Smart Growth! Towards an Innovation Union EU Research and Innovation Policy Valentina Pinna European...

Smart Growth! Towards an Innovation Union EU Research and Innovation Policy Valentina Pinna European Commission DG Research and Innovation [email protected] Eurochamber Women Network: Kaunas, 10/06/2011

Transcript of Smart Growth! Towards an Innovation Union EU Research and Innovation Policy Valentina Pinna European...

Page 1: Smart Growth! Towards an Innovation Union EU Research and Innovation Policy Valentina Pinna European Commission DG Research and Innovation

Smart Growth!Towards an Innovation Union

EU Research and Innovation Policy

Valentina Pinna

European Commission DG Research and Innovation

[email protected]

Eurochamber Women Network: Kaunas, 10/06/2011

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Outline of the presentation:

1) EU Policy development on Research and Innovation

2) Implementation of the Innovation Union

3) EU Research and Innovation System: toward a Common Strategic Framework

4) Focus on SME support in 7 FP

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EU policy developments:from Lisbon Strategy to

Innovation Union

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Lisbon strategy: 2000 - 2010

European Council (March 2000)

New strategic objective (2000-2010) : “to become the most competitive and dynamic

knowledge economy in the world, able to generate sustainable growth, more and better jobs, highr level of

social protection”.

Economic-Social and Environmental dimensionOMC – strategic orientation toward common objectives

Benchmarking – good practices exchange – soft encouragement guidelines Mr Lisbon PRN

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• Ever stronger global competition for investments & markets

• US and Japan lead on innovation whilst emerging economies are quickly catching up

• On current trends, China is set to overtake the EU by 2014

Evolution of World R&D expenditure in real terms, PPS in Bn € at 2000 prices and exchange rates, 1995-2008

China – excluding Hong-Kong

Why the Innovation Union?

=> Europe needs to react now!

EU - 27




South Korea











2004 2008 2012 2016


S i

n B



s €

at 2




The EU must close the innovation gap …

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6• Europe 2020 Strategy (March 2010)

Smart, Sustainable and Inclusive Growth:

“Smart Growth: development of a knowledge & Innovation based economy”

• Innovation Union Flagship Initiative (October 2010)

• European Council Conclusions (4 February 2011)

EU: reference framework

Green Paper Common Strategic

Framework (post 2013)

(9 Feb. 2011)

VII RTD Framework Programme

(2008- 2013)Work - programmes 2012

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The European response

Evolution of World R&D expenditure in real terms, PPS€ at 2000 prices and exchange rates, 1995-2008

EU response:

a strategic approach + structural changes

= Innovation Union

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Innovation Union Flagship Initiative

• A major flagship initiative of Europe 2020• Strategic and integrated approach to research and

innovation and broader policies• Putting in place the key framework conditions to

make Europe attractive for research and innovation• Addressing major societal challenges and aiming at

competitiveness and jobs

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The European approach to Innovation:

a) Societal challenges: focus on innovation to face healthy aging, energy challenges, management of natural resources, use of raw materials, Smart Cities… 

b) Building on EU Strengths: a single market of 500 million consumers, European standards, Public Procurement, advanced manufacturing systems, dynamic SMEs, Creative Industries, excellence in education and research.

c) Cohesion and Inclusion: Based on Smart Specialisation


Social Innovation

encouraging innovation within the civil society

(including innovation coming from employees)

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Key elements to keep in mind

General principles• To focus on the EU 2020 Key Priorities • Strong added value, “results driven" approach (impact) • Stimulate investments, use of financial instruments• Improve framework conditions

Focus on Research and Innovation: • Complete innovation cycle: from research to market• To tackle the Grand Societal Challenges: better coordination• Common Strategic Framework – coordination of EU instruments• Simplification: common rules, use of common IT platforms• Enlarge the basis of European research – the role of Structural

Funds (and maybe more..)

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• Climate change

• Health and ageing

• Use of natural resources

• Energy security

• Clean transport

• Land use

• ….

• Powerful drivers of change in economy and society

• Major global market opportunities

• Requiring EU-scale approaches

• From research to market

New needs New ideas New markets

Challenges bring opportunities to innovate

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Tackle major societal challenges whilst creating business opportunities

Join up all key players and work together to transform ideas and research into successful innovative products or services

A pilot partnership to prolong EU citizens’ active and healthy life years by two years in 2020 has been launched (AHA)Welfare gains associated with improvements in life expectancy increased gross domestic product (GDP) at least 29–38% over the last 40 years

=> Making a success of European Innovation Partnerships

European Innovation Partnerships (I)

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2010– Council, Parliament to discuss the concept– Member States and stakeholders invited to join– Preparation pilot on active and healthy ageing

2011– Others EIPs to follow pending discussions and

building on experience with pilot– Topics considered: water, raw materials,

agriculture, smart cities, mobility,

European Innovation Partnerships (II)

=> The first steps have been taken

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• EU: - overall steering and policy orientations - progress report, benchmark- peer reviews of national policies - technical assistance

•Member States: - specialise smartly- apply and learn from benchmarks

• Regional and local authorities: - specialise and develop potential

Shared responsibility / Governance

=> All actors are to be involved: authorities, research community, business and citizens

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Building the European Innovation Policy

Innovation Policy Components European Level

Fostering innovation in companiesTraining for innovation management (CIP)Business support services for innovation (CIP, EIB)Support to innovative SME (EIB, EIF)

Developing knowledge production7th Framework Programme for RTDCommunity Programme for Lifelong LearningEIB actions for human capital

Developing networking for innovation

Supporting clusters, poles of innovation and partnerships for innovation ( CIP)Supporting international transfer of knowledge and the international cooperation between companies (CIP)

Improving the framework conditions for innovation

Reform of State AidsPublic incentives for Innovation Venture capital schemes (EIF)Community patentInnovation in social dialogue

Using demand as a leverage for innovationEuropean competition policyEuropean trade policySetting standards by Single European Market directives

Improving governance for innovation Council of Ministers for Competitiveness

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16So, it’s building up…

Validation, testingValidation, testingDEMODEMO





Pilot EIPPilot EIP


Future EIPsFuture EIPs


Knowledge Knowledge TransferTransfer


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17…but a lot has still to be done…





Pre-commercial procurement

Societal challenges

Social innovation

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• Standards (Standardisation package next Spring, EU financial support

for a multi-annual programme to anticipate new standardisation needs)

• Public Procurements Creation of EU innovative procurement markets (17% EU

GDP) - From 2011, Member States/regions to set aside dedicated budgets for innovative procurement markets

Target 2020: €10 billion/year across the EU (~ US) - EU wide calls for proposals restricted to public procurers – First call this year: Support for pooling demand, developing common specifications, aligning procurement…

Key framework conditions: standards /1EU & MS to work on key Framework Conditions (I)

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• Access to Capital Objective is to create a single market for VC in Europe to

overcome fragmentation - 2012: Commission legislative proposal for an operational framework for Venture Capital funds

• Conditions to transform ideas into job opportunities European Research Area by 2014, Single Market for Services, A

Digital Single Market, a European Market for knowledge and patents

Key framework conditions: standards /1EU & MS to work on key Framework Conditions (II)

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Implementation of the Innovation Union

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Implementation of the Innovation Union in practice

34 areas of action

“Fiches” for the implementation with leaders identified in different DGs


Progress Monitoring toward objectives

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Implementation of the Innovation Union: (I)

34 areas of intervention (based on the Innovation Union COM)

1 - Researcher Training and Careers

2 - University rating - Innovation skills/ knowledge alliances

3 - E-skills

4 - European Research Area framework - Quality of doctoral training – Career

framework 4 Researchers - Simplicity and mutual coherence of funding rules

5 - European Research Infrastructures

6 - Future EU research and innovation programmes

7- SME participation in Framework programme

8 - Evidence/ forward look for policy making - role of Joint Research Center

9 - European Institute of Tecnologies (EIT)

10 -Financial instruments –RSFF follow up – CIP follow up

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Implementation of the Innovation Union: (II)

11 - Venture Capital initiative

12 - SME Finance State Aid review

13 - EU Patent

14 - Regulatory screening Standards

15 - Public procurement support mechanism

16 - Legal framework for Joint Procurement

17 - Eco-innovation

18 - Design Leadership Board

19 - Creative Industries

20 - Open access to research/ research information systems

21 - Collaborative research and knowledge transfer agreements

22 - Knowledge Markets

23 - Competition Policy

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Implementation of the Innovation Union: (III)

24 – 25 - Structural Funds & their Future

26 - Social Innovation

27 - Research programme on social and public innovation

European Public Sector Innovation Scoreboard

28 - Social partner consultation - Strategy for caring sector

29 - European Innovation Partnerships

30 - Attracting international talent

31 - Scientific Cooperation

32 - Global research infrastructures

33 - Self assessment of R&I systems

34 - Innovation indicator & Scoreboard

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Implementation of IU in practice: role of countries & regions

- Develop and implement National Reform Programs

- Use the Self Assessment Tool (annex to IU COM)

- Define a Smart Specialisation Strategy (contribution to EU 2020)

- Identify Areas of intervention in which different governance level (National, Regional, Local) have competences and put in place actions at local level.

- Support European Innovation Partnerships: play a role at territorial level (national, regional)

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• Better use of incentives to leverage private R&D

• Innovation support services, in particular for dissemination and technology transfer

• Innovation poles, networks and incubators bringing together universities, research institution and enterprises

• Public procurement of innovative products and services

• Access to domestic and international finance

• New technological initiatives based on public-private partnerships

• Networks of regional or local clusters across the EU with greater involvement of SMEs

• Energy efficiency and co-generation, and the rapid spread of environmentally friendly and eco-efficient technologies

• Speed up the transposition of Internal Market directives

• Eliminate remaining obstacles to cross-border activity

• Apply EU public procurement rules effectively

• Promote a fully operational internal market of services, while preserving the European social model

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• Implementation and enforcement of the Financial Services Action Plan

• Removal of regulatory, trade and other barriers that unduly hinder competition

• Redeployment of state aids in favour of support for certain horizontal objectives such as research, innovation and the optimisation of human capital

• Reduce the administrative burden that bears upon enterprises, particularly on SMEs and start-ups

• Improve the quality of existing and new regulations

• Encourage enterprises in developing their corporate social responsibility

• Strengthen economic incentives, including by simplifying tax systems and reducing non-wage labour costs

• Creation of one-stop contact points and the stimulation of national support networks for enterprises

• Reinforce entrepreneurship education and training for SMEs

• Facilitate the transfer of ownership, modernise where necessary their bankruptcy laws, and improve their rescue and restructuring proceedings

• Promotion and dissemination of innovative and adaptable forms of work organisation

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What is “Smart specialisation”?

best way to exploit territorial potential through innovation foster interregional comparative advantage

= evidence-based: all assets = no top-down decision, but stakeholder discovery process = global perspective on potential competitive advantage & potential for cooperation = source in knowledge, technologies etc. rather than re-inventing the wheel

= priority setting in times of scarce resources (not "coffee for all") = getting better / excel with something specific = accumulation of critical mass = not necessarily focus on a single sector, but cross-fertilisations

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EU Research and Innovation post 2013: toward a Common

Strategic Framework

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Joint Programming


ERANETJTI Artemis Eniac Clean Sky IMI FCH

Art. 169 AAL Bonus EMRP















Fundamental Applied Innovation DeploymentDevelopment

ICT-FET (Flag Ships)

ERC SMEs and SME Associations



National and



The European Research and Innovation system

eHealtheIdentityICT for TTEnergy efficiency



New thematic initiatives

Wind Energy 6B€Solar Energy 16B€Bioenergy 9 B€Carbon Capture & Storage 13B€Electricity Grid 2 B€Sustainable Nuclear Energy 7 B€Smart Cities

PPPEnergy Efficient BuildingsFuture of FactoriesGreen carsFuture Internet

•Alzheimer•Agriculture, Food Security & Climate change•Health and Diet•Cultural Heritage

eHealthSmart gridTT, mobility & logisticsContentLarge Scale Demos & trials

Ageing (More Years Better Lives) Climate Knowledge (Clik-EU)Seas and OceansAntimicrobial resistanceUrban EuropeWater challenges



NER300 *


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A reform is needed of current programmes

Recommendations of FP7 interim evaluation (and other evaluations)

• Unclear objectives (e.g. regarding innovation)• Need for simplification: reduce administrative burdens,

time to grant• Complexity: Too many different instruments and funding

mechanisms• Need for broader participation: further boost participation

of SMEs, new Member States, female researchers & innovators

• Increase impacts from EU support

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Towards a Common Strategic Framework• Bringing together the instruments

• Framework Programme (FP7), • Competitiveness and Innovation Programme (CIP), • European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT)

• To focus on challenges requiring an EU response• Tackling major societal challenges• Increasing competitiveness• Raising excellence in the research base

• Simplification of the Framework• Rationalised toolkit of instruments • More standardised rules, remove needless variations• Common entry points, IT platforms etc.

• Clearer complementarities with MS funding & with EU Cohesion Policy funds

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Tackling societal challenges

• How to focus on societal challenges, which priorities (climate change, energy sec., ageing, resource effic.)

• Role for European Innovation Partnerships (learning from experience with pilot Partnership)

• Role for Joint Programming Initiatives (increasing efficiency of public programmes)

• Better support for policy making and more citizen involvement

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Strengthening competitiveness

• Supporting the full innovation cycle (from research to market uptake)

• Strengthen participation of industry (role for public private partnerships)

• Support for SMEs (better targeting, more adapted schemes)

• Broader support (non-technological innovation)

• New financial instruments (building on RSFF)

• New types of support (incentives for public procurement, use of prizes)

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A broad debate based on the Commission Green Paper

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Next generation of Research and Innovation funding

To be launched in 2014.


• 9 Feb. 2011 : Green Book and Public Consultation on the Common Strategic Framework for Research and Innovation funding at EU level

• Feb - May 2011: Consultation with all the stakeholder

Deadline for contributions by 20 May 2011

--- > 10 June 2011: Major event to conclude consultation

• End June 2011: Commission proposal for the next (MFF)

Multiannual Financial Framework

• End 2011: Commission proposal on CSF funding for the future financial cycle

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Timeframe• Follow up: – Commission Analysis of stakeholders contributions – An event to conclude the consultation (10 June 2011)– Inputs to the Commission proposal

• Commission proposal:– EU Budget post 2013 (June 2011)– Common Strategic Framework (end 2011)

• Legislative decision on the Common Strategic Framework by the Council and the European Parliament (2012-13)

=> Common Strategic Framework (from 2014)

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Thank you for the attention

To participate in the debate:

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Focus on AHA Pilot EIP

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Focus on European Innovation Partnership:

Active & Healthy Ageing

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Innovation Union European Council, 4 Feb 2011

“Innovation contributes to tackling the most critical societal challenges we are facing. …ensure that innovations with a societal benefit get to the market quicker…. pilot Innovation Partnership on active and healthy ageing is an important step...”

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The role of ICT and of the Digital Agenda

• ICT unlocks and catalyses active & healthy ageing solutions: integrated care, personalised medicines, smart health monitoring, social communication, “active & healthy living 2.0”, …

• Digital Agenda for Europe: research & innovation priority; actions on e-health interoperability, m-health, ambient assisted living, digital literacy, accessibility, …

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Objectives and headline targetA triple win for Europe• Enabling EU citizens to lead healthy, active and

independent lives until old age • Improving the sustainability and efficiency of social and

health care systems • Developing and deploying innovative solutions, thus

fostering competitiveness and market growthOverarching goal by 2020 • Increasing the number of healthy life years (HLYs) by 2

in the EU on average

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Page 45: Smart Growth! Towards an Innovation Union EU Research and Innovation Policy Valentina Pinna European Commission DG Research and Innovation

basic research applied research validation piloting take-up



hospitalscare institutions

care insurers

health/social careprofessionals

family/informal care


lack of evidence

lack of user involvement

fragmented funding


t willin

g to



lack of funding

lack of training

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What the EIP can do

What the EIP IS NOT:

• a new funding instrument

• a new R&D programme





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EIP AHA in relation to programmes


y Ar


FP7 ICT & Ageing well

FP7 eHealth


Ageing well

CIP eHealth

Ageing well action plan

eHealth action plan

Public Health Programme




FP7 Health



Time to market

FP7 Food

Joining up / Bridging gaps / Scaling up / Framework conditionsJoining up / Bridging gaps / Scaling up / Framework conditions

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EIP AHA: possible areas of work

Integrated Care

Integrated Care

Prevention and

Personalised Medicine

Prevention and

Personalised Medicine

Active and Independent


Active and Independent


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EIP in practice – example of fall prevention• 1/3rd of elderly fall at least once per year, many lose

independence• We have devices for balance monitoring, physical/cognitive

training, personal medication advice, …• But: not enough fall prevention innovation reaches the

elderly• The EIP could:

– Join up actors for a common strategy starting from today’s practice– Bring together public and private insurance providers and financiers to

bridge gap between investment and returns – Aggregate evidence to guide procurement– Partner standardisers, industry and users on interoperability– Connect researchers to citizens, carers and procurers to define world-

class multi-disciplinary fall prevention

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EIP in practice – example of multiple chronic diseases• Multiple chronic conditions (heart failure, diabetes,

depression, hypertension) affect 80% of people over 65

• Tele-monitoring technologies enable: – Hospital re-admissions to be reduced 20%

– Heart failure mortality to be reduced by 30%

– Care efficiency to be increased by 30%

• Need to overcome barriers – Common guidelines for procurers in social and healthcare

– Partnering to scale up successful regional pilots

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EIP Steering Group

• Light and efficient structure• High level representatives of key

stakeholders– Member States, European Parliament– Key initiatives (JPIs, AAL JP)– Demand side (elderly, patients, regions, NGOs)– Supply Side (industry, SMEs, service providers, research)

• Framework for voluntary coordination• Delivers Strategic Implementation Plan

– Identify key areas of action for innovation in active & healthy ageing– Identify barriers and actions

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• 26 Nov 2010 - Competitiveness Council Conclusions

• 26 Nov 2010 to 28 Jan 2011 - online public consultation

• 4 Feb 2011 – European Council Conclusions

• May 2011 – start of Steering Group

• Summer 2011 Light assessment of the governance

• Autumn 2011 Strategic Implementation Plan to Council

• End 2011 – taking stock of pilot

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EIP and Regions• Regions key players in Active and Healthy Ageing & in EIP– Large scale innovation initiatives– Key investors

• EIP essential for dissemination of evidence and best practice to regions

• Structural funds a key possible funding source for regions to invest in innovation

• Triple win strategy for smart specialisation in ageing well innovation

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Focus on SME support programs

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SME according EU definition

Categories of SMEs

Staff AWU(Annual Work


Annual Turnover

AnnualBalance Sheet

Medium < 250≤ 50

million €≤ 43

million €

Small < 50≤ 10

million €≤ 10

million €

Micro < 10≤ 2 million

€≤ 2 million

How to check if you are a Micro, a Small or a Medium size enterprise:

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Basic SMEs


Technology adopting



Leading Technology



pioneers 1%


None or few R&D activities

Adapting existing technologies – low innovative SMEs

Developing or combining existing technologies on an

innovative level

High Level research activities

3. SME population in research and


Source: EURAB’s report on “SMEs and ERA”

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R&D-performing SME

R&D Outsourcing SME


Research for the benefit of SMEs

FP7 - Opportunities for SMEs


Participation in Joint Programmes of Member States

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Ideas – Frontier Research

Capacities – Research Capacity

People – Marie Curie Actions

Cooperation – Collaborative research

JRC non nuclear research

Euratom direct actions – JRC nuclear research

Euratom indirect actions – nuclear fusion and fission

7 FP Structure: Capacities


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Cooperation: 10 themes


(million €)

1. Health 6 100 2. KBBE – Food, Agriculture, Biotech 1 935 3. ICT 9 050

4. Nanosciences, nanotechnology, new materials and Industrial technologies

3 475

5. Energy 2 350

6. Environment and Climate Change 1 890

7. Transport and Aeronautics;

4 160

8. Social Economic Sciences and Humanities;


9. Space 1 430

Total Budget

32 413

10. Security 4001

7PQ “ COOPERATION ”Budget 2007/2013

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61What about SMEs?

• WPs 2011: 46 SME-friendly activities, expecting to lead to 15.7% to SMEs.

• WPs 2012: 91 research SME-dedicated topics, expected to lead to 18.5% to SMEs.


(1st January


15.4% (end of 2012)

The overall cumulative budget share of SMEs in FP7 should rise

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Strengthen the innovation capacities of SMEs to develop new products and markets by

outsourcing of research:

Increase their research effort

Acquire technological know-how

Extend their networks (internationalisation)

Improve exploitation of research results

CAPACITIES: Research for the benefit of SMEs: Objectives

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Capacities Research for the benefit of

SMEsResearch for SMEs:

Low to medium technology SMEs with little or no research capability

Research intensive SMEs that need to outsource research to complement their core research capability

Research for SME associations:

SME associations representing their members and their common technical problems

bottom-up approach, no thematic focus

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Important: Economic benefit for

SMEs!Research for SMEs: Clear exploitation potential and economic benefits for the

SMEs involved (investment in research, innovation, market opportunities )

Strengthening the competitiveness of the SMEs

Research for SME associations: Clear exploitation potential and economic benefits for the

SMEs members of the associations involved Improve industrial competitiveness

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Research for the benefit of SMEs

SMEsSME Associations


Investing in Research

Results & IPR

Other enterprises, End users

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Research for the benefit of SMEs

SMEs invest in R&D

“Customer-seller” relationship between SMEs/ SME associations and RTD-performers.

SMEs/ SME associations invest in the RTD project and outsource part of the research activities to "RTD performers”.

RTD performers invoice their services to SMEs/ SME associations.

EC contributes substantially, but not all (cofinancement)!

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Joint EU/Member States initiative (JP)

Optimized participation of SMEs

(15% target) SME specific measures

Dedicated scheme with special emphasis

on SMEs

Article 185 TUE for research performing


"Cooperation" "Capacities" "People" "Capacities"

R&D performing SMEsR&D acquiring

SMEs Mainly R&D

performing SMEsR&D performing SMEs

Thematic areasnot SME specific

Bottom-up approach, Market oriented

Industry-acedemia pathways

Bottom-up approach, Market oriented

* Collaborative Projects,

* Specific SME calls, * Support Actions for each Theme

* SME Research projects, * SME Associations Research projects, * SME NCPs

ERANETS (Cornet, Era-SMEs)


Community Actions

FP7: opportunities for SMEs

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Number of partnersMinimum requirements, coordination

Research for SMEs

At least three (3) independent SME participants, established in three different Member States (3 MS) or Associated countries.

At least two (2) RTD performers. Other enterprises and end-users optional.

Research for SME associations

At least three(3) independent SME association/groupings, established in three different Member States (3 MS) or Associated countries, or one (1) European SME association/grouping.

At least two (2) RTD performers. Other enterprises and end-users with at least 2 SMEs.

SMEs or SME associations may entrust coordination to a partner in the consortium specialised in professional project management.

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Research for the benefit of SMEs

Research for SMEs

Research for SME associations

Duration 1-2 years 2-3 years

Number of partners

5-10 10-15

Total budget € 0.5 – 1.5 Million € 1.5 – 4 Million

Activities R&D, demonstration, management, other activities

R&D, demonstration, management, other activities

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Funding rates

R&D: maximum of 50 % of the total eligible costs

Exception: SMEs, non-profit public bodies, secondary and higher education establishments and research organisations: maximum of 75 %

Associations may meet the criteria for SMEs

Demonstration activities: maximum of 50 % Management activities: maximum of 100 % Other activities: maximum of 100 %

(e.g. training, coordination, networking, dissemination)

Page 71: Smart Growth! Towards an Innovation Union EU Research and Innovation Policy Valentina Pinna European Commission DG Research and Innovation

Further InformationResearch for the benefit of SMEs:


SME TechWeb:

National Contact Points

Page 72: Smart Growth! Towards an Innovation Union EU Research and Innovation Policy Valentina Pinna European Commission DG Research and Innovation

EUREKA Secretariat: [email protected]

For more information