SFPD, FBI/JTTF Abuse of Muhammad-Khalil ibn Abdullah For Black Lives Matter Organizing

DOUGLAS R. KORPI, PH.D. LICENSED PSYCHOLOGIST PSY 5812 February 7, 2015 CONFIDENTIAL PSYCHOLOGICAL EVALUATION NAME: MUHAMMAD KHALIL ABDULLAH DATE OF BIRTH: 3/17/83 SAN FRANCISCO COURT NO.: 14011898 DATE OF INTERVIEW: 2/4/15 REASON FOR REFERRAL The Honorable Loretta M. Giorgi, of the San Francisco Superior Court, referred Mr. Abdullah for a Psychological Evaluation pursuant to Evidence Code 730. Mr. Abdullah has been charged with three counts of resisting arrest and one count of possession of a rifle. While all counts are misdemeanors, Judge Giorgi is concerned with the fact that the gun in question was an assault rifle, the Defendant has been espousing radical rhetoric, and he has recently failed to appear for court, making vague references to constitutional concerns. She worries that the Defendant may not show up for court if released, and she worries of his penchant for violence. Accordingly, Judge Giorgi has requested that I assess both his general psychological functioning and his propensity to violence. EVALUATION PROCEDURE I met with Mr. Abdullah for approximately three and three- quarters hours on the 7 th Floor of the San Francisco Hall of


Government document that is attempting to create a false record that African-American Muslim military veteran is a violent threat an possible terrorist. The basis of this is racism to undermine rights and create voter intimidation. JTTF (Joint Terrorism Task Force) is "operating under the color of law" but it is really a front for white supremacy all of its activity surrounds racial profiling. FBI's JTTF is working with local police to not only target Muslims but they are trying to dismantle opposition to institutionalized racism. This document is hard evidence of how American law enforcement is trying to shut down #BlackLivesMatter. This document also is insight into how psychologist that work for and with CIA help to torture and set up Muslims. Please share this document. Also note that this document is using COINTELPRO style tactics in no way is Muhammad-Khalil ibn Abdullah a fan or supporter of FBI and has never been an informant. The purpose of this interview was to track any future movements I may make and also try to create a fake paper trail to justify what the racist in government want to do including murder. There are two versions of this document there is one that is more racist than this one. I will post the other version soon. I suspect they altered the document to tone down the racism. This is why I did not receive this until months after I was convicted. I was not even allowed to read this document.

Transcript of SFPD, FBI/JTTF Abuse of Muhammad-Khalil ibn Abdullah For Black Lives Matter Organizing



INTERVIEW DATE: 2/4/15PAGE NO.: 18 of 19





3/17/83SAN FRANCISCO COURT NO.:14011898DATE OF INTERVIEW:2/4/15REASON FOR REFERRALThe Honorable Loretta M. Giorgi, of the San Francisco Superior Court, referred Mr. Abdullah for a Psychological Evaluation pursuant to Evidence Code 730. Mr. Abdullah has been charged with three counts of resisting arrest and one count of possession of a rifle. While all counts are misdemeanors, Judge Giorgi is concerned with the fact that the gun in question was an assault rifle, the Defendant has been espousing radical rhetoric, and he has recently failed to appear for court, making vague references to constitutional concerns. She worries that the Defendant may not show up for court if released, and she worries of his penchant for violence. Accordingly, Judge Giorgi has requested that I assess both his general psychological functioning and his propensity to violence.EVALUATION PROCEDUREI met with Mr. Abdullah for approximately three and three-quarters hours on the 7th Floor of the San Francisco Hall of Justice, conducting a Clinical Interview and Mental Status Examination and going on to administer a number of psychological measures:

Violence Risk Appraisal Guide Revised (VRAG-R)History-Clinical-Risk-20, Version 3 (HCR-20 V3)

Rorschach Inkblot Technique

Incomplete Sentence Blank

Additionally, I had an opportunity to speak with the Defendants attorney Alexander Pray, his girlfriend Parrisha Jones, and his mother, Andreanetti Abdullah-Jones. I reviewed the 5/1/14 taped interview between the defendant and San Francisco investigative officers and I reviewed the following records:

1. 5/1/14 San Francisco Police Department Incident Report

2. 5/1/14 One-hour interview with Mr. Abdullah by officers from the Southern Station in San Francisco (audio-taped)

3. 5/2/14 CLETS Database Response

4. 5/5/14 San Francisco County Superior Court Misdemeanor Complaint, Case No. 14011898

5. 12/27/14 1/9/15 Twitter entries, apparently from Mr. Abdullah

OBSERVATIONS AND MENTAL STATUS EXAMINATIONMuhammad Abdullah is a 31-year-old African-American man of approximately average height and weight who presents without any obvious sensory or motor deficit and came to the session attired in an orange jumpsuit, his hair in braids, his beard untrimmed, and his grooming and hygiene otherwise appropriate. He immediately proved a chatty man of optimistic disposition who readily clasped my hand in a handshake and set about the task of answering all of my questions, diligently, thoroughly, and with an abundance of detail. He was alert, oriented and coherent, he never seemed confused, distracted, disorganized, or in any obvious way psychotic, and I immediately became impressed with his intelligence, articulation, and capacities for explaining himself and his ideas in rich detail. He could easily stray towards outlandish notions such as his indigenous rights, but, so long as I treated him respectfully, he was quick to acknowledge that many of his ideas lacked common acceptance, and he could understand that. Indeed, after speaking with him for nearly four hours, I was struck by the fact that he seemed rather interested in catering to me, explaining some of his more radical ideas in terms that made sense and were reasonable. That is, he was quick to mount a soapbox, but just as quick to admit that he was an activist and that he was simply thinking forward. He always remained quite cordial and polite in his dealings with me, he never lost his train of thought, but he did tend to ramble. He was very interested in impressing me with his accomplishments, and I gained the distinct sense that, more than anything else, he just loved to talk about his dreams for a better world. In this manner I felt as if was able to obtain quite a thoroughgoing history.

CLINICAL INTERVIEWFamily History:Mr. Abdullah explained that he was born and raised in the Los Angeles area, his father an employee at the fairgrounds where the Kentucky Derby is held each year, and his mother a retired school principal, a part-time professor of physics at UC Riverside, and the owner of a sausage business. As well, his mother is currently a math and science teacher for a Catholic school. She also has a law degree, though he is not sure whether or not she passed the BAR. Mother and father separated when the Defendant was still in elementary school and a stepfather joined the family. He is currently an attorney for the Riverside County District Attorneys Office, having formerly been a police officer with the Los Angeles Police Department. Mr. Abdullah explained to me that his parents all remain supportive of him to this date.

Mr. Abdullah has two sisters and four brothers, all half-siblings. The eldest, 35-year-old Abdulasam is a mechanic, separated and with children who did a stint with the Navy. There is a 27-year-old brother Anwar who is living in Los Angeles and working as a coach, both in baseball and for Little League. He is single. Twenty-four-year-old Mical is in college on a basketball scholarship. He has a 37-year-old sister Janellah who is living and working in Seattle as a holistic teacher who is interested in yoga, herbal remedies and such. Her husband is a city councilman. Lastly, the Defendant has recently been reunited with 37-year-old Kathy, the two of them resuming contact at a recent funeral for their grandfather. Mr. Abdullah thus presents himself as a man who has any number of family supports and contacts.

Academic History:Mr. Abdullah attended a number of elementary schools in the Los Angeles area, the first of these a parochial school, Queen of Angels, in Riverside. He did move through several schools as his mother attempted to get him better and better programs owing to the fact that he was quite bright and advanced. He attended Palm Middle School in Moreno Valley, a magnet school for bright kids in the technology field. He stayed there only a year owing to the fact that it was such a distance from his home. Thereafter he transferred to Lorbeer Junior High School near Chino Hills. Again, this was a magnet school for elite children and bright children. He remained there for two years, graduated, and then attended International Polytech, another school, this time a high school, for bright children. He took classes at nearby Cal-Poly and graduated with twice the units he needed. After graduating from high school, the Defendant attended Mount San Antonio College in Walnut for about a year. However, it was costly, and he ultimately decided that he could not afford it and so dropped out in order to join the Coast Guard.Mr. Abdullah stated that he did not play a whole lot of sports during high school, but in elementary and junior high, he was involved extensively in Little League and track activities, performing quite ably in the 100 and 200 meter events. He had friends, he enjoyed school, and he did not suffer any significant trauma during his academic tenure.

Military History:In 2003, at the age of 20, Mr. Abdullah joined the United States Coast Guard, ultimately receiving an honorable discharge on 5/5/05 with a discharge rank of E-1. Initially he worked removing hazardous material and was regarded as an emergency response team member for chemical and biological warfare. He also helped advise senior officers about how to conduct operations in the Mid-East, what with his speaking Arabic.

At this point I took the opportunity to ask Mr. Abdullah about his identity as a Muslim and his proficiency with Arabic. He assured me that he was fluent in Arabic, this owing to the fact that his parents were Creoles from Chicago who both had been Muslim at one point or another. His father still identifies as a Muslim and his mother only converted from Muslim to the Christian faith when she married the Defendants stepfather. For his part, he stated that he attended Catholic schools during his elementary and junior years, going to church regularly. But at about the age of 12, he started to read the Koran his, mother actually giving him his first copy. He became involved with other Muslims, he started relearning Arabic and became proficient. He also stated that he had some proficiency with Russian and French, demonstrating these proficiencies by actually speaking Russian and French to me a bit.

Referent to his experience in the military, Mr. Abdullah stated that he was always a vocal man and so his senior officers never much appreciated him. He started trying to speak with other Muslim brothers in order to help them understand that the war in Iraq was not in their interest. He wrote letters to Barbara Lee and other representatives. He refused to spy on civilians when his senior officers demanded it. He railed against the fact that while all of the other branches of the military were more or less integrated, the Coast Guard was not. He explained to me that had he not been so vocal and had he not been black, he probably would have progressed significantly. In this regard he noted that he had had fully three Officer Candidate School Recommendations written for him. He proudly mentioned that Alex Hailey was a Muslim and voiced some pride in John F. Kennedys efforts to integrate blacks into the Coast Guard. In any case, were it not for his being so outspoken he probably would have been an Admiral by this point.

I asked Mr. Abdullah to clarify what he meant when he said that he was forced out of the military. He insisted that he wasnt actually forced out and he did not receive a dishonorable discharge or any such thing. Rather, the military put him in an awkward position, one officer ordering him to do one thing, and another officer ordering him to do another. He ended up getting a court martial and was moved from E-3 to E-1 with the stipulation that he do hard labor. Indeed, it took him several years to win back his full military benefits owing to the fact of this minor court martial.

Work History:While in junior high and high school, Mr. Abdullah regularly helped out his mother in her sausage business. He went around to various affairs, concerts, and events in order to sell at concessions. As he spoke of this, he was proud of his mothers entrepreneurial spirit. His first formal job outside of the family was working at a furniture and clothing store for about a year. He was in sales and left that job after he got another job, working in subscription sales for a small news outlet. Right after high school he worked for UPS for a season, and then he decided to join the Coast Guard.He was in the Coast Guard, as mentioned above, between March of 2003 and May of 2005, stationed primarily in New Jersey and Alameda, never seeing any tour of duties outside of the United States.

Upon being discharged from the Coast Guard, Mr. Abdullah worked for five different small banks over the course of the next one or two years. He stated that he was a financial broker and that he had clients who were invariably taken away from him by senior bankers, thus leaving him little real profit over the year and a half that he did this. He worked for Solid Gold Financial, Interbank FX, Multi Bank SF, GSF, and For EX Liquidity. He wore a suit, he cleaned up real nice, and yet he was always a contractor, never an employee, and so he never got any subsequent unemployment or benefits.

Since approximately 2006, the Defendant appears never to have had any stable employment. There were problems. He began to suffer symptoms in connection with handling so much toxic waste while in the Coast Guard, he was homeless, and he had to live couch-to-couch or wherever he could for quite a few years. He was in a homeless shelter briefly and then got a leg up through Veterans Administration Services. He did not really take full advantage of those services owing to the fact that I was trying to stay under the radar because of the threats from the military. Nonetheless, by 2008, he did receive Section 8 housing and to this day has an apartment, replete with furniture, recording equipment, and the programs and photographic tools he needs in order to run his upcoming Mayoral campaign. When I asked Mr. Abdullah what he was doing for money during all this time he stated that he was getting some service-related money and also has worked as an artist and musician, producing CDs and performing on the street, doing rap over-mixes. Indeed, in connection with his marketing efforts and in order to avoid promotional fees, he began using Twitter; he set up a Twitter account, and began to amass quite a following. That later morphed into a kind of political blog wherein he has been espousing political views that have come to the attention of authorities. Over the course of the past two years, Mr. Abdullah has been traveling, attending some courses at City College, and, most notably, working on his Mayoral campaign.

Medical History:Mr. Abdullah, upon being released from the Coast Guard, and as mentioned above, began to have difficulties related to toxic exposure. He developed open sores on his legs and a seizure disorder first contracted in childhood, was exacerbated. When he was a youngster he was prescribed Dilantin, but he has since stopped taking any medication for this. I asked him what happened as a child and he stated that he was hit in the head, went into a coma, and developed seizures that ultimately disappeared for several years, until his military exposure. He has the seizures off and on, but is able to prevent them by calming himself down. He suffered his last seizure about two months ago, hyperventilating, passing out, and waking up to the feeling of being very drained.

As to other medical difficulties, the Defendant tore his right kneecap several years ago and so his knees pop. Sometimes it is difficult to walk. Both L 4 and L 5 vertebras are out of place and so it is difficult for him to carry heavy loads. At this point in his life he has found that it is best to eat organic when I can; Im into vitamins and everything. He also has a medical marijuana card to help him with his various aches and pains.

Psychiatric History:Mr. Abdullah states that he has been psychiatrically hospitalized on two occasions, first on 5/1/14 and last on 5/15/14. He reported that he had no prior psychiatric history whatsoever. Referent to the first hospitalization on May 1st of last year, he explained that he was driving a friends car when an officer pulled him over at a red light and he directed his eye phone camera at the officer. Yes, he had some marijuana in the car, but his license and registration were all current, there was no real reason for his being pulled over. Unfortunately, his AR-15 rifle was in the back seat and so he was charged with weapons possession. He assured me that he never used the rifle for anything other than going to the range, and yes, it also was for protection. He noted that he had had the rifle for two years and that it was entirely California legal. Typically, he kept his rifle in his apartment, but he had been becoming more of an activist lately and so he was a little bit more nervous and he just happened to have the rifle in the car. Be that as it may, the officer decided to have him sent to the hospital solely in order to make sure he could never own a gun again. He was taken to jail, the FBI interrogated him, and he ended up seeing a police psychologist and then a clinician from JPS. In some manner they all got together and he ended up going to San Francisco General Hospital where he refused Risperdal (an antipsychotic medication). He attended a hearing, the Judge said that he was being profiled, and so he never did have to take the medication. He ended up being hospitalized for two weeks and then was returned to the San Francisco Jail where he was placed in psychiatric observation (CPOD) on a suicide watch. In point of fact, he never was suicidal, such notions are against the tenance of Islam. I asked how suicide bombers got away with violating the Koran and he told me that scholars had given them an exemption owing to the fact that they did not have any other weapons. Be that as it may, he was on CPOD for a couple of days. They would not let him talk to his attorney, he could not get to Court, and finally he ended up in Court blurting out Im a Veteran and somehow got hospitalized once again at San Francisco General Hospital. The second 5150 to San Francisco General Hospital occurred on 5/15/14 and came about only because of policy and procedure. He was in the hospital only for about two hours when his family found out and got him released. Thereafter he returned to his apartment. There was some mix-up in communication, he had difficulty contacting his attorney, and so finally he decided to put himself on the calendar after he heard that there was an all-points bulletin out on him, apparently because he had said something untoward on Twitter, something about Ferguson. An entirely too big a deal was made, officers and authorities were talking of his being arrested with a rifle, believing he was above the law, and explaining that he was known to photograph police. It was, quite precisely, as he was going up to Department 17 (entering the elevator at 850 Bryant), that he was arrested.

I asked Mr. Abdullah if he could make sense of why it was that his life began to fall apart after he left the Coast Guard and then had several failed attempts to work at banks. He wasnt necessarily ready to believe that his life had fallen apart in any way, but he was willing to admit that his physical problems from exposure to toxic waste were problematic and caused him a degree of distress. Indeed, when he first got out of the military he found it difficult to eat and his weight went down to 90 pounds. He stated that he was not all that depressed, but he was in considerable pain. He denied that he had ever slipped into any sort of significant depression, stating that he had never stayed in his apartment day after day, sleeping, depressed and weepy. He did admit to staying in his apartment for days on end, but only in connection with wanting to remain safe and out of harms way inasmuch as he did have some fears regarding the military. I asked him about manic symptoms, and he stated, quite clearly, that he had never suffered any of those. He had never stayed awake for two or three days, he has always gotten regular sleep, and he has never had excess energy and found himself doing irrational things. Indeed, he stated that he has never been rash, impulsive, or anything other than regular.

Relationship History:Mr. Abdullah has had four significant relationships. The first was with a long-time friend, Marlena. They had known each other since the beginning of the sixth grade and did not become a couple until approximately 2003. They only broke up because he went into the military. His next significant partner, between 2003 and 2006, was Nacina. They married, lived in military housing together, and did not go on to have any children. Nacina was from Morocco and as soon as she got her papers their relationship began to deteriorate. When they were together she was in nursing school. Between 2010 and 2013, Mr. Abdullah was with Yasmin. She was a White House staffer involved in Obamas Presidential Campaign, chiefly living in Florida and helping with efforts there. Indeed, for a brief period, Mr. Abdullah actually moved in with Yasmin, the two of them had a home in Florida, and they would be together to this day, had her friends not been so jealous and pitted them against one another. He much regrets the loss of Yasmin, noting that at one point they actually attended a White House function. While they were together he utilized his military pension and he got some extra work doing music consulting. Yasmin wanted him to be more than an activist, to be a politician and to actually run for office.

Mr. Abdullahs fourth and current relationship is with 24-year-old Parrisa Jones. She is eight months pregnant with their child. Parrisa is a nursing student in San Francisco, and though they have not yet lived together (she is living with her mother), they plan on doing so in the future. They have already picked out their daughters name.

Substance Abuse History:Mr. Abdullah has never liked drugs. Because he worked with the Coast Guard, he was affiliated with the DEA, and thus he kept his distance. For a long time, because of his Muslim faith, he did not even drink alcohol. But about three years ago, and in connection with wanting to socialize and date, he began drinking, occasionally, but never to excess. He has never attended Alcoholics Anonymous, he has never been arrested for driving while under the influence, and no one in his family has ever worried about him as it related to having a substance abuse problem.

Criminal History:I asked Mr. Abdullah about his criminal history. He noted that he had had quite a few interactions with the police over the years, mostly in connection with my activism stuff. As a result, there have been lots of petty arrests. As well, he has been arrested for possession of marijuana. Once he was arrested for stealing some groceries with his wife, but that was simply a misunderstanding. He thinks he has a felony arrest for marijuana out of San Mateo pending. At the present he is in custody in connection with having his AR-15 rifle in the back seat of the car he was driving. He described it as a semi-automatic rifle that he had bought at Bass Pro Shop in Los Angeles two years ago, on New Years. At the time he bought it the FBI put a hold on the sale because of his name and he had to get an attorney in order to secure the weapon. He explained that this was the only gun or rifle he had ever owned. He also stated that after he had gotten out of the military, he was very anti-gun, but after a time he began to understand the need for self-defense. Additionally, Its fun to shoot at the range, its relaxing. My grandfather was a hunter He does not possess gun magazines and such, but he does like having the gun and he typically keeps it in his apartment, rarely ever taking it out in the car. As mentioned earlier in this report, Mr. Abdullah explained to me that he was pulled over in his friends car, he begins recording the officer with his I-phone, making it abundantly clear that he had his registration and license. The cop yanks him out of the car, and, an hour later, finds my firearm in the back seat. He was bailed out of jail and then he did indeed miss a court date, but only because of confusion. He did make the argument that he was an indigenous person and therefore not subject to San Francisco criminal justice authorities, but he also realized that it would be a long time coming before indigenous courts were established. Accordingly, he did decide to return to court and was on his way to the courtroom at 850 Bryant Street in San Francisco when he was actually picked up by police. He explained to me that at this point he felt entirely agreeable to going to court.

I asked Mr. Abdullah why it was that the Judge had not released him from jail on a mere misdemeanor. He stated that there were several reasons. First, there was the court mix-up and his failure to appear in court at the appropriate time. Second, he is a black Muslim and this is generally cause, in America, for people being concerned. Both racism against him as a black man and racism against him as a Muslim stand as formidable obstacles to his getting justice. However, perhaps most significant in this case is the fact that he had a gun and was posting messages on Twitter in his role as an activist. I asked him what sort of things he posted on Twitter and he stated that he made no direct threats, but he has criticized the police for their brutality, he has talked about Ferguson, and he has made many calls to action. He thinks the police are not understanding that he is an activist, not a terrorist. REVIEW OF RECORDS AND COLLATERAL CONTACTSLet me begin by noting that the psychiatric records in this case are sparse, practically non-existent. I was able to obtain San Francisco Jail Psychiatric Services (JPS) records regarding the Defendants mental status and history on 5/1/14 and 5/7/14. According to the first note, the Defendant was placed in a Safety Cell in the jail after receiving a call from the San Francisco Police Department indicating that the Defendant was found with a loaded AR-15 rifle in his vehicle and had been involved in a scuffle with police. The JPS clinician noted that the Defendant had been seen previously, but was not referred for psychiatric services. As well, the Defendant reported that He was in therapy for 2 3 years after being discharged from the militaryfor constantly being discriminated against. Upon mental status examination the Defendant was alert and oriented, he was aware of his charges, attention and focus were fair, but insight and judgment were impaired. Grooming was adequate. However, there were problems: Currently shouting in the Safety Cell. During initial interview, client spoke in a normal tone and rate. During initial interview, client presented with even mood and congruent affect, though seemed guarded when discussed mental health history and his mission for the White House. Upon being placed in the Safety Cell, client has been banging on Safety Cell door and has been shouting obscenities at SFPD and other passerbyhe is able to answer questions appropriately, though when asked about charges, he reported, I got a lot of threats on social media, I was protecting myself, and also contended that him carrying a firearm is no different than an off-duty officer doing so (since he is ex-military). In addition, client reports that he is on a mission for the White House, though would not disclose detail. He mentioned being against the war on terror, and that I need to protect myself. In addition, client presented as racially preoccupied, consistently discussing how he has been discriminated against all his life, noted to use racial slurs while in Safety Cell. Despite these delusions, the Defendant presented with linear and organized thinking and he did not appear to be hallucinating (internally preoccupied). The clinician was, however, concerned inasmuch as the Defendants impulse control was tenuous, he did make mention of the rifle and his need to protect himself, and the referring police officer mentioned that the Defendant had recently traveled to Liberia and Indonesia. Accordingly, he was placed on a 5150 Welfare and Institutions 72-hour hold.

The second JPS notation to which I have access, dated 5/7/14, comes about within the context of the Defendant returning from San Francisco General Hospital at the close of his five-day stay per the 5150 WIC hold. The Defendant had been prescribed psychotropic medication while at the hospital, but protested the involuntary imposition of this medication, went to a court hearing, and won his probable cause hearing. While hospitalized, the Defendant was thought to be manic with grandiose delusions about Obama and other governmental officials. Nonetheless, he had been behaviorally appropriate, cooperative, and free of conflict with others. Upon return to jail, he presented as alert and oriented, his attention and concentration were fair, he was adequately groomed, and presented as oddly calm, stating, See, Im fine. Look at me. Im fine. His thoughts were linear and he answered all questions appropriately. However, certain delusional statements were peppered throughout the Defendants conversation with the JPS worker, these relating to his being with the FBI and being an Iraq war vet who was on a mission for the White House.

Turning now to the Defendants formal criminal record, I note eight arrests and three convictions (three violence-related arrests and one violence-related conviction):


10/5/96245(a)(1) PC, assault with great bodily injury likely, and 242 PC, battery.On 11/6/96, the battery is dismissed, the assault is sustained, and he is sentenced to one-year probation. Probation is completed and wardship is terminated on 10/16/98.

8/26/04148(a)(1) PC, resisting arrest, 12500(a) VC, driving without a license, and 16028(a) VC, failing to prove financial responsibility. On 8/26/04, sentenced to three years probation for one count of 148(a)(1) PC. Also of note, on 11/20/04 and 12/15/04, warrants are issued referent to this conviction.

5/20/05243(e)(1) PC, spousal abuse.Detained only, released for lack of evidence.

8/16/0523103 VC, reckless driving, and 31 PC, providing false identification.On 9/8/06, convicted of driving in excess of 100 miles per hour, an infraction that results in work in lieu of a fine.

8/20/06242 PC, battery, and 602(l) PC, trespassing.On 4/25/07, one count of 243(d) PC, battery with serious bodily injury, is dismissed along with the trespassing. Note that a warrant is issued referent to this offense on 9/8/06.

2/11/09488 PC, petty theft, and 148 PC, resisting arrest.Dismissed.

11/18/1311360(a) H&S, furnishing marijuana, and 11359 H&S, sales of marijuana.Unclear, though apparently pending.

5/1/1425850(a) PC, carrying a loaded firearm, and 148(a)(1) PC, resisting arrest (three counts).Pending. These are the instant offenses.

As to the formal charges in this case, I note that Mr. Abdullah has been charged with three counts of resisting arrest in violation of Penal Code Section 148(a)(1) and one count of carrying a loaded firearm in violation of Penal Code Section 25850(a), an AR-15.223 caliber assault rifle. According to the San Francisco Incident Report dated 5/1/14, Mr. Abdullah was driving in a marked bus and taxi lane only and so was pulled over by officers. He was unable to provide a California drivers license, officers could smell an odor of marijuana emanating from the car, and the Defendant was extremely fidgety, shaky, and appeared to be upset. He accused the officer of pulling him over because he was Muslim and began filming him with his cell phone, calling me a racist repeatedly. He was ordered out of the vehicle, refused, and was behaving in an erratic fashion. A struggle ensued and the Defendant was subdued. A car search revealed marijuana and drug paraphernalia and, in the rear passenger compartment of the vehicle, an AR-15 assault rifle inside a duffle bag. The gun was loaded and there was a round inside the chamber. In the trunk of the car were army fatigues, a camouflage designed shower curtain, sleeping bags, a gasoline container, and numerous outdoor lanterns.

I had an opportunity to listen to an hour long taped interview of Mr. Abdullah, by investigators at the Southern Station in San Francisco on 5/1/14. Let me begin by noting that the Defendant was quite cooperative, reasonable, and calm during the course of his interview by officers, who were, in turn, friendly and polite as well. He chuckled and laughed now and again, but was never inappropriate, the three of them talked about baseball a bit, and the overall tone of the session was respectful. During the course of the interview, the Defendant explained to investigators a number of things:

1. Mr. Abdullah stated that he was working for, or had worked for, various intelligence task forces, including the CIA, FBI, and Navy, indicating, I still do a lot of stuff for the government.

2. Mr. Abdullah explained that he was kicked out of the Coast Guard and is currently receiving 100% disability payments.

3. The Defendant explained that while he was not an informant, he did share information on important matters with government officials, indicating that he was a journalist who was concerned about people, dealing with the Huffington Post and other agencies.

4. Mr. Abdullah stated that he had wanted to travel to Morocco and Liberia, clearly indicating that he had never been to Liberia, but indicating that he was in Morocco in 200--thats where he met his Moroccan wife. He went on to state that he had not yet traveled to a number of countries such as Afghanistan, India, Iran, and Iraq, and even Saudi Arabia. Later on, he stated that he wanted to travel to Germany, France, and a number of European countries. Asked if he had any friends in places like Afghanistan and Yemen, he stated that he had lots of friends everywhere.

5. Mr. Abdullah stated that, over the long-haul, perhaps over the course of the next two to five years, he would like to get his credit line better established with the Veterans Administration, get a loan for a home, and settle down. After being homeless for three years, he was looking forward to being a property owner.

6. When asked if he had loaded his gun on the day he was apprehended by police, Mr. Abdullah stated that he had not. He did, however, explain that the gun was loaded with eight or nine rounds. He knew that it was wrong for a normal person to have a gun in the car that was loaded, but he explained that he was not normal inasmuch as he was protected by a law which entitled former Coast Guard members to carry loaded weapons. Asked why he was carrying the rifle while it was loaded, especially in the car, he reported that there was a lot of geo-political shit going down today.

7. Mr. Abdullah told officers that he had another case in Redwood City that involved his mistakenly carrying a round of ammunition onto a plane. He got into a lot of trouble, and while he was not on probation, he was in contact with a Probation Officer or someone similar, in Redwood City.

8. When Mr. Abdullah was asked how he obtained money for things like this $1,200 rifle and a plane ticket to Washington D.C., he stated that he had a government pension, sold art, and was able to get by. Asked about how much money he paid for rent, he stated that he did not want to go into any of that, noting that he had led a crazy life and that many people had helped him get himself back on his feet, people like Nancy Pelosi, Pete Stark, Barbara Lee, and even President Obama. He mentioned Eric Holder along the way and explained that he was very much interested in getting back to living a normal life.

9. Mr. Abdullah, when asked about interests in various Jihadist websites and such, explained that he certainly visited sites now and again, to see what was out there, but he had no particular interest. Indeed, he explained that he did not believe in the sort of Jihadist mentality that was often expressed in the media. He had done fundraising and such. He explained that he looked to Allah for guidance, not any particular scholar. And yes, he did want to go to Mecca, but it would cost $6,000 and so that was something for the future.

On 2/4/15, I had an opportunity to speak with Mr. Abdullahs girlfriend, Parrisha Jones. She explained that she had known Mr. Abdullah for about a year and was pregnant with their child. She noted that he was a man who was into politics, he was a Veteran, and he received Veterans Benefits. The two were not living together and she had recently quit her job at a chocolate store at a mall in order to prepare for the birth of their child. Parrisha did explain that while Mr. Abdullah had a big ego, he was in no way menacing, weird, threatening, or a terrorist. Yes, he had a gun magazine, but no, he wasnt obsessed with guns. Rather, he was looking forward to running for Mayor. She described him as a mellow, sweet, and humble man who was loving, caring, and tender with her at all points. He had not voiced any sort of intention to target anybody specifically. He was not involved in any extremist groups, he was in no way psychotically ill, and he had not suffered any sort of significant change in personality or loss in status. Indeed, he had lots of friends, he knew lots of people who were important, and she thought he had a chance at becoming Mayor.

I also had an opportunity to speak with Mr. Abdullahs mother, Andreanetti Abdullah-Jones on 2/5/15. She explained that she was an attorney and that many of the people in her family were quite successful. She has relatives who have Masters Degrees, Doctors Degrees, and successful businesses. Accordingly, she thought that it was always a bit difficult on her son, trying to keep up with her other sons and other relatives. She had lost contact with him for several years after he was made the butt of jokes in the military and exposed to chemicals. But they have now reunited, he calls her regularly, and he visited Los Angeles (where she is living) this past Christmas, embracing all the family. She stated that while her son was an activist, he was in no way violent, predisposed to violence, or interested in any sort of terrorist activity, at least insofar as she knew. When I asked her about some of his more grandiose statements regarding helping the White House and such, she stated that she knew nothing of this. She did indicate, however, that Mr. Abdullah sometimes exaggerated. But, all in all, she was happy that her son had come back into the family orbit, was visiting and calling, and was coming into his own as a man. She did not know if he had ever been homeless.

Perhaps most significantly, Mr. Abdullahs mother confirmed that she and the family were indeed Muslim and that the Defendants interest in the faith had been longstanding, going back to early adolescence. She was raised in a devout Islamic household, others of her sons were Muslim, and when she converted to Catholicism, she let the boys follow their hearts. All of them read the Koran, many speak Arabic, and all are successful. Insofar as her son was concerned, she thought that many of his ideas were far-fetched, and based on some reality, but not on all reality. She stated that thats who he is, that was how he insulated himself so he could function effectively in the world.

PSYCHOLOGICAL TEST RESULTSAdministered an actuarial measure sensitive to violent reoffense over the course of the next five years (the VRAG-R), the Defendant scores like that group of persons who saw 34 percent of their cohort violently reoffend. Keep in mind that this is a five-year figure and that immediate risk is not addressed. Before I attempt to address Mr. Abdullahs present risk to the community, I would like to help the reader understand the how and why of his long term risk. In this regard I have administered him the preeminent risk tool utilized in the United States today, the HCR-20 (note, for example, that the HCR-20 must be administered to CDCR Life Prisoners being considered for Parole by the Board of Prison Terms, and that every person being considered for mental health parole through the States Conditional Release Program [CONREP]--who has committed a violent crime and was found Not Guilty By Reason of Insanitymust be administered this test on transitioning out of the State Hospital and into the community). There are 20 separate risk factors addressed by the HCR-20:HCR-20 Version 3_______________RISK ITEM_______________________________RATING____________



1. History of problems with violenceX

2. History of other antisocial behavior


3. History of relationship problems


4. History of problems with employmentX

5. History of problems with substance use


6. History of major mental illness


7. History of personality disorder


8. History of traumatic experiences


9. History of violent attitudes


10. History of problem with supervisionX


1. Recent problems with insight


2. Recent violent ideation or intent


3. Recent major mental illness symptoms


4. Recent problems with instability


5. Recent supervision or treatment problemX


1. Future problems with plans


2. Future problems with living situation


3. Future problems with personal support


4. Future problems with supervision


5. Future problems with stress


In looking over this table, note that what is particularly problematic in this case is the fact that the Defendant has been arrested for violent offenses on three occasions, in 1996 at the age of 13, in 2005 at the age of 22, and in 2006 at the age of 23. Also problematic are historical problems with employment and supervision. Recent problems related to his having any insight into the nature of his psychopathology/limitations are concerning and increase his risk. So too can we understand his elevated risk to be related to ongoing problems as they relate to maintaining a stable lifestyle and making viable plans for the future. I am also just a bit concerned with his instability as it relates to having intimate relationships, his mild problems with marijuana, and his having been psychiatrically hospitalized on two occasions over the course of the past several months. He may or may not be personality-disordered in terms of a narcissism, he may or may not suffer some sort of mania, and his risk to violently act out may be increased by his history of trauma in the military. That is, there is clear and convincing cause to believe that past, present and future factors will be moving the defendant in the way of a violence optional that is aptly expressed in the above VRAG-R score: he does indeed present with a long term risk that is significant.

But more at issue in this case is the defendants current risk. Yes he has a likelihood of doing something violent over the long haul, but what about just now, what about his current mental status suggests that everything is in place for him to give manifest to his violent potential? In this regard I administered the Rorschach Inkblot Technique. As he stands before us just now, he is demonstrating adequate reasoning and a freedom from psychotic thinking. He is well aware of social norms and customs, his reality testing is intact, and he does not appear to suffer either a significant mood disturbance, or a thought disorder. He does appear a bit on-edge and in this regard can be temperamental, impulsive, and a bit rash. If we look to the cause for his irritability, we see it to be related to a yawning and intense sense that he needs care, succorance, and attention. This is a very needy man who is narcissistically aware of any little slight and so pumps himself up to make him feel important. So long as we make him feel important and cared for, he is able to maintain good self-control. However, even the slightest rebuff finds him agitated and restless.

In summary, what we have here is a man with a violent history who has a significant likelihood of becoming violent in the future, but such a predition cannot be made over the short-haul, only over the long-haul. We know that the cause for his becoming violent will be related to narcissistic injury and a sense that he has been slighted. And we suspect that he is not psychotic, or seriously deranged in any way. He is simply sensitive, very sensitive.

At this point it is probably best to view this case in terms of immediate risk and the sort of threat assessments that are typically conducted by police agencies, the CIA and school psychologists who are looking at risk to offend against a specific target. In this regard there are 10 issues we can address that relate to the Mr. Abdullahs situation: 1. What is it that motivated the Defendant to issue his provocative statements on Twitter and caused him to carry a weapon? In looking over the protocol I cannot find any significant evidence to suggest that psychosis has played a significant role in this case; his motivation to carry a gun and make provocative Twitter statements appears to relate to his need to feel important and relevant. Perhaps this is nowhere more obvious than when we listen to his interview with officers. He is almost beaming with pride, his manner effusive and his humor intact. He seems to be enjoying the attention. He doesnt so much act as if he is being subjected interrogation as he behaves as if he is being given a chance to boast and lecture. I would venture that he was carrying that gun around in order to make himself feel like he was important, like he was still a member of the Coast Guard, like he was a person of substance and meaning who was to be reckoned with. And those statements on Twitter were meant to be provocative, to symbolize his activism, and make him feel part of a community. He has been a Military Man, he tried to be a Banker, and now he is being an Activist. He is thrashing about for a role and purpose in life, settling on one that incorporates his race, his religion and the political tone of the day.2. What has Mr. Abdullah communicated to others regarding his future intensions? I can find no evidence that this is a man who is planning on shooting people, making bombs, or moving himself in the direction of a direct threat. He hasnt any targets. Rather, this is a man who has communicated to everyone he knows that he is a community organizer who wants to help the downtrodden. 3. Has Mr. Abdullah shown an interest in targeted violence, perpetrators of targeted violence, weapons, extremist groups, or murder? The Defendant has indeed demonstrated an interest in weapons, possessing the rifle in question and possessing at least one gun magazine. As well, he has at least flirted with extremist groups on the Internet, and he has been interested in the targeted violence demonstrated by the Bush (and Obama) governments in their efforts to deal with the Middle East. But while he is a Muslim and identifies with the struggles of Muslims throughout the world, he does not identify himself with the Jihadists. Rather, he rebukes them. He understands them, but he rebukes them. He has absolutely no interest in murder or suicide, he carries his weapon for protection, and in acknowledgment of his right as an American to bear arms. Perhaps most significantly, while the Defendant has planned to go to Morocco or Liberia, he has not, and I see no evidence of his banding together with radical groups. He has taken up his weapon in connection with grandiose fears that he is a man of some significance in the Civil Rights Movement, for the rights of Indians, Muslims, Blacks, and anyone else who is, like him, discriminated against. I can find no significant evidence that he has allied with any particular group, he hardly attends the Mosque, and does not appear devoted to any particular Muslim leader. His Twitter pronouncements would appear to be the stuff of current media preoccupation with Ferguson and the like. This is a man who is jumping on the bandwagon of popular dissent, not a man who possesses the anger and commitment of someone who is willing to spend $6,000 to get himself overseas and educated in the way of a Jihadist movement.4. Has the Defendant engaged in any attack-related behavior, including menacing, harassing, and/or stalking? The Defendant has been arrested on three occasions for violent behavior: first at age 13 when he was, no doubt, particularly young and hotheaded; next, at age 22 in connection with spousal abuse; and last in 2006 referent to a trespassing violation. There appears to be little pattern here. Rather, given what we know of his history, it would appear reasonable to conclude that his arrest record reflects a general volatility and instability of self. This is a man who has poor self-control. And this, before all else, stands him in the way of being a threat in general, not a threat to any particular person.

5. Does the Defendant have a history of mental illness involving command hallucinations, delusions, or feelings of prosecution that suggest that he has acted on those psychotic notions? The Defendant has twice been detained pursuant to 5150 of the Welfare and Institutions Code, both times making statements regarding the government, statements that sounded, quite frankly, delusional. His carrying the weapon appears to have been directly related to his delusional beliefs, the Defendant telling investigating officers that geo-political concerns and his personal safety motivated him to carry that gun. Two things are important here. First, the Defendant does not appear clearly psychotic. Rather, he appears narcissistic, excitable, grandiose, and, perhaps, on his way to mania. But he is not there, he has no known abiding history of psychosis, and his delusions appear rooted in a need to feel important. This is a man who has been homeless, who failed to get a job for years and years, and who could never make it in his chosen profession (banker). This is a man who now wants to be Mayor, who insists that he is a consultant to other musicians in order to help with their careers. This is a man who comes from a family of successful people and wants to believe, ever so badly, that he is going to make something of himself. He has found a niche for himself as an activist and he has become so swept away by his dreams of narcissistic fulfillment that he has convinced himself that he is working for the White House and that he is of import to the FBI. Certainly these quasi-delusional beliefs could propel him to continue to behave illegally by possessing firearms and such, but, in the end, I cannot conclude that this man is severely mentally ill, nor that he has so lost contact with reality that he would actually think himself in mortal danger and so need to protect himself by actually using a weapon.6. How organized is the Defendant, and is he capable of developing and carrying out a plan that could result in harm to others? The Defendant is not all that disorganized, he was able to fill out the required papers in order to seek Mayoralship, and he has been diligent to the task of making sure he gets his Veterans Administration Benefits. He is capable of carrying out and enacting a plan of violence.

7. Has the Defendant experienced a recent loss of status, and has this led to feelings of despair and desperation? This is an interesting issue. As his mother put it to me, the Defendant rejected her for several years (apparently during the time that he was homeless), and has recently come back into the family fold. Over the course of the past year or so he has been calling her regularly, and he finally visited the family in Los Angeles. As well, he has got himself a girlfriend who is head-over-heels for him and the two are looking forward to the birth of their child. It would not at all appear as if he has recently seen significant loss. Quite the opposite.

8. What is Mr. Abdullah saying that is of concern referent to future violence? Mr. Abdullah is not talking about violence and a need to do harm to anyone. Rather, he is talking about protecting himself with a gun, he is talking about injustice, and he is talking about helping others and organizing. He has not been talking about targeted violence, Jihadist violence. Rather, he has invoked the cry of the current Civil Rights Movement. He has embraced the sentiments expressed in Ferguson, and he has crawled out of a hole of obscurity in order to afford himself the sense that he is somehow popular, once again important and relevant. I would submit that he was carrying that gun because he wanted to believe that he was so important that somebody might want to harm him. He was not carrying that gun because he had any realistic intention of joining a Jihadist movement, becoming a martyr to a cause. He does not want to be a martyr, he wants to be loved by his family and girlfriend, he wants to be a success in something, he wants to be more than a failure. And again, it seems important to me that he has reconnected with his family, he has gotten himself a girlfriend, and he is planning a future that has everything to do with family and community, and virtually nothing to do with self-destruction and/or martyrdom. 9. Is there concern among those that know Mr. Abdullah that he might take action based on inappropriate ideas? Granted, I have had limited access to people in Mr. Abjullahs life, but I did speak to his mother and girlfriend. His girlfriend has known him for a year and has been seeing him daily. She sleeps at his apartment, knows what magazines he is reading and is aware of his moods. His mother was out of contact with him for several years, but has been speaking to him almost weekly for the past year. Neither were in the least concerned, and both were of the impression that the defendant was moving in a positive direction.10. What factors in Mr. Abdullahs life might increase or decrease the likelihood of his attempting to actually attack a target? Mr. Abdullah appears to have begun his life on a relatively solid footing, going to good schools, doing well, and matriculating to the Coast Guard. He was bright, acknowledged as such, and was nurtured within the context of a tremendously successful family. He comes by his Muslim beliefs honestly and within the context of a family that embraced Islam. But there must have been something always just a bit array with the Defendant, for at 13 years of age he found himself convicted of assault. And then he was drummed out of the Coast Guard, and then he could not put together any sort of career for himself. He fell into homelessness and he cut off contact with his family. He seems to have drifted along for a time as a kind of invalid, subsisting on disability payments from the military. Now and again there were flashes of rebirth, as for instance when he went to the Inaugural Ball with a girlfriend. But it does not appear that he truly began to dig himself out of his failure until recently. He reconnected with his family even traveling down to attend Christmas in Los Angeles and he got himself a girlfriend about a year ago. At about the same time he turned his Twitter interests away from being a musical phenomenon into being an activist phenomenon. He has embraced his status as an activist. Doubtless traumatized by being a black Muslim in the Coast Guard who was, in no way, ever going to be an Admiral, he has found another avenue. In and through becoming an activist and beating the drums of injustice, the Defendant has been born again. He is coming to life by embracing his status as an outsider, instead of feeling the shame of what it was like to be one of the few blacks in an elite white school for bright kids. All this to say that Mr. Abdullah is on a path of self-resurrection that is new, tenuous and fraught with difficulty owing to his psychological fragility. When the media fascination with local grown terrorists fades, when there are no more demonstrations in Oakland in support of what happened in Ferguson, and when he no longer has a voice in current affairs, that is when he is going to be at increased risk for committing violent and irrational acts. If his girlfriend leaves him, he will be bereft, and at increased risk for violence. But so long as the police monitor (this is a kind of flattery, it makes he feel important) him, so long as he can pretend to run for Mayor, and so long as people pay him some mind, he will better be able to maintain self-control. But take away his forum and stage, deny him access to Twitter, and rob him a sense that his failures have everything to do with his being Muslim and black, well then the Defendant is going to unravel.

In the end, what we have before us is a narcissistically fragile man who poses a significant risk for some sort of violence over the course of the next 5 years. We know this based primarily upon his arrest history and personality style. But in terms of an active risk to the community on the basis of his present mental status, I cannot find that this is a Defendant who is a credible threat to any particular person, group, or organization. He is unstable and volatile, but he is not a ticking time bomb, a Jihadist, a person who is currently so lacking in self-control that he cannot be effectively monitored on probation or conditional release. As well, he has called tremendous attention to himself and made his point, he has settled down a bit, and he has reined in his impulses such that I am convinced that he possesses the reason and mind set necessary to appear in Court if released.

Respectfully submitted by,


Licensed Psychologist PSY5812
