Shoe Store, Block, LOGAN, lira,

? SJi .TP - -.. ; r J. 'rri!s!isaais,cwEajr;ta2PMSc iiravssAirss!U2!K5rf-Kcj- : 'mU ej i:ssri u Jt fciSiiCTaeriBKKEs.-ziaasiva- a LOCAL IsTEV7g. Stratton's for Flour. Good bacon 10c at Stratton's. Dry Goods cheap nt Stratton's. Starr Tobacco 38clb at Stratton's Four Best Stogie& 5c atStratton's. Half gallon Tin Buckets 5o, at Stratton's. Read F. Blaius and Son's fall an- nouncement. Born to Mr. and Mrs. John Stal-te- r on last Sunday, a boy. Frosh Butter and Eggs always f n stook at Stratton's Gash Store. Miss Clara Rauch of Lancaster is the guest of hor cousins of this city Miss. Alma Keynes is visiting Miss. Kesslcr in Philadelphia this Tveek. Miss. Nelle Roach, of Athens, was the guest of Miss Jessie Mansfield, asf week. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Downey on Sunday Morning Sept. 3tb, a girL Mrs.Schraderand Mrs. N. Till aud daughter are spending this week in Lancaster. Miss. Minnie Cooney of Colum bus, is spending this week in Logan visiting friends. Master Charley Wright enter-taiue- d a few of his friends on last Saturday evening. Miss Bird White has returnod from Denver where she has been spending the summpr. The nine year old child of Geo, Fike died on last Friday from Scar let Fever and dipthera. Mrs. P. J. Murtha had as her guests this week, Mrs. Henry Doyle and chrildren of Columbus. Miss. Maymo Brady left last werk for Kentucky where she will en-J- er the convent of the Sisters of Char- - to: The Misses Daisy Watkins, May Palmer and Mabel Hoyt have re turned from a visit with frieuds in Athens.. Miss. Lnlu and Master Fred Bright; the Misses Belle and Ruth Brooks have gone to Delaware to re- sume their studies. Tourest Clnbwore yuests of Mr. and Mrs. C. EPoston on last Mon- day, and spent a pleasant day, and en joyed a bountiful dinner. t The Pqblic Scools, opening on last Monday, have been closed for Jhe week on account of the prevalence pf Scarlet Fever aud Dipthera. Messrs Harry Ketchan and Ad Miller of the Great Southern Theatre, ColnmbuR, spent Wednesday of last week with Miss. Jessie Mansfield. Stratton's caused the low prices and they are the people you should patronize- - They carry a full line of Dry Goods, Shoes and Groceries. Married, by J. E. Huston, J. P., at the office of the Probate Court, Mr. Charley A. Spencer to Miss. Emma pertrude Ginghcrj Tuesday, Sept. 15. Gnstavus Adolphus Baird, a Nomad "Mpiiad statesman, cultivating the gold bug industry, is stopping at the Remple, registering as from Sand Run. Under a new law persons whose lands have been sold at tax sale, for fwo years or more, should call on the Auditor at pnep and redeem. And pave further cost. Mr. and Mrs. Lafe Warner gave a pleasant party on Friday evening last The company included a hundred pr more of our society people, and r pleasant evening was passed. Mr. Gordon Armstrong late deputy Auditor and one of th,e brigh- test and most scholarly young men of r :ty, left Monday fqr Delaware to icsuuio his studies in college. The Lqthorn Congregations of the St. Mathew's Church, Logan; St. John's Laurel, and St. Peter's, Ewing had a harvest festival yesterday in Remples Grove and had a verry en- joyable time. Gus. Stienraan appreciate? the fact that men of all parties must havo shoes and so he fills up his store and invites, through a new advertisement, the people of town and country to come and sep. Read the advertisement of Hawk Thurness and Wert. This is one of the enterprising business houses of our city, and are every da)', enlarging her trade. Call and see the bargins hey offer. The Misses Kate Ucker and Mary Till entertained the Bpb-O-Lin- with a picnip in Klinsiinidth's Grove on last Thursday. The young folks had a apink" jolly good time, and with feasting and song, passed a happy day. Mr. John Lucker, one of our old- est, most esteemed citizens, died at his homo in Logan on last Friday night. The funeral was on last Sun day afternoon from the residence. Rev. Moqro conducting the religous pxercises. Stiera and Co. attract attention this week. They presonta schedule of prices thr.$ will command attention of Gold Bug and Silverites to the barg- ains they olfer. There is no politics in this store. Jt,is a business place, and a place to ge bargains in the goods tiiny haje (or gjfc Meal lie sack .it Stratt(i-- - "Five Bros." 29o lb, Stiatton's. Full line of Choice Candies at Stratton's Cash Store. The infant child of Prof. Spark" died of Scarlet Fever on last Sunday night. Col. Rempel was taken seriously ill on last Tuesday with nervous pros- tration. Mrs. Engler of Columbus is the guest of her daughter, Mrs. Frank Downey. Rev. Mittler aud son are visiting friends here this week, and meeting n hearty welcome. The Mayor has very properly ap pointed Frank Blasius, jr., Cemetery Trustee, to fill the vacancy occasioned by the death of his father. Don't you want a Pool or Bill- iard Table? Bott Bros., Columbus, Ohio, will sell them on easy pay- ments, also Bar fixtures, Billiard supplies, ect-t- f. ' Master Boyd Rochester fell, yes- terday, and broke hjs right leg above the knee, while at play on tho Asy lum grounds, at Athens. Boydie has tho sympathy of bis many Logan fripnds. Bob Sloan is installed as Recor der. It is a resurection of the good old Democratic times. The J'Licr's Court" will open and we Democrats will all feel at home again in the old accust- omed meeting place. Col. Davidson of Lancaster, sec- retary and general manager of the Logan Natural Gas Company, was in the city veslerday. He assures us that the gas service will be fair and to the satisfaction of the public, the coming year. Marshal Harrington and Harry Vail left last Monday for Princton College where they will take a course in Theology. Thoy are two of our most promising young men and we bespeak for them a pleasant time and a success in their course of study. Attention is palled to the new advertisement of Blasius. His house carries the largest stock qf goods of any in the Valley. They employ the best tailors, aud always gurantee goods sold, and work done. The readers of the Sentinel yhen in the city, aro in- vited to call and see. look, aud learn. L. A. Culver, under a grand jury indictment, was brought to Lo-ga- p on Wednesday from Terra Haute, Ind by Marshal Armstrong. He was arranged before Judge Johnston He plead not guilty, and the judge fixed his bond at 10,000. Failing to giyo the bond he was sent to jail, Ed Angle of the sentinfl is taking his vacatiqn this week. He left on last Thursday, accompaned by bis wife, for a visit among his rich and democratic relations on the Mus- kingum. The information comes to us that from the way he takes to fried chicken, he is mistaken for a preach- er. Rov. C. C. Hart, of Webster Grove, Mo., and who for many years was our fellow townsman, teacher and minister, after a pleasant visit, re turned to his western home yester day. On Tuesday evening his friends, and they are the good people of Lo gan, gave him a parting testimonial party at the Presbyterian church, The ladies of the congregation had tho material matters in hand, and fur- nished refreshments and cordial at- tention to all who called, but the bright and shining feature of he oc- casion was the expression of kind re- membrance, and hearty good will to the venerable old man, who was tak- ing his last leave of his friends. It was not pur good fortune to be among the company, but the senti- ment of the Sentinel was with him. In the times past when Mr. Hart was a conspicious factor in the Logan multiplicand, he and the Sentinel would sometimes get on opposite sides, and had hot enconntors. This though, it be said, he never shot a poisoned arrow, never threw a barbed lance, and the hurts in the fight soon healed, He was a good fighter when warlike men were in the field for ffgbt, ancj when the dark winged an gel cast shadows, his presence quickly followed, giving such consolation as a warm human heart could dispense. With his many friends in Logan, the Sentinel joins in the wish and prayer that in the years yet vouch- safed the venerable minister, the road may be smooth, the sunset soft and soothing, and full of comfort and cheery in the hope of a bright eternal morniug. Strattqn's for StiQefj. Columbus Real Estate Ideal In- vestment Property. I have given yea's, with excellent rcsultf, to the subject of inventing sums, large and small for others; and those who want bargains, should see tho elegant variety of ideal in- vestment property, I am now offer- ing in the edge of Columbus, at prices that will double and treble within about three years. This propcrlv consists of lots, ad ditions and acreage which pays its way in rentals, and always iir.ds a Keady and Rising market, should you want to sell. I want a "hiibtlci' in Logan to so- licit for me; and those liaving friends desiring to invest, should write mo for particulars and plates. J. b. RICKBTTS, Room 5ColumbiaBlk. Columbus.O I Seven tin cups 10c at Stratton's, KEWS FROM JOBS. Mrs. Martha Williams aged 46 years and 10 days, died at her home Friday morning, Sept. I, of apoplexy. She va" born in Xolsonvilie, where she spent all her life except a period of about five where she has re- sided in Job.". The home of Mr. Barney Pearson was brightened last Wednesday by the arrival of a baby girl. A hard time poverty part)' will be held at the Parsonage nnder the au- spices of the Eptvorth League next Tuesday evening. Jno. Burnell ha9 again returned to his father's home. He has been employed in Pennsylvania running a machine in a mine. A large crowd of people were at Jobs last Thursday on account of pay day. Miss Alice McClara has gone to Ironton to visit her parents. There is talk among the gold bugs of getting up an excursion to Canton to visit their standard bearor. A great many of tho ladios contemplate going. We think a large crowd will go as there is no work and they will walk. We recently heard one of the gold bugs in a convention say that tho speech rendered here a few evenings ago by L. D. Vickers was as great, even greater than the speech deliv- ered by Hon. W. J. Bryan at Col-umbu- s, recently. That is scripture though. In olden times when Moses was leading the children of Isreal he left them for a short time and went up into the mountains to receivo the ton commandments. When he returned ho found th? people in an uproar. They had demanded an idol and bringing all their jewelry, had them molted into a "golden calf." Leaders of the different tribes were then appointed and their wishes were obeyed regardless of family affec- tions. So it is with tho followers of tho Golden Calf at this place. Men who cannot read or write follow their leader whose haven is the Golden Calf. For instance, Hungarians who havpn't as yet become naturalized were influenced to follow some of the blind. "And they brought their gold for the Golden Calf" which they Were to worship. So it is. Here they brought their names to sign away their rights to the monopolies, "and as they worshipped consterna- tion came upon them." So it will bo among the followers hero when the time comes to reckon up their votes in the near future. There was a meeting of the Bryan Club last Thursday evening, and a largo number of new members were enrolled. A speech was made by a member of tho Bryan Club at Dal- - aton, at which place there isn't a gold bug to be found everybody for Bryan and Frco Silver. u EX-AUDIT- AKHSTItONGr. Auditor Nels Armstrong retired from office on last Monday. Ho has filled tho office for the last six years with honor to himself, with credit to his party, and to the best interests of the people of Hocking county. He retires with the approval of the entire public, and takes with him hearty endorsement for his course as an official, a gentleman and a Demo crat, and the good wishes and good will of everybody for success in whatever lines ho may hereafter follow. His successor, Mr. Bay, comes in- to office with the reputation of being an honest, capable gentleman. He is not of our party, and we did not vote to elect him. But ho was fairly elected, and as an official and as a gentleman, he Fhall have tho best support of the Sentinel and all good Democrats, and Repulilicans too for that matter, in every official act looking to the faithful discharge of duty, and the best interests of the people of Hocking county. In saluting the new Auditor, we can only say, as the best that can bo said, is that he may make as good an Auditor as the officer who 'this time, and the officers all other times, pre- ceding him. m An Explanation. Logan, O., Sept. 16, '90. It having been generally circulated which IN. set aside, wnue Buuenng irom leyer, is but justice to him to say that upon eareful investigation it proved to be merely a sore throat from cold, ac- companied by heat rash, which is not contagious. I. C. WRIGHT, M.D. Phjsician Attending. Clearance Sale. I havo two car load of Commercial Feitilizer that offer on terms to suit the purchaser, at greatly re- duced price. The city authorities havo notified me to the goods and it will be sold regardless of val- ue. J. Wist. STUCK, BRICK, BRICK. Now id the opportunity to secure brick supplies for all purpores nt bottom in ices. Call sdou and boon tune. Feumnaxj) F. T?rairni Assignee Logan Fire Clay Co. SEED WHEAT. FultzSeed Wheat for salo at Case's Drug Store. ' 3E.3 ftll 4 t2 nm b 83 S4 ti P 1 ?" Kf, "J l?fc cii-r- i t Sm ft pi ii V hA 'a SUg eX?3S3Z2SS2253?2i33S2 Sis RJ WW FOR SFCSEZr2S2wSSK ECaBSBKS Sgac&acs &yc&x$x. $&$&c$3c&xc&yz R Shoe Store, Murphy Block, Logan, Ohio. We are the Largest Dealers in Logan. We have the Largest Stock and the Best Goods Made, Spc$3c$pe e$3$3: &c&3igyc&i$x: Examino our Goods before Buying elsowhere. A, ,STMMMAWMa&gBt You will do well to to the Logan Foundry and Machine Works for pipe-fitting- s, steam and check valves, guage cocks, oil cups, Garfield injectors, babbet mettle, packing machines and special bolts. Castings of kinds in iron or brick dies, stamps and brick barrows, repairs for brick ma- chinery, grate bars, cellar grates, fire grates, sash weights, car wheels, plows and plow eastings, machine and cold rolled shaftings. Repairing of all kinds of machinery done promptly, Logan, Ohio. 853 steel IIIIMl IIIWIW rfMiWfllllll1 IHIIIW Ill Boots & Shoes Boots & Shoes Boots & Shoes Boots & Shoes Boots & Shoes Boots & Shoes Opposite First Bank, x.oaA.isr.o. EOAD NOTICE. vrrvriCR hprebv elven thRt a petition will " be presented to the Commissioners of Hocking County, Ohio, at their next session, November, A. D., 1896, praying lor a location and establishment of a county road on the following line t: BcKlnnine; on the state road In East Bloom inRville, Ohio, opposite the line between No. 2 ami 3, thence north-easterl- y 2u0 feet to astaite; tnenco easterly 113 feettoabtakeon the lino between the lands of Mary Allison and II. B. Johnson; theuco easterly 600 feet to a tice.tlicie to Intersect an old road (not public); thecce by tho old rood north-easterl- y 34) to south line of the lands of J. W. Toole; thence continuing In a north-cahterl- course by the old rood 200 feet; thenco north eastorlv (not bv the old road) ttaofeet, more or less, to tho top of the hill, mere to intersect a county roan on me east line of tno lauds of J. W. Toole and the west liueof tho lands of Joseplms Cooper ,and there to end, about 39 rods north of the south eat.t corner of Section 17, Rango 18, Town-11- , Hockiufc County, Ohio. Said road runs through the lands of Cynthia McCormlck, Marj Allison, H.B.Johnson and J.W Toole. JOSEPH US COOPER. Sept 3. IS50-5- Principal Peutiouer. LEGAL NOTICE. mTIE CREDITORS OF ADAM BROWN will tako notice, that on September 8. IMfl. Thomas Brown tiled his petition in tho Common Pleas Com of HocMng Couuti", umo, against me saia Auam urown ana !- - W T !iv sent Iiiq hnv to SCllOOI dIa M- Williams, cause Is now pend-Uld- -i ,I1B theot.Je.-- t of which action is to scaricc it 1 will remove K. lots chestnut feet 1. as fraudulent, and as having been made in contemplation of insolvency, and with tho intent to cheat and defraud plalutifT, and all other creditors of said Adam Urown. and to hinder and dUay them in the collection of men-ci- , urns, a certain deed, made ay Adam Brown. October 8, 18M"i, conveying, to satd Lydia M. Williams, the following l.inds ond tenements situate in Hocking Countv. State ol Ohio, and described us follows, The E.KoftheS.E.Jfa"'! the E. Mof tho W. V, of tlio S.E. Jf oi section 28, Township 12j Range lfi, containing 121 acres more or less. Also factional Lot No. 6, in Section 20. Towiiship 12. lfi, containing 2193-1H- ) airts. more or U-- -s Ako the S. E. & of N.E. $oi scuon u, lownsuip ii, i;aii,iu is, et- - "pting S acres, heretofore couvej ed to J. W. Moore by Thomas Johnston, containing S2 acres more or less-- . All creditors desiring to share pro-rat- a nrc noiilkil to answer in h.ld rauso on or before October 17th. lb'K. THOMAS T. IJROft'X CnEnitv .t Holland, Attorneys. Septen.ber 10. lfcW U DO YOfl WANT TO BETTER YOUR CGHDJIM? Aro you tlroil of Arctic winters; of feed. ing stock half tho year; of Iiigfc-pricc- d, worn outlcnd andbhori crops; oruslncora-mercl- al and other fertilizers? Do you want mild Wntors; to havo clock run at largo nil tho year; to ralso every grain and fruii knuvrn t tho teinpcrato rono; to havo bettar and cheaper land; inore abundant crops and as good prices as you get now? H bo, call on or write to THE yACIFIO NORTHWEST nilliaEATICN. 1JOAED, POIiTULNI, OREGON. 2 3 ts s - b suj - 'i V IT - fei fST- -J wOk iW f 1 W 1 1 tf i i $ EP ? 1 3 9 go all naeTson. Manager. HP! II I II II U M - II. I i I . , If yon want Boots, Shoes or Slip- pers, the place to got them is tho place where you know you can get them "right." If you want hon- est goods John Rauch is tho man to see. lie is tho oldest shoe man in Logan. He is responsible. He offers you special bargains, in all kinds of foot wear. He handle nothing but good goods and em- ploys skilled, up-to-da- te wommen, E5$S5fegjsBpj8 rSjiiaSiSg?iiiWtfSll - - - Are You Afraid .TO READ BOTH SIDES OP THE QUESTION? ! The New York Journal is tfce only Metropolitan paper indorsing; Bryan and and it daily publishes articles by the leading financiers of the country on both sides of the question, "Silver versus Gold' 4 It is progressive, liberal and always espouses the cause of the masses. Every broad minded man should read it, whether Republican or Democrat. IHIMll Daily . - - - 1 Cont evorywfcoro. SubQcrlption for One Month, including Sunday - - - -- 40 cents Two Montha and a Half - - $1.00 Send subscription to Tlie New York Journal, Circulation Department, HEW YORK. fHL ni lllo lu. TT23SZSI3EJ2S brass, r Sewafl 11011 Zanesville, Ohio. KOI3ERT KIRK (Formrlyof Kiik House) Proprietor Kales 2.00 Per day. Cor Market & 5th w 1?' s Jn thpol.l ITfirlnr While stand, nttiiehcad of Alum Street, keeps constantly on himl nil kliult of And pny! the highest, nnrltet price for Fat StocS. Meat sold cheaper than any place In town. &H0 OE HIE S ! Alco, a well selected stock of Grocerses, fresh from tho market, at the lowest consistent prices. Highest prlco paid for country pro- duce. Free delivery to all parts of tho city. Uivo me a call and he convinced. Jan.2.7 tf w m f! THE QUEEN CITY UITM QIJIBLE BLOCK, ura 9 LOGAN, OHIO. DEALER IN lira, SALT MEATS. Sausages of all kinds, Bacon Cured Hams, Etc., always on hand at Lowest Prices. Tho highest prices paid for stock of all kinds, Mmb 26. ,05.t,r DON'T STOP TOBACCO, How To Cure Yourself Whilp TJsins It. The tobacco habit crows on a man nntil his nervous system is seriously affected, Im- pairing health, comfort and happiness. Tp qultsuddenly is too severe a shock to tho sys tem, as tobacco toanlnveteratcuserbecoraes a Btimnlant that his system continually traves. "Baco-Cur- o" is a. scientific enro Tor the tobacco habit, in all Its forms, carefully compounded after tho formula of an eminent Berlin physician who has used it in Ills pri- vate practice slnco 1872, without a failure. It is purely vegetable and guaranteed perfectly harmless. Yon can use all the tobacco yon want while taking "Baco Cnro." It will no- tify jou when to stop. Wo glvo a written guarantee to cure permanently any caso with three boxes, or reiuuU the money with 19 per cent, interest. "Baco-Guro-" Is not a substitute but n scientific ecre, that cures without the aid of will power and without no inconveni ence, it leaves tue system as pure and free from nicotine as the day yon look your first chew or stuoin Cured by Baco.Cnro and Gained Thirty Ponnds. From hundreds or testimonials, the origi- nals oi which are on file and open to inspec-tion.T- he following is presented : "Clayton, Nevada Co., ArktrJan. 28. 18S5H cureita unemicai e .Ml'sX'o., IjO. Crosse, Wis. Ofntlemen: For forty years I used tobacco in all its lorms. For twenty-fiv- e years of that time'I was a great sufferer from general de- bility and heart disease. For fifteen years I tried to quit, but couldn't. I took various remedies, among others "XoJoBae," "The Indian Tobacco Antidote, "'Double Chloride of Gold ."etc, etc, but none ot them did me Uie least bit of good. Finally, however, I purchased a box of jonr'B.icco Cnro" aud it has entirely cured me or the habit in nil its forms, and I have increased thirty ponnds in weight and am ielleved from all the numer- ous aches and pains of bodv and mind. I could wrltoaquireorpaperupon my changed feelings and condition. Kespectfnlly. Ii. 3IARBUBY Pastor C. r. Church, Clayton. Ark." Sold by all druggists at SI 00 per box; three boxes, (thirty days' treatment) S2.50, with iron-clo- d, written guarantee, or sent direct npon receipt of price. Wri te for booklet and proofs. Eureka Chemical A Manufactuiing Co.,LaCrosse. Wis., end Boston, Mass. March 2C, ISSO-C- SHOULC TAKE INSTRUCTIONS IN The Zanesville Business College Where they Teach Business by Doing Ac-tn- Business. This is the most Fractlcnl Business University lu Ohio. 1 he Students transact Actual Business and keep Actual Books Buy, Sell, Lcise, Etc. CURRICULUM Book Keeplng.Short Hand, Type Writing. Telegraphy, Penmanship, Banking, Spelling, Correspondence, Com- mercial Law, Expert Accounting, Kapid Calculation,Court.ReportingElocuUonanJ English Branches. School is in session all the year. Low rate or tuition. Cheap board. Annual Com- mencements, no chargo for securing posi- tions for graduates. Fall Term, September 3d, 1890. Address, SAU3IEXIG & DUNN, Zanesville, Ohio. Few Meat Market George Fox has opened a New Meat Market for the ex- press accommodation of his East End customers, in the new and elegant room next door to Guthrie's old stand, where the public will be sup- plied with all kinds of the Very Best Meat the markets affords. The store will be in chargo of "Doly" Stedam, one of the tidiest and hand- somest men in the business, ever ready to accommodate with any kind and any quan tity the customer may need. The public are cordially in- vited to call. Junel3.'tf GEORGE FOX. v'. f Wheeling at night. With the "Search Lleht" -I- S A PLEASURE. Apropos of the saying: "You can fool Xf some oi tne people part of the time. W. but not all the people all the time." the w 38107U fiSSZ zms (55Ni T- - Jft I :4?fe,$s'?fctS3 -- ssa ryi on the contrjry. xt er foMs anyfco Jy at J any time. IU make-u- p beinz g; Correct In Principle ana K Free from Defects, Insures that faithfulness in perform- - gjance which holis the confidence of the g user. PriCP fc K "Mirerpil free, or BRIDGEPORT BRASS CO. M Bridgeport, Conn. i 19 Murray .St, X. Y. Utmiti IVirl t TInjtrtn Cnmt fiir 17 Xo. 7tli St., I'hil-- Cataluguc So. "' MmMmWMiiSiiW&' j. I. hunk niirnoQQ M wort B H hi XM Centennial Bloclc, I.ogan, Ohio. raTrra-?- ? iua.w st:,v.-w- : w jt mxmmm xmsmssmm Our troubles at present is to find room for tho Avalanche of New Goods which havo been and is still flowing into our store. Although we have added a Large Addition to our store room, wo are crowded for space. The goods were not bought for shop-keepe- rs but for the mutual accom- odation of the people of Hocking and adjacent counties and ourselves. The Stocii is so Large and Prices so Cheap that every Householder will be glad to take advantage of this opportunity. The stock is so large and varied that wo can not take time to enumerate them and only name a few of the specialties we havo to offer. Dress Goods. The modern assortment of Dress Goods. "A thing of Beauty is a Joy forever." The highest advancement of modern Dry Goods establishment finds its fullest and flttiest expres- sion in tho styles and qualities of its Novelty Dress Goods, Our line in all widths, weaves and patterns, in both foreigu and domestic fabrics, vastly exceed all previous assortments For many of these specialties we are solo agents m this section. An inspection of this line will be convincing. No woman's wardrobe is complete without at least one good black gown and we're in shape to gown the town in handsome Lustres,- - -- Unique Brocade effects. Fine figured Mohair novelty. AH wool and Silk, Soliel, Berges, Hen- - riettas, Plaids and Jaquards novel-tie- s. Novelty Dress Goods. "We will bo pleased to show you through tbia department when you visit Logan or will forward samples by mail upon application. We pre- sent every lady with a standard Fashion Pattern with every good dress pattern sold. To supply a demand so great and tastes so different, calls for a close study of the trade. In our newly en- larged silk department we are pre- pared to show an assortment in styles and Fabrics worthy of the attention ot the ladies. Uur line comprizes; Ceiitefluial 'ja m a 8 ya w fc WW ttf a CB Surrah Silks, Duch-ess- e, Gro Grain, Epinigie, Ceiiteniial,Dammasse,Black Moire velour, Changeable Effects in Plain and Jac-qiiard,Ch- ina Colored Satin, Draperies, DeChines &c. We the Largeft and Finest line dress triminga ejer brought Logan. Capes and Cloaks! We headquarters for Capes and juak received direct frrm the manufaotnr large invoice. Every garment Grograin Brocade, Taffetta new and latest styles. JJJjJ .s Our umbrella is Large and Complete iu all the lateii SUk Novelties. Oen's Furnishings. We will close out our entire stocK of men's hats. All new goods and latest styles, Men's 50c hats for .35 $1 fur hats for .75 $1.50 hats for 1.20 1.75 hats for 1,35 S2.00 hats for $2.50 hats for novelty Cloaks, having I Stock Men's 50 cent wonting shirts Men's 50 cent dress shirts for Men's 25 cent dress shirts for Gent's 50 cent SUk Tie for Special bargains in Eiderdown, Blannets; Comforts quctte Eugs,Carpets, Oil Cloth, Linoliums, Boots and Shoes. Ladies Shoes a Specialties. yards good sheeting Muslin, 36 inches wide, cents per yard. good prints, cents per yard. spools John Chine's machine thread for 5 cents matting for.12 1-- 2 cents per yard. Block, Satin, Crepe yards Renieniber the place. a f'Sl ;5Si R, Lr havo of to are ers a I of : for. .1.5a -- 1.90 -- 39c 30c 19o 25q Hen 4 1500 1100 4 glyWfi iiiUilhdyllC ffOili - r , ;rsggfo ss'gEgrsrEa 18 Two coufj JiOGAN. Ohio- - i H i l 1 a t n v vl f " l nP t

Transcript of Shoe Store, Block, LOGAN, lira,

Page 1: Shoe Store, Block, LOGAN, lira,

? SJi .TP --.. ; r J.

'rri!s!isaais,cwEajr;ta2PMSc iiravssAirss!U2!K5rf-Kcj- : 'mUej i:ssri uJt fciSiiCTaeriBKKEs.-ziaasiva- a


Stratton's for Flour.Good bacon 10c at Stratton's.Dry Goods cheap nt Stratton's.Starr Tobacco 38clb at Stratton'sFour Best Stogie& 5c atStratton's.

Half gallon Tin Buckets 5o, atStratton's.

Read F. Blaius and Son's fall an-

nouncement.Born to Mr. and Mrs. John Stal-te- r

on last Sunday, a boy.

Frosh Butter and Eggs alwaysf n stook at Stratton's Gash Store.

Miss Clara Rauch of Lancasteris the guest of hor cousins of this city

Miss. Alma Keynes is visitingMiss. Kesslcr in Philadelphia thisTveek.

Miss. Nelle Roach, of Athens,was the guest of Miss Jessie Mansfield,

asf week.Born to Mr. and Mrs. Frank

Downey on Sunday Morning Sept.3tb, a girL

Mrs.Schraderand Mrs. N. Tillaud daughter are spending this week

in Lancaster.

Miss. Minnie Cooney of Colum

bus, is spending this week in Logan

visiting friends.Master Charley Wright enter-taiue- d

a few of his friends on lastSaturday evening.

Miss Bird White has returnodfrom Denver where she has beenspending the summpr.

The nine year old child of Geo,

Fike died on last Friday from Scar

let Fever and dipthera.

Mrs. P. J. Murtha had as herguests this week, Mrs. Henry Doyleand chrildren of Columbus.

Miss. Maymo Brady left lastwerk for Kentucky where she will en-J- er

the convent of the Sisters of Char- -

to:The Misses Daisy Watkins, May

Palmer and Mabel Hoyt have returned from a visit with frieuds in


Miss. Lnlu and Master FredBright; the Misses Belle and RuthBrooks have gone to Delaware to re-

sume their studies.

Tourest Clnbwore yuests of Mr.and Mrs. C. EPoston on last Mon-

day, and spent a pleasant day, and en

joyed a bountiful dinner.t

The Pqblic Scools, opening on

last Monday, have been closed forJhe week on account of the prevalencepf Scarlet Fever aud Dipthera.

Messrs Harry Ketchan and AdMiller of the Great Southern Theatre,ColnmbuR, spent Wednesday of lastweek with Miss. Jessie Mansfield.

Stratton's caused the low pricesand they are the people you shouldpatronize- - They carry a full line ofDry Goods, Shoes and Groceries.

Married, by J. E. Huston, J. P.,at the office of the Probate Court, Mr.

Charley A. Spencer to Miss. Emmapertrude Ginghcrj Tuesday, Sept. 15.

Gnstavus Adolphus Baird, a

Nomad "Mpiiad statesman, cultivatingthe gold bug industry, is stopping atthe Remple, registering as from SandRun.

Under a new law persons whose

lands have been sold at tax sale, forfwo years or more, should call on theAuditor at pnep and redeem. Andpave further cost.

Mr. and Mrs. Lafe Warner gavea pleasant party on Friday eveninglast The company included a hundredpr more of our society people, andr pleasant evening was passed.

Mr. Gordon Armstrong latedeputy Auditor and one of th,e brigh-

test and most scholarly young menof r :ty, left Monday fqr Delawareto icsuuio his studies in college.

The Lqthorn Congregations ofthe St. Mathew's Church, Logan; St.John's Laurel, and St. Peter's, Ewinghad a harvest festival yesterday inRemples Grove and had a verry en-

joyable time.

Gus. Stienraan appreciate? thefact that men of all parties must havoshoes and so he fills up his store andinvites, through a new advertisement,the people of town and country to comeand sep.

Read the advertisement of HawkThurness and Wert. This is one of

the enterprising business houses ofour city, and are every da)', enlargingher trade. Call and see the barginshey offer.

The Misses Kate Ucker and Mary

Till entertained the Bpb-O-Lin- with

a picnip in Klinsiinidth's Grove on

last Thursday. The young folks hada apink" jolly good time, and withfeasting and song, passed a happyday.

Mr. John Lucker, one of our old-

est, most esteemed citizens, died athis homo in Logan on last Fridaynight. The funeral was on last Sun

day afternoon from the residence.Rev. Moqro conducting the religouspxercises.

Stiera and Co. attract attention

this week. They presonta schedule of

prices thr.$ will command attention of

Gold Bug and Silverites to the barg-

ains they olfer. There is no politics in

this store. Jt,is a business place, anda place to ge bargains in the goods

tiiny haje (or gjfc

Meal lie sack .it Stratt(i-- -

"Five Bros." 29o lb, Stiatton's.Full line of Choice Candies at

Stratton's Cash Store.

The infant child of Prof. Spark"died of Scarlet Fever on last Sundaynight.

Col. Rempel was taken seriouslyill on last Tuesday with nervous pros-

tration.Mrs. Engler of Columbus is the

guest of her daughter, Mrs. FrankDowney.

Rev. Mittler aud son are visiting

friends here this week, and meeting

n hearty welcome.

The Mayor has very properly ap

pointed Frank Blasius, jr., Cemetery

Trustee, to fill the vacancy occasioned

by the death of his father.

Don't you want a Pool or Bill-

iard Table? Bott Bros., Columbus,Ohio, will sell them on easy pay-

ments, also Bar fixtures, Billiardsupplies, ect-t- f.

' Master Boyd Rochester fell, yes-

terday, and broke hjs right leg above

the knee, while at play on tho Asylum grounds, at Athens. Boydie has

tho sympathy of bis many Loganfripnds.

Bob Sloan is installed as Recor

der. It is a resurection of the good old

Democratic times. The J'Licr's Court"will open and we Democrats will all

feel at home again in the old accust-

omed meeting place.

Col. Davidson of Lancaster, sec-

retary and general manager of theLogan Natural Gas Company, was inthe city veslerday. He assures usthat the gas service will be fair and

to the satisfaction of the public, thecoming year.

Marshal Harrington and HarryVail left last Monday for PrinctonCollege where they will take a coursein Theology. Thoy are two of ourmost promising young men and we

bespeak for them a pleasant time

and a success in their course of study.

Attention is palled to the newadvertisement of Blasius. His housecarries the largest stock qf goods of

any in the Valley. They employ thebest tailors, aud always gurantee goodssold, and work done. The readers of

the Sentinel yhen in the city, aro in-

vited to call and see. look, aud learn.

L. A. Culver, under a grandjury indictment, was brought to Lo-ga- p

on Wednesday from Terra Haute,Ind by Marshal Armstrong. Hewas arranged before Judge JohnstonHe plead not guilty, and the judgefixed his bond at 10,000. Failingto giyo the bond he was sent to jail,

Ed Angle of the sentinfl is

taking his vacatiqn this week. Heleft on last Thursday, accompanedby bis wife, for a visit among his richand democratic relations on the Mus-

kingum. The information comes tous that from the way he takes to fried

chicken, he is mistaken for a preach-er.

Rov. C. C. Hart, of WebsterGrove, Mo., and who for many yearswas our fellow townsman, teacher andminister, after a pleasant visit, returned to his western home yesterday. On Tuesday evening his friends,and they are the good people of Logan, gave him a parting testimonialparty at the Presbyterian church,The ladies of the congregation hadtho material matters in hand, and fur-

nished refreshments and cordial at-

tention to all who called, but thebright and shining feature of he oc-

casion was the expression of kind re-

membrance, and hearty good will tothe venerable old man, who was tak-

ing his last leave of his friends. Itwas not pur good fortune to beamong the company, but the senti-

ment of the Sentinel was with him.In the times past when Mr. Hart was

a conspicious factor in the Loganmultiplicand, he and the Sentinelwould sometimes get on oppositesides, and had hot enconntors. Thisthough, it be said, he never shot apoisoned arrow, never threw a barbedlance, and the hurts in the fight soonhealed, He was a good fighter whenwarlike men were in the field forffgbt, ancj when the dark winged angel cast shadows, his presence quicklyfollowed, giving such consolation asa warm human heart could dispense.With his many friends in Logan, theSentinel joins in the wish andprayer that in the years yet vouch-safed the venerable minister, theroad may be smooth, the sunset softand soothing, and full of comfort andcheery in the hope of a bright eternalmorniug.

Strattqn's for StiQefj.

Columbus Real Estate Ideal In-vestment Property.

I have given yea's, with excellentrcsultf, to the subject of inventingsums, large and small for others;and those who want bargains, shouldsee tho elegant variety of ideal in-

vestment property, I am now offer-ing in the edge of Columbus, atprices that will double and treblewithin about three years.

This propcrlv consists of lots, additions and acreage which pays itsway in rentals, and always iir.ds aKeady and Rising market, shouldyou want to sell.

I want a "hiibtlci' in Logan to so-

licit for me; and those liaving friendsdesiring to invest, should write mofor particulars and plates.

J. b. RICKBTTS,Room 5ColumbiaBlk. Columbus.O

I Seven tin cups 10c at Stratton's,


Mrs. Martha Williams aged 46

years and 10 days, died at her home

Friday morning, Sept. I, of apoplexy.She va" born in Xolsonvilie, whereshe spent all her life except a periodof about five where she has re-

sided in Job.".The home of Mr. Barney Pearson

was brightened last Wednesday bythe arrival of a baby girl.

A hard time poverty part)' will beheld at the Parsonage nnder the au-

spices of the Eptvorth League nextTuesday evening.

Jno. Burnell ha9 again returnedto his father's home. He has beenemployed in Pennsylvania running amachine in a mine.

A large crowd of people were atJobs last Thursday on account of payday.

Miss Alice McClara has gone toIronton to visit her parents.

There is talk among the gold bugsof getting up an excursion to Cantonto visit their standard bearor. Agreat many of tho ladios contemplategoing. We think a large crowd willgo as there is no work and they willwalk.

We recently heard one of the goldbugs in a convention say that thospeech rendered here a few eveningsago by L. D. Vickers was as great,even greater than the speech deliv-

ered by Hon. W. J. Bryan at Col-umbu- s,

recently. That is scripturethough. In olden times when Moseswas leading the children of Isrealhe left them for a short time andwent up into the mountains to receivothe ton commandments. When hereturned ho found th? people in anuproar. They had demanded an idoland bringing all their jewelry, hadthem molted into a "golden calf."Leaders of the different tribes werethen appointed and their wishes wereobeyed regardless of family affec-

tions. So it is with tho followers oftho Golden Calf at this place. Menwho cannot read or write follow theirleader whose haven is the GoldenCalf. For instance, Hungarians whohavpn't as yet become naturalizedwere influenced to follow some of theblind. "And they brought theirgold for the Golden Calf" which theyWere to worship. So it is. Herethey brought their names to signaway their rights to the monopolies,"and as they worshipped consterna-tion came upon them." So it willbo among the followers hero whenthe time comes to reckon up theirvotes in the near future.

There was a meeting of the BryanClub last Thursday evening, and alargo number of new members wereenrolled. A speech was made bya member of tho Bryan Club at Dal- -

aton, at which place there isn't a goldbug to be found everybody forBryan and Frco Silver.



Auditor Nels Armstrong retiredfrom office on last Monday. Ho hasfilled tho office for the last six yearswith honor to himself, with creditto his party, and to the best interestsof the people of Hocking county.He retires with the approval of theentire public, and takes with himhearty endorsement for his course asan official, a gentleman and a Democrat, and the good wishes and goodwill of everybody for success inwhatever lines ho may hereafterfollow.

His successor, Mr. Bay, comes in-

to office with the reputation of beingan honest, capable gentleman. Heis not of our party, and we did notvote to elect him. But ho was fairlyelected, and as an official and as agentleman, he Fhall have tho bestsupport of the Sentinel and all good

Democrats, and Repulilicans too forthat matter, in every official actlooking to the faithful discharge ofduty, and the best interests of thepeople of Hocking county.

In saluting the new Auditor, we

can only say, as the best that can bosaid, is that he may make as good anAuditor as the officer who 'this time,and the officers all other times, pre-

ceding him.m

An Explanation.

Logan, O., Sept. 16, '90.It having been generally circulated

whichIN. set aside,wnue Buuenng irom leyer,is but justice to him to say that uponeareful investigation it proved to bemerely a sore throat from cold, ac-

companied by heat rash, which is notcontagious. I. C. WRIGHT, M.D.

Phjsician Attending.

Clearance Sale.

I havo two car load of CommercialFeitilizer that offer on termsto suit the purchaser, at greatly re-

duced price. The city authoritieshavo notified me to the goodsand it will be sold regardless of val-

ue. J. Wist.


Now id the opportunity to securebrick supplies for all purpores ntbottom in ices. Call sdou and boontune.

Feumnaxj) F. T?rairniAssignee Logan Fire Clay Co.

SEED WHEAT.FultzSeed Wheat for salo at Case's

Drug Store.


ftll4 t2nm b 83

S4 ti P

1 ?"

Kf, "J l?fccii-r-i tSm ft pi

iiV hA 'a SUg


Sis RJ




Sgac&acs &yc&x$x. $&$&c$3c&xc&yzR

Shoe Store, Murphy Block,Logan, Ohio. We are theLargest Dealers in Logan.We have the Largest Stockand the Best Goods Made,

Spc$3c$pe e$3$3: &c&3igyc&i$x:Examino our Goods before Buying elsowhere.


You will do well to to the Logan Foundry and MachineWorks for pipe-fitting- s, steam and check valves, guage cocks,oil cups, Garfield injectors, babbet mettle, packing machinesand special bolts. Castings of kinds in iron orbrick dies, stamps and brick barrows, repairs for brick ma-chinery, grate bars, cellar grates, fire grates, sash weights,car wheels, plows and plow eastings, machine and coldrolled shaftings. Repairing of all kinds of machinerydone promptly,

Logan, Ohio.



IIIIMl IIIWIW rfMiWfllllll1 IHIIIW IllBoots & Shoes

Boots & Shoes

Boots & Shoes

Boots & Shoes

Boots & Shoes

Boots & Shoes

Opposite First Bank,

x.oaA.isr.o.EOAD NOTICE.

vrrvriCR hprebv elven thRt a petition will" be presented to the Commissioners ofHocking County, Ohio, at their next session,

November, A. D., 1896,praying lor a location and establishment ofa county road on the following line t:

BcKlnnine; on the state road In East BloominRville, Ohio, opposite the line betweenNo. 2 ami 3, thence north-easterl- y 2u0 feet toastaite; tnenco easterly 113 feettoabtakeonthe lino between the lands of Mary Allisonand II. B. Johnson; theuco easterly 600 feetto a tice.tlicie to Intersect an oldroad (not public); thecce by tho old roodnorth-easterl- y 34) to south line of thelands of J. W. Toole; thence continuing In anorth-cahterl- course by the old rood 200 feet;thenco north eastorlv (not bv the old road)ttaofeet, more or less, to tho top of the hill,mere to intersect a county roan on me eastline of tno lauds of J. W. Toole and thewest liueof tho lands ofJoseplms Cooper ,andthere to end, about 39 rods north of the southeat.t corner of Section 17, Rango 18, Town-11- ,

Hockiufc County, Ohio. Said road runsthrough the lands of Cynthia McCormlck,Marj Allison, H.B.Johnson and J.W Toole.

JOSEPH US COOPER.Sept 3. IS50-5- Principal Peutiouer.


mTIE CREDITORS OF ADAM BROWN willtako notice, that on September 8. IMfl.

Thomas Brown tiled his petition in thoCommon Pleas Com of HocMng Couuti",umo, against me saia Auam urown ana !- -

W T !iv sent Iiiq hnv to SCllOOI dIa M- Williams, cause Is now pend-Uld- -i

,I1B theot.Je.-- t of which action is toscaricc it

1 will






as fraudulent, and as having been made incontemplation of insolvency, and with thointent to cheat and defraud plalutifT, and allother creditors of said Adam Urown. and tohinder and dUay them in the collection ofmen-ci-

, urns, a certain deed, made ay AdamBrown. October 8, 18M"i, conveying, to satdLydia M. Williams, the following l.inds ondtenements situate in Hocking Countv. Stateol Ohio, and described us follows, TheE.KoftheS.E.Jfa"'! the E. Mof tho W. V,of tlio S.E. Jf oi section 28, Township 12jRange lfi, containing 121 acres more or less.Also factional Lot No. 6, in Section 20.Towiiship 12. lfi, containing 2193-1H- )

airts. more or U-- -s Ako the S. E. & of N.E.$oi scuon u, lownsuip ii, i;aii,iu is, et- -"pting S acres, heretofore couvej ed to J. W.

Moore by Thomas Johnston, containing S2acres more or less--. All creditors desiring toshare pro-rat- a nrc noiilkil to answer in h.ldrauso on or before October 17th. lb'K.

THOMAS T. IJROft'XCnEnitv .t Holland, Attorneys.

Septen.ber 10. lfcW U

DO YOfl WANT TO BETTER YOUR CGHDJIM?Aro you tlroil of Arctic winters; of stock half tho year; of Iiigfc-pricc- d,

worn outlcnd andbhori crops; oruslncora-mercl-al

and other fertilizers? Do you wantmild Wntors; to havo clock run at largo niltho year; to ralso every grain and fruiiknuvrn t tho teinpcrato rono; to havobettar and cheaper land; inore abundantcrops and as good prices as you get now?H bo, call on or write to THE yACIFIONORTHWEST nilliaEATICN. 1JOAED,POIiTULNI, OREGON. 2

3 ts s - b suj- 'i V IT -

fei fST- -J wOk

iW f 1 W 1 1 tf i i $ EP

? 1 3 9









If yon want Boots, Shoes or Slip-

pers, the place to got them is tho

place where you know you can getthem "right." If you want hon-

est goods John Rauch is tho man

to see. lie is tho oldest shoe man

in Logan. He is responsible. He

offers you special bargains, in allkinds of foot wear. He handle

nothing but good goods and em-

ploys skilled, up-to-da- te wommen,

E5$S5fegjsBpj8 rSjiiaSiSg?iiiWtfSll

- - -




The New York Journal is tfce onlyMetropolitan paper indorsing;

Bryan andand it daily publishes articles bythe leading financiers of the countryon both sides of the question,

"Silver versus Gold'4

It is progressive, liberal and alwaysespouses the cause of the masses.Every broad minded man shouldread it, whether Republican orDemocrat.

IHIMllDaily . - - - 1 Cont evorywfcoro.SubQcrlption for One Month,

including Sunday - - - -- 40 centsTwo Montha and a Half - - $1.00

Send subscription to

Tlie New York Journal,Circulation Department, HEW YORK.

fHL nilllo lu.





Zanesville, Ohio.KOI3ERT KIRK (Formrlyof KiikHouse) Proprietor

Kales 2.00 Per day.

Cor Market & 5th

w 1?'s

Jn thpol.l ITfirlnr While stand, nttiiehcadof Alum Street, keeps constantly

on himl nil kliult of

And pny! the highest, nnrltet price for FatStocS. Meat sold cheaper than

any place In town.

&H0 OE HIE S !

Alco, a well selected stock of Grocerses, freshfrom tho market, at the lowest consistentprices. Highest prlco paid for country pro-duce. Free delivery to all parts of tho city.Uivo me a call and he convinced. Jan.2.7 tf

w mf!



ura 9



Sausages of all kinds, BaconCured Hams, Etc., always onhand at Lowest Prices. Thohighest prices paid for stockof all kinds, Mmb 26. ,05.t,r


How To Cure Yourself Whilp TJsins It.The tobacco habit crows on a man nntil

his nervous system is seriously affected, Im-pairing health, comfort and happiness. Tpqultsuddenly is too severe a shock to tho system, as tobacco toanlnveteratcuserbecoraesa Btimnlant that his system continuallytraves. "Baco-Cur- o" is a. scientific enro Torthe tobacco habit, in all Its forms, carefullycompounded after tho formula of an eminentBerlin physician who has used it in Ills pri-vate practice slnco 1872, without a failure. Itis purely vegetable and guaranteed perfectlyharmless. Yon can use all the tobacco yonwant while taking "Baco Cnro." It will no-tify jou when to stop. Wo glvo a writtenguarantee to cure permanently any caso withthree boxes, or reiuuU the money with 19 percent, interest. "Baco-Guro-" Is not a substitutebut n scientific ecre, that cures without theaid of will power and without no inconvenience, it leaves tue system as pure and freefrom nicotine as the day yon look your firstchew or stuoinCured by Baco.Cnro and Gained Thirty

Ponnds.From hundreds or testimonials, the origi-

nals oi which are on file and open to inspec-tion.T- he

following is presented :"Clayton, Nevada Co., ArktrJan. 28. 18S5H

cureita unemicai e .Ml'sX'o., IjO. Crosse, Wis.Ofntlemen: For forty years I used tobacco

in all its lorms. For twenty-fiv- e years of thattime'I was a great sufferer from general de-bility and heart disease. For fifteen years Itried to quit, but couldn't. I took variousremedies, among others "XoJoBae," "TheIndian Tobacco Antidote, "'Double Chlorideof Gold ."etc, etc, but none ot them did meUie least bit of good. Finally, however, Ipurchased a box of jonr'B.icco Cnro" aud ithas entirely cured me or the habit in nil itsforms, and I have increased thirty ponnds inweight and am ielleved from all the numer-ous aches and pains of bodv and mind. Icould wrltoaquireorpaperupon my changedfeelings and condition. Kespectfnlly.

Ii. 3IARBUBYPastor C. r. Church, Clayton. Ark."

Sold by all druggists at SI 00 per box; threeboxes, (thirty days' treatment) S2.50, withiron-clo- d, written guarantee, or sent directnpon receipt of price. Wri te for booklet andproofs. Eureka Chemical A ManufactuiingCo.,LaCrosse. Wis., end Boston, Mass.March 2C, ISSO-C-


The Zanesville Business College

Where they Teach Business by Doing Ac-tn-

Business. This is the most FractlcnlBusiness University lu Ohio. 1 he Studentstransact Actual Business and keep ActualBooks Buy, Sell, Lcise, Etc.

CURRICULUM Book Keeplng.Short Hand,Type Writing. Telegraphy, Penmanship,Banking, Spelling, Correspondence, Com-mercial Law, Expert Accounting, KapidCalculation,Court.ReportingElocuUonanJEnglish Branches.

School is in session all the year. Low rateor tuition. Cheap board. Annual Com-mencements, no chargo for securing posi-tions for graduates. Fall Term, September3d, 1890. Address,

SAU3IEXIG & DUNN,Zanesville, Ohio.

Few Meat MarketGeorge Fox has opened a

New Meat Market for the ex-

press accommodation of hisEast End customers, in thenew and elegant room nextdoor to Guthrie's old stand,where the public will be sup-plied with all kinds of theVery Best Meat the marketsaffords. The store will be inchargo of

"Doly" Stedam,one of the tidiest and hand-somest men in the business,ever ready to accommodatewith any kind and any quantity the customer may need.The public are cordially in-

vited to call.Junel3.'tf GEORGE FOX.


f Wheeling at night.With the "Search Lleht"


Apropos of the saying: "You can foolXf some oi tne people part of the time.W. but not all the people all the time." the

w 38107UfiSSZ zms

(55Ni T- - Jft I:4?fe,$s'?fctS3 --ssa

ryion the contrjry. xt er foMs anyfco Jy at

J any time. IU make-u- p beinzg; Correct In Principle anaK Free from Defects,

Insures that faithfulness in perform- -gjance which holis the confidence of theg user.

PriCP fc K "Mirerpil free, or


i 19 Murray .St, X. Y.Utmiti IVirl t TInjtrtn Cnmt fiir17 Xo. 7tli St., I'hil-- Cataluguc So. "'




hunk niirnoQQ M wortB H hi XM

Centennial Bloclc, I.ogan, Ohio.

raTrra-?-? iua.w st:,v.-w- : w jt mxmmm xmsmssmm

Our troubles at present is to find room for thoAvalanche of New Goods which havo been and isstill flowing into our store. Although we haveadded a Large Addition to our store room, woare crowded for space. The goods were notbought for shop-keepe- rs but for the mutual accom-odation of the people of Hocking and adjacentcounties and ourselves. The Stocii is so Largeand Prices so Cheap that every Householder willbe glad to take advantage of this opportunity.The stock is so large and varied that wo can nottake time to enumerate them and only name afew of the specialties we havo to offer.

Dress Goods.The modern assortment of Dress Goods. "Athing of Beauty is a Joy forever."The highest advancement of modern Dry Goodsestablishment finds its fullest and flttiest expres-sion in tho styles and qualities of its

Novelty Dress Goods,Our line in all widths, weaves and patterns, inboth foreigu and domestic fabrics, vastly exceedall previous assortments For many of thesespecialties we are solo agents m this section. Aninspection of this line will be convincing. Nowoman's wardrobe is complete without at leastone good black gown and we're in shape to gownthe town in handsome

Lustres,-- --Unique Brocade effects.Fine figured Mohair novelty. AHwool and Silk, Soliel, Berges, Hen--

riettas, Plaids and Jaquards novel-tie-s.

Novelty Dress Goods."We will bo pleased to show you

through tbia department when youvisit Logan or will forward samplesby mail upon application. We pre-sent every lady with a standardFashion Pattern with every gooddress pattern sold.

To supply a demand so great andtastes so different, calls for a close

study of the trade. In our newly en-

larged silk department we are pre-

pared to show an assortment in stylesand Fabrics worthy of the attentionot the ladies. Uur line comprizes;


'ja m a 8 ya w fc WW ttf a C B

Surrah Silks, Duch-ess- e,

Gro Grain, Epinigie,Ceiiteniial,Dammasse,BlackMoire velour, ChangeableEffects in Plain and Jac-qiiard,Ch- ina

Colored Satin,Draperies, DeChines&c.

We the Largeft and Finestline dress triminga ejerbrought Logan.

Capes and Cloaks!We headquarters

for Capes and juakreceived direct frrm the manufaotnr

large invoice. Every garmentGrograin Brocade, Taffetta new and latest styles.

JJJjJ .sOur umbrella is Large and Complete iu all the lateii

SUk Novelties.

Oen's Furnishings.We will close out our entire stocK of men's hats. All

new goods and latest styles,Men's 50c hats for .35$1 fur hats for .75$1.50 hats for 1.20

1.75 hats for 1,35

S2.00 hats for$2.50 hats for


Cloaks, having


Men's 50 cent wonting shirtsMen's 50 cent dress shirts forMen's 25 cent dress shirts forGent's 50 cent SUk Tie for

Special bargains in Eiderdown, Blannets; Comforts

quctte Eugs,Carpets, Oil Cloth, Linoliums, Boots and Shoes.

Ladies Shoes a Specialties.

yards good sheeting Muslin, 36 inches wide, cents

per yard. good prints, cents per yard.

spools John Chine's machine thread for 5 cents

matting for.12 1-- 2 cents per yard.





Renieniber the place.


f'Sl ;5Si





ers aI of







1100 4

glyWfi iiiUilhdyllC ffOili


, ;rsggfo ss'gEgrsrEa




JiOGAN. Ohio- -


i l






