Shofar - Kehilat Shalom · Shofar Newsletter of Kehilat Shalom March 2017 Vol. 46 No. 4 Acar...

Shofar Newsletter of Kehilat Shalom March 2017 Vol. 46 No. 4 Acar - Nissan - 5777 Table of Contents From the Rabbis Study 2 Keleighs Kurrents 2 Presidents Message 2 Library Corner 3 Cycle of Life Events 4 45th Anniversary Concert 5/6 Membership Corner 7 What & When 8 Minyan Mitzvah Schedule 9 Yahrzeits 10 Auxiliaries 11/12 Youth/Religious School News 12 Womens Seder 13 Life & Learning 14 We Gratefully Acknowledge 15 Check the What and Whenon page 11 for what is going on this month. SUNDAY, APRIL 2, 2017 7:30 9:30 P.M. THE FOUNDATION FOR JEWISH STUDIES AND KEHILAT SHALOM PRESENT DR. SAMUEL KASSOW TIME CAPSULES IN THE RUBBLE: THE SECRET ARCHIVE OF THE WARSAW GHETTO (See Flyer on Page 7) March 2017 Calendar (click here) Simcha Shabbat On Saturday morning, March 18, 2017 please join us in a special community celebration of birthdays, wedding anniversaries, graduations, and other Simchas during the Celebration Simcha Shabbat. To participate in this special service and Kiddush, please return the Sign up form by March 15, 2017. See page 3 for more information and sign up form. SAVE THE DATE Tuesday, March 28, 2017 7:00 - 9:00 pm. In preparation for delivery With the Passover baskets Decorate wine glasses. Come to help with this fun project. Sunday, April 2, 2017 Between 10 am and 1 pm Delivery of Passover baskets to community members 3 pm at Sunrise House, Montgomery Village. Plant flower pots with residents. (See Flyer on Page 6) Second Seder Tuesday, April 11, 2017 7:00 p.m. (See Flyer on Page 8)

Transcript of Shofar - Kehilat Shalom · Shofar Newsletter of Kehilat Shalom March 2017 Vol. 46 No. 4 Acar...

Page 1: Shofar - Kehilat Shalom · Shofar Newsletter of Kehilat Shalom March 2017 Vol. 46 No. 4 Acar -Nissan -5777 Table of Contents From the Rabbi’s Study 2 Keleigh’s Kurrents 2 SAVE

Shofar Newsletter of Kehilat Shalom

March 2017 Vol. 46 No. 4 Acar - Nissan - 5777

Table of Contents

From the Rabbi’s Study 2 Keleigh’s Kurrents 2 President’s Message 2 Library Corner 3 Cycle of Life Events 4 45th Anniversary Concert 5/6 Membership Corner 7 What & When 8 Minyan Mitzvah Schedule 9 Yahrzeits 10 Auxiliaries 11/12 Youth/Religious School News 12 Women’s Seder 13 Life & Learning 14 We Gratefully Acknowledge 15

Check the “What and When” on page 11 for what is going on this month.


APRIL 2, 2017 7:30 9:30 P.M.









(See Flyer on Page 7)

March 2017 Calendar (click here)

Simcha Shabbat On Saturday morning, March 18,

2017 please join us in a special community celebration of birthdays, wedding anniversaries, graduations, and other Simchas during the Celebration Simcha


To participate in this special service and Kiddush, please return the Sign

up form by

March 15, 2017.

See page 3 for more information and sign up form.


Tuesday, March 28, 2017

7:00 - 9:00 pm. In preparation for delivery With the Passover baskets … Decorate wine glasses. Come to help with this fun project.

Sunday, April 2, 2017

Between 10 am and 1 pm Delivery of Passover baskets to community members

3 pm at Sunrise House, Montgomery Village. Plant flower pots with residents.

(See Flyer on Page 6)

Second Seder Tuesday, April 11, 2017

7:00 p.m.

(See Flyer on Page 8)

Page 2: Shofar - Kehilat Shalom · Shofar Newsletter of Kehilat Shalom March 2017 Vol. 46 No. 4 Acar -Nissan -5777 Table of Contents From the Rabbi’s Study 2 Keleigh’s Kurrents 2 SAVE


Rabbi Charles L. Arian 301-869-7699 [email protected]

F r o m t h e R ab b i ’ s S t u d y

Kitniyot Revisited Dear Friends: Two years ago shortly before Pesach I was asked during a Kiddush Konversation about an article which had been published in Voices of Conservative Judaism which summarized a responsum by Rabbi David Golinkin permitting the consumption of kitniyot during Pass-over. My response was that Rabbi Golinkin was an Israeli Con-servative rabbi writing for the Israeli community and that I was not prepared to endorse the practice unless and until it was per-mitted by the Committee on Jewish Law and Standards of the Conservative Movement (CJLS or Law Committee.) A quick review of the term kitniyot. Often translated as “legumes,” kitniyot are foods which Ashkenazi Jews have tradi-tionally avoided during Pesach even though they are not chametz, leaven. Sephardic Jews have always eaten them. Among the products considered kitniyot are beans, rice, peas, corn, and mus-tard. Although Ashkenazi Jews have refrained from consuming them during Pesach, it was permitted to possess them and thus they were not sold before Pesach or disposed of as chametz is. Knowledgeable Ashkenazim knew that it was even permitted dur-ing Pesach to eat from utensils which had been used to prepare or serve kitniyot as long as one avoided the kitniyot themselves. At the end of December 2015, the Law Committee passed (by a vote of 19-1 with 2 abstentions) a responsum by Rabbis Avram Reisner and Amy Levin permitting all Jews to consume kitniyot during Pesach with certain guidelines. It’s important to understand what those guidelines are because this responsum is not a blanket permission to eat any product that seems not to contain chametz just by glancing at the ingredients. Rabbis Reisner and Levin go through the history of this prac-tice and the various reasons that have been adduced as to why it has been followed. (It should also be noted that throughout histo-ry there were a number of great sages who viewed this as a mis-taken custom and tried to eliminate it, while others said that while there was no real basis for it it should nevertheless be observed out of deference to previous generations.) No one is absolutely sure why Ashkenazim originally prohibit-ed kitniyot but the classic halachic literature has adduced three possibilities: 1. kitniyot were either stored or cooked in the same manner as

chametz and people might accidentally eat chametz thinking it was only kitniyot;

2. kitniyot were harvested, stored and transported together with chametz and there was a possibility that the two would be-come mixed together;

3. kitniyot and wheat (the most common chametz grain) were usually cooked together and it was considered impossible to permit one without dragging in the other.

Rabbis Reisner and Levin point out that these reasons are no longer cogent. Our marketplace is not like those of previous gen-erations; we buy our foodstuffs in discrete packages, produced and labeled with both governmental and market oversight. We need not be concerned that permitting one will perforce lead to the accidental consumption of the other. And yet, we are generally careful not to override centuries of precedent without very good reason. In my words -- not theirs -- the burden of proof is on the one who wishes to change previous practices. We don’t have to justify why a certain practice should be maintained; we need to justify why a certain practice should not be maintained. (continued on page __)

Shalom - We were all stunned, shocked, and torn by the sud-den passing of our long-time friend Murray Penner. He was a vital part of the Kehilat Shalom family, al-ways volunteering for the jobs that got no credit. For example, he helped mow our lawn, he was a greeter and usher on High Holidays, he was a big help to our Men’s Club, …it goes on and on. One of the things he did for many years was organize and run our “Statistics and Probability Nights” (our monthly card games). We met in the annex of the chapel, after Minyan. To honor and commemorate Murray's dedication to Kehilat Shalom, the Board of Directors voted to name the Chapel Annex in Murray Penner's honor. Our custom as Jews is to make a donation instead of sending flowers. You can show your appreciation of Murray by contributing to this effort as follows: Philanthropist $ 1000+ Benefactor $ 500+ Patron $ 108+ Sponsor $ 72+ Donor $ 36+ Contributor (as you choose) _____________ We have scheduled the next meeting of our Long Term Planning Committee for Thursday, March 30, after Minyan. I t is vital that you attend if possible, as we are considering important questions that will ensure our long-term viability. Please try to attend!

Mike Goldman

Michael Goldman 301-840-9452 [email protected]

P r e s i d e n t ’ s M e s s a g e

Page 3: Shofar - Kehilat Shalom · Shofar Newsletter of Kehilat Shalom March 2017 Vol. 46 No. 4 Acar -Nissan -5777 Table of Contents From the Rabbi’s Study 2 Keleigh’s Kurrents 2 SAVE


Simcha Shabbat To participate in this special service and Kiddush, please return the form below by March 16, 2017. I/we ___ will ___ will not attend on Mar 18 Name # Attending Phone Simcha

I/we would like to help sponsor Kiddush $ 36 $ _________

HAPPY MARCH BIRTHDAY WISHES TO THE CHILDREN: Erica Moskowitz, Robin Rutchik, Zachary Weston, Allison Halpert, Brendan Wertlieb THE ADULTS: Karen Ascher, Joel Crausman, Michael Robin, Bobbi Dymond, Mindy Saltzman, Bonnie Sosin, Sam Barbag, Philip Roseman, Marc Sosin, Wendy Beckerman, Linda Pesce, Judi Kletz, Paul Hoffman, Marcia Conron Baum, Adam Vitelli HAPPY MARCH ANNIVERSARY WISHES TO: Bruce & Roberta Roffe

Cycle of Life Events

Authorization for Sale of Chametz

According to Jewish law, Jews are forbidden to use, own, or derive benefit from any chametz (“leavened products” as explained elsewhere in The Shofar) during Passover. Because of the economic hardship involved in disposing of large quantities of chametz (such as liquor) and the utensils in which chametz is used or cooked, the sages instituted the practice of selling such items before Passover to a non-Jew. Because of the legal intricacies involved, it is suggested to appoint the rabbi as your agent to sell your chametz and to repurchase it after the holiday. It is customary, though not mandatory, to make a donation to the Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund for this service. The following document accomplishes this appointment. In order for the contract to be valid, it must be signed and received in the synagogue office by 9:20 a.m. on Monday, April 10, 2017. I (WE)__________________________________________ residing at: _____________________________________ hereby authorize Rabbi Charles L. Arian of Kehilat Shalom to dispose of all chametz that may be in my (our) possession wherever it may be, during the period of Passover 5777, and to repurchase it on my behalf after Passover. I understand that this is a valid sale according to Jewish law and the laws of the State of Maryland. Signed: _______________________________________ Date: _______________________________________ Please return this form to: Chametz Kehilat Shalom or fax to 301-977-7870 9915 Apple Ridge Rd. or email to: Gaithersburg, MD 20886 [email protected] Form must be received in the office by 9:20 a.m. Monday, April 10, 2017

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Page 6: Shofar - Kehilat Shalom · Shofar Newsletter of Kehilat Shalom March 2017 Vol. 46 No. 4 Acar -Nissan -5777 Table of Contents From the Rabbi’s Study 2 Keleigh’s Kurrents 2 SAVE


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Israeli Dance Performance followed by dancing for all ages

Over 140 dancers on stage!

Melvin J. Berman Hebrew Academy

13300 Arctic Ave, Rockville, MD 20853

Community Israeli Dance Party

Saturday Evening May 13th, 2017 @ 9:00 PM

B'nai Israel Congregation, 6301 Montrose Rd, Rockville, MD 20852

Save the date!

Israeli Dance

Festival DC 2017

Sunday, May 14, 2017 @ 3:00 pm

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Membership Corner

“Time Capsules in the Rubble”: The Secret Archive of the Warsaw Ghetto,” Sunday April 2, 7:30 – 9:00

We’re so excited! The Foundation for Jewish Studies has agreed to co-sponsor this event with Kehilat Shalom. It's important that we all attend this event, as this is the first time that the Foundation has held an event up-county. Dr. Samuel Kassow, a famous historian of Ash-kenazi Jewry, will speak about the documents that were buried and left behind in the ghettos and death camps. Hope you plan on attending. The lecture is free but you have to RSVP to the Foundation at 301-770-4787 or reg-ister at Light refreshments after the lecture.

Also, please join us on March 24 for Special Friday Night “Amigos Chili” at 6:30 pm followed by Kabbalat Shabbat, Maariv services and Kiddush. RSVP to [email protected] or Dee Jolles at 301-428-9740. $5 per person or $7.50 per family. Please place Events in memo line of your check. Thanks.

It’s time for an “updated directory” Beginning in the early spring we will be collecting infor-mation for our NEW directory. You will be receiving an inter-active information sheet via email that we’ll need to have filled out and returned. This time we would like to include cell phone numbers in the Directory (of course, you can opt out of them being included in the directory but KS would like them on record at the Shul) and your most up to date email addresses. So, look for our e-mail and please help us out by returning them asap. Thanks!

We hope you were able to join us for Shabbat Across America. It was a lovely event, and everyone had a great time. The evening started with Kabbalat Shabbat and Maariv Services followed by a Gourmet meal from the “Kehilat Caterers”. We want to thank the “Kehilat Caterers”, Robert and Lori Wasserman, Debra Weston & Samantha Weston, Wendy Schneider-Levinson and Gail Lieberman for a wonder Gourmet meal and all the other people who helped set up and clean up. Unfortunately, Hazzan, Kim Komrad was under the weather and she was unable to attend but Mike Goldman was there and filled in for Hazzan Komrad. The “Songfest” was led by Mike Goldman, with the assistance of Stuart Rutchik, Andie Epstein and Mark Friedman.

See you at Kehilat Shalom

Bobbie & Doug


Please join the Events Committee on Friday, March 24, at 6:30 PM for “Amigos Chile” followed by services and delicious Kiddush. RSVP to Dee Jolles at [email protected] or 301-428-9740. It will be $5 per person and $7.50 per family.

The Events Committee has been hard at work and has accomplished a great deal. One member, who prefers to remain secret, provided an incredible gift that allowed the Committee to purchase state-of-the –art audio-visual equipment that has been gifted to Kehilat Shalom.

As a result of this gift and the diligent and hard work of another member, Jeff Lerner, the equipment has been purchased and tested and is almost ready to be used.

Very soon the Events Committee will be sponsoring Movie Nights, which will be followed by various kinds of refreshment.

Another event being planned for December , probably Sunday, December 3, will be a combined lecture and musical performance by Ellen Katz. The subject will combine learning about the works of Shalom Aleichem and one of his stories that became Fiddler on the Roof . The planning and details are being worked out and much more will follow in the weeks and months to come.

Not the least of the Events Committee’s efforts have been special Friday Night Shabbat treats. Through the leadership of Bobbie Goldman and Debbie Finch, the incredible support of several committee members, the Committee has produced Sangria Shabbat, Pumpkin (FOOD TREATS) Shabbat, Latke Shabbat, and Stone Soup Shabbat.

Each of these events has provided good food and wine, good fellowship, and most important, each has increased attendance and support for each of these Shabbat Services. The first event drew 41 people, the second about 22, the third 30, and 30 or more for the last.

Many proposed events are being considered and more will be shared as they develop.

Your support in the form of suggestions, donations, and most important, your attendance at forthcoming events are crucial to both the success of the Committee and, most important, to the vitality of Kehilat Shalom.

Very special thanks to the generous efforts of the members of the Events Committee and to the office staff.

Dee Jolles

Events Committee Corner

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What & When

MAR 3 5:45 MAR 10 5:53

MAR 17 7:00 MAR 24 7:07

MAR 31 7:13

SHABBAT - TERUMAH Friday, March 3 Shabbat Eve Service 6:30 pm Saturday, March 4 Shabbat Morning Service 9:15 am SHABBAT - TETZAVEH - SHABBAT ZACHOR Friday, March 10 Shabbat Eve Service 6:30 pm Saturday, March 11 Shabbat Morning Service 9:15 am EREV PURIM Saturday, March 11 Erev Purim Service 7:45 pm Sunday, March 12 Purim Morning Service 9:15 am SHABBAT - PARAH Friday, March 17 Shabbat Eve Service 7:45 pm Saturday, March 18 - Simcha Shabbat Shabbat Morning Service 9:15 am SHABBAT - HACHODESH - BIRKAT HACHODESH Friday, March 24 Shabbat Eve Service 7:45 pm Saturday, March 25 Shabbat Morning Service 9:15 am

SHABBAT - VAYIKRA Friday, March 31 Shabbat Eve Service 7:45 pm Saturday, April 1 Shabbat Morning Service 9:15 am

This month

Kehilat Shalom Donation Funds

Kehilat Shalom has a variety of funds that you can sup-

port with your minimum donation of $10.00 or more

(unless otherwise noted):

Kehilat Shalom General Fund

Larry Froehlich Junior Congregation Fund

Library Fund

Rabbi Arian’s Discretionary Fund

Youth Fund

Kehilat Shalom Catering Fund

Yahrzeit Donations

Good & Welfare Fund

Prayer Book Fund (Siddur Sim Shalom, $36.00 & Etz

Hayim Chumash, $54.00)

Simcha Board Donations ($180.00)

Memorial Plaque Board Donations ($500.00)

Memorial or Simcha Seat Donations ($1,000.00)

Barbara Peller Camp Fund

Gayle Peck Fine Arts Fund

A personalized card will be sent to acknowledge your

donation & your contribution will be listed in the Shofar

Newsletter (unless otherwise requested).

Kehilat Shalom is a 501C(3)charitable organization and

your donation is tax deductible to the full extent of the

law. Information regarding all of these funds is here in

the Kehilat Shalom office. If you have any questions,

please contact 301-869-7699. Todah Rabbah for sup-

porting Kehilat Shalom.


As always immediate family are included in your reminders. If you have friends or other family member that you would like

added to your list please contact the Office.

Would you like to make a

donation in honor or in

memory of a loved one?

You can purchase a Siddur Sim Shalom or an Etz Chayim Chumash with a special bookplate in the inside cover. The costs are $36.00 per Siddur and $54.00 per Chumash.

If you would like to pay tribute to someone, send a check to the office payable to Kehilat Shalom.

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MINYAN MITZVAH SCHEDULE Sun 9:15 am, Sun through Thur 7:45 pm and Fri. 7:45 pm

3/26/17-3/31/17 Beitler Berson Block Blomberg Borchardt Bouer Brick Cabana-Rockman Cassorla Cohen, Irv and Arlene Cohen, Leslie 4/2/17-4/7/17 Crausman Dymond Eckstein Epstein Finch Friedberg Friedman Garfinkel Ginsberg Goldberg Goldman


The Kehilat Shalom Kabbalah Shabbat and Shabbat morning greeter program is looking for additional greeters. Greeters help build our spiritual community by welcoming old and new friends with a hearty Shabbat Shalom and warm handshake to our community. The mitzvah of welcoming guests is one of Judaism’s spiritual imperatives. (See Genesis 18: 1-8.) Please contact the office at 301-869-7699 or [email protected] with questions or to volunteer

2/26-3/3/17 Loggie, Tom & Linda Lustig Mendoza Moskowitz/Beckerman Mostowski Muenz Nalaboff Pancik Penner Pesce Pomerantz 3/5-3/10/17 Richfield-Fratz Robin Roffe Ronis (out of town til April) Roseman Rosenstein Rubinstein Rutchik Scheiner, Barry & Marilyn Scheiner, Jay Schmetz Schwartz Seldin

3/12-3/17/17 Sheib Sosin Steinberg Sternberg Strauss Tepper Vitelli Vogel/Miller-Vogel Wasserman Weinberg Weinstein 3/19-3/24/17 Weiner Weston Wertlieb Woorman Yellin Zapor Anton Ascher Barbag Barkan Baum Beck

We Appreciate


Support Please consider coming in to support the daily Minyan whenever you can, even when it is not your week. We have been doing great at keeping the Minyan go-ing. This is a mitzvah that each of us can per-form so that Kaddish can be said by those in need.

Todah Rabbah!

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MARCH ADAR 1 3 Peggy Freund, Aunt of Curtis Levinson also Aunt of Bruce Levinson 1 3 * Alex Levine, Father of Ethel Ginsberg 2 4 Eleanor Muenz, Mother- in-law of Janet Muenz 3 5 * Henry Goldgraben 4 6 * Max Goldstein, Father of Bonnie Goldstein- Smith 4 6 Rose Wolfson, Grandmother of Allen Katz 4 6 * Simon Weinberg 4 6 * Gerald Weingarten 5 7 Harry Gerber, Grandfather of Lauri Friedman 5 7 Claire Goldberg, Mother of Robert Goldberg 5 7 Mary Grace Pasciak, Grandmother of Amy Sheib 5 7 * Irving Berger 5 7 * Anny Low 6 8 Adolph Wolfson, Uncle of Allen Katz 8 10 Sharon Scheiner, Wife of Jay Scheiner also Mother of Samuel, Emily and Joseph Scheiner also Daughter-in-law of Barry and Marilyn Scheiner 9 11 * Bertram Meyers 10 12 Hilda Ruth Fried, Aunt of Chelle Nalaboff 11 13 Betty Halpern, Mother of Linda August 12 14 Rose Applebaum, Grandmother of Marcia Conron Baum 12 14 Lillian Gulitz, Mother of Saundra Barbag 12 14 Robert Lewison, Father of Hazzan Kimberly Komrad 12 14 Harold Pomerantz, Father of Dr. Bruce Pomerantz 13 15 Dorothy Tolin, Aunt of Debra Weston 14 16 Frederick Richfield, Father of Naomi Richfield- Fratz 14 16 David Ronis, Husband of Barbara Ronis 14 16 Lillian Tolin, Grandmother of Debra Weston

MARCH ADAR 14 16 * Regina Tanne 14 16 * Ruth Warshof 16 18 * Trudy S. Kahan, Wife of Daniel Kahan 16 18 * Rose Hyman 17 19 Ruth Levine, Mother of Alan Levine 19 21 Saul Feuer, Father of Andrea Epstein 19 21 * Bea Schmetz, Mother of Edward Schmetz 19 21 * Anna E. Shibe 20 22 Elaine Cantor, Aunt of Sandra Wester 20 22 * Florence Braunstein 21 23 Marion Baum, Mother of Douglas Baum 21 23 Herbert Roseman, Father of Philip Roseman 21 23 Sylvia Silverman, Grandmother of Michael Halpert 21 23 * Rose Dorph 21 23 * Adele Grossman 22 24 * Frederick Lustig, Father of Joseph Lustig 22 24 * Jack Joseph Lynn 24 26 Ben Levy, Grandfather of Bruce Levinson also Grandfather of Curtis Levinson 24 26 Howard Rosenstein, Brother of Marvin Rosenstein 25 27 Benjamin Garfinkel, Grandfather of Andrew Garfinkel 26 28 William Block, Husband of Judith Block 26 28 Alice Muskin, Sister of Janet Rutchik 27 29 * Bertha Crausman, Mother of Joel Crausman 28 27 * Florence Golub MARCH NISAN 28 1 Isaac Goldberg, Father of Robert Goldberg 30 3 * Samuel Yellin, Father of Martin Yellin 30 3 * Anne Streifer 30 3 * Murry Winnick 31 4 Joel Conron, Father of Marcia Conron Baum

* A memorial light will be lit in the sanctuary for those names marked with an asterisk

On Sunday, March 19, at 1:00 pm, we will meet at my house (Alyce Ross) to discuss The Bridge Ladies by Betsy Lerner. Please RSVP to Alyce at [email protected]. A fifty-year-old Bridge game provides an unexpected way to cross the generational divide between a daugh-ter and her mother. Betsy Lerner takes us on a powerfully personal literary journey, where we learn a little about Bridge and a lot about life. After a lifetime defining herself in contrast to her mother’s “don’t ask, don’t tell” generation, Lerner finds her-self back in her childhood home, not five miles from the mother she spent decades avoiding. When Roz needs help after surgery, it falls to Betsy to take care of her. She expected a week of tense civility; what she got instead were the Bridge Ladies. Impressed by their loyalty, she saw something her generation lacked. Facebook was great, but it wouldn’t deliver a pot roast. Tentatively at first, Betsy becomes a regular at her mother’s Monday Bridge club. Through her friendships with the ladies, she is finally able to face years of misunderstandings and family tragedy, the Bridge table becoming the common ground she and Roz never had. By turns darkly funny and deeply moving, The Bridge Ladies is the unforgettable story of a hard-won—but never-too-late—bond between mother and daughter.


Sisterhood Book Club News

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Co-Presidents Wendy Schneider-Levinson [email protected] & Lauri Friedman [email protected]

Sisterhood News

Lauri Friedman & Wendy Schneider-Levinson Co-Presidents

Shalom Sisters!

Sisterhood News:

Happy Secular New Year! We all had a good time bowling, and at the Hanukkah pizza party. The we started out the new year with a challah-baking workshop – and each participant took home her own yummy challah. Please keep an eye out in the email for more activi-ties – monthly sip n schmooze, upcoming Torah Fund event, etc. B’shalom, Wendy and Lauri.

Please join us at a regular monthly event: 2nd Wednesday Board Meeting at 7pm 3rd Wednesday Sip n’ Schmooze at 6:30pm

Join our special interest groups as follows:

Sip n’ Schmooze: Wednesday, March 15, 2017 at Ledo’s, Montgomery Village 6:30 pm.

Bake and Babble: stay tuned for next date

Book Club: On Sunday, March 19, 2017, at 1:00 pm we will meet at my house (Alyce Ross) to discuss The Bridge Ladies by Betsy Lerner. P lease RSVP to Alyce at [email protected]. See Page 13 for more de-tails.

If anyone is interested in taking over this very important community outreach program to schedule our Manna obligation please contact either Lauri or Linda for further information. Contact: [email protected] or [email protected]


Come see the New Gary Rosenthal Collection at the Sisterhood Judaica Shop !!

We now have a Gary Rosenthal Gift Gallery at our Judaica Shop. Stop in and buy Gary’s gorgeous pieces for your home or as gifts at 10% off. Special prices, special orders and a current catalog, also available.

Contact Bobbie Goldman at 301-674-7808 or [email protected].

In addition the Judaica Shop is now featuring crafts from local artists. Stop by and see. Exciting gifts

always arriving.

Torah Fund Pin for 5777 (2016-2017) P’ri yadehah, which means the fruit of her hands, is a phrase from the be-loved Eishet Chayil prayer, taken from the Book of Proverbs (31:31). We celebrate women’s achievements and creativity with the 2017 Torah Fund pin/pendant, designed by Eytan Brandes.

Women’s League’s support of the Torah Fund Campaign helps strengthen Conservative/Masorti Judaism throughout the world and enhances the Jewish community by recogniz-ing and appreciating our diverse families.

Men’s Club News

[email protected]

Involving Jewish Men in Jewish Life

We have a Men’s Club Breakfast scheduled for Sunday, March 19 at 10 am following morning Minyan. Yom HaShoah is Sunday, April 24, 2017. Stay tuned for more information regarding the Yellow Candle program, and time and location of Seaboard Region event.

See you soon,



Learning & Growing



We had a very nice Tu B'Shevat Ice Cream seder! Thanks to Rabbi Arian, Linda Loggie and the teens who helped out! Our next Junior Congregation will be March 18, led by Kavod Society. On April 2, religious school/Kavod Society is taking a field trip to the Maryland Jewish Museum in Baltimore! Anyone else is welcome to join us, please contact Rabbi Arian. Become a member of school board! You do not need to be a religious school parent, just someone interested in help-ing out. Contact Rebecca Hoffman at [email protected] or 301-704-6216.

School board members: David Joseph, Lauri Fried-man, Wendy Schneider-Levinson and Rebecca Hoffman

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What then is the justification for overturning this custom?

Rabbis Reisner and Levin cite two: increasing the joy of the holiday and the inflated cost of products under Pesach supervi-sion.

Some years ago the Law Committee had already approved consumption of kitniyot by vegetarians who feared that they might not get enough protein over the holiday. This reasoning is now extended to all of us; many Jews who are not vegetarians are nevertheless seeking to cut down on their consumption of meat and of other animal products, for both health and ethical reasons. Beans in particular serve as a good source of protein in the absence of meat and permitting all Jews to consume beans on Pesach will increase our ability to eat a healthy diet without a lot of meat or dairy.

Similarly, we are all aware of how incredibly expensive ko-sher-for-Passover products can be. Permitting kitniyot will allow for a more balanced diet with less reliance on pre-packaged, ex-pensive foods, and Rabbis Reisner and Levin point out that keep-ing the cost of Jewish observance reasonable has been cited as a halachic principle going back as far as 3rd century Babylonia.

The CJLS thus rules as follows:

In order to bring down the cost of making Pesah and support the healthier diet that is now becoming more common, and given the inapplicability today of the primary concerns that seem to have led to the custom of prohib-iting kitniyot, and further, given our inclination in our day to present an accessible Judaism unencumbered by unneeded prohibitions, more easily able to participate in the culture that surrounds us, we are prepared to rely on the fundamental observance recorded in the Tal-mud and codes and permit the eating of kit-niyot on Pesah.

However, this is not a blanket permission to rely on ingredient lists to determine if a product is acceptable for Pesach. While such a procedure might be justifiable during the rest of the year (given that prohibited food is nullified by permitted food which is 60 times its volume) it is not permitted during Pesach because there is no nullification of even the smallest amount of chametz which might have become mixed in during the manufac-turing process.

(Continued Next Column)

From the Desk of Rabbi Charles L. Arian (Continued from Page 2)

These are the particulars of what is now permitted:

1. Fresh corn on the cob and fresh beans (such as lima beans in their pods) may be consumed and purchased before or during Pesach like any other fresh vegetables.

2. Dried kitniyot (beans, rice, legumes) can be purchased only before Pesach and must be sifted before the holiday to remove any grains of wheat or other chametz which might have gotten mixed in. Because of similar concerns of mixtures, they should only be purchased in boxes or bags and not from bulk bins.

3. Frozen kitniyot can only be purchased before Pesach and the consumer must either ascertain that the product is not produced on the same equipment as chametz (a real issue for frozen vegetables since the advent of bagged vegetable mixtures containing pasta) or else sort through the contents beforehand to remove any possible chametz.

4. Processed foods including canned beans still require Pesach certification due to the possibility of admixtures of chametz during production.

The good news regarding processed foods is that products from Israel with reliable certification “for those who eat kitniyot” are increasingly available, and the O-U has started certifying a small number of kitniyot-containing products as well for their Sephardic constituents. These products may now be consumed by all. I want to also point out that just because something is permitted does not mean it is required. Failure to do everything the law allows you to do is not a violation of the law. I have no doubt that many of our people will be uncomfortable changing practices which they and their families have observed for centuries if not millenia; if this is you, you are of course free to continue refraining from kitniyot. Similarly, since the synagogue kitchen should follow practices which allow as many Jews as permissible to feel comfortable with what they are eating or drinking, current practice for the Pesach seder and for kiddushes during Passover will remain unchanged for the foreseeable future. If you have any questions or concerns, or would like a copy of the full responsum by Rabbis Reisner and Levin, please feel free to be in touch.


Rabbi Charles L. Arian

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Life & Learning

Rabbi Arian’s bi-weekly Bible class has spent the past three years looking at the weekly Haftarah, and our studies have added to our knowledge and appreciation of these readings which follow the Torah reading every Shabbat. Now we turn to a different type of study: the weekly Torah portion with Rashi’s commentary. Rashi (1040 - 1105) lived in Troyes, France and is considered the commentator par excellence in helping to explain the plain meaning of the text. His commentary is considered indispensable for students of all levels and his lead to over 300 “supercommentaries,” meaning commentaries on Rashi’s commentary itself. We will look at some selected verses along with Rashi’s commentary, and discover what question Rashi is trying to answer and what his understanding

adds to our knowledge of the text. The class will meet the 1st and 3rd Thursdays of each calendar month right after evening minyan.

intriguing dialogue

Adult Education Bible Class

If you would like to help create any new event, please contact Janet Rutchik at [email protected] lend your support.

Kiddush Konversations led by Rabbi Arian will take place once each month on our Simcha Shabbat. After Kiddush, we sit together, learn, share ideas and thoughts featuring intriguing dialogue on topics ranging from Halacha, to Israel, to current events.

Notices are always listed in the weekly announcements.

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Good & Welfare shiva meals in memory of Murray Penner, by Michael Krones Good & Welfare shiva meals in memory of Murray Penner, by Doug & Marcia Baum Good & Welfare shiva meals in memory of Murray Penner, by Mike & Bobbi Goldman To Rabbi's Discretionary Fund in memory of Murray Penner, by Wendy Weisbard To Rabbi's Discretionary Fund in memory of Murray Penner, by Greg & Linda Gore To Rabbi's Discretionary Fund -- speedy recovery to Jack Him-melstein, by Leah Laifsky To Men's Club in memory of Murray Penner, by Martin & Julie Greenwald Kiddush Fund in memory of Murray Penner, by Gail Lieberman & Bill Hanson Kiddush sponsorship (April) -- 50th anniversary , by Larry & Carol Beck Simcha Shabbat sponsorship n honor of Lloyd's birthday, by Lloyd Nalaboff Simcha Shabbat sponsorship, by Rabbi Charles & Keleigh Arian Simcha Shabbat sponsorship, by Wendy Schneider-Levinson To General Fund in memory of Murray Penner, by Clark & Gwendolyn Brown To General Fund in memory of Murray Penner, by Toby Fried-berg To General Fund in memory of Murray Penner, by Larry & Adrienne Savitz To General Fund in memory of Murray Penner, by Myra & Larry Promisel To General Fund in memory of Murray Penner, by Bruce & Jodi Kanner To General Fund in honor of Murray Penner's life, by Mike & Bobbie Goldman To General Fund in memory of Murray Penner, by Ruth Savitz To General Fund in memory of Murray Penner, by Jacob & Te-resa Stodart To General Fund in memory of Murray Penner, by Robert & Lisa Jaffe To General Fund in memory of Murray Penner, by Mike & Kath-leen Sandler To General Fund in memory of Murray Penner, by Bobbi & Lar-ry Gorban To General Fund in memory of Rida Silbert, by Rabbi Mark Raphael To General Fund in memory of Rida Silbert, by Lori Wasserman To General Fund in honor of the students and volunteers lead-ing and organizing Jr Cong, by Janet Ballonoff Yahrzeit -- In memory of Isser Shtipelman & Odda Astanous-kaya, by Luna Shtipelman Yahrzeit -- In memory of Seymour Schoen, by Mike & Bobbie Goldman Yahrzeit -- Morris Greenwald, by Jeff Greenwald Yahrzeit -- In memory of Linda Stern, by Alan & Anita Levine Yahrzeit -- In memory of Edward Weiner, by Claire & Steven Weiner Yahrzeit -- In memory of Rose Holzel, by David Holzel Yahrzeit -- in memory of Benjamin Friedberg and Joseph Yospa, by Toby Friedberg Yahrzeit -- in memory of Dorothy Nalaboff, by Lloyd & Chelle Nalaboff Yahrzeit -- in memory of Lita's mom Shirley Keller, by Peris & Lita Cassorla Yahrzeit -- in memory of Pauline Ross, by Alyce & David Ross Yahrzeit -- in memory of Jeanette & Albert Litman, by Terry & Charlotte Strauss Yahrzeit -- in memory of Greta Cutler and Abe Weston, by Jim & Debra Weston Shabbat Across America sponsorship, by Jim & Debra Weston Shabbat Across America sponsorship, by Alan & Anita Levine Shabbat Across America sponsorship, by Dee Jolles

Yasher koach to our torah and haftorah readers and

sh’lichei tzibbur

Kehilat Shalom is blessed with many congre-gants who participate regularly in our Daily Minyan and our Shabbat services throughout the year and whose efforts and contributions are very much greatly appreciated. A hearty Yasher Koach to the following persons:

Joe Lustig Lori Wasserman Michael Goldman Stuart Rutchik Jedd Moskowitz Gail Lieberman Lloyd Nalaboff Tamara Jaffe Wendy Schneider-Levinson Stan Ginsberg Doug Baum

We Gratefully Acknowledge


Sisterhood shiva meals in memory of Murray Penner, by Mela-nie Berson Sisterhood shiva meals in memory of Murray Penner, by Lauri & Mark Friedman Sisterhood shiva meals in memory of Murray Penner, by Mari-lyn Fliegler Sisterhood Shiva Meals in memory of Murray Penner, by Char-oltte & Terry Strauss Good & Welfare shiva meals in memory of Murray Penner, by Steven & Sharon Schwartz Good & Welfare shiva meals in memory of Murray Penner, by Stan & Ethel Ginsberg Good & Welfare shiva meals in memory of Murray Penner, by Dee Jolles Good & Welfare shiva meals in memory of Murray Penner, by Bernie and Marji Shapiro Good & Welfare shiva meals in memory of Murray Penner, by Toby Friedberg Good & Welfare shiva meals in memory of Murray Penner, by Joe & Libby Kamph Good & Welfare shiva meals in memory of Murray Penner, by Gail Lieberman & Bill Hanson Good & Welfare shiva meals in memory of Murray Penner, by Lori Wasserman

We Gratefully Acknowledge


Page 18: Shofar - Kehilat Shalom · Shofar Newsletter of Kehilat Shalom March 2017 Vol. 46 No. 4 Acar -Nissan -5777 Table of Contents From the Rabbi’s Study 2 Keleigh’s Kurrents 2 SAVE


“They will be remembered”

Kehilat Shalom has two sections of cemetery plots at the Gan Zikaron Memorial Park in Comus, MD. The Garden of Remembrance (Gan Zikaron) Memorial Park has been established by Washington Hebrew Congregation as a service to the entire Jewish community of the Greater Washington area. Developed and managed as a non-profit organization, it is the only cemetery in the region that is Jewish owned and operated, and open to members of all congregations and those who are unaffiliated with a congregation. In a tranquil, beautifully landscaped setting amid gently rolling hills in northern Montgomery County, the Garden of Remembrance is on 152 acres of meadows and woodlands at the foot of the majestic Sugarloaf Mountain. It is just off Interstate 270, convenient to reach from everywhere in the Greater Washington area. The Garden of Remembrance provides comprehensive services in accordance with all branches of Judaism, reflecting the full range of Jewish practices and honoring personal preferences. Reasonably priced plots for families and individuals are available. Professional counselors are available 24 hours a day. Think of the future. Think of your family. Then make the right decision. Make a memorial estate in the Garden of Remembrance part of your legacy. Individual plots are available for $2000.00, payment schedule negotiable. For more information, please call the synagogue office at 301-869-7699.

From Montgomery County, Maryland •Take the Capital Beltway (I-495) to I-270N. •Travel I-270N to Ext 18N (Rte 121N). •Go North 1/2 mile to Rte 355. •Turn left on Rte 355, drive one mile, then turn left on Comus Rd. •The Memorial Park entrance is on the right just over the I-270 bridge.

Garden of Remembrance Memorial Estates

One generation passes away, and another generation comes; And the earth abides forever, Ecclesiastes


Honor your loved ones by memorializing

them on our Yahrzeit Boards that are located in the sanctuary. These plaques are lit during the Yahrzeit of your loved one’s

death and when Yizkor is said at various times throughout the year. Donation: $500

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The Shofar is available in full color on our website, You can also

view previous editions.

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Page 20: Shofar - Kehilat Shalom · Shofar Newsletter of Kehilat Shalom March 2017 Vol. 46 No. 4 Acar -Nissan -5777 Table of Contents From the Rabbi’s Study 2 Keleigh’s Kurrents 2 SAVE


THE SHOFAR Rabbi................................................................. Charles L. Arian

Hazzan ................................................................... Kim Komrad

Cantor Emeritus .................................................... Saul Finn, z’l

Administrator ....................................................... Andie Epstein

President .............................................................. Mike Goldman

Senior Vice President ........................................... Janet Rutchik

Vice President for House .......................... Thomas G. F. Loggie

Vice President for Development............................... Larry Beck

Vice President for Religious Activities ............ Gail Lieberman

Vice President for Membership……………...Robert Goldberg

Treasurer ................................................................ Linda Loggie

Financial Secretary ............................................... Terry Strauss

Board Secretary ............................................... Lori Wasserman

Youth Director .............................................................................

Men’s Club ....................................... Tom Loggie/Richard Jaffe Sisterhood ...........Wendy Schneider-Levinson/Lauri Friedman Shofar Layout ........................... Linda Loggie, Lauri Friedman Website Administrator ....................................... Billye Roberts