Seven stages of Marriage

The Marriage Workshop PRESENTS

Transcript of Seven stages of Marriage

The Marriage WorkshopPRESENTS

The 7 stages of Marriage

From The First Day Of Your Living Together

Change Begins To happen

“Success in Marriage does not come merely

through finding the right mate, but through being

the right mate.” - Barnett R. Brickner

Building a Successful Marriage is a Lifelong


Marriage Must always be viewed the way God

views it:Sacred and Divine

Ephesians 5 21: Submit to one another out of reverence for

Christ22: Wives, submit yourselves to your own

husbands as you do to the lord.23: For the husband is the head of the wife as

Christ is the head of the Church25: Husbands, Love your wives, just as Christ loved the Church and gave Himself up for her

Stage 1. Affection - Passion

Stage 1Affection or Passion Stage

The honeymoon Stage

Lasts about 2 years for most couples

Nothing outside marriage matters much during this stage

Kids could come with a very early unwelcome change

Stage 2 Actualisation

Stage 2Actualisation Stage The “Honeymoon Stage” is over and a more real vision of the rest of your life begins

You discover the other side, which is the real side of each other

Instead of being viewed negatively this is the stage which reveals the areas of HELP needed by your spouse

Stage 3Rebellion


We begin to miss our Freedom, Friends, Personal Hobbies.We become aware of our lost self InterestsYou both believe you're right

Stage 4Cooperation

You wake up and realise that while you're busy fighting There are bills to pay.Children are neglectedYou're becoming dysfunctional at work. etc

Stage 5- Reunion

Stage 5Reunion

If you have children this stage will often last 10 -20 years

Parenting responsibilities are lessened as kids become independent

Stage 6 - Eruption

Stage 6Eruption - Explosion

This Stage can happen at any period in your BUT happens mostly when we’re around 40 - 50 yrs

Passing from Midlife into the Golden Years

Either You or your Spouse are dealing with major Life-shaking which could affect your marriage

Could be Death of Parents, Health issues, Adult Children issues

Financial issues



Stage 7Completion

A lot of surveys have proven that Marital Happiness is achieved after several decades of sharing your life together

Kids are grown and independent

You know each other very well

The Boy and Girl in you re-surfaces

You look back at the years behind you and appreciate each other for having walked the distance together

Questions and Answers

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Credits: Sari Harra and Rita DeMaria, Ph.D