Session one 080411

Session one 08/04/2011

Transcript of Session one 080411

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Session one


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Case management Physical and mental health (29/4) Personality, behaviour and mental

health (29/4) Culture and mental health (6/5) Men’s mental health (6/5) Women’s mental health (13/5) Children’s mental health (13/5) Children of parents with mental illness


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Families and mental health (20/5) Trauma and mental health (27/5) Health and wellbeing (27/5) Spirituality (3/6) Consumer’s family members (3/6) Confidentiality with family (10/6) Assessments within mh framework (10/6) Assessments with family (17/6) Solution focused interviewing (17 & 24/6) Services available to support recovery


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Prioritising needs/ case planning (01/07) Documentation (01/07) Case plan meetings (22/7) Promoting healthy relationships (29/7) Review and exit (29/7) Final class (05/08)

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Assessment task 1: Essay 25% of total mark for this unit, 1000-1500 words,

due date to be advised

Select one of the below essay topics:

Essay topic 1: Outline and discuss the risk and protective factors for the development of late onset mental health issues in older people.

Essay topic 2: Psychological stressors associated with ageing contribute to contribute to mental health issues for older people to a greater degree than the physical factors associated with ageing. Discuss.

Essay topic 3: Research the presentation and management of two high prevalence mental disorders in older people

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Assessment Task 2: Presentation on the impact of mental illness on family members/carers

20 minute presentation, 25% of weighted assessment for this unit In small groups, develop and deliver a 10 minute presentation to the rest of the class. You

must provide an electronic copy of the text of your presentation in Microsoft Word to your teacher. The teacher will then collate each group’s resource and distribute to all class members.

Each group will cover one of the following topics (the teacher will assign one topic to each group): Children whose parent has a mental illness Parents whose pre-teen or adolescent child has a mental illness Parents whose adult child has a mental illness Spouses whose partner has a mental illness Adult whose elderly parent has a mental illness

The group should select a major mental illness or psychiatric disorder for the consumer. With reference to the mental illness or psychiatric disorder selected, the relationship between the carer/family member and the consumer; and each person’s needs, developmental stage in life, and other life demands, please discusses the following aspects in your presentation:

Impact of the consumer’s mental illness/psychiatric disorder and associated behaviour (positive or negative) on the family member, the role and impact of trauma and grief on family members, and any special support needs that could result

Impact of the mental illness/psychiatric disorder on the relationship, particularly where the mental illness puts strain or responsibility that may not normally occur in the same relationship if there was no mental illness/disability

How the family member/carer can positively or negatively influence the consumer’s behaviour

Benefits and issues with family member/carer participation in the consumer’s recovery Best practice guidelines for assisting this family member/carer and involving them in the

consumer’s recovery Appropriate level of involvement of the family member/carer in the consumer’s recovery plan

and some examples of how that person might be involved in the consumer’s treatment and recovery (provided the consumer consents). If possible, consult with actual family member/carer groups to determine their views on how they would like to be involved in their family members’ treatment and recovery.

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The Case Management Society of Australia defines case management as “a collaborative process of assessment, planning, facilitation and advocacy for options and services to meet an individual’s health needs through communication and available resources to promote quality, cost effective outcomes” (CMSA, 2007).

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A significant advocacy role It can be intersectorial or cross sectorial

e.g d & a treatment, housing, child welfare, mental health services

Statutory or voluntaryRegular contact is maintained with clientClient is an active participant

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Step One (1950-60). The deinstitutionalization movement began. This movement was prompted by the development and use of pharmacological interventions and the false belief that people could be treated less expensively in the community.

Step Two (1963). The Community Mental Health Center (CMHC) Construction Act was passed, which funded the mental health outpatient centers that sprang up across the country. The purpose of the centers was to provide treatment to people who had been deinstitutionalized and returned to the community.

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Step Three (1977). The National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) established the Community Support Program (CSP) in response to the fragmented community mental health system and the unmet needs of people with severe mental illness, most of whom had been former patients in state hospitals. “Casework” was reconceptualized and renamed “case management,” and it takes center stage in the CSP vision.

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Health care professionals with nursing, social work, psychology or welfare qualifications.

These professionals usually work as part of multi-disciplinary teams located in community settings (eg. Community health centres, non-government organisations, sexual health services etc), but may also be hospital based.

Although there may be more than one professional involved in any client’s care, the case manager is identified as the primary and consistent worker. This person ensures that their client’s involvement in decisions regarding their care arrangements is maximised and that all parties are in good communication and share common understandings.

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the point at which individuals are assessed as being eligible for a service through predetermined criteria.

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the client’s circumstances and needs are assessed, taking into account their personal strengths and limitations.

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The development of targeted service plans with achievable goals

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The implementation of the service plan which includes appropriate time frames

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Linking to and accessing all required services.

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Clients progress is monitored and reviewed. Have goals been achieved? If not, what needs to be done?

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Appropriate finalization of case plan according to policy and procedure including follow up if necessary.

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Reflection on services provided, what needs to be changed? How can we improve our service?

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In pairs, look at one stage of case management (intake, assessment, planning, evaluation) etc. and think about how the consumer experiences each of those stages. Look particularly at any negative experiences the consumer might encounter in each of those processes and how workers can manage these.

Teacher to allocate stage of case management

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Two principles;1) assisting the client with their search to acquire resources (housing, employment etc)2) examining client’s own strengths and assets that will assist them to acquire the resources

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Helps clients see their own assets as a valuable part of recovery

Encourages use of informal helping networks

Promotes client-case manager relationships

Provides active outreach to clients

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Chosen to work with substance users due to;

Assisting client’s to access resources Advocacy required to demystify negative opinion

of substance users Helping clients identify strengths, assets and

abilities supplements treatments models focused on pathology and disease

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General case management Strengths based

Planning approach to securing resources

Accessing needed resources

Meet needs beyond staying sober

Increases client responsibility

Learn how to set goals

Learn how to advocate for self

Decreases denial

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• Broker: Resource access; sequenced goal setting & planning; skills development.

• Generalist: Limited → assessment and referral. In CJ settings, monitoring progress and compliance with judicial / correctional requirements.

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Brokerage, within the welfare field, can be described as: The process of gathering the appropriate resources around a client, to meet their assessed needs.

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Very brief approach to case management in which case workers attempt to help clients identify their needs and broker ancillary or supportive services, all in one or two contacts

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Therapy and resource acquisition are joined together

This approach driven by staffing considerations as it is more economical to have one person undertake therapy in addition to case management functions

Is viewed as useful in cases where they is psychiatric problems and substance abuse (dual diagnosis).

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Clinical case management involves 13 distinct activities, including engagement of the patient, assessment, planning, linkage with resources, consultation with families, collaboration with psychiatrists, patient psychoeducation, and crisis intervention