Smooth running: ensure your systems training projects run without a hitch

Smooth running: ensure your systems training projects run without a hitch Rachel Sefton-Smith – Head of Production [email protected]

Transcript of Smooth running: ensure your systems training projects run without a hitch

Smooth running:ensure your systems training projects run without a hitch

Rachel Sefton-Smith – Head of [email protected]

Rachel Sefton-Smith (Seffy)Head of ProductionSystems Training Consultant


o What is systems training?

o Challenges

o Laying the groundwork

o The production process

o Questions


o Simulations - Show me, Try it, Test me, Role play

• Guided - what to do and why do it

• Supported - feedback if you go wrong

• Scenario led - context / story / personalisation

• Chunked into bitesize logical steps

• Reinforcing best practice / business knowledge

o Other resources – cheat sheets, videos, job aids

o Reusable – system launch, induction, ongoing performance support

What is systems training?

Set each task in context

Demonstrate best practice

Learning-by-doing in a safe but realistic environment

oShow me – demo mode

oTry it – guided practice mode

oTest me – assessed simulation

oRole play – combine soft skills and system application

Can be system focussed or integrated into a wider knowledge / process piece

Let’s see a quick example

Systems simulations

The challenge

System readiness

Tight (squeezed) timeframes

Little time with SMEs

Stakeholder review

Managing change

Detailed planning/preparation

Modular approach

Early stakeholder agreement scope/scripts

Capture as late as possiblePlan for rework

The solution

The groundwork

o Learning and development

o IT / test team

o Stakeholders

o e-learning partner


Training design to meet learning objectives











o Development process

o Tools

o Releases and signoffs

o Deployment

Process Knowledge












o System knowledge

o Business process knowledge

o Source content

o Scripts











o Development lifecycle

o Realistic data and scenarios

o Data capture

o Dealing with change


Project roles


o Project management – internal team and e-learning partner

o Subject expertise – scope, content, reviews

o Development resource – what can you do in-house?

o Training delivery – facilitators

o Capability and capacity

Your team

It’s all about you!


owhat and who the project is for

othe learning solution

oyour role in the project

othe process

Be clear about your availability and how much time to set aside

To do list…

1.Define learning objectives2.Complete script briefs3.Take screen grabs4.Review scripts5.Review developed modules and provide feedback6.Sign off module


o System users – ‘real’ users to sense check best practice

o IT / test team – visibility of development timeline, access to environments, data population

o Marketing and communications – wider business change message

Your allies


o Engage early through presentations of solution design, demo modules

o Wider stakeholder group for early signoff of design and scope

o Narrow stakeholder group for speedy signoff of module content later

Your stakeholders


The knowledge

o New process, new system

o Established process, new system

o Established process, established system

The knowledge

o Defined best practice? Who decides?

o SMEs – may be combination of different roles

o Source content – user guides, facilitator guides, previous learning, system design specification, flowcharts, test cases

The system

The system

o Timeline – understand / influence development & testing lifecycles – align training development

o 90% stability – visually and functionally

o Data – help provide use cases for testing – ready to screengrab – avoid ‘hacking’

o Practical – getting access – training logins – installing capturing software

o Planning for change – contingency budget

Production process

Data capture and scripting

Testing and deployment

Localisation and


o Structuring the learning sessions

o Mapping scope to audience

o Agreeing realistic customer scenarios and data – generic vs role specific

o Planning step-by-step route through each system task

o Preparing for data capture – location, PC, capture tool, file transfer

o Art direction and technical set up

Design and planning

Content integration

Design and planning

Learning session structure

Data capture and scripting

Testing and deployment

Localisation and


o Housekeeping – naming / numbering conventions

o Working with SME to capture screen grab for each step of each system task

o Noting any additional behavioural or business messages for reinforcement

o Writing detailed content scripts – review - signoff

o Route depends on system readiness – batching modules

Design and planning

Content integration

Data capture and scripting

System ready




oScript *





Minimal handoffs

Accurate scripting

Review script with screen

Fewer review cycles

System not ready



oReview *



oAdjust script





Makes best use of time

Scripts 80% accurate

Increased review time

Early signoff should reduce alpha to final changes

Data capture and scripting

Testing and deployment

Localisation and


o Finalising course structure

o Using the authoring tool to assemble screengrabs, adding instructional layer

o Creating non-systems based screen – intros, summaries, questions

o Publishing the course

o Early review with client

Design and planning

Content integration

Content integration

Data capture and scripting

Localisation and


o Testing – script to screen, functionality, flow

o Objectives – does it meet them?

o Pilot sessions, Alpha (Beta) and Final reviews

o Implementing review fixes

o Deployment to LMS - tracking and reporting

Design and planning

Content integration

Testing and deployment

Testing and deployment

Data capture and scripting

o Localisation – translate content, re-capture same processes in localised system

o Maintenance – in house or outsource

o Planning for change - major or minor system changes? To hack or grab? Can you re-populate same data?

o Adding new simulations as functionality becomes available

Design and planning

Content integration

Testing and deployment

Localisation and


Localisation and maintenance

What if there’s change?o Aesthetic vs functional changes?

o Minor system changes - does it matter?

o Major system changes?

o To hack (Brightwave could make graphic edits on small scale) or take new screen grabs?

o Can you re-populate same data?

o Can the change be explained on the Summary screen instead?

o Is a Release Note required at Go-Live?

Business impact

Bupa OnePlan

o 15% increase in customer satisfaction with call centre enquiries

o 53% decrease in complaints from previous year

Lloyds Banking Group – PhoneBank Induction

o Accelerated speed to competence - reduction from 20 to 12 training days = £1,200,000 p.a. productivity gain

o Reduced training costs equivalent to £250,000 p.a.
