Seventh Chapter of the KLI Brave Heart Project 101011

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  • 8/3/2019 Seventh Chapter of the KLI Brave Heart Project 101011


    Seventh Chapter of KLI Braveheart Project

    The Third Mark of Kingdom Leadership:


    Then came his disciples, and said unto

    him, Knowest thou that the Phariseeswere offended, after they heard this

    saying? But he answered and said,

    every plant, which my heavenly Father

    hath not planted, shall be rooted up.

    Let them alone: they be blind leaders ofthe blind. And if the blind lead the

    blind, both shall fall into the ditch

    ~ Matthew 15:1214
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    1. The third mark of the Kingdom Leadership Institute is

    vision. Just as courage is necessary to sustain a leaderthrough the challenges that will surely try him, and a biblical

    worldview is crucial for a leader to discern the burning

    issues of the day, vision is the third attribute necessary for

    sound leadership:A. A visionary leader is one who clearly understands that ideas have

    consequencesconsequences that will inevitably affect the future.

    A visionary not only sees, but perceives.

    B. The opposite of visionary leadership, of course, is blind leadership.

    It is an inability to see beyond the superficial. Men may physicallysee but still be spiritually blind and miss the heart of the matter.

    We find both of these leadership models in the scriptures.


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    2. Without Vision, People Perish:

    Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law,happy is he (Proverbs 29:18).

    A. If a nation lacks visionary leadersleaders

    inspired with a true revelation based upon thecommandments of God there will be a high

    price to pay. What is the cost for such

    blindness? The people entrusted to the leaders

    will perish.1. Gods commandments are a light and a lamp. They must inform

    our thinking and guide our decision making.


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    2. Without Vision, People Perish (Cont.):

    B. Perish is from the Hebrew word para. It means, to let go, let loose,ignore, let alone or to be let loose, be loosened of restraint. It is also

    translated in other places as uncover or naked.

    1. These definitions aptly describe permissive parents that ignore thesinful behavior of children. In such cases, Proverbs 29:15 warns, The

    rod and reproof give wisdom: but a child left to himself bringeth his

    mother to shame.

    2. Without vision from God-inspired leaders, people cast off restraint.

    They wander from Gods protective covering and end up in a moral

    freefall. They become spiritually and morally naked. They become

    unprotected and uncovered by the onslaught of Satans schemes and

    the sinful nature of man.


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    3. The Blind Leading the Blind:A. Matthew 15:1214

    1. The entire nation fell into a ditch as Rome sacked them in AD 70.

    2. They took away the key of knowledge and not only were they

    refusing to enter Gods Kingdom; they were hindering others from


    3. Jesus exposed their hypocrisy of drawing near to God with their

    lips while their hearts were far from him. In addition, he rebuked

    them for their vain attempt to worship God by teaching for

    doctrines the commandments of men (Matthew 15:89). Jesus

    knew the traditions of men tended to cast a shadow over the light

    that shines from the commandments of God. If leaders remove the

    veracity of Gods law by replacing it with vain philosophies of men,

    the valley of the shadow of death beckons. Gods wisdom states,

    For the commandment is a lamp; and the law is light; and reproofs

    of instruction are the way of life (Proverbs 6:23). It is only by Gods

    Law/Word, that mans vision is illuminated.4. Rev. Flip Benhams testimony of the 5D random dot stereogram.


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    3. The Blind Leading the Blind (Cont.):

    Jesus said this about himself and his relationship with his Father, TheSon can do nothing of himself, but what he seeth the Father do: for what

    things soever he doeth, these also doeth the Son likewise. For the Father

    loveth the Son, and showeth him all things that himself doeth: and he

    will show him greater works than these, that ye may marvel ~ John

    5:19-205. We will serve the Kingdom we see!

    6. A great Old Testament example of this type of visionary leadership is

    found in 2 Kings 6:15-17. Elisha the prophet was forced to deal with the

    fear of his servant as they were surrounded by enemies seeking their

    capture and ultimate demise.7. As a result of his eyes being opened to truly see, God used Elisha to

    thwart the attack of the enemy, provide good counsel to the king, and

    ultimately to end the hostility between Syria and Israel. This is the kind

    of blessing that is available when leaders possess godly vision.


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    4. The Light of Scripture:

    A. As previously stated Gods Word is a lamp to our feet anda light to our path (Psalm 119:105).

    1. To be a visionary leader, you do not necessarily need

    prophetic gifting or special insight from God. You can

    simply study the Scriptures and rightly divide the Wordto show yourself approved of by God (2 Timothy 2:15).

    2. Daily Bible reading

    Hear instruction, and be wise, and refuse it not. Blessed

    is the man that heareth me, watching daily at my gates,waiting at the posts of my doors. For whoso findeth me

    findeth life, and shall obtain favour of the Lord. But he

    that sinneth against me wrongeth his own soul: all they

    that hate me love death ~ Proverbs 8:33-36


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    4. The Light of Scripture (Cont.):

    3. Learn the divine principles, attributes, and characteristics of AlmightyGod. This time of Bible study reveals the unchanging nature of our Lord.

    He is the same yesterday, today, and forever (Hebrews 13:8).

    4. It is in the scriptures we see Gods dealings with humanity through the

    ages. We recognize his blessing when nations keep his commandments

    and obey his voice. We also perceive the penalties, sanctions, curses,and divine retribution nations suffer when people harden their hearts,

    stiffen their necks, and rebel against Gods loving and just rule

    (Deuteronomy 28).

    5. It is through knowing Gods divine attributes, characteristics, and past

    dealings in history, especially those contained in the Bible, that one canbe assured that he will remain true to his nature, eternal decrees, and

    the veracity of his laws in the future.


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    4. The Light of Scripture (Cont.):

    6. Gods people are prone to forget and retreat from Gods will, Word, and ways.Therefore, God, in his faithfulness, puts us in remembrance. This was the

    purpose of Israels Ebenezer Stones, the Stones of Remembrance. The physical

    piles of stones were to serve future generations by reminding them of Gods

    faithfulness in times past (Joshua 4:69).

    7. The lesson was simple. If God was true to his nature and promise previously,

    he can be trusted with our future. This is why the Apostle Paul could state withblessed assurance that God has delivered, is delivering, and will yet deliver (2

    Corinthians 1:10). To a leader in training, this particular knowledge of God is


    8. Vision is a vital force in moving humanity forward into Gods will for the

    future. It will lead men from what is to what we ought to be. If, however, God

    interrupts, suspends, or cancels his laws, the Bible records this phenomenon as a

    miracle. Otherwise, one can rest assured that though heaven and Earth be

    moved, Gods Word is rock solid and can be trusted as a faithful guide forever

    (Matthew 24:35).


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    5. Understanding:

    Evil men understand not judgment: but they that seek the Lord understandall things. ~ Proverbs 28:5

    A. This does not mean every righteous soul set free from the power of

    sin understands each and every mystery in life. It does not mean every

    Christian fully comprehends quantum physics or Einsteins theory ofrelativity.

    B. However, it does mean those who seek the Lord understand the

    basic framework and infrastructure by which life functions. The

    righteous understand that obedience to Gods commands secures

    blessings, while violations generate curses. In other words, what a mansows that shall he also reap (Galatians 6:7-9)

    C. Those who seek the Lord know there are causes that inevitably

    bring effects. Just as God created physical laws of the universe, in which

    science finds its basis, so a visionary leader understands there are moral

    laws that affect humanity for time and eternity.


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    5. Understanding (Cont.):

    D. During his life, a leader will face many difficult challenges. Some challengeswill present serious moral dilemmas. How can a leader safely negotiate through

    the pitfalls, snares, and minefields that seek to confuse, debilitate, and corrupt?

    Only Gods moral laws found in his Word will suffice. It alone must guide the

    decision-making of those who carry the burden of command.

    1. A lesson from our American judiciary will help.

    2. If the Supreme Court views our founding document as a fixed

    standard, their decision-making will be guided by the principles

    enshrined in the law of our land. They will hold up each case to the

    light of the Constitution and render a verdict based upon its edicts.

    Whatever the Constitution prescribes by law or principle should be

    the determining factor.

    3. If, however, the Supreme Court views the Constitution as a

    living document that evolves over time, they can reject the

    original intent of its authors. They can ignore the Constitution and

    look to other sources, and even to other nations laws, to render

    decisions that ill affect America.


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    6. The Lesser Light of History:

    A. In his famous "Give me Liberty or Give me Death" speech, PatrickHenry asserted, "I have but one lamp by which my feet are guided, and

    that is the lamp of experience. I know of no way of judging the future

    but by the past.

    1. He was pointing to a powerful principle that provides another lamp for

    humanity in the midst obscurity and uncertainty. It is a dimmer light

    compared to the perfect light of Gods Word, yet it still provides

    illumination. It is the light that comes through the study of providential


    B. Woodrow Wilson stated:

    A nation which does not remember what it was yesterday, does not know

    what it is today, nor what it is trying to do. We are trying to do a futile thingif we do not know where we came from or what we have been

    aboutAmerica was born a Christian nation. America was born to exemplify

    that devotion to the elements of righteousness, which are derived from the

    revelations of Holy Scripture.


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    6. The Lesser Light of History (Cont.):

    1. What can we glean from Woodrow Wilsons quote? If we do not know

    where we have been, we cannot possibly know where we are going, or for that

    matter, what to do once we get there. In other words, without understanding

    providential history, man stands in danger of losing his vision and forfeiting his


    2. Psalm 88:12 says, Shall thy wonders be known in the dark? And thy

    righteousness in the land of forgetfulness? This passage of scripture revealsrighteousness cannot long endure in the land of forgetfulness.

    3. A philosopher once stated, "The surest way to destroy a people is to sever

    their roots.

    4. Karl Marx, the father of Communism, declared, "Take away the heritage of

    the people, and they are easily persuaded.

    5. These quotes reveal the danger when a people become ignorant of their

    history or stand idly by while it is rewritten or revised. The root system that

    supplied freedom, liberty, and prosperity will be severed and their foundations

    destroyed. Inevitably, they will be easily led astray and become a prey to

    enemies from within and from without.


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    6. The Lesser Light of History (Cont.):

    6. If we do not know what we had, we wont know when it is gone.7. To avoid this tragic condition, leaders in training need to

    comprehend the relationship between Gods Word and history. Let me

    offer a word picture. Law and history is similar to the relationship

    between the sun and moon. One is the greater light that rules the day

    and one is the lesser light that rules the night. Just as the moon reflects

    the light of the sun, history, or rather His story reflects Gods

    redemption plan found in scripture as it manifests through the eons of

    time and his covenant people.

    8. I challenge you to dedicate your life to become an accomplished

    theologian and historian. These studies will equip you to become a

    visionary leader to secure a future and a hope for America. These two

    disciplines will expose as well the revisionist history that has led to our

    cultural corruption and bring sense out of seemingly unrelated events.

    We must remember, just as Gods Word is the grid to assess the burning

    issues of the day, it is also the grid to interpret history.


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    7. The Continuum:

    O God, thou hast taught me from my youth: and hitherto have I declared thy

    wondrous works. Now also when I am old and grayheaded, O God, forsake me not;until I have shewed thy strength unto this generation, and thy power to every one

    that is to come ~ Psalm 71:17, 18

    A. King David had a multi-generational vision and mission. This poet, warrior,

    statesman was keenly aware of lifes continuumthe past, the present, and the


    1. Notice first, he acknowledged the training received from his youth. What

    was the nature of his instruction? It is safe to assume that he learned the

    history of his people and Gods dealings with Israel. David discovered his

    glorious legacy and righteous heritage. He also learned of Israels many failings

    and Gods warnings to his people. This knowledge was essential for his

    visionary leadership.

    2. Not content to remain in the past, however, King David applied the lessons

    from Israels past to his present time. He prayed to demonstrate Gods strength

    to his generation.

    3. As he matured in years and in faith, however, his commitment to God

    extended to future generations. He longed to influence a people who were yet

    to be born. King David wanted God to affect his posterity, even though theywould never meet him on this side of eternity.


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    7. The Continuum (Cont.):

    4. Did God honor his request and fulfill his understanding of the continuum?

    Judge for yourself; Acts 13:36 states, For David, after he had served his owngeneration by the will of God, fell on sleep, and was laid unto his fathers, and

    saw corruption.

    5. In our homeschool, the University of Righteousness, we constructed a

    historical timeline to teach our children the powerful lessons of the continuum.

    Historical events, key leaders, and Gods intervention in time and history fill our

    walls. At the end of the timeline, we placed a picture of each family member. For

    those who are aged or are now with the Lord, we added a brief explanation as to

    their individual contribution to His story. This is to instill in our children a sense

    of Gods destiny and to demonstrate they have come into Gods kingdom for

    such a time as this (Esther 4:14).

    6. To be a visionary leader, one must embrace a multi-generational mission.Visionary leaders understand they have an obligation to honor Gods past

    dealings with men and nations. We are standing on the shoulders of giants who,

    though they had feet of clay like us, God used to advance his cause and kingdom

    on earth. We have an obligation to follow in the footsteps of our Lord, the

    prophets, the apostles, church fathers, martyrs, and reformers to show Gods

    strength to our generation and to ensure we pass their godly heritage un-squandered to generations yet to be born.


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    8. Things to Come:

    Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide

    you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but

    whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will

    shew you things to come ~ John 16:13

    A. I have many testimonies that affirm this truth.

    B. To be a faithful Christian, one must worship God in spiritand truth (John 4:24).


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    8. Things to Come (Cont.):

    C. To be a faithful leader, one must have a strong foundation of truth

    that the Holy Spirit can use as a platform to show us things to come.

    Remember, to get a word from God, you must know the word of God.

    1. This is not a Christian crystal ball to gaze into the future, but the

    spiritual ability to anticipate where an idea, philosophy, or movement will

    lead men and nations. It is the God-given ability to extrapolate, whichmeans, to infer from known information.

    2. I am not saying, like some theologians, that all dreams, visions, and

    prophetic insight are over, having passed away with the apostles. I would

    agree though, that much that has passed itself for the prophetic today is


    3. These spiritual manifestations were, and are, rare. Flee from those

    guided by impressions, voices, and hunches on a daily basis and pass them

    off as being led by the Holy Spirit. This is a dangerous practice, wrought

    with deception. I guarantee their lives are out of order and confusion follows

    them wherever they go.


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    8. Things to Come (Cont.):4. For our present discussion, I am emphasizing the need for biblical

    discernmentthe ability to use the Word of God to discern where ideas,philosophies, and movements will lead our nation and the world. A kingdom

    leader must be able to know what the future holds for men and nations that

    obey or disobey Gods Word.

    5. For instance, General Stonewall Jacksons chief of staff, Robert L.

    Dabney, was alive during the planting of the first seeds of liberalism,

    feminism, and secularism on Americas Christian soil during the late 1800s.

    He was a man filled with the Holy Spirit. He also had prophetic insight from

    Gods Word and knew where these isms would lead America. He warned

    that if America ever abandoned her godly vision, she would forfeit her

    destiny as a people. In fact, he stated that America was in danger of

    replacing Sodom and Gomorrah as a warning to future generations.6. To be a visionary leader, you must immerse yourself in the scriptures

    and have a firm grasp of history. You need the ability to extrapolate where

    ideas, philosophies, and movements will lead men and nations.

    7. A visionary leader understands ideas have consequences, and a belief

    system will lead people to victory or defeat, soundness or rottenness,

    corruption or virtue, blessing or cursing, life or death.
