S~et~cres +++ +++’ OARPENTER · ~ket flint it is brot , xt w t , n thc rcuc t of tvery one who...

..... " - " 4 .:- Stationery, School Books, Bibles, )el,Quiver &Garner Hymns Presbyterian tlymnals, Lippincott’s, tIarper’s mad Seribiier’s Magazines. S~et~cres and Eye Glasses. - Garden and Flower Seeds. Household Sewingblachines. SewingM~tchine Needles. --- ,+-+ OARPENTER - For ,+ale at the lmce~t pr/ees, by ’" " U N-J, - ! THE LADIES’ STORE 01+ &IV£iV£()NTON. .. _ TOMLIH & SMITH’S, Belier,re 8; Itorton St. .... Hamburg Embroideries, Laces,White .......... Goods, Fancy Articles, Toys, and MILLINEt{Y GOOI)S. ]l~morest’s Spring Fa.~,ti,mshavo beeu received. ) --~2~’X~-~" ~20 Ilmlt’~:~"~: ’> Sl’~Ot.+’.’l"qt,’d t,,any.qtog+r In "~; ~.~ Ib,, t , ,];~.t, l:+-IIt,-,tlbcr~ !¢’~ ".] ~i ~’ .’..’,..t ,: t~’b,.,’.¢,,,im’,i~.foro ,",.’it t/,,,," /,,,!t lb,’it. ’lh).l,;tho~amo + ~k-4.,2,;~ ,",.,,’,"~ ...... ,,,,,l~ ,,.~, f,,r ’’ ...... +I’)’’ ’l’’ ]’’’’+t +t’d (1’~ ~ CII.tRI,I+’.S A. W0111) & CO. 11,’i. lesthl~,[’hiadeplfia, PIL IRO, S. WOODlltTLh. JNO. T. WOODI[ULI. _ (La.toJtmtlm, Snpr m,+ _ Attorn~yatLaW. C~,,,rt.S. J., G’EO. S. WOODIIULL ~ SON, 1./1 IV" OFFICES, :7:+~) ~. W. Cot. Front and 3Iar]cet Streets, "~ ~-A~~. : ,~.e, ,.p :.,,r~,,,: ,,,,,.,,,~,,. ~ HAM MO NTON -rZ" "r~ 17’ "~r " -rl, A _at It 15 1 Whero may be found tl,e B+T ASSOR’r= ~ ,? ]tU~NTofChoicc Confections in Athtn- tic county, i,’(,r-ei,,n andDomestic Fruits, Nuts of all ldnds, ohoice caring Al)plcs, MeBsiua Oranges aud Lemons, l’~igs, Dates, - ."~’i~+"I,!1tl Cocoanuts i Coles & I[arkerts Care- :.i: Immhl ofa dnzen diflbrcnt varieties,Cough I,amm+es, Mlxturc~, Imporials,C~udy + Molasses Candy, etc, Oakes,Pies, Cullmrl, -’" J Vbl. 19, lgo. 33. Hammonton, N. J., Satm’day, August 13, 1881. Five Cents per Co2y E H, 0arp0nt0r’s 8t0re, Bdl0vue Avenuo. I am woU st~cked with a good a~sort- taent of goods suitublo to the wants :of the Imople, eoasieting in part of Ile~x’s, Boys’and ¥oath¢ Boots and Shoes. .+"in e-Kid~-Pebbie ~at/ ...... and+Clo +the+ _Top_Boots, .- Slippers, etc. Misses’ and Children’s " Button an~ -- Hats and Caps. Underwear, Hosiery, 0lean - Gloves, Co~’sets, Notions, Dress-makeYs Trimmings, Fancy Articles. ................. LARD To a Friend. llY L. E. L, H, My friend, G,~I Is near thee. Mayhe ever be with tltee ; Mny Heavenly ruyr! o’er thy path evor shlno May His sweetest pleasures And nfe’e dearest treasurea And blessings, my friend, forever be thino. May angels’so nweetly Ever hover around thee ; And thought~, pure and holy, bid sorrow do- part: Zhtyveace,llko arlver, Iio with lllee forever, loye+ l.lk e a ro~e, e~yer bloom I n thy heart. ()It may year~ ofl,le:tsnre, of the maker,whichis collected from the O’cir-thy patliaii the-flowN rt~ ht morning that bloom : ....... mcdic~tlcollegeo_ or - Universities, yet And, if brlzhteM, hope~ perish, Go to their rest, In the cold. Mlcnt tomb. Like soft evening zephyrs May their tm,.,cllc voices ,~ the breeze from their l~calnlS Of love; And tell then In whispers Th~I-rw4-th them, tlmu tthalt gather -- spirit and reason of the law. which is the most universal and effectual way of discovering it~ true meaning.,’ If, then, we accept the object of the taw as above s~ted, wc are forced to give the inter- pretation which we have given by the "will and intention of abe maker." I acknowledge the law is lame in many particuhtrs; yet in it tl,ere are many good-points.- At least, tlle ol~ect is a good one, and while it gives to one of P~.iae~ or- Buchanan’s five dollar-diplo-- mas +the same legal rights as to one of the time-honored and world-respected it opens the win ;o~~Am~ may knowwho work under bogus<Ill)lo- ans and who are properly qualified. Then let us test the practical working of the law by a strict observance of the same. If tlt~ effects be good we shall enjoy its benefits ; if bad, we shall the ...... sooner_discover those ceil etlbcts,and see The Jewel.’+, dear friend, lu glory above. ELWOoD, N+J.. Aug. 4, 1K~I, 7"o the Editor of the 8,ruth Jer*e+y Rq.~bllcTn : DEAR Sm :--The object nf the law eutitlcd "Anact toregulate the practice of Medicineand Surgery" ts cvidently to not _qualified from at- tempting to engage in that practice: hence the penalties prescribed, etc. The object of requiring ’ ’~ copy of the diplo- maflied" is to give_tho_people an oN)or- tunity of knowing whoare qu’tlilicd~ and how they arc qualified, ttcnce a copy of the diploma of the college .or school ........................ from which thcy+ graduat~_d is tL,_be a matter of record, and "el,on to pttbIic in- TILT01q Sl)+ctio,,.,, tIencc I hold that whcn a person practices indiscriminately in any county, he must file a copy of ttis diplo- ] main the Clerk’s office of that county, ] else how could the people knowof his o_ Son "~ qualifications, as are intcnded to he ~,~e shown by tl,e act of filing a copy of his Mason & Hamlin And other first-class practice in a county in which a copy of s|cian in this county; for it is a well- cstabli~hed maxim in law that Sictdnon licct quod majus-,on debit qtt(t(~ minus ORGANS tlte necessity of its beingrepealed. --I~m~’ery-re~pect folly;, D. B. INGERSOLL. May’s I,atldlng, A.tlg. 9, I~.’:l. u= -News -Items, The R~publicans of Ohioarc confident of havit|~ not ]t.~ th:tn tvn lhousaud majority this fall. General Robert Lowr)’, nonfiuatcd for Governor of Missts~ippi by the Demo crats, is a lawyer, an cx-Confedcratc or "rebel brigadier," and_is ,13 years old. The leading Mississil, pi I)cmoerats are rnuning a r’tce to sec whichcall ex- press the most liberaiviews. Theshot- gun is cvideutly falling into disrepute. Sixty punic meetings have been l|eld in South Carolina to express syn,pathy for the wounded President. The ne- p.a.te-in_these- meetings for somereasons not explained. his diploma is not filed, lm cannot _-ave Johnny Bull’s stomach is plyingq~) a Ccrtilic:tte of Death, as attending p~hy- with arguments agait|st free-trade which his head cannot controvert. " The stom- ach ueed not despair. Tlie fable relates how it achieved a decisive victory over woman or child that rendered someser- v|ce or a~sistance to the dying one might give a Certificate of Deatt,. and thus the object of the law in question, as well as that of the law of vital st:ttMics, would be frustrated. Th!s bein,2 the c,~e, and as someundertakers, living at a distauco from the county-seat, lt:tve not a read) ¯ ueccsz to the names on lile, I sent each one a list, as was my duty as Connty Physician. as +welt as haviu,z thc_same publish~tjtLot,r connty_papers --not with intcntinn of injuring auy one but that the laws in question might hc kt,nwn find observed. The fifth section ofthelaw comes in as a provisn, and is a wise one. It allows any physician or surgeon in good standing and legally qualilied to l)rac- rice medicine or stirg~ry in the st,’tte-- not county, you will "observe--in which A Presideut wlto is able to sign his name in a "clear, firm band," niter all he has passed through, is just the kind of President to get well, in spite of Dr. IIamnmnd and other able writers on "good sm gory." General Mott, under instructious from the Governor, who is Commander-in- Chief. will cotnlflctc the military organ- ization fi)r Yorktown,and the General says tlii)~--ffil[%d no sneet[n~-iff-tli-e Militify Bo’~rd held for-tlxat,purposc; ..... Second Assistant Postmaster General On Friday afternoon as a passenger +. ’~ i ° ¯: 5; .! train out of Camden on tim West Jersey and Atlantic CRy Railroad wa.q on its way to Atlantic City, a child by the name of Lizzie Young,aged five years, strolled away from its mother, on the outskirts of the city, and wasin the act of crossing the track when the engine of- the train struck her, Idlling her al- mqs~ instantly, in sight of her mother. ¯ " Orville Grant4brotherof-ex=Fresident- ...... Grant, and who for some time past has bccu-an inmate-of-th~ lhe_ins~ne at~fforri8 Pla Friday.- Ills remMns were t;tken-to Elizabeth forJnterment. He_had))een - t hor+--si~ee -I~80.+- ~t+s- aninct had been affected for sometime previous to his death. His infirmity began to be noticed iu the wild speculations l,c in- dulged in. tie roamed over the coun- tr.v engaging in all ldnds of ventnres, and at last his friends were obliged to place him in the asylum, wherehe died. The Cou nciLof_A d ~inLst ration_of_the__ Grand Army of the Republic, Depart- mcnt of NewJersey, decided to hold no general encampment this year, caus- ing considerable dissatisfaction among , ,+ ¯ " , "+ .... ry~ilsoa-1-’os~ No. 13, of Jersey City+ has tal(en the nmtt~r up and made arrangements to havc a three day’s encampment at thc Uoiou Itilt Schuetzcn Park. All the Posts iu the state will be invited to at- tend, and also the Fourth audNinth Regiments of the National Guard. The cncampmctit will commence on September 13, and dose on Wednesday the 15th. Invigorating Food fbr the Brain and Nerves is what we n~ed in thcse clays of t’u~h and worry. Parker’s Ginger Tonic restores the vital energies, ai,d brings good health quicker th~(fi anything you _eanm.sc~_~b une+~t:e~dx. U~tLLIQon- o/; ettxanbxc ~t, ~, " DOWN -TRAINS. " ......... Stati,.mm It. A. A.A. 1I. F. S. A i~ M I’. ?4. I A ~I t AI~. A M PhiladMphia...... , ell ¯l 1;,) 8 II1~I ! ~ O0 Ct,,+p,r’~ P,int... ~12 42b 81: 94,", e:2 P-n~.IL }t. Jut~e’t31S~1431~ $211 +~-Tg ~.~h:and ........... 6~414 4b’ 8 b’:ilt) 25’]8Z+ Kirkw,~ud ........ S 5;{[ 4"b3.~ 17 Io 4,~8 ¯l~ Ih~rlin ............... 70St5’0| 9tl)r I ff/$58 -Aren=:;.-..~.7%.;.- Til~l 5 t’~ 9 07ili 2t’( U t’2 Waterfora .......... :7 25 5 21 q2U ill.l;;i 9 11 ~tneora .............. 7 34 5 2~ ~J25 II 481 915 ¯ - .i + .o V#tu~lowJn[~¢ ..... + ,]9 ~3. 931112251 922 Ilamm,,ntuu....... 7461 5-1(; 9"+,,q;1245 9[’,| ".1o ,)tC:,s:, ............ ’~ * P42il2~ 933 ElwooJ ............. 5b~ 951’ 1 151 9+;:: Egg I{,,rbor ...... : SI, ¢, tll t)l:[ I :~.r,I 9 ~.Q P.,ra.na ........... ¯ 6"~ l0 10’1 I 52;t,)1+~ Ahve,,,m ............ 64’-’ h) 21, 215~ioi~ Atlantic ............ £, 55 10 ~’~2 L~i.’0 ’.-’5 ,May’~ Landing... 6 3(I 102t) i .t UP~.T~ALNS ...... StaUon. II. A. A.A. M. F. S. A Philadelphia ...... 7 ;35 9 2() 1 6 el:, ’ 7 ~0 Cooper’~[’oiut .... 7 2~ 9 l"i 5 57 II 0J] 7 14 Penn. R.R. June 72:1 90S;b5"; Elmer reports the net reduction iu the tl,td,lonfield ....... 7 O7 S ~S’5 4.~ 6 57: S 51’ 5 37 6 52! 8 46) 5 .52 639~ $351 522 6321828, 513 624’ S 19, 5(I 6 1::, 8 t’b~ 4 :, 6~5’ 7 ’2~ 4 42 7 471 4 3T ~.01, 1032 ~56 10 22 t; .t$ 10 15 ~ 44 9~2[ 6:;:-; 9 40t 6 27 9 251 6 it) _tLt:.il 9 05/s o~ ~. 261555 On laud andco|ning. Aud don’t forget it. A fine opportunity to make yourzelfltapi,y with au organ, For 0azh orE syPayments. l~rInopelfing with Instruments of the highest excellence, wc hope to merit the approval of our friends and a discrin,inatiug public. Come aud hear ~/H/~ A(;M.E. It has won- dcrful swcett,ess, power, and varie- .ty. ]~’incly li,|isl~cd, andreasonable ---,u price; Greatand recent, improoe- ’ me?tt~, muking THE MASON& .HAMLIN cosier of manipulation. Star-rome and steam )oat tnail servic~ AHflnml ............. durmg July as amountiug to $314,64-t, Kirlt~ood ......... Berlin .............. andthat tl,c total amount ofsavings by Ate~ ................... the reductions aml discontinuaut:cssinceWaterford.., ....... ...... Anc,/ra ....... ~..,+ March 14thi,s $1,381,452. Win~l,,w June .... Hammontou ....... %. Your patronage rc~l)cctfully solicited. lam toek ell ltalnmonton, N. ,1. (3" ¢" T. S. BURGESS A~,en. [SIIWI fi MAOHI ES .A. large a~sortlno,,t of flrst-cla.,~ Sewing :Machiues,--tho best tobe procured For Gash or Tcstllments, as heretofi)re. ~. Thankful fi>r past fiwors in this inN, we will endeavorto merit a contin- uauce of the same. ELA]Y[ STOCKWELL. T. S. ButxoEs,% Agent. I havt~ sovcral Second-Hand - -_:’-.-’" _ -- :i=- ; For sale choap, if you wantthorn. Elam St0ckwell’s Store (~w. Id M~dk ileile~me Ave., ]Isxamo,,ton, 11. dr. l)residcnt Garfichl w’ts sul)jccted, hc or ~hc resides, to practice iu this State. Theobieut, as I ut, derstaud it, M,mda)’, to a second operation by the " " "" skillfi,1 sur~ctu,s who have his ease in is to excuse at+y physician qualified as above fi’on, the lmn:tltic~ of the law who|, cl,arge ; but there seems to be ,,o reason fi)r entertuining any alarm. Under all ],e is or, lied in cease,It:at,on withanyone in this State, or when I’.c aucon,i)aaics nr vi.qts his patients and tr,:ats themat any of OUt: In:toy ]ftalth-giving suns,de resorts, or elsuwhcre ;.11 our State. But, aS soon ItS that physician or 811rgcnn opensan ell,co or aPl,)int~ :t place where he |,uty rcecivc calls, lee becontcs ,’t "sojd,,rner, a||tl sl|’tll confi)rnt to the fi|’st section ill this act." Thc:, bnvu1 hnhl to bc the "spirit and rcasm,of the htw." a|,d it plainly refuses to :’"3’ one whose diph)ma is noL liled iu the t lerk’s office the right to practice medicine or surgery in any of its branch- es il,discriniinatcly in our county. It is true. it accnmn,odates all our Visiting hroll,ers from other states, and allows any one to render assistance ia lmrhaps en, crgeneies, Imt not for gain, directly or indirectly j__~ct, even in.this he must be of good standing and ¯legally author- ized to practice in his own state I do not think the discipl~ of Bltick- stono, wlto would render a differen¢ interpretation, follow their ma~ter,for he tells us that "To interpret a law we rout lnqaire aR~r the will or intonUon the eirct, mstances, tl,e President is I doing its well as could be expected, and . there scet,,s to be scarcely a doubt ofhi~ ¯ convalescellce. A protective tariff may he a gee( thing f~)r our country and a very disas- trous tl,it|~ for anotl, cr. the Democratic MissouriRepublican adntit~, and it says: "ha ,’t comparatively newcountry like the United States, where nianutkctnries are slruggling to establish tl,emselves, it is a great thing, because it is fi)r the interests of tl,c not,off that such indus- tries be established and all possible en- couragement be give~) to this end.,, The people of Philadelphia and vicin- ity will rcgre[; to see the Main Buildin,~ of the Centennial exhibition demolished: butthat tiffs will be its fate now seems o a~ure(. " u,:8+ay a~ sp en(A _- structure of iron and glass, which is by far the most imposing as well as the largest building on this continent, wa~ sold at public auction¯ The price real- ized was only $97,000, although the original cost was $1,700,000. Da C,,’~ta ......... . EIwo4,1 ............. ,7:9~4.~t S251547 Eg:~ lh, rbor ....... *,7 361 4 2o S +~+~! 5 37 P,+laona ............ - ] 7 lb I 4 09 7 4S} 5-..’26 Absec<+n ............ ! 7 05~ :) b9 73715 15 -) At:ot,,io ........... t 6 ~)t ;t 45 7 lrl 5 02 May% Lan,lin~... + 7"1014 0U Upexpress stop.~ at tlnmmoz:ton &4.q z~..r,l. Philadelphia 9:50. Expr~..~, [l~nmmntt, u i2:t;3 Philad~elpkia l:0h~ J.)owa oxpzc.-.+.t~, v_,:~ _\_’h~¢ .......... Street 4..~, llammo~ton 5:b2 £hiladelphi &Atlantic 0ity Time-table of May- 7. 1~1, ~l’x’d AceAce. Suud’y Philadelphia, ........ .. ......... x u.[ ~t(,~ 4:1 s~, I L~lt nit I’ll ........................... 4 Ibtklalld ............................ 4 .,~ f s ’~I . 58 t) tit; Willi m +tox+n Junction ..... 5 Ih.larllr~lk .................... tl 12 9 12 ~,VInPdow. ........................ 6 31 9 k0 i llltnllnulltoO 7 7 2 II 13 :t~ IlaL’~).tllarbor ........................... 431 9 411 I’;Iwo~vt ........................... 7 Egg t~ 55 l0 16 I’l<.+x~antvllle ... ................. AtlantlcClty, Ar ............... 9 151 1 ::t ..... %% 5 00! 5 +-’ol 8 22 h t-H 8 29 6 tk’+l tl (IG 6 I?l 9 14 6 ’~’,1 92A (; :;:2) 9 3[ .oq :+ ,’;7 ¢i 4:,1 9 45 7 30110 :’5 Atlantle ~i~ ......... :... Pleamntvnlo ................... Egg narlmr ..................... I~lwlx,d ........................... Diz Oottta. ......................... Wlnelow ........................ Cedar nrook ................ W[fllamstown Jnnetlon ..... Oakland ...................... Oamd~n ..................... Philadelphia ................. Ace. M’x.d Ace. Sunu’y /+ ,+~,. ...~ P..4’.| A. /’1. 6 00 10 451 40t I I 0 6 ]5 tl 101 4 trf 4 i& S 38 II 471 4 Y.* ] 4 36 6 4"* 12 It;I 4 461 4 4e 6 56 12 ’..’6] 4~7[ 457 ’/ 1; 12 651 5 I’H 5 17 7 ~ 1 161 5 ’2.71 5 ’27 8 (~ 2 261 0 I~ I 600 6 O7 S3S ~+1° -q401 I~ ~:5 II S~ 6 P~ Thaeapreeeleavee Atl,mtic City at 7:£0 A. plettmatvllle ’/:14 : lIammonton, ’/:52 ; srrlvtnl it phlLaddl~laat~.10." It.tnralng h, av+a Pan city tttt : 041 P. M., &rrlvt~ at nammonto~ at II;l~ ; Pto~;ll- lie 8:~’/; AneaMe CI~ ~ #

Transcript of S~et~cres +++ +++’ OARPENTER · ~ket flint it is brot , xt w t , n thc rcuc t of tvery one who...

Page 1: S~et~cres +++ +++’ OARPENTER · ~ket flint it is brot , xt w t , n thc rcuc t of tvery one who a.sI ircs aftcrtxttr~whxJge and ~ arc ahlo t,, bny it, tnrg-r qmtuthi,,s, ~n,l ha:,,


~’8 S -’-’-’~,LLIN (~ m" L. m L.S. .-AI~D 0TIIBR--~

.~Politeness is the result of a de~iro to B ~ T H 8, .....please others, by anticipating their ~O v~~ ~. ~,~.St~t. ~..,~

wishes and avoiding giving them pain.! It becomes manifest in erme ante grace- ]Philadelphia. ~ ’fl~;..,¯ ̄- ~ " thlacss ofman~ers. + Polish and rules of ¯ W’~. &. EL~/TffS;lrrop~ ............

"~ ;! -! .~ etiquette aid, but do not constitutu true


politeness. A mauofthoworld,:lespito

~5"’" ~ ̄ ~ ~1~ " -"


his apparently refined department, is ~a~. MOORE,Jr.’ notalwaysa gentleman. Milton once

C~.I:~I~I~I~U.,~osaid : 4; ~ "Coart~y |, noon er fou.d in lowly ,h~ta AN DWith ,~o~y ,.n+,., than In ,,.,~.t~ ,,~., ’Solicitor in Oh~nc®ry.And courht of princes, wh ere It Jolt wire named."

How often do we find that to be true, ~AY’~ i~NDING, N. JI................... ~

¯ --the roughly clad and uneducattod la- " ..................C’L\SrrA.VI’I,Y 0N llANO. ALSO

+_ borer p0rforming a deed of truer polite-

,: .... ~ fumed exquhite, with his worn-out list~.. ,.

~r w ,,on runs *bron~b :no town on Wednesdays und 8atmdays. ~,~ of compliments, stereotyped smile, and:i ~’-- , ~ ~, conventional bow¯ The spirit of the

lqring )’our ord+,rs tbr Job Pl’ir ting to the =tion di os tselr over the man, and(~. _. fur the time he is as courteous and self-

..... ...... ......possc od as a C,cs r old. ̄ PIONEER STUMP PIILSERSouth -1 .crse:R.hl;_.cvm...can Office.~ .................. &civil answer goes a great way,no --Harit~r.~v*d~arlght,.m~m.fa ¯’"

man,sTgvof;--an-u-ff6~il~o-fiS--d6i~/i-jdgt- lell this FaooriteMachi.e In the~%-~.~-,,,~.,,,:~,.~,,~-.,-,,.~, :,.,:,: ,+,(:,:~: t,,.--~t:.:i,,,,--i,-,:-~ 1"~ "1 ~,t.

0 the opposite. Ever?: one is entitled to_ 0.den, a urll~._9~.~a.Atlaatl..a,re’’ "’"~’":~ ............." ’"" ""; .............. + * ..... " ......... ~) ................ cour-t~y.--P-ohtene~ is not Servility. A ~.;T’h-KF~q. antic, that I am prep-¯W~ i|,, ........ ~=,,~,,: ............ +,.., :. .,,,.~ lit/1 De, O[101),

~~ man may hold his own witho--?t being oaUorderaatfollowingrates/ . "\

m ~, ~ ........ ,,~,,, ......., ,,, ............. .........,. I Wm HANEY " ~o.,z uAc:nxm~, . $s~.Oe. """~/,,,,,t,,. ,,.,,,v, ~,+ .. ,.,.,,. ,.,..,,..,,, x., ~ " ’ rude. Again, it is not arrogance or ¯ ..v.. " _. _- ___.bl~tl~,~ ---- - ,,,, .,.,,, ,.~1 ,.~., ~ ,,+:u,,_,,,,,.,,k. w,,,,,. I Fashionable I-! PA’t. C~ltter "~I¯- --J~’2:y"~:’."’/.’,~ ....... /"~ ~4~+,~-I - - , -:

....... . ..,.,.> ~. ,...d I C,),st. ,hi .i I ,’ end ,,, ever , rtlchlar matter what the circumstant~a may be, ia the market,¯ ~lleh ,i ..... 1,. .,r- il~ :, > : : 1.- tl *’(’k _~*~ ’~ ~I~IIKP It ’ ~ " Y l ’~r b.,.,,. ’.,.fi,r,., .\H ~,l,,, i,:a .,..~.. ~,,,pri..<l:a h9 hu.,n,,~s--II.n’ ~’.’l,,’c. ~h,mpnumg alwaysTi~ ..... ~ , H+h,v,, m, ,,hi,’, t ,., ,,r,..,!.;.. v, m,d;e ~bavin~, etc. 1~~

I~end far circulal.tries to mak~ peoplefeel/It their Yor partt~ab.ra........... ~.. ~..- .... ~ = ..... . t.,,+, .....

, + ’-’* ~" " ’""~ *~. .~" ¢’te,,n I.T.,r’~ ~’~ w’-~r/)mn,+ "r~’ ease in his presence. G. W¯ PRESSEy~" ~ : ’ ’ ~ ............ "" ’" ’"’"" ’ " ~ Shakespeare spe~tks about a low voice lIammonton. N.J. Inventor & Manuffr.~17, ;I %V t’,tk," aH ?h-,i-k. ’l’h..,’ ~[ ......... it Open every day. Or, b0ll,t.,y Item t to l0 In ’"

~" -

~+ ~ h, ¯,,.v ~h,.lbl WIiI~ h, +t" "*I,,’W, . ’ ~t f,,r:,i-lv-I + he ill+hrllilt~ + , ......... r[ "’’’: X (+’’.. ’t’’Z’;’t"’ ~:~"’’" t

-- being an excellent thing in women.. -There is no doubt of it; but there is a " " .:-

+ - e+-- q++ ++ ++L-Oll[[01] .......Nm +Py"sired in the fifir Sea--that is, politencss,

Is is spontaneous. Its growth is the Stationery,result era good, strong, true, generouslythrobbing heart. The narrow-minded JAPANESE PRRSIM~0N TREES 4 ft t~

f:School Books,

Cultivate the mind and heart; the refer*ca ta~t season fm~i Japan would whe|lfresh from thr trno, have wnighed 16 ors. wtill

++i Bibles,manners will take care of themselves, the flavor of & rich Smyrua fig.Be natural. Cold conventionality is to Shoold these, like the shrubs and Superb

be .vergr+en,+ intzodoc*d from Japan,prove htrtly)el,Quiver &Garner Hymns, . ’

~d~pised. Enrich and care for the as auth0rities bavo alread r pronounced th©ul

~4~ gcrmS°il’--theimtflantedfl°wer thcrethat willspringSbe t+wcetfr°m andthC to be, wc may look tor+rard in thi~ inataneo ~ :3 Presbyterian tlymnals,¯ an acquisition of the hlghc~t commercial Ira.

portanee as a fruit and tree el great mag-,~ lovely, brightening by its beaut)’ the ,ifleene~., . Lippincott’s, tIarper’s mad. .r--- .... -

+~ ~arid wastes of life.

,, NEW _......."ram. , ....... Seribiier’sMagazines.it ~ I~ Triomph, do Lyon,, a late varioty .h0+ll S~et~cresand Eye Glasses.

fruit is the Iarge*t known.._ ~ ~ A~,o tar~* ~caor.t stoc~ of fr.,r, chad., " - Garden and Flower Seeds.

=rat ..... he+, hu,.in+, ..’

e+ + + di +rOar..........+ ._+u,++.,..,,.+

The pae = + DISCOVERY, .t.bontha,rpricoh, Household Sewingblachines.

LOST MANHOOD RESTORED.dV. I:R’IZTT,r, ERTOI~." Sewing M~tchine Needles.

0 a III ^ rloum of youtMal imprudence can,lug ~r~ma. "llmnmonton. IN. 3.+ + " -, -- =.-=- -, month of July, I~¢SI, ’.¢[tP.cSSc>; the comlfletion of the larger.t and most important leave_ g~z#Jn valmetet~+knnmn~mae.dy~lum.d~ ---"" R~rary-work--this~’mntry and the cdnt~rv-havc-S-ectL--It-ls-thd-Eib~-U-fi~{’e~-aV II==l~- "~erv-d~ dmpie self care. which he will t.mnd+++ ......

+++’ r ,+-+ OARPENTER- , .~evh.~, l’ ’ -- g,aowt+dge, large type cdmo., in ,+ ~a,~,e oc,=,.o ,,,,t.me.~. co,,,+,ini,,z ’°’re+ +ent ,.ore ~ , 43 t.at.a,. ,+t.. m’. t’.

¯ .Subsc6b0 for the S. J. REPUBLIGAN, For ,+ale at the lmce~t pr/ees, by.i~a.tter than Appleton’s C)’clopmdia, at less than one-firth its cpst, and+ 20 par cent+ more ......... +; +than Johnson’s Cyclop.’edia, at a little more than one-fourth its cost. ~.-t ’ ’"

~ Chambers’s Encyclopedia, whicl, forms thc basis of thc Library of Univcrsal Knowl. ’~’=I ~4 ...." U

II:tg¢(:he lastLondon c,litio,toizSSobcin,g rcprintcdverba:im t portion of its con. .... ~ ~, , Esr/,nLtS,,:n 18M.I~t~), is the laborious product’@[~ ~ Y"""G~Or--°ftheriI+~c’~ti’riti+~hhndEurc"

= -- ,.91 FOR SALE! ’ ’ N-J, ’lp. has de,’cl- or,ed cn,.r cy- 3, 5, 7, 9. 3, 5 7 " -¢~Op~rlia making; its rations cditionshavingbccr manytlmes __ !lt~viscd, in su~ccss[vc )’cars, till it has c-w.c to bc univcrsal:v rec,~Tnized+_b~_tho_~c_com= ~----~ ’~- M~-~--I-~P~--. ’~ --~T~ th.,lhn+, fudge.-as--staniiii+g--at+thd vc--~ ~o:~t V~ ~tggrc;.ation s of k n~wlc,+’.ge and ~ml ’.J~ ~jL-~j~ IkjHL~,i.i ll~.ll tl i~ ~ [offer yon+t two-,torr .... house,t° eel I.withWilllwoYOUwol~b~lyadapted than any’other Cvciop:_:lia. for popular use. ]t ct,nlahts such full and Imam4 NOl{;+lt" .¯ ~I’I~ONilI’ , 1~’!:’. rented ~lore., and d~olling abow:, iu the busN r,aot,ntormatio , ,:+ o....r,o,,hc ,ow.. THE LADIES’ STORE" ~on about 25,ooo subjcc:~ in cvc;’v dcp:~rtmcnt <~f hum:to kn<nv!~.lgc. (~hatnbcrs’s ~: E~,t Side, ah,,vo Mnrk*t, ~et with frait I¢~es and gra~,n vine,.

t|]~dtcycIopmdia, h nvcvcr, i~ a fnrcigt{ production, cditcd and pt.,dMacd for a forcign ~ I)I’-~ ILA])ELPH [&. I want to makn anew rcoideeee by sellinff tltl" ~" Ii~arkct, attd could not bcMx- ~ ~ I, I’,ectcd to give as much r~romi- ~ old.- Call, or adr~.~.Amcr’,:a,,:ot,+ s as ,’n, am- i,,,," ^.,’l, 01+

,~tt’e. .o supp,y these an 1 " o:hcr(,ct,,_’,’:acicsalar;recorps’r~orto~ st,li~:s, x,,. 3, ~, 7 ..,t ~ .~.,,,, JOSEPH COAST,

&IV£iV£()NTON.""~ -~.s~ ;,!ll~Amcri~an editors and writcrs have addcd impnrtant art[¢:es tt],on at,ottt IS,t~.x) topics, ~ See~,,,t :,r~.,. ,,ffor. Crm~, lntlu.mo,,nt~ i,

ilammonton. N. 3. .. _,alt3q~x~ring thc entire fichl of humaa know’cdl-c, bringln K the wh.!e ntm~l.vr c:f titles undcr TOMLIH& SMITH’S,

DB.Ey;q (IO~D’~. M[I~I, IN,q. (tlN,;I[A?,I~, -CIIEVTOT:’;. ’rABI, I+I LINI~NB, NAPKINS, J"".. .... ,0. ............ -- .........

........ I~d-the- Library of Unlversat Knowledge Incomes+at-on<:,, the’t:!t~-t-ttl,,l rn.~+t-c,mtpleteI~ .~" W~Jmakc’iB]llrk-+’lat~|ilnPr’~’’-r-+:’~,T+-.l IrTT ~r "!- ...... .~ -’~]~;acyclop.’cdla in the field, at a mere iractibn of tho cu~t .f at,)" shnEar, work wltlch has 0..- .... ,.,o. i I¥11L I .vii i I~

Belier,re 8; Itorton St.l~’tccded it. .......................

~.~ ,~f~_.,..,t,,,.=., E,,~og, a.d tr,,,,~..wctsr I ~n-rrrr, rr^ v "~ .......... Hamburg Embroideries, Laces,White" [m,’~ of the ’5 vc+umcs, comp!cto, h, cxtra c!oth LLnd;n~, $%+oo. In h~lf --~ ..... f " ...... which w..ff+r-*=por*mn+;ei~.r, er-*ha...,n .......... a.~.-U-J.U+2+.~Li .................................................... +1~ ! J ~ ~i: Ru+sin. spfinkted "-d+’+-,;, +2o +. In half Russia;-gltt-t@,-$+2:5o-.-ht full- - -~ -~ _a,,d_m~,~+t_ cutout+t,: ho, of ILo+dery.:tttu++,:,.l

l-dl..J II ’!+_ _ _

~j~/ratT sheep, marbled edges. $25.oo. <~ m be l,,,ugnt cl,ewhcr0. Buying and ,elling ,,,,l.v ’+ Goods, Fancy Articles, Toys, and). Tbest:~eriati\.e~’a~ueandimpm::‘r+ce~fth+sgreatEncycl~p’.‘edlalicsesped:t~L.in~m ~

for ...., ......,h,vlo f ......,,,,,,.,,,.,,., .......Marine & Fire Ins. C0, MILLINEt{Y GOOI)S.~ket flint it is brot , xt w t , n thc rcuc t of tvery one who a.sI ircs aftcrtxttr~whxJge and ~


arc ahlo t,, bny it, tnrg-r qmtuthi,,s, ~n,l ha:,, at

" volu, .......,,.o .......,,, ...., .......+, .... o__I~hure. It is/’,’a//y a libra- ry of lmivcrsal knowl- any Dry G,,.d, ,,n,I N,,tio,~ It’,u~c i. Phil t,la. Tni, Company have di,pos~d entirely of allIdge. Itbrings a liber, t O~ cdn,’ation easily within ~’~a S£.MUEL l.l,:lr~. ~ STOCK PLaN lllr~IXl,~s -n ....... ]l~morest’s Spring Fa.~,ti,mshavo beeul~e reach even of cvery p[owbov of the country

(~ (~ ...... ~:,..5 :," Pa’:a ’r.

0een IRE.OltlN&NIZED a ha~ docidcdUl~

¯ received.Illd apprentice boy of the city. Ever7 farmer and every mecha:~ie in the land owes it to¯ llim21t and to his chihtrcn that sttcP, a Cyclop.’edia shall "hcnccforward form a part of the ~ ~ w"81-1y n th0 |u{uro do a)~/IZtfit of ),is home. To the Frofe::sionalman, and cveryperson of intntHgcnce iu every ~1 ;-+ St6ctly Mutual Home Business, --~2~’X~-~" ~20- -~Lk of li fc, a-Cy-clopzedia is a necessi/y. .............................. <~-- "~ ................. -’" "= -=-+’: ..........

+ + Of ccurt;e the old and wevlthy purl’shore who have grown r;rh (it [.~ sahl that the ~.~,~Z~,W,..~.,.~.~.~.7~ II,vinz ,,eceedn.! in paying ALu 1TS LIA’+Ilmlt’~:~"~: ’> Sl’~Ot.+’.’l"qt,’d t,,any .qtog+r In

t’. ¯ ,,......v ":’ %,,; ,~ ..,,a~-- BILITIES, and seeuriug an "~; ~.~ Ib,, t , ,];~.t, l:+-IIt,-,tlbcr~ !¢’~: ~]~rpleto~s Itave made a profit of nearly two million dollars on their Cyc]op.~.qia) from the’.~’ ~ ’-’~"’~"" ".] ~i ~’ .’..’,..t ,: t~’b,.,’.¢,,,im’,i~.foro:’ ~eof thcirhigh-priced puh!ication~ are not l>leascd that their mor~op,:!iesare broken and ,;1"~

_ <..~ ...~.~ . tF~’h ~,"j.~+~::,/-] ; ,",.’it t/,,,," /,,,!t lb,’it. ’lh).l,;tho~amo......... ~rpo’,vcr_ovcrthroven._ Ofcoursethebo,,k:,gcntsandbookscl1~rswhGh:~vcbccnused " r.~ .f.;:;"2.~ t~::.~ ~ ’~’(~~i~] Actual Net Ava.lable Surplus + ~k-4.,2,;~ ,",.,,’,"~ ......,,,,,l~ ,,.~, f,,r+ ~ . ~11~+____...I. not ++o vr,dl p,e+tal to s+H the .... ,~..4~,+

. ", I r’ ’ "I +++Jl "/ ’’ ’ ...... +I’)’’ ’l’’ ]’’’’+t +t’d (1’~Library r)f Universal Kn+,wlcdge " " t he Dirc¢’(or~ feM I} at they c~n ,,ffer t. all who ¯ ~ CII.tRI,I+’.S A. W0111) & CO.- !* .+’"J"

~. } ~ on J5 per cent comw, ibM+,n, ~ " ~ ~ ’, ¯ il~ugh tho~e who ,".re not short,slghted d~scovcr that their own interests, after all, are


(" !.),’~, ,Iosir. i,,enrnnee unt <,nly ,,, I.OW IRATE8 nnd 11,’i. lesthl~,[’hiadeplfia, PIL

¯ ’~ ¯ .*’.~

ff, i’l t-1 -::%:. ’ UNQUESI’II)NABLE ~I.)C[tl(lry, bu: much-.+, ,,, ,,+ + ,,+ a !!" " ’ greater prubabi]tty of ir.munitv fro,*, .~8CS$-’.IRO, S. WOODlltTLh. JNO. T. WOODI[ULI."/3y:-thc immense sales which rcsult from meeting the pcople’s wanm. ’fhc maiority of ,,~ f~ 3~

"~ ~., . - ... :cent foryears ro comte that~ re+thor CLHilll[inle~t~ _. _ (La.toJtmtlm, Snpr m,+ _ Attorn~yatLaW.~j~ioksell,:rs, however,.arc better ~]eascd to t/an&’r than to sr!/this and our numero’t,s other +~ .... ;~L~.~~::+?.~-~--~?~!,;:?~:;T.~!~.] "~ --~,,.~

,tote th+t +~Ur:,lu. is largo enLuch t., pay all C~,,,rt. S. J.,~tandard and incomparahly tow-priced publications. Lttlt the Lit,:r;:~y Rcvclu;;on has - ~ ~ ....

-’"~z:,.. ~’;~.~.~.~ "..;." ..,~+.~.J~ ~ prohabl, l,,,~e, on the p,,ll.,o, n,,w iu for~ , G’EO. S. WOODIIULL ~ SON,~ways looked to [h,’/e~,’e, in whole intcrests it is, for "its patronage, at;d it has ncvcr~ f~.~’+~,*-~’~’~d~ /.~’~’~’Y",;’~-"~"i-"q .[ ~ntll their exp+ratitm, wltnour any ,I,’p,’.deuml . . .

To 01 h & ......,,,,,,,oo,.o+,,.. .........+,,,,,,,oo, ,m~ ,~l,+ou ,-ol.mes pr~,,tcd last I! ¢~’~ ~°~’~ "+~ t~ ., ~’-~"’"-V,, . J ,",In,, t,st e,,.. ,,. ,,,o.,, I,., ho, v,.r,. ",.+ co~*[1./1 IV" OFFICES,

Ira.+, a ~ ~ 12"# ~ il ~ I]U :’~,~#t~ ~.~.~~.,. ( ’ ’- yc r being increased ~,,.~ + ColI2d’i. C+~lll , ,h)rC’ I ln’(,a’~., J,ro~-, !~les in the St,to. ’the i,re,cnt’ Direotor¯ .t :7:+~)~. W. Cot. Front and 3Iar]cet Streets,

..... i IIRprobably more than two million~rove. Yon can ordc~ ~ ~ ............. ~ ~ "~ ~-A~~.

;.’,~a’eCfollows: y "r+nn us, an ; -y unRqng with )’our neighbors attd friends you can secure club rate~ ~ ~ .

&lad .all ~lt~a ....-I"~||++;O’%’F~tlxd L~x~:++, ECON0~I]ICAL MANAGEMrwr :

:,~.e, ,.p :.,,r~,,,: ,,,,,.,,,~,,.

I’nt ,Ipln t./tt,’trt.Sl=0 tto. tl*m f,+r Fe.mlh~ U~..~. dtq ~<~+lnt of 10 V+,r o~nt will l’,e nnnwed to nnv nno ordt, rtng nt nn-+41mq thro0 or rrloro cots of the~

¯I~e|e-,t,lio lie pre;~nla I of }3.Cralrl q’,,It~. (Jr}~ dtim.+~ ~}’lf~ t~(~]~eloDn~dla ; and a dtscom, t of 15 per ccnt, wnL ~ allowed to o.ny ono urderbxg five or u ...... t.~ at ono {~ I~

tZoe. ,i ,ndr Oht R) ....... |..,th.r .:,,. ’r.o t,.o,o. ~ HAM MO NTON:~ ’" " =

~" ’ ........ ~ .......... ’ ~ ’’’’~ ..... ’’ ~’J:l] ’ ............. ’e’~ c ..t o/,/.e~USi"~tL -rZ" "r~ 17’ "~r’ As :+t spe¢+al in,htccment toour frlcndsand patrons togotowoH, l+.~mt+tlya~dvizo~ , tl .........a t .... ::,..,.., o,,, ......,, ..........t " -rl,~llsl ~ro¢. (; A. M,klt,NF, I Ptn (’l,lc~k~ ,’J<m lh~l A’ 41sly, ea(:h doing what hc can for t]ledissemioation o[ universal knowledge, wc l:ropose -@~+~1’~ +a,.+., , v, r:,’ , ~e ,,. ’ +..*.+It k:~-w~l Lt, tU~+ mM’:M end will oaath, u,, in the ftltore, £ts io the _at It 15 1£ 1’ I~’<iistrihuu+. $1o,o(x> in special prcmiums as follows, in addition to thc rcgular di.scount ~.~ ~.,,..,,,,: thr, t .l’,)LIt iu~,K ~nd ttVt;~-t’,l alL.f,l th* p,,~ to act t,u ~ho pdmAido ul :~,t~,, tl ;1.1 fnr c~,111,-!1~, t t,l.l~ l;e l,,q*, l(In.,I ;,~m clubs: : ..................... " , , ..... ~) . ~ !’,,,, ,4, v,’,,.,x t., .,.,, ,,l~, ~+,,.~,-4t,+..,-,’+,,-ta+ ,,.,, ........:,,, ..........t., :: ...... PROMPT PAYMENT .... ~:T Whero may be found tl,e B+T ASSOR’r=

.’" ~i~J~OO~ ~@W~b~L,.~d tot,odlstrlb(lt,~lequally,mnnrtth, fl~trl~e!,,t .... nt, wl ...... ! .... lnba ’ ~ ~;’~,":..,,#l:z¢’/Kr..t,;!’;:.a’ltPt’l’a’;7:~.It,ltm,~e,aof n t letu~ than nvo m,b~rlbers aft(~r J,t.ut, (Sth and bttoH, t~.ptem. ]el+Htvtrt,~ t.’,:" f,:t-, t’i’a~.+ l~tl+,,.,nt l,,iO<-; tt ~ ,? ]tU~NTofChoicc Confections in Athtn-I.!r D+t. ii~

eo,+l~ ¢ : ,)o ,1. : .t~, I, ~t "&,s* tont% ~ct;’, +tr ~a~ tO.£~n..th (’F~1~.O~’~ ~.+l~’~"d’~ll.’~enf~ In ,,,htltlon to the flrmC $5,000 to be dlstrlhut-d m or/g tl e 1~ cl t)~ a#:eatn ¯ - u~ t~+ .,,,,,,. ; ....... * ..... .....

,j" tic county, i,’(,r-ei,,n and Domestic.+ -.,,- ................. ~ , ....... el,,,,.. .... t ,+ at,,, t .....+t ......"""’ "" ""’’% ~ IL’.’+x/" l ̄ ":.j;’+a,~ ~.’.~ e :~." ,’,,r :yec’::,,,r,~z,..,D~ cr.lwD%,,,,4 d, ,~.X IIOSEST .O SS~,,~" ’ Fruits, Nuts of all ldnds,Bet ll’q~t t I/,n t ~rlr, nt v In I/timid,r+ th@ ttlllonnt ttl I~’ (tlatrlbuted ])ro|,ol ¢lova~.t,/). LO tbc W|IUII: I; ullaber Of

. #t ~ubsera,,,rswbl,.h+;nr, horth,.:,~)chabam.nt~nutym,ndurt.~

/t:-,,*v,:rvt,, ,. ........ ,,v’,.rm~tc.,,.~ .... I:~ ,, ’~ *;th0at eeekiug to EVADE theut un t, ehslelI" ohoice caring Al)plcs, MeBsiua

t,~ .......r .....",,,,,,: ,:,)~ ,,/,:+t,.t,,c.,,+,,,,,,,.)

’1 ~ % ; ~ 1,1 .~.’,t I 2, t’ ~ I ’. | t’ :.:1 o~,.h b~,tt’o.

~J~le BalTII’K of lllO ~nt)gerll~,r8 ,nllfll, ’II t+’.’+’~/ CUB@ I[)@ forwIlrded to Ua, The fll’Nt ~[’d~I nile1+*(wll) be d dl~ntod a.s wel/l,’,l ~ rnpldly :~ the erie, r* art received, anti 1he r-n~ulnh.g $3. ~}t will e d:~?rlln, t,d grounds." " Oranges aud Lemons, l’~igs, Dates,MMImptly ,)u ~’pt. Int. Th. nan,+.s of the wrm ns reee *lng tlle~, rewardn ~ Ill t -J,rh*h.,I ~ It;: ’4, : moat a

I]ereafter, eo n0t0~ wlll bo w,Ajuct to a88e~ -,~ -~|ved by i~at.h, tllld t)lo lint t4~.llt to/,11 thf.chlbag<,nt4+ Pnt~rlng htto (.(,miw,tlthm r~r,b,+iH. N.b:cr b~ri ~t’~’:2"]~’~] .’c ~+L,’:.~’"’;X. i~ro;,rtt,~.u&.,+*l /fI~l~-I~eu+°talbook~+,lhrs orPUrchaser#furindit, gents who buy to’idual~(,ll nKaln.’t~e to entitle tJzuclub£ geltt l~tho n.++~rdJ i .crt ,’o;~er: arid ¯ ;.2 Y:+:,tI~.,~ ~.*+-,,,.~. t::a:,.r.~t+. .... ,-- raent, t, nti/ (tiny ilro a +/oar ohl. ."~’i~+"I,!1tl Cocoanutsi Coles & I[arkerts Care-_~Per~n. d+,~lrh,g to r.d~.clnl,++ may P~,nd t, snt one+, for ~amp e vn tm~. If t ,+*y’ d .~h., In +.he v:trto’s /;


: . ’ " ] ........ " ’ " ~ ’ e w.uld cell e,peclal attenth,u to otlr :.i: Immhl ofa dnzen diflbrcnt varieties,Cough~’~l~of IHn(IJllg, pnylng Us 75(.,,nta for th,~volum, all (’l,)t~l, Sl.IMkftW~t)l¢. w+dUll,O In Iqll tLu~l+t ,;hrl~lkled .~*- "- , ¯ 3""’1v" ++ ~" ~.~i’.t ?’)" "at ’~;~r’¢t’.r t’l.t" t( ¯.... , ~,.z~,,,, t,..o, ....,. ,,,,.a..,,,,.. o,,i,,,~ ro~,,,,, ,,,,, .,.,...i,, ,.. ,,,,..,, ~,y ...."" "" ........., ." :+ ,.+ ~ .....~. .........., ....r.,. -~,, dlarino 1;epa I,amm+es, Mlxturc~, Imporials,C~udyIit~+mpt~te,.. within our .hilay to manufle+~ture, am,ginning n,~t laU.r than July ,0t.h, erda J-~ be, los .,lied |u tim2 -.,,:,r

1’[17t ¢il ~,+~;o, m,.l ..... ,|,t ,,y ,,~+ "~’" ’ ................ ’"’" " ........... :"’" "~ ’ Molasses Candy, etc,t{D~.~menpaqt-n~fth~.’~L~hrnryf~7n~vtwaa~Kn~ve~+~dge~w~ve~frtmnI~a~-~qtest, l?,e~rlptlvo 11~ -~a,,- : ,,. F, ~ : ~-*~’-. ,-’~-.~.~--’t. s.~ :.: ~ i~: - ~/,~ r.m.l to our L<)W ttATt~s .sad IPA V,JILABL|~ pOp~: imuoguo ot our.arge I I~t ef ~mndal-d publication% w|th u.rm. 1<, tlulrs, and It htllrnt~wl ,+an,- Met d,:,erl,,l~C

, Oakes, Pies, Cullmrl,~l~,~d~l~ a~_d typn.n~tt(nff by._ate~m, will. be mPnt Ul~,n applloatlon. Ilr~lt ~ ~ drat f, me:icy ~0.W.Illfg~$" ...... :~...~i, ..t ,.., .,-x~,,e,,. 0F I’O,.[t’l dS. " -’"

~1[mwwm~+-,"ta tegter, oroyaxpr~e~ z~st~aeflll.M}~ ImeeaSm~lto. ~I.VI) BYA~,~ ,~t,,,r-,.tlon chesrfally given by IIIBoox r.,xo e ,o L.&~;" ’ ."::~ ~’.~, ,,% ~+ ,t l’Jl" ." 7;.

;’ IL .L B0WELL, Sec’y.




Vbl. 19, lgo. 33. Hammonton, N. J., Satm’day, August 13, 1881. Five Cents per Co2y

E H, 0arp0nt0r’s 8t0re,Bdl0vue Avenuo.

I am woU st~cked with a good a~sort-taent of goods suitublo to the wants:of the Imople, eoasieting in part of

Ile~x’s, Boys’ and ¥oath¢Boots and Shoes.

.+"in e-Kid~-Pebbie ~at/...... and+Clo +the+ _Top_Boots, .-

Slippers, etc.

Misses’ and Children’s" Button an~


Hats and Caps.Underwear, Hosiery, 0lean- Gloves, Co~’sets, Notions,

Dress-makeYs Trimmings,Fancy Articles. .................


To a Friend.

llY L. E. L, H,

My friend, G,~I Is near thee.May he ever be with tltee ;

Mny Heavenly ruyr! o’er thy path evor shlnoMay His sweetest pleasuresAnd nfe’e dearest treasurea

And blessings, my friend, forever be thino.

May angels’so nweetlyEver hover around thee ;

And thought~, pure and holy, bid sorrow do-part:

Zhtyveace,llko arlver,Iio with lllee forever,

loye+ l.lk e a ro~e, e~yer bloom I n thy heart.()It may year~ ofl, le: tsnre,

of the maker, which is collected from the

O’cir-thy patliaii the-flowN rt~ ht morning thatbloom : .......

mcdic~tl collegeo_ or- Universities, yet

And, if brlzhteM, hope~ perish,

Go to their rest, In the cold. Mlcnt tomb.Like soft evening zephyrs

May their tm,.,cllc voices ,~the breeze from their l~calnlS Of love;

And tell then In whispersTh~I-rw4-th them, tlmu tthalt gather --

spirit and reason of the law. which isthe most universal and effectual way ofdiscovering it~ true meaning.,’ If, then,we accept the object of the taw as aboves~ted, wc are forced to give the inter-pretation which we have given by the"will and intention of abe maker."

I acknowledge the law is lame in manyparticuhtrs; yet in it tl,ere are manygood-points.- At least, tlle ol~ect is agood one, and while it gives to one ofP~.iae~ or- Buchanan’s five dollar-diplo--mas +the same legal rights as to one ofthe time-honored and world-respected

itopens the win ;o~~Am~may know who work under bogus<Ill)lo-ans and who are properly qualified.

Then let us test the practical workingof the law by a strict observance of thesame. If tlt~ effects be good we shallenjoy its benefits ; if bad, we shall the

...... sooner_discover those ceil etlbcts,and seeThe Jewel.’+, dear friend, lu glory above.

ELWOoD, N+ J.. Aug. 4, 1K~I,

7"o the Editor of the 8,ruth Jer*e+y Rq.~bllcTn :DEAR Sm :--The object nf the law

eutitlcd "An act toregulate the practiceof Medicine and Surgery" ts cvidently to

not _qualified from at-tempting to engage in that practice:hence the penalties prescribed, etc. Theobject of requiring ’ ’~ copy of the diplo-ma flied" is to give_tho_people an oN)or-tunity of knowing who are qu’tlilicd~ andhow they arc qualified, ttcnce a copyof the diploma of the college .or school

........................ from which thcy+ graduat~_d is tL,_be amatter of record, and "el,on to pttbIic in-

TILT01q Sl)+ctio,,.,, tIencc I hold that whcn aperson practices indiscriminately in anycounty, he must file a copy of ttis diplo- ]ma in the Clerk’s office of that county, ]else how could the people know of hiso_ Son"~ qualifications, as are intcnded to he

~,~e shown by tl,e act of filing a copy of his

Mason & HamlinAnd other first-class

practice in a county in which a copy of

s|cian in this county; for it is a well-cstabli~hed maxim in law that Sictdnonlicct quod majus-,on debit qtt(t(~ minus


tlte necessity of its being repealed.--I~m~’ery-re~pect folly;,

D. B. INGERSOLL.May’s I,atldlng, A.tlg. 9, I~.’:l.


-News -Items,The R~publicans of Ohioarc confident

of havit|~ not ]t.~ th:tn tvn lhousaudmajority this fall.

General Robert Lowr)’, nonfiuatcd forGovernor of Missts~ippi by the Democrats, is a lawyer, an cx-Confedcratc or"rebel brigadier," and_is ,13 years old.

The leading Mississil, pi I)cmoeratsare rnuning a r’tce to sec which call ex-press the most liberaiviews. Theshot-gun is cvideutly falling into disrepute.

Sixty punic meetings have been l|eldin South Carolina to express syn,pathyfor the wounded President. The ne-

p.a.te-in_these-meetings for some reasons not explained.

his diploma is not filed, lm cannot _-ave Johnny Bull’s stomach is plyingq~)a Ccrtilic:tte of Death, as attending p~hy- with arguments agait|st free-trade which

his head cannot controvert. " The stom-ach ueed not despair. Tlie fable relateshow it achieved a decisive victory over

woman or child that rendered some ser-v|ce or a~sistance to the dying onemight give a Certificate of Deatt,. andthus the object of the law in question, aswell as that of the law of vital st:ttMics,would be frustrated. Th!s bein,2 thec,~e, and as some undertakers, living ata distauco from the county-seat, lt:tvenot a read)̄ ueccsz to the names on lile,I sent each one a list, as was my dutyas Connty Physician. as +welt as haviu,zthc_same publish~tjtLot,r connty_papers--not with intcntinn of injuring auyone but that the laws in question mighthc kt,nwn find observed.

The fifth section of the law comes inas a provisn, and is a wise one. Itallows any physician or surgeon in goodstanding and legally qualilied to l)rac-rice medicine or stirg~ry in the st,’tte--not county, you will "observe--in which

A Presideut wlto is able to sign hisname in a "clear, firm band," niter allhe has passed through, is just the kindof President to get well, in spite of Dr.IIamnmnd and other able writers on"good sm gory."

General Mott, under instructious fromthe Governor, who is Commander-in-Chief. will cotnlflctc the military organ-ization fi)r Yorktown, and the Generalsays tlii)~--ffil[%d no sneet[n~-iff-tli-eMilitify Bo’~rd held for-tlxat,purposc; .....

Second Assistant Postmaster General

On Friday afternoon as a passenger +. ’~



¯: 5;


train out of Camden on tim West Jerseyand Atlantic CRy Railroad wa.q on itsway to Atlantic City, a child by thename of Lizzie Young, aged five years,strolled away from its mother, on theoutskirts of the city, and was in the actof crossing the track when the engineof- the train struck her, Idlling her al-mqs~ instantly, in sight of her mother.¯ " Orville Grant4 brotherof-ex=Fresident- ......Grant, and who for some time past hasbccu-an inmate-of-th~lhe_ins~ne at~fforri8 PlaFriday.- Ills remMns were t;tken-toElizabeth forJnterment. He_had))een- t hor+--si~ee -I~80.+- ~t+s- anincthad been affected for some time previousto his death. His infirmity began to benoticed iu the wild speculations l,c in-dulged in. tie roamed over the coun-tr.v engaging in all ldnds of ventnres,and at last his friends were obliged toplace him in the asylum, where he died.

The Cou nciLof_A d ~inLst ration_of_the__Grand Army of the Republic, Depart-mcnt of New Jersey, decided to holdno general encampment this year, caus-ing considerable dissatisfaction among, ,+ ¯ " , "+ .... ry~ilsoa-1-’os~No. 13, of Jersey City+ has tal(en thenmtt~r up and made arrangements tohavc a three day’s encampment at thcUoiou Itilt Schuetzcn Park. All thePosts iu the state will be invited to at-tend, and also the Fourth audNinthRegiments of the National Guard. Thecncampmctit will commence onSeptember 13, and dose on Wednesdaythe 15th.

Invigorating Food fbr the Brain andNerves is what we n~ed in thcse clays oft’u~h and worry. Parker’s Ginger Tonicrestores the vital energies, ai,d bringsgood health quicker th~(fi anything you

_eanm.sc~_~b une+~t:e~dx.

U~tLLIQon- o/; ettxanbxc ~t, ~," DOWN -TRAINS. " .........

Stati,.mm It. A. A.A. 1I. F. S. A

i~ M I’. ?4. I A ~I t A I~. A MPhiladMphia ...... , ell ¯l 1;,) 8 II1~I ! ~ O0Ct,,+p,r’~ P,int... ~12 42b 81: 94,", e:2P-n~.IL }t. Jut~e’t31S~1431~ $211 +~-Tg

~.~h:and ........... 6~414 4b’ 8 b’:ilt) 25’]8Z+Kirkw,~ud ........ S 5;{[ 4"b3.~ 17 Io 4,~8 ̄l~Ih~rlin ............... 70St5’0| 9tl)r I ff/$58

-Aren=:;.-..~.7%.;.- Til~l 5 t’~ 9 07ili 2t’( U t’2Waterfora .......... :7 25 5 21 q2Uill.l;;i 9 11~tneora .............. 7 34 5 2~ ~J25 II 481 915

¯ - .i + .oV#tu~lowJn[~¢ ..... + ,]9 ~3. 931112251 922Ilamm,,ntuu ....... 7461 5-1(; 9"+,,q;1245 9[’,|

".1o,)tC:,s:, ............ ’~ * P42il2~ 933ElwooJ ............. 5b~ 951’ 1 151 9+;::Egg I{,,rbor ...... : S I,¢, tll t)l:[ I :~.r,I 9 ~.QP.,ra.na ........... ¯ 6"~ l0 10’1 I 52;t,)1+~Ahve,,,m ............ 64’-’ h) 21, 215~ioi~Atlantic ............ £, 55 10 ~’~ 2 L~i.’0 ’.-’5,May’~ Landing... 6 3(I 10 2t)i .t

UP~.T~ALNS ......StaUon. II. A. A.A. M. F. S. A

Philadelphia ...... 7 ;35 9 2()1 6 el:, ’ 7 ~0Cooper’~[’oiut .... 7 2~ 9 l"i 5 57 II 0J] 7 14Penn. R.R. June 72:1 90S;b5";

Elmer reports the net reduction iu the tl,td,lonfield ....... 7 O7 S ~S’ 5 4.~6 57: S 51’ 5 376 52! 8 46) 5 .52639~ $351 5226321828, 513624’ S 19, 5(I

6 1::, 8 t’b~ 4 :,6~5’ 7 ’2~ 4 42

7 471 4 3T

~. 01,1032 ~5610 22 t; .t$10 15 ~ 449~2[ 6 :;:-;9 40t 6 279 251 6 it)

_tLt:.il9 05/s o~

~. 261555

On laud andco|ning. Aud don’t forgetit. A fine opportunity to makeyourzelfltapi,y with au organ,

For 0azh orE syPayments.l~r In opelfing with Instruments of the

highest excellence, wc hope to meritthe approval of our friends and adiscrin,inatiug public. Come audhear ~/H/~ A(;M.E. It has won-dcrful swcett,ess, power, and varie-.ty. ]~’incly li,|isl~cd, and reasonable

---,u price; Great and recent, improoe-’ me?tt~, muking THE MASON &

.HAMLIN cosier of manipulation.

Star-rome and steam )oat tnail servic~ AHflnml .............

durmg July as amountiug to $314,64-t, Kirlt~ood .........Berlin ..............

and that tl,c total amount ofsavings by Ate~ ...................the reductions aml discontinuaut:cssince Waterford.., ............. Anc,/ra ....... ~..,+March 14thi,s $1,381,452. Win~l,,w June ....

Hammontou .......


Your patronage rc~l)cctfully solicited.

lam toek ell ltalnmonton, N. ,1.

(3" ¢"T. S. BURGESS A~,en.

[SIIWI fi MAOHI ES.A. large a~sortlno,,t of flrst-cla.,~ Sewing

:Machiues,--tho best to be procured

For Gash or Tcst llments,as heretofi)re.

~. Thankful fi>r past fiwors in thisinN, we will endeavor to merit a contin-

uauce of the same.

ELA]Y[ STOCKWELL.T. S. ButxoEs,% Agent.

I havt~ sovcral

Second-Hand- -_:’-.-’" _ -- :i=- ;

For sale choap, if you want thorn.

Elam St0ckwell’s Store(~w. Id M~ dk ileile~me Ave.,

]Isxamo,,ton, 11. dr.

l)residcnt Garfichl w’ts sul)jccted, hc or ~hc resides, to practice iu thisState. The obieut, as I ut, derstaud it, M,mda)’, to a second operation by the

" " "" skillfi,1 sur~ctu,s who have his ease inis to excuse at+y physician qualified asabove fi’on, the lmn:tltic~ of the law who|, cl,arge ; but there seems to be ,,o reason

fi)r entertuining any alarm. Under all],e is or, lied in cease,It:at,on with any onein this State, or when I’.c aucon,i)aaicsnr vi.qts his patients and tr,:ats them atany of OUt: In:toy ]ftalth-giving suns,deresorts, or elsuwhcre ;.11 our State. But,aS soon ItS that physician or 811rgcnn

opens an ell,co or aPl,)int~ :t place wherehe |,uty rcecivc calls, lee becontcs ,’t"sojd,,rner, a||tl sl|’tll confi)rnt to thefi|’st section ill this act."

Thc :, bnvu 1 hnhl to bc the "spirit andrcasm, of the htw." a|,d it plainly refusesto :’"3’ one whose diph)ma is noL liled iuthe t lerk’s office the right to practicemedicine or surgery in any of its branch-es il,discriniinatcly in our county. It istrue. it accnmn, odates all our Visitinghroll,ers from other states, and allowsany one to render assistance ia lmrhapsen, crgeneies, Imt not for gain, directlyor indirectly j__~ct, even in.this he mustbe of good standing and ̄ legally author-ized to practice in his own state

I do not think the discipl~ of Bltick-stono, wlto would render a differen¢interpretation, follow their ma~ter, forhe tells us that "To interpret a law werout lnqaire aR~r the will or intonUon

the eirct, mstances, tl,e President isI doing its well as could be expected, and. there scet,,s to be scarcely a doubt ofhi~¯ convalescellce.

A protective tariff may he a gee(thing f~)r our country and a very disas-trous tl,it|~ for anotl, cr. the DemocraticMissouri Republican adntit~, and it says:"ha ,’t comparatively new country likethe United States, where nianutkctnriesare slruggling to establish tl,emselves,it is a great thing, because it is fi)r theinterests of tl,c not,off that such indus-tries be established and all possible en-couragement be give~) to this end.,,

The people of Philadelphia and vicin-ity will rcgre[; to see the Main Buildin,~of the Centennial exhibition demolished:butthat tiffs will be its fate now seems

o a~ure(. " u,:8+ay a~ sp en(A _-structure of iron and glass, which is byfar the most imposing as well as thelargest building on this continent, wa~sold at public auction¯ The price real-ized was only $97,000, although theoriginal cost was $1,700,000.

Da C,,’~ta ......... .EIwo4,1 ............. ,7:9~4.~t S251547Eg:~ lh, rbor ....... *,7 361 4 2o S +~+~! 5 37P,+laona ............ - ] 7 lbI 4 09 7 4S} 5-..’26Absec<+n ............ ! 7 05~ :) b9 73715 15

-)At:ot,,io ........... t 6 ~)t ;t 45 7 lrl 5 02May% Lan,lin~... + 7"101 4 0U

Up express stop.~ at tlnmmoz:ton &4.q z~..r,l.Philadelphia 9:50. Expr~..~, [l~nmmntt, u i2:t;3Philad~elpkia l:0h~ J.)owa oxpzc.-.+.t~, v_,:~ _\_’h~¢ ..........Street 4..~, llammo~ton 5:b2

£hiladelphi &Atlantic 0ityTime-table of May- 7. 1~1,

~l’x’d Ace Ace. Suud’y

Philadelphia, ........ .. ......... x u.[ ~t(,~ 4:1 s~,IL~lt nit I’ll ........................... 4

Ibtklalld ............................4 .,~ f s ’~I. 58 t) tit;Willi m +tox+n Junction ..... 5

Ih.larllr~lk .................... tl 12 9 12~,VInPdow. ........................ 6 31 9 k0illltnllnulltoO 7

7 2II 13 :t~

IlaL’~).tllarbor ...........................431 9 411I’;Iwo~vt ........................... 7

Egg t~ 55 l0 16I’l<.+x~antvllle ... .................AtlantlcClty, Ar ............... 9 151 1 ::t

..... %%5 00!5 +-’ol 8 22h t-H 8 296 tk’+l tl (IG6 I?l 9 146 ’~’,1 92A(; :;:2) 9 3[

.oq :+ ,’;7¢i 4:,1 9 45

7 30110 :’5

Atlantle ~i~ ......... :...Pleamntvnlo ...................Egg narlmr .....................I~lwlx,d ...........................Diz Oottta. .........................

Wlnelow ........................Cedar nrook ................W[fllamstown Jnnetlon .....Oakland ......................Oamd~n .....................Philadelphia .................

Ace. M’x.d Ace. Sunu’y/+ ,+~,. ...~ P..4’.| A. /’1.6 00 10 451 40t I I 06 ]5 tl 101 4 trf 4 i&S 38 II 471 4 Y.* ] 4 366 4"* 12 It;I 4 461 4 4e6 56 12 ’..’6] 4~7[ 457

’/ 1; 12 651 5 I’H 5 177 ~ 1 161 5 ’2.715 ’27

8 (~ 2 261 0 I~I 6006 O7

S3S~+1° -q401 I~ ~:5II S~6 P~

Thaeapreeeleavee Atl,mtic City at 7:£0 A.plettmatvllle ’/:14 : lIammonton, ’/:52 ; srrlvtnl itphlLaddl~laat~.10." It.tnralng h, av+a Pan city tttt: 041 P. M., &rrlvt~ at nammonto~ at II;l~ ; Pto~;ll-

lie 8:~’/; AneaMe CI~ ~


Page 2: S~et~cres +++ +++’ OARPENTER · ~ket flint it is brot , xt w t , n thc rcuc t of tvery one who a.sI ircs aftcrtxttr~whxJge and ~ arc ahlo t,, bny it, tnrg-r qmtuthi,,s, ~n,l ha:,,
Page 3: S~et~cres +++ +++’ OARPENTER · ~ket flint it is brot , xt w t , n thc rcuc t of tvery one who a.sI ircs aftcrtxttr~whxJge and ~ arc ahlo t,, bny it, tnrg-r qmtuthi,,s, ~n,l ha:,,

b .


[Entered an second elas, matter. ]

ORVILLE E. ]IOYT.Fdi¢,,r a.d P,,bli~lJ,:,’. .


SATURDAY, AUG. 13, 1881................... :-=v::::: ._-:=_ ~---===:=:

To time I’eoi)io¯l have in v. good stock of the very be~t

qualities of coal. aud am reeeiwng moreshipments of tim .same kiuds. If youwouhl get your winter supply at thelowest price) and the best article, give u8

|w ubli a The , sident wouhl he reoroan’~# faith, says the Utica Ilerahl, if he ap-pointed any jtmtteo to sttececd Cliffordwho has not been tr;finotl it* the politicalschool which recogu{zes the ’Constitulionsettle, anti believes thatthe Constitu-tional amendments, aa embodyicg the willof tile American people, ’-Lro quite a~much a part of the spirit aud the letterof that Constitution as any originalclause. What is the name of the Demo-cratic jurist who cau bo trusted to that,extent ?

Several Dcmocraticnewspapers are feel-ing their way to a flue stroke of business.If tlley flfid reasonable encouragcmon~they will vail ca Democratic Senators tohold SenaLor~-elect Milier and Lapham at

We askYour Trade!

And it’

flood floods and Low PricesFor Sale and to Bent.

Improved ]~trms and Village lot0 with good bulldlln~ploa~htly located, in and near the centre of tim to~l

For Sale from 00OO to $a,OO0in ©any instalment&

:.= i, qCAL MIBGELLANY.~. - ".~ ~ ~’ho trustees of Lake District ad~

",’* ~ertll0 for propo~la for a school bulldlug.

~: ~ ROv. Mr. Kelley, of Beverly, N.L~I. will occupy the Pre~llyterlan pulpit to-" ln~rrow.

":: ~ More than f0Br car.loads of el-¯ aurslonist~ went from hera to Atlantic City

~ :yesterday.

~r Remember the sale, this after-noon, lit three o’clock, of the Old IfaLmmen-

:~, ton school-house,

Cool, delightful weather hho first" ’ o~" this week--more like Sop,ember and~,Octo-

your orders immediatd y.Ordei’s by mail promptly answered.

_G, 1o¯ SAX~O~:¯ _Ilammonton, Aug¯ 8, 18~1.

~OTICE.Tim Trustees of Lake School l)islrie~

NO. 51", of Atlantic County, will receiveprol×)Sals, tmtil Thursday, August 18th,

............... i8~1, fi)r-bnilding u uehool.houao -in--J~aid-district¯ Plans aud Sl)eciiications Call beaee~t.,autl all necessary’--information oh-taimed on application to



A. C. ~,VETIn~RnE,~Distrtct Cle, k.

am :.o -, -. ~.

Editorial Selections.It is clearly established that the Cana-

dians did wilfully and knowingly use theAmerican mail-bags on Canadianaervice.Tho fact~ admitted by thcCaaadi~ms leaveno doubt of this, and the excuses offeredare both false and lame. (,It is a very pet-ty buslnesa and is by no means calculated

’tdinspii:e-an-y re~pecl;-for Canadiau offie-ial~ for the very mason that their use ofour bags and their subterfuges are so pet-ty mad mean. The Canadians always ivtheir press and puhlin speeches seem to~ywan-tnga-n~-destr~-to-’~ven-wittrthe Yankees," though what for is neitherclearly expressed nor implied. Most am-aurediy, however, stealing mail-bags andgetting bogus fishery statistics is not theway to get even for any slight orwrong,which is purely’imaginary, and such per-

....... f~rma~ces can ontyinure to the injury oftim Canadians in anyone’s good opinion.

Before long we shall be issuing bullo-



tins aa follows : Shortly nft, r the bulle-tt~ of yesterday a pleasant rain fell, dur-,. whio thofeve subsided mewhatA UCTION SALE !Thi~ morning the streots are in a faircondition. No antiseptics or deodorizers OF

.tmhog Imvo boon i~rmd., in 0ul do-saek~, ........~hor0 new ae,0umulationa made them ON

S a, tux, da " N ox4: ,August 20th. 1881,

Commencing at one o’clock P. M.

H a~t~s-Ribb~~Vetvet~:Flower,, Feathers, Orna-

ments, Veiling, Laces,Ruffling, Edgings, Hosiery,Gloves, Corset~,Under~ earButtons, Braids, Threads,Spool Silks, Stationery,

And a large number of articles usuallykept in a variety store. Also,

A Nlee ~how (use.

Tl~dHousehold Goods consist oLTable~,Chairs, Stoves, Clock, Lamps, Jars,

Crockery, etc. Also, a lot &Tools.


Assortment.Can give you auy price you want.


Very fine for priee--

From seven cents up.

~seded. At present the temperature is...... 9~---respiration less diffioult.--’Philadel-

$~ia Paper.

’tit is a people worth living for, isn’t-lt~’-was~ho-Temark~of-President;-Gax-~field to his wife, who had been reading tohim editorial comments on the assassins-tie-- In atraago correspondmme arethe~o words, the utterance of one oft~o attendants on the night of the assas-Sination : "Ho’s a President worth dyingfor, ,lad I wish I could do it." The rela-tion between President Garfield and thepeo~e of the United States could not bebetter expressed than by these two excla-mati0j:m. 8o says the t~pringfleld I~pub-

l.t looks as-tf-tho-days--of-FusiOn~ -in-3Iaitm, were numbered. There was agood deal of ~plaiu talk in the DemocraticCMnvo’ation of the Second CongreesionalDistrict bat we0~ when ex-GovernorGtt{oelon, of savory memory, urged theiadur~oment of the Greenback candidate.Oleo delegate ~aid- ,,"There isno hope of_~oting our candidate, hut if we indorsethe nomination of the G~nbaek Con-Vonta0n we shall not only be defeated, butd~graced." This was so nearly the ~n-

and the he,t for l;~ys a~d Youths.

Men’s 00arse P10w 8h0esThnt will ,h:jneH. e to all.

Farmers Boots, All Grades,Also, the eelebrat.d llras~/%crew ~fil|Plow Shoo.--a.,lls. d,{vea by band, at~will not r,p. ~-~. 8 tti,faeti, a givon to all

-All gobds cold at be|tom pr|ees, s~cheaper "huu y~i~ curt buy them i,, the city.

Qive me a trial, and I will ou,,v{neo yea.


CVMBE LANZ,Fire Insurance

H" M" J~)vm, Auai°~eer"C.C.C.C.,

Or Trenton Business 0ollege,TRENTON, N. J.

The world.rouowued

Arnold’s Ink

ican a~ Foreign Patents.

Practice p.t, nt I.,t* in .11 its branehee in ~hePatent 0~(’e, ,,,,d in "h, Supreme nnll C?ircultCuurts of the l:tit,,d St,tier. Pamphlet sentfree ca receipt of .tam[i ftw po~tmgo.


0onducted on strictly mutual pr[n~}ples, of" "fori0gaptrfectly safoin~uranco for jhstwh~tit may coat ta pay losses and. expenses. Theproportion of |oss to the sm,,unt insured brll~gvery small, andexpensa, much leaatban uvt~


Vah, ntlne will llct tbe ball it, moth,o by tea:-

lug dowu Ills old M*op--thal 18, the front halfo~ It¯ now t,~eupled by hhn--ltn,I build, twoft.,et from his oust lice. P. title-story sbt,p 16x30

feint, Mr. Allkeo ,viii detnollsl~ the halanee-ol the old Vah,ntlne atlop, attd ¢’tl Its groued

puttlp a two-,t.ry |)ul{dlog, ttbont ’~x60 feet.anti will al~ pot th(! ohl v, hel, ill Koo(t repairand paltlt IL ’rhlr. will lie a}l llUpl’,’~velnellt.

We presume no doubt exists inUln laiutl~ (’f na[ i,f oer r~.-:tders as t4) thestand|t,g of the |{EPUnLICAN OIl the It-lnpc.-&|lu~t~ quest i,,t) ; hence, i[ we shn.ll oct t|lluk itllte(:t~a~.ry el WISe tO k~cl) "bllrlsll}g (’U one¯ atrln g," yea n11,y Fcst. al)sured that wbl}e We

tllOW each ll’lan h) drink hl8 fill ol ton1, andoGnulder It UOOe Of our btlMtlg~;~ St| lOllg a~ he

t.iment of the convention that when theattmo of a straight Democratic candidatewas presented he was nominated by ae-damagion without a di~enting voice. Iftlab Democrats of Maine are weaxy ofGare01¢n and the Gmenbacker~ they areah~ started in th6dircctiou of regen-erattoa.

Tim Anti.Bourbon movement in Vir-lttaia can be largely promoted or retarded]~F the Republi~ which met

~eventeenth Ye,~r.

Wlllopon for the reception of Student. ~Joptqmberlet. Se~slon b~gllle September 5th. Application forsdmi~lon may bs made at the C~llego Office¯ orthrough th~ mall I,y a~ldr~-~lng the llrtnclFaL Theyw{ il be entered in the osier received.

Tbs ~ollege Annual, containing Important an-nonnoementa aud full l~rtlcelsr% can be had on ap-plication to

¯A. J. 1LIDER, l~’ineipal.

From bottles at five cents

To qtmrte at sixty cente.

Besides these, we keep

Combs, Brushes,

ToiLet Waters, Extracts,



State Normal and Mode{


e o


/.-,,t. ¯

d(~ sol t)(,cottlc disorderly, WO hate Lbe~l~y-L-rix flqc.-II ttd-slndl dtKal1-11i-611i’ pow(’rtobrcaR tt up. We consider the odiarlllg nfliquor for sale au uet wortlly of I, Llblle COll-dt~ttlt~l~tlOll, Iliad believe It t~, be otto duty, an z~

ally had, noth[ngoao ba offered ,nnre fsvornblsto the tneurod. The cost being about lea ¢#u~on the hundred dolla~ e per year to the Insur~rllOn ordiuar~ rlmk*, and from fiftee, io twenty.fiNce.|e p~r yea-o. A.eardo,le properties, which la

loss than one.third of thelowe.t rstesobargod bystock 0.mpsnles, on such riska--tbo othnr twt~-thirds takes by stoek companies being s llro6t.o~rohag to stockholders, or consumed In eS-

pences of the companies. ~.*/i~7~e gua ra,,tee fund of pre.l ,.ra aoCe# beinll

’,rnow Three Mill(on* of l)oltars.- . .~, ,£:-" ~ ~o~mon ’_ toad to b.=.] ’ ¯ - ~’=

cont. only, tw’ot within thn tee years for which

J.ot|r:,allst, to rt,eord our I,rote~t I~t:d tO do n.IIWt (~a LOSO ttr.,kla~ t)tlbl|e lull[gll;&$.[~u, tha:.the evil elttQI hi’ drlvell Ott:. 1)b,ee A pillthere. Mr. Mod,,r;de.drlnRer--yo~| Ilhty drlultall yOU WlslI) If" yl,~l bt!tlave yool.~ol|, add Wt~~|lttil not~ly it word ; but If y(m offer It for¯ a|e, or give It.. haO[toally. L,, tL, n~e Wlh, buy

~’t)tlr %itrcg. W0 have arigbL tl) ot~je(’t, altt]shall do ~t,, In t~pltO t,f your prt)te~t~ and yourth,ea~

When the up ae~ommodatn.1 trainOn tl,0 Narrow (latlgc l~.,.)aa left the 8hie tracknear llamntt)aton depot° Monday af;vruo, m,

- ._.. :..~ ~ "¯ .) ,, -, . -

It~ Lynnhburg on Wednesday. While it~b~ nomeaus sure that the conventione~a ~mdo the coalition already practicallyel~ot~ it can divide the opposition to"Bourbonism and render loss curtain the~ow of that degtroying power, Al~0ri~y of the Republicans Is in favor of

with ~lahono to rou~ the Bout-and if that tmkiority it heeded in

Mte 0q~yentiontko coalition will be ecru.lind a liberal victory almost assured.

’riPEN’re N.Fall Term will ogmmenee Monday, Sept. Sth.

TOTAL COST FOR BOARD, TUITIOn. I~OOKS, &i:**at th~ ~ion~al. 14ctlool., S|~ for Imd/onn~d

I 40 for Gentlemen ; at the ~ Ol~St, SchooL, ~ 180)er year. The ~ffodel School offera to both youngIauliesaad Gentlemen sup*~rtor ndvantage it~ all Itsdelmrtments, vtz: Mathemetl~l, CIMel~.l. O-mmer-clal, MnMcal, Drawing, and In Botlen I~ttro~. ForCircular* o~ntatnlng full ImrUculara. addre~,

W. UA~BROUCK~PHncliml,

Trenton, Now Jereay.

&rid that it enough to justify it. Thelntore/~-iff’t~d- -

lira frimtio Bourboa efforts to get a thirdtMket in the field, show that the impor.

of the Convention’s action is notmmlppffmiatod by any of the parties in

.Almost everything in our line you willfind us well stocked with¯ We’ll

tre~t you wall, aud guaranteeour stock to be of the very best quality.

Very Re~pectfully,

A, W, O00HRAN,

"Superb" Flavoring Extracts.


CAIIlEH’ LITTLE LIVEll lLt2doe ~ur,i t n f,yrma Of ~’llo:.tl~es$, {;i’0vo:at Co~tl~I~,t 10a and I’?~t~pa|.% ~romoto Dlge~tto.. Toll.s¯ ~/s ~,~S .erom too heart "¢ e~t! nt’, eot2~t Dtsordl~a

the ~owcl~. Th.’~ do e;l th:s by ta~:ng Just o~little ixllltt s do~th ’,rhe yare im rely vogetal:l~donot fir/pc or purge, and -m as nearly I~e~ as 1~I~lP~’lslblaforaplIltoLO. Prtca~ntth~ torgLeo14 br druggLa¢ s ev¢~ry~her~ oe ~nt by mall.

17ARTieR M~IClNE C0,, NEW Y0fiK.

the policy is Issued, it would yet bn cheaper tothomnmborsthae any otherinsura~oe offered.Aadthatlar~eamonnt ef money Is saved tothe mombersaod kept at houto. No asset~-ment having ever been m.do, helngeowmo~than thirty years, that savl,g wouldamottot t¢~m0ro than

One Million Fie, ~uadrad T~an~rtd Dqilat,

Tho Loss@s by LJghtnJnlg.

Where tha property is net snt on fire) behaffleS~ Ahan one_sent per year toeaob memba~ate psld without extra charge) aud ,extended soas to sever all policies that are tsoued and oat,-staodlng.

B~NJ.~bI1N 8}IEPPARD, Preside.¢.

HBNKY B. I, UPTON, 8eoesmr~i*


¯ 0110. W. PItESSEY, //’amm~ato,, N. J’.~U0. W SAWYER, Tt~ker~n, Ig. J.A, L, IflZABD, MO¥ 1,v.d¢.g, N, J.

Olooo the ~wltcll¯ I-;~)ll after, the e.xprc~,s--wtth’h had I)eelt ~lgn)llletl to ~top fi)r ord0rs--~m6 slowly nl I toward tllt~ hint{on ; but, ofeu, n’aa, tile Opell switch threw h)colltotIVe.tender/ted hat~gltgo e.tr fr(qo the trat’k. ~.~oLnetill’co hoUl"bl ¢lq!{lly re-tilled, but IiO t/alllngeex-Mel)t the bl’t, alq.ltlg of two It)(,,)o),)tivo apt Two ,tr Lhre~ut re*leafed hldi v Id uah~-- feell)lgbrttvo eUOIlgJl it, taekLtt a tu,kt’)’--ftu’u’*ed

¯ thetunelves JUtOIt oolntalft0e of IOv*’sLIgnLIoU

IIid with Ire kllolvletlge tlJ" the (x)mpatly’srnl¢~%, fixed up(st liLi~.[Iou ugt’ut S. E. llr(iwnI~ thn cause of their ile:ay, i&nd Uttod l|l~drt~,llKoea pretty freely, bttt tlld nOL 41LN reportsl.t,~l) re.sort h, I,el’t~ollal vh)lc)lc,,. Tile fllotIs.Mr. Browo l~ not 0xpeet0d to kll(,w t.he po-alttou of any switch, uaio~m in t|lt- ,.,,so of o,

throu,lh train0 when be a~ertttlnt~ it,t, ooltdl-~l¢)ll ¢)f the rend so fitr aa be c~m ~.~, bothWUy t. beforo d{sl){ayltlg the wil-lf, tlltg. ()et’a-li~¢)nal y. W 1ell a trallt Ib ]ILtC, the cout;uetort,oqut~wt~ the ng~t~t to elo~0 the t{wlVch and It

.Js don~ ,t/ut~r. .


Laura Loflng returh~l, onTuevday, Rmn a somewhat prolonged visitNorth.

~r. George Johnson left with usi ast Frldayl a ~pe~lmen box of Wllsuu black-berrles--mamntoth ht size and dellctou~ In tla~


Winnio CroweU spent a ~uple ofdays at h~me this week. 1Iv hna a good ~ttu-sties at ~nlthvlllo. ht olt/~rgo of the nickel-;listing works.

Mr. Bentahouso hms a fine Ioo "ldng

tt nd commodious tastily carriage, which heh as lately lntd reraired st Allkon’~l sod re-painted lu lille ~tyle by Mr. M Hler.

Rev. J. A. Jones ~tmnt Thur~laynlgllt In ]|antntouton. tie llrea£1tetl at, Plt-I~all Grove Cutup Meeting to-morrow oven-lug, at Ocean Grove ~otne time next week.

Tthere should be a flag-man at the

I nteraectlon of the C. & A. at, d Bellevue Av-enue. {_~onihlg dowII the avenu0. ~ driver"

e~nlxO/. _yen Lhu trac:c either way) until t~)Oel o,e for ~a[ely. aedtrahts pttaltat all hours.

-/l~e’-A -mov0mmat-has been ~tartodIooltlng to thn reloo’,ml of A tlantle Couuty’s

Alonzo Davi~ has the ltunlmr onthe ground for an ad(nttott to his hotme.

Mr. William Aitken is occupyingT. J, I~mlth’s house, on Egg Harbor 1%cad,

Weather is warming up som0what.Vennor predlell~ front otter the middle of Aug,

WilltoOliver eame home last Fri-

day, a little "nnder the wenther," but has re,covered.

Mr. Alfred Stringer, of Philadel-phia, came In t)u the n)all tralu, yellterdaytnoratng.

Ed. V. IIoyt isonjoyingavaeationthlnweek. Miss Mary Prem~ey occupies hispoMtion temnomrll.v.

The average number of inmatesIn ti~o County Altanhouso during the ptmt two

InonthB hl~ been twenty-one¯

Mr. Rutherford and his ton-yearold daughter Jessie, bii~a Be(lie Crowen a~(l

Miss Josie Fish, rill of Hantlnontoll ) eaton Iiion tho’°Old l{eltable," Monday, to visit theCrowell’brothers, at ThOmpsontown.--Mcry’~Landing .Record,

I~" The C. C. C. C. or Trenton Bu~-i,n.aoo tO the (’ounty Ahn~ltouse--ne’¢er~d ltlcss College Annual is ca our tatlle. It I.~ t~

Freebold0r~ wllevlt g t it tto be tlmcheapest neat book, altd e(,ntaln:4 full particulars of

way, ca the :--;tate I,aYn a certatn anhnn,t to this most excellent Instittllton. IL will be

eac!l coun|y Cal’ll~g Ibr Its oWU |usane. sent postpahl by n(hircsslng A. J. Rider. l’rto-

Already we hear the ~ubjcet, ofclpb.I.Trenton. N. J.

Fulr Utlked of--aud *lotto too early. It a sue- ~ If yOU want yoar carriage, buggye(’l-aful Felr Is de.Mred, let SOllle oil (~, lit,: ParkAr-soeiatlon or the Fruit ({rower’,,’ Uulon. bt~

- fill IS- ea rly-,tqloa R |; - to-{~l .prellaro for It.

Whendoetor~ disadecide..Dr. Ioger.~oll ably defends htn laterpretation of the law 11{ regard to pntcIlclng

lind tllnO to

the law. but It does 8e~ln that eo harm.al)d p0sMbly much good, would result front general adoption of hi0 view.

~i~ Mt̄ . Calabrase, one of our bestknowlt Italian cltlzent,,--a well-to-do f, trmer--diud Wedoesduy morlllag, early, utter along [llt,t’t~. IIavh]g bcet~ a member of M.B. ’l’ItylorLodge-bo v,’ttl be bur|ed with fuUMtmoniehtmora. Servlcesat the Ihre~by~rlan

Churel) on V.undny, ltt 12 o’clock, conductedby It(~v. J. C..Tgeob.

The Board of Freeholders met ouTuet~dny. nt May’s l.atodhlg. %Vo ootlco thatt he eomml" tee nppolnted to search tttoerda to am2erta{n what dispos|tlon ln~d beou

~hare of the old

*’Jaekbon l:tlnd" report uo trace (,f tim mon-ey. A eonm, lttee wail alWoluL(d¯ ftceordlogto tile rec¢)rd% to go tO Trenton to taeeure thenlouc)" ; bat no rcl)ort of Its rcee:pt has b(.care~orded. What next?

er a little eanva.qsing in behalf

well to nppohlt a prolilalnary meeting. In-

vite all who have ~ufllclent interest In themutter t,) :’.ltcnd and talk over the ,street,,,vbethera COuucil [s orgnnJzed or m)t. "~%’ekOOW ex)methhtg of t.tmllar orders, attd fi.eleou~,Idernbly lnt~,rebted. It Is a cheap and

. abdolnt,~l~CMlfQ WaY tO Fccure an lnsuntnco onon¢.’~ life. from $1,(~10to ~3,((10. It therch,re ~

quests ) hat nil ’~ll(’l (,are Io know inort~ (,[ thematter nle(,t at l~otl~l of Tet~peraueo II~dl.over’Prt)wbrhlge’~ More) this .’~ttul’dtty eveu-lng at So’clock.

--qtli~£1m-W~rs t~rOtnss~xaetories--eOfisEsL--oT-t WO~CIgIitTpoWWWiidOrgta~a~ul~-naecN, tWO five-pot boiler," Wal’o turoaees, tile

Ilattenlug, cutthlg, p;tck.lrtg houses, etc. }Iv.M.h’a thvsear- the 1~l~2e H/caln. Slk~V ithd k’llat"mill, bll,ek~,nllth, "~v hen}wright Ittl(I bOX .~hOD.~,

etc. The I-*p,th~tioU of the place eou~iMa ofabout 77/) IlOnd)lt:tnt% nearly till of the tna]epola.llal h)ll I)el{l~ (.llipIoyod t)y tile .M,~.tra.llay. There uro ]lk’~ d.,veliing~ |,, tile vll]utre0~~ td~eb~,~, a town

~ l(~gt" of Odd Ft.Ilt)~, formed |t, Isl*I al,d

COW ha%*iog it n, entt,er~.hlp of K5 sod a filedof $4,000, slid altot~ethcr tbt, |)htee It4 (,n(? I’he m,)kt tlloron~hly anti entD:(.ly prowl)creestowns tn tire State.-- l|: ,1.. l’rc.,¯,.

We regret, the neccsMtyof reeotd-

t,l~ trio thLluaflurt! ¢)f (ale of i{{i.illlnt)uto,l’R

best kuoWll t’ltizl?nt% V.’*tl~, h!s filltllly. We

rcfi~r t() tl~t. rellt¢,vi, t of .~lr. ~. It. ~,Vllitlnore.lo~nt|th’¢ll{e. |h~qltg all ¢)hl ntaehln[vt, sod~llldlBg l~rolItahle elaployn|eht Ihelo, hc tel oilnllly ,h,slred to have his flintily WILl’* [1{111.l:orlttltnte[y secUrlllg a COllVeuient ttou~o(*i,,tnet hhlg d i fllco|t, to obtain wllel~ they are

f~e Inneh tn tlenauld] htt-l~.n|nvt,tl, this week.It will t,r(,ve a phut~tlt t’hltllge f,,r Me~rs. (;.

W, Pre~)e.v, Vfhlslow Crowell sod Fm~d%Vltltmore, who will thus lind a hoartllng]|OllEt¢* %Vl| {I inure honle*l:l.~e accootnlodntloll~Mr, V,’hlto,ore has I){’ell tt r¢~lt]tnt of I]nnt-nit)uteri h)r IWtrl%’t" y*¯al’:al and Ilelllg alwaysitn netlvt, iOall, willing to do Ills pat t In anyg,hRt thh*t~, low n]t.n lutve inert ~ trlcHl(l~ tobid thenl (]¢:d.a|)ved. " The U. & U. t~trnde.ySt’Ito¢)l. of wl,icl: Mr. W. Whg~llperlllt*qtd(’ht.

Iklld tbv I’,tfk A~soclathm,of whiell lte was

,L Dtrvct,,r.~ ltl be el!long tllLm~ W.b() earl"heM.,-ly regret tll.~ de,l arturt,.

DEAlt l~llt :~Tho hay party, inWllh:h I llgttrt, d’soeonsp[euously, a’~ per no-

tlec In l¯he llomwt, tvl,s hurdly Sl)okeu of wlth

a duo alh,wimeo of ere{lit to each. Perhapsthe worst featllre t)t our pleasn, n! trip |ca, ~1 tileI.npeFa,)outhHI elf Ntq,tnoe by °*~t,ur8 troly."

tu tilt" illl~l~ht~ of Crub Ibhtod. iI#t with cral.-llt~t [o haod he re.~olutely0 but vtMnly, stroveto re)feb the ~hl,re. But the tlr~,t day’s fishingrtmolLetl Ii, bin fa~or, and the et~tnld Io"Cilevy," whLIo t’.barllo inade the air bht.

or wagon r~.~palnted, tadce It to~Ir. Mllh, r, atAltken’s al~Ol,,and Imve the work dose by a

,t) takes pride tit dt,-

lng his work well¯ For proof, see Dr, .’-3eow-delt’S carriage, or %Vm. Berebhouao’s.

gBoard of Exatulners of AUantlc Couuty, forthe examination of eandhhttes for teachers’

Saturday, Aug. ~tll, l&~;l, conuuenclng al So¯elock. A¯ M.

tq. It. Mo~a~. Co. Supt.

The "Ocean Grove Record" iugiving au account of the pobllo exercises

of the twelftlt aunlver~’try of the first rellg-louv. exercises held at Oeeau G rove. mtys :"Roy. Mr.~e~. o( LofikBrhneh,//mdeone

of the happiest efibrta c;f hi8 II’e tu contrast-Ing Oece.n Grove wl/h the olber so~tshle re-~orts all arouod It. /t1~ addrr~:n w~x~ fall ofIervor, olcwiueuee ttnd enjQyttl~lo hunlor, t&h(]st) astonished the natives that they all wantto hear him agaln¯"

The Camden County Medical So-eletyls conMderably ohler ttmn that of At-

pelted of that are 2ust arising among our pntc-

t, ltlcnera. For Instance, Dr. ,~nowden lll-forn.s us tbnt they lout ago satlvfled tllem-voices that a pl, yslclan who had filed his dl-ploma wllh the Clerk t)f the County[u whichhe resides, was legally authorized to practice

of the Order or Choseu Fr[t.nd~ It wn~ thought --iWfttly-eonn.t.vln~.he ,~tate.’-

Afar several months of sufferingMrs. Addle Jacltsou, wife of M. L. Jackson

and "daughter of Copt. F.urcess. pa~sed quiet-ly and calmly into rest on Tuesday morninglast. aged twenty--nlx vear~. II’avlnglong a~(,

Made all preparatlon.~ 1 ~r a. better life. deathxvnt~to her t~ release fron) diocese and l)alo.

Her last ~vor~s, uttered but a few ttltltnetlt8previous to herdeath, were: "[ al,allmoon beat home. safe I u the arms of Jesos." One dotlrlLttle ,~on--I;ertle. nged three years--10 the



vi’;it£ng )Phi!adclphk~

you will find,.... ,x,nong other places -of interest, the Gravel

visit. Its floor and gallery

acres, and arc filled with Dry Goods,etc.

last addition is a large and beautifulP~cture Gallery, to which admittance is free.

Thc .Pneumatic ~tbes carrying the moneythrough the air, and the ~lectric-LiffM .Machinery,

_arc ,’dso_wg_r~__ seging. ..........Thcre is a T, vmeh-_Room in the building. Valises,

baskets and packages can be left in chargc-ofattendantSa -Ladies’ Waiting Room.

Mr. Wanamakcr is desirous that visitors should feel athome when they come, and bc frec to purchase or not, as


NOTE.--Our large Catalogue, with prices and fulldirections for shopping by mail from any part of the UnitedStates, will be mailed gratuitously upon rcquest, address



tmlychlldleft, nndthe synll,athy of our en-

-on(m~-- InLzn~(,r~i¢~ ~-wero - laeld tn_Lht~Pre...byterlan church on Thursday morning,eoeducted hy Rcv. J.C. Jacob. The v.ermonwas Imsed npoo Christ.’a words to Peter:

"Wbat I do thou kDowt’bt tier nOW. butthou ~lntlt know herc.nller." . i

.... In-:t~em6riam.Death has ngala luvaded the preeloctsot

~lr_~ and lahl at. his feet attother of out-member~, ~"~l/b--rating the spirit tenant, to soar away tO therealnlll of the CeIesllal Lodge above ; and we

are 0galu called upou h, use the b~(lgo ofmourning. Thi~ thnc II. ls:Brother’l’. M.

Edward D. l%edlnltH, n~aklng three memberein one year.he Ilave gt,ueotlt froln opt auln-t)cr It, to that unkn,,wu coontry beyoud the¯ "Volley of the Shndow of Death," fromwhence they will cover return.

Although hroth,~r P. 3,I. lt~dman died lonInBd oflltroogt’ra, It slakes our hearL’~ glad toknow tlmt the hand of"fvlendshlp:utd tlroth.

erly love" wan Ox}(.llttetl to him hy brother~of Belt Lodge, ~o. 13. A. F. ~. A. M., of IC.erby-vllle, Oregon, whond nd,~.~!ered to him broth.

erly attentiou and those kindly Office{{ we all|tope for ourselves when we too shall end life’sfitful fever, nnd l)llsr. In our work for the finalInspection of the Greet ,-.upren~e Architect oftbc Uuiv¢rso.

In thodeath t)f hx’olhcr P. M. I~ettuuln WOIo~0 a good loan end brother, one of the lh’st.tUl)port~ of St. B. Ta.v;ol Lodge--ire first Mumterand netLve metnbor-- A ZeAIOUS ~ta~lott, ltIlcarueat IIlld el~t:lellt c)),fli41n~n, andsn excel-lent I)reahtlng odl(’c;’. ~%’lllle we tn~uru h[~I08S, 1any we over rL, V(.’rP attd keep his nleLUO’ry groeu. Though ttl01: qand~, of mlh,a aepant:

ted ltint from bls hod’to, we did not forget tile’ties" thathouod hll~l tO tlS; and in hlslast

great *’step." his flltztl oxt !onllty, it Is antal !orfor cunsulathnt to lw ,.¢:aured that he lotuad

, ,brother.,of the "3..vs.hr Tie". to care for him,to whonl we berel)v ex{,r¢~s our ~Atroest.atueore alld heartfelt !h’:(iks.

~Ve heartily ttud d..ep!y:,ympathlzo wltllthe widow and sea c, fb~¢uher P¯ 1%|. RcdlnanIn their bereftventeuL .*l.t.I itfllictlotl.

Resolved, ’rllat tltc t~.~(.r,-tary of thio Lodgebe directed t,)f )rwntd t,) thtkwldow of brother

Boys’ Cloflfing and Gents’ Furnishing Goods at Oak HaEwas seve%hundred and forty-three thousand one hundred~llars and elghty-one cent.

qaniutnnee wLIh their Ilablt~. Willlo dls-eotlr,hllL h.arol, tlly LIpOU th0 aulttOl’Oy of the-lh,t,al~,d" ~.tthl ’°l)eeapod" get his worlL In it)adva|lttlge upon Cll)trlls’s llr*gerr, euttingthen* hadly. We thOU sOL g:tll, and under

d,)at)h~ re*,f Ilew over t(, IIatflohl’s, whereL;baPl|eobt~)i ,t,~l t~ few sb00ta, ote,,wiLb whichhe dro~l hl ~4 Wt)Untl~. cud tiles elltertalnt~l118 with Ill,l, eFbMnn~tlune Of ~’Illfl~ller ¢,n ¯ wlro-Mrlag@d ehrOlttn of .1601¯ M,’e bntlgtht ~t)tl,0Wat¢-ruud s,tl|(~| baelt. Th,tt night. IIl cflnse-

qaenee l)f.(~harIle’.q f]rlEt*rt4 aud bnndltges"Youre Trnly" was {~Ivl.n the optlon of llh’el,-

lug oat of ,hlora urou the top of a 10L of dt~roy (Itlelts. wLtlle *’Chow" be~ulL,.(l tll,~ wel~ryIll)Ul~ by Dleltlltl~ t(traw front his eal’~ tutd Lh0olhorla,rt nuaofhlsbody. %VcarrivedmffelyFriday evelt{ng0 LD, idod thr(,ug|l the dark-IILMla by a hinters nntdo ft~m tile no~o of

Your. troly, W.M. ~q. D,

I’~.t~ANT M tLl~, Attg. 7, I~81.

Itltl’UnLICAN, ::Itla’l’~iO I:crh¯w. and Atlantic~/~i,l,e#. with the rcqt,e!,t that the relate bepabllshe4 ht enid [)al or.%

[’fho above !s ill,. re tur! of a eommltte0 ofSt. B. Taylor I.t)dge, lit. {,t’ceo’-.ted Friday eve"nlngKAogust 12th. IK61..’

cL’ltTI,q.--."ear ]l:)mnt~nt,a:. t),~ .~h,u,Tbty.ADg. ,qtll, ISYll .’hi n i+]., )4011 f’f AItha.I. anll(’harle,~ W, L’urtlt-. ht:(,,i L t Int)uthr~ and l’ldays.

Bax’tlott Pears.I will I)aY co~h lot ,~nv quant,lly of NO.

Bart}ett |)oars; t)r ree¢,lvotlttccntslgnmol~t.do

llvered ILl HanthlOUtou or .North Humnlorl-"tou SLattou, t). t’. lllLL.

Where is there another such stock to select from ?The old house has been remodeled.The old hands (most of them) are still there.The old principles of just and right prices, smmdl

goods, fashionable’ styles, sdbstantial- finish, are strictly J*:adhered to. 7 ......................................................... 7-

WhGfounded the business,-isat OakHall everydayl~ ........ing after things, and in all the history of Oak Hall it was

to push up its high standards and drop down to lowestprices.

l~An old-time greeting to cur friends everyw~we,and anott~er cordial invitation extended lo come to Oak .[t~

Wanamaker & t rown,OAK HALL,

Cor. Sixth and Market Streets, Philadel hia.Tho Larger Clothing Hous~ in Am~ric.t.

postscript.The last new thing we have done is to open a TEN

DO LLAR ROOM, where we have ga, thered a great lotof full Suits, suitable for dress or business, wkich we shallsell at $ z o.

You can judge of the c.~capn~ss of our s~.ock by seeingmhat we can do for ~Io. W, & B.


Page 4: S~et~cres +++ +++’ OARPENTER · ~ket flint it is brot , xt w t , n thc rcuc t of tvery one who a.sI ircs aftcrtxttr~whxJge and ~ arc ahlo t,, bny it, tnrg-r qmtuthi,,s, ~n,l ha:,,
Page 5: S~et~cres +++ +++’ OARPENTER · ~ket flint it is brot , xt w t , n thc rcuc t of tvery one who a.sI ircs aftcrtxttr~whxJge and ~ arc ahlo t,, bny it, tnrg-r qmtuthi,,s, ~n,l ha:,,