sites. Web viewJesus stayed in the Temple in Jerusalem to talk to the teachers ... Chapter 5. We...

Chapter 1 God Sends Us His Son 1. How did God the Father show us his great love? God gave us his Son to show us his great love and to save us from sin. Jesus is both divine and human. ( Divine is a word we use to describe Jesus) 2. Who are the Three Persons of the Blessed Trinity? The Three Persons of the Blessed Trinity are God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. 3. What do we call the truth that God the Son became man? We call the truth that God the Son became man is the Incarnation. 4. In what town did Jesus grow up? Jesus grew up in Nazareth 5. What did Jesus’ mother Mary teach Jesus? Mary taught Jesus to pray and told him stories about his ancestors. 6. What did Jesus learn from Joseph? Joseph taught Jesus the trade of a carpenter.(worked with wood and other building materials) 7. What does Scripture say that the young Jesus did that showed he had a special relationship with God?

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Chapter 1God Sends Us His Son

1. How did God the Father show us his great love?

God gave us his Son to show us his great love and to save us from sin. Jesus is both divine and human.(Divine is a word we use to describe Jesus)

2. Who are the Three Persons of the Blessed Trinity?

The Three Persons of the Blessed Trinity are God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.

3. What do we call the truth that God the Son became man?

We call the truth that God the Son became man is the Incarnation.

4. In what town did Jesus grow up? Jesus grew up in Nazareth

5. What did Jesus’ mother Mary teach Jesus?Mary taught Jesus to pray and told him stories about his ancestors.

6. What did Jesus learn from Joseph?

Joseph taught Jesus the trade of a carpenter.(worked with wood and other building materials)

7. What does Scripture say that the young Jesus did that showed he had a special relationship with God?

Jesus stayed in the Temple in Jerusalem to talk to the teachers

8. A prophet is someone called by God to speak to the people. John the Baptist, Jesus’ cousin, was a prophet who prepared the people for the coming of Jesus by telling the people to repent.

9. Repent is turn away from sin and to ask God for help to live a good life.

10. Public Ministry is Jesus’ work among his people.

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11. What event in Jesus’ life marked the beginning of his public ministry?The event was Jesus’ baptism. 12. Things Jesus did in his ministry were: taught about God’s love, healed people, he invited people to be his disciple, fed the hungry and comforted the lonely and the poor.

13. Disciples are those who follow Jesus.

14. An Apostle is one who is sent by Jesus to share in his work in a special way. Jesus chose twelve men to be his Apostles.

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Chapter 2

Jesus Teaches Us About God's Love


1.  What do we call the book in which God's Word is written?

We call the book in which God's Word is written is theBible. It is also called Scripture.


2.  The Bible has two parts, called testaments.


3.  The Old Testament is about the people of God before the time of Jesus.


4. The New Testament is about the life of Jesus Christ and the beginning of the Church.


5.  Who wrote the Bible?

The Bible was written by human writers guided by God the Holy Spirit.


6.  What is the Kingdom of God?

The Kingdom of God is the power of God's love active in the world. 

7.  How does a disciple of Jesus live in the Kingdom of God?

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A disciple of Jesus live in the Kingdom of God through loving and respecting others.


8.  What is faith?

Faith is a gift from God that helps us to believe and trust in him.


9.  What does the story of the mustard seed teach us about faith?

It teaches us that faith is powerful.


10.  How did Jesus live his life?

He lived it in such a way that people knew he loved God.


11.  What does Resurrection mean?

Resurrection means Jesus' being raised from the dead.


12.  What does crucified mean?

Crucified means to be nailed to a cross.


13. Jesus" greatest teaching was the way he lived.


14. Name some things Jesus told his disciples about faith.

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Jesus said that faith is very powerful.  Faith allows us to believe what we cannot see, feel, or touch.  Jesus told his disciples to have faith in God.  Faith would give them courage.


15.  Review Statements

*Jesus tells us how much God loves us.

*Jesus teaches us about Kingdom of God.

 *Jesus teaches us about the gift of faith.

*Jesus dies and rises to save us.



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Chapter 3

Christ Will Come Again

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1.  Why was Jesus sad when he heard the news about Lazarus' death?

Jesus was sad because Lazarus was his friend, and he loved him.  Lazarus was the brother of Martha and Mary. 


2.  After Lazarus was raised from the dead, what did some people believe about Jesus?

Some people believed that Jesus was the Son of God, and that this power had been given to him by God the Father.


3.  Jesus' raising Lazarus from the dead was a miracle.  Jesus' miracles--walking on water, calming the sea, healing the sick--went beyond human power.  Each miracle was a call to believe that Jesus was sent by God to save his people.  Jesus' miracles were special signs that helped people to trust and believe in God.  They showed people that God's Kingdom was present in their lives.


4.  What words, actions, or behaviors show that we are disciples of Jesus?

Words that show we are disciples of Jesus are being kind to others; being honest; being willing to share more at home and school.


5.  What does it mean to "stay awake"?

This means to prepare for the coming of Jesus by prayer and by what we say and do.

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6.  Name some ways you can "stay awake" for the second coming?

Some ways are keeping your eyes open for opportunities to serve God and the others in Work of Mercy; being aware of your words and actions; and by participating in the sacraments, especially the Eucharist and Penance; and by listening to God's Word in the Bible and in prayer.


7.  What will happen when Christ comes again?

We will be filled with joy and happiness.  We will see Christ and we will be with him forever.


8.  What is the second coming?

The second coming is Jesus' coming at the end of time.


9.  What is Heaven?

Heaven is life with God forever.


10. When we help someone in need, whom are we helping?

We are helping Jesus himself.


11. What will happen to those who choose not to care for others?

They will not be with Jesus forever in Heaven.

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12.  Who are the people we should care for?

We should care for all people, especially those who are sick, poor, and neglected.


13. What is the Last Judgment?

The Last Judgment is Jesus Christ coming at the end of time to judge all people.


14. What did Jesus say is the most important commandment?

The most important commandment is to love the Lord your God with all of your heart, soul, mind, and strength, and to love your neighbor as yourself.


15. What do we have the chance to do each day?

We have the chance to show in words and actions that we are good neighbors.


16. What are two things Jesus taught us about loving God and others?

Jesus said that loving God and others is the greatest commandment.  Jesus told us that the things we do matter.  Love comes first.

We Believe Statements

1.  Jesus has power over life and death.

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2.  Jesus will come again.

3.  When Jesus Christ comes again, he will judge all people.

4.  Jesus teaches us to love others. 



Chapter 4

The Church Begins


1.  A mission is a special job.

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2.  What was the mission Jesus gave his disciples?  

The mission Jesus gave to his disciples was to make disciples of all the nations and to baptize people everywhere in the name of God:  Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. 


3.  Ascension is Jesus' returning to the father in Heaven.


4.  Where did Jesus go at his Ascension?

Jesus went to his Father in Heaven at his Ascension.


5.  Pentecost is the day the Holy Spirit came upon the Apostles.


6.  What did the disciples hear and see at Pentecost?

They heard what sounded like a great wind and saw what seemed to be flames of fire.


7.  What happened to the disciples after they received the Holy Spirit?

They were changed; they had the courage to speak about Jesus, and people heard and understood the disciples in their own languages.


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8.  The Church is the community of people who are baptized and follow Jesus Christ.


9.  Christians are baptized people, who are followers of Jesus Christ.


10.  What did the early Christians do together?

They prayed and celebrated, cared for others, and shared what they had.


11.  Why was Stephen killed?

Stephen was a brave disciple of Jesus, who preached about Jesus, which angered many people.


12.  Who was Saul?

Saul was a persecutor of Christians until the risen Jesus appeared to him.  Afterwards, Saul became a great preacher of the Gospel. 


13. After Saul was baptized he became Paul.


14.  How does the Holy Spirit help us?

The Holy Spirit helps us to be brave followers of Jesus.


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15.  What were two things the first members of the Church did as followers of Jesus?

They came together for prayer and for "the breaking of the bread."  They shared everything they owned with one another.  They treated everyone with love and respect.


 16.  Jesus promises to send the Holy Spirit.

        The Holy Spirit comes to the disciples.

        The Church begins on Pentecost.

        The early Church grows.


Chapter 5

We Learn About The Early Church


1.  What are some of the things the Apostles did in the early Church?

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The Apostles told everyone about Jesus, baptized, and gathered Christians together.


2.  Why did the Church grow?

The Church grew because Christians loved and served one another.


3.  Why did the Apostles choose new leaders for each place they visited?

The Apostles chose new leaders because they had to move on to a new place and wanted the new community to continue.


4.  What book in the Bible tells the story of the work of the Apostles in the early Church?

The Acts of the Apostles is the book in the Bible that tells the story of the works of the Apostles in the early Church.


5.  The Holy Spirit gave the Apostles the desire to share the Good News about Jesus.

6.  We hear the Good News or the Gospel at Mass.

7.  We stand out of respect when the Gospel is proclaimed.

8.  What does the word Gospel mean?

Gospel means "Good News."


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9.  After Baptism, what did those who became Christians do?

They gathered to receive the Eucharist and to devote themselves to the teaching of the Apostles.


10.  Christians were kind, humble, and brave.  Most Christians did not go out of their way to attract the attention of the Roman officials.

11.  The Romans thought the Christians were a threat to them.  The emperor himself was worshipped as a god.

12.  When Christians were discovered to be Christians, they continued to believe, even if it meant being thrown into prison or put to death.

13.  The Holy Spirit gave the early Christians strength and courage.


14.  What is a martyr?

A martyr is a person who dies for his or her faith.


15.  What did the Romans want everyone to do?

The Romans wanted everyone to worship their false gods.


16.  In Greek the word fish, ichthus, is made up of the first letters of "Jesus Christ." "Son of God," and "Savior."


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17.  The fish was an important sign for early Christians.  The sign was used to celebrate their faith. 


18.  Why does the Church honor Saints Perpetua and Felicity?

They are an example of holiness.  They did not lose their faith in Jesus.  They continued to believe in him, even though they were put to death.


19.  Why does the Church honor Saint Augustine?

Augustine realized that God could give his life meaning.  His love and need for God continued to grow.  He became one of the Church's greatest writers.


20.  Who are saints?

Saints are ancestors in faith and faithful followers of Jesus.


21.  Why does the Church call these ancestors saints?

They lived holy lives.





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The children will learn the Apostles' Creed on page 325 in Religion Workbook in this chapter.


Apostles' Creed


I believe in God, the Father almighty,

     Creator of heaven and earth'

and in Jesus Christ , his only Son,

  our Lord,

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who was conceived by the Holy Spirit,                 

born of the Virgin Mary,

suffered under Pontius Pilate,

was crucified, died, and was buried;

he descended into hell;

on the third day he rose again

from the dead; 

he ascended into heaven,

and is seated at the right hand

     of God the Father almighty;

from there he will come to judge

     the living and the dead. 

I believe in the Holy Spirit,

     the holy catholic Church,

     the communion of saints,

     the forgiveness of sins,

     the resurrection of the body,

     and life everlasting.  Amen.

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Chapter 6The Church Year


1.  There are six seasons of the Church Year.  the seasons are Advent, Christmas, Lent, the Three Days, Easter, and Ordinary Time.

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2.  Advent is the season that we prepare for the coming of the Son of God.  We watch and wait.  We prepare to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ at Christmas.3.  Christmas season is the time to celebrate that God is with us.  We rejoice that the Son of God became one of us to save us.4.  Lent is a season of preparation for the Church's greatest celebration.  During the forty days of Lent, we pray for God's mercy and remember Jesus' life and Death.5.  The Three Days celebrate the passing of Jesus from death to new life.  The Three Days are the Church's greatest and most important celebration.6.  Easter is the season we celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus, for fifty days!  Jesus has risen from the dead!  Jesus is with us always.7.  Ordinary Time is the season in which we celebrate the whole life of Jesus Christ and his teachings.  It is the longest season of the year.  It comes around twice--once between Christmas and Lent, and again after Easter until Advent. 

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8.  What do we celebrate during the Church year?     We celebrate the amazing things Jesus did for us. 

Chapter 7Ordinary Time

1.  Why do you think every Sunday is special?It's the Lord's Day; we gather for Mass; Sunday is the day Jesus rose from the dead.

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2.  What are three ways we can try to be more like Jesus in our daily lives?Three ways we can try to be more like Jesus in our daily lives are pray, love others, work for peace and justice.3.  What do we learn about during Ordinary Time?We learn about the life and teachings of Jesus; to be his followers.4.  How long is the longest season of the Church year?The season is thirty-three or thirty-four weeks.5.  The priest wears green vestments during Ordinary Time.  Green is the color of new life and hope.6.  How do we learn about Jesus and his teachings?We learn by listening to the Scripture readings at Mass.7.  Why do we learn about Jesus?We learn about Jesus to become more like him.

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8. Saint Peter of Claver was born in Spain.  He became a priest and took care of African slaves in South America. He is the patron saint of all Catholic missions among the African American people of the world. 9.  On the Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, we celebrate the cross of Jesus Christ, as a sign of victory. 10. When do we pray the Sign of the Cross?We pray the Sign of the Cross in Baptism; at Mass; and when we begin and end our prayers.

Chapter 8The Church Has Four Marks

1.  Who did Jesus choose to lead his Church?Jesus chose the Apostles.2.  The Apostles helped the Church in important ways such as they taught people about Jesus; they baptized people and gathered them into communities.3.  How many Apostles did Jesus choose?

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He chose twelve Apostles.4.  Who did Jesus choose to lead the Apostles?Jesus chose Peter(Simon) to be the leader of the Apostles.  Peter means "rock."  Jesus told Peter, You are Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church."5.  The twelve apostles are Peter, Andrew, James, John, Philip, Bartholomew, Thomas, Matthew, James, Thaddeus, Simon, and Judas Iscariot.  Later Matthias took the place of Judas.6.  A successor is one who succeeds, or takes the place of, another.7.  Bishops are the successors of the Apostles.8.  Dioceses are local areas of the Church led by bishops.9.  The pope is the bishop of the diocese of Rome in Italy.  He continues the leadership of Peter.  Together with all the bishops, he leads and guides the whole Catholic Church.10.  Who are the successors of the Apostles?

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The pope and bishops are the successors of the Apostles.11.  What do the pope and bishops do for us?they teach us, guide us, and help us to be holy.12.  The Church is one, holy, catholic, and apostolic.  We call these characteristics the marks of the Church.13.  The first mark is that the Church is one.  All members of the Church are united by Baptism. 14.  The second mark is that the Church is holy. Through Baptism we receive a share in God's life.15.  The Church is opened to all people.  It isuniversal.  the third mark of the Church is catholic. The word catholic means universal.16.  The fourth mark of the Church is that it isapostolic.  The word apostolic comes from the word apostle.17.  The bishops are the successors of the Apostles.  They continue the mission of the Apostles in three ways.  The ways are they teach, they lead, and they sanctify.  Sanctify

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means to work to make the People of God holy. They do this through prayer, preaching, and the celebration of sacraments.

Chapter 9The Church Teaches Us

1. The Church is like a human body because it has many parts that all need each other and are all important.2.  As God's children, we try to love God and one other and share Jesus' Good News.3.  We are the People of God, members of the Church.

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4.  How did Saint Paul explain the Church to the first Christians?He said the Church is the Body of Christ.

5.  Why is each person in the Church important?Because each is a part of the Body of Christ.

6.  Who was Saint Francis of Assisi?He was the son of a rich Merchant, who gave up everything to teach about Jesus and help the poor.  Francis began a religious community now known as the Franciscans.(Feast Day October 4)

7.  Who was Saint Clare?Clare heard Francis preach and wanted to live a life like him.  She devoted her life to God.  With the help of Francis, Clare began a religious order of nuns, that is known as Poor Clares.  She prayed for God's People.(Feast Day August 11)

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8.  We profess our faith through the Apostles' Creed.

9.  What is the Apostles' Creed based on?It is based on the teachings of Jesus Christ and the faith of the Apostles.

10.  Why do we pray the Apostles' Creed?We pray the Apostles' Creed to profess our Catholic faith and beliefs.

11.  What are two truths we say we believe when we say the Apostles' Creed?The truths are:  I believe in God, the Father almighty, Creator of heaven and earth,  and I believe in the Holy Spirit,

12.  The Holy Spirit has been sent by Jesus to guide the Apostles.13.  The Holy Spirit helps Church leaders today, as the Apostles were taught long ago, to teach the truth of Jesus.14.  Today, the pope, and bishops are the official teachers of the Church.

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15.  What are some ways the pope and bishops teach the truth about Jesus?They teach us by their words, writings, and actions.

16.  Whom did Jesus send to the Apostles to guide them?He sent the Holy Spirit.

17.  The Church continues to teach the true message of Jesus.

18.  Justice is the treating everyone fairly and with respect.

19.  What are two teachings Catholic social teaching tells us?Catholic teachings tells us that:  we are made in God's image, and we have certain human rights.

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Chapter 10The Church Prays

1.  Prayer is the listening and talking to God.2.  A synagogue is the gathering place where Jewish People pray and learn about God.3.  What did Jesus do when the disciples wanted to learn how to pray?He taught them the Lord's Prayer, or the Our Father.  This is the greatest example of prayer for the Church.4.  Throughout his life Jesus listened to and talked to God the Father.  He wants us to do the same.

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5.  Jesus prayed in the synagogue and worshipped in the Temple.  He prayed alone and with others.6.  Liturgy is the official public prayer of the Church.7.  In the liturgy we pray to God the Father, through the Son, together with the Holy Spirit.8.  Personal prayer is when we pray alone as Jesus did.  We can pray anytime and use our own words.9.  God listens to us when we pray.

10.  There are Five different kinds of Prayer:1.  Prayer of Praise - a time when something                                   was beautiful.2.  Prayer of Thanksgiving - a time when you                                   felt better or grateful.3.  Prayer of Petition - a time when we did                                  something wrong and ask                                  for forgiveness.

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4.  Prayer of Blessing - when we pray to God to                                  bless the gift of food.5.  Prayer of Intercession - when we ask God to                                  help our families, friends,                                  and all people in the world.

11.  Why do we pray many different kinds of prayer?We pray different kinds of prayer because we have different reasons to talk with and listen to God.12.  There are special prayers called Liturgy of the Hours.   These prayers are prayed seven different times during the day.

13.  How do we know the Church is always at prayer?It is always daytime somewhere in the world with people awake, so there is always someone praying.

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14.  The Mass is the greatest prayer of the church.

15.  Prayer journeys to a holy place are pilgrimages

Chapter 11The Church Is Our Home

1.  A parish is like a big family.  A parish is a community of believers.  It is made up of Catholics who usually live in the same town or neighborhood.2.  A parish is part of a diocese which is lead by a bishop.3.  What are some activities that take place in a parish?Some of the activities that take place in a parish are parish members participate in the Mass and sacraments, they pray together, work together, and help others become members of the Church.

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4.  What brings the members of a parish together?They share the same faith in Jesus Christ and believe in the teachings of the Church.5.  How are we important in the work of the parish?We can bring the Good News of Jesus Christ to others by helping our parish.6.  The priest who leads the parish in worship. prayer, and teaching is the pastor.7.  A man who is not a priest but has received the Sacrament of Holy Orders and serves the Church by preaching, baptizing, and assisting the bishops and priest is a deacon.8. What are some of the ministries that serve the parish?Some of the ministries that serve the parish arecatechist, altar server, reader, director of youth services, director of social ministries, extraordinary ministries of Holy Communion, and director of music.9.  What is the greatest celebration of the Church?

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The greatest celebration of the Church is theMass.10.  Why do we gather to celebrate Mass? We celebrate the life of Jesus, Death, and Resurrection.11.  Where is Jesus when two or three are gathered in his name?When two or three gather in Jesus' name, Jesus is in the Midst of them.12.  How did the early Christians lead their lives?They lived to serve God, teach about Jesus, and help others.13.  How can you show you are a true follower of Jesus?*studying and learning more about our Catholic faith*sharing the Good News through preaching and teaching*sharing what we have - money, time, and talents with one another*caring for those in need - sick, the poor, and the hungry

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*making peace with others, even those who hurt us

*working for justice by treating all people fairly and with respect

*protecting the rights of people who cannot stand up for themselves

Chapter 12God Calls Us to Holiness

1.  Vocation is God's call to serve him in a certain way.

2.  Who has a vocation?Every baptized person has a vocation to love and serve God in a specific way.

3.  What mission are we committed to by our Baptism?We are committed to continue the mission of Jesus by loving and serving God and one another.

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4. How do we know what God is asking us to do today? We know from our parents, our teachers, inspiration of the Holy Spirit during prayer, while participating at Mass, and in the sacraments.

5.  Who are laypeople?Laypeople are baptized members of the Church who share in the mission to bring the Good News of Christ to the world.(Examples - married people and single people)

6.  How can we live a life of holiness?By sharing the Good News of Jesus in what we say and do.

7.  How can a married person help to spread the Kingdom of God?They live out their vocation by teaching their family to follow Jesus.

8.  How can a single person help to spread the Kingdom of God?

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They use their time and talents to serve others.

9.  There are two different ways of serving in the priestly life.  Diocese priests serve in a diocese, usually in a parish.  Priests in religious communities, such as Franciscans and the Jesuits, serve wherever their community needs them.  They might be missionaries, teachers, doctors, or writers.

10.  What do priests do for the People of God?They teach about the Catholic faith, lead us in the celebration of the Mass and sacraments, and preach the message of Jesus.

11.  Why is the priesthood considered a vocation?The priesthood is a special ministry in the Church.

12.  Vows are promises to God.

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13.  Some examples of a vow that religious take and what it means are  poverty - promising to live simply; chastity - promising not to marry; andobedience - promising to listen to God and to their religious community.

14.  What are some of the ways those religious life serve the Church?Some give their lives to prayer; others combine prayer with a life of service to others.


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AdventChapter 13

1.  The season of Advent helps us prepare for thecoming of the Son of God.2.  What do we prepare to celebrate during Advent?  The birth of Jesus.3.  God sent Jesus his Son to us to save us from sin.4.  Who told the people how to prepare for the coming of Jesus?  The prophets.5.  How do saints help us during Advent?  They help us see that the Lord is near and to rejoice.6. The following are Advent saints:Saint Nicholas was a bishop who helped the poor.  He came by night and left his gifts secretly.  He also gave money to the poor.

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Our Lady of Guadalupe imprinted her image on the cloak of Saint Juan Diego so he could convince the bishop that Mary actually appeared to him.  Mary was dressed as a Native Mexican.Saint Lucy was a martyr who died for her faith.  She is represented in Sweden by a young girl or woman dressed in a white robe, a red sash, and a leafy crown with candles.  People suffering from hunger prayed to Saint Lucy and soon received help.

ChristmasChapter 14

1.  The Christmas season is a special time to celebrate that God is with us.2.  Why did Mary and Joseph travel to Bethlehem?  Because people had to counted in the hometown of Joseph's family.3.  Why was Jesus placed in a manger?  There was no room in the overcrowded inn because of the census.4.  What news did the shepherds receive from the angels?  A Savior has been born for all the people.

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5.  The name Emmanuel means "God with us."

Chapter 15We Celebrate the Sacraments

1.  A sacrament is a sign given to us by Jesus through which we share in God's life and love.2.  Grace is our share in God's life and love.3.  There are seven sacraments.  They are Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist, Penance and Reconciliation, Anointing of the Sick, Holy Orders, and Matrimony.4.  Through the power of the Holy Spirit, we receive and celebrate God's life and love in the sacraments.5.  Jesus used ordinary things in nature such as birds, wheat, and flowers to teach about God's love.

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6.  Jesus' actions were a signs of God's love.  While on earth, Jesus showed signs of God's love by welcoming and blessing the children, healing the sick, and forgiving sinners.7.  Most third graders have received the sacraments of Baptism, Penance, and Eucharist.8.  Sacraments of Christian Initiation are Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist.  These sacraments welcome, strengthen, and help us to grow as members of the Church.9.  In Baptism we become members of the Church and are freed from original sin.10.  In Confirmation we are sealed with the Holy Spirit. 11.  In Eucharist we receive the Body and Blood of Christ.12.  Original Sin is the first sin committed by the first human beings.13.  The Sacraments of Healing are Penance and Reconciliation and the Anointing of the Sick.14.  In the Sacrament of Penance and Reconciliation, we confess our sins to the priest and promise to do better.

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15.  In the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick, the priest lays his hands on the sick.

16.  How can we follow Jesus' example of forgiveness and healing?We can forgive those who hurt us and pray for those who are ill.

17.  The Sacraments of Service are Holy Order and Matrimony.

18.  How are married people and bishops, priests, and deacons signs of God's love and service?They are signs of God's love and service because they serve the Church in their special roles.  Those who have received Holy Orders serve God's people through word and sacrament; married people love each other, share that love with their families, and serve the Church together.

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Chapter 16Celebrating Eucharist:  The Mass

1.  Jesus celebrated the Last Supper with his disciples.2.  On the feast of Passover the Jewish people celebrate their freedom from slavery in Egypt.

3.  How are Passover and the Last Supper related?The Last Supper was the last time that Jesus celebrated the Passover meal.

4.  What is the Eucharist?The sacrament of Jesus' Body and Blood.  It is also another word for the celebration of the Mass.  The word eucharist means "to give thanks."

5.  What is the Mass?

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The Mass is a sacrifice and a meal.  It is the celebration of the Eucharist.

6.  What is a sacrifice?A sacrifice is a gift offered to God by a priest in the name of all the people.

7.  The assembly is the people gathered to worship in the name of Jesus Christ.8.  The priest who leads us at the Mass is called the celebrant.

9.  Why is it important to participate in the Mass?It is important to participate in the Mass so we can give our thanks and praise to God.

10.  Sunday is our great holy day.  It is the day on which Jesus Christ rose from the dead.11.  In our parishes we come together at Mass each Sunday or Saturday evening.

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12.  Why do we participate in the celebration of the Mass each week?To celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus and to make our friendship with God and others.

13.  What are holy days of obligation?Holy days of obligation are special feasts of the Church in which we are required to participate in Mass.  The holy days are Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God, January 1, Ascension, (when celebrated on Thursday during the Easter season)Assumption of Mary, August 15, All Saints' Day, November 1, Immaculate Conception, December 8, Christmas, December 25.

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Chapter 17We Worship at Mass

1.  Introductory Rites is the first part of the Mass in which we become one as we prepare to listen to God's Word and to celebrate the Eucharist.2.  Here is what happens during the Introductory:     *We begin by gathering together and praising God in song.     *We are welcomed by the priest and pray the Sign of the Cross together.     *We ask for forgiveness in the Lord, have mercy and/or the Confiteor(I confess...).

     *We sing or say the Gloria on Sundays and special days(not sung during seasons of Advent and Lent)     *The priest invites us to join him in prayer and we respond "Amen."

3.  Why is preparation for Mass important?

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Because we need to come to church ready to join our parish in hearing the Word of God and celebrating the Eucharist.

4.  What is the purpose of the Introductory Rites?To join us together and help us prepare to listen to God's Word and celebrate the Eucharist.

5. Liturgy of the Word is the part of the Mass when we listen and respond to God's Word.6.  Here is what happens during the Liturgy of Word:     *On Sundays and other special days, there are three readings from Scripture.  The first reading is usually from the Old Testament.  The secondreading is from the New Testament.      *Third reading is from one of the four Gospels:  Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.     *The priest or deacon traces the Sign of the Cross on this book and on his forehead, lips, and heart before proclaiming the Gospel.

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      *  After the Gospel we listen to the Homily.

7.  The Books of the Gospels is a formal book of the Church that contains the Gospels for Sundays, feasts days, and other special days.

8.  What is the Prayer of the Faithful?Prayers in which we pray for our Church and our world, and for those in need.

9.  Liturgy of the Eucharist is the part of the Mass when the bread and wine become the Body and Blood of Christ, which we receive in Holy Communion.

10.  Here is what happens during the Liturgy of the Eucharist:     *Preparation of the Gifts  The Gifts of bread and wine are brought to the to the priest or deacons.     *Prayer Over the Gifts  The priest then asks God to bless and accept our gifts.

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     *Eucharistic Prayer(Consecration)  This prayer is the most important prayer at Mass.  Through this prayer we are united with Jesus Christ. 

11. Concluding Rites is the last part of the Mass that reminds us to continue praising and serving God each day.12.  At the end of Mass we are encouraged to share the Good News of Jesus with others.

13.  Here is what happens in the Concluding Rites     *The priest says a final prayer thanking God for the Eucharist we have celebrated.  He blesses us     *Then the priest or deacon, in Jesus' name, sends us out into the world.  He may say, "Go in peace."  We answer, "Thanks be to God."     *We leave the Church singing a song of joy.  With the help of the Holy Spirit, we try to help others who are suffering or in need.

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14.  What do the Concluding Rites remind us to do?To help others in need, be kind and fair, and treat others as Jesus would.


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Glory Be to the Father

Glory be to the Fatherand to the Sonand to the Holy Spirit,as it was in the beginning,is now, and ever shall beworld without end.  Amen.

Act of Contrition

My God,I am sorry for all my sins with all my heart.In choosing to do wrongand failing to do good,I have sinned against youwhom I should love above all things.I firmly intend, with your help,

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to do penance,to sin no more,and to avoid whatever leads me to sin.Our Savior Jesus Christsuffered and died for us.In his name, my God, have mercy.

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Chapter 18Celebrating Penance and Reconciliation

1.  Sin is a thought, word, or action that is against God's law.  Sin is always a choice.2.  Some sins are very serious.  These sins aremortal sins.  A mortal sin is :  very seriously wrong, known to be wrong, and freely chosen.3.  People who commit mortal sin turn away completely from God's love.  They choose to break their friendship with God.  They lose the gift of grace, their share in God's life and love.4.  A venial sin is a less serious sin.  People who commit venial sins hurt their relationship with God.  Yet they still share in God's life and love.

5.  Who is forgiven in the story of the lost son?The son is forgiven in the story of the lost son.

6.  Why did Jesus tell this story of the lost son?

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He told the story to show that God is our loving Father.

7.  Our relationship with God and the Church is made strong through the Sacrament of Penance.

8.  Conscience is God's gift that helps us know right from wrong.  In examining our conscience we ask ourselves whether or not we have loved God, others, and ourselves.  We think about things we have done, and whether they were right or wrong.

9.  The parts of the Sacrament of Penance are:    *Contrition is being sorry for your sins and firmly intend not to sin again.     *Confession is telling our sins to the priest.     *Penance is a prayer or action that shows we are sorry for our sins.     *Absolution is God's forgiveness of our sins through the actions and words of the priest.

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10.  The Sacrament of Penance is a celebration of God's love and forgiveness.

11.  In what two ways does the Church celebrate the Sacrament of Penance?We celebrate the Sacrament of Penance individually and with the community.

We Pray for Healing and Eternal LifeChapter 19

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1.  What did Jesus do for those who were sick?  He comforted them and cured them of illnesses.2.  What did Jesus say saved Bartimaeus?  His faith.3.  Oil of the Sick is holy oil that has been blessed by a bishop for use in the Anointing Of Sick.4.  How does the Anointing of the Sick help those who celebrate it?  It gives those who receive it God's grace, comfort, and they are strengthened by the Holy Spirit to trust in God's love.5.  What is eternal life?  Living forever with God in the happiness of Heaven.6.  How can we help the people in Purgatory?  Our prayers and good works can help the people in Purgatory, so they may one day be with God in heaven.7.  What does the Church celebrate when a person dies?  The hope that the person who died will share eternal life with God forever.8.  Funeral Mass is a special Mass at which we thank God for the life of a person who has died.

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9.  What are the ways a funeral Mass gives us hope?  It reminds us that:  we are joined to Christ, Jesus died and rose to bring us new life, and death can be the beginning of the eternal life.

Chapter 20Lent

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1.  Lent is our time of preparation for Easter.2.  All during Lent, we remember three very important things:*  We belong to God through Baptism.*  We live now by grace, the life of God within us.*  We will live forever with God because Jesus died     and rose to bring us God's Life. 3.  The season of Lent lasts forty days.  It begins onAsh Wednesday.4.  Ash Wednesday is marked with blessed ashes.  The ashes are a sign that we are sorry for our sins and that we look forward to life with God forever.5.  Lent is a special time to renew our Baptism. 6.  Celebrating the Sacraments of Penance and the Eucharist is an important part of the season of Lent. 7. We can follow Jesus during Lent through prayer, penance, and acts of love and mercy.  These help us renew our Baptism and get ready for the great Three Days.8.  The Church's color during Lent is purple.

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Chapter 21The Three Days

1.  The Three Days are the Church's greatest celebration.  The Three Days celebrate that Jesus passed from death to new life.2.  The Three Days are counted from evening to evening.  The first day starts on the evening of Holy Thursday.3.  On Holy Thursday we celebrate the Last Supper, the Eucharist, and the way Jesus served others.4.  The second day is Good Friday.  On Good Friday we remember the Death of Jesus on the cross.  We also pray for the whole world.5.  On Holy Saturday we think about all that happened to Jesus.  We pray and the Easter candle is light and we sing "Christ our Light!"  At this time new members of the Church receive the new life of Christ in Baptism, Confirmation, and the Eucharist.6.  On Easter Sunday we listen to the story of Jesus's Resurrection.  We receive the Body and Blood of the risen Jesus in Holy Communion. We are given strength to live his risen new life.7.  What are the Three Days a bridge between?

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The Three Days is a bridge between Lent and Easter.

We Continue the Work of JesusChapter 22

1.  What is the Good News that Jesus shared?  God cared for and loved all people.2.  What effect did Jesus' work have on people?  It brought people closer to God.

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3.  What is Jesus' Good News?  God made all people in his image; God loves and cares for everyone; and God sent his only Son, Jesus, to show us how to live and save us from sin.4.  Apostle is one who is sent.  The Holy Spirit strengthened and guided the apostles.5.  What did Jesus ask the Apostles to do?  To go to all nations and teach people about him.6.  How does Jesus want us to treat others?  Fairly and with respect.7.  How do the pope and bishops work for peace and justice?  By teaching us to protect human life, to care for the poor, and to welcome newcomers.8.  What is our mission as disciples of Jesus?  To share the Good News and work for peace and justice.9.  How do true disciples of Jesus' act?  Act with love, peace, and fairness. 

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Chapter 25We Are God's Holy People

1.  Who are saints?Saints are followers of Christ who lived lives of holiness on earth and now share in eternal life with God in heaven.

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2.  What is the Communion of Saints?The Communion of Saints is the union of the baptized members of the Church on earth with those who are in Heaven and Purgatory.3.  What is a canonized saint?A canonized saint is a person who has been officially named a saint by the Church.4.  How was Mary special to God?She was special because God choose her to be the Mother of his Son.5.  What is the Immaculate Conception?It is the belief that Mary was free from Original Sin from the very first moment of her life.6.  The Assumption is the belief that, when Mary's work on earth was done, God brought her body and soul to live forever with the risen Christ.7.  How did Mary live her life?She loved and obeyed God.  She did not commit sin.  She lived a life of holiness.8.  We pray special prayers to honor Mary.  The Hail Mary is one of those prayers.  In the

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Hail Mary we praise Mary and ask her to pray for us.9.  What do we recall when we pray the Mysteries of the Rosary?We recall the special times in the lives of Jesus and Mary.10.  What are two ways Catholics can honor Mary?By celebrating Mass on her feast days and by praying the Rosary or a litany.11.Who are saints?Saints are people who answered God's call to lead holy lives.12.What do saints teach us?Their lives teach us about ways to be holy and to become saints ourselves.13.  Some ways Mary showed her love for Jesus was by listening to Jesus's teachings, believing in him, and by staying with him when he was dying on the cross.14.  Ways you can become a saint are to live your life with faith every day; learn as much as you can about Jesus and the way he

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treated others; find out more about the lives of the saints.

Chapter 27Easter

1.  In the Easter Season we celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus.2.  Easter lasts from Easter Sunday to Pentecost, fifty days.

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3.  The color of Easter Season is white.  The color of light and joy.4.  In the Season of Easter we show our faith in the risen Lord.

5.  What did Thomas say when the other disciples told him about Jesus?He did not believe and wanted to see and touch Jesus with his own hands.

6.  What did Jesus tell Thomas?"Put your fingers on my hand and put your hand into my side and believe.

7.  What do we believe Jesus brings us?He brings us new life, now and forever.

8.  What are some ways we show our belief in Jesus Christ?We can share a smile, offer help, tell a story, do an errand, say a prayer for someone.

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9.  Pentecost is the day the Holy Spirit came upon the Apostles.  Red is the color of the day. 

The Archdiocesan Religion Exam Notes


1. Annunciation- the announcement of the Incarnation made by the angel Gabriel to the Virgin Mary

2. Assumption-God's bringing Mary to heaven body and soul at the end of her life on earth

3. Bishop- leader of the diocese

4. Deacon-one who is ordained to help priests and bishops in the parish

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5. Disciple- a follower of Jesus

6. Lay Person- a person who is not a member of the clergy

7. Parable- a short story that teaches a religious truth-Jesus told many parables.

8.Pastor-a minister or priest in charge of a church or a parish

9.Pope- the Bishop of Rome and the leader of the whole Catholic Church-The first pope was Peter.  Pope Francis is the Pope now.

10. Priest - a person who has the authority to lead religious ceremonies

11. Stewardship-respect and care for the gifts of God's creations

12. Trinity- the three divine persons; God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit

13. Sacristy- the room used for keeping sacred vessels, for dressing and preparing for worship

14.  Ascension- When Jesus returned to his Father in Heaven

15. Samaritan-any person who helps another in need

16. Savior- a title given to Jesus Christ because he saved us from sin and death

17. Word of God- the Bible; scripture

18. Religious Brother- a man who dedicates his life to God

19. Religious Sister- a woman who dedicates her life to God

20. Presider's Chair-This shows the priest's authority to teach the faith.

21. Sacred Vessels- dishes and cups used at Mass to hold Jesus' body and blood

22. Resurrection-Jesus being raised from the dead-Easter

23. Advent-preparation to celebrate the birth of Jesus at Christmas

24. Lent- preparation for Easter

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25. Pentecost-birthday of the Church; coming of the Holy Spirit


o At Baptism we receive the gift of faith and love.o Faith is belief and trust in Godo God calls us to believe in him and do as he asks.o Christian and Catholic are two special names that

show we belong to the Church.o God gives us special talents.o When God our Father made us full of love, He made

us Holy.o Jesus shows us how to be holy.o Mary is the Mother of the Church.  We pray the

Rosary to honor her.o A mystery is an event in the life of Jesus, Mary, and

the Church.o The Annunciation is when the Angel came and

announced to Mary that she was to be the mother of Jesus.

o The Apostles were twelve men Jesus chose to help him spread the message of God's love.

o Jesus chose Peter to be the leader of the Apostles.o Other people who follow Jesus are called Disciples.o A creed tells what we believe as Catholics.

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o A mystery is a religious truth that cannot be completely understood with our minds.

o One of the great mysteries of our faith is there are three Persons in one God.

o We call this the mystery of the Trinity.  God is Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

o The Trinity is a model of our love for one another.o A prayer that gives honor to the Trinity is "The

Glory Be" or "Glory to the Father"

o God promised to send us a Savior.  He sent his son to save us from sin.

o He won eternal life for us.  This means we can live forever in heaven with God.

o A covenant is an agreement with God.o Our covenant of love with God is our agreement

with God.  God makes us his children and we obey his laws and follow Jesus.

o The commandments are God's laws of love.o God is holy and great.o He is everywhere and knows all things.o The second commandment tells us to show respect

for God by honoring his holy name.o The Second Commandment -You shall not take the

name of the Lord your God in vain.

o To be just means to be fair.o Merciful means to be forgiving.o God shows his justice by giving us the covenant

that shows us how we can live in peace with him and one another.

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o God shows us his mercy by forgiving our sins and calling us to be sorry.

o Grace is our share in God's life and love.o Adam and Eve's choice to disobey God is called

Original Sin.o God sent Jesus to save us from sin and death.o In Baptism we are cleansed of Original Sin. 

Baptism gives us new life in Jesus.  We become members of the Church and children of God.

o The Holy Spirit is the third person of the Trinity.  The Holy Spirit is the helper within us that helps us do good.

o With the Spirit's help we can overcome temptation and avoid sin.

o Sin is freely choosing to do something wrong that we know is against God's love.

o Temptation is something that makes us feel like choosing to do something wrong.

o Contrite means to be sorrowful.o Conscience is the power within us that lets us know

what is right and wrong.


      Prayer to Know


   The Apostles Creed


   The Act of Contrition


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   The Glory Be




Name  _______________________________  Grade  3


Holy Rosary School                               3-1 #________  Topic:  Presentation of Knowledge

Standard:  SL.3.4  Report on a topic

"My Favorite Saint" Report

Due:  October 22, 2015

1.     You will be making a poster of your favorite saint using your own photo for the saint's face.  Create a pattern for the

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body of the saint.  It should be about 6 to 8 inches high.  Back it on cardboard.  Decorate the figure with fabric, lace, felt, yarn or anything that is appropriate for the clothing.  Attach your photo for the saint's face.  Make a banner with the saint's name on it.  Place the banner and the figure on a piece of small poster board(not smaller than 8x10 and not larger than 10x14)

2.  Use the "My Favorite Saint" sheet to write a report.  Use only the lines provided.  If you have a lot of information about the saint choose the facts you think are important or interesting to write about.  Use your own words in your own vocabulary.  Do not copy sentences from a book or internet.  Read the information and retell it in your own words.  Write your report on scrap paper first and be sure it's the way you want it before you put it on the good paper.  Remember the writing process-prewrite, draft, proofread, edit, publish.

3.  Be prepared to do an oral presentation on your saint in class.


Page 75: sites. Web viewJesus stayed in the Temple in Jerusalem to talk to the teachers ... Chapter 5. We Learn About The ... We pray and the Easter candle is light and we sing "Christ our