Singapore - Minister for Foreign Affairs · his visit to Singapore Mr Lee Yi Shyan, ... Industry...

Singapore Singapore An update from the Singapore Embassy OCTOBER / NOVEMBER 2010 Interpol to Set Up Global Complex in Singapore The Interpol Global Com- plex is expected to house about 300 staff, including enforce- ment officers seconded from Interpol’s 188 member coun- tries and those hired by the organisation. It could be sited in the Tan- glin area, where several em- bassies are located. The proposal for the com- plex was approved by members at the Interpol General Assem- bly meeting in Qatar on November 9, 2010. The decision to build the complex is recognition that tech- nology and globalisation have allowed crimes to be carried out simultaneously across continents. Singapore’s Home Affairs and Law Minister, K. Shan- mugam, and Interpol secretary- general, Ronald Noble, signed the agreement on the same day. Mr Shanmugam said Singa- pore was proud to be part of this historic project which will bring about greater safety and security for the Asia Pacific as well strengthening Interpol’s capabilities worldwide in new areas. Mr Shanmugam said that Singapore was strongly com- mitted to Interpol’s vision of connecting police forces for a safer world. Mr Noble, the Interpol Sec- retary General, said that the decision to enhance Interpol’s presence in the Asia Pacific was made in view of the region’s status as the new centre of economic activity and the anticipated corre- sponding increase in criminal activity. Interpol had identified Singapore as the city state was a trusted hub with a huge pres- ence of multinational corpora- tions, and a strong R&D cul- ture, as well as a highly-skilled talent pool. The Singapore Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) said that the centre’s functions include conducting research on identi- fying crime and criminals, and Ahead of the G-20 Summit in Seoul, United States Secre- tary of the Treasury Timothy Geithner visited Singapore on November 10, 2010. While in Singapore, he met with Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong and Minister for Finance Tharman Shanmugaratnam. They discussed topics that would be raised at the G-20 Summit, as well as financial developments in the region. U.S. Treasury Secretary Visits Singapore U.S. Treasury Secretary, Tim Geithner (left) meets with Prime Minister Lee (3rd from left) and Minister for Finance Tharman Shanmugaratnam (right) providing round-the-clock sup- port to member states across time zones. The complex will comple- ment Interpol’s headquarters in France. It is expected to be operational by 2014. Interpol Secretary General, Ronald Noble (left), and Singapore’s Minister for Home Affairs & Law, K Shanmugam (right), at the signing of the agreement to establish the IGC in Singapore. Photo courtesy of Ministry of Home Affairs, Singapore Mr Geithner also stressed the importance of Asia’s growth to the U.S. economy. “We want to help Americans understand that our capacity to grow as a country, future innovation and job growth, are going to depend in part on the very encouraging growth rates we’re seeing in Asia as a whole.” His trip to Asia also includ- ed stops in Japan, India and United Arab Emirates.

Transcript of Singapore - Minister for Foreign Affairs · his visit to Singapore Mr Lee Yi Shyan, ... Industry...

Page 1: Singapore - Minister for Foreign Affairs · his visit to Singapore Mr Lee Yi Shyan, ... Industry and Manpower Mr Lee Yi Shyan, Minister of State ... and multilateral exercises, ship

SingaporeSingaporeAn update from the

Singapore Embassy


Interpol to Set Up Global Complex in Singapore

The Interpol Global Com-plex is expected to house about300 staff, including enforce-ment officers seconded fromInterpol’s 188 member coun-tries and those hired by theorganisation.

It could be sited in the Tan-glin area, where several em-bassies are located.

The proposal for the com-plex was approved by membersat the Interpol General Assem-bly meeting in Qatar onNovember 9, 2010.

The decision to build thecomplex is recognition that tech-nology and globalisation haveallowed crimes to be carried outsimultaneously across continents.

Singapore’s Home Affairsand Law Minister, K. Shan-mugam, and Interpol secretary-general, Ronald Noble, signedthe agreement on the same day.

Mr Shanmugam said Singa-pore was proud to be part ofthis historic project which willbring about greater safety andsecurity for the Asia Pacific aswell strengthening Interpol’scapabilities worldwide in newareas. Mr Shanmugam said thatSingapore was strongly com-mitted to Interpol’s vision ofconnecting police forces for asafer world.

Mr Noble, the Interpol Sec-retary General, said that thedecision to enhance Interpol’s

presence in the AsiaPacific was made inview of the region’sstatus as the newcentre of economicactivity and theanticipated corre-sponding increase in criminalactivity. Interpol had identifiedSingapore as the city state was atrusted hub with a huge pres-ence of multinational corpora-tions, and a strong R&D cul-ture, as well as a highly-skilledtalent pool.

The Singapore Ministry ofHome Affairs (MHA) said thatthe centre’s functions includeconducting research on identi-fying crime and criminals, and

Ahead of the G-20 Summitin Seoul, United States Secre-tary of the Treasury TimothyGeithner visited Singapore onNovember 10, 2010. While inSingapore, he met with PrimeMinister Lee Hsien Loong andMinister for Finance TharmanShanmugaratnam.

They discussed topics thatwould be raised at the G-20Summit, as well as financialdevelopments in the region.

U.S. Treasury Secretary Visits Singapore

U.S. Treasury Secretary, Tim Geithner (left) meets with Prime Minister Lee (3rd from left) andMinister for Finance Tharman Shanmugaratnam (right)

providing round-the-clock sup-port to member states acrosstime zones.

The complex will comple-ment Interpol’s headquarters inFrance. It is expected to beoperational by 2014.

Interpol Secretary General, Ronald Noble (left),and Singapore’s Minister for Home Affairs &Law, K Shanmugam (right), at the signingof the agreement to establish the IGC inSingapore.

Photo courtesy of M

inistry of Hom

e Affairs, S


Mr Geithner also stressedthe importance of Asia’s growthto the U.S. economy. “We wantto help Americans understandthat our capacity to grow as acountry, future innovation andjob growth, are going to dependin part on the very encouraginggrowth rates we’re seeing inAsia as a whole.”

His trip to Asia also includ-ed stops in Japan, India andUnited Arab Emirates.

Page 2: Singapore - Minister for Foreign Affairs · his visit to Singapore Mr Lee Yi Shyan, ... Industry and Manpower Mr Lee Yi Shyan, Minister of State ... and multilateral exercises, ship

On November 14, the nineleaders of the Trans-PacificPartnership’s (TPP) currentand potential members gatheredat a meeting hosted by the U.S.on the margins of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation(Apec) summit in Yokohama.

Singapore Prime MinisterLee Hsien Loong hailed thisinterest in TPP membership asthe ‘most significant’ outcomeof the two-day annual Apecsummit.

“Now, five more members(the United States, Peru, Aus-tralia, Vietnam and Malaysia)are negotiating to join toexpand the group to nine, and

Trans-PacificPartnershipSummit inYokohama

the Japanese in addition to thathave an observer status,“ hetold Singapore media.

It was a good sign for thefuture of the TPP, he added,that the leaders of all nine coun-tries were confident enough tohave a group photograph taken.

He said: “It will make a verysignificant free trade grouping

in the Asia-Pacific region, whichis a significant step forward forthe region and for Singapore.“

Currently made up of Singa-pore, Brunei, Chile and NewZealand, the TPP is a multilat-eral free trade agreement thataims to eventually integrateeconomies in the Asia-Pacificregion, scrapping tariffs and

Leaders of the TPP's 9 current and potentialmembers gather at a meeting hosted by U.S.President Obama on the margins of the Apecsummit in Yokohama.

Singapore and U.S. Reaffirm Commitment to FTA

trade agreement, and ensurethat the agreement remains rel-evant to constituents. Discus-sions covered a wide range ofissues including market accessfor goods and the regulation ofservices. In addition, both par-ties took stock of the collabora-tive efforts made in advancing

environmental cooperation andstrengthening intellectual prop-erty rights (IPR) enforcement.

Officials on both sides wel-comed the positive impact of theUSSFTA on trade and invest-ment in both directions. Since2004 when the USSFTA cameinto force, bilateral trade hasgrown by almost 20% to reachS$86.3 billion (US$65.7 billion)in 2008. While the economic cri-sis reduced trade flows in 2009to S$66.9 billion (US$51.0 bil-lion), bilateral trade has sinceincreased 20.2% year-on-year inthe first eight months of 2010.Bilateral investments have alsorecorded a significant increase.

Singapore and the U.S. heldthe 6th Annual Review of theUnited States-Singapore FreeTrade Agreement (USSFTA)on October 13. The review wasco-chaired by Ms Koh Lin-Net,Deputy Secretary (Trade),Ministry of Trade and Industry,Singapore, and Ms BarbaraWeisel, Assistant United StatesTrade Representative, Office ofthe United States Trade Repre-sentative.

The review reaffirmed bothcountries’ commitment to con-tinually improve the bilateral

other trade barriers betweenmembers.

It aims to be a high quality21st century trade agreementthat meets the need of modernbusiness.

© F

lickr Photo by G

obierno de Chile

Singapore’s total direct invest-ments into the U.S.. increasedby 83% (from US$8 billion toUS$14.8 billion) between 2003and 2008, Meanwhile, in Singaporetotalled S$51.8 billion (US$39.5billion) as at end 2008, a 39.2%increase from end 2003.

Singapore-U.S. trade rela-tions remain very strong.Despite Singapore’s small popu-lation, Singapore was theU.S.’13th largest trading partnerin 2009, accounting for 1.5% oftotal U.S. trade. This was mainlydue to U.S. exports to Singapore.The U.S. has run a trade surpluswith Singapore since 2001.

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Mr Tharman Shanmugaratnam, Minister for Finance

Minister Tharman Shanmugaratnamwas in Washington D.C from October 8to 10, during the Annual Meetings of theWorld Bank Group and the Internation-al Monetary Fund (IMF). He deliveredthe keynote addresses at a Singapore-World Bank Conference on UrbanDevelopment and a high-level IMF sem-inar on global financial safety nets. Min-ister Tharman was also a speaker at aconference organised by the Bretton

Woods Committee on the theme of ‘Integrating Global and Finan-cial Economic Reforms’, and at a restricted meeting of the Inter-national Monetary and Financial Committee (IMFC). He furtherparticipated in the Global Economic Action Roundtable hosted byIMF Managing Director Dominique Strauss-Kahn, and the Com-monwealth Finance Ministers meeting.

Mr K Shanmugam, Minister for Home Affairs & Law

Minister K Shanmugam was in NewYork City on November 4 to speak atColumbia University’s “A Free Press fora Global Society” forum. His speech,titled “The Role of the Media: Singa-pore’s Perspective”, presented the consid-erations and circumstances of Singapore’sapproach regarding the role of the media.

U.S. Navy Secretary Visits Singapore

Visits by Singapore Officials to the U.S.

The United States Secretaryof the Navy Raymond Mabusvisited Singapore and called onPrime Minister Lee HsienLoong at the Istana on Nov 24.He was in the country for atwo-day visit from Nov 23-24.

Mr Mabus called on DeputyPrime Minister and DefenceMinister Teo Chee Hean at theMinistry of Defence and touredthe Changi Command andControl Centre at ChangiNaval Base as well.

Mr Mabus also called onMinister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew.

Singapore’s Ministry of

Defence said in a statement thatMr Mabus’ visit ‘underscoresthe excellent defence relationsbetween Singapore and the U.S.’

Since Singapore and theU.S. signed the StrategicFramework Agreement in2005, the bilateral defence rela-tionship of our two countries‘has progressed significantlyacross military, technology andpolicy areas’, the statement said.

The U.S. has been a keypartner in Singapore’s militarytraining overseas, working withSingapore’s air force and withits navy.

Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong greets UnitedStates Navy Secretary Raymond Mabus duringhis visit to Singapore

Mr Lee Yi Shyan, Minister of State for Trade &Industry and Manpower

Mr Lee Yi Shyan, Minister of State(Trade & Industry and Manpower) led a tri-partite study trip on workplace safety andhealth (WSGH) to Washington DC andBoston from November 21 to 23. The dele-gation included Mr Lee Tzu Yang, Chairman

of the WSH Council and Chairman of the Shell Companies in Sin-gapore; and Mr Yeo Guat Kwang, a Member of Parliament, aWSH Council member and the Alignment Director of the Nation-al Trades Union Congress. The delegation visited the Occupation-al Safety and Health Agency (OSHA), the National Institute ofOccupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), Jacobs Engineeringand the American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industri-al Organizations (AFL-CIO).

Both navies have interactedextensively through bilateraland multilateral exercises, shipvisits and knowledge transfers.

Dr Amy Khor, Minister of State for the Environ-ment & Water Resources & Chairman of REACH

Dr Amy Khor was in Washington fromOctober 19 to 23 in her capacity as the Chair-man of REACH. (REACH is the agencyresponsible for public engagement in Singa-pore). Dr Khor, who is also Minister of State(Environment and Water Resources) and

Mayor of the South West Community Development Council, led adelegation from REACH to learn more about the Administration’spolicies for public engagement as well as how various agencies inAmerica undertake such engagement. She had meetings with MsChristina Tchen, Director of the White House Office of PublicEngagement and Mr Macon Phillips, Director of New Media atthe White House. Dr Khor also visited organisations such as theGeneral Services Administration, GovLoop and the WashingtonPost company. While in town, Dr Khor also hosted a dialogue ses-sion with Singaporeans living in the Washington D.C. metro area.

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Visits by Ambassador ChanBrownsville, TX

Ambassador Chan travelledto Brownsville, Texas fromOctober 30-31 on the invitationof Keppel AmFELS, to be aguest of honor at the company’s20th anniversary celebrations.Other distinguished guests atthe event include CongressmanSolomon Ortiz (D-Texas) andTexas State Senator EddieLucio, Jr. Keppel AmFELS isa wholly owned subsidiary of

Singapore company Keppel Offshore & Marine Ltd, and is thelargest private employer in Brownsville.

In her remarks, Ambassador Chan gave praise to KeppelAmFELS’ work, including building the Q4000 rig that led the suc-cessful “static kill” operation which eventually capped the Deep-water Horizon oil spill. Also speaking at the event, CongressmanOrtiz paid tribute to Keppel AmFELS for the company’s efforts increating jobs in the area and to Singapore’s long-standing supportfor the U.S.’ military presence in the Asia-Pacific region.

Brandeis University in Waltham, MAOn November 9, Ambassador Chan made a trip to Brandeis

University in Waltham, Massachusetts as guest of honour and dis-cussant in a case study on Singapore.

In her remarks to the students, Ambassador Chan gave insightsinto how the Singapore government shaped its policies in order toensure the continued competitiveness of the country. She explainedhow the Economic Strategies Committee in Singapore had,between 2009 and 2010, studied ideas and opportunities in orderto identify new and refine existing growth areas for the economy.

The Singapore Armed Forces (SAF) used the country’s firstlocally developed mini Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) during anoperational exercise in November.

Called the Sky Blade III, the UAV can fly up to 1500 feet (460metres) in the air and reach speeds of up to 40 mph (65 km/h). Atabout 5kg, the Sky Blade III is light enough to be hand carriedand is 4.6 feet (1.4 m) long, with a wing span of 8.5 feet (2.6 m).

Fitted with a steerable camera, the UAV feeds video images andinformation in real time back to scout teams and commanders onthe ground. Its ability to be controlled 5 miles (8 km) away fromenemy lines allows SAF soldiers to detect enemies faster.

The Sky Blade III was created through collaboration betweenthe SAF, the DSO National Laboratories, ST Aerospace and theDefence Science and Technology Agency (DSTA).

A trooper preparing to launch the Sky Blade III — a Singapore made UV equipped with a camerato allow troops to beam real-time video images beyond a soldier's line of vision





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Joint Technical Assistance forAfghan Civil Aviation

The collaboration aims toimprove the safety of civilian airtraffic in Afghanistan throughcapacity building of Afghanaviation personnel. The pro-gramme is co-sponsored by theSingapore Cooperation Pro-gramme and the German Fed-eral Foreign Office (GFFO).

In the coming year, Singa-pore and Germany will cus-tomise a two-week airport rampoperations and managementprogramme for 20 officials fromthe Afghan Ministry of Trans-port and Civil Aviation. Theprogramme will take place inJanuary 2011 at the SingaporeAviation Academy. Further civ-il aviation programmes could beconsidered for 2011.

The Letter of Intentbetween both Governmentswas signed by Singapore’sAmbassador in Berlin, MrJacky Foo, and German Spe-cial Envoy for Afghanistan andPakistan, Ambassador MichaelSteiner, at the GFFO in Berlin.

Singapore has been provid-ing technical assistance toAfghanistan since 2002, when itpledged a technical assistancepackage (worth US$914 mil-lion or S$1.2 million) at theInternational Conference onReconstruction Assistance toAfghanistan in Tokyo. In 2009,Singapore collaborated with theAsia Foundation to organise atraining programme in anti-cor-ruption for 17 senior officialsfrom the Afghan High Office ofOversight for Anti-Corruption.In 2011, Singapore will alsobegin an inaugural collabora-tion with Japan to providetraining for senior Afghan offi-cials in public governance andanti-corruption. To date, Singa-pore has trained a total of 336Afghan government officials inareas such as civil aviation, edu-cation, environment, urbantransport planning, publicadministration and healthcareunder the Singapore Coopera-tion Programme.

Singapore-Developed UAV Takes to the Skies

On November 23, Singapore and Germany announced that they will

collaborate for a second year in 2011 to provide joint technical

assistance to Afghanistan in civil aviation.

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When American explorerand author Dan Buettnerbegan researching Asia’s cheeri-est spot for a book on theworld’s happiest places, he hadassumed he would be boardinga plane for spiritual Tibet, exot-ic Fiji or mysterious Bhutan.

Instead, he found himself ina country some Americanswould consider a restrictivenanny state, known more forstrict enforcement of laws andbanning chewing gum than forits sunny disposition.

Singapore is one of fourplaces that Minneapolis-basedMr Buettner profiles in hisrecently launched book, Thrive,Finding Happiness The BlueZones Way.

The title references an earli-er book, The Blue Zones, theauthor’s 2008 New York Timesbestseller about the placeswhere people live the longestand have the highest quality oflife in the world.

Besides Singapore, he trav-elled to the Jutland Peninsulain Denmark, Monterrey inMexico, and San Luis Obispoin California. The book, backedby National Geographic, tookfive years to research and write.

To identify the happy spots,Mr Buettner relied on datafrom Gallup, the World ValuesSurvey and the World Data-base on Happiness which havedone comprehensive polls andstudies over the past sevendecades examining factors thatdirectly impact happiness.

While there are many happi-ness indices out there, the datafrom the three organisations are‘by far the most authoritativeand authentic’, he told Singa-pore newspaper The SundayTimes.

Statistics from all threesources pointed to Singapore as

the happiest place in Asia,although the city-state may notinitially fit in with some people’snotion of happiness, he noted.

‘Known as a society ofworkaholics, Singapore has alsobecome famous for its paternal-istic government, which strictlyenforces laws on the most triv-ial of infractions, from chewinggum in public to failing to flusha toilet,’ he wrote in Thrive.

But Mr Buettner credits oneof his chief consultants, sociolo-gist Ruut Veenhoven, who isdirector of the World Databaseof Happiness and editor of theJournal of Happiness Studies,for steering him away from the‘usual places’.

Dr Veenhoven advised himthat ‘the places we imagine asparadises don’t measure upwhen it comes to basic prereq-uisites for happiness, such asdecent food, basic shelter, ade-quate health care, and mobility’,he wrote.

What correlate with happi-ness on a worldwide level aretolerance, status equality, secu-rity, trust, access to recreationand financial security — all ofwhich Singapore has, said MrBuettner.

In Singapore, people of dif-ferent ethnicities feel theybelong and fit in. Citizens areable to trust their Governmentand police. Unemployment islow, home ownership is high.The country gives people accessto green spaces despite havingone of the highest populationdensities in the world.

As for security, Singaporeshows that feeling secure ismore important than freedomwhen it comes to happiness, hesaid.

‘In Singapore, you cannotfreely buy pornography, it isharder to start a political party,

but if you’re a woman, you canwalk down the street any timeof the day and you can be pret-ty sure no one is going to both-er you.’

For insights on Singaporeand the other places he visited,Mr Buettner interviewed awide range of people, includingsocial scientists, economists,politicians and even comedians,to try to pin down what makespeople in each locality so joyful.

He made two trips to Singa-pore, about a year apart, stay-ing four weeks in all.

In the book’s chapter onSingapore, he details interviewswith Minister Mentor LeeKuan Yew as well as expertswho have done studies on hap-piness including sociologist DrTan Ern Ser of Singapore’sInstitute of Policy Studies andDr Ho Kong Weng, an econo-mist at the Nanyang Techno-logical University.

He also speaks to privateinvestor turned jewellerydesigner Celina Lin, chairmanof the Community Chest Jen-nie Chua, as well as SakaeSushi founder Douglas Foo.Mr Ahmad Nizam Abbas, a 39-year-old lawyer and MadamNoridah Yusoh, a 43-year-oldhousewife, also get a mention.

Of his choice of intervie-wees, Mr Buettner said he triedto find ‘people who wereemblems of the characteristics

of happiness. Theyweren’t necessarilythe happiest peoplein Singapore, butthey illustratedfacets of Singapore-an happiness’.

In the book, hedescribes how hewent to greatlengths to speakwith Mr Lee, whom

he calls Singapore’s ‘happinessarchitect’ for putting in placepolicies that became the build-ing blocks for Singaporeans’happiness.

‘I wanted to speak to himbecause I knew that he was amajor player in what has madeSingapore what it is today. Iwanted to know if he acciden-tally did it or if he was thinkingabout it,’ said the author.

A scheduled 30-minutemeeting turned into a 11/2-hourconversation.

‘I was incredibly impressedwith Mr Lee. That was a manwho had a very good idea ofwhat his people’s values wereand he is a man of integrity. Iknow that he has made sometough decisions that have beenunpopular, but he has a keeninstinct of how to create well-being for people,’ said Mr Buet-tner.

There is no question thatSingapore shows that happi-ness can be manufactured orengineered through govern-ment policy, he added.

‘When it comes to manufac-tured happiness, I don’t knowanybody else on the planet whohas done a better job than (MrLee) has, and I know there willbe lots of people laughing at meright now but all you have to dois to look at the well-beingindices and the data will backme up on that.’

Singapore the “Happiest Place in Asia”U.S. author picks city-state based on factors like tolerance, equality and security

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Singapore’s EconomyExpected to Grow by 15%in 2010

The Ministry of Trade andIndustry (MTI) announcedon November 18 that itexpected the Singapore econ-omy to grow by around15.0% in 2010.

For 2011, the economy isofficially expected to grow by4% to 6%, a marked slow-down from this year’s rate,but still above the expectedlong-term trend. There is anexpected boost in externaldemand from advancedeconomies and intra-regionaltrade in Asia. Economicactivities in Singapore willalso increase on account ofnew capacity additions inmanufacturing and progres-sive offerings in the tourism-related service industries.

The figures released bythe Ministry show thatgrowth in the June to Sep-tember quarter was up 10.6%compared with the thirdquarter last year.

The growth in 2010 wassupported by a number ofindustry specific factors.There was strong growth infinancial services, tourismand pharmaceuticals.

World Bank: SingaporeEasiest Place in the Worldto Do Business

For the fifth year running,Singapore has been rankedthe world’s easiest place to dobusiness. It pipped HongKong, New Zealand, Britainand the United States to taketop spot in the latest WorldBank ‘Doing Business’ reportpublished on November 4.

Singapore’s strong per-formance was attributed to

the efficiency of its processesand the transparency of itsrules, especially in areasinvolving technology.

The World Bank uses ninecriteria to assess how easy it isto do business, from starting abusiness to getting credit andtrading across borders. Thereport surveyed 183economies in total.

The World Bank saideconomies that did well hadadvanced e-government ini-tiatives. For instance, Singa-pore has a one-stop onlineportal for businesses to inter-act with the Government.

Singapore was also rankedfirst in terms of ease of cross-border trading, and second inthe areas of applying for con-struction permits, protectinginvestors and closing a business.

Property registration wasSingapore’s weakest area,with the World Bank notingthat registering property hereinvolves three procedures andtakes five days. It came 15thin this category, up one placefrom last year.

US$2.35 Billion Investmentin Biomedical SciencesResearch

The Singapore Govern-ment will invest US$2.35 bil-lion (S$3.7 billion) in Bio-medical Sciences research forthe period 2011-2015. This12% increase over the invest-ment by the Government forthe period 2006-2010 is astrong signal that biomedicalscience R&D remains a prior-ity in Singapore’s long-termstrategy to boost its economiccompetitiveness, achieve sus-tained growth and establishthe country as Asia’s innova-tion capital.

The modules are used insolar energy systems whichgenerate electricity from thesun’s rays.

Mr Enger noted thatdemand from Asia is increas-ing, such as from Japan, Tai-wan, South Korea and morerecently, China and India.

It took the plant only 18months after constructionbegan in June 2008 for the firstsolar module to be produced.

But the project was notwithout challenges. A fewmonths after building began,Oslo-listed REC was hit by theglobal financial crisis. But sup-port from shareholders, banksand the Singapore Govern-ment helped to see the projectthrough, said Mr Enger.

The project even came inunder its initial budget of S$3billion (US$2.32 billion) forthe first phase.

Singapore’s skilled work-force, especially in semicon-ductor industry capabilities,was a key reason why RECdecided to set up shop here.

The firm received 35,000applications for just oneadvertisement.

To date, it has hired 1,500workers in Singapore andwill employ up to 1,700 asproduction ramps up.

Mr Lee acknowledged theSingapore worker as theRepublic’s ‘most criticalstrength’.

The modules produced byREC’s new plant for thewhole of next year could off-set 25 million tonnes of car-bon dioxide emissionsthroughout its lifetime or pro-duce enough electricity tomeet the yearly energy needsof 150,000 Singaporeanhouseholds.

Mr Enger said expansionplans for the plant will beconsidered after next year.

Over 100 global biomedicalsciences companies have lever-aged on Singapore’s world-class manufacturing capabili-ties, excellent clinical and sci-entific infrastructure, connec-tivity to Asian markets andpro-business environment tocarry out strategic businessoperations, such as cutting-edge research, manufacturingand regional headquarters inSingapore.

US$1.94 Billion Solar PlantOpens in Singapore

One of the world’s largestintegrated solar plants openedin Singapore on November 3,marking a milestone in thecountry’s growing clean tech-nology industry.

Its S$2.5 billion (US$1.94billion) price tag makes it oneof the largest investments everin Singapore and a ‘key piecein Singapore’s clean energystrategy,’ said Prime MinisterLee Hsien Loong, who officiat-ed at the opening of the newcomplex by Norwegian firmRenewable Energy Corpora-tion (REC) in Tuas.

The cleantech sector, identi-fied as a major pillar of growthfor Singapore, is expected tocontribute S$3.4 billion (US$2.63 billion) to GDP by 2015while providing 18,000 jobs.

REC chief executive OleEnger called the opening of theplant’s first phase ‘a new dawn’for the company and Singa-pore’s solar industry.

It caps a three-year journeysince the firm first announced aS$6.3 billion (US$4.87 billion)integrated solar manufacturingplant in Singapore in 2007.

REC’s facility, which sits ona 321,000 sq m site, producesmore than 190,000 solar mod-ules per month, which areexported to the European andAmerican markets.

Business Briefs

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The World Architecture

Festival was initiated as

an annual event and

platform that showcases

and recognises architec-

tural works around the

world. Over 500 entries

from 61 countries were

received for the fiercely

contested World Festival

Architecture awards.

Commenting on the

good performance of

Singaporean architects

in this year’s festival, Mr

Ng Lye Hock, Group

Director for the Urban

Redevelopment Authori-

ty (URA)’s Architecture

& Urban Design Excel-

lence said “This is a

clear demonstration of

the strength and quality

of Singapore archi-

tects… We hope that

this recognition will

spur the demand and

desire for even better

designs and architecture

in Singapore,” he added.

Four Singapore Projects Take Top Honors at World Architecture FestThe 2010 World Architecture Festival in Barcelona from November 3 to 5 saw four Singapore projects take top prize in their

respective categories. The projects are shown below.

World’s Best Housing DevelopmentCategoryThe Pinnacle @ Duxton, Singapore

ARC Studio Architecture + Urbanism, Singapore,in association with RSP

Architects Planners and Engineers Pte Ltd,Singapore

World’s Best Transport Building CategoryThe Helix Bridge, Singapore

Cox Rayner Architects, Australia + Architects 61Pte Ltd, Singapore

World’s Best Learning Building CategorySchool of the Arts, Singapore / WOHA Architects Pte Ltd, Singapore

World’s Best Holiday Building CategoryAlila Villas Uluwatu, Bali, Indonesia / WOHA Architects Pte Ltd, Singapore


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SingaporeSingapore Embassy, 3501 International Place, NW, Washington, DC 20008

Singapore is published by the Singapore Embassy. All comments, inquiries and requests for additional information may be forwardedto Mr. Jerome LEE at (202) 537-3100, by email at [email protected] by fax to (202) 537-0876.

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The Singapore Embassy wishes our readers all the very best this holiday season.May the new year bring peace, prosperity and happiness to one and all.