Seven - Media Presentation

Textual Analysis


Textual Analysis

Transcript of Seven - Media Presentation

Page 1: Seven - Media Presentation

Textual Analysis

Page 2: Seven - Media Presentation

Mise en scene - Characters: Actor, Morgan Freeman, is lying in bed reading. This relates to the audience as it is a daily routine for many people. Only one character is shown throughout the title sequence which can show isolation and loneliness. Location: In a dark house during the night emphasises the isolated area. Lighting: low key, artificial lighting from the bed side lamp. Props: book, bed, lamp, bookcase

Camera work – long shot of the character showing location and setting. The camera includes the door in the frame as it shows somebody is watching him from outside the room.

Sound – There is no sound. The character is reading in complete silence.

Page 3: Seven - Media Presentation

Mise en scene - Characters: The character places his glasses down and flicks the clock timer soon after. Location: Bedroom of an isolated house. Lighting: low-key, artificial lighting. Props: plain glasses and clock timer.

Camera work – There is a close up of the character’s hand and glasses but also showing the clock timer in the background. No dead space is shown as the camera man is using the rule of thirds.

Sound - There is a constant ticking which is diegetic coming from the clock timer. This connotes rushing, unsteadiness and the loss of time.

Page 4: Seven - Media Presentation

Mise en scene - Location: Unknown location shows mystery and curiosity from the audience. Lighting: low-key lighting Colour: The frame looks de-saturated to show obscurity and unfamiliarity. Props: an old, parchment book

Camera work – an extreme close up of pages in a book to show that something may be hidden in-between the lines.

Sound – Non diegetic music begins which sounds thrilling and jumpy with sudden screams or scratches.

Editing – a faded hand in the background sets an insecure and frightening atmosphere and the audience are unable to discover what is really happening.

Page 5: Seven - Media Presentation

Mise en scene - Characters: There is a character hidden in the shadows which shows darkness and emphasises that the film’s genre is a horror. Location: Looks like a daunting work house or factory Lighting: Low-key, artificial lighting coming from a little desk lamp. Colour: contrasting colours (black, grey, white and red) are shown which connote death, sin, instability and blood. This relates to the image shown.

Camera work – A point of view shot showing deformed hands. This makes the audience question how and why somebody has this image which gives a sense of mystery and engages the audience to continue watching.

Sound – There is a diegetic sound of a typewriter and the flow of electricity which unsettles the audience as they are known to be discomforting sounds.

Editing – The text looks as though it has been scratched and is slighting jolted which gives the sense that something is wrong.

Page 6: Seven - Media Presentation

Mise en scene - Characters: an unknown character with filthy, mud/blood-covered nails shows that the character is hiding something however the razor he is holding shows he is trying to remove finger prints. This gives the audience a sense of horror and makes them question the plot of the film. Lighting: low-key lighting. Colour: de-saturated colours including black, white and red. Props: a small razor

Camera work – a montage of hands show a hidden message as there are many extreme close up of hands which suggests they are hugely involved in the film. This gives a sense of mystery and confusion.

Sound – There is a continuous diegetic sound of a typewriter and the flow of electricity. This creates a daunting atmosphere and unstable mood for the audience and characters.

Editing - quick cut of hands.

Page 7: Seven - Media Presentation

Mise en scene – Titles – Colour: contrasting colours of black and white show de-saturation and sorrow as black and white tend to be plain, simple colours with no life. White has connotations of purity and heaven as black has connotations of sin and death.

Camera work – The frame is unsteady which shows shakiness and insecurity. The audience are able to feel this also by watching the titles as they seem very uncomfortable.

Sound – The typewriter and electricity continue which suggests there is a continuous cycle so gives the audience various ideas about the film. A slight ambient ring is also heard which almost fizzles away to show nothing is normal.

Editing – The text, “SE7EN” zooms in and out and is thrown around the frame which could show the representation of a human body or unsteadiness of the film.

Page 8: Seven - Media Presentation

Mise en scene - Location: the setting is unable to identify to show mystery and horror within the film. Lighting: low-key lighting. Colour: Red and black connotes blood and death. This links to the overall theme of decease and sin. Props: The audience cannot see the image clearly but it looks like a heel or weapon. This creates enigma and unsafeness.

Camera work – a quick static shot of the object to demonstrate the pace of the mysterious montage of images.

Sound – the sound begins to change and becomes more electronic. This shows the change in colour also as red is shown for the first time.

Editing – There is a slight crack in the frame to suggest bad signal and uncertainty of the object.

Page 9: Seven - Media Presentation

Mise en scene - Characters: unable to identify but a black shadow demonstrates enigma and an unknown character illustrates secrecy. Lighting: low-key artificial lighting. Colour: de-saturated to suggest simplicity but lifelessness. Props: a black highlighter which gives a sense of death and dismay.

Camera work – the camera pans across the page and follows the pen. This is a point of view shot and the audience question the mysterious figure as he is highlighting the word, “sexual”, which proves this is a key signifier in the film.

Sound – non diegetic sounds are heard including techno and wind-like sounds.Editing – The frame is blurred to possibly show mental health and stability of the character.