Silent Light Yoga Benefits

SILENT LIGHT YOGA Benefits of Yoga


Yoga is about coming home to your self. It is about being physically alive, mentally stable and spiritually connected.

Transcript of Silent Light Yoga Benefits

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Every moment you are creating imprints in your unconscious mind. These constant mental impressions set up impulses & trains of thought which govern your personality & performance.

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Mental Imprints - Good or Bad?

The word Samskara is a Sanskrit word literally meaning “uniform personality”.

Samskaras are the seeds of your past actions, thoughts & impressions. They are the imprints which shape your personality.

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How do you build up a positive Samskara bank?

Firstly making positive choices in your life. Practicing yoga, reading articles like this, socializing with positive people, listening to soothing sounds & watching uplifting television or movies. By creating a more harmonious life style, by thinking more positive thoughts, by caring & loving yourself & the world, you will add to positive samskaras & out weigh the negative ones.

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Australian Yoga Facts

2.9% of Australian’s practice yoga on a

regular basis

70% of people begin practicing yoga for

“health, fitness, flexibility and muscle tone”

57% of people begin practicing yoga to

“reduce stress or anxiety” and 76% of

people continue practicing yoga for these


18% of people begin yoga for a “spiritual

path”; however, this increases to 41% once

they’ve been practicing for any significant

period of time

29% of people begin yoga for “personal

development”; however, this increases to

56% once they’ve been practicing on a

regular basis

Source: Sign of the Times – Results of the Yoga in Australia Survey 1/4/08

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Be Aware

Spending time in nature has a positive affect. So spend time in a healing environment. Walk in the garden, parks, down the beach or in the bush.

Spend time with animals.

Make your home compatible to well being.

Watch your thoughts. Are they clean are they positive? Learn to observe & then act not act & then observe.

Practice the Yoga Yamas & Niyamas. (Ethical codes of conduct to ourselves & others).

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Yoga in Australia

Source: Sign of the Times – Results of the Yoga in Australia Survey 1/4/08

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Yoga in Australia

Source: Sign of the Times – Results of the Yoga in Australia Survey 1/4/08

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Meet the Creators of Silent Light Yoga

Jacqueline Brumley & Shimon Tchobutaru are a husband & wife team who teach Yoga in Melbourne, Australia.

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SILENT LIGHT YOGA is an online community where people can share ideas, knowledge, ask

questions and discuss anything and everything Yoga!

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Learn About the Benefits of Yoga

Yoga is about coming home to your self. It is about being physically alive, mentally stable and spiritually connected. It is about creating a time for your self where you spend a quality hour on your self. It is a present you give your self. Yoga benefits us in three ways: physically, mentally & spiritually.

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Review & Recommend Yoga DVDs

SILENT LIGHT YOGA create DVDs that approach the practice of Yoga in a balanced way. Our Yoga DVDs are based on the 3 key components of Yoga: mental, physical and spiritual. We believe that Yoga is about living life in a healthy way – about being physically alive, mentally stable and spiritually connected.

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Welcome to Silent Light Yoga

It's with great pleasure that we welcome you all to our new Yoga community Silent Light Yoga! Our aim is unify people across the globe who are passionate about Yoga, health, spirituality and wellness. We hope you enjoy all the benefits of the community and look forward to sharing with you our extensive knowledge of Yoga in all its wonderful forms!
