SIngle Blade Broken _ Talcher

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  • 8/7/2019 SIngle Blade Broken _ Talcher


  • 8/7/2019 SIngle Blade Broken _ Talcher


    turbine, and the diametral modes number (nD), see

    [3] and [4]. In the high cycle fatigue failureanalysis, the vibratory stress due to the flow-

    induced vibrations on the bladed disk is determined

    in order to compare with the fatigue limit of the

    material, [5], [6] and [7]. In this paper, oneproposes a numerical/experimental procedure to

    analyse the low cycle fatigue problem.The computational mechanics procedure used

    in this work consisted first in digitize a single blade

    for obtaining a file with the geometric dimensions

    and, secondly, to build a solid CAD model of the

    blade. The CAD model was verified by comparingthe calculated and measured blade weights. This

    model was analyzed using a finite element code in

    order to obtain the natural frequencies and the

    associated vibration modes of a single blade in a

    free-free condition. A modal testing was also

    performed and a numerical/experimentalcomparison was used to adjust the material

    properties and the geometric dimensions.

    In addition, a five blades grouped was

    modeled considering the tie-wire and the shroudas

    the elements used to connect the blades. In thiscase, another modal testing was performed and the

    numerical/experimental comparison was made to

    adjust the material properties introduced in the

    computational model with the objective of

    simulating the contact between the blade and the

    tie-wire and the blades and the shroud. As shownin

    several papers and reports, these elements can playa very important role in this type of analysis, [8]. A

    combination of modal testing and finite element

    analysis are the current procedure to accurately

    predict the dynamic response of bladed disks in


    Finally, a fifth stage of the low-pressure

    turbine model was built to solve the

    eigenvalues/eigenvectors problem and the low

    fatigue problem was investigated.

    II. Modal analysis on a single blade

    The purpose of this analysis is to adjust the

    material properties and the geometric dimensions of

    the blade in the numerical model, in order to fit the

    modal testing measurements.

    Figure 3 shows the blade configuration for the

    modal testing in a free-free condition. The

    instruments used for this purpose were a force

    transducer B&K 8200, a shock hammer (coupled to

    the force transducer), an accelerometer B&K 4344

    and the LMS SCADAS III with a Fourier analysis

    software. For the mode identification, accelerationswere obtained at 105 points on the blade.

    Fig. 3. Experimental set for the modal analysis of a single

    blade in a free-free condition

    Figure 4 shows the first mode of vibration and

    figure 5 shows the second mode of vibration of the

    single blade in a free-free condition. In the

    numerical model the medium size of the elements is

    10 mm and the total number of elements is 14 313.



    Fig. 4. First mode of the single blade: (a) numerical and

    (b) experimental

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    (b)Fig. 5. Second mode of the single blade: (a) numerical

    and (b) experimental

    TABLE I presents the numerical/experimental

    results of the first seven modes of the modal

    analysis of a single blade in a free-free condition.

    Mode Numerical






    1 162,8 166,9 -2,5

    2 442,3 451,7 -2,8

    3 524,6 547,2 -4,1

    4 738,7 748,9 -1,4

    5 1.112,0 1.077,2 3,2

    6 1.212,0 1.166,1 3,9

    7 1.448,0 1.457,7 -0,7

    TABLE I Numerical/experimental results on a

    single blade

    III. Modal analysis on a five blades grouped

    A tie-wire and a shroud, as seen in figure 6,

    connect groups of four and five blades. The contact

    problem between the blade and the tie-wire and the

    blade and the shroud is analyzed by using a soft

    material between them. So, the purpose of thisanalysis is to adjust the material properties,

    introduced in these regions in the numerical model,

    so that the numerical solution fits the experimental


    Fig. 6. Four and five bladed groups

    The experimental set for the modal testing of a

    five blades grouped is presented in figure 7. The

    instruments used for this purpose were the same

    used in the experimental setup in the modal testing

    of the single blade test.

    Fig. 7. Experimental set for the modal analysis of a five

    blades grouped in a clamped-free condition

    Figure 8 shows the first mode of the 5 blades

    grouped in bending and figure 9 presents the

    second mode of the 5 blades grouped in bending. In

    the numerical model the medium size of the

    elements is 7 mm on the blades, 4 mm on the

    shroud, 3 mm on the tie-wire and 2 mm on the

    material interface. The total number of elements

    used in the model is 98 184.





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    Fig. 8. First mode of the five blades grouped in bending

    Fig. 9. Second mode of the five blades grouped inbending

    TABLE II presents the numerical/experimental

    results of the first eight modes of the modal

    analysis of a five blades grouped, in a clamped-freecondition. Mode types are bending (B) and/or

    torsion (T).

    Numerical Experimental

    Freq. (hz) Mode Freq. (hz) Mode Mode type

    107,8 1 99,4 1 B

    - - 142,3 2 B/T

    172,7 2 148,5 3 B/T

    213,6 3 210,7 4 B/T

    - - 296,2 5 B/T

    395,2 4 336,4 6 B/T

    411,0 5 407,6 7 B/T

    499,1 6 479,4 8 B/T

    TABLE II. Numerical/experimental results on a fiveblades grouped

    IV. Modal analysis of the fifth stage

    The fifth stage of the low pressure turbine was

    modeled in accordance with the results obtained in

    the modal analysis on a single blade and on a fiveblades grouped. It is composed by 133 blades

    divided in groups of four and five blades as shown

    in figure 10 (five blades group in gray and four

    blades group in black).

    Fig. 10. Fifth stage model of the low pressure turbine

    As found by Chyou in [3], one observes two

    modal groups with a large modal density. In the

    first modal group, blades are associated with first

    mode of the blades grouped in bending (see figure8) and in the second modal group, blades are

    associated with the second mode of the blades

    group in bending (see figure 9).

    TABLE III presents the first diametral modes

    in the first group and TABLE IV presents the firstdiametral modes in the second group of the fifth

    stage of the turbine turning at its operation speed of

    3600 rpm.

    The circunferencial modes are not excited by

    the force acting on the blades due to steam flow, so

    they are ignored in this analysis.

    #1 1D 152,70 hz #2 1D 152,8 hz

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    #3 2D 153,2 hz #4 2D 153,3 hz

    #6 3D 154,1 hz #7 3D 154,4 hz

    TABLE III. Diametral modes in the first modal group

    #31 1D 184,4 hz #32 1D 184,4 hz

    #33 2D 185,1 hz #34 2D 185,4 hz

    #35 3D 185,9 hz #36 3D 186,2 hz

    TABLE IV. Diametral modes in the second modal group

    TABLE V shows the vibrations modes which

    can cause the resonance of the fifth stage of theturbine at 3600 rpm due to the harmonics of the

    operation speed and due to the diametral modenumber (nD).




    speed (hz)


    Diametral modenumber (nD)



    3600 60 1 60

    3600 60 2 120

    3600 60 3 180

    TABLE V. Diametral modes in the second modal group

    In observation of TABLE III, it is possible to

    note that the frequencies in the first mode group are

    approximately 150 hz, far from the second and the

    third harmonics of the operation speed.

    Nevertheless, in TABLE IV, it is observed that the

    frequencies in the second mode group are

    approximately 180 hz, near the third harmonic of

    the operation speed.The two 3D diametral modes in the second

    mode group 185,9 hz and 186,2 hz have a

    deviation of 3,3% and 3,4% from the third

    harmonic of the operation speed of the turbine,respectively. Orsagh and Roemer in [4] recommend

    a value of 3% far from one of the harmonics to

    assure an operation without resonance. Based on

    this results, it is possible to conclude that in the

    fifth stage of the low-pressure turbine there will be

    no low cycle fatigue problem.

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    V. Conclusions

    In this work, the low cycle fatigue problem was

    investigated on a fifth stage of the low-pressure

    turbine in a thermoelectric power plant. Theprocedure for this study consisted initially in the

    fitting of the computational model of a single blade

    and a five blades grouped with experimental

    measurements. Further, a computational model of

    the complete fifth stage bladed disk was developed

    and a modal analysis was performed. By analyzingthe harmonics of the operation speed and the

    diametral modes of the bladed disk, it was

    concluded that no resonance had occurred, so the

    low cycle fatigue is not the root-cause of the

    damage on the blades. This fact indicates that the

    high cycle fatigue on the blades in the fifth stage of

    the low-pressure turbine must be investigated.


    [1] Dewey, R. P. and Rieger, N. F., 1985, Survey ofBlade Failures in Turbine-Generator Units.

    Proceedings: Steam Turbine Blade Reliability

    Seminar and Workshop, ed. By R. G. Brown and J.

    F. Quilliam, EPRI CS-4001, pp. 2-61 ~ 2-78.

    [2] Ortolano, R. J., 1991, Recent Case Histories in theInspection, Modification, and Repair of Steam

    Turbine Blading. Proceedings, International Joint

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    [4] Orsagh, R. F. and Roemer, M. J., 1994, Examinationof Successful Modal Analysis Techniques Used for

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    [5] Fleeter, S., Zhou, C., Houstis, E. and Rice, J., 1998,Fatigue Life Prediction of Turbomachine Blading.

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    [6] Boven, R. and Lam, T. Management Strategy andTechnical Plan Used to Select, Qualify and Procure a

    New 20.9 L-1 Stage Steam Turbine Bucket.

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    [7] Rao, J. S., Turbine Blade Life Estimation. AlphaScience International Ltd., 2000.

    [8] Shiga, M., Vibration Characteristics of GroupedSteam Turbine Blades. JSME International Journal,

    pp. 592-596, Series III, Vol. 32, No.4, 1989.