Setting and Achieving Life Goals

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1. Setting and Achieving Life Goals 2. Come Up With One Word Read in Below Slides What is ONE WORD COMMITMENT 3. What Exactly One Word Resolution is???? In many ways New Years resolutions havent worked for us. We get big ideas once a year for these grand changes that we want to make to lose weight, get out of debt, go to the gym, buy a car, spend time with family etc and by the beginning of February and we feel like weve failed. So in that case what we need to keep is ONE WORD RESOLUTION. Read below what Scott Epp Says about it. 4. ONE WORD. Its simple, easy and you can put it up somewhere where you will see it all the time. My word is Epic My ONE WORD last year was Thankful. One Word is easy to remember, its something that can stick with you and it is simple. By Scott Epp 5. How you choose the ONE WORD This word must come to you first from within you. The right word is already in you, you just have to ask for it and it will come forth spiritually. The word must stretch you, motivate you, work with your current abilities or cause you to raise your abilities. 6. How to Achieve Results with ONE WORD First of all you will put this word up physically throughout your house. Like I did Last year Thankful was posted on the bottom of my computer screen, at my door, on the master bedroom mirror etc.. And you can do the same. 7. This is all How ONE WORD Works I hope this presentation will work for you in setting life goals and you will also CHOOSE YOUR ONE WORD.. To Read the Full Document about ONE WORD resolution click below link Word-Commitment-for-a-Year-Guide-Abundance-Coaching.pdf 8. For More Motivational Information and Videos Visit at Book Your Appointment at Find Us on Social Platforms epp/2a/87b/421