Siii/t 'i- ? houe. t? .-tcad y ? M'-^d-tempeivd I willing to be taug ht ? an earl y riser,without being caded ? not inclined to ^¦¦s>i |> ,and idle her ti sr.e ? a:id has she any follo wer.-, rDoes she umterstand waiting at the table '. an Jcleaning plate ? is she quick ? and can she s-t-'.vneatl y V The answer to thc ae inquirie s was i:.sbrief U3 it was expr .ssivu. It WJS—' dea rMai!iii:i— 1'cllv 1'. i.s an angel of a the making, of a bed down to the tl ;ie,:d-: jr of a needle , yon will find her all th ht yow c-:in\ .ii- Ii —and even a little inori- ,' V/c caa nu u i l ybelieve the • little more.'

The o!ije,cl of education is to give chil -dren resources that will as long as life endure :habits that ti.i:e will ameliorate , not destroy ;occupation that will render sickness tolerable,sr.iitudc pleasant , age venerable, life more di g-nified and tbc-fiil , and death le.-s terrible.

France ihou ld be painted , like Fortuae ,fctantling on a wheel—for sl:»* seems *.o havequite u turn for ruvulu tioiis.

We do not dislike men so much who arc ruin-ing themselves—it is :>:dv when th ».# v are iui::ed.

I do aburjj iuatc ail pun oln , j.'^rro (|uets ai:dockatoos , and awful noises tl.ey make . 1 amurc they are onl y Udera '.ed by ladies , becau ehey are such ' deiicious creatures ' (scrtec/icrs) .

We iire astodis li ed at the ^nstricii for swal-lowing pennies , and yet I know a )oun g manwho lias devoured 100 ,000 pounds , and yet he•? ll iui ' ir ht nothin ic of .

HUSH MAXUFACrUUE MOVEMEN'lThe Board established for the promotion of

Irish Manufacture met on Tuesday evening ;¦announced the names ol the . parties elected asils Council for the manag'-incnt of its proceed-ings. TIIL > sum derived from this source wasupwards of £20. This Board was establishedin the middle of last M.iy ; about twenty indivi-duals were all that assembled oa th .it occasion.Fc «" oal of th e twenty , s:ive the secretary. Mr..\iooncy , believed that any throat object couldbe accomplished by tlicr efforts ; but he hadbeen in America , where he saw such woudt vsachieved iu -i iistr y , as led him to hope that Ire-land, smitten and paral ysed thou gh s!:c was,mi ght be galvanised. Enterpr i se , lie proclaimed ,was the onl y thing her children s'.ood in need of.More than half her cap ital , in Hie shape ofmanual labour , was like =even c'g bills of herwRt er -j owcr, going to Tlic (•u-at t '.ingrequiicd , then , was to agurctrate the cap ital -mdput it tn work , before this could bo attempted ,fonnidab l. ubstnclc s had to be encountered , andprejudices overcome ' for it was nut oi.lya ques -ti on w hether young penpk' wh im it purposed toiij sJrnrt , possessed the aplitude to acquire handi -craft knowled ge, but whether it would sq-i -rewith the rules of political economy or not , toimpart th is kno w led ge to them. Imaginarydangers from the competition of pauper 1-ibourwere prognosticated , as if Ireland had alread y asurp lus li'iiubiT of skilled artizans at work.The usual arguments employed by interestedparties to deter fi otn enterprise were used , aadhad their ef lVct with Poor-law Guardians , whoat the outset oi the movement , gave it no en-couiM gcinuut. At len^tii , however , a few In-dustrial Schools were set on foot , and then itwas discovered that children, whose t ime wouldhave otherwise been spent in misery and idle-ness, could be emp loyed with advantage notonly to themselves, but the State. The diffi-culty was solved , as whon Columbus broke theegg, and now Poor law Guardians are hasteningto put their paupers to work.

Such is the first great less -n which the Boavdof Manut .ictures has taught. Nor is th:s all ,for it has been the means of summoning nearl yall the weavers in the land who were usioccup ie.l ,from tho ji oorhouse to the workshop. If ti.cscmiracles , for they are little le<s , have beenachieved by it whil e , in its infancy , what maynot be expected from it now, when the firstt}iificu!tie= that it b^set its efforts hare been sur-mounted , anc? the shi p, with its crew on board ,n»ay be said to be i'.iirl y aflj at. — Dublin In-spector.


We regret to announce the death of the RevPatrick Ryan , for many years the pious and bc-\o\ ed Parish Priest of Ncwbaivn and Adamstown ,in this Diorese. In him the poor lost a kindbenefactor , his country , a firm friend , and reli-gion a bri ght ornament. — Wesf ord Guardian


Pui.suant to a numerousl y signed requisition ,His Worshi p, Richard Walsh , Esq., Mayor , con-veue l a meeting of the inhabitants of theIJ .irough of WeNibrd, to t ike place on Tnursdayevening, in the Ava dmbl y Rooms. The day wasexceedi ng ly wet , but t owaids evening the forceof the sttj rm abated , and shortl y after 7 o'clock ,a comparatively numerous 'bod y of the inhabi-tants had assembled.— Ibi -.l.

1HIS1I MANUFAC l'UltE—DUXDA LK.The Town Co'.nmis.'-i'insrs have done their duly

iidmirabfy, and we may expect a public meetingin the ctr. irse of next w eek , to aid the move-ment in favour of Irish industry and enterprise.The observations of Mr. Turner wu:o conceivedin a true sp irit , and iialced the entire board en-tered warml y into the question. To mind curstives is the true .-ecret of succiss ; to emp loythe pcopl'- , and patronise the product ion of theirskill ;:rid labour is the onl y way to become pros-perou s, We hope the meetin g will bj a largeone , and that ;;li at tendi '.i^ will resolve to wearnothing but articles cf Irish manufacture in fu-ture. T)i.." way we act at present, i?, we supportthousands iuidiciiess .and we emp loy the Kng iishand others tg%up ;.ly our wants ! NT o wonderindeed , tha t we experience povcrtv.

The Primate—the Most Rev. Dr. Ci-llen haswritten to Sir T. X. Uoding ton , deel ining tuaccept t i e office uf visitor to the Iij hast College.Diuuh I: Democrat .


i:\Niscoianv CATTLE snow.At lhi« annual cxhihttin:i of stock , I obscrvi d

with much p leasure on Moiulay la^t , several ar-ticles , the production of native talents and indus-wy, il i i F cicut agricultural inirdomeu t s ; a churn ,wlsi'j h belonged to Mr. Preston ; some cloth ofa miist excellent texture , manufactured by Mr.Tobin of b!iickw ;it:-r ; and what particularl y at-tracted general attention , was a machine , thesole invention of .Mr. Kavanng h , of the Ennis-corth y Foundry . It was constructed entirel y ona new principle , fi-r the tw o-fold purposes ofthres iiinit and churning, requiring iut more thanfive minutes to change it from the performanceof one descri pt ion i f business to another. Itis very portable , and occup ies but a small space ;i:s diuiCn sicns , apparentl y, are about four feetby two , a:ul about three feet in height. It wasmade to p'-rfoMi the business of thro -hing, i:iti:e presence of the j ud ges and the other gentle-men present. — Wctl 'ord Guardian.

v .-oi.iJiK it < I -'AKKWKJ.L TU HIS HIUDIii r

Ih-Mtv 'IJ. (! I :I:I -.N , vy rm: 171II. IJ A N C I ::;?.

I'lin-nt M '. l'ii n-wi - 11 .' iny loiu ly brivlc ,.\ ImiL ', loll n»l a, farou'ul)—

I* ii '- rn i n ij i t - t s t l i r i l l in ^ farewell nuleI1: I IIL'!. i>\-r my .spirit l iku u knell ,'I'liat hiils us part mi tuii^uc can loll ,Or p'-n il'-K-rihe the maijie speKi ) ( Inv cs undy ing wild I'arewcM.

liy thhir i.y« t,l' inatHihjS li 'lit,H y l l i y Mnile I 't i r ever dri^lit ,U y thy I: H I J ,'I I ill " f"iiil ili. |i«lit.,I i>!ui!ui: thec mi our parting iii .'!it .

Jlcar me swear hy l l iy I'.iiul ki.,s ,JJy i:vri-y I IIIJ IR (»f riuiirt UlUx ,

¦J 'hr.iii Kh a HI MHT') dark i-arei-rOf jt.j ', ti l* iii.j . i- , -if care , i'f li-ar ,

Jiy th y pun', thy open brow ,Tolitvi : tlice as I love II "W ;

A Iliat I - IKI II nut y ii-hl lo ful i r,'I'u tyr i in t ]inwi:r or -jlitn-riiri i state.

Tlii:n mi tho slab nl" inciiioryIml i t e his name who worshi ps thec !

l) y ,ii:r!i; , by i!:iy—lti-iu i*in!ycr inu*WatirSml C:>\ -alry l!:irr.-u-K s,

•SCII 1<- III I, I ..J-S5, 1-30.

•' Mi -dicit ic ," s.dd Bounj j artc at St. Helena ,1 is a collect ion of uncertain pre.-cri ptions , thoresult of which is taken c:)llectivi-!y, . arc morefatal than u>e!'ul to mankind. Water , air , an 1cleanliness , ur u the chief art :cles in my phur -t(iaco!)'e .'


Pievious to Monday 's meeting in Euniscorthythe following bill was posted tluoug hout thecountry ¦—

A great incL'ting of the county Wexford .And tli e most important by far that was ererwitnessed within tile limits of the county, willbe held on Monday, the 23rd September, 1S50,at \'i o'clock , in Enniscoith y, to adopt the prin-ciples of the Tenant League.

Men of Wexforl , in hundreds and iu thou -sands you will be in Euniscorlh y, 0:1 the :23rd ,with tiie horrors and atrocities ol' the four lastyears ring ing M your ears , and pressing deep lyo;i your suuls ,—with prospects more disastrousstili before \ our eyes, you will suffer no intimi-dation — no cajolery — no cravenfear — noselfish U> keep you from the post ofduty on that hopefu l day for Ireland.

Without a great and successfu l effort yourproperties , (alas, little remains to you at thishour.) your own asui your children 's food , evenlife itself , the li/e of your country will t.e placedin jeopard y, and the name of law may be sacri-ficed to the rapacity of some oppressive task-master.

The hand cf God , it is true , has pressedheavil y of late years on the poor Old Country,but s-til! the smoking ruins of so many dwellings ,the extent of her desolated fields , her grief-stricken and desponding heart , the number ofher victimised or expatriated children , are pal-pable and unerrin g eviduueu of bow much the *agency of ini quitous laws and the inexorablespirit of landlordism have aggravated her suf-lerin gs and added to the general disaster.

But , Men of Wex ford, the reign of thelai/ ijf and the Crow-bar will soon be at an end.The North and the South alarmed alike at thepresence of universal peril have forgotten all pastfeuds and sectarian differences, have claspedhands anil vowed to work together as brothers.In Enni s-corthy, on thtr^grd , you will see some'!istingui>hsd men from Ulster and Other mem-bers of the Council of the Tenant League pro-p iundin g the great princi ples of the TenantCharter , and giving specific information as to thebea t and most legitimate course of carry ing thosepri nciples into operati on and into law.

Hurra ! then men of Wexfor l for TenantRight . Hurra ! for Valued Rents and Securityof Tenure ! ! ! !

On the previous Saturday, the *21st instant ,at 1*2 o'clock , there will be a sitting of theCouncil of the Tenant League , in Enniscorth y,at which the influential friends of the movementia the county are expected to attend.

The board of Irish Manufacture and Industrymet at t!:cir rooms, Mason 's Building, Essex-brid ge, on Tuesday evening. There was a veryfull attendance.

Mr. JAMES HAicir , Ardeo-street , Engineer ,in the chair .

The secretary read tlie minutes of the week'sproceedings , by which it appears that everyweaver now in Dublin , whether of silk , woollen ,or cotton , or gingham , is at work ,—That allthe ging ham weavers of Cork are at work, Thattwenty-three weavers had nivcn up their loomsin the Cork poor-house , and had found indepen-dent employment in the city. 'I'liat all personsacquainted with weaving iu Kilkenny, WaUr-ford , Dro.;hcda , and oth.r places where thismovement bus extended , have been broughtout of the workhouses and tiro emp loyed inde-pendentl y at their own looms.

That the Industrial School . 5, Canal-struct ,Canal harbour , is also progressing most satis-factoril y. That orders for ging hams , tweeds ,and tabinets , bad come into the. society.These- and other encourag ing cireuaistanc si ,gave a most animating impulse to the meeting.

IXDUSTKIAL SCHOOLS.Thu secretary informed the board , that the

llev. Mr . Ilandco-j k , lteolor of Maynooth , hadwritten to him to propose the estabii ^inu '.-uV ofan Indu strial School in Mayuuoth , and inquir-ing the general princi ples upon which theseschools are to be established ; tu which he ,under the directions of the sub-commiitrc ,wrote to t'.ic llev. Gentleman , slating that theboard woul. l co operas.' in establish ing anIndustrial ."rehool in Mayn nit li , and find sale*and markets for the work of the v;;u ;ig peop le ,provided the school shall be cundueJedstrictly on neutral princi p les, as resp ects creedarid politics , und that the religious tea ching ofthe children shall be left to the can.; of theirrespective relig ious teachers , parents , andguardians outside the school , but wi th in i 1 ,nothing else than the material instruction iicc<-s-sary to enable them to earn a livelihood , is to beimpasted.

NEW M KM 1!K its.Cat tain Wi-do n proposed Mr. Ji 'hn Dunnan ,

of Abbey-street , one of the most respected menin Dublin. Tha secretary hati 'led in the sub-scription of the Rev. Mr. Fay. of Meath-stn.vt ;also Mr. Abraham Flint 's, an operative, tabin ctweaver ; this j^or man was half idle beforethis movement , but an order for ten tubinervests , by the llev. P. Meag her , P. P.. of Uuth-mines , l\<r himseirand Curates , put him to worknnd lie w i l l niMV go on making clerical vestiijjrs.lie proposed Mr. John Kidd , '27, Dame-street ,announced the sub-cri ptiou of £l from MissSmith , Glengsary House, Kingst own. Th.itlad y had repvattdl y visited the Central Schoolin Pi iiice 's-sireet , and was so much pleasedwith the progress and good conduct of the g rlsthat she cheerfull y subscribed her money, andutters every aid and support in her power to sogood a cause (cheer*).

'The secretary >vould m-xt read a letter fromtheir active brother . Dr. lLiy den, enclosing £3,the s ubscri ptions of various ladies and gentle-men.

Mr. Sheridan handed iu 10s-, the subscripation of a Clergyman.

Mr. Ik' proposed the President of theCollege of Surgeons , Dr. Maunst .ll (cheer?).

Mr , Hurke would second the admission ofthat distinguished man , whom he knew formany years, lie thought their society would soonbe better known , and brin -j into its bod y manysuch good and distiumt isiu 'd in t-n as Dr. Maun-sell (cheers). The blessing of heaven is pouringils inductile on t!iis soe'ety , which is instruct ' ugtl.c ignorant and emp loy ing the idle. He pro-posed Mr. Grc-ur, of 17 , South Anne -Street.

.\lr. Thacker next proposed Mr. GregoryKane , of Dams-street , Army and Camp Furni-ture maker , Mr. Robinson , Trimming Merchant ,D.-'.me-street. Mr. Kenned y, of Aston 1-! Quay,.Munglemakcr , Mr. Win. Hug hes , of Haggot-strcci , Mr. Ilalli gan , Foicman Painter on thethe K:ng<t ;.\v n Railway . Doctor Bevan hadpropped tlie approbation of £100 to the revivalof the ribbon trade. He (Mr. f.) was autho -rised by Mr. Robert Cordon , of Parli ament-sitrcet , to give a donation of 10s. to that moatusefu l and practical object. Mr . Cordon hadtold him an active demand for Irish manufac -tured goodi was setting in.

Mr, . !•!. Lvnng h proposed J. Spr ing, Esq.

Hnrrington-strcct, Mr. John Flanagan , of theCoombe ; also two young ladies, his daughterswho had subscribed £5 each .

Mr. Plunkett , T. 0., proposed Mr. MichaelLynch of Capel-street , and Mr. Lynch , who waspresent , proposed Mr. John Allinghain , engineer ,a man of great genius and enterprise, who is anhonor to his country ; also Mr. Frazer, ofMary-street, and Mr. Shea , Cutler , King-street.

vnovosnv nvui* ron m&rmoT TENANTKO niKT l I-*-!.

Tlie fullnwing form of Itules haa been prepare d by tin-Council of thu Li'aL'ne, simply us a siipgustiDii to suchlocalities us 11.ay lie inclined to l'orin Local Societies topromote tiie citijxel of tin; 'reliant I.engue. They havebeen declared liy legal Counsel , uuil limy I'u eitheradopted or not hy (lie Local Soirietiruat tiieir discretion :

1. The district Tenant Society of- shall con-sist of all persons residfiit within the District of

, v>lio hpprovi! the princi ples of tin improvedTenant 1<IW . adopted by the Duhliu Confi-rencn , an<l theIrish Tenant League , who are willing to procure thepassing of this same into a law .liy le^al mid constitutionalItl*"aiis , will) silall l iH>e bciiii ii'lniineU mem liera of theb.ii'l S'ocir 'y in ucconlnnce wiili ils lules , und shall lia\feuaiil the subsori plion to its funds.

2. This Tenant Snciely expn-sal y disclaims , unit f 11-lirely ami UiiL-i |uiv« (;ally reptiilia lua all i'ij;lit , ur pielBii-sion of riu 'it , to i- i- |j i-e»L-nl Hit- people of ll i is realm , orany number or resoii pliou of Il ie people of the same, orthe peop le of iiny province , county, citv , town , or otherdistrict wi thin the same , umler uny pretence wlmtuver ,and they wlmlly ilisrlaitn any authority to exercise anysuch right of r<-p 1 c>i:H I a I ioti ; and all un-l every personuuil peisons wlui h'uill cxercUe , or pretend lo exiTcia. - , nrto have any SMIC I I ri j;ht of l'L-preSiHitulum , wlmth ^rcnl lect irely or indivii l iully , us ine.inlii-rs of this TenantSociety, in uctinj ; in direct violation of a fundamentalprinciple, of this sonie.ty, and ipso Judo , shull ceaBe tobe re.cnrdcil as nieuibfirs of it.

3. A Committee shall be appointed by the Society(for a year) to collect information nnd subscri ptions, tosummon pnlili r : meetings of Jlie Society, 1111J from timuto l ime , in I l i u intervals of the public meetings , butunder the direction nud controul of the Society, toidosuch oilier aots in furtherance of the objects of the .So-ciety us can.iot be convenientl y transacted otherwisethat bv Committee.

4. Tim Committee shall be an executive , anil in nosense a'} representative body, and shall eonsist of (heClergymen of ull denominations wilhi i i the Di>lrictwho shall adopt the princi ples of the society uud paytlii 'ir subscri ptions to its fund , und of members of theSociety unpointed nt a public luvetiii ^ ; hut the persons90 added sliull not be members of the ( .'omtnittee , untiltheir names lime been reported to and approved by thenext general meeting uf the. Society.

'¦ Tlie ( ' niiiiiiiiiee s.'i.ill (once ft month) n.winble inpublic lin'utiii!- : tin ! ineiabms of the. Mi.- ie ty , in order toreport to ilium wh.i t has been done si:ic-i the last publicmtt-t ii jj ; lo admit new members to the. society ; totruiisucl a- i« :h other ii isinsss us 111 iy hi; .-xp.- il iei i t , undlo take :u*lrurti "tii as to whai i i re lo lie Ih e pruC^ediu^sul the CmuJi i i l l rC up Iu thu timu of the next publicim*<:iing of the. Sucii- ly.

0. The i.flit'Kri of each Distri ct Sm-i«ty shall lio aChainuan and Vicu-Cliainnan , a Secretary , aTicasuier .tin 1 a l-'iuaui-e Committee. The. Socii'ty shall hi: houi.d ,when practicable , to lodge all monies ri'i'eived by it inthe iiei iicj t bank in the name of uomi: of their body aatrustee*.

7. Al l tlm names of tliB meiulierj ot thd Socicly, ofits Cotmnillees , ami ifs Dllicer.-t , sli.i l l lie uii in ;ibook or books, 10 be kept for lhat purpose , al the placeof business, and which shull be open lo the inspectionuf every member of the r foc ic ly , a l all lim-j s whalever .

8. The '.'otnuiiUec shall procure liy the most faith-worth y and unexceptionable ajjeuoy in . eueli towuland ,such information as it m;i Y be useful and proper fromtime to timu lo lay before parliament Upon (he severa lI UMK J H contained in the annexed ionu ; ainl no fact shouldhe slated UL I IM H mi iheut i i .'uli .'d by tl .c most satisfactoryi- vi ' lei ice euj iahle ot being ut any tiup; adduced in supportof it.

0. Wiii - ii information is broug ht before t in; Committeeon uny of the In-ads of the ini|iiiry , it should hu cuielu l lyexamined wi lh a \ i ew to correct al l misstate-.itnts melexaggeration , ami to cxcluife sueli matters' an may nothave an ci ideut tiiudeurty to eluciduli: a.r.l advance. t!iegreat iiit«:r » :»ts involved in the i iKpiiry ; .md such ;i( i!e-licaey and a due regard lo iudi \ ij ual feelings or interes 'smay render improper objects for public notice.

10. lVp'trs conlainit i ft information on the subjects 0!inquiry should be clearl y and leg ibl y iv i i i i en , anil onl yun one sid« .* , iu order to s-ave unu(.-Ce.«.-.ary expeneu ai;dcopying.

1 1 . iCverythi : ig i l l u s t r a t i v e of I l ie true relat ive of hiii .- l lu id and tenant , of farmer a:ul hihoui 'er ,and the feelings natural l y eutert l ined by parlies so re -1- iit. il ill p;'.r i i i -u!.ir localities ; in f- lj oi l , I'.iurs whivlid.'s'lo=e tin! caiiae or indieate l l ie ret rt s- ' ly of exsli::gevi ls ; umliich may teml In prupng-itu g ¦:"! hy the ] ¦< • !• -lication nf piaire ivorll iy <- .V I I I I I J I |.-» , c iii;;t u i i j i i n t,'ieproper scope of inquiry for tl e objeuts piir nt ieil by IheLeague.

l 'J. '''¦> -j iiar:) again-t li;e <J:i«;i r i ;i- of iic 'ing on 1111-fouinieil s 'a ic inei i t .', no iui>U 'uiatio:i siiiuild lie regardeda.s aulhr i i t i e , unless vuucht - il by Ihm: imiubeis of tin:t.'ominitlei: at the h-a-t , :m-l al- o by a elitrgyui 1:1 .11 ,. 1tin: Se.'ie :aiy of llie l..c - il Society, wh.i shall p |.:i;< ;rti l irm-.;lvc -i tu a carefu l c i l i ce examination of i'st r u t h .

'. '.i. Tu ivvoiil l i l t 1, nxagireralinnj nrising Iron) pxcili;dfeolii ii fs , C!j.»s« uoling in the collection of infonnatioij' ¦ I1011I1I neve r real >nti- f ied wi i l i the s tatements inadu byti le panics interested or engagr..| in \\\A particular trans-HCU - .IH repoi'iuil , hot iu »1! e.isi-s have recouri >>! •" carefuli:.i|uiry fi'oin I !,I: ui'irt rc-|ii:eta l) l< ami c'isiiitrrrs' i'i lpc-tsous in the iiri ghfaourliu xil ur clscnhere having tliemeans of knowled ge.

14. As soon as possible after its formation the ("0111-mitlce h it-il l ubtaiu '. l iuiu >be l'oor Law Va!u it ion copy of tin: \ a lua l iou (by tuwuland .-.) of the > cveialholding w i l h i u their district ; also ihriru gh the Councilof the Irish Tenant League , or otherwise , a copy of(irilliili 's Vi.Iualion (when available) ; also a map ormaps from r(ut Ordnance .Survey of tin dame district ;and from llie s i i d valuatiun shall haic extracts madei.'i (.¦o ii 't - iiiuiit fonu by purishu.Hund ?ow.'andj fur the useof tlnf S:ieiel V.

15. One in.-. 1:1 duly of Ihc Commiltee nud its officersmust be t') lake measures for watching over llie Parlia-mentary ami iuunici p.i l rcg islries , and seeing Il iut »uclirates are paid and such o'htr acts done by each occupier ,or by some one on his behalf as may be necessary to en-tit le him to uj'c.

10. Another important duly of the Committee is toprepare , iu such forms as ni'iy to llieui seem best , or asshall be «uggesled by the Council of the League, peti-tions to parliament , founded on the local returns , andlieiuoiislra Sing Hie absolute necessity of regulating rentsby 11 just valuation of the lainfi>uiid of stimulatin " im-provement for permanency of tenure .

17. The Committee , especially during the first threeinonilis , >houltl meet lv^ularl y at Irast , oin'O a week ;and they uniy n l s > M t , when iiecesr-ary, for certain hoursupon lair uiu1 maiket days tngke facilities to the turalmembers anil other persons 11I10 m-i y wUU lo give or re-ceive information . [It will be for the local societie s them-selves to decide whether or not thev should iittacli areitdiug-room to the ooinmiltee rooms ; but a room forbusiness , and for account liooksauJ entries , &c., is indis-pensable.!

IS}. Lectures delivered by able and competent mensent through the eo uii l iy by the Irish Tenant League ,uud who , iu sensible and moderate terms , wil l mukeknowi full y than heretofore the evils of the presentlaw , explain the hnppy effects to be derived from anamendment of the law , familiarise the peasantry withlhe ):tnd systems of other countries , and make clear tothem the advanta ges to be derived from a co-operationwith tl>e Irish Tena- it League , will be one of the mostnecessary and eilieacinui means of diJl'iisiug the princi-ples of llie League iiud increasing its blrength. Ilut toprevent the possibility of danger IVot n such lectarci inill's district no lecluie presumes to leach uny princi plesobjectionable , cillirr morall y or legall y, or -vJiut iu anyway ti .-uil to a violation of the law : and in case of Mididelinquency, take iiiMnnt measures , either by report lothe Council of the League or iu flonie other WHV , 10 pro-cure tin* immcaidlK <li»missal of the o:Teuder from hisof 'rk-e ol Meeturu r, nud his expuU 0:1 from the Irish TenantLeague nud fmin this Distri ct Society.

li) . I;ic subscri ption ofeurli member lo the funds ofthe Society nlmll be not less than dt entrance and

on every 1st of Jul y ; but it i-i hoped that hevoluntar y contributions will he commensurale with theimportance uf t l ie objects to be gained , so lams individualability will enable the members to give support .


1. That the principles of an improved tenant law ,adopted by the Conference recentl y held in Dublin—namely, that n fair va luation of Und between landlorduud tenant is indispensable ; that the tenant b^ nol dis-turbed in his possession s» long as he pays lli o rei:t f i s c iby the proposed valuation—that the shall fouvellie right to sell his intern * , with a!) i:s- inciiJents , forhiy he»t murkel VHlue ; and thar where tlm rent has beenfixed bv val mtioit , HI) rent beyond lite valitcJ Kiit SU I II

be recoterable by any process of law , are hig hly approvedbv this meeting as iml:</ieiisalii jr necessary to the welfareof Uiiscountrj—tli at- anv law merely giving compenBa-tion for improvements would be ulteily unava iling forthe protection of the teiiants-that , as u means of pro-curing the oi-Iopliuti of the piimipl=s aforesaid by theLegislature , the establishraent of the Irish Tenant Leagueis olsn necessary, and that this meeting, therefore ,pie Iges it-e '.r thai this meeting of inlisibiluuls "f thecounty fi leath) give to the . League an nciive , elfieiisnt ,and persevering snpj iort.

2. That for this purposo the county of (Menth) becon't-idered as divided into (five) district s—\iz :

1. The (Navmi) district , including (lie (oivu of (.Ya-van), und the inlj -.cent j iarisheB of

2. The (Ke lls)district , including the town of (Kells)and the adj'tceii t jiarishes of

0. The (Trim) district , including the town of (Trim),and tii e adjacent parishes of

4. The (/JnleekJ district , including the town of(Duleelc), and the adjac ent parishes of

5. The (Athbny) district , incluiling the town of(Athboy), uud the adjacent parishes of

a. That ir. each of these districts there be formed ,without delay, u Oistrict Tenant Society , t" cn-operaiewilh the League , and thnt we hereby pledge ourselvesto use our utmost efforts, by means of tlieiu District So-cieties , to propagate the princi ples which unite theTenunt League of Iic lnnil . and that .is fiira s in us liesthe influence of this c- .iin iy shall be legally and consti-tutionally emp loyed to secure the t riump h of lliose j ustprinci ple- , which the Irish Tenant Li-ague hu» beenfounded to up hold.

4 . That us inhabitants cf llie county of [Menili] wepledge cursives to raise , by voluntar y subscri ption , thesum of £ , us the contributi on from thefriends nf the Leuftue in this county , towa rds thu£1O ,O:'O agreed bv the Conference to be rtiised , in tin:first iustaiH -e, for the purposes of the Tenant League ;lh;it tlii.i Bum be apportioned iimong tins districts intowhich this county has been divided , iu the following pro-portions—lhat is to say—

The (Navuit) district , iiThe (Kill ' s) district , £Tne (Trim) district , £The (Duleek) district . £The (Athboy) district , £

And that this niceling, if it shall find that iU cotifld-dence in the Irish Tenant League has not been mis-placed , also pledges ilsclf lhat concurring inhabitantsol the county of (\Iealh), will contribute lo tile funds ofthe League , from time lo time , such further sums asmay be required for the general service .

i>. That this meeting approves and adopts Ihu courseof proceeding prepare d and publishe ! by the Council ofthe Irish Tenant League , :tnd p'.e ges itself to co-ope-rate with the League in tho proposed course of operationwith the greatest energ y and perseverance , until , as wetrusf , liy riie tine exert 10:1 of reason nnd hy -lie assistanceof God , success shall have crowned our efforts to placethe relation of landlord and lei .am i:-i this country upunsuch a foundation that peace , plenty, ami good will maytake the place of crime , famine , and pestilenc e..

(!. That tin: Members of Parliament tor this county,ami for the buroughs of it , be applied to and requested tohive l l ieirci .nnN .'iiaiici! and Support to , and co-upciatiuuWilh , j bi : i l i .-h Tenant L-.'ague ; and that , in cane i.ltheir refusal , they be icqausled , wi ll ull possible respect ,lo rerii ;:i lln - ii - sei:ls , in order lhat the electors of».ii:iy t.'.'- iv h u e .11; opportu nity of declaring theirH:uiimt:Us on ibis important subject before the comingsea>iou.

The fnivgoing resolunoiis arc, M my opinion , quitelc;;.'i ; but I i-xpreii no. opinion oil the propriety ulcall ing on the Members to resi gn.

(_i i: is A L u I'lT7.01 ii 1; o N .fciepteuiuer 1-, lbOO.

I agree in the uborc ,C. iU. O 'Lo uHLEX.Sepieluber , idjO.

TO THE KUITOlt Vv TUii WATli iil 'OUU . \K\VS.lJuugai van , Se|'t. 12, ltiO 'J.

Sih — On j i.'sturdn} !I j» u;i i i i t ic le iu yourjournal of ti.e JJ.Jtli ul Augusi , purporting to be liuinyuur Uungai van Curres iiuiiOe.iil.

I uiu an humble bul un h.>ueal mall ; no one as yethas c\er fell my fi ui .d iu i i iuuaik.

I quote from )our Cori * C9|> oiiucut- ^" 'l iio third meiii*berul this small board , a IIUMC C lo be sure iu legal ailmi-ii i stj ° t.liun , and rcjuicn.g ;>3 lie dues in tin; characieri sii-cul plnaioguomy of" here your cj iieS) o.iUei.ibreaks uti', or what appeal's more piubulne , you \uui>e!tuiiisl iiuvc cuusidereu tnu reuuiiuiier ul Ihc sentence tuugru.-s or Uegr.iding lor ii .builiun p '• would ha\e beenlijpp ier iu llie working ul his uwu chain lluui l.e canever be as a mere link ill the small bi.uiii—Le has bee.ithe chain uruliuli lhat inVcil ulde i , virtue , luornliiy, ho-nesty amongs: t l tu y ;t ti ; icii , und ud lilt uru lu* beheld liiibeau's ouu i lesitc icalizeii , h e mi ^ht now ret ire i . i topmalu life , fiuui whe.^e lie had bill jual al . ir ieU ."

'i hese. selileiiCes puuicd by you W i - i c evuiei i l i y meantfor inc. . . M y obj ect is lo s tate u n t i l , lo defendmyself. ¦• What ibis " susall lioard" uieuns I know no! ,bul il yuur col respondent wi.-hes to cuiivuy llie idea ibalU U L t>l all ti,c guiu iliaiis e h c i c u liicre is a ici ta i . i uuin-ber , v.iio, ut l l it expense ul' much time, much a t l e ut i o n ,ui;J gic . i l incuiiNcnicuct: ui iuut l lo ilu! iii;'uirs ul t l ieu uiu. i , 1 u i iu i l l l l ie 11 ui 11 ot I l l i o charge , A I M am w i l l i n glo ul/l .'lu li.< : l t-.-()"lls jbi l i iy . A ,|tt V. ii:le u:i I I .J s Slii-j 'C (a n . speaking only t,)r in_\ self , 1 '""» ' "1=-dmh terJ I vonand jour leatCTs, t ||.,t j lie men t° whom 1 Jun e refeucdand to v.lii i in yu4 c,,ir. sj -o iideni has nl lmiei i , ij ud theirii i ghcst»r.ui!i' 'ati i; i i in llie lecliug lii.u the ciMibcionsnessof lining gnoil is its own rev.-jnl.

lint Of their ae i i t imc i i l s i e ,;ardir.g Ih i s publication Ideem my^ell iucuinjielei i l to speak , an J sh::ll only ri-ulvlo lhat pin'li'j:i of it wi i ic l i was e v i J e n i i y meant lormvself.

•' l i e is ti notice in Ie^al i i i l i i i iuijtra t io;s ." 'I rut 1 , sir ,on ley:: ! quii-b!e.< I a;n particularl y inilca .i .i .'il , and o:/lvpreti-lnl to know ill.: priiici plcs ») iich a M'gli.T p uwcri i i»tili:t ed for ui'iii 's guiiiiince , and huinbl y cn leavor toact according ly.

•' l i e is a link iu the small hoa sil" —as as the nn-lap hor can connect me wi lh lliusc \vho Jc lub s iur and >cr-\ i i es tl.e public have SJ tlescrv eill y and •_¦ ti . t • • ( u l l y appre-ciated , I admit ill 1-! trmli , and cannot maUi: the acknow-led gments wiihout feelings of pride , which weak words olmine would bul filiall y pucirtra y.

'• He hus bccii the clwiu broken that love d order , virtue , und moralii y, amongst the paupers. " 1 know not ofa chain having <ver been inve nted with these powers ;but if any idea of conniving at immorality ij endeavoredlobe cumejed , llie charge is false . . . and withoufoundation. t

Perhaps the misapp lied metap hors of your '-orre spon-dent were only meant loj mp ly my calling. l a m asurv oyor . Of the manner iu which 1 have ever dis-charged th« duties counccte-i wilh my profession I hadrather let others speak , as I can icl y wii li honest confi -dence upon thedecisian of the public.

'• lie might retire into privat - : fi fe from whence hehad but ju>t stalled. " Sir , my avocations during lifewere ulwa ys 1-UBLIC not I 'KIVATE , airl if tlie peop le whoelected luc a guanlian shall ever (5ml their honest con-fidence betrayed ur abused , 1 shall , without waiting Iube asked , resign the trust their good opinion reposediu me.

Wilh regard lo the allusion made ubout " physiogno-my"— well , well !—" little said is easy nieiidcil ," andwhen we cjndciun what ia low , mean , contemptible , oruncharitable , we should, not imitate what we censure.

Iiespeeliiig the p iymeut ot " pet shopkeepers " anl" broguein.iker " the statement of your corresponeeut ita »lnndcr ; and as fur as my conduct is concerned , I havealways endeavoured to icgulute it by the duties which Ioiveil lo jus :icu ami the public , and us fur as I know allothers to whom your informant h.:s app lied , ha\e beenactuated by a similar feeling.

The publication of this letter is the onl y atonementwhich you can give , and which I am sure you will notrefuse. I uiu , sir , yours respectfull y,

J O H N ALLMAX , P.L.O.[As we picked a few hard words out of our correspon-

dents letter , we thoug ht it right to exercidc the sameprivilege on the above ]

1'A IU.S— THE PKK -j S.Thff.e are dreary limes for the l'aris Correspond vut !

r.olhing doing—uotliiu i ; to write about.- publishersswaggering away at watering places —authors starvingin their gurreu — painters scouring the country —musi-cians tweedled ceiug and tweeilledumiug all 'lo them-selves—the very newspapers themselves flat :i3 ditch-waler—tha t mouth (September) which grim dulness hasempirically marked for its own , and in which thewretched correspondent 's heart yearns for the lot of thehappy dog Tityrus , who , as Virg il tells us—

" Kecubaiib sub tegmine fng i ,"pasii-d the whole life-long day play ing on a pipe, thereading of novels not having 'then ' been invented. —Literary Cazctte .¦"«* A *tt iry is fold of a h ypochondraic gentleman

of rank and fortune in Ireland , who fancies oneof his legs of one reli gion and the other of ano-ther. He not -infrequentl y puts one of his un-fortun ate li"!) outsicluthe bed to pun-ish it for its reli gious error.

I^is very cutiotis that men never know theyhave^rey hairs. The discovery is always madefor them by other people..

To the Editor of the Waterford ftews


Sln_\Vl) Bt -constitutes Religion ! Certainly not re-crimination. I have attended tlie last (liree Sundays atthe Cathedral—Btid feeling disgusted at the petty tiradeol the Ilev . Preacher , I take this means or letting theinhabitants of Waterford know what sort of an evange-lical speaker that worl by Clergyman is.

Last Sunday in particular he referred to the " Miracleiu Hi iuiui ," describing it as a " winking (lehtsion ''~nnabsurdity at once ridiculous and blasphemous, nnd byfar too great n hoop to be credited in the enli ghtenedlDth centurv.

1 don't care a fi g whether the picture of Ihu Virginwinks her eye or eyes—or if they aru for ever closed —but I do think that a minister of the gospel might findsomething else to do than rending open afresh the half-closed wounds of this alread y bleeding nud exhaustedcountry. Would lo God that each parly would attendto their own affairs, and go to H EAVES their own way.Sure ly the fatted calf is sufficient for both. I would re-mind them of one of Mf O ] i 's fables, iu which , while thelion and Ihet i ger nr« fi ghting for the spoil, the fox stepain and runs away with the whole.

1 remai:i vours . 4c."M C I I K A S Ni.vrno o,Steeple Chase Hi!!.

[ We need hardly siiy that our Correspondent is not aIloinan Catholic. Is it not to be deplored lhat a Clergy-man , who is bound to " do good for evil" and to " lovehis nei ghbour as himself ," would depart from his textfor the purpose of insulting his nei ghbour*' creed ?—r\ir,'surely such intention is quite apparent to all .What had the " winking delusion " (what shining wit !)to do with the learned preacher ? Who asked him orany body else to believe it? Will it not be interferingwith the riij hts of " private judgment" if we don 't allowevery one to believe and think for himself ? The Riminiaffair is merely a piece of news , to be believed or dis-believed according to the taste of the reader. Hut , wedeeply regret to karn that in Waterford the Clersrymenof Christ 's Churc h have not a more interesting subject onwhich to dilate and exhibit their genius . A bad waythis lo promote concord , peace , and union r.mongit amixed commuiii -v. — I' r>. N EWS.]

DEFEAT OF THE FALSE PROPHETS{From the Dublin Liberator.J

We have heard many boast lhat Catholicitywas no more in Ilwtie—that the Pope dare notrut urn—th at his comU-rnnut ioii of tha (joillo.-sColleges was but the puff of the hour to be lostto recollection for ever ; in short , that there vureto be no more Pope.11-, and th at Catholicity , likethe modern .schismaticiil chinches , would becomposed of as many shades ul' belief as it hadmembers in its creed. Indeed , so far had thecant been carried , that even liberal Catholicsthought that the spiritual adnrinistrafum coulddo very well without the temporal authority ofthe Pope, l'hi-y did not see the cloven foot :if they did , even tho^e liberal Catholic.-- wouldnot give the the enemies of the Catholic faith theadvnnl - -<re of thc-ir tloubis.

The whole plan , then , was to separate tlieTemporal from the Spiiitual authority , in ordertlwr , in thu course of time , the destruction ofboth could the more easil y bu accoiiip iishul.

They ibr«et the promise of Christ to St. Peter:• 'U pon this rock I will build my Church , andthe gates o f '..ell will not prevail against it. " Ifthe.--e bible-reading gentry read that passage,.•¦ml »ivc it the benefit of their calm considerationhow ve ry sill y must they not appear even intheir own estimation.


{From the Belfast Vi'xlicatorJEvery po~t brin gs fresh intelli gence touching

thu stitu of the harvest , th> ; curry ing off crops ,and Sabbath desecration by the peasantry . Nuta lew uf our cuteinporatits desi gna te this scram-ble for life actual rubbery.

They (tho landlords ) had nothii '.L; in commonwith good or virtuous men at any t ime , nor didthey ever feel tlie rtn.otest interest in the pro?-jj i-rit y of the land from which they drew theiryearl y revenues. The hi ghest possible fi gurenf ' ivnt , without spending one penny of it for thegood of the producer.*; w:is their motto ; no otheridea seems to have ever entered the callous -hearts ot' that class.

Tlie savage o f ' h e desert , with his FC;-.l ]-i:i:$knife in hand , lias not more terror for his itilcn-d':d victim than have the " crowbar bri gade"fur ,1 landlord ' s village.

L'.V A M . M I T V OF TI1K l i l S I K H ' .S O.Y TUK COL-

1.I-:G i- QI ;I-:STH > .\.{From ihc Tablet.)

Liiirs and other unclean persons may attemp tto mystif y and pervert this fact ; but a fact it is ,and a fact it will remain. We spe .ik in tii :ngbut what we know. The Pastoral ami every-thing contained in it—with not an iota of excep-tion—was adopted at the Synod by acclama-tion. Not a single paragrap h , not a sing lesentep .ee, phrase , word , letter , or comma , wasspeciall y objected to. It is true the docum entdid not actuall y pass in silence. One of ueleading Bishops of those supposed to be losthostile to the Colleges spoke mosi warml y inapprobation of the pastoral , said that there mi^htbe a phrase or two which could be improved liyalteration , but (ho. whole document was so ad-mirable that he would rather it passed withoutchange , and he would therefore vote for it as itstood. Other prelates of the same party—i fwe may use such a term—assented to this , andnot one opposed. Not a voice, not a whisper ,not a bre iith was raised in opposition. If everit was true that a document was adopted unani-mousl y, in a dehbera iivc assembly, it was true onthis occasion.

EXTRAORDINARY CONVERSION !Tho Nation, which for years chmourcd in

favour of the Godless Colleges, and roared forphysical force, has now calmly adopted the one,praised , and accepted the other. What next ?Alas ! for consistency ! !

We perceive by advertisement in the Dun-dalk Democrat that that the Hon. and Rev.George Spencer will preach the consecration ser-mon of Hilltown Catholic church (North ofIreland) on the 6th of October.

Mr. Maurice O'Connell is one of the Candi-dates for the Dublin Corporation.

There are over 3.000 acres of land untcn-anted and unset within a circumference offour miles around the town of I'hurles.

WASHINGTON 9TH SUVT .—President Fillmorohas signed the Texas Boundary, New Mexico,California , and Utah Bills.

A H A'P'ORTH OF SENTIMEN T .—We admirea beautiful woman , and in the next breath askhow old she is ? This is very stup id, for themost beautiful thin g in the world is the sun , andabout the oldest. __^^Printed by ED. K KN .NY , at No. 49 , King-Street ,

every 1'riilny evening. Terms of Subscri ption :—£1per miiiuiu in ailvanoe ; or, £1 2a on oreilit.Conununicaiioii.t, Post Office Orders , &c. to be au-

<lresji -d to Cornelim Redmond , at the above-nimed(ien«ral Printing Office. Unpaid letters not attendedto.