Tin Pupil's Cndit Ci., -...

V •.5„'*-« 1 '-•a.si%pc *mm* wsp.strww^- 1 ; •i F «5WBBP any ie*. r»--- tbe try, ant r«*d rate hint 'a**'-' tot, ard big O 'tit*' ew ild' >it . i' cm pry- 1st to wamum "v - "">• ^-- What U Going cm In tbe Various Partabe*. IS'. PlfTSB AHS fAtTJ, following noembetJi J'L The fnUowing w«mb€i^ 'sf t l * ebpir, nader the «lir*6t.ioix of Mr Herman Pohl sang High Mas* at Rs~« Father Popper* Miaeion at Penfleld last Sunday, Miaaga Matte Wittmen, Sophia goa*, Frank Ka- gle,aiid AagnatJ^and^ ~ --- " T " GonHrmation will be administered *t tai$ ehBrcb- Sonday afternoon. > The following ofJBiai* w*r# eieeted by the Y, U r aO. last Wednesday evening; <• . PreeidenWIienry-K^pray**. c Vice Pjawdeat—43b«rie« Wattle, Secr»w*ry«-.fiei»rj J. Renand. c Board of Bi rector* for tw** yearn--* Frank flora, Charlea HPtiler, Joa. barker. Win. Wagner. -• For one year— Frank Hargatber, John B*nbery Frank Merklinger* Thom*n,Mjc0ermott. ^ = * ii. p e a Kellie Slattery, of J?! Smith street* tawiaWng fmada fJ yj| Montreal and Sberbrook. Bt Rw;B.^«d|1*i«f*i^1»ia Be*, ion on Snnday, &ir. gift, to preach attne dedication of the new Cbarce of St Anthony, Aieton 4 0f whtefchia friend, the Jfc?. A J, Boast i« rector. SurrogateAdlinglau- admitted to prohjaj£Wedfle#day t h e will of Sara Doraey* dec^wd, which diapoeee of hereetatft aa follow** franc**/ Doreey, p m$ and certain boildiog iotaj Ann $ Doreey, fiOOj Boae A Parke* aleler, fl,QW; 1200c Is trust for JamM purser, brother, and Brid- get MeGann, eiater of th* deceased; "The Hotaefe*™0Mld*$50, "Colored H*nr«tati # $5$ j maseea for the re- pose^f *OQ1» in pargatory as»4 for tb« convergioQ of «inBfer« $S&, R«p*b!kaa CanduUUi for Mf^er, ^ i e acbool «o1teetJ*Jtt forScpfoia- .Iwriifw-lUNr.40. Bew, Br k Br««» t of S$. Bernard^ Sptoiuary, celebrated tb* 9lghlt*8f «*«t8ui«iay A fifefcaa a »ag»ifi««nt ?o!ce, Ifort.'.'ito, lfoi!ban» atao of S t Bernard'**, preached ao etq^Bent ««r- meu» oa tlie l»aj example c»Tele«8 Oatholica tet tft their fallow*, aadi how they 4facre4t* 0aihoUeiam fa ftie e y « i o f Hon CatliottcKiF TJMi men and k o y t v o f |b©Djatitk will go to thair monthly CommoD>on tomorrow. H » ^oiarj? dewtiawi are -well at- Arthur Marplea and Mit» Mary Wilnon were married Toeaday o»or«* i»£at tl«np^ftedt»l by fiev. J, ?. Ki«rnao» Hi^bt»a«»waa celebrated before the marrifti?o oerewiooy. M- tmt ajreatem Iripf itie newly parried coop!* will reiile on R«*Tj»» *tfe»tt*, fwtMrtekiafo tte ©ongrejritiatt of Holy Rojiary oaet with Father Tan N««a to dwouae the beat method of paying e f the expense f u r r e d iti the teceu* iropra*erae»l to the in < ' ferior and exterior of the church. TarJoat pktt« were adf anc«d. ^ome wanted to hpldl a fair. Other* pro* poaed * aerie* «f lectnree or enter* tatamentjs. Still others adriaed a call of the pariah for money iahicrfptfoiJi. • If lafflcient waa not raiaed by that method then It wottld he time enough to talk of a fair. The latter plan met With tu©moBtadyooate« and it waa finally ado^Ud. So fir Father Van* Heeahaa met with good auoceaa. He haa received "promieea ofiub* aoriptiona (torn ae»rty^«rery family ittthe$.»ri«b, ranginf from |S5, to $1 and * nnmher of Cfatholica ont» aide the pariah have aignffied their intent! ,n of contribnting. It m hoped enongh;willh« re*liztd to obviate <«)»y neceesi^r <jf a fair* o J, ID. U>*hf, Oentral train die* patois* xtf BtiffAb, mi forrnerlj of thle otty, wa» mutM to itige E!IA )§eQmw of Trr^p street- Wedn«8d»y afternoon at 0 o'clock qit the Jm* wacnlftt^ Gon«e|tfc» Ohorch. E<?r- William GleMen officiated, Mi»i l»ydia ^alllsi, a e«n*iu cf the bride, acted a* bride#maid*»Bti W. 0, Ford, local Central night operator, waa beat man. After the ceremony * reception waa held at the honje of the bride^ th* Google received many beantifnl preaeata. After » ibott weatern trip, Ifr. »ad Mra. Leahy will be at home at No. 4ft Helen •treet, Bnffalo. " • ° ° •». Biwatr'a. The aoi-Tioea orar th« remaioa of UMJ late Mn. Oatberint KelligM took place from St. Bridget^ Ohorch Fri- day, Oct 18lb» at * a. m., and « w terf largely attended. The eere- mony w a i very impreaaive, MMB be- fng iaid by her naphaw, B«v, Father Nelligan. af Oajqga, aniated by fiev, Thomaa A. Hendrick, of S t Bridget'a and Bav, Joa«ph Heodrick, of UTO- nia. Kev. Father O%ottaor. of Sen. eca FalU, Fathera Hafhes and Hitkey.ofRocneite^werealaopree- ent In tbeaanotoary. The deeaaeod wee m devout member of St Bridgat'a pariah for maey yean, and learea to * noara b^r lo«« two ohudren, Michaal aad Julia NalMgan end two aiatera, Ura. P. Raddy,of thU city, end Sia- tor Mary Freeoaa. of Laore! Hill Convent, in irelaad. - c "~'. For Moiher Hiaronrmo. 0 o; ^ At Ute atNstlnj »£- tiejadies and uentle-^ »tttteter^tje!iinmaWng'^r»*tog*iaents for the benefit of HoOkr Hkronymo W«»n«« 0 ,*i»y trmng, it waad«;a«i tc* l«oe *«^ sdiptioft lxM?k»» AJt.tSofcs will bedulj? «Jgh«4»ttd sealed. ' "" " Art loan ilxblbit. ° -; ( . ^ "'^ 0n»of |be orgimiaations inEoch* enter .thai "doea a great Amonnt of good.in an «noat«8tatiott* nwnnaria tbe charity orgeuitltwo aociety* la order to raiae fn«da for the winter* work the eaciety ia holding en art loan exhibli in ff»<i^feamher of Com merce roomi; the articiet afcown ioolnde old paintiuga, rare hooka/ imfcfqne emh^idtty and tapeetry» prieeteai chiae and atatnar^, ite> The uitiswa of Bwchea ter ere petron- iafhg the exWhit^weil and °the price ;oie.dffli««ion fi amply repaid b$ ihe etittcteediaplayed. Every afternoon the ladiee terra deinty loncheone which «e elto well petronmBdh*, The exhibit will contlane next .week and the week after, The edtmaeion la S5 eente* "' . " - Deathi and^tffWi; ' Fbrsoce Power*, daughter Ifary J, and the lata William V, Fowera, died Sunday owning »i the family reaidaace, 58 Wstt'5¥a,veriyj Place, a$ed 18 yeara« Mine' Powers wae m member «£&. of at Anxtllary 1, A. O. H., and of Immaculate Con eeption Ghfcrch, She ia anrvived by a mother,, two aiatera, Minnie and Agnee Powew, and= iwo> broth«rt, f ran% and I*eo Powera. ^ "^^ftoeeOarranEeilly died Saturday at the family reeidjmee, 13? Flint elreet, aged 38 years. She wee the wife of John B, fteillv, of the Wella FargoExpreaa 'Go. ofllce^n thia city. Beside her hughandahe leaves three children. The funeral took place from the home *t8;S0e*elook Toei* day morning, and from Immaculate doneeptitfh Church at ft^olock, = Where do yott Take four £tmch?, At Hart'e, of courw*,, Nfw, 1W, 19ft East B&n street, whtfre. we fcaft* prompt e^rviee, f>v<erytbif3g new, f neat%hAT«lean, and *he eateblea noshed to * nicety, Bfgnlar dinner S5e; 5 meal ticke W for | I . Also fur- nished rooma with or withont board .' Sentlemen irhen yon are oat look- ing for Enamel Cork Sole Sboee call at "Kolttmbia M |500 hoy» the best, £ I. Eieor, %i State at. HOT AN A. P. A. Rob«rt Reafrtw Ctoaiaa Mambetaalp la TbaiOrxanijEaUon. , _ Robert Rentaw, Jr., Good GoTrrn- roent candidate for alderman 1mthe Eleventh ward, haa made the follow- ing e«itf*explaiatnry eJBdivit j Mcoroe Ooonty, City of Soobeiter.n: I, Robert Beniew, Jr., being a worn, aay: Sinoe I have been nominated for alderman by the Good Govern- ment Olob of the Klerenth ward oer- Uinp«raone hawnbaef aircolating a repert that I am a member of a n or- ganiaetion known aa the - A. P . A." Now, for th* porpoae of aattUag thia matter, I aay I e a not now, end nev** arhaTa b«ett a atmher of Uuator any eimPar organhjation. I bare never been invited to joio it Idoa't know where It U, ead a»ly ksew what it ia bv pablio mmor. K. Benfrew, Jr, TK* tiiitens who »re anfaged •* aCtao*-** tiag th« C*I*N« of jood, »o««njmcot, •«.« ioiio^Jug u HUJOW aod »i^Wcri«»K t^a « b - •(nice ottiwk pnacipk*. * Gme4 gowa» went eTtrybody waot»aadrr50boa«f»*0ri; lHitJh<i-4tp«yer«of Rocb«w«r»fc<»W?o»b« deluded bjr aav eatee pbrasa or Mneg of »««!», *hkh townti w«« to taa e>r 1MM aft taeaaiugUaitJuad empty mk*» Mttatttfed to dehbenw* J«dga*e« *ed fcaqnir-*. By the •ay of «-«a6«tjo« of whai k *<»Ofld <J«r- tra»tBt,"oauid*;o/iiii>n>ad application. Tt ia aaid taat it aoea«« cooductiatf taa *'?«b- tic basir.cn.oiu bttataes* princtpi«« " Wall, •o far as cuadacitag tike citj't b«»in«« fw l»via**» principles, the Rep«blica» candt- d«« iot w»yw. Hfmaa H. Edfertoo. j?w meet tn« nqaireiaente btuer Uian aay o&e? c»odidate a o » in »h# field. c If puiuic «3tifte« is to be oaadnctcd on busisesa piiadpSes. it necttsarily fo4to»r» toat a bu»ine»» jnan ia the oo« to 6ii ika poti'.ivn juidsatisixtorify perform iUdutJea. It is exceptional to find * profesatoaal man who is a good bu»ine*a own; and. it aeeta* to any thi^igfetful person ihat whtk tha end; yjt: doing bu*iDCi* on bttsiaCos prtnciple* it jtiatifiable, the m « a » taken by the Good tioventOM-Ht people and adopted by toe Dcm* ocr*tic party h a contradktkm of tarn* and exceedingly absurd. foe three important po»tt»oes'"on the Cooit Go*erota«Bt «d ft-atoctatjc tick«« »« represented by pw- fe^ipii»l flien, fof M?< Wamsr i*"a lawyer, "M*v "Oct*-ri|fht an frigfrteer. and "Mr, KnetweTan arehfqkt. Tfte HBpublican pbity offer*fau&|r|es=.wen t& t«rry on thedty go»- nomvm.. ; . M*%««» Edgerfort »wl Stott, contractors*ni buildew.aadUr McMillan, amercium- Our purpoae at v $tf« time U to call the feader* attention more pOtkjalarily^o Mr. Edgertow, candidate for mayor, tnm aariy luanbood be haa Ixea engagW to btt»io«a» la oar c«ty, and br iod"n«lty and pancrvcraaca coupled witli »is* discretion, clear jodg- rtiijnt. guided by ripe axpenaaca aad iateUw |tn« in tbe performance of aiidaty, be has ighie*ed a po-hioo ia the front" rank of b«Uder*inthi*co»*iantty and tbe «e«t«n« part of th* St alt. Soaotof tfc« anat mag- rtiScerti*trucioreala ihif city aad tbe tab- utbt ataad as aaoaaatawta to bio abiUtv aad capacity a* a cootractor. During tfeeteauny jrtara be baa bad faaa- dfrd* of tnnct in hb employ, ranging froea the coentnon laborer to Uw akiikd nkac^ank and who ever-heard of aay of tbara apeei*«#p ill of Hiram H. Edgertuo. Workingfaas him»«lf, a toiler aaaong tba toilart, haapora elated thair aeeda aad.raodered to all of tbaaa their {tut doei; and to-day they arc banded together a* hit friend* ia support of aiaa for the honorable and important office of mayor, for whiJh he haa been put io nutBlnation. The-chief duty of a mayor of Racbaater i< to «xerct*t go</d-.mdgnient and uae dlacro- tionin_tbe admlniatratioti ol tbe aSalrsof ^ j 4 hit oKet", Htr hat to BMect and pa«a upon 1 the dairna and rexjua»t» and deaaotdt of ail rla«<>e*. from th« hambleit citttea to tba moat prOffitAteit ia tbe c4a>manity. H a baa to-steth»-?fe»--iaw* aoi prunaKma^af the charter are obwrved. And perbapa tba ntott importani function, aod tbe oaa waicli affecr<> the pocketi of tb« taxpayer moat di- rtctlyit the careful acmtiay aod,exaaarna- liort ot the biila and aoconatt which !MI hit toapprowt before they can b* paid. Tba great bulk at tba property owner* tax ia made of the monty paid for labor and ma. tfrial. and which nrun mset tba aaacitoa of the major before payment. Now who to beat qualified to perform aach daty ? Tba lawyer, who** life and training bat bean tba Uw, Qbote mind baa bean dJvorted Io tba reading of (he itamtea and tba aundaaiion of the decision< of tbe court oar legal eon* inr-. or the slain butineta man. *aoali hit life haa h.*d hi» mind trained to tbeeloaa «*• iraination of accounta, looking after the diibursenirrita of money for labor and poe- *e»>ftr|f IrcO* ledge of the ralue of aach labor and miter-;*! ic the market. Remem btt, thoufandf upon thousand* of dotlara are paid annually from the city treasury for ntrtcrtarrdije aed for labor *nd r rn»i<nal re- quired-in the tonatruction of budding-, I«pa&> atui ittprOvctaenUof iU:tet». Who would v«u employ to »ctM referee or arbi- trticrtfp8n tfie.value of *uc{i laork or prop- erty, the l«wry«r or the practical man? The quettfcn amiwer* iiaelf Mr. Edgerton in hi* a vocation, ha* of nee* esjjty* c i m e in <octact 'with all tiaaaet ».f men, has had clone acquaintance » h h tbe affair*oi thK community, aad matt have an intimate Item ledge of what ruoat concern* Its cit«en«, and what anall proaper and adiraace, their material protptrity. He ia well equipped to be the «atcb dog of th* treas- ury, able to detect fraud, atop •xita*agaaee or negligent waa-a of the people's money. and promote tbe bntlneae at wen" a* tba aocial proaperity of oar people. Hit am H f Edgenoo is a awn wboea mtagrity baa aerw been aaaaUad, wtoee capadtr terwotlt aaa been proven, whose exoetleat Mfatintgee diacrotlon is oonceeded by every c&hax, aad •ho ia iaaofots*and fina eaoafh to de waat it right, frntapextive of eHniaa, Haga ar twister fnflneaces, for and ta behalf of tbe whole people aod for tba general good and advancement of ottr beautiful dry; and ao nan. in Rochester who catts his vote forbiaa will nave to tegrtt tbat ba belped plac« Hiram H. Edgerton at tje bead of tbt municipal govtaajaaat. '"' 1 . c'' 4 ****aa7 STRKE W;b«a the iron it bet aad a»* »*•» yea eted in Scady-to-Waar CloAiag fat tba astir* laatfo. >-A>**<*4<ttime**' A «^l , sjara* a*4 CMtevema gfvpajaaata. bUa'a, 9ortT aad caudrwo'a e»M^ «««•*•««« ev-jrt'sfest Ira***. Wianaa's K«o4y-**~ Wear Peaaiaa- atlk Wotssa, (Md aktota. Sl*«at«ba>*ae. Atl»t^ciiivM^MMent.>totkia a a v a ^ t h j m a t e N.wV«rfc S»»ta. tmm, taaarotat. <fiea*nttf»aW saaa 4mjt Tin Pupil's" Cndit Ci., »a-«* STATU sr. ^ BOCHB8TKE, N T. bJ^^A i k u a gtJb eKwatviefow^ didfwUteileJlrrlida. ^ c ia* (eMbitiAgV e^bk ^Aab^Vh^ads M&&P wsae^B^^^e' v*^ft "^^g^sw^tamnyft ^%^F mfoA w&Bh taetoattrfetfiirsaii^ ^BW«aan»f> ^vs^g^sa^e ^e*lw ^W^sntewijmiajp^ ^MpWrn^B^aqa^e/ tatifto rr^r £*&** &****** . OII> ITieiTirli fjitfaw iridT Thrrr ire frnittatu miifiti -"5Riw* BsetoieJl^i^prl^Woia^W^ besatituei! ;" IW^^i; "-M^" fr^J aaeaiemansiaw •£v « v % txsi z Ribbon Remrvurtta Women's inatiiwt willeuggaet. tnonaand purpoeee .Ibj^ a bright, ailkea bureaun*. Thara ere colore, * tdJ width* end le*™^^fc4JpP^ •w'a wa**wa^wer ^^^•'w Vlrw^^W' •^w^s^a>^ w j^wasw^^^i^^p^e^ like Usfnt far h^dt^f AatkaiMte voast- ageagMsd 4b«y #1 b i i t i i t t , fihnifint -&* ^M» Rold by AU Grocers. 'Phone 346. ^afas'aa'aaa ^a* sBja^Baa^aaaaa^Msgftga.' ' tiikm hamaamsimmn- J . ..^M5m vSSSfSHlsSfsS^Mf Iblt aam SaTe Yoar ClotliiDg \ Iftaa^-^. 4 g L ^ laVFaaaaa* ^a^aA*4r^aiaaia»^ ja#" V-jiaa^a^BhaBai Vlwl Wl f t H F l « g |w« VF'lMHHNVjr' MftcWMi? bf lw»inf few l**m6rf WofkAxK BY HAHD^tti-, Victoria Laundry, 21 ilfit STREET.' BleettooDaw ' ^ Toeaday, Norember 5 th, ia aelkr at band end tbe politioiam are now exerting theoaeltres to aeenre votee • o t * not to be left e a t In the cold when tine ballot* ate wonted. Cold aged front/ weather ia alao near at hand aod it bflhaorea the aead af tbe hotaehold to look after fala coal for the winter tf yoa want a high grade hard coal place your order with L. 0. Langie, oomej Baat Main andfiaat ave., or at either of hia yttfda South Clinton *ir. Alexander •treeta and North aveaee. l% t »S »S $4, and fl^ shoe are axeage Our •# $5.50 J Jacket* # i 2|iy;; : ^»#laf .- . o . - • It'a taada ia rbo •Kjktah^ Aaaaaai^a aataA ^kgwjMaa*aa^ae ^mlaaatda ' muiwu sewes, mta •SMUNJ wNva> bonaea will ask yea # • and •• frit, other booae does, at eaaM aal law at most reliable Credit Hoaeeia r-s POft THB EXECfJTtV« BOAltO. Iredarlck C. Saitala die" Poealai Aa ran* aid tba Xapebiiaaa ^•It la of U»firati^apewtaasa ttat v m large aBionat efnaepdeat baaeieas (mdwlsdgi.* aad U-iaosTtainr> can ba said af ftattamh C. Sates, ta* ncminai ol tba w»j>aMienm|fcv membarof tbatfaoaorabieeedy. ,, - Mr. 8dtt aea^edJte a*|«*ieJe*^ ^sy^ tot We John O. Wagaar. wittj ifygfc-* tesaataed lar a* yaaw after IsX "" botidsae. la*aav aaaaatfeeet <a ItocneattT a m i a* aaoaasi geaitta end akfll aaa tsaBdat aest' aatceg wbidtamybaaeesifoaerit-.. ft Barry BtnWbig. Rocb«fter i 9lBtoi<0** ffl n^TtltI7l»rta/ff| Trying to copy oar original 'trsai aad ideas hut they canaot foot tbe people. Come to tbe old retisblc. CREDIT *0 AI*U Hogatr . Orer SS5 Kajt Main 6e. f * w^ydb ^ - ^ t f t i M " H i . M k ifftb':- nftfkirar axotllaggt'- <MatttfiMa' : Ulalltit W1WI iHJlnf HOW be bat Mi mfa •adaefik -• dacaak^a. mBmtmAMdf' i ". *• *'- > -- : *%*-A-, M*^^K-*'^*"t" 't"j"^/.**%i • aiiVai i>)iai|iaj^ j&WiC^: ^v*^*-«^-. "•NCwV ^a» 5wyi THE. "•S® i ^ /y.^^ CREDS1 LU11*'?eo '. wljl Ota V ."'• -'T «. •- -Jd* wet/ rg« r\E..-|5l ^ ; »l ^tta»m*M' ?|e\j' : '^. S^l Sworn to before me thie 10th day f pttal, Third Pretbytevfaa OttreftTaer^a new Chamber &f Commerce BotldiBg. Mr. Sehs ia s very popu'ar Gevawa Amtvfeta, having resided in Rocba*t«t ataca 1653. of Ootober, 1894, John B. hjDo, => , KotarycFa^lfo. Yen Want &oft sutd Bmltbiog Coal. ; , For tee beat Scranton and Pittaton brande go to Xonia Rde3aiatt r ' 40 North: avenne, near railroad. Ton will like hina to deal frith, aad will •gOlHa^b.';: ''•v.. 1 '7 : .-:-^- ••; •"''.",.•' " " T " •. '?• AaattattssfthMe Capes fas.00. SO-inehdeep 100-inch aweep with •artin Hnfng, biggest fr£T^ **w* &JattOltfa-a£ Ht Ait*Alr .If.jMal. "wa^^awwa'^^wja'^ps "W^it esv a E^^se^bwatiiSg^a^Wf" 'Tbe lUpttWkaa aoerbtae.forJaWw the ts*k w^rd WIM m a l s e each " J CdrerttBAet Clab iEa tbe i.Dw«KifWWa«akerpa whoteasbore la bnihiawfia r <atk»forHmaaatteay«ata, that tbe cHy, l^tia aw ether ahonidbe ran on twpsi* the t**e# cf this <%» ate «B ti that thet Bcird of AJdertoa* posed of toccweftil butteeet.. *see, toe«r-*;riod etpertew '"" * " d e affairs ol tba dry. tioa^atderwaamftw •tarMrfd tar * 4 inei .';• V.' ^'^' ^A'"''^','":^ ft^l:^ ^ -rs^i- *»A^ wj* i?%. ^^^ PF-TffT"%.j ^W*«WISaSS*^5J-i»'*l **-J^*TA-

Transcript of Tin Pupil's Cndit Ci., -...

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r»---tbe try, ant r«*d rate hint

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W h a t U Going cm In t b e Various Partabe*.


following noembetJi J'L The fnUowing w«mb€i^ 'sf t l * ebpir, nader the «lir*6t.ioix of Mr Herman Pohl sang High Mas* at Rs~« Father Popper* Miaeion at Penfleld last Sunday, Miaaga Matte Wittmen, Sophia goa*, Frank Ka-gle,aiid A a g n a t J ^ a n d ^ ~ --- "T"

GonHrmation will be administered * t tai$ ehBrcb- Sonday afternoon. >

The following ofJBiai* w*r# eieeted by the Y , UraO. last Wednesday evening; <• .

PreeidenWIienry-K^pray**. c Vice Pjawdeat—43b«rie« Wattle, Secr»w*ry«-.fiei»rj J. Renand.

c Board of Bi rector* for tw** yearn--* Frank flora, Charlea HPti ler , Joa. barker. Win. Wagner. -•

For one year— Frank Hargatber, John B*nbery Frank Merklinger* Thom*n,Mjc0ermott. ^

= * — •

i i . p e a Kellie Slattery, of J?! Smith

street* tawiaWng fmadafJyj| Montreal and Sberbrook.

B t Rw;B.^«d|1*i«f*i^1»ia Be*, ion on Snnday, &ir. gift, to preach attne dedication of the new Cbarce of S t Anthony, Aieton40f whtefchia friend, the Jfc?. A J, Boast i« rector.

SurrogateAdlinglau- admitted to prohjaj£Wedfle#day the will of Sara Doraey* dec^wd, which diapoeee of hereetatft aa follow** f r a n c * * / Doreey, p m$ and certain boildiog iotaj Ann $ Doreey, fiOOj Boae A Parke* aleler, fl,QW; 1200c Is trust for JamM purser, brother, and Brid­get MeGann, eiater of th* deceased; "The Hotaefe*™0Mld*$50, "Colored H*nr«tati# $5$ j maseea for the re-pose^f *OQ1» in pargatory as»4 for tb« convergioQ of «inBfer« $S&,

R « p * b ! k a a CanduUUi for M f ^ e r ,

^ie acbool «o1teetJ*Jtt forScpfoia-.Iwriifw-lUNr.40. „

Bew, Brk Br««»t of S$. Bernard^ Sptoiuary, celebrated tb* 9lghlt*8f «*«t8ui«iayA fifefcaa a »ag»ifi««nt ?o!ce, Ifort.'.'ito, lfoi!ban» atao of S t Bernard'**, preached ao etq^Bent ««r-meu» oa tlie l»aj example c»Tele«8 Oatholica tet tft their fallow*, aadi how they 4facre4t* 0aihoUeiam fa ftie ey«iof Hon CatliottcKiF

TJMi men and koyt v of |b©Djatitk will go to thair monthly CommoD>on tomorrow.

H » ^oiarj? dewtiawi are -well at-

Arthur Marplea and Mit» Mary Wilnon were married Toeaday o»or«* i » £ a t tl«np^ftedt»l by fiev. J, ?. Ki«rnao» Hi^bt»a«»waa celebrated before the marrifti?o oerewiooy. M-tmt ajreatem Iripf itie newly parried coop!* will reiile on R«*Tj»» *tfe»tt*,

fwtMrtekiafo tte ©ongrejritiatt of Holy Rojiary oaet with Father Tan N««a to dwouae the beat method of paying e f the expense f u r r e d iti the teceu* iropra*erae»l to the in<' ferior and exterior of the church. TarJoat pktt« were adf anc«d. ^ome wanted to hpldl a fair. Other* pro* poaed * aerie* «f lectnree or enter* tatamentjs. Still others adriaed a call of the pariah for money iahicrfptfoiJi.

•• If lafflcient waa not raiaed by that method then It wottld he time enough to talk of a fair. The latter plan met With tu©moBtadyooate« and it waa finally ado^Ud. So fir Father Van* Heeahaa met with good auoceaa. He haa received "promieea ofiub* aoriptiona (torn ae»rty^«rery family ittthe$.»ri«b, ranginf from |S5, to $1 and * nnmher of Cfatholica ont» aide the pariah have aignffied their intent! ,n of contribnting. It m hoped enongh;willh« re*liztd to obviate <«)»y neceesi^r <jf a fair*


J, ID. U>*hf, Oentral train die* patois* xtf BtiffAb, mi forrnerlj of thle otty, wa» mutM to itige E!IA )§eQmw of Trr^p street- Wedn«8d»y afternoon at 0 o'clock qit the Jm* wacnlftt^ Gon«e|tfc» Ohorch. E<?r-William GleMen officiated, Mi»i l»ydia ^alllsi, a e«n*iu c f the bride, acted a* bride#maid*»Bti W. 0, Ford, local Central night operator, waa beat man. After the ceremony * reception waa held at the honje of the bride^ t h * Google received many beantifnl preaeata. After » ibott weatern trip, Ifr. »ad Mra. Leahy will be at home at No. 4ft Helen •treet, Bnffalo.

" • ° ° • •». Biwatr'a. The aoi-Tioea orar th« remaioa of

UMJ late Mn. Oatberint KelligM took place from St. Bridget^ Ohorch Fri­day, Oct 18lb» at * a. m., and « w terf largely attended. The eere-mony wai very impreaaive, MMB be-fng iaid by her naphaw, B«v, Father Nelligan. af Oajqga, aniated by fiev, Thomaa A. Hendrick, of S t Bridget'a and Bav, Joa«ph Heodrick, of UTO-nia. Kev. Father O%ottaor. of Sen. eca FalU, Fathera Hafhes and Hitkey.ofRocneite^werealaopree-ent In tbeaanotoary. The deeaaeod wee m devout member of S t Bridgat'a pariah for maey yean, and learea to

* noara b^r lo«« two ohudren, Michaal aad Julia NalMgan end two aiatera, Ura. P. Raddy,of thU city, end Sia-tor Mary Freeoaa. of Laore! Hill Convent, in irelaad.

-c"~'. For Moiher Hiaronrmo. 0 o; At Ute atNstlnj ȣ- tiejadies and uentle-

»tttteter tje!iinmaWng' r»*tog*iaents for the benefit of HoOkr Hkronymo W«»n««0

,*i»y trmng, it waad«;a«i tc* l«oe *«^ sdiptioft lxM?k»» AJt.tSofcs will bedulj? «Jgh«4»ttd sealed. ' ""•"

Art loan ilxblbit. ° -; ( .^ "' 0n»of |be orgimiaations inEoch*

enter .thai "doea a great Amonnt of good.in an «noat«8tatiott* nwnnaria tbe charity orgeuitltwo aociety* l a order to raiae fn«da for the winter* work the eaciety ia holding e n art loan exhibli in f f»<i feamher of Com merce roomi; the articiet afcown ioolnde old paintiuga, rare hooka/ imfcfqne emh^idtty and tapeetry» prieeteai chiae and atatnar^, ite> The uitiswa of Bwchea ter ere petron-iafhg the exWhit^weil and °the price ;oie.dffli««ion fi amply repaid b$ ihe etittcteediaplayed. Every afternoon the ladiee terra deinty loncheone which « e elto well petronmBdh*, The exhibit will contlane next .week and the week after, The edtmaeion la S5 eente* "' . " -

Deathi and^tffWi; '

Fbrsoce Power*, daughter Ifary J, and the lata William V, Fowera, died Sunday owning » i the family reaidaace, 58 Wstt'5¥a,veriyj Place, a$ed 18 year a« Mine' Powers wae m member «£&. of at Anxtllary 1, A. O. H., and of Immaculate Con eeption Ghfcrch, She ia anrvived by a mother,, two aiatera, Minnie and Agnee Powew, and= iwo> broth«rt, f ran% and I*eo Powera. ^

"^^ftoeeOarranEeilly died Saturday a t the family reeidjmee, 13? Flint elreet, aged 38 years. She wee the wife of John B, fteillv, of the Wella FargoExpreaa'Go.ofllce^n thia city. Beside her hughandahe leaves three children. The funeral took place from the home *t8;S0e*elook Toei* day morning, and from Immaculate doneeptitfh Church a t ft^olock, =

Where do yott Take four £tmch?,

At Hart'e, of courw*,, Nfw, 1W, 19ft East B&n street, whtfre. we fcaft* prompt e^rviee, f>v<erytbif3g new,

fneat%hAT«lean, and *he eateblea noshed to * nicety, Bfgnlar dinner S5e; 5 meal ticke W for | I . Also fur­nished rooma with or withont board

.' Sentlemen irhen yon are oat look­ing for Enamel Cork Sole Sboee call a t "KolttmbiaM | 5 0 0 hoy» the best, £ I. Eieor, %i State at.


Rob«rt Reafrtw Ctoaiaa Mambetaalp la TbaiOrxanijEaUon. ,_

Robert Rentaw, Jr., Good GoTrrn-roent candidate for alderman 1mthe Eleventh ward, haa made the follow­ing e«itf*explaiatnry eJBdivit j Mcoroe Ooonty, City of Soobeiter .n:

I, Robert Beniew, Jr., being a worn, aay: Sinoe I have been nominated for alderman by the Good Govern­ment Olob of the Klerenth ward oer-Uinp«raone hawnbaef aircolating a repert that I am a member of an or-ganiaetion known aa the - A. P . A." Now, for th* porpoae of aattUag thia matter, I aay I e a not now, end nev** arhaTa b«ett a atmher of Uuator any eimPar organhjation. I bare never been invited to joio i t Idoa't know where It U, ead a»ly k s e w what i t ia bv pablio mmor.

K. Benfrew, Jr,

TK* tiiitens who »re anf aged •* aCtao*-** tiag th« C*I*N« of jood, »o««njmcot, •«.« ioiio^Jug u HUJOW aod »i Wcri«»K t^a « b -•(nice o t t iwk pnacipk*. * Gme4 g o w a » went eTtrybody waot»aadrr50boa«f»*0ri; lHitJh<i-4tp«yer«of Rocb«w«r»fc<»W?o»b« deluded bjr aav eatee pbrasa or Mneg of »««!», *hkh townti w«« to taa e>r 1MM aft taeaaiugUaitJuad empty mk*» Mttatttfed to dehbenw* J«dga*e« *ed fcaqnir-*. By the •ay of «-«a6«tjo« of whai k *<»Ofld <J«r-tra»tBt,"oauid*;o/iiii>n>ad application. Tt ia aaid taat it aoea«« cooductiatf taa *'?«b-tic basir.cn.oiu bttataes* princtpi«« " Wall, •o far as cuadacitag tike citj't b«»in«« fw l»via**» principles, the Rep«blica» candt-d«« iot w»yw. Hfmaa H. Edfertoo. j?w meet tn« nqaireiaente btuer Uian aay o&e? c»odidate a o » in »h# field. c

If puiuic «3tifte« is to be oaadnctcd on busisesa piiadpSes. it necttsarily fo4to»r» toat a bu»ine»» jnan ia the oo« to 6ii ika poti'.ivn juidsatisixtorify perform iUdutJea. It is exceptional to find * profesatoaal man who is a good bu»ine*a own; and. it aeeta* to any thi^igfetful person ihat whtk tha end; yjt: doing bu*iDCi* on bttsiaCos prtnciple* it jtiatifiable, the m « a » taken by the Good tioventOM-Ht people and adopted by toe Dcm* ocr*tic party h a contradktkm of tarn* and exceedingly absurd. foe three important po»tt»oes'"on the Cooit Go*erota«Bt « d ft-atoctatjc tick«« » « represented by pw-fe^ipii»l flien, fof M?< Wamsr i*"a lawyer, "M*v "Oct*-ri|fht an frigfrteer. and "Mr, KnetweTan arehfqkt. Tfte HBpublican pbity offer* fau&|r|es=. wen t& t«rry on thedty go»-nomvm.. ;. M*%««» Edgerfort »wl Stott, contractors*ni buildew.aadUr McMillan, amercium-

Our purpoae atv$tf« time U to call the feader* attention more pOtkjalarily^o Mr. Edgertow, candidate for mayor, tnm aariy luanbood be haa Ixea engagW to btt»io«a» la oar c«ty, and br iod"n«lty and pancrvcraaca coupled witli » i s* discretion, clear jodg-rtiijnt. guided by ripe axpenaaca aad iateUw | t n « in tbe performance of aiidaty, be has ighie*ed a po-hioo ia the front" rank of b«Uder*inthi*co»*iantty and tbe «e«t«n« part of th* St alt. Soaotof tfc« anat mag-rtiScerti*trucioreala ihif city aad tbe tab-utbt ataad as aaoaaatawta to bio abiUtv aad capacity a* a cootractor.

During t feete auny jrtara be baa bad faaa-dfrd* of tnnct in hb employ, ranging froea the coentnon laborer to Uw akiikd nkac^ank and who ever-heard of aay of tbara apeei*«#p ill of Hiram H. Edgertuo. Workingfaas him»«lf, a toiler aaaong tba toilart, haapora elated thair aeeda aad.raodered to all of tbaaa their {tut doei; and to-day they arc banded together a* hit friend* ia support of aiaa for the honorable and important office of mayor, for whiJh he haa been put io nutBlnation.

The-chief duty of a mayor of Racbaater i< to «xerct*t go</d-.mdgnient and uae dlacro-tionin_tbe admlniatratioti ol tbe aSalrsof

^ j 4 hit oKet", Htr hat to BMect and pa«a upon 1 the dairna and rexjua»t» and deaaotdt of ail

rla«<>e*. from th« hamble i t citttea t o tba moat prOffitAteit ia tbe c4a>manity. H a baa to-steth»-?fe»--iaw* a o i prunaKma^af the charter are obwrved . And perbapa tba ntott importani function, aod t b e oaa waicli affecr<> the pocket i of tb« taxpayer moat di-r t c t l y i t the careful acmtiay aod,exaaarna-liort ot the biila and aoconatt which !MI h i t toapprowt before they can b* paid. Tba great bulk at tba property owner* tax ia made o f the monty paid for labor and ma. tfrial. and which nrun mset tba aaacitoa of the major before payment. Now w h o to beat qualified to perform aach daty ? Tba lawyer, who** life and training bat bean tba Uw, Qbote mind baa bean dJvorted Io tba reading of (he i tamtea and tba a u n d a a i i o n of the decision< of tbe court oar legal eon* inr- . or the s la in butineta m a n . * a o a l i hit life haa h.*d hi» mind trained to tbeeloaa «*• iraination o f accounta, looking after the diibursenirrita of money for labor and poe-*e»>ftr|f IrcO* ledge of the ralue of aach labor and miter-;*! i c the market. Remem btt, thoufandf upon thousand* of dotlara are paid annually from the city treasury for ntrtcrtarrdije aed for labor *ndrrn»i<nal re­quired-in the tonatruct ion of budding-, I«pa&> atui ittprOvctaenUof iU:tet». Who would v « u employ to » c t M referee or arbi-trticrtfp8n tfie.value of *uc{i laork or prop­erty, the l«wry«r or the practical man? The quettfcn amiwer* iiaelf

Mr. Edgerton in hi* a vocation, ha* of nee* esjjty* c i m e in <octact 'with a l l tiaaaet ».f men, has had clone acquaintance » h h tbe affair*oi thK community, aad matt have an intimate I tem ledge of what ruoat concern* Its cit«en«, and what anall proaper and adiraace, their material protptrity. H e ia well equipped to be the « a t c b dog of th* treas­ury, able to detect fraud, atop •xita*agaaee or negligent waa-a o f the people's money. and promote tbe bntlneae at wen" a* tba aocial proaperity of oar people. Hit a m H f

Edgenoo is a a w n wboea mtagrity baa a e r w been aaaaUad, w t o e e c a p a d t r terwotlt aaa been proven, whose exoetleat M f a t i n t g e e diacrotlon i s oonceeded by every c&hax, a a d • h o ia iaaofots*and fina e a o a f h to d e waat it right, frntapextive o f eHniaa, Haga ar twister fnflneaces, for and ta behalf o f tbe whole people aod for tba general good and advancement of ottr beautiful d r y ; a n d a o nan. i n Rochester who catts h i s vote forbiaa will nave to tegrtt tbat ba belped plac« Hiram H . Edgerton at t j e bead o f t b t municipal govtaajaaat. '"'

1 . c'' 4


STRKE W;b«a the iron it bet aad a»* »*•» yea eted in Scady-to-Waar CloAiag fat tba astir* laatfo.


A « l

, sjara* a*4 CMtevema gfvpajaaata. b U a ' a , 9ortT a a d caudrwo'a e » M ^ «««•*•««« ev-jrt'sfest Ira***.

Wianaa's K«o4y-**~ Wear Peaaiaa-atlk Wotssa, (Md aktota. Sl*«at«ba>*ae.

A t l » t ^ c i i i v M ^ M M e n t . > t o t k i a a a v a ^ t h j m a t e N.wV«rfc S»»ta. tmm, taaarotat. <fiea*nttf»aW saaa 4mjt

Tin Pupil's" Cndit Ci., »a-«* STATU s r . ^


bJ^^A i k u a gtJb eKwatviefow^ didfwUteileJlrrlida.

^ c i a * (eMbitiAgV e^bk Aab^Vh^ads M&&P wsae^B^^^e' v*^ft "^^g^sw tamnyft ^%^F

mfoA w&Bh tae toattrfet fiirsaii ^BW«aan»f> ^vs^g^sa^e ^ e * l w ^W^sntewijmiajp^ ^MpWrn^B^aqa^e/

tatifto rr^r £*&** &****** . OII>

ITieiTirli fjitfaw iridT

Thrrr ire frnittatu miifiti -"5Riw*

BsetoieJl^i^prl^Woia^W^ besatituei!

;" IW^^i; "-M" fr^J


•£v « v % txsi

z Ribbon Remrvurtta Women's inatiiwt wi l leuggaet .

tnonaand purpoeee .Ibj^ a bright, ailkea bureaun*. Thara ere colore, * tdJ width* end le*™^^fc4JpP^ • w ' a wa**wa^wer ^^^•'w

Vlrw^^W' •^w^s^a>^ w j^wasw^^^i^^p^e^

like Usfnt far h^dt^f AatkaiMte voast- ageagMsd 4b«y #1

bi i t i i t t , fihnifint

- & *

^ M »

Rold by AU Grocers.

'Phone 346.

^afas 'aa 'aaa ^ a * sBja^Baa^aaaaa^Msgftga. ' '

tiikm hamaamsimmn- J . ..^M5m vSSSfSHlsSfsS^Mf



SaTe Yoar ClotliiDg \

Iftaa^-^. 4 g L ^ laVFaaaaa* ^a^aA*4r^aiaaia»^ ja#" V-jiaa^a^BhaBai

V l w l W l f t H F l « g | w « VF'lMHHNVjr' MftcWMi? bf lw»inf f e w l**m6rf WofkAxK BY HAHD^tt i - ,

Victoria Laundry, 21 ilfit STREET.'

BleettooDaw ' ^ Toeaday, Norember 5 th, ia aelkr at band end tbe politioiam are now exerting theoaeltres to aeenre votee • o t * not to be left eat In the cold when tine ballot* ate wonted. Cold aged front/ weather ia alao near at hand aod it bflhaorea the aead af tbe hotaehold to look after fala coal for the winter tf yoa want a high grade hard coal place your order with L. 0. Langie, oomej Baat Main andfiaat ave., or at either of hia yttfda South Clinton *ir. Alexander •treeta and North aveaee.

l%t »S »S $4, and fl^ shoe are


O u r •# $5.50 J

Jacket* #

i 2 | i y ; ; :

^»#laf .- . • o . - •

It'a taada ia rbo • K j k t a h ^ Aaaaaai^a aataA kgwjMaa*aa ae ^mlaaatda '

muiwu sewes, mta •SMUNJ wNva> bonaea will ask yea # • and • • f r i t , other booae does, at eaaM aal law at most reliable Credit Hoaeeia



Iredarlck C. Saitala die" Poealai Aa ran* aid tba Xapebiiaaa

^•It la of U» firat i apewtaasa ttat v m

large aBionat efnaepdeat baaeieas (mdwlsdgi.* aad U-iaosTtainr> can ba said af ftattamh C. Sates, ta* ncminai o l tba w»j>aMienm|fcv membarof tbatfaoaorabieeedy. ,, - Mr. 8dtt aea^ed Jte a*|«*ieJe*^ ^sy^ tot We John O. Wagaar. wittj ifygfc-* tesaataed lar a* yaaw after IsX "" botidsae. la*aav aaaaatfeeet <a ItocneattT a m i a* aaoaasi geaitta end akfll aaa tsaBdat aest' aatceg wbidtamybaaeesifoaerit-..

ft Barry BtnWbig. Rocb«fteri9lBtoi<0**

ffl n^TtltI7l»rta/ff| Trying to copy oar original 'trsai aad ideas hut they canaot foot tbe people. Come to tbe old retisblc.


Hogatr . Orer SS5 Kajt Main 6e . f


w ydb ^-^tftiM " H i . M k ifftb':-

nftfkirar axotllaggt'- <MatttfiMa':

Ulalltit W1WI iHJlnf HOW be bat Mi mfa

•adaefik -• dacaak^a.

mBmtmAMdf'i". *•



't"j" /.**%i

• aiiVai i>)iai|iaj^ j&WiC^:

^v*^*-«^- . "•NCwV

^a» 5wyi

THE. "•S®

i ^ / y . ^ ^

C R E D S 1 LU11* '?eo '.



V . " ' • -'T « . •-

- J d * wet/ rg«

r\E..-|5l ^ ; » l

tta»m*M' ? | e \ j ' : '^ .

S l

Sworn to before m e thie 10th day f pttal, Third Pretbytevfaa OttreftTaer^a new Chamber &f Commerce BotldiBg. Mr. Sehs ia s very popu'ar Gevawa Amtvfeta, having resided in Rocba*t«t ataca 1653.

of Ootober, 1894, John B. hjDo, =>

, KotarycFa^lfo.

Yen Want &oft sutd Bmltbiog Coal. ; , For tee beat Scranton and Pittaton brande go to Xonia Rde3aiattr' 40 North: avenne, near railroad. Ton will like hina to deal frith, aad will

• g O l H a ^ b . ' ; : ' ' • v . . 1 ' 7 : . - : - ^ - ••;

• " ' ' . " , . • ' " " T " •. '?• AaattattssfthMe Capes fas.00.

SO-inehdeep 100-inch aweep with •artin Hnfng, biggest



&JattOltfa-a£ Ht Ait*Alr .If.jMal. "wa awwa' ^wja' ps "W it esv a E se bwatiiSg a Wf"

'Tbe lUpttWkaa aoerbtae.forJaWw the ts*k w^rd WIM m a l s e each "

J CdrerttBAet Clab iEa tbe i.Dw«KifWWa«akerpa

who teas bore la bnihiawfia r <atk»forHmaaatteay«ata, that tbe cHy, l tia a w ether ahonidbe ran on t w p s i * the t**e# cf this <%» ate «B ti that thet Bcird of AJdertoa* posed of toccweftil butteeet.. *see, toe«r-*;riod etpertew '"" *" de affairs ol tba dry. tioa^atderwaamftw •tarMrfd tar

* 4


.';• V.' ' ' ^A'"'' ','":^

ft^l:^ ^ -rs i-

*»A^ wj*


^ ^ ^ PF-TffT"%.j ^W*«WISaSS*^5J-i»'*l **-J^*TA-