…  · Web viewJesus, we thank you for being here...

Readings for Holy Week Monday 6 th April Mark 11 vs 12-19 Whether Jesus missed breakfast we don’t know, but the reading for today starts with the statement that Jesus became hungry. Then he saw a fig tree and went to find out if it had any fruit, only to be disappointed - it didn’t. You might well say that this was unsurprising, as it wasn’t the season for figs. Yet many figs do have a second, smaller crop in the spring, which grows on the old wood rather than the main crop which grows on the new. On the face of it the tree was healthy as there were many leaves – but it was not fulfilling its purpose – at least, not on the old wood. Jesus then goes to the Temple and finds a place of commerce rather than prayer and makes clear that this is not right, by turning over the tables. This makes me ask…What did the temple and the fig tree have in common? It is notable that these actions angered the leading priests and that this was the day they started to look for a way to kill Jesus. It was also the day when they chose the Passover lamb. Lord God, we thank you for Jesus. For his great love and his recognition of our need of a Saviour. May we hold fast to his faithfulness and welcome his gift of the Holy Spirit within us. Through your Spirit, graft us onto You. Make us Your new wood, that bears Your fruit in our lives - good fruit which speaks of You, each and every day. Amen. Tuesday 7 th April Mark 12 vs 1-12 Have you ever wished that you still had something you threw away? Maybe now, looking back, you see its value. Back then, however, when you threw it away, you had no idea that one day you would want it again. One of the things many people are reassessing today is what is important to them. We are seeing anew how important our family, friends, health and kindness are to us all. In our reading Jesus tries to tell the leaders, who were now plotting to kill him, that they were throwing away what was most important - the stone which would become the cornerstone of a new understanding between people and God. A new relationship in which we would know him, not just as our creator and protector, but also as our friend and our dad – the caring head of our new eternal family. One of the great things about Jesus is that, even if we once threw him away, he is never lost to us. He is still there, waiting, reaching out, hoping to be found. And if today he does not feel as

Transcript of…  · Web viewJesus, we thank you for being here...

Page 1:…  · Web viewJesus, we thank you for being here for us. Open our hearts and minds to see you even more clearly as we welcome you

Readings for Holy Week

Monday 6th AprilMark 11 vs 12-19

Whether Jesus missed breakfast we don’t know, but the reading for today starts with the statement that Jesus became hungry. Then he saw a fig tree and went to find out if it had any fruit, only to be disappointed - it didn’t. You might well say that this was unsurprising, as it wasn’t the season for figs. Yet many figs do have a second, smaller crop in the spring, which grows on the old wood rather than the main crop which grows on the new.

On the face of it the tree was healthy as there were many leaves – but it was not fulfilling its purpose – at least, not on the old wood.Jesus then goes to the Temple and finds a place of commerce rather than prayer and makes clear that this is not right, by turning over the tables.

This makes me ask…What did the temple and the fig tree have in common?

It is notable that these actions angered the leading priests and that this was the day they started to look for a way to kill Jesus. It was also the day when they chose the Passover lamb.

Lord God, we thank you for Jesus. For his great love and his recognition of our need of a Saviour. May we hold fast to his faithfulness and welcome his gift of the Holy Spirit within us. Through your Spirit, graft us onto You. Make us Your new wood, that bears Your fruit in our lives - good fruit which speaks of You, each and every day. Amen.

Tuesday 7th AprilMark 12 vs 1-12

Have you ever wished that you still had something you threw away? Maybe now, looking back, you see its value. Back then, however, when you threw it away, you had no idea that one day you would want it again.

One of the things many people are reassessing today is what is important to them. We are seeing anew how important our family, friends, health and kindness are to us all. In our reading Jesus tries to tell the leaders, who were now plotting to kill him, that they were throwing away what was most important - the stone which would become the cornerstone of a new understanding between people and God. A new relationship in which we would know him, not just as our creator and protector, but also as our friend and our dad – the caring head of our new eternal family.

One of the great things about Jesus is that, even if we once threw him away, he is never lost to us. He is still there, waiting, reaching out, hoping to be

found. And if today he does not feel as close as he once was, he is ready for us to find him anew and wants to be the cornerstone of our lives forever.

Jesus, we thank you for being here for us. Open our hearts and minds to see you even more clearly as we welcome you and cherish your presence in our lives. You make life worth living. You give us strength and inspiration to live each and every day well. Thank you for your love, O Lord our God. We love you too. Amen.

Wednesday 8th AprilMark 14 vs 1-11

Even though the priests and leaders had rejected Jesus and were seeking to arrest him, there were still supportive people around him. People like Simon the Leper and Mary too. Jesus was happy to go to Simon’s house and he saw in Mary’s actions her need to express what was in her heart. He wasn’t someone who turned away those who came to him with grateful hearts.

Some of the people at Simon’s house were all too ready to judge Mary’s actions. Was this the moment when Judas decided to go to the priests and deliver Jesus into their hands?

Jesus though, saw the love, gratitude and possibly some sadness too, in Mary’s heart.So, he received all she offered with sensitivity, grace and compassion, just as he gracefully receives all we offer to him today. He sees beyond each gift to the

Page 2:…  · Web viewJesus, we thank you for being here for us. Open our hearts and minds to see you even more clearly as we welcome you

motivation in our hearts. I wonder what we will give to him today? Remember, nothing given to Jesus, in gratitude, is every wasted. Watch:

Lord Jesus, accept the worship of our grateful hearts today, as we give of our best, to express our gratitude to you. Teach us not look for reward or recognition in our giving; teach us not judge others in theirs. Rather, may we know your peace in our hearts, that we have done what we can, to honour you. Amen.

Thursday 9th April John 13 verses 1-17 and 33-34

“Wash your hands” we are told, “wash your hands”. For us it is our hands which need to be washed, for Jesus disciples it was their feet. Yesterday we remembered how his feet had been washed by Mary – now today he would wash his disciples’ feet.

The disciples had just been discussing amongst themselves who was the greatest – and now here came the greatest, being their servant - and he washed all their feet, even Peter’s.

This was a practical and intimate act of service, offered as both a blessing and an example. When he had finished, Jesus instructed them that this

was to be the pattern for their lives – each should be ready to serve the next and we must all love one another as Jesus loves us.


Many of us have hands that are becoming very dry because of all the handwashing we are asked to do.

So, take some hand cream and put a small amount on the back of each hand. Then slowly rub in the cream on your left hand and as you do remember all that Christ has done for you.

Lord we thank you for the many ways in which you meet our needs and for your self-less acts of love. We are sorry that sometimes we fail to recognise your hands at work, or are unwilling to receive the blessings you offer through others. Teach us how to receive as well as give….

Then swap hands and slowly rub in the cream on the back of your right hand

Lord we know you call us to live differently, to serve one another and to model our whole lives on Jesus so others may glimpse your kingdom.

Take our hands and use them as yours, just as you used Jesus hands. Put our hands to what you will, for we offer them in Jesus name. Amen.

Friday 10th April (Good Friday)A separate service has been prepared for us today by Helen. Please take time to remember …….

He was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that

brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds we are healed. (Isaiah 53 verse 5).

Saturday 11th April John 17 vs 1 – 5

It’s a good feeling to finish something, especially when we know we have done the job well and achieved all we set out to do.

Jesus knew he had finished his earthly mission, that his work was complete. However, he also knew this was not the end – for him or for his disciples.

Now it was Saturday – a day when everything was waiting, as if the world was holding its breath. Tomorrow a new chapter would begin.

Tomorrow we will see God’s power unveiled as Christ is raised from the dead; proof of God’s supremacy over all things; proof that those who sleep will one day be raised to life again (1 Cor 15).

Tomorrow Jesus, the only real hope for our broken world will arise and we will rejoice. But today we pause and give thanks. We wait and trust.

Lord God, We wonder what happened on the day after you died. We sense a pause as if the whole world had stopped for a moment. As we wait for our tomorrows, be with us and give us your peace. Enfold us in your care and prepare us for what is to come as we put our faith in you, our amazing God who is forever faithful in all things. Amen.

Page 3:…  · Web viewJesus, we thank you for being here for us. Open our hearts and minds to see you even more clearly as we welcome you