SherIffSaIe CORRESPONDENCE Grays weekWillie Itsparkle of my youthful ambi tion had almost lied away...

0 CORRESPONDENCE HS Grays The store of Owens Owens nt J ¼ this place was broken into last Fri day night and robbed of 40 or 50 dollars and some checks also a watch t 1f and pistol They have sonic parties arrested on suspicion AVe hope the I guilty parties may be found am 1t nunished There seems to be an I organised band of rogues in tills vicinity I J Mr Sarah Gray is having quite a lot improvement done on her resi dence which will add largely to the 1 beauty of the town J H Donaldson is the sick list this fi week 1Miss Freddie Helton is very low with typhoid fever I pMr and Mrs FP Owens are at- tending the Camp meeting at Sal Lick Ky We are informed that we are to have a new operator in the depot Mr Hogan the present operator is soon t6 be relieved 1 wonder what has become of the vStaight Rider I like to read his let ters in the ADVOCATED Success to the ADVOCATE and its many readers YANK 4 HAMMOND KY t It was reported here that Bad Jack Asher of Red Bird was killed on the 8th inst Well well tell the White Rose to look- out it has never bloomed yet nnd if it does it will get nippied in the bud We are having lots of rain up hen at present and crops are fine STRAIGHT RIDER I Knox Pork I have seen cows with long enough to lick their calves through the crack of the fence Well you say that is a mighty long tongue Yesbut I have seen longer tongues than that I have seen people that could sit in their own parlor and lick their neighbors all round the country Theywould make you thinkof a wagon they need a breast upI When this world is wrapped in a winding sheet of flames you will for- get the mistakes of Moses and be brought face to face with your own mistakes and misconduct How many little flirts I have seen go to a little dance a kind ofa hugging school come home at the break of day looking like a greas dish rag rub off the preparedchalk and paint take off the false curls and commit suicide It matters not how many business houses close or how many men are thrown out of work there is one class of people who qre never with out a job that is the faultfinder and the chronic grumbler They have a job the round and they stick to theitJbush j J The man that prays louder with a of the cramp colic than he does 4at fnmilJprtters would be uneasy I at i f S See that man there squirting to ¬ bacco out of his mouth He says ftj he is chewing his cud Well hear 1what Moses says about it Any that chews his cud that has not got a forked hool is unclean I have heard people saII I believe in holiness but I dont believe in sanctification They are like the old woman who loved mutton but couldnt eat sheep She1 felt like she was getting wool in her teeth lIi The fellow that lets his religion all i go Qut but a spark is in a strait betwixt two He has too much to i Yhrow away and not enough t6 keep If he stay and blows the spark he cant do anything else and T > ithe runs tq get klnclling it will go- AOnt 4 on him itA religion that wont keep you sweet when the cow and calf gets f together or the old sow eats up the < chickens wont be worth paying taxes oil when this old world gets ifeon fire RAGGED BUKKCHKS J > Work is getting better r MrJB Price and wife have been very pick thus week but are sonic Wihatbetter at this writing L Miss Bessie Marshallof near f EmHhuel has been Visiting friends here this week ft Louis Blonters and Jolin Helton j forHarlan have pen visiting friends rrlid relatives for a das and left JJf ftheifbqme Sunday j evening jwProf D Humfleet and family i btheir Middle t Fnfkfasnr1tnrdnJ i it 4 r p s Miss Emma Morris was thcguc of Miss Rebecca Price Sunday morn- ing Mrs W H Campbell ol Gray is visiting her father and mother this weekWillie McDonald as we have state before is candidate for the office of County Court Clerk as this is the first time he has ever ask for an office I think it would be the dut of all voters to support him ROSE ohiLcv Nelson Hampton ofMillstone WE a guest of Bertie Webb Monday Messrs Henry and John Ruthcfor and Robert Hubbnrd of Virginia Were guest of their relatives lucre this week andwill return home in a few days Jim T Webb died last week of Typhoid fever and leaves a wife and five children to mourn the loss Near Norton Va at the risk of his life Alfred Birbeck stopped a run- away horse and his reward was a five cent piece The owner of the horse was thrown from thecarriag and the animal its cours in constant danger of being run down by the cars until Birbcc stopped it the owner drew out a wallot and removing sonic bills drew forth a nickle and gave it to Bii beck Success to the ADVOCATE and its ninny readers WHITE ROSE Citizens of Knox County In coming before the people of Knox county for the second tern of office I do not desire to do so without first thanking them for what they have already done for meI have always found friends in everything I have undertaken in this county j even when a bo and not able to pay my way in school I found friends who tool me up and helped me through May God bless them j I shall al ways praise them After I began teaching I foum friends who procured for me some of the best schools in the county They stood by me from year to year and carried me on And then beyond the hope of my boyhood beyond the dreams of lIlY youth even at the time when misforbun had overtaken me when what little earnings I had eathered together had been consumed and were exhausted j when I had been battling be tween life and death for eight long months j when the hope and sparkle of my youthful ambi tion had almost lied away some kindly spirit some kindly in fluence I know not what some reasons which seemed to me as an insignificant boy could not possi bly exist Wrought upon the minds and HNlrts of some of tlje good inenb this coiuuutyiheide of the vacancy thou existing in the of tfi cq 9f Countypporpitendeii- teinfilled byymeaj The fon jjttlpb Powers haying resigned to iccttpfc the ofliceof Secretary of state to which he hal been ilected Without any solicita ¬ tion oh my part without even applying for tim positionin fact without ever having dreamed of such fortune waiting l meafriend who was titan in the bouyancjy of OOl fortune and advancement but uPOlI whom the dark mantel of misfortune isnoy Changing tad for whose liberation the rayers of the jeoplgof Ken- tucky have beet going up for burr years and more visited fly bedside and informed me appMntedf the iiappiast boy on earth I praised Sod for having existed at that time j I praised tlid man who gave itmeiasISballi ever do That was only ithe wprk of a few individuals tall of whom I love and shiullcvr htrei1dy to help in the time of need The g reat mttss of the people Fad not said whether I was theirchoice A year later this was submitted to them They httd at llieir 6p lion my selecljlpn or rejecticm Again it seuiifo a boy in my Lrtoiflnn that film hrtnl of Provi- dence directed the operation anti I was selected by the peopleto fill the responsible flo ition which 1 uio mrlfi J3h Iy for linyigi- vuui mo jjjj j I have not words to cxpres my thankfulness to the good peo- ple of this county From my heart shall over flow one contin- uous and unbroken stream of gratitude and praise I It seems to mo that I have broad reasons to thank tho pec pie It seems that anythin short of honest services and can estly looking after the iutores of the people as best my abilit will allow would be gross in gratitude and proving myself 11n true to the sacred trust they hay bestowed upon me With this view of my position I guarante to the people that I have done and will do only that which in my best judgment I believe to be right and which moots the approval of an honest conscience It seems that the favor Ims been coming from the people to- me up to this point There was no special reasons for my selec tion the first time I had no special ability or knowledge of the schools or the office I hay done the best I could I have triei to grasp every opportunity fo improve and elevate the schools and educational interests I an now acquainted with the oflici in the fullest degree I knov what is needed and know how to proceed to put forth efforts tha t- will bear fruit for Julie good of the people I know of ever effort that needs to be made and how to make it I am fa miiiar with all the conditions of the county and have a lesson al ready at my command whicl will take any new man one tern to learn No man- who is no t acquainted with the people who is not acquainted with tin school business and who is not familiar with the duties of tin oflice of County Superintendem can take it and run it with the best results for three or foui yearsIf I accept an office at the hands of the people I do it noi merely for the compensation ill it but for tug interest I have in doing the work and for the grati fication of realizing that my work is benefitingthe people as well There is more work that I would like to do than I have boon able to do in one term Aside from the compensation and the hon or that it would be to me forttlie people to select me for thellecond term I have work which I want to ac ¬ complish for you believe that I am able to do more for the people in my second term than any new man could do in his first term I believe my reelec ¬ tion is to the interest of the peo- ple ¬ It has been customary for a County Superintendent to be reelected and I find from the people all over the cQunty thut iny chances are flattering I am criticised by some for not issuing certificates to every ap ¬ plicant but I believe that only the qualified should teach our children Some criticise me for not be- ing ¬ oppressive in taxation I believe in houses sufficient for the schools They should ie clean healthy warn and com- fortable but I do not forget 3c6noiiiy ami coininon SOIIPO in schoolltouse buildings the fianfo is should be used by farmers in building their own houses I do not believe it right for nuiySui ¬ perintendent to cause a house which is comfortable and seV vicealjle to bo torn down and build a now one out of the hard earned money of the people of bhe district for the ihero pur- pose ¬ of satisfying some whimsi zal fancy heniayhdydof his own I do not believe that a OOt white house will ofitself niakeu school any more tliana7o broadcloth suit ot clothes will majora gen ¬ tl man A montaiy NvrappeU In siftlncfnth Is monkuy tuft tliu names Anwn who thinks oostumu nmklw him la hut it maul In nnm- eSpme criticise mo for furnish- ing ¬ books to the poor children I admit that r havcj furnished more than any qther Super Jl teudenlj butsthe law prpvides it tiidJblloveitright Irmany- w 1jk J of us Imvo had tho sting of pov orty l How many of us can look hack over our lives nnd think pi times when the vale of need and want hung close about our floors How pleasant thou in those trying hours of despair would have been the hand of one wIn is able to comfqrt and console Let me ho not misunderstood Let mo bo frank I may novoi be in public position but little My chances to help and relieve the suHcrings of my fellowciti zens may be but few j but whal time I do serve whenever the opportunity presents itself for me to relieve some misfortune to drive away despair and to scatter sunshine and hope whore there isdarkness and gloom you will find me actively engaged in doing so j whdther it be friend or foe black or white rich 01 poorI have some opposition because of havingpunished those who hud been dabblftig in question pod ling and school selling It is true that I helped to prosecute them and saw that they were pun- ished ¬ I did it because I believed it to be my duty as an oilicer I thought it my duty to protect the children of the county whose cares and interest 1 hold in ill hands from such intruders I believe the people will stand by me in that effort as the courts have done I believe that every candidate for County Superintendent should run on some principal I think ho should have certain ends to accomplish not for himself but for the people I believe I can give the people an honest suc ¬ cessful administration I think I know what the people want aiul need I believe I can do more toward tho upbuilding of our educational interest titan any other aspirant However I be ¬ hove that the WILL ON TIlE P O- ILY is < all in all supreme and above ttY man or set of uncut I do not helie ethutnny effort should 10 made to thwart the will of the people whether it be in my own interest or in the in- terest ¬ of any unto The peo- plO8 ¬ will is almighty and must prevail ifour government stands upon the same just and honor ¬ able jniricipals upon which it wasThidedTo of our great people I most humbly bow Thanking you In advance for lilly kindnes you may bestow upon me or any aiQ you may lend my candidacy I remain Most sincerely yours 11 G HIGNITE Commissioners Sale KNOX OlnOUJT OO17UT Martha Riles Admr Bc Plaintiff vs Robert Riley c Defendant < i By virtue ol a judgment nYtlic Khox Circuit Court entered at tlto uly term lf04 in the nboyeistylcrjl icliprujthercm pending I vll scl at public auction to highest and htst bid tMol1 a credit of six and velve mon t his in equal installments at the Courthouse duor in Hurbour Iille Ky cm MONDAY SEirr 20 TS104 Between the hoursof 10 oclock a m and 4 oclock p m the ollov ng described property to raise tIll sum of 147415 Said property is Icscriliedas follows FIKST TRACT Situated in Knx count on the waters qI Swat Pond rreek Heginiiing at a poplar oil the- N 15 conjcr ot Nancy Hamptons and thence with her line S 77 W 30 poles to a white oak at Swan Pond rood in all GO poles to awhite ont jn said Nancy James Ham ions lnn 1un the spur of a ridge thence up said ridge N 78 W 25 poles to a chestnut thence N 85 W 28 I oles to a black oak thence S 30 W- It poles to chestnut oak thence S Tl W 12 poles to a chestnut oak ihericeNlG E Yr poles to a sour wodd and maple thence E 40 poles t9 a stake on top of the ridge thence with said ridjje N 25H 10 poles N 28 W 76 to two white oaks ifience N 49 E 78 poles to the mouth ofa branch and withsaid branch N 55 E 40 poles to the road thence N GOE 40 poles to a ccch thence N 70 E 32 poles to a white Qak at the Qfulside near the Bee Gum branch thence with the road N 45 V 42 potes ton white oak nnd black oak tuntp the original corner ofsurvey rnthe jioipt ofa ridethuciccup the 1J 1i r i J- fr w ridge to the top of the main rirlgcI thence with the tot ofthe mhin to a line on the southeast side a 200acre survey thence with said line S 43 W poles to a maple the northcorner of the James Tugfelc 50acre survey thence S 45 EM poles to the beginning but the following two tracts are excluded from this boundary One tract sold by William Riley to Josie Miles and conveyed bjrdced dated Fcb tuary 22 1899 One tract sold and conveyed by Wm Riley tc Luillow Miles by deed dated August 6 1900 if the aforesaid tract should fail to bring the aftiresaidsum 6f 147415 I will then sell a house and lot situ ated in the town of Darbourville Ky and the same house and lot conveyed to this said Wm Riley bj Mariah L Singleton and her hus- band A R Singleton by deed lated January 9 1884 and the same now occupied by the plaintiff Martha Riley The purchaser will give bond with good security bearing interest from date until paid and having the force and effect of a judgment with a lien retained on said property until the money is fully paid W F VESTERFIELD Commissioner KnoxCircuit Court This September 1 1904 sept 93t Sheriffs Sale for Taxes STATE OE KENTUCKY 1 S9 County pf Knor I will on tho 20th DAY OF SEPT 1004 inBnrbour1Illo tho hours of 10 a in nnd 4p in sell to tho highest ladder for cash in hand tho following property Quo trait of land situated on tho waters of Goldons Crook mId bounded ns fol- lows ¬ North by Robert Bray east by William Wilson south by Joseph Mays west by Mnsoy heirs levied on HS the property of WT Golden for his State Revenue and County levy taxes duo by said W T Golden for tho year 1003 Tnxos 408 cost W W BYRLEY S K CI CHAS BYBLKY D S This 2d day of August 1004 > sept 2 4t I Courthouse accommodations day- Speclalrates RICHARDSON CLEVELAND f Tou trsV One JOJn JFLSmith IA NE BOOKLEEPJVG SIIQRTIIAND TYPEWltlmc wuf COLLEGE Second ncJValnut LOUISVILLE ivKpiilollst lint itr 1rl VlngplrbnJlnent over tuytitFii11F School timot AND i THE CINCINNATI COMMERCIAL THE COM- MERCIAL CINCINNATI estimate election Is What We To Subscribers Who Eng g9 In TMo Gigantic Intellectual Contest To the one the nearest timate the the 518000 the Nearest 0000 the Third Nearest 2500 the Sixth flearesV 30Q To the Seventh To the Nearest To tho Ninth Nearest the Tenth Nearest 25 910 the 463 Eaqhj Z25- in Awards any subscriber should before October estimate the total will be an additional amount 10000 If subscriber should and before pm November 1904 total will be additional amount of 10000 Total 0f5oe50000 SherIffSaIe for Taxes fCOUl1t IJ I will on tin 26TH DAY OF SEPT 1001S 1 At the door in Bivrbodr Knox county betwoon the hours of 10 a m nnd 4 p in to tho highest bidder for cash in hand tIm following property Ono tract of mini situntod in con ty near Lov6ll Station bounded ns follows North by lands of John Pot lor east by Inuds of Margaret south by tho N J JRnilrond Co west by lands of S B Tugglo levied on as tho property of Alford G Brnttord for his Stnt > > Revenue County levy taxes by said Brnllord for the year 1003 Taxes cost W W BYRLE S K C C ByjtiiBY C This day of August sept BOARDING All persons wishing The Worlds Fair St Louis can make arrangements for same by addressing Mrs G W BAILEY I 3229 Pine St Rates SJ50 52 00 per to Parties k1BUVTHET9LNE Before Purchasa Any Other THE NEW HOME SEWING MACHINE COMPANY Many Sewing Machines are made to sell regard lessof quality but the Sow Homo Is made to wear Our guaranty never out We make Machines to suit all conditions ctthotrada The New IIomo stands at the head of all IHBURrmlo sewing machines Sold by authorized dealers ouly SALI fly i JAMES M CO General Agents Building HOW IS YOUR SOLE J ± it 9r0t OJ neaJJy o can get a IIPUBLJrCSQUARE 11He BUSINESS EDUCATION Is absolutely neceswry to tin1 man oryoititir iiuui Win imkl win in conoelod ttliof Url lnip irtancntv YO tt Ialtiill tt the scholll that tlie very rmk j TIlE rSt Corr Sts 2 h VviJiit xjwrloiVciHl tcachon vault olie in his i I 111tul ldOK giving tttttuznnhs frlm gruIu119i oc v 4daiIb 1lt positions nil tilt XTnlted stnttsIt will 0 r opoivall JoniN students ran ontor at < EJ Pres J JS I i A IN The above has set asIde by TRIBUNE to be distributed as awards to the subscribers of TRIBUNE or THE WEEKLY GAZETTE total vote In the State of Ohio for President of United States at to be held November 8 1904 Our making correct es ¬ of exact total of vote To Second To To Nearest 200 Eighth 100 f 50 To To the Next 300 Nearest Each 3000 To Next Nearest 5 all 775 amounting to30000 If 1 1904 exact vote there paid of after October 1 1 sr 0 0 estimate the exact vote there paid an A Grand vlllo Ivy soil Knox Ky nnd J Poll L nnd duo 270 CHAS D 2flth 1004 1 44t i at I to i You Write ORANGE MASS runs Sewing family FOR Electric OHIO ilicloiI11 UHE 1 youim 11JI ItS This bnititr < front BRYANTA RATTONXBUSINESS IYltt1 I t WRIGHT xn any tI n STUDY GaVERNMEEit POLITICS 5OOOO sum been who the cast the the Here Offer 1ootflTo COMMERCIIL1IUEAWARD I9 OUR RATES For 31 will rocctvo Tho Dally and Sunday Commercial Tribune Mr roar ft be cntitlca tq two estimate For tl will receive The Swue4ly CaaitDi tar one XU year are be entitled to two Z cstl mates For ctnti you will receive The Daily ant Sunday Commercial Tribune fur two Z weeks and bi entItleS to onei estimate For fifty cents you e will receive The AVtekly Gazette for six months and bo en ji titled to moO7 eetlmotA yA SPECIAL NOTICE For everyI fifty cents paid you will be en titled to two Ii weeks subscrip tion to The Dally and Sunday CommercIal Tribune or six ii tk months subscription to The i Weekly Gazette and one 1 ea< tlmato You can subscribe for Tho Dally and Sunday Commer1 clal Trlbuno at the above rates I Ctrevei7 order the paper lent to any ad dress you wish and lava the cs f tlmato entered in your name If you so order You get I1n excellent dally and Sunday newspaper or weekly newspaper you accept either of the aboyo propositions II You also have an opportunity to i 1 secure an award and 1 independent the rest of your lUa 4 I For subscription blankd data about previous votes and further Information I address the Manager of i M P X ff If L r

Transcript of SherIffSaIe CORRESPONDENCE Grays weekWillie Itsparkle of my youthful ambi tion had almost lied away...

Page 1: SherIffSaIe CORRESPONDENCE Grays weekWillie Itsparkle of my youthful ambi tion had almost lied away some kindly spirit some kindly in fluence I know not what some reasons which seemed




GraysThe store of Owens Owens nt

J¼ this place was broken into last Fri

day night and robbed of 40 or 50dollars and some checks also a watch

t 1f and pistol They have sonic partiesarrested on suspicion AVe hope the

I guilty parties may be found am

1t nunished There seems to be anI organised band of rogues in tills

vicinityI J

Mr Sarah Gray is having quite alot improvement done on her residence which will add largely to the1 beauty of the town

J H Donaldson is the sick list thisfi week

1Miss Freddie Helton is very lowwith typhoid fever

IpMr and Mrs F P Owens are at-tending the Camp meeting at SalLick Ky

We are informed that we are tohave a new operator in the depotMr Hogan the present operatoris soon t6 be relieved

1 wonder what has become of thevStaight Rider I like to read his let

ters in the ADVOCATED

Success to the ADVOCATE and itsmany readers YANK

4 HAMMOND KYtIt was reported here that Bad

Jack Asher of Red Bird was killedon the 8th inst

Well well tell the White Rose to look-out it has never bloomed yet nnd ifit does it will get nippied in the bud

We are having lots of rain up henat present and crops are fine


I Knox Pork

I have seen cows with longenough to lick their calves throughthe crack of the fence Well yousay that is a mighty long tongueYesbut I have seen longer tonguesthan that I have seen people thatcould sit in their own parlor andlick their neighbors all round thecountry Theywould make youthinkof a wagon they need a breastupIWhen this world is wrapped in awinding sheet of flames you will for-

get the mistakes of Moses and bebrought face to face with your ownmistakes and misconduct

How many little flirts I have seengo to a little dance a kind ofahugging school come home at thebreak of day looking like a greasdish rag rub off the preparedchalkand paint take off the false curlsand commit suicide

It matters not how many businesshouses close or how many men arethrown out of work there is oneclass of people who qre never without a job that is the faultfinder andthe chronic grumbler They have ajob the round and they stickto theitJbush j

JThe man that prays louder with a

of the cramp colic than he does4at fnmilJprtters would be uneasyI at i fS See that man there squirting to ¬

bacco out of his mouth He saysftj he is chewing his cud Well hear

1what Moses says about it Anythat chews his cud that has

not got a forked hool is unclean

I have heard people saII I believein holiness but I dont believe in

sanctification They are like theold woman who loved mutton butcouldnt eat sheep She1 felt like shewas getting wool in her teeth


The fellow that lets his religion alli go Qut but a spark is in a strait

betwixt two He has too much toi Yhrow away and not enough t6

keep If he stay and blows thespark he cant do anything else and

T > ithe runs tq get klnclling it will go-

AOnt4 on him

itA religion that wont keep yousweet when the cow and calf gets

f together or the old sow eats up the<chickens wont be worth paying

taxes oil when this old world getsifeon fire RAGGED BUKKCHKS

J> Work is getting better

rMrJB Price and wife have been

very pick thus week but are sonicWihatbetter at this writing

L Miss Bessie Marshallof nearf EmHhuel has been Visiting friends

here this week

ft Louis Blonters and Jolin Heltonj forHarlan have pen visiting friends

rrlid relatives for a das and leftJJf ftheifbqme Sunday


jwProf D Humfleet and familyi btheir Middle

t Fnfkfasnr1tnrdnJ



r p sMiss Emma Morris was thcguc

of Miss Rebecca Price Sunday morn-ing

Mrs W H Campbell ol Gray isvisiting her father and mother this

weekWillieMcDonald as we have state

before is candidate for the officeof County Court Clerk as this is thefirst time he has ever ask for anoffice I think it would be the dutof all voters to support him



Nelson Hampton ofMillstone WEa guest of Bertie Webb Monday

Messrs Henry and John Ruthcforand Robert Hubbnrd of VirginiaWere guest of their relatives lucre thisweek andwill return home in a few

daysJim T Webb died last week of

Typhoid fever and leaves a wife andfive children to mourn the loss

Near Norton Va at the risk of hislife Alfred Birbeck stopped a run-away horse and his reward was afive cent piece The owner of thehorse was thrown from thecarriagand the animal its coursin constant danger of being rundown by the cars until Birbccstopped it the owner drew out awallot and removing sonic bills drewforth a nickle and gave it to Biibeck

Success to the ADVOCATE and itsninny readers WHITE ROSE

Citizens of Knox County

In coming before the people ofKnox county for the second ternof office I do not desire to do so

without first thanking them forwhat they have already done for

meI have always found friends ineverything I have undertaken inthis county j even when a boand not able to pay my way inschool I found friends who toolme up and helped me throughMay God bless them j I shall always praise them

After I began teaching I foumfriends who procured for me someof the best schools in the countyThey stood by me from year toyear and carried me on

And then beyond the hope ofmy boyhood beyond the dreamsof lIlY youth even at the timewhen misforbun had overtakenme when what little earnings Ihad eathered together had beenconsumed and were exhausted j

when I had been battling between life and death for eightlong months j when the hope andsparkle of my youthful ambition had almost lied away somekindly spirit some kindly influence I know not what somereasons which seemed to me as aninsignificant boy could not possibly exist Wrought upon the mindsand HNlrts of some of tlje goodinenb this coiuuutyiheide of thevacancy thou existing in the of

tfi cq 9f Countypporpitendeii-teinfilled byymeaj The fon

jjttlpb Powers haying resigned toiccttpfc the ofliceof Secretary ofstate to which he hal beenilected Without any solicita ¬

tion oh my part without evenapplying for tim positionin factwithout ever having dreamed ofsuch fortune waiting l meafriendwho was titan in the bouyancjy ofOOl fortune and advancement

but uPOlI whom the dark mantelof misfortune isnoy Changingtad for whose liberation the

rayers of the jeoplgof Ken-

tucky have beet going up forburr years and more visitedfly bedside and informed me

appMntedf theiiappiast boy on earth I praisedSod for having existed at thattime j I praised tlid man whogave itmeiasISballi ever do

That was only ithe wprk of afew individuals tall of whom Ilove and shiullcvr htrei1dy tohelp in the time of need Thegreat mttss of the people Fad notsaid whether I was theirchoiceA year later this was submittedto them They httd at llieir 6plion my selecljlpn or rejecticmAgain it seuiifo a boy in myLrtoiflnn that film hrtnl of Provi-

dence directed the operation antiI was selected by the peopletofill the responsible flo ition which1 uio mrlfi J3h Iy for linyigi-

vuui mo

jjjj j

I have not words to cxpresmy thankfulness to the good peo-

ple of this county From myheart shall over flow one contin-

uous and unbroken stream ofgratitude and praise

I It seems to mo that I havebroad reasons to thank tho pec

pie It seems that anythinshort of honest services and canestly looking after the iutoresof the people as best my abilitwill allow would be gross ingratitude and proving myself 11n

true to the sacred trust they haybestowed upon me With thisview of my position I guaranteto the people that I have doneand will do only that which inmy best judgment I believe tobe right and which moots theapproval of an honest conscience

It seems that the favor Ims

been coming from the people to-

me up to this point There wasno special reasons for my selection the first time I had no

special ability or knowledge ofthe schools or the office I haydone the best I could I have trieito grasp every opportunity foimprove and elevate the schoolsand educational interests I annow acquainted with the ofliciin the fullest degree I knovwhat is needed and know how toproceed to put forth efforts tha t-

will bear fruit for Julie good

of the people I know of evereffort that needs to be madeand how to make it I am famiiiar with all the conditions ofthe county and have a lesson already at my command whiclwill take any new man one ternto learn No man- who is no tacquainted with the peoplewho is not acquainted with tinschool business and who is notfamiliar with the duties of tinoflice of County Superintendemcan take it and run it with thebest results for three or foui

yearsIfI accept an office at the

hands of the people I do it noimerely for the compensation illit but for tug interest I have indoing the work and for the gratification of realizing that my workis benefitingthe people as wellThere is more work that I wouldlike to do than I have boon ableto do in one term Aside from thecompensation and the hon or thatit would be to me forttlie peopleto select me for thellecond termI have work which I want to ac ¬

complish for you believe thatI am able to do more for thepeople in my second term thanany new man could do in hisfirst term I believe my reelec ¬

tion is to the interest of the peo-


It has been customary fora County Superintendent to bereelected and I find from thepeople all over the cQunty thutiny chances are flattering

I am criticised by some for notissuing certificates to every ap ¬

plicant but I believe that onlythe qualified should teach ourchildren

Some criticise me for not be-


oppressive in taxation Ibelieve in houses sufficient forthe schools They should ieclean healthy warn and com-

fortable but I do not forget3c6noiiiy ami coininon SOIIPO inschoolltouse buildings the fianfo

is should be used by farmers inbuilding their own houses I donot believe it right for nuiySui ¬

perintendent to cause a housewhich is comfortable and seV

vicealjle to bo torn down andbuild a now one out of the hardearned money of the people ofbhe district for the ihero pur-pose


of satisfying some whimsizal fancy heniayhdydof his own

I do not believe that a OOt whitehouse will ofitself niakeu schoolany more tliana7o broadclothsuit ot clothes will majora gen ¬

tl manA montaiy NvrappeU In siftlncfnthIs monkuy tuft tliu names

Anwn who thinks oostumu nmklw himla hut it maul In nnm-

eSpme criticise mo for furnish-ing


books to the poor childrenI admit that r havcj furnishedmore than any qther Super Jlteudenlj butsthe law prpvides ittiidJblloveitright Irmany-


1jk J

of us Imvo had tho sting of povorty l How many of us can lookhack over our lives nnd think pitimes when the vale of need andwant hung close about our floors

How pleasant thou in thosetrying hours of despair would

have been the hand of one wInis able to comfqrt and consoleLet me ho not misunderstoodLet mo bo frank I may novoibe in public position but littleMy chances to help and relievethe suHcrings of my fellowcitizens may be but few j but whaltime I do serve whenever the

opportunity presents itself forme to relieve some misfortuneto drive away despair and toscatter sunshine and hope whorethere isdarkness and gloom you

will find me actively engaged indoing so j whdther it be friendor foe black or white rich 01

poorIhave some opposition because

of havingpunished those who hudbeen dabblftig in question podling and school selling It is truethat I helped to prosecute themand saw that they were pun-


I did it because I believedit to be my duty as an oilicer Ithought it my duty to protectthe children of the county whosecares and interest 1 hold in ill

hands from such intruders Ibelieve the people will stand byme in that effort as the courtshave done

I believe that every candidatefor County Superintendent shouldrun on some principal I thinkho should have certain ends toaccomplish not for himself butfor the people I believe I cangive the people an honest suc¬

cessful administration I thinkI know what the people want aiulneed I believe I can do moretoward tho upbuilding of oureducational interest titan anyother aspirant However I be ¬

hove that the WILL ON TIlE P O-

ILY is < all in all supreme andabove ttY man or set of uncut Ido not helie ethutnny effortshould 10 made to thwart thewill of the people whether it bein my own interest or in the in-


of any unto The peo-


will is almighty and mustprevail ifour government standsupon the same just and honor ¬

able jniricipals upon which itwasThidedTo

of our great peopleI most humbly bow

Thanking you In advance forlilly kindnes you may bestowupon me or any aiQ you maylend my candidacy I remain

Most sincerely yours11 G HIGNITE

Commissioners SaleKNOX OlnOUJT OO17UT

Martha Riles Admr Bc Plaintiffvs

Robert Riley c Defendant< i

By virtue ol a judgment nYtlicKhox Circuit Court entered at tltouly term lf04 in the nboyeistylcrjlicliprujthercm pending I vll scl atpublic auction to highest andhtst bid tMol1 a credit of six andvelve mon t his in equal installments

at the Courthouse duor in HurbourIille Ky cm

MONDAY SEirr 20 TS104

Between the hoursof 10 oclock am and 4 oclock p m the ollovng described property to raise tIllsum of 147415 Said property isIcscriliedas follows

FIKST TRACT Situated in Knxcount on the waters qI Swat Pondrreek Heginiiing at a poplar oil the-N 15 conjcr ot Nancy Hamptonsand thence with her line S 77 W 30poles to a white oak at Swan Pondrood in all GO poles to awhite ontjn said Nancy James Hamions lnn1un the spur of a ridgethence up said ridge N 78 W 25 polesto a chestnut thence N 85 W 28I oles to a black oak thence S 30 W-

It poles to chestnut oak thence STl W 12 poles to a chestnut oakihericeNlG E Yr poles to a sourwodd and maple thence E 40 polest9 a stake on top of the ridge thencewith said ridjje N 25H 10 poles N28 W 76 to two white oaksifience N 49 E 78 poles to the mouthofa branch and withsaid branch N

55 E 40 poles to the road thence N

GOE 40 poles to a ccch thence N 70E 32 poles to a white Qak at theQfulside near the Bee Gum branch

thence with the road N 45 V 42potes ton white oak nnd black oaktuntp the original corner ofsurveyrnthe jioipt ofa ridethuciccup the

1J 1ir




ridge to the top of the main rirlgcIthence with the tot ofthe mhinto a line on the southeast side a200acre survey thence with saidline S 43 W poles to a maple thenorthcorner of the James Tugfelc50acre survey thence S 45 EMpoles to the beginning but thefollowing two tracts are excludedfrom this boundary One tractsold by William Riley to Josie Milesand conveyed bjrdced dated Fcbtuary 22 1899 One tract sold

and conveyed by Wm Riley tcLuillow Miles by deed datedAugust 6 1900

if the aforesaid tract should fail tobring the aftiresaidsum 6f 147415I will then sell a house and lot situated in the town of DarbourvilleKy and the same house and lotconveyed to this said Wm Riley bjMariah L Singleton and her hus-

band A R Singleton by deed latedJanuary 9 1884 and the same nowoccupied by the plaintiff MarthaRiley

The purchaser will give bond withgood security bearing interest fromdate until paid and having the forceand effect of a judgment with a lienretained on said property until themoney is fully paid

W F VESTERFIELDCommissioner KnoxCircuit Court

This September 1 1904sept 93t

Sheriffs Sale for Taxes


County pf KnorI will on tho

20th DAY OF SEPT 1004

inBnrbour1Illotho hours of 10 a in nnd 4p in sellto tho highestladder for cash in handtho following property Quo traitof land situated on tho waters ofGoldons Crook mId bounded ns fol-


North by Robert Bray eastby William Wilson south by JosephMays west by Mnsoy heirs leviedon HS the property of W T Goldenfor his State Revenue and Countylevy taxes duo by said W T Goldenfor tho year 1003

Tnxos 408 costW W BYRLEY S K CI


This 2d day of August 1004> sept 2 4t









trsV One JOJn






Second ncJValnut LOUISVILLE

ivKpiilollst lintitr 1rlVlngplrbnJlnent over

tuytitFii11FSchool timot





Is What WeTo Subscribers Who Eng g9 InTMo Gigantic Intellectual Contest

To the one the nearesttimate the the 518000

the Nearest 0000

the Third Nearest 2500

the Sixth flearesV 30Q

To the SeventhTo the NearestTo tho Ninth Nearest

the Tenth Nearest 25910

the 463 Eaqhj Z25-

in Awardsany subscriber should before October

estimate the totalwill be an additional amount 10000

If subscriber shouldand before pm November

1904 totalwill be additional amount of 10000

Total 0f5oe50000

SherIffSaIe for Taxes

fCOUl1t IJI will on tin

26TH DAY OF SEPT 1001S1 At the door in Bivrbodr

Knox county betwoonthe hours of 10 a m nnd 4 p in

to tho highest bidder for cash inhand tIm following property Onotract of mini situntod in conty near Lov6ll Stationbounded ns follows North by landsof John Pot lor east by Inuds ofMargaret south by tho N JJRnilrond Co west by lands of S BTugglo levied on as tho property ofAlford G Brnttord for his Stnt > >Revenue County levy taxesby said Brnllord for the year 1003

Taxes costW W BYRLE S K CC ByjtiiBY C

This day of Augustsept

BOARDINGAll persons wishing

The Worlds Fair St Louiscan make arrangements for same byaddressing Mrs G W BAILEY

I 3229 Pine StRates SJ50 52 00 per

to Parties



Many Sewing Machines are made to sell regardlessof quality but the Sow Homo Is madeto wear Our guaranty never out

We make Machines to suit all conditionsctthotrada The New IIomo stands at thehead of all IHBURrmlo sewing machines

Sold by authorized dealers oulySALI fly

i JAMES M COGeneral Agents



J± it 9r0t OJ neaJJy ocan get a


11HeBUSINESS EDUCATIONIs absolutely neceswry totin1 man oryoititiriiuui Win imkl winin conoelod

ttliof Url lnip irtancntv YO tt Ialtiill tt the scholll that tlie very rmk j

TIlE rStCorr Sts 2


VviJiit xjwrloiVciHl tcachon vault olie in hisi I 111tul ldOK giving tttttuznnhs frlm gruIu119i oc

v4daiIb1lt positions nil tilt XTnlted stnttsIt will 0 r

opoivall JoniN students ran ontor at <

EJ Pres J




The above has set asIde byTRIBUNE to be distributed as awards to the subscribers of

TRIBUNE or THE WEEKLY GAZETTEtotal vote In the State of Ohio for President of

United States at to be held November 8 1904


making correct es ¬

of exact total of voteTo SecondTo

ToNearest 200

Eighth 100

f 50

ToTo the Next 300 Nearest Each 3000To Next Nearest 5

all 775 amounting to30000If 1

1904 exact vote therepaid of

after October 11 sr 0 0

estimate the exact vote therepaid an

A Grand

vlllo Ivy


KnoxKy nnd

JPoll L

nnd duo


CHAS D2flth 1004

1 44t

i at




You Write





Electric OHIO



youim 11JIItS This bnititr

< front


IYltt1 It

WRIGHTxnany tI



5OOOOsum been

whothe cast the


Here Offer



OUR RATESFor 31 will rocctvo Tho

Dally and Sunday CommercialTribune Mr roar ftbe cntitlca tq two estimateFor tl will receive TheSwue4ly CaaitDi tar one XU yearare be entitled to two Z cstlmates For ctnti you willreceive The Daily ant SundayCommercial Tribune fur two Z

weeks and bi entItleS to oneiestimate For fifty cents you ewill receive The AVtekly Gazettefor six months and bo en j i

titled to moO7 eetlmotA yASPECIAL NOTICE For everyI

fifty cents paid you will be entitled to two Ii weeks subscription to The Dally and SundayCommercIal Tribune or six ii tkmonths subscription to The iWeekly Gazette and one 1 ea<

tlmato You can subscribe forTho Dally and Sunday Commer1clal Trlbuno at the above rates

ICtrevei7order the paper lent to any address you wish and lava the cs ftlmato entered in your name Ifyou so order

You get I1n excellent dally andSunday newspaper or weeklynewspaper you accepteither of the aboyo propositions IIYou also have an opportunity to i 1secure an award and 1

independent the rest of your lUa 4

I For subscription blankd data about previous votes and further Information Iaddress the Manager of i M

P Xff If L
