Seven Chakras Link With the Physical Body

 Previous post | Next post Seven chakra s link wi th the physical body Apr 6, 2014 in 10:52 end asset-header Origina ta!en "ro# olegma tve ev to $in! the seven %ha!ras &ith the organs o" the ph'si%a (od'

Transcript of Seven Chakras Link With the Physical Body

Previous post | Next postSeven chakras link with the physical body Apr 6, 2014 in 10:52 end asset-header

Original taken from olegmatveev to Link the seven chakras with the organs of the physical body

Seven major centers of consciousness (chakras) are linked with different organs of the physical body. For example, there is a line of endocrine glands that produce hormones with 7-akrovoj system. Thus, human consciousness through the chakras, the endocrine glands and hormones can regulate the activities of the body.Gerber writes: "endocrine glands are part of the powerful control system, which affects the body, starting at the level of the cell, gene activation, right down to the functions of the nervous system. Chakras are, thus, able to influence our mood and behavior through hormonal influence on the activities of the brain ".Richard Gerber "Vibratory medicine" (Richard Gerber. Vibrational Medicine)

GlandGland (gland)-animal and human organ that produces and secretes specific Ma tion (secrets), participating in the physiological processes of the body. There are ekzokrinnye, endocrine and mixed glands. Ekzokrinnye and most of the endocrine glands develop as derivatives of epithelial tissues.

The endocrine systemEndocrine system (Endocrine system)-a set of glands, tissues and other bodies involved in the regulation and coordination of the major forms of life through the available blood-borne substances glandsEndocrine gland(Endocrine glands)-iron, a ductless and highlights produced by the substance (inkrety) directly into the blood or lymph.The endocrine glands include:Pituitary gland (6), (7) pineal gland, thyroid, parathyroid glands (5), thymus and thymus (thymus) (4), adrenal glands (1), vnutrisekretornye (3) pancreatic divisionsand sexual glands (2).HormoneHormone (from the Greek. Hormao-stir)-biological active substance produced in the body by the specialized cells, tissues or organs and providing meaningful effect on the activities of the other organs and tissues. Hormones involved in all processes of growth, development, reproduction and metabolism

01. Muladhara chakraHormonal glands in the body associated with the root chakra: gonads and adrenal glands.Adrenal GlandsThe adrenal glands are paired endocrine glands, adjacent to the upper ends of the kidneys. The adrenal glands are composed of external (cortical) layer and an inner (cerebral) layers.In the cortex layer hormones that affect mineral and carbohydrate exchanges, Defense reactions of the body and health of your muscles.The adrenal glands produce hormones, catecholamines, adrenaline: corticosteroids, norepinephrineThe organs of the body associated with the chakra:-"solid" organs of the body, the spinal column, skeleton, bones, teeth and nails.-Selection Bodies-anus, rectum, intestines.-Reproductive and reproductive organs-prostatic gland and the gonads. As well as blood and cell structure.Bone systemSkeletal system-a complex of connective tissues, the main of which is the bone. Skeletal system functions: shape-forming, motor, protective, anchor, hematopoietic, zapasau. Skeletal system is a passive part of the musculoskeletal systemExcretory systemSecretory (excretory) system-a set of organs, removes from the body to the outside environment excess water, the end products of metabolism, salts and poisonous substances in the organism or resulting in itReproductive systemReproductive system (sex)-a complex of organs and systems, which are involved in the production of sexual products, ensure the process of fertilization, contribute to human reproduction. Female genitalsFemale reproductive system-a set of women's domestic and external genital organs in the pelvic area, between the rectum and the bladder, in the lower part of the abdomen.Internal female sexual organs are the ovaries, the fallopian tubes, the uterus and the vagina; external-major and minor labia, vestibule of the vagina and the clitoris. Male reproductive systemMale reproductive system-a set of male internal and external genital organs, located in the lower part of the abdominal cavity and the outside of the abdomen. Male sex organs are the penis and sexual glands: semennikami, semvynosimi ducts, prostate and seed bubbles.The part of the brain: reptilnyj brainAncient brain (brain, brain reptilnyj, reptilian)-a group of neural structures, forming the "ground floor" of the human brain and the first phase of the development of the brain in phylogeny to reptiles.BrainstemThe brain (LAT. Truncus cerebri) is evolutionarily the most ancient part of the brain, located between the spinal cord and the hemispheres forebrain. The brain is composed of:-from the intermediate brain;-from the middle of the brain, including the brain stem and disc cover;-from the back of the brain, including the bridge and the cerebellum; and-from the medulla oblongata02. the Svadhisth chakraHormonal glands in the body associated with the chakra: gonads-ovaries, testicles, prostate and lymphatic system.Sexual glandssGonads (sexual glands, from the Greek. Gone is the spawning, gono-derived)-gland, which produces sex cells. The sex glands have the function of internal and external secretions.The lymphatic systemThe lymphatic system (Lymphatic system) network of lymphatic capillaries and blood vessels, which in the body moves the lymph. The lymphatic system helps to remove excess tissue fluid in the.Lymph glandsLymph gland-located along the lymphatic glands, in which the lymph are filtered out bacteria and foreign particles, which are then poirats by phagocytes. The lymph glands are lymphocytes circulating in the blood and lymphThe organs of the body associated with the chakra: pelvis, kidneys, gallbladder, muscles, lymph and fluid in the body.ffektorna systemffektorna system-system of the body, including the motor system and executive organs and tissues: muscles, glands, etc.The part of the brain: paleomammalieskij brain (the limbic system, the brain of a mammal, visceral brain)The limbic system (from Latin limbus-border)-a set of several brain structures. Involved in the regulation of the functions of internal organs, sense of smell, instinctive behaviors, emotions, memory, sleeping, waking, etc.Includes:-the olfactory bulb (bulbus Olfactorius)-olfactory tract (Tractus bulbus)-olfactory triangle-front prodyrvlennoe substance (Substantia perforata)-belt gyrus (Gyrus's Cinguli) (eng Cingulate gyrus's): autonomous function regulation of heart rate and blood pressure-paragippokampalna gyrus (Gyrus's hippocampi)-Cog gyrus (Gyrus's dentatus)-the hippocampus (Hippocampus): required for the formation of long-term memory-amygdala (Corpus amygdaloideum) (eng Amygdala): aggression and caution-the hypothalamus (Hypothalamus): regulates the autonomic nervous system via hormone, regulates blood pressure and heart rate, hunger, thirst, sexual desire, the cycle of sleep and wake-up-soscevidnoe body (Corpus Mamillare) (eng body Mammilary): important for memory formation-reticular formation of the midbrain03. Manipura chakraHormonal glands in the body associated with the chakra: pancreas and adrenal glands.The pancreasPancreas: digestive and endocrine gland. Is available to all vertebrates except Lampreys found, miksin and other primitive vertebrates. Elongated shape, the shape resembles a bunch of grapes.Structure. In human pancreas weighs from 80 to 90 g, located along the back wall of the abdominal cavity and consists of several sections: head, neck, body and tail. Head to the right, in the curve of the duodenum, part of the small intestine, and downward, while the rest of the gland lies horizontally and ends near the spleen. The pancreas consists of two types of fabrics that perform very different functions. The pancreatic tissue consists of small ACINI-segments, each of which has its outlet flow. These smaller ducts merge into larger ones, in turn, flowing into the virsungiev duct-the main excretory duct of the pancreas. The portion is almost entirely composed of cells secreting pancreatic juice (pancreatic juice, from LAT. pancreas-pancreas). Pancreatic juice containing digestive enzymes. Small portions of the output channels it goes into the main duct, which drains into the duodenum. The main pancreatic duct is located near the common bile duct and connects with it before flowing into the duodenum. Int slices are sprinkled numerous groups of cells, do not have a ductless, so-called islets of Langerhans. Use the cells secrete the hormones insulin and glucagon.Function. The pancreas is both endocrine and exocrine functions, i.e. carries out internal and external secretion. kzokrinna function of the gland is involved in digestionEndocrine function. The islets of Langerhans are functioning as endocrine glands (endocrine gland), highlighting directly into the bloodstream glucagon and insulin-regulating hormones, the metabolism of carbohydrates. These hormones have the opposite effect: glucagon increases, and insulin lowers blood sugar levels.The organs of the body associated with the chakra: respiratory system and digestive system, diaphragm, stomach, pancreas, liver, spleen, gall bladder, small intestine, suprarenal glands, the lower back and the sympathetic nervous system.The respiratory systemRespiratory system-a set of specialized organs and tissues that provide:-1-intake of oxygen from the environment;-2-use it in biological oxidation; and-3-removal of oxidation product from the body (carbon dioxide).Human respiratory system consists of a pair of lungs in the thoracic cavity, multiple air sacs and tubes connecting them to the ambient air.Digestive systemDigestive system-a set of digestive organs and related digestive glands, the individual elements of the circulatory and nervous systems involved in the process of Mechano-chemical decomposition of food, and also in the intake of nutrients and removal of unwanted metabolites from the bodyThe part of the brain: neomammalieskij brain (right and left hemisphere) cortex (cortex) thinking brain04. Anahata chakraHormonal glands in the body associated with the chakra: thymus.Thymus glandThymus gland (RIS; thymus; Thymus)-vertebrates-the central organ of the immune system. In most mammals, the thymus gland is made up of 2-3 lobes, divided into smaller segments. Thymus gland is located in the middle of the chest cavity.It stimulates the development of t ("timusnyh") is a cell in its own tissue, and in lymphoid tissue of other parts of the body. T-cells "attack" in the organism of alien substances, have control over the development of antibodies against disease-causing agents that affect other protective reaction of the organism.The organs of the body associated with the chakra: heart, circulatory system, lungs, immune system, upper back, and chest.The circulatory systemCirculatory system-a set of circulating fluid (blood), a network of blood vessels, the sokratimogo organ (heart) and the blood.The human circulatory system closed.The immune systemThe immune system-the body's system, which detects, processes and eliminates the alien body and substance. Immune system includes: red bone marrow, spleen, lymph nodes, lymphoid tissue clumps along the digestive and respiratory systems, etc.05. Viuddha chakraHormonal glands in the body associated with the chakra: thyroid and parathyroid glands.The thyroid glandThe thyroid gland (Thyroid gland)-mismatched endocrine gland located in the neck at the front of the larynx and consists of two segments. The thyroid gland secretes iodosoderaie hormones. Produced by hormones (thyroid hormones) affect reproduction, growth, differentiation and tissue metabolism. The main function of the thyroid gland in humans regulation of metabolic processes, including the sloroda and the consumption of energy in the cells. Increase the amount of thyroid hormone metabolism; deficiency causes it to slow down.Parathyroid glandThe parathyroid glands (parathyroid glands) are two pairs of small endocrine glands located at the person on the back surface of the lateral lobes of the thyroid gland. Allocated to them in blood hormone-parathyroid, parathyroid hormone or is a protein consisting of 84 amino acid residues, connected in a chain. The function of these glands is to maintain virtually constant, normal levels of calcium in the blood, despite fluctuations in income it with food.The organs of the body associated with the chakra: throat, neck, the vocal cords and the tops of the jaw, lungs, ears, muscles and nerves06. Agnya chakraHormonal glands in the body associated with the chakra: pituitary gland, associated with the hypothalamus.The Pituitary GlandPituitary gland (pituitarna iron; brain-appendage; LAT. Hypophysis; LAT. Glandula pituitaria):-endocrine gland of reddish-brown color, located at the base of the brain. The pituitary gland is divided into two fractions:-glandular portion (adenogipofiz); and-nervous share (nejrogipofiz).Hormones of the hypothalamus are preemptive effect on growth, metabolism and reproduction.Pituitary hormones are: pain hormones, growth hormone and vasopressin. The pituitary gland have preemptive effect on growth, development, metabolism, regulates other endocrine glands.The HypothalamusThe hypothalamus (the hypothalamic region; hypothalamus; podbugrova regionLAT. Hypothalamus; from the Greek. Hypo-"turn" + Thalamos-"inner rooms")-a division of diencephalon:-located inferiorly from the thalamus, the gipotalamicescoy Groove;-formed by accumulation of neuro-secretory cellsThree out of focus in the hypothalamus demarcated area of cores: front, middle and back.Hypothalamus:-has a developed system of afferent and efferent pathways;-controls the endocrine glands;-participates in the regulation of homeostasis and function of reproduction.The ThalamusThalamus (optical Hill; LAT. Thalamus; the Greek. Thalamos-internal Chamber ") is the main Division of the diencephalon, a cluster of grey matter medium-lateral ventricle. The thalamus is the optic Knoll with the second pair of optic nerves.The thalamus receives all kinds of impulses of sensitivity and transmits them to the reliability of large hemispheres, as well as other entities of the central nervous system.Distinguish:-ventral thalamus, consisting of the medial, ventrolateral and rear engine; and-dorsal thalamus, which includes front, media production, dorsalnoe and other cores.MetathalamusPretectum (abroad I) is part of the diencephalon, which are:-lateral geniculate nucleus, placed under the pillow of the thalamus and has an irregular rounded shape; and-medial kolenatoe body that sits between the upper mound etveroholmi optic and pillow Hill.The organs of the body associated with the chakra: the brain and all its components, the central nervous system, face, eyes, ears, nose, sinuses.The nervous systemNervous system ("Nervous system; from the Greek.Neuron-nerve + Systema-connection)-the hierarchical structure of nerve lesions in humans and vertebrate animals, through the work of which provides:-contacts with the outside world;-implementation of goals;-coordination of the work of the internal organs;-a complete adaptation of organism.As the main structural and functional element of the nervous system is the neuron.Types of nervous system are:-central nervous system;-peripheral nervous system;-Peripheral Division of the autonomic nervous system.07. Sahasrara chakraHormonal glands in the body associated with the chakra: pineal gland (pineal, or pinealna of iron), is associated with the pitalamusom.EpithalamusEpithalamus (LAT. Epithalamus) is part of the diencephalon, consisting of:-of the pineal body;-from the back spikes; and-core bridle connecting the pineal gland with the intermediate brain.Kernel bridles on both sides are joined by soldering comissura habenularum above the posterior commissure of brainPineal GlandPineal body (Epiphysis; pineal gland of the brain; Pinealna of iron; Pineal gland; The pineal body; LAT. Corpus pineale; LAT. Glandula pinealis; LAT. Epiphysis cerebri)-endocrine gland, located in a shallow sulcus separating from each other the top roof hillocks midbrain. Outside of the pineal body is covered by a connective tissue capsule that contains a large number of anastomoziruih each other blood vessels.Pineal body consists of:-small cells with a small amount of cytoplasm, and dark nuclei; and-light cells with many nuclei and cytoplasm, developing into the blood stream the hormones serotonin and melatonin.Pineal body cells secrete substances:-inhibit the activity of the pituitary gland until puberty; as well as the-participating in the fine regulation of most types of metabolism.The physiology of the pineal gland has not been thoroughly researched, mainly due to the small size, characteristics and location of a plurality of functional linkages with the intermediate brain, endocrine glands and other organs.Human activities have a pineal gland associated phenomena such asthe body's circadian rhythm disturbance in connection with flight through multiple time zones, sleep disorders and, probably, "winter depression".A person with hypothyroidism Epiphysis (Pelicci syndrome) is the most pronounced change in the premature development of sexual organs and secondary sexual characteristics, while hyperthyroidism is the maturation of sexual glands and secondary sexual characteristics.In which living beings, pinealna and parapinealna gland functioning as perceiving light, or "third eye", they are able to distinguish only varying degrees of light, rather than Visual images. In this capacity, they can identify certain forms of conduct, such as the vertical migration of fish depending on the change of day and night.The organs of the body associated with the chakra: the brain.BrainThe brain (Brain; LAT.Encephalon; LAT.Cerebrum)-a division of the central nervous system of humans and other vertebrates:-Managing behavioural reactions and functions of the body;-regulating and controlling the body's relationship to the environment;-located in the cranial cavity;-consisting of a large brain and brainstem.DiencephalonDiencephalon (LAT. Dienctphalon) is located at the top of the barrel between the brain and the large hemispheres. It consists of the thalamus (spotting cusps), hypothalamus (podbugrova part) and epithalamus (nadbugrova part). Cavity diencephalon is the third cerebral ventricle. From the diencephalon departs 2nd pair of cranial nerves. The hypothalamus is gland-endocrine pituitary and pineal gland-pitalamusom. In the depths of the white brain matter is the large number of nuclei of gray matter.Diencephalon participates in the vegetative functions, as well as sleep, memory, mental reactions.PSCootvetsvie of physical tiela and chakras comes from ledger Cindy Dale "chakra. 32 Energy Center man. "Information on the organs of the human body is taken from