Simulation of Phasor Measurement Unit in MATLAB

 SPACES-2015, Dept of ECE, K L UNIVE   Simulation of P Dhruba Kumar 1 , Debomita Ghosh Depart  Abstract  The advent of phasor measureme system is revolutionizing the conventional grid to Phasor measurement units are extremely expens takes into account many aspects of the power sy disclosed by the manufacturer while estimating p and voltage. This paper aims to build a labora PMU which can estimate the phasor updati commercial PMU at the benefit of improv accuracy, reduced manufacturing cost and information.  Keywords—   Phasor measurement units (P measurement system (WAMS); recursive algorith algorithm I. I  NTRODUCTION The growing trend of remodeling the powe for quality and uninterrupted power necessitate area measurement system (WAMS). Phasor m (PMUs) have the potential to revolutionize  power system are monitored and controlled [1-6 synchronized measurement phasors of voltages in real-time [7-10]. Synchronization is ac stamping the sampled voltage and current sig signals from the global positioning system introduction of PMUs the relative phase pos and currents in different parts of widely sprea system determines the stability and the dynami the system. This paper provides an experimentatio  behavior of phasor updation in PMUs. Previ model of PMU using recursive and non-recursi  phasor updation was developed in L MATLAB/Simulink is more users friend acquisition from an external source is not req [11]. The MATLAB/Simulink program is ext implement the idea of recursive and non-rec The phasor calculation is performed freshly e successive windows for non-recursive alg recursive algorithm only phasor updating is n new phasor estimation for the new window [12] The paper is mainly divided into followin Section II corroborates a brief review on n recursive algorithm, Section III details the sim of PMU for phasor updation by both non-recurs SITY 15 asor Measurement Un in MATLAB 2 , Member IEEE, Dusmanta Kumar Mohanta 3 , Seni ent of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra Ranchi, India nt unit in power ards smart grid.  ive devices which stem that are not asors of currents ory prototype of g process of a ed measurement increased timely Us); wide area m; non-recursive system network the use of wide easurement units he way electric ]. PMUs provide and currents all ieved by time als using timing (GPS).With the ition of voltages d electric power  performance of regarding the ously simulation ve algorithm for ABVIEW, but ly where data uired for testing ensively used to rsive algorithm. ach time for the orithm but for eeded instead of . major sections: n-recursive and lation modeling ive and recursive algorithm with results and Section research work. II. R EVIEW OF NON-R ECURS ALGORI Phasor is a rotating vector as i  phase that is used to represent Phasors are basic tools for analysis as a mean of representation of s forms of fundamental power freque A pure sinusoidal signal with n in (1) ). cos( ) (  Φ + = t  X t  x m  ω  Where, X m is the peak amplitu  phase angle, and ω is frequency in r Fig. II: (a) A sinusoid (b) Its There are various ways to estim in this paper DFT based non-recursi simulated. The first step is to take s ) cos(  Φ + =  θ n  X  x m n  where, n = 0, 1, 2, 3… (  N - Thereafter the phasor is ca = = 1 0 1 {cos( 2  N n n  N n  x  N  X  θ = Φ + = 1 0 ) cos( 2  N n m n  X  N θ it (PMU) r   Member IEEE  IV concludes the performed IVE AND R ECURSIVE HM n fig. 1 with magnitude and sinusoidal varying signal. of AC circuit; it is introduced teady state sinusoidal wave cy. o harmonics is considered as (1) e of the sine wave, Φ is the adian per second. hasor  Representation ate phasor [5], [8], [10], [11], ve and recursive algorithm is mples from x(t) to obtain (2) 1) culated as in (3) and (4). + )} sin( . ) n  j  θ  (3) + )} sin( . ) cos( n  j n  θ θ  (4)


this document is about phasor measurement unit simulation in matlab/simulink

Transcript of Simulation of Phasor Measurement Unit in MATLAB

  • SPACES-2015, Dept of ECE, K L UNIVER

    Simulation of Ph

    Dhruba Kumar1, Debomita GhoshDepartm

    Abstract The advent of phasor measuremesystem is revolutionizing the conventional grid towPhasor measurement units are extremely expensitakes into account many aspects of the power sydisclosed by the manufacturer while estimating phand voltage. This paper aims to build a laboratPMU which can estimate the phasor updatincommercial PMU at the benefit of improvaccuracy, reduced manufacturing cost and information.

    Keywords Phasor measurement units (PMmeasurement system (WAMS); recursive algorithalgorithm

    I. INTRODUCTION The growing trend of remodeling the power

    for quality and uninterrupted power necessitatedarea measurement system (WAMS). Phasor me(PMUs) have the potential to revolutionize tpower system are monitored and controlled [1-6synchronized measurement phasors of voltagesin real-time [7-10]. Synchronization is achstamping the sampled voltage and current signsignals from the global positioning system introduction of PMUs the relative phase posiand currents in different parts of widely spreasystem determines the stability and the dynamicthe system.

    This paper provides an experimentationbehavior of phasor updation in PMUs. Previomodel of PMU using recursive and non-recursiphasor updation was developed in LMATLAB/Simulink is more users friendacquisition from an external source is not req[11]. The MATLAB/Simulink program is extimplement the idea of recursive and non-recuThe phasor calculation is performed freshly esuccessive windows for non-recursive algrecursive algorithm only phasor updating is nnew phasor estimation for the new window [12]

    The paper is mainly divided into followingSection II corroborates a brief review on norecursive algorithm, Section III details the simuof PMU for phasor updation by both non-recurs



    hasor Measurement Unin MATLAB

    h2, Member IEEE, Dusmanta Kumar Mohanta3, Senioment of Electrical and Electronics Engineering

    Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra Ranchi, India

    ent unit in power wards smart grid. ive devices which

    ystem that are not hasors of currents tory prototype of ng process of a ed measurement increased timely

    MUs); wide area hm; non-recursive

    r system network d the use of wide easurement units the way electric

    6]. PMUs provide s and currents all hieved by time nals using timing

    (GPS).With the ition of voltages

    ad electric power c performance of

    n regarding the ously simulation ive algorithm for

    LABVIEW, but dly where data quired for testing ensively used to ursive algorithm. ach time for the orithm but for

    needed instead of .

    g major sections: on-recursive and ulation modeling ive and recursive

    algorithm with results and Section research work.


    Phasor is a rotating vector as iphase that is used to represent aPhasors are basic tools for analysis as a mean of representation of sforms of fundamental power frequen

    A pure sinusoidal signal with nin (1)

    ).cos()( += tXtx m Where, Xm is the peak amplitud

    phase angle, and is frequency in r

    Fig. II: (a) A sinusoid (b) Its PThere are various ways to estim

    in this paper DFT based non-recursisimulated. The first step is to take sa

    )cos( += nXx mn where, n = 0, 1, 2, 3 (N-Thereafter the phasor is cal





    1 {cos(2N


    N nxN






    nm nXN

    it (PMU)

    or Member IEEE

    IV concludes the performed

    SIVE AND RECURSIVE THM in fig. 1 with magnitude and a sinusoidal varying signal. of AC circuit; it is introduced

    steady state sinusoidal wave ncy.

    no harmonics is considered as


    de of the sine wave, is the radian per second.

    Phasor Representation ate phasor [5], [8], [10], [11], ive and recursive algorithm is amples from x(t) to obtain

    (2) 1) lculated as in (3) and (4).

    + )}sin(.) nj (3)

    + )}sin(.){cos( njn (4)

  • SPACES-2015, Dept of ECE, K L UNIVERSITY


    Two separate calculations are performed for real and imaginarycomponents. The real and imaginary parts are given as in (5) and (6).

    = cos2

    1 mNc

    XX (5)

    = sin2

    1 mNs

    XX (6)




    N eXXjXX .2

    . 111 (7)

    The superscript (N-1) signifies that (N-1) is the last sample up to which phasor is calculated [11].

    After the calculation of first phasor, two different algorithms are described to update the phasor for successive windows. The simplest way to update the phasor is to calculate it again for new window that is called non-recursive phasor update, and another way is just adding the phasor update to old phasor to get new phasor called as recursive phasor update.

    Non-recursive algorithm is the simplest procedure to calculate phasor for each and every window [11]. General equation for non-recursive update is given as in (8).


    0)1( jnxN





    +++ (8)

    where, r = -1, 1, 2, 3 It is seen that when r = -1, x0 sample is present on the right

    hand side but when r = 0, there is no x0 sample even if total number of samples i.e. N remains same.

    For recursive phasor estimation, phasor is calculated for X N-1 only and then X N is calculated by adding phasor update to it [11]. In general for recursive phasor estimation the formula is given as in (9).


    rNrN exxN

    XX +++

    += ).(2)1( (9)

    where, r = 0, 1, 2, 3 If r represents the present state, (r-1) represents the past

    state. By comparing equation (8) & (9) it is clear that, for recursive estimation present output (XN+r) depends on past output (XN+(r-1)) and present input, and for non-recursive phasor estimation present output depends only on present input as there is no (r-1) phasor present in the equation. Recursive phasor estimation is faster compared to non- recursive phasor estimation as phasor calculation is not performed in each step. If the sine wave is not continuous there is a small error in phasor updating part in case of recursive phasor estimation and the error goes on increasing. This error is not present in non-recursive phasor update. The phasor for a constant sinusoid remain

    stationary for recursive phasor estimation and rotates counter clock wise by sampling angle

    N 2= for non-recursive

    phasor estimation.

    Based on this algorithm, simulation model is done in the preceding section.


    Simulation model for PMUs is developed as in fig 2(a) and fig 2(b) for recursive and non- recursive algorithm. Two inputs signals: one analog sinusoidal signal provided as an input to the PMU and the other is synchronizing signal of 1pps from global positioning system (GPS). The GPS signal which acts as an input to the phase lock oscillator outputs a sampling signal whose phase is same as the GPS signal but frequency is different i.e. sampling frequency. The sampling signal is fed to the sample and hold element placed inside the A/D converter to obtain the samples x0, x1, x2xN-1. From the sampling signal a sequence n = 0, 1, 2, 3N-1 is evaluated inside the CPU module using time stamp subsystem which is needed to calculate another (N1) sequence { )exp( jn ; (n = 0, 1, 2,..,N-1)}. Next

    )exp( jn is multiplied with corresponding xn and summed up to N-1 samples to get the phasor (X N-1) for the first windows. X N-1 is same for recursive and non recursive algorithm. After calculating X N-1 magnitude and phase angle block gives the final output. Fig. 2 shows a view of a single phase PMU operating at nominal frequency.

    For calculating XN new window is created consisting {x1, x2, x3,, xN} for non-recursive phasor estimation. It is found that x0 is not present but xn is present which was not there in the first window. Phasor estimation is then performed with these samples. By this way XN+1, XN+2, , XN+11 is calculated and the non-recursive algorithm is reset and the same process is performed for the next (N = 12) windows.

    While applying recursive algorithm, XN is calculated by adding phasor update with XN-1 as mentioned in equation (9) with r = 0. As x0 is present in the second window the phasor cannot rotate by an angle (2 /N=360o/12=30o). After the phasor estimation, magnitude and angle is calculated. The magnitude is the r.m.s. value of the signal and angle is the phase angle.

    Twelve samples per cycle are taken by the A/D converter so

    the sampling time becomes 600



    second. Phasors

    obtained are plotted on compass plot as in fig. 3 (a) and fig. 3(b) also sample values with phasors are tabulated as in table 1. The recursive plot has only one phasor with length

    2100 and angle

    45o. The non-recursive plot has twelve phasors. Each phasor leads the previous phasor by 30o. If simulation time is increased

  • SPACES-2015, Dept of ECE, K L UNIVERSITY


    Fig. 2: (a) PMU Model for Recursive Algorithm

    Fig. 2: (b) PMU Model for Non-Recursive Algorithm

    to generate thirteenth phasor it is overlapped with the first phasor and so on.

    Thus for non-recursive algorithm the magnitude is fixed but the angle increases each phasor.

    Fig. 3: (a) Recursive phasor estimation

    Fig. 3: (b) Non-recursive phasor estimation

    On the other hand recursive phasor estimation results in constant magnitude and phase angle.









  • SPACES-2015, Dept of ECE, K L UNIVERSITY


    Table 1: Results for non-recursive and recursive algorithm

    Time (sec)

    Sample Value

    Recursive Phasor


    Non-Recursive Phasor

    Estimation Magni tude

    Angle Magni tude


    0 70.7107 0 0 0 0 0.0016667 25.8819 0 0 0 0 0.0033333 -25.8819 0 0 0 0

    0.005 -70.7107 0 0 0 0 0.0066667 -96.5926 0 0 0 0 0.0083333 -96.5926 0 0 0 0

    0.01 -70.7107 0 0 0 0 0.0116667 -25.8819 0 0 0 0 0.0133333 25.8819 0 0 0 0

    0.015 70.7107 0 0 0 0 0.0166667 96.5926 0 0 0 0 0.0183333 96.5926 70.7107 45 70.7107 45

    2nd window

    - - 70.7107 45 70.7107 45 0.02 70.7107 70.7107 45 70.7107 75

    3rd window

    - - 70.7107 45 70.7107 75 0.0216667 25.8819 70.7107 45 70.7107 105

    4th window

    - - 70.7107 45 70.7107 105 0.0233333 -25.8819 70.7107 45 70.7107 135

    5th window

    - - 70.7107 45 70.7107 135 0.025 -70.7107 70.7107 45 70.7107 165

    6th window

    - - 70.7107 45 70.7107 165 0.0266666

    7 -96.5926 70.7107 45 70.7107 -165 7th

    window - - 70.7107 45 70.7107 -165

    0.02833333 -96.5926 70.7107 45 70.7107 -135

    8th window

    - - 70.7107 45 70.7107 -135 0.03 -70.7107 70.7107 45 70.7107 -105

    9th window

    - - 70.7107 45 70.7107 -105 0.0316667 -25.8819 70.7107 45 70.7107 -75

    10th window

    - - 70.7107 45 70.7107 -75 0.0333333 25.8819 70.7107 45 70.7107 -45

    11th window

    - - 70.7107 45 70.7107 -45 0.035 70.7107 70.7107 45 70.7107 -15

    12th window

    - - 70.7107 45 70.7107 -15 0.0366667 96.5926 70.7107 45 70.7107 15

    IV. CONCLUSION The phasor estimation algorithms are simulated and

    verified in MATLAB/Simulink. The developed PMU provides phase information i.e., both magnitude and phase angle. In application point of view for wide area measurement system (WAMS) recursive algorithm will prove to be a better method than non-recursive algorithm. This is because comparison of phase angle in between the different remote locations is easier and accurate because of constant phase angle differences.

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